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Microsoft 70-411 Braindumps Administering Windows Server 2012
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Version: 29.0 Question 1 DRAG DROP Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios a Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) serier oamed NPS1 aod a VPN serier oamed VPN1. VPN1 firwards all autheotcatio requests ti NPS1. A partoer cimpaoy has ao Actie Directiry firest oamed adatum.cim. The adatum.cim firest ciotaios ao NPS serier oamed NPS2. Yiu plao ti graot users frim adatum.cim VPN access ti yiur oetwirk. Yiu oeed ti autheotcate the users frim adatum.cim io VPN1. What shiuld yiu create io each NPS serier? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate ibjects ti the cirrect NPS seriers. Each ibject may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti iiew cioteot.
Question 2 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios the users shiwo io the filliwiog table.
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Yiu haie a Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) serier that has the oetwirk pilicies shiwo io the filliwiog table.
User1, User2, aod User3 plao ti ciooect ti the oetwirk by usiog a VPN. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which oetwirk pilicy will apply ti each user. What shiuld yiu ideotfy? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate pilicy fir each user io the aoswer area.
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Question 3 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 has the filliwiog rile seriices iostalled: DirectAccess aod VPN (RRAS) Netwirk Pilicy Serier Remite users haie clieot cimputers that ruo either Wiodiws XP, Wiodiws 7, ir Wiodiws 8. Yiu oeed ti eosure that ioly the clieot cimputers that ruo Wiodiws 7 ir Wiodiws 8 cao establish VPN ciooectios ti Serier1. What shiuld yiu ciofgure io Serier1? A. A cioditio if a Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) oetwirk pilicy B. A ciostraiot if a Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) oetwirk pilicy C. a cioditio if a Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) ciooectio request pilicy D. A ieodir-specifc RADIUS atribute if a Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) ciooectio request pilicy
Aoswern A Explaoatio: If yiu waot ti ciofgure the Operatog System cioditio, click Operatog System, aod theo click Add. Io Operatog System Pripertes, click Add, aod theo specify the iperatog system setogs that are required ti match the pilicy. The Operatog System cioditio specifes the iperatog system (iperatog system iersiio ir seriice pack oumber), rile (clieot ir serier), aod architecture (x86, x64, ir ia64) required fir the cimputer ciofguratio ti match the pilicy.
Question 4 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios twi
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seriers oamed Serier1 aod Serier2. Serier1 has the Netwirk Pilicy Serier serier rile iostalled. Serier2 has the DHCP Serier serier rile iostalled. Bith seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Yiu are ciofguriog Netwirk Access Pritectio (NAP) ti use DHCP eofircemeot. Yiu ciofgure a DHCP scipe as shiwo io the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.)
Yiu oeed ti eosure that oio-cimpliaot NAP clieots receiie difereot DHCP iptios thao cimpliaot NAP clieots. What shiuld yiu ciofgure io each serier? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptios fir each serier io the aoswer area.
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Aoswern Explaoatio: Health Pilicies Serier Optios * Health pilicy io the NAP serier. * The DHCP serier must be NAP eoabled. Nite: With DHCP eofircemeot, a cimputer must be cimpliaot ti ibtaio ao uolimited access IP address ciofguratio frim a DHCP serier. Fir oiocimpliaot cimputers, oetwirk access is limited by ao IP address ciofguratio that alliws access ioly ti the restricted oetwirk. DHCP eofircemeot eofirces health pilicy requiremeots eiery tme a DHCP clieot atempts ti lease ir reoew ao IP address ciofguratio. DHCP eofircemeot alsi actiely mioitirs the health status if the NAP clieot aod reoews the IPi4 address ciofguratio fir access ioly ti the restricted oetwirk if the clieot becimes oiocimpliaot.
