Ruker, Noni

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A tale of two visions Using urban design to resolve the battle for Hastings Point, NSW Far North Coast (Tweed Shire Council)

hastings point locality plan

Noni Ruker Urban Designer Director Ruker Urban Design

Hastings Point

hastings point locality plan

the team

legally supported development capacity

medium density development allowable under the LEP

land purchased on development expectation

within the context of existing coastal cottages hastings point locality plan

the central problem

hastings point locality plan

an angry and proactive community

Retain existing houses

No 3 storey / 4th storey decks or large scaled buildings

Zoning to maximum of small houses No residential flat buildings and no resort style

Future control plan to tighten and scale back current development potential, to reduce property values

Ban camping

Old houses dilapidated some teetering on footpath edge

Options up to & including 3 storeys, redevelop rundown housing, 3/4 storey unit buildings

Maximise density as under current zoning Residential flat buildings and resorts

No future control plan enough controls already

Improve availability of camping

Hastings Point – a coastal village, a hamlet? hastings point locality plan

exploring differences

Environmental dominance; a settlement nestled within nature - Beach style that reflects and blends into local vistas Development consistent with holiday


Dwelling mix - aged housing, flats, tourist accommodation & villas & single houses, No shopping centre

New improved design – not like many current developments Ambience / Soft engineering/Look pleasant from the street with lots of coastal vegetation

Contemporary, Climate responsive homes Lightweight materials; avoid too much brickwork, garish tiling, glass, bright metallic materials, etc

hastings point locality plan

finding common ground

recognizing that there are many ways to design a building

alternatives WE REQUESTED PEOPLE TO: • have an open mind • leave aside current views • talk with each other

hastings point locality plan

better building design

SOLUTIONS buildings designed to suit the place


along street scale same as large houses BUT maximum impact on neighbours

suitable for caravan parks

better building materials, roof forms BUT doesn’t fit zoning of 2b

fits with coastal fishing village BUT doesn’t match demand

hastings point locality plan

provides housing choice BUT Commercial style urban buildings not for a SMALL settlement

built form current and planned


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Alternatives DO exist that had not been considered: Smaller scale multi-dwelling buildings and large houses 1.

Hastings Point is a SMALL SUBURBAN coastal settlement not an urban settlement


Buildings WILL change (unless heritage order)


Lowest scale possible is a house (0.55:1 to 0.65 at 3 storey's)

hastings point locality plan

built form alternatives


better building design

SOLUTION buildings that suit the area

1. GOOD DESIGN PRACTICE coastal design:

building footprint building massing open space/landscaping building materials building amenity

2. SPECIFIC TO HASTINGS POINT structure planning: natural constraints; flooding, ASS visual qualities character areas ecological protection quality of streets and open spaces

hastings point locality plan

coastal building design

reduced building footprint and length

Break up building length Long side Amalgamated sites have maximum frontage of two dwellings = 14-20m Frontage can appear as a large house Series of interconnected forms hastings point locality plan

Amalgamated sites don’t break up building along the street

articulating openness and enclosure reduce building massing

Building designed in 3 dimensions Different levels respond to site conditions, privacy, outlook Materials define 3 dimensional forms Open and closed responds to internal layout, site conditions and sun access hastings point locality plan

Building designed as a series of planes All levels the same regardless of site conditions 3 dimensions not considered All open

retaining existing trees and more landscaping

Tall open planting does not provide scale for people.

Retained vegetation Existing planting in provides maturity and Hastings Point provides character to the landscape. scale to the buildings and amenity to the street.

hastings point locality plan Planting in new housing in scale with the buildings

Low level planting not in scale with buildings.

response to climate/orientation Different rooms have different facades

Building designed as a series of planes

Different levels have different designs

All levels the same

Ability to manually adjust External skin

3 dimensions not considered

Domestic scale

Commercial scale

N, S, E, W different

Direction of view predominates design

hastings point locality plan


better design of buildings

SOLUTIONS responding to place

1. GOOD DESIGN PRACTICE Interrelationship of building and site parts: Building footprint Building massing Open space Building materials Building amenity

2. SPECIFIC TO HASTINGS POINT structure planning: natural constraints; flooding, ASS visual qualities character areas ecological protection quality of streets and open spaces hastings point locality plan

responding to place

acknowledging overarching aspects of the place

hastings point locality plan

visual qualities

built form ‘nestled’ within the landscape is a key characteristic

It is acceptable to see buildings within the view……….

hastings point locality plan

visual qualities

some lots will be affected by views

hastings point locality plan


3storeys are acceptable


Proponents to demonstrate proof of suitability

Northern Entry

Creek Street Peninsula Street

different areas require different built form and landscaping

overall it is a small coastal settlement set within nature‌‌. Centre

Mid-South Coast Road

Southern Entry

hastings point locality plan

the village heart • • • • •

hastings point locality plan

retain mix of uses provide housing choice retain/protect all public park areas nature parks camping and caravan parks

a mix of coastal building types matching a small settlement

Building types • shop top housing • houses/dual occupancies • town houses • Small residential flat buildings subject to proof of suitability

hastings point locality plan

NEW DESIGN CODE for all buildings Building massing to be similar to houses from along streets • • • •

Broken down building form Must have at least three component forms 15m maximum length for first form 12m maximum length for second form

Representative of a small coastal settlement • • • • •

hastings point locality plan

15m maximum length for a form Amalgamations maximum 15m frontage Materials express forms Massing expresses forms Building layout informs massing

the key was to recognize place and to re-evaluate building design with the community and stakeholders



hastings point locality plan

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the key was to recognize place and to re-evaluate building design with the community and stakeholders



hastings point locality plan

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acknowledging Hastings Point as a small coastal village whilst also allowing for development

hastings point locality plan

acknowledging Hastings Point as a small coastal village whilst also allowing for development

hastings point locality plan

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