Cultural Landscape Inventory, NCO Quarters, Fort Mason

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Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

1 Table of Contents

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Table of Contents (continued)!

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Table of Contents (continued)!

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Table of Contents (continued)!

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Table of Contents (continued)!

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Table of Contents (continued)!

9! &

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Table of Contents (continued)!

9! &

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Table of Contents (continued)!

C& &

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Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/10


Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Historic Maps (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives)

ͳͺͷͲǦͻͻ • 2.2.9.jpg • 2.3.12Ǧ1890 map.tif • 2.3.12.tif ͳͻͲͲǦͶͻ • 2.3.15 – 1900 proposal.tif • D231 F1 c1903 67037.tif • D231 F1 Ft Mason 1907 96Ǧ27Ǧ3 67039.tif • D231 F1 Ft Mason 1907.tif • D231 F1 Ft Mason 1910 33412.tif • D231 F1 Ft Mason 1922 67050.tif • D231 F1 1931 Slide 1 33413.tif • D231 F1 1931 Slide 2 33413.tif • D231 F2 Post Map 1943 33416.tif • D231 F2 Ft Mason Future Development Plan 1947 33404 Reverse.tif • D231 F2 Ft Mason Future Development Plan 1947.33404.tif • D231 F2 General Site Plan 1947 33484.tif • D231 F2 Post Map 1947 33410.tif • D231 F4 FOMA Post Map 1949 33425.tif • D231 FW FOMA Real Estate Map 1949 67072.tif ͳͻͷͲǦͻͻ • D232 F1 FOMA 1950 33376.tif • D232 F1 Aerial Photo 1956.tif • D232 F1 Post Map 1959 51896.tif • D232 F1 Post Map Oct 1959 52991.tif • D240 F3 FOMA Bldg 230 Chapel Floodlighting 1960 21536.tif • D240 F3 FOMA Bldg 231 Plans & Details 1960 21551.tif • Reservation Real Estate Map 1961.pdf • D235 F2 FOMA Bldg Repair & Resurface Streets & Driveways 1967 21975.tif • D241 F1 FOMA Bldg 238 Repair Fire Damage 1983 21586.tif • GOGA 33317 FOMA – General Tree Cover Map Summer 1997.tif • GOGA 33317 FOMA – General Tree Cover Map Summer 1997.tif • Historic Maps Matrix.pdf

2 Historic Maps




Source / Attribution

2.2.9.jpg 2.3.12-1890 map.tif 2.3.12.tif 2.3.15 – 1900 proposal.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1907 96-27-3 67039.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1907.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1910 33412.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1922 67050.tif D231 F1 1931 Slide 1 33413.tif D231 F1 1931 Slide 2 33413.tif D231 F1 c1903 67037.tif D231 F2 Ft Mason Future Development Plan 1947 33404 Reverse.tif D231 F2 Ft Mason Future Development Plan 1947.33404.tif D231 F2 General Site Plan 1947 33484.tif D231 F2 Post Map 1943 33416.tif D231 F2 Post Map 1947 33410.tif D231 F4 FOMA Post Map 1949 33425.tif D231 FW FOMA Real Estate Map 1949 67072.tif D232 F1 FOMA 1950 33376.tif D232 F1 Aerial Photo 1956.tif D232 F1 Post Map 1959 51896.tif D232 F1 Post Map Oct 1959 52991.tif D235 F2 FOMA Bldg Repair & Resurface Streets & Driveways 1967 21975.tif D240 F3 FOMA Bldg 230 Chapel Floodlighting 1960 21536.tif D240 F3 FOMA Bldg 231 Plans & Details 1960 21551.tif D241 F1 FOMA Bldg 238 Repair Fire Damage 1983 21586.tif GOGA 33317 FOMA – General Tree Cover Map Summer 1997.itf

1868 1890 1890 1900 1907 1907 1910 1922 1931 1931 1903 1947 1947 1947 1943 1947 1949 1949 1950 1956 1959 1959 1967 1960 1960 1983 1997

(Artist Unknown) U.S. Army, Presidio of Monterey; Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives)





3 AutoCAD Base Map


AutoCad Base Map (PSOMAS 11/24/98) • FMsurvey_NAD83StatePlanefeet.pdf


Photos: Physical History

4 Physical History


ͳͺͻ͵ (National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92ǦFǦ37) • 234 1893.jpg • 235 1893.jpg • 239 1893.jpg • 239 1893.tif Ȉ General View of Post 1893.jpg ͳͻͳͲ (Glenn Koch Collection) • Fort Mason c.1910.jpg ͳͻʹ͸ (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) • 231 c.1926.jpg • 232 c.1926.jpg • 235 c.1926.jpg • 238 c.1926.jpg • 239 c.1926.jpg ͳͻ͵Ͳ (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) Ȉ 231 1930s.jpg • 232 1940s.jpg • 234 1930s.jpg • 235 1930s.jpg • 238 1930.jpg • 239 1930.jpg ͳͻͶͲ (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) Ȉ 232 c.1940.tif • 234 c.1940.tif • 235 c.1940.tif • 239 c.1940.tif ͳͻͶͷ (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) • 230e c.1945.pdf • 230sw 1945.pdf ͳͻ͹ͷ (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) • 238 1975.tif Physical History Photos Matrix.pdf


