The Apocalypse of John
• v14-16. God’s got an army... even though he doesn’t need them...
• Army clothed in linen, white and clean = purity, cleansed. • Jesus has a sharp 2 edged sword coming out of his mouth (all he has to do is speak... the same mouth that created the world is more than capable of judging it) • He treads the winepress of God’s wrath along (Remember the reference to earlier on). • His name... is King of Kings and Lord of Lords... • v17-18. The “great feast of God” • This is not so much a feast for humans, but a way of talking about God’s victory. • Birds, come and eat the flesh of men. This is OT imagery associated with death and destruction, and the judgment of God. • v19-21. God’s victory. • The beast, and the kings of the earth (those who oppose God) are struck down. • Beast, and the False Prophet are captured and thrown into lake of fire. • Everyone else is killed with the sword. • The birds are now full.
Additional Reading:
Lowery, Robert A. Revelation’s Rhapsody: Listening to the Lyrics of the Lamb. Joplin, Missouri: College Press Publishing Company, 2006
Revelation Ch. 18-19 A word or two before we begin today... As we approach the end of our tour through the book of Revelation, I hope that this study has helped you to come to terms with some of the symbolism used in the book, and has helped you to understand the history that plays largely into the book. Today, it is really the beginning of the end for everything. The beast is put in his place, the great city is being destroyed (Babylon the harlot) and everything seems to be wrapping up. As it does, I encourage you to take time, and reflect on how this victorious turn of events would have affected the mind, and attitude of a first century reader who was experiencing the persecution under Domitian as John was. I also want you to begin thinking about ways that this book can help us live a better Christian life, and what it has changed in you. How does it alter the way we live if we truly start acting like God wins? How does it change our outlook on life if we consider the fact that even in our darkest hour, we are participating in the victory with God? What application does this cause? Now, sit back, and enjoy the ride as we work through the next few chapters of Revelation. Remember, things are only bleak and scary if you are on the other team. For a Christian, there is only victory in the book of Revelation. Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great... • v1. We see a very interesting description of an angel. This angel has great authority, and the entire earth is illuminated because of him • This could just be an angel. But the whole shining concept (especially when it fills the whole earth) it seems to portray God. • Note, whenever God is pictured, it is with this insane brightness. Like when he fills the temple • v2. Fallen, fallen is Babylon. Ref. Isaiah 21:9 • Remember who Babylon is? • How does it feel to know that Babylon is destroyed (as John)? • What is the significance of the description... (desolation)
The Apocalypse of John: Ch 18-19
Αποκαλυψις Ιησου Χπιστου • v3. What is the significance of the language used here?
• The kingdoms of the world, and the merchants have participated with her in the wicked actions that she has done. • The kings have participated, and the merchants have gotten rich. • They will likely be punished with her. • v4-5. The call to Christians (notice they are still there) is to come up out of her. To be separated and distant from her deeds and wickedness. • This is similar to Christ’s idea of being in the world but not of the world. • What does it mean to be separate today? • This is likely also a warning for them to literally flee the city (like they did Jerusalem) because of the actual disaster which is coming (the plagues) • v6-8. She will be paid back double for all the wicked things she has done. • Notice that her problem is not only sensuality, immorality, but also the thought that she is untouchable. • Because she thinks she is untouchable, God will bring her to a swift end. • v9-10. The kinds that committed these wicked things with her... • They will stand at a distance because of their fear of being tormented along with her, and they will weep because of her demise. • v11-19. The merchants who participated with her will see her torment from a distance and will weep. • They will lament that the great city is done away with, but they will not approach for fear of torment. • v20. The heavens and the saints are called to rejoice, because their enemy, this great city has been destroyed. • v21. The example of the millstone. • v22-23. There will be no more joy in the city, it is devastated, and its rule is over. • The nations were deceived by her sorceries, and so she is punished. The Fourfold Hallelujah, and the rider on the white horse. Hallelujah means: Praise the Lord, or Worship the Lord. • v1-2. The first Hallelujah • Salvation, Glory, and Power belong to the Lord. (this is why he is worthy of praise) • He is also worthy of praise because his judgments are righteous and true. • He has judged the harlot and avenged the blood of his bondservants on them. • v3-4. The second Hallelujah. • Because the smoke of Babylon rises up forever and ever. In other words, Praise God because this wicked city was destroyed. • Here the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures fall down and worship. • v5-6. The third Hallelujah • All of God’s servants are called on to praise him • There is a large voice of many multitudes praising God in heaven. • v6. The forth Hallelujah • Because God reigns. • v7-9. The end compared to a great wedding feast. • The marriage of the Lamb has come, and it is time for the bride to make herself ready. • She was given fine clothes (the righteous works of the saints) • Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding... why? • v10. John messes up... • Note to self... do not worship angels, no matter how amazingly cool their message... • Why would John fall down and worship at the sound of this message? • v11-13. Look at the description: white horse, the one on it is called FAITHFUL AND TRUE, he judges and makes war in righteousness, eyes are flames of fire, many crowns on his head, has a private name which no one knows, clothed with a robe dipped in blood, called the WORD OF GOD. • So, who do you think this is?