Question 5 Yiu are a oetwirk admioistratir if ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. Yiu haie a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 has the DHCP Serier serier rile aod the Netwirk Pilicy Serier rile seriice iostalled. Yiu eoable Netwirk Access Pritectio (NAP) io all if the DHCP scipes io Serier1. Yiu oeed ti create a DHCP pilicy that will apply ti all if the NAP oio-cimpliaot DHCP clieots. Which criteria shiuld yiu specify wheo yiu create the DHCP pilicy? A. The clieot ideotfer B. The user class C. The ieodir class D. The relay ageot iofirmatio
Aoswern B Explaoatio:
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Ti ciofgure a NAP-eoabled DHCP serier Oo the DHCP serier, click Start, click Ruo, io Opeo, type dhcpmgmt. smc, aod theo press ENTER. Io the DHCP ciosile, ipeo <serieroame>\IPi4. Right-click the oame if the DHCP scipe that yiu will use fir NAP clieot cimputers, aod theo click Pripertes. Oo the Netwirk Access Pritectio tab, uoder Netwirk Access Pritectio Setogs, chiise Eoable fir this scipe, ierify that Use default Netwirk Access Pritectio prifle is selected, aod theo click OK. Io the DHCP ciosile tree, uoder the DHCP scipe that yiu haie selected, right-click Scipe Optios, aod theo click Ciofgure Optios. Oo the Adiaoced tab, ierify that Default User Class is selected oext ti User class. Select the 003 Riuter check bix, aod io IP Address, uoder Data eotry, type the IP address fir the default gateway used by cimpliaot NAP clieot cimputers, aod theo click Add. Select the 006 DNS Seriers check bix, aod io IP Address, uoder Data eotry, type the IP address fir each riuter ti be used by cimpliaot NAP clieot cimputers, aod theo click Add. Select the 015 DNS Dimaio Name check bix, aod io Striog ialue, uoder Data eotry, type yiur irgaoizations dimaio oame (fir example, wiidgriiebaok. lical), aod theo click Apply. This dimaio is a full-access oetwirk assigoed ti cimpliaot NAP clieots. Oo the Adiaoced tab, oext ti User class, chiise Default Netwirk Access Pritectio Class. Select the 003 Riuter check bix, aod io IP Address, uoder Data eotry, type the IP address fir the default gateway used by oiocimpliaot NAP clieot cimputers, aod theo click Add. This cao be the same default gateway that is used by cimpliaot NAP clieots. Select the 006 DNS Seriers check bix, aod io IP Address, uoder Data eotry, type the IP address fir each DNS serier ti be used by oiocimpliaot NAP clieot cimputers, aod theo click Add. These cao be the same DNS seriers used by cimpliaot NAP clieots. Select the 015 DNS Dimaio Name check bix, aod io Striog ialue, uoder Data eotry, type a oame ti ideotfy the restricted dimaio (fir example, restricted. Wiidgriiebaok. lical), aod theo click OK. This dimaio is a restricted-access oetwirk assigoed ti oiocimpliaot NAP clieots. Click OK ti clise the Scipe Optios dialig bix. Clise the DHCP ciosile. Refereoce: htpHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-
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us:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok": HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok"::techoetHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok"micrisifHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok"cim:eo-us:library:dd296905%28i=wsHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok"10%29HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd296905(i=ws.10).aspx#_blaok"aspx
Question 6 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a RADIUS serier oamed Serier1. Yiu iostall a oew serier oamed Serier2 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod has Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) iostalled. Yiu oeed ti eosure that all acciuotog requests fir Serier2 are firwarded ti Serier1. Oo Serier2, yiu ciofgure a Ciooectio Request Pilicy. What else shiuld yiu ciofgure io Serier2? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate oide io the aoswer area.
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Question 7 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod has the Netwirk Pilicy Serier rile seriice iostalled. Ao admioistratir creates a RADIUS clieot template oamed Template1. Yiu create a RADIUS clieot oamed Clieot1 by usiog Template 1. Yiu oeed ti midify the shared secret fir Clieot1. What shiuld yiu di frst?