Photos: Physical History (continued)

ͳͻͻ͹ (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari) ʹ͵ͳ ͳͳ x 231ne fence 1997.tif x 231ne 1997.tif x 231se 1997.tif x 231sw 1997.tif

ʹ͵ʹ ͳʹ x 232e porch 1997.tif x 232n 1997.tif x 232ne 1997.tif x 232se 1997.tif x 232sw 1997.tif

ʹ͵Ͷ ͳ͵ x 234e 1997.tif x 234e foundations 1997.tif x 234se 1997.tif x 234sw 1997.tif

ʹ͵ͷ ͳͶ x 235e foundations 1997.tif x 235n 1997.tif x 235n detail 1997.tif x 235ne 1997.tif x 235nw 1997.tif x 235nw fence 1997.tif x 235nw stair 1997.tif x 235 se corner 1997.tif x 235sw 1997.tif x 235sw corner 1997.tif

ʹ͵ͺ ͳͷ x 238e 1997.tif x 238ne fence 1997.tif x 238se 1997.tif x 238w fence 1997.tif


Photos: Physical History (continued) ͳͻͻ͹ (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, continued) ʹ͵ͻ ͳͷ x 239e porch interior 1997.tif x 239n porch 1997.tif x 239ne 1997.tif x 239nw 1997.tif x 239se 1997.tif x 239sw 1997.tif x 239sw fence 1997.tif x 239sw porch 1997.tif ʹͲͲͶ (CLR I, Olmsted Center) x Fig 5.4.2.jpg x Fig 5.4.3.jpg x Fig 5.4.5.jpg x Fig 5.4.11.jpg x Fig 5.4.13.jpg x Fig 5.4.14.jpg


Physical History Photos Matrix.pdf


NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

234 1893.jpg 235 1893.jpg 239 1893.jpg 239 1893.tif

234 235 239 239

13 14 16 16

ne nw ne ne

1893 1893 1893 1893

(National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37) (National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37) (National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37) (National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37)

General View of Post 1893.jpg

231, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16



(National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37)

Fort Mason c.1910.jpg

234, 235, 238, 239

13, 14, 15, 16



(The Glenn Koch Collection)

231 c.1926.jpg 232 c.1926.jpg 235 c.1926.jpg 238 c.1926.jpg 239 c.1926.jpg 231 1930s.jpg 232 1930s.jpg 234 1930s.jpg 235 1930s.jpg 238 1930s.jpg 239 1930s.jpg 232 c.1940.tif 234 c.1940.tif 235 c.1940.tif 239 c.1940.tif GOGA 32475 FOMA Chapel, Bldg. 230.jpg GOGA-1766 FOMA Chapel, Bldg 230.jpg 238 1975.tif 231ne fence 1997.tif 231ne 1997.tif 231se 1997.tif 231sw 1997.tif 232e porch 1997.tif 232n 1997.tif 232ne 1997.tif 232se 1997.tif 232sw 1997.tif 234e 1997.tif 234e foundations 1997.tif 234se 1997.tif 234sw 1997.tif 235e foundations 1997.tif 235n 1997.tif 235n detail 1997.tif 235ne 1997.tif 235nw 1997.tif 235nw fence 1997.tif 235nw stair 1997.tif 235se corner 1997.tif 235sw 1997.tif 235sw corner 1997.tif 238e 1997.tif

231 232 235 238 239 231 232 234 235 238 239 232 234 235 239 230 230 238 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 234 234 234 234 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 238

11 12 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 16 10 10 15 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15

se e nw se se se se se se se se se se se ne se sw se ne ne se sw se n ne se sw e e se sw e n n ne nw nw nw se sw sw e

c.1926 c.1926 c.1926 c.1926 c.1926 c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1940 c.1940 c.1940 c.1940 c. 1945 1945 1975 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997

(Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) James A Sullivan SFPE Collection (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) PAM Prints Collection (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997)




see also: 231 1930s / 231se 1997 / 231se 2010 see also: 232 c.1926 see also: 235 1893 / 235nw 2010 see also: see also: see also: see also:

