EI 4 Change
Enlightening Empowerment through Emotional Management
EI 4 Change
works in
Organisational development Strategic planning Management / Leadership Team development Application of competency frameworks Motivation Effective communication Productivity and sales Empowerment
EI 4 Change
Uses Emotional Intelligence to
concentrate on the two most important areas of the work environment :
the work itself and its impact on others the personal development and empowerment of the individual
explore practical issues rather than theoretical concepts
EI 4 Change
uses the Goleman Framework
Motivation - the drive to work and succeed Self-awareness - understanding yourself, your strengths and weaknesses and how you appear to others Self-regulation - the ability to control yourself and think before you act Empathy - how well you understand other peoples' viewpoints Social skills - communicating and relating to others
EI 4 Change framework
Key areas of Emotional Intelligence Awareness Inner world
Self awareness
Action Behaviour Self regulation
Motivation Outer world
Social skills
Advantages of using Emotional Intelligence Benefits include improving relationships with colleagues increasing personal resourcefulness avoidance of unnecessary stress maintaining motivation enabling good communication and an ability to influence others without conflict enhancing reputation within the team and the organisation
Disadvantages of using Emotional Intelligence cannot be learned, though it can be developed is sometimes dismissed as being just another management fad maybe ridiculed by senior managers with low levels of emotional intelligence
EI 4 Change
Up to date emotional intelligence theory and thinking applied with a business focus Integration of the world’s leading personality and behaviour assessments Mapped into nationally recognised competency frameworks Pragmatic application of emotional intelligence tools and techniques Immediate use within work settings Support of personal growth
Mapping Emotional Intelligence onto national capability frameworks
Self Awareness Self Regulation Motivation
Empathy Social Skills
Personal Qualities Team Leadership
Delivering the Service Setting Direction
National Frameworks: • Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) • Knowledge & Skills Framework (KSF) • Management & Leadership Standards
EI 4 Change
Develops personal leadership capabilities Inspires others rather than manage tasks Supports management development Harnesses experience, knowledge and achievements Enables and explores authentic leadership style Embeds in leadership behaviours
The Relationship Web
EI 4 Change
A long term measured approach which includes
Motivational workshops Supported self directed learning Personality assessments (MBTI, DISC, 16PF, Enneagram) 360-degree feedback Coaching / Mentoring sessions Group support Action learning Personal development planning
EI 4 Change training Emotional
Improvement in
personal effectiveness
Capable, effective
and keen to improve
Poor Performer
Bright but
ineffectual Very bright but
emotionally naive
Present challenge, issue, problem or question Draw conclusions. Define learning. Integrate into work.
Action Learning
Constructive questioning to challenge views, understanding, perception and assumptions.
Review results with set. What worked? What didn’t? Why?
Share insights and new understanding and describe action plan Take action in the workplace
EI 4 Change
Module 1
Working with Emotional Intelligence (2 days)
Module 2
EI 4 Self Awareness (1 day)
Module 3
EI 4 Self Regulation (1 day)
Module 4
EI 4 Motivation (1 day)
Module 5
EI 4 Empathy (1 day)
Module 6
EI 4 Social Skills / Team Building (2 days)
Module 1 Working with Emotional Intelligence -
Introduction to each other and to the programme Current challenges at work Understanding emotional intelligence The neurobiology of emotions The value of emotions in the workplace The emotionally unintelligent manager Personality or behavioural profiling Leadership styles Inspiring people through leadership Action learning Personal action plan
Module 2 EI 4 Self Awareness -
Learning about self Strengths and limitations Personality or behavioural profiling How others see you / Validation 360 degree feedback Developing emotional intelligence Action learning through self awareness Personal action plan
Module 3 EI 4 Self Regulation/Emotional Control -
Handling emotions Emotional triggers Beliefs about self Detachment Affirmations Visualisation Action learning through self regulation Personal action plan
Module 4 EI 4 Motivation -
Defining core purpose / vocation Goal setting Optimism Overcoming negatives Innovation and adaptability Developing creativity Intuition Action learning through motivation Personal action plan
Module 5 EI 4 Empathy -
Non verbal signals Recognising feelings Emotions and non verbal signals Active listening Developing trust Action learning through empathy Personal action plan
Module 6 EI 4 Social skills / Team building -
Effective communication Working in teams Improving teamwork Personality or behavioural profiling Mapping minds Mapping hearts Leadership and team working Action learning through team building Personal action plan
EI 4 Change
Workshops are interactive, not typical traditional classes Workshops can be one-offs or designed in collaboration with HR or Training departments as part of a blended series linked to business objectives
Personality / behavioural assessments can be linked into those already in use within an organisation Outputs are integrated into nationally recognised leadership competency frameworks Tailored coaching service to embed learning Expert and skilled facilitation