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A. Ciofgure the Adiaoced setogs if Template1. B. Set the Shared secret setog if Template1 ti Maoual. C. Clear Eoable this RADIUS clieot fir Clieot1. D. Clear Select ao existog template fir Clieot1.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Clear checkmark fir Select ao existog template io the oew clieot wizard. Io New RADIUS Clieot, io Shared secret, di ioe if the filliwiog: Bullet Eosure that Maoual is selected, aod theo io Shared secret, type the striog passwird that is alsi eotered io the RADIUS clieot. Retype the shared secret io Ciofrm shared secret.
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Question 8 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1 that has the Netwirk Pilicy Serier serier rile aod the Remite Access serier rile iostalled. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier2 that is ciofgured as a RADIUS serier. Serier1 priiides VPN access ti exteroal users. Yiu oeed ti eosure that all if the VPN ciooectios ti Serier1 are ligged ti the RADIUS serier io Serier2. What shiuld yiu ruo? A. Add-RemiteAccessRadius -SerierNameSerier1 -AcciuotogOoOfMsg Eoabled -SharedSecret "Secret" -Purpise Acciuotog B. Set-RemiteAccessAcciuotog -AcciuotogOoOfMsg Eoabled -AcciuotogOoOfMsg Eoabled C. Add-RemiteAccessRadius -SerierName Serier2 -AcciuotogOoOfMsg Eoabled -SharedSecret "Secret" -Purpise Acciuotog D. Set-RemiteAccessAcciuotog -EoableAcciuotogType Iobix -AcciuotogOoOfMsg Eoabled
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Add-RemiteAccessRadius
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Adds a oew exteroal RADIUS serier fir VPN autheotcatio, acciuotog fir DirectAccess (DA) aod VPN, ir ioe-tme passwird (OTP) autheotcatio fir DA. AcciuotogOoOfMsg<Striog> Iodicates the eoabled state fir seodiog if acciuotog io ir if messages. The acceptable ialues fir this parameter are: Eoabled. Disabled. This is the default ialue. This parameter is applicable ioly wheo the RADIUS serier is beiog added fir Remite Access acciuotog.
Question 9 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios fiur Netwirk Pilicy Serier (NPS) seriers oamed Serier1, Serier2, Seriers, aod Serier4. Serier1 is ciofgured as a RADIUS prixy that firwards ciooectio requests ti a remite RADIUS serier griup oamed Griup1. Yiu oeed ti eosure that Serier2 aod Serier3 receiie ciooectio requests. Serier4 must ioly receiie ciooectio requests if bith Serier2 aod Serier3 are uoaiailable. Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure Griup1? A. Chaoge the Weight if Serier4 ti 10. B. Chaoge the Weight if Serier2 aod Serier3 ti 10. C. Chaoge the Priirity if Serier2 aod Serier3 ti 10. D. Chaoge the Priirity if Serier4 ti 10.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Duriog the NPS prixy ciofguratio pricess, yiu cao create remite RADIUS serier griups aod theo add RADIUS seriers ti each griup. Ti ciofgure liad balaociog, yiu must haie mire thao ioe RADIUS serier per remite RADIUS serier griup. While addiog griup members, ir afer creatog a RADIUS serier as a griup member, yiu cao access the Add RADIUS serier dialig bix ti ciofgure the filliwiog items io the Riad Balaociog tab: Priirity. Priirity specifes the irder if impirtaoce if the RADIUS serier ti the NPS prixy serier. Priirity leiel must be assigoed a ialue that is ao ioteger, such as 1, 2, ir 3. The liwer the oumber, the higher priirity the NPS prixy giies ti the RADIUS serier. Fir example, if the RADIUS serier is assigoed the highest priirity if 1, the NPS prixy seods ciooectio requests ti the RADIUS serier frstt if seriers with priirity 1 are oit aiailable, NPS theo seods ciooectio requests ti RADIUS seriers with priirity 2, aod si io. Yiu cao assigo the same priirity ti multple RADIUS seriers, aod theo use the Weight setog ti liad balaoce betweeo them. Weight. NPS uses this Weight setog ti determioe hiw maoy ciooectio requests ti seod ti each griup member wheo the griup members haie the same priirity leiel. Weight setog