239 1930s / 239se 1997 / 239se 2010 231 c.1926 / 231se 1997 / 231se 2010 232 c.1940 / 232se 1997 / 232se 2010 234 c.1940 / 234se porch 2010

see also: 239 c.1926 / 239se 1997 / 239se 2010 see also: 232 1930s / 232se 1997 / 232se 2010 see also: 234 1930s / 234se porch 2010

see also: 231 c.1926 / 231 1930s / 231se 2010

see also: 232 1930s / 232 c.1940 / 232se 2010

see also: 234se 2010.jpg

see also: 235Anw parking 2010.jpg



NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

238ne fence 1997.tif 238se 1997.tif 238w fence 1997.tif 239e porch interior 1997.tif 239n porch 1997.tif 239ne 1997.tif 239nw 1997.tif 239nw porch 1997.tif 239se 1997.tif 239sw 1997.tif 239sw fence 1997.tif 239sw porch 1997.tif

238 238 238 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239

15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

ne se w e n ne sw sw se sw sw sw

1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997

Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997)

Fig 5.4.2.jpg

232, 234, 235, 239

12, 14, 15, 16



Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)

231, 235 234, 235 238 235 231

11, 14 13, 14 15 14 11



Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)



Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)

e 2004 sw 2004 sw 2004

Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)

Fig 5.4.3.jpg Fig 5.4.5.jpg Fig 5.4.11.jpg Fig 5.4.13.jpg Fig 5.4.14.jpg




see also: 239 c.1926 / 239 c.1930s / 239se 2010



Photos: Existing Conditions 2010 Jan (Abad)

5 Exisitng Conditions

ʹ͵Ͳ ͳͲ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ ʹ͵ͳ ͳͳ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ ʹ͵ʹ ͳʹ Ȉ ʹ͵ʹʹ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ʹ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ʹ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ʹ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ʹ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵ͳ ʹͲͳͲǤ ʹ͵Ͷ ͳ͵ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͷ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͷ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͷ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͷ Ǥ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͷ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͷ ʹͲͳͲǤ Ȉ ʹ͵Ͷ ʹͲͳͲǤ


Photos: Existing Conditions 2010 Jan (Abad, continued) ʹ͵ͷ ͳͶ x 235Ae path 2010.jpg x 235An path 2010.jpg x 235Anw parking 2010.jpg x 235Be path x 235Bn foundation 2010.jpg x 235Bn gutter 2010.jpg x 235Bn gutter detail 2010.jpg x 235Bn stair 2010.jpg x 235Bnw 2010.jpg x 235Bs path 2010.jpg x 235Bsw 2010.jpg x 235Bsw path 2010.jpg x 235Bw downspout 2010.jpg x 235e path 2010.jpg x 235e porch 2010.jpg x 235nw 2010.jpg x 235se 2010.jpg ʹ͵ͺ ͳͷ x 238e 2010.jpg x 238s path 2010.jpg x 238se path 2010.jpg x 238se1 2010.jpg x 238se2 2010.jpg x 238se3 2010.jpg x 238sw fence wall 2010.jpg x 238w fence.2010.jpg x 238w stair 2010.jpg ʹ͵ͻ ͳ͸ x 239 A 2010.jpg x 239 B 2010.jpg x 239n fell tree 1 2010.jpg x 239n fell tree 2 2010.jpg x 239n path 2010.jpg x 239n stair 2010.jpg x 239ne 2010.jpg x 239ne stair 2010.jpg x 239nw 2010.jpg x 239nw lightpost 2010.jpg x 239nw path 2010.jpg


Photos: Existing Conditions 2010 Jan (Abad, continued) ʹͶͲ ͳ͸ (continued) x 239nw path 2010.jpg x 239nw porch 2010.jpg x 239se 2010.jpg x 239sw 2010.jpg x 239sw downspout 2010.jpg

x FSIn 2010.jpg x FSIn bollards 2010.jpg x FSIne 2010.jpg x

Exist Cond Photos Matrix.pdf


NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

230n 2010.jpg 230n path 2010.jpg 230nw 2010.jpg 230nw detail 2010 230nw path 2010.jpg 230s 2010.jpg 230sw 2010.jpg 230sw detail 2010.jpg 230w 2010.jpg 231e curb 2010.jpg 231e gutter 2010.jpg 231e path 2010.jpg 231nw gate 2010.jpg 231s yard 2010.jpg 231se 2010.jpg 231se path 2010.jpg 231sw fence 2010.jpg 231sw fence detail 2010.jpg 231w drain 2010.jpg 231w fence 2010.jpg 231w fence detail 2010.jpg 231w gate 2010.jpg 232e 2010.jpg 232nw path 2010.jpg 232se 2010.jpg 232w fence 2010.jpg 232w parking 2010.jpg 232w path 2010.jpg 234e 2010.jpg 234e path 2010.jpg 234se 2010.jpg 234se porch 2010 jpg

