The Apocalypse of John
Revelation Ch. 8:2-?
Additional Reading:
Lowery, Robert A. Revelation’s Rhapsody: Listening to the Lyrics of the Lamb. Joplin, Missouri: College Press Publishing Company, 2006
Beginning the 7 Trumpets... An Introduction of sorts... • Basic question... What is a trumpet used for? • A trumpet can be used for many things... • Sounding an alarm... • Giving directions to a large group of people • Used in battle to direct the army • Used as announcing the presence of God... • Exodus 19:16ish • The trumpet might be being used in a similar way here. All we really do know is it seems to be a symbol for the judgments of God being poured out now that the book has been opened... • Throughout this, keep in mind that the Christians are sealed so that they are not suffering these things (think the separation of Israel from the plagues of Egypt in Exodus). • This means that Christians would still be on the earth during this time, why seal them if Christ is just going to rapture them anyhow? • Keep in mind also, we are reading this as if we were experiencing it in a first century context. We are enduring the first empire wide (thus world wide in our minds) persecution of the church. Our friends, family, and brothers/sisters in the Lord are suffering, and we may be suffering as well. It is in this context we read. Also remember that the 7th seal has been broken, and Christ is ready to begin Judging. • As a way of helping us understand this section... The punishment of the oppressive kingdom which has been attacking God’s people... Is by comparing it to the Exodus from Egypt, and the plagues associated with it. Once again this may be a metaphorical way of understanding the hope that the persecuted Christians have of God overcoming their enemies. Let’s Start with the Text... Revelation 8:2ff... • v2. 7 Trumpets given to 7 angels representing the judgment of God. This goes to give us the idea of perfect judgment on the part of God against his enemies.
The Apocalypse of John: Ch 8:2-?
Αποκαλυψις Ιησου Χπιστου
• v3-5. The angel with the incense and the prayers of the Saints...
• Incense is given to him for the purpose of worshiping God. The prayers of those enduring persecution, and saints in general is also considered incense to God. This great cloud of incense then comes before God. This is not to say that God did not notice it before, but the time to act has now come... • The angel then fills the censer which had carried incense (prayer of the saints) and hurls fire to earth. Could this be representative of God beginning to act on the prayers of the saints and judge the world... Its up to you... I think it is a neat picture to think of it that way. • v6. The Seven Angels Prepare to Sound the Trumpets. • v7. Trumpet 1: Hail and fire mixed with blood... 1/3 of the earth and trees and the green grass was burned up. • Compare this to Exodus 9:13ff... Plague of Hail • v8. Trumpet 2: Great mountain burning with fire thrown into the sea... 1/3 of the sea becomes blood 1/3 of the sea creatures die and 1/3 of the ships are destroyed. • Compare this to Exodus 7:17ff Plague where the water in the kingdom turns to blood • v10-11. Trumpet 3: Great star falls from heaven and fell on 1/3 of the fresh water supply... The star is called wormwood... it turned the water bitter (poison) and many men died because of the waters. • Compare this to Exodus 7:17ff again Water turning to blood, bitter waters, etc... • This has happened before 2 Kings 2:19ff • v12-13. Trumpet 4: 1/3 of the sun, moon, and stars were struck so it would be darkened by the day and would not shine (day or night) • Compare this with Exodus 10:21ff Plague of darkness... • Also note the angel calling out through the air that the rest of the earth should fear because the three remaining trumpets are about to sound... • Chapter 9:1-11 Trumpet 5: The Bottomless pit, the messed up locusts, and Apollyon. • Compare this with Exodus 10:1ff Plague of locusts... • A star from heaven which had fallen to earth? (Could this be a good angel, or could this be a bad angel... It seems like God has used/permitted bad angels/demons/satan to accomplish what he needs to in the past...) • Darkness is once again emphasized... this darkness is likely caused by the sheer number of locusts that are released. • They were given power like scorpions have, to torment and hurt men. Notice here that these locusts aren’t allowed to go after plants, only people. But they couldn’t kill, only torment people to the point that they wished for death. • They are described as a fierce, mini-army. • Their king is the angel of the abyss... the fallen star... Abaddon, Apollyon. • v12. The first woe is past, two more are still coming... • v13-19. Trumpet 6: The Four Horsemen are finally released. • They are released to kill 1/3 of mankind... • They travel in huge armies... • 1/3 of mankind is killed by the fire, smoke, and brimstone that comes from their mouths. • v20-21. The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent. • They did not stop worshiping demons • They did not stop worshiping idols... • They did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.