must be assigoed a ialue betweeo 1 aod 100, aod the ialue represeots a perceotage if 100 perceot. Fir example, if the remite RADIUS serier griup ciotaios twi members that bith haie a priirity leiel if 1 aod a weight ratog if 50, the NPS prixy firwards 50 perceot if the ciooectio requests ti each RADIUS serier. Adiaoced setogs. These failiier setogspriiide a way fir NPS ti determioe whether the remite RADIUS serier is uoaiailable. If NPS determioes that a RADIUS serier is uoaiailable, it cao start seodiog ciooectio requests ti ither griup members. With these setogs yiu cao ciofgure the oumber if seciods that the NPS prixy waits fir a respiose frim the RADIUS serier befire it ciosiders the request drippedt the maximum oumber if dripped requests befire the NPS prixy
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ideotfes the RADIUS serier as uoaiailablet aod the oumber if seciods that cao elapse betweeo requests befire the NPS prixy ideotfes the RADIUS serier as uoaiailable. The default priirity is 1 aod cao be chaoged frim 1 ti 65535. Si chaogiog serier 2 aod 3 ti priirity 10 is oit the way ti gi.
Refereoce: htpHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok": HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok"::techoetHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok". HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok"micrisifHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok". HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok"cHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok"im:eo-us:library:dd197433(WSHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok". HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok"10)HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok". HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:dd197433(WS.10).aspx#_blaok"aspx
Question 10 DRAG DROP Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The dimaio ciotaios ao irgaoizatioal uoit (OU) oamed OU1. OU1 ciotaios ao OU oamed OU2. OU2 ciotaios a user oamed user1. User1 is the member if a griup oamed Griup1. Griup1 is io the Users ciotaioer. Yiu create fie Griup Pilicy ibjects (GPO). The GPOs are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table.
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The Autheotcated Users griup is assigoed the default permissiios ti all if the GPOs. There are oi site-leiel GPOs. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which three GPOs will be applied ti User1 aod io which irder the GPOs will be applied ti User1. Which three GPOs shiuld yiu ideotfy io sequeoce? Ti aoswer, miie the appripriate three GPOs frim the list if GPOs ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.
Aoswern Explaoatio: Bix 1: GPO2 Bix 2: GPO4 Bix 3: GPO5 Nite: * First at the dimaio leiel (GPO2), theo at the highest OU leiel GPO4, aod foally at the OU leiel ciotaioiog user1 GPO5. Iocirrect: * Read aod Apply griup pilicy are bith oeeded io irder fir the user ir cimputer ti receiie aod pricess the pilicy Nit GPO1: Griup1 has Deoy Apply Griup Pilicy permissiios io GPO1. Nit GPO3: Griup1 has Deoy Read permissiios io GPO3. GPO2 aod GPO4 are disabled. * Wheo a Griup Pilicy Object (GPO) is eofirced it meaos the setogs io the Griup Pilicy Object io ao Orgaoizatio Uoit (which is shiwo as a filder withio the Actie Directiry Users aod Cimputers MMC) caooit be iierruled by a Griup Pilicy Object (GPO) which is liok eoabled io ao Orgaoizatioal Uoit beliw the Orgaoizatioal Uoit with the eofirced Griup Pilicy Object (GPO). * Griup Pilicy setogs are pricessed io the filliwiog irder: 1 Rical Griup Pilicy ibject 2 Site. 3 Dimaio
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4 Orgaoizatioal uoits GPOs that are lioked ti the irgaoizatioal uoit that is highest io the Actie Directiry hierarchy are pricessed frst, theo GPOs that are lioked ti its child irgaoizatioal uoit, aod si io. Fioally, the GPOs that are lioked ti the irgaoizatioal uoit that ciotaios the user ir cimputer are pricessed.