230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 232 234 234 234 234

(Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad 2010)

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13

n n nw nw nw s sw sw w e e e nw s se se sw sw w w w w e nw se w w w e e sw sw

Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010

Existing Conditions Photos

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO


NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

235Bn gutter 2010.jpg 235Bn gutter detail 2010.jpg 235Bn stair 2010.jpg 235Bnw 2010.jpg 235Bs path 2010.jpg 235Bsw 2010.jpg 235Bsw path 2010.jpg 235Bw downspout 2010.jpg 235e path 2010.jpg 235e porch 2010.jpg 235nw 2010.jpg 235se 2010.jpg 238e 2010.jpg 238s path 2010.jpg 238se path 2010.jpg 238se1 2010.jpg 238se2 2010.jpg 238se3 2010.jpg 238sw fence wall 2010.jpg 238w fence 2010.jpg 238w stair 2010.jpg 239 A 2010.jpg 239 B 2010.jpg 239n fell tree 1 2010.jpg 239n fell tree 2 2010.jpg 239n path 2010.jpg 239n stair 2010.jpg 239ne 2010.jpg 239ne stair 2010.jpg 239nw 2010.jpg 239nw lightpost 2010.jpg 239nw path 2010.jpg 239nw porch 2010 jpg

235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239

(Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad 2010)

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

n n n nw s sw sw w e e nw se e s se se se se sw e w se se n n n n ne ne nw nw nw nw

Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010

Existing Conditions Photos

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Photos: Existing Plants 2010 (Abad, winter/spring 2010)

ʹͲͳͲ ʹͲͳͲ Ȉ January 2010 Species List.pdf • July 2010 Pruning Issues Matrix.pdf


6 Existing Plants

Filename Information Common Name Abbreviation Bldg. Asp.

Scientific Name

AchMil 234 E AeoPup 238 W AgaOri 230 S Alb 234 E All 239 N AmaBel 232 SE Ane 230 E AucJap 230 E BerCor 235 E BouGla 238 E Bux 230 W CalVim 239 NE Can 230 E ChaFlo 231 S ChaFloDuk 231 S ChoTer 230 E Cop 231 W CorAus 230 NW Cot 231 E CraArg 234 E Cro CupMac SLAND Cym 235A W Dig 234 E EscCal 234 E Fus 230 E Gre 230 E Heb 231 E HedHel 231 W HedHelVar 231 E HelPet 238 W HydMac 230 E ImpSod 235 E Jun 235 SE LatLad 231 E Lav1 231 E Lav2 231 E LigJap 232 NE MarFab 239 E Nar 238 N Nas 234 E OxaLut 232 SE Pas 235 E Pel1 232 S Pel2 231 E PerAme 239 W PerCap 230 W Phi 230 W

Achillea millefolium Aeonium puparium Agapanthus orientalis Albizia _ Allium _ Amaryllis belladonna Anemone _ Aucuba japonica Bergenia cordifolia Bougainvillea glabra Buxus _ Callistemon viminalis Canna _ Chasmanthe Floribunda Chasmanthe floribunda dukitii Choisya ternata Coprosma _ Cordyline australis Cotoneaster _ Crassula Argentea Crocosmia _ Cupressus macrocarpa Cymbalaria _ Digitalis _ Eschscholzia californica Fuschia _ Grevillea _ Hebe _ Hedera Helix _ Hedera Helix _ Helichrysum petiolare Hydrangea macrophylla Impatients sodenii Juniperus _ Latherus ladifolius Lavatera _ Lavatera _ Ligustrum Japonicum Marah fabaceus Narcissus _ Nastertium _ Oxalis luteola Passiflora _ Pelargonium _ Pelargonium _ Persea americana Persicaria capitata Philadelphus _

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

Yarrow Aeonium Agapanthus Albizia Onion Naked Ladies Anemone Polka-dot Plant Bergenia Bougainvillea Boxwood Weeping Bottle Brush Canna Liliies Chasmanthe (orange) Chasmanthe (yellow) Choisya Coprosma Cordyline Cotoneaster Jade Plant Crocosmia Monterey Cypress Toadflax Foxglove California Poppy Fuschia Grevillea Hebe Ivy, Common Ivy, Variegated Licorice-plant Hydrangea Impatients Juniper Sweet Pea Lavatera (ornamental) Lavatera (accidental) Privet California Manroot Daffodils Nastertium Oxalis Passionflower vine Geranium 1 Geranium 2 Avocado Knotweed Mock Orange

Total Bldg. 230 Qty. S E N W 1 2 12 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 3 3 1 7 3 6 1 4 1 1 7 2 1 2 7 2 1 4 4 2 4 1 1 3 1 2 1 6 3 7 1 2 1 2


Bldg. 231 E N W


Bldg. 232 E N W

Bldg. 234 S E W

Bldg. 235 E N W


Bldg. 238 E N W


Bldg. 239 E N W

St. Island

Character GC CR SH TR


x x x x x x x x x x x

2 1



1 1

1 1


1 1 1

1 2 2 1


1 1 1



x x x x x




3 1 2

1 1






1 3

x x x x


1 4 1 1 1




1 1



x x





x x

2 1 1






1 1 1


x x x

4 4 1 1 1

1 1


x x x x x x x x x x

1 1



1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1



1 1

1 1 1


x x

1 1

1 2



x x x

1 x


Plant Species List, JanuaryÇŚJuly 2010

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Filename Information Common Name Abbreviation Bldg. Asp. PhyAme 232 E Pope Pit 239 W Cheesewoods PodGra 235 W Podocarpus RobPsu 232 E Black Locust RobPsu 239 W Black Locust Ros 235 W Rose RosOff 238 W Rosemary RotMyr 239 W Butterfly Bush RubArm 230 E Himalayan Blackberries SeqSem 238 W California Redwood Sol 232 W Nightshade Son 234 E Sow Thistles Ste 239 W Chickweed Str 239 NW Bird of Paradise Syr 230 E Lilac Tax 230 E Yew UID 230 E (unidentified) UID-Fern 230 E Fern VinMaj 235 E Periwinkle ZanAet 235 E Calla Lilies

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

Scientific Name Phytolacca americana Pittosporum _ Podocarpus Gracilior Robinia psuedoacacia Robinia psuedoacacia Rosa _ Rosmarinus officinalis Rotheca myricoides Rubus armeniacus Sequoia sempervirens Solanaceae _ Sonchus _ Stellaria _ Strelitzia _ Syrnga _ Taxus _ (unidentified) (unidentified) Vinca major Zantedeschia aethiopica

Bldg. 230 Total Qty. S E N W 3 1 8 2 1 4 2 1 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1


Bldg. 231 E N W


Bldg. 232 E N W


Bldg. 234 S E W 1 1 2

Bldg. 235 E N W 1



2 1 1



1 1 1



Bldg. 238 E N W 1


Bldg. 239 E N W


St. Island

Character GC CR SH TR x x x x


x x x

1 1



1 1






x x


x x

1 1 1 1

x x x



Plant Species List, JanuaryÇŚJuly 2010


x x x x x

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Bldg. Asp. Abbreviation Common Name

Scientific Name

238 235 235 235 234 234 235B 235B 235B 235B

Bougainvillea glabra Juniperus _ Ligustrum Japonicum Ligustrum Japonicum Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior

se se s s w w e e e e

BouGla Jun LigJap LigJap PodGra PodGra PodGra PodGra PodGra PodGra


Bougainvillea Juniper Privet Privet Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus

Total Qty.


Bldg. 230 E N W


Bldg. 231 E N W


Bldg. 232 E N W

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bldg. 234 S E W

Bldg. 235 E N W


Bldg. 238 E N W 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Franklin St. Bldg. 239 Character Notes E N W Island GC CR SH TR x x x x

2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 detail 2010 2010 detail1 2010 detail2 2010 detail3 2010



Universal Access Proposals 2010 • Accessibility FM230 Chapel Concept Plan 2010.pdf (Kren and Hagin) • Landscape Inventory from 100 CD DRAFT DWGS FOMA 235 11 MAR 2010.pdf (Wheeler, 2010)

7 Universal Accessibility

Matrices of Graphic Contents (Abad, 2010)

x x x x x


Historic Maps Matrix.pdf Physical History Photos Matrix.pdf Exist Cond Photos Matrix.pdf January 2010 Species List.pdf July 2010 Pruning Issues Matrix.pdf