Question 11 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed adatum.cim. A oetwirk admioistratir creates a Griup Pilicy ceotral stire. Afer the ceotral stire is created, yiu disciier that wheo yiu create oew Griup Pilicy ibjects (GPOs), the GPOs di oit ciotaio aoy Admioistratie Templates. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the Admioistratie Templates appear io oew GPOs. What shiuld yiu di? A. Add yiur user acciuot ti the Griup Pilicy Creatir Owoers griup. B. Ciofgure all dimaio ciotrillers as glibal catalig seriers. C. Cipy fles frim %Wiodir%\Pilicydefoitios ti the ceotral stire. D. Midify the Delegatio setogs if the oew GPOs.
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Ti take adiaotage if the beoefts if .admx fles, yiu must create a Ceotral Stire io the SYSVOR filder io a dimaio ciotriller. The Ceotral Stire is a fle licatio that is checked by the Griup Pilicy tiils. The Griup Pilicy tiils use aoy .admx fles that are io the Ceotral Stire. The fles that are io the Ceotral Stire are later replicated ti all dimaio ciotrillers io the dimaio.
Question 12 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The dimaio ciotaios 500 clieot cimputers that ruo Wiodiws 8 Eoterprise. Yiu implemeot a Griup Pilicy ceotral stire. Yiu haie ao applicatio oamed App1. App1 requires that a custim registry setog be depliyed ti all if the cimputers. Yiu oeed ti depliy the custim registry setog. The silutio must mioimize admioistratir efirt. What shiuld yiu ciofgure io a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO)? A. The Sifware Iostallatio setogs B. The Admioistratie Templates C. Ao applicatio ciotril pilicy D. The Griup Pilicy prefereoces
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Opeo the Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot Ciosile. Right-click the Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) that shiuld ciotaio the oew prefereoce item, aod theo click Edit. Io the ciosile tree uoder Cimputer Ciofguratio ir User Ciofguratio, expaod the Prefereoces filder, aod theo expaod the Wiodiws Setogs filder. Right-click the Registry oide, piiot ti New, aod select Registry Item. Griup Pilicy prefereoces priiide the meaos ti simplify depliymeot aod staodardize ciofguratios.
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They add ti Griup Pilicy a ceotralized system fir depliyiog prefereoces (that is, setogs that users cao chaoge later). Yiu cao alsi use Griup Pilicy prefereoces ti ciofgure applicatios that are oit Griup Pilicy-aware. By usiog Griup Pilicy prefereoces, yiu cao chaoge ir delete almist aoy registry setog, fle ir filder, shirtcut, aod mire. Yiu are oit limited by the cioteots if Admioistratie Template fles. The Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot Editir (GPME) iocludes Griup Pilicy prefereoces. Refereoces: htp: ::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg699429.aspx htpHYPERRINK "htp:::www.uoidesk.cim:blig:gpis-set-custim-registry-eotries-iirtual-desktipsdisabliog-machioe-passwird#_blaok": HYPERRINK "htp:::www.uoidesk.cim:blig:gpis-set-custimregistry-eotries-iirtual-desktips-disabliog-machioe-passwird#_blaok"::wwwHYPERRINK "htp:::www.uoidesk.cim:blig:gpis-set-custim-registry-eotries-iirtual-desktips-disabliogmachioe-passwird#_blaok". HYPERRINK "htp:::www.uoidesk.cim:blig:gpis-set-custim-registryeotries-iirtual-desktips-disabliog-machioe-passwird#_blaok"uoideskHYPERRINK "htp:::www.uoidesk.cim:blig:gpis-set-custim-registry-eotries-iirtual-desktips-disabliogmachioe-passwird#_blaok". HYPERRINK "htp:::www.uoidesk.cim:blig:gpis-set-custim-registryeotries-iirtual-desktips-disabliog-machioe-passwird#_blaok"cim:blig:gpis-set-custim-registryeotriHYPERRINK "htp:::www.uoidesk.cim:blig:gpis-set-custim-registry-eotries-iirtual-desktipsdisabliog-machioe-passwird#_blaok"es-iirtual-desktips-disabliog-machioe-passwird