8 Matrices of Graphics



Source / Attribution

2.2.9.jpg 2.3.12-1890 map.tif 2.3.12.tif 2.3.15 – 1900 proposal.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1907 96-27-3 67039.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1907.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1910 33412.tif D231 F1 Ft Mason 1922 67050.tif D231 F1 1931 Slide 1 33413.tif D231 F1 1931 Slide 2 33413.tif D231 F1 c1903 67037.tif D231 F2 Ft Mason Future Development Plan 1947 33404 Reverse.tif D231 F2 Ft Mason Future Development Plan 1947.33404.tif D231 F2 General Site Plan 1947 33484.tif D231 F2 Post Map 1943 33416.tif D231 F2 Post Map 1947 33410.tif D231 F4 FOMA Post Map 1949 33425.tif D231 FW FOMA Real Estate Map 1949 67072.tif D232 F1 FOMA 1950 33376.tif D232 F1 Aerial Photo 1956.tif D232 F1 Post Map 1959 51896.tif D232 F1 Post Map Oct 1959 52991.tif D235 F2 FOMA Bldg Repair & Resurface Streets & Driveways 1967 21975.tif D240 F3 FOMA Bldg 230 Chapel Floodlighting 1960 21536.tif D240 F3 FOMA Bldg 231 Plans & Details 1960 21551.tif D241 F1 FOMA Bldg 238 Repair Fire Damage 1983 21586.tif GOGA 33317 FOMA – General Tree Cover Map Summer 1997.itf

1868 1890 1890 1900 1907 1907 1910 1922 1931 1931 1903 1947 1947 1947 1943 1947 1949 1949 1950 1956 1959 1959 1967 1960 1960 1983 1997

(Artist Unknown) U.S. Army, Presidio of Monterey; Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives)






NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

234 1893.jpg 235 1893.jpg 239 1893.jpg 239 1893.tif

234 235 239 239

13 14 16 16

ne nw ne ne

1893 1893 1893 1893

(National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37) (National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37) (National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37) (National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37)

General View of Post 1893.jpg

231, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16



(National Archives & Records Center (NARA), Still Pictures Branch, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OMQG), Record Group (RG) 92-F-37)

Fort Mason c.1910.jpg

234, 235, 238, 239

13, 14, 15, 16



(The Glenn Koch Collection)

231 c.1926.jpg 232 c.1926.jpg 235 c.1926.jpg 238 c.1926.jpg 239 c.1926.jpg 231 1930s.jpg 232 1930s.jpg 234 1930s.jpg 235 1930s.jpg 238 1930s.jpg 239 1930s.jpg 232 c.1940.tif 234 c.1940.tif 235 c.1940.tif 239 c.1940.tif GOGA 32475 FOMA Chapel, Bldg. 230.jpg GOGA-1766 FOMA Chapel, Bldg 230.jpg 238 1975.tif 231ne fence 1997.tif 231ne 1997.tif 231se 1997.tif 231sw 1997.tif 232e porch 1997.tif 232n 1997.tif 232ne 1997.tif 232se 1997.tif 232sw 1997.tif 234e 1997.tif 234e foundations 1997.tif 234se 1997.tif 234sw 1997.tif 235e foundations 1997.tif 235n 1997.tif 235n detail 1997.tif 235ne 1997.tif 235nw 1997.tif 235nw fence 1997.tif 235nw stair 1997.tif 235se corner 1997.tif 235sw 1997.tif 235sw corner 1997.tif 238e 1997.tif

231 232 235 238 239 231 232 234 235 238 239 232 234 235 239 230 230 238 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 234 234 234 234 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 238

11 12 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 16 10 10 15 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15

se e nw se se se se se se se se se se se ne se sw se ne ne se sw se n ne se sw e e se sw e n n ne nw nw nw se sw sw e

c.1926 c.1926 c.1926 c.1926 c.1926 c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1930s c.1940 c.1940 c.1940 c.1940 c. 1945 1945 1975 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997

(Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) James A Sullivan SFPE Collection (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) PAM Prints Collection (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) (Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997)




see also: 231 1930s / 231se 1997 / 231se 2010 see also: 232 c.1926 see also: 235 1893 / 235nw 2010 see also: see also: see also: see also:

239 1930s / 239se 1997 / 239se 2010 231 c.1926 / 231se 1997 / 231se 2010 232 c.1940 / 232se 1997 / 232se 2010 234 c.1940 / 234se porch 2010

see also: 239 c.1926 / 239se 1997 / 239se 2010 see also: 232 1930s / 232se 1997 / 232se 2010 see also: 234 1930s / 234se porch 2010

see also: 231 c.1926 / 231 1930s / 231se 2010

see also: 232 1930s / 232 c.1940 / 232se 2010

see also: 234se 2010.jpg

see also: 235Anw parking 2010.jpg



NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

238ne fence 1997.tif 238se 1997.tif 238w fence 1997.tif 239e porch interior 1997.tif 239n porch 1997.tif 239ne 1997.tif 239nw 1997.tif 239nw porch 1997.tif 239se 1997.tif 239sw 1997.tif 239sw fence 1997.tif 239sw porch 1997.tif

238 238 238 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239

15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

ne se w e n ne sw sw se sw sw sw

1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997

Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997) Physical History Books (Kristin Baron and Paul Scolari, 1997)

Fig 5.4.2.jpg

232, 234, 235, 239

12, 14, 15, 16



Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)

231, 235 234, 235 238 235 231

11, 14 13, 14 15 14 11



Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)



Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)

e 2004 sw 2004 sw 2004

Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004) Fort Mason CLR, Part 1 (Olmsted Center 2004)

Fig 5.4.3.jpg Fig 5.4.5.jpg Fig 5.4.11.jpg Fig 5.4.13.jpg Fig 5.4.14.jpg




see also: 239 c.1926 / 239 c.1930s / 239se 2010



NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

230n 2010.jpg 230n path 2010.jpg 230nw 2010.jpg 230nw detail 2010 230nw path 2010.jpg 230s 2010.jpg 230sw 2010.jpg 230sw detail 2010.jpg 230w 2010.jpg 231e curb 2010.jpg 231e gutter 2010.jpg 231e path 2010.jpg 231nw gate 2010.jpg 231s yard 2010.jpg 231se 2010.jpg 231se path 2010.jpg 231sw fence 2010.jpg 231sw fence detail 2010.jpg 231w drain 2010.jpg 231w fence 2010.jpg 231w fence detail 2010.jpg 231w gate 2010.jpg 232e 2010.jpg 232nw path 2010.jpg 232se 2010.jpg 232w fence 2010.jpg 232w parking 2010.jpg 232w path 2010.jpg 234e 2010.jpg 234e path 2010.jpg 234se 2010.jpg 234se porch 2010 jpg

230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 232 234 234 234 234

(Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad 2010)

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13

n n nw nw nw s sw sw w e e e nw s se se sw sw w w w w e nw se w w w e e sw sw

Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010

Existing Conditions Photos

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO


NPS NCO Asp. Year Bldg. Bldg.

Source / Attribution

235Bn gutter 2010.jpg 235Bn gutter detail 2010.jpg 235Bn stair 2010.jpg 235Bnw 2010.jpg 235Bs path 2010.jpg 235Bsw 2010.jpg 235Bsw path 2010.jpg 235Bw downspout 2010.jpg 235e path 2010.jpg 235e porch 2010.jpg 235nw 2010.jpg 235se 2010.jpg 238e 2010.jpg 238s path 2010.jpg 238se path 2010.jpg 238se1 2010.jpg 238se2 2010.jpg 238se3 2010.jpg 238sw fence wall 2010.jpg 238w fence 2010.jpg 238w stair 2010.jpg 239 A 2010.jpg 239 B 2010.jpg 239n fell tree 1 2010.jpg 239n fell tree 2 2010.jpg 239n path 2010.jpg 239n stair 2010.jpg 239ne 2010.jpg 239ne stair 2010.jpg 239nw 2010.jpg 239nw lightpost 2010.jpg 239nw path 2010.jpg 239nw porch 2010 jpg

235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239

(Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad, 2010) (Robin Abad 2010)

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

n n n nw s sw sw w e e nw se e s se se se se sw e w se se n n n n ne ne nw nw nw nw

Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010 Jan 2010

Existing Conditions Photos

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Filename Information Common Name Abbreviation Bldg. Asp.

Scientific Name

AchMil 234 E AeoPup 238 W AgaOri 230 S Alb 234 E All 239 N AmaBel 232 SE Ane 230 E AucJap 230 E BerCor 235 E BouGla 238 E Bux 230 W CalVim 239 NE Can 230 E ChaFlo 231 S ChaFloDuk 231 S ChoTer 230 E Cop 231 W CorAus 230 NW Cot 231 E CraArg 234 E Cro CupMac SLAND Cym 235A W Dig 234 E EscCal 234 E Fus 230 E Gre 230 E Heb 231 E HedHel 231 W HedHelVar 231 E HelPet 238 W HydMac 230 E ImpSod 235 E Jun 235 SE LatLad 231 E Lav1 231 E Lav2 231 E LigJap 232 NE MarFab 239 E Nar 238 N Nas 234 E OxaLut 232 SE Pas 235 E Pel1 232 S Pel2 231 E PerAme 239 W PerCap 230 W Phi 230 W

Achillea millefolium Aeonium puparium Agapanthus orientalis Albizia _ Allium _ Amaryllis belladonna Anemone _ Aucuba japonica Bergenia cordifolia Bougainvillea glabra Buxus _ Callistemon viminalis Canna _ Chasmanthe Floribunda Chasmanthe floribunda dukitii Choisya ternata Coprosma _ Cordyline australis Cotoneaster _ Crassula Argentea Crocosmia _ Cupressus macrocarpa Cymbalaria _ Digitalis _ Eschscholzia californica Fuschia _ Grevillea _ Hebe _ Hedera Helix _ Hedera Helix _ Helichrysum petiolare Hydrangea macrophylla Impatients sodenii Juniperus _ Latherus ladifolius Lavatera _ Lavatera _ Ligustrum Japonicum Marah fabaceus Narcissus _ Nastertium _ Oxalis luteola Passiflora _ Pelargonium _ Pelargonium _ Persea americana Persicaria capitata Philadelphus _

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

Yarrow Aeonium Agapanthus Albizia Onion Naked Ladies Anemone Polka-dot Plant Bergenia Bougainvillea Boxwood Weeping Bottle Brush Canna Liliies Chasmanthe (orange) Chasmanthe (yellow) Choisya Coprosma Cordyline Cotoneaster Jade Plant Crocosmia Monterey Cypress Toadflax Foxglove California Poppy Fuschia Grevillea Hebe Ivy, Common Ivy, Variegated Licorice-plant Hydrangea Impatients Juniper Sweet Pea Lavatera (ornamental) Lavatera (accidental) Privet California Manroot Daffodils Nastertium Oxalis Passionflower vine Geranium 1 Geranium 2 Avocado Knotweed Mock Orange

Total Bldg. 230 Qty. S E N W 1 2 12 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 3 3 1 7 3 6 1 4 1 1 7 2 1 2 7 2 1 4 4 2 4 1 1 3 1 2 1 6 3 7 1 2 1 2


Bldg. 231 E N W


Bldg. 232 E N W

Bldg. 234 S E W

Bldg. 235 E N W


Bldg. 238 E N W


Bldg. 239 E N W

St. Island

Character GC CR SH TR


x x x x x x x x x x x

2 1



1 1

1 1


1 1 1

1 2 2 1


1 1 1



x x x x x




3 1 2

1 1






1 3

x x x x


1 4 1 1 1




1 1



x x





x x

2 1 1






1 1 1


x x x

4 4 1 1 1

1 1


x x x x x x x x x x

1 1



1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1



1 1

1 1 1


x x

1 1

1 2



x x x

1 x


Plant Species List, JanuaryÇŚJuly 2010

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Filename Information Common Name Abbreviation Bldg. Asp. PhyAme 232 E Pope Pit 239 W Cheesewoods PodGra 235 W Podocarpus RobPsu 232 E Black Locust RobPsu 239 W Black Locust Ros 235 W Rose RosOff 238 W Rosemary RotMyr 239 W Butterfly Bush RubArm 230 E Himalayan Blackberries SeqSem 238 W California Redwood Sol 232 W Nightshade Son 234 E Sow Thistles Ste 239 W Chickweed Str 239 NW Bird of Paradise Syr 230 E Lilac Tax 230 E Yew UID 230 E (unidentified) UID-Fern 230 E Fern VinMaj 235 E Periwinkle ZanAet 235 E Calla Lilies

Robin Abad Ocubillo, 7/15/2010

Scientific Name Phytolacca americana Pittosporum _ Podocarpus Gracilior Robinia psuedoacacia Robinia psuedoacacia Rosa _ Rosmarinus officinalis Rotheca myricoides Rubus armeniacus Sequoia sempervirens Solanaceae _ Sonchus _ Stellaria _ Strelitzia _ Syrnga _ Taxus _ (unidentified) (unidentified) Vinca major Zantedeschia aethiopica

Bldg. 230 Total Qty. S E N W 3 1 8 2 1 4 2 1 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1


Bldg. 231 E N W


Bldg. 232 E N W


Bldg. 234 S E W 1 1 2

Bldg. 235 E N W 1



2 1 1



1 1 1



Bldg. 238 E N W 1


Bldg. 239 E N W


St. Island

Character GC CR SH TR x x x x


x x x

1 1



1 1






x x


x x

1 1 1 1

x x x



Plant Species List, JanuaryÇŚJuly 2010


x x x x x

Existing Conditions Documentation, Fort Mason NCO

Bldg. Asp. Abbreviation Common Name

Scientific Name

238 235 235 235 234 234 235B 235B 235B 235B

Bougainvillea glabra Juniperus _ Ligustrum Japonicum Ligustrum Japonicum Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior Podocarpus Gracilior

se se s s w w e e e e

BouGla Jun LigJap LigJap PodGra PodGra PodGra PodGra PodGra PodGra


Bougainvillea Juniper Privet Privet Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus Podocarpus

Total Qty.


Bldg. 230 E N W


Bldg. 231 E N W


Bldg. 232 E N W

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bldg. 234 S E W

Bldg. 235 E N W


Bldg. 238 E N W 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Franklin St. Bldg. 239 Character Notes E N W Island GC CR SH TR x x x x

2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 detail 2010 2010 detail1 2010 detail2 2010 detail3 2010


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