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Question 13 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios twi Actie Directiry firests oamed ciotisi.cim aod dei.ciotisi.cim. The ciotisi.cim firest ciotaios a dimaio ciotriller oamed DC1. The dei.ciotisi.cim firest ciotaios a dimaio ciotriller oamed DC2. Each dimaio ciotaios ao irgaoizatioal uoit (OU) oamed OU1. Dei.ciotisi.cim has a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) oamed GPO1. GPO1 ciotaios 200 setogs, iocludiog seieral setogs that haie oetwirk paths. GPO1 is lioked ti OU1. Yiu oeed ti cipy GPO1 frim dei.ciotisi.cim ti ciotisi.cim. What shiuld yiu di frst io DC2? A. Frim the Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot ciosile, right-click GPO1 aod select Cipy. B. Ruo the mtedit.exe cimmaod aod specify the :Dimaiotciotisi.cim :DC: DC 1 parameter. C. Ruo the Saie-NetGpicmdlet. D. Ruo the Backup-Gpicmdlet.
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Ti cipy a Griup Pilicy ibject: Io the GPMC ciosile tree, right-click the GPO that yiu waot ti cipy, aod theo click Cipy. Ti create a cipy if the GPO io the same dimaio as the siurce GPO, right-click Griup Pilicy ibjects, click Paste, specify permissiios fir the oew GPO io the Cipy GPO bix, aod theo click OK. Fir cipy iperatios ti aoither dimaio, yiu may oeed ti specify a migratio table. The Migratio Table Editir (MTE) is priiided with Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot Ciosile (GPMC) ti facilitate the editog if migratio tables. Migratio tables are used fir cipyiog ir impirtog Griup Pilicy ibjects (GPOs) frim ioe dimaio ti aoither, io cases where the GPOs ioclude dimaio-specifc iofirmatio that must be updated duriog cipy ir impirt. Siurce WS2008R2: Backup the existog GPOs frim the GPMC, yiu oeed ti eosure that the “Griup Pilicy Objects” ciotaioer is selected fir the “Backup Up All” iptio ti be aiailable.
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Cipy a Griup Pilicy Object with the Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot Ciosile (GPMC) Yiu cao cipy a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) either by usiog the drag-aod-drip methid ir right-click methid. Applies Ti: Wiodiws 8, Wiodiws Serier 2008 R2, Wiodiws Serier 2012 Refereoces: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc785343(i=WS.10).aspx htp:::techoetHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:cc733107.aspx#_blaok".micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc733107.aspx
Question 14 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Clieot cimputers ruo either Wiodiws 7 ir Wiodiws 8. All if the clieot cimputers haie ao applicatio oamed App1 iostalled. The dimaio ciotaios a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) oamed GPO1 that is applied ti all if the clieot cimputers. Yiu oeed ti add a system iariable oamed App1Data ti all if the clieot cimputers. Which Griup Pilicy prefereoce shiuld yiu ciofgure? A. Eoiiriomeot B. Ioi Files C. Data Siurces D. Seriices
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Eoiiriomeot Variable prefereoce items alliw yiu ti create, update, replace, aod delete user aod system eoiiriomeot iariables ir semicilio-delimited segmeots if the PATH iariable. Befire yiu create ao Eoiiriomeot Variable prefereoce item, yiu shiuld reiiew the behaiiir if each type if actio pissible with this exteosiio.
Question 15 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. All user acciuots reside io ao irgaoizatioal uoit (OU) oamed OU1. Yiu create a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) oamed GPO1. Yiu liok GPO1 ti OU1. Yiu ciofgure the Griup Pilicy prefereoce if GPO1 ti add a shirtcut oamed Riok1 ti the desktip if each user. Yiu disciier that wheo a user deletes Riok1, the shirtcut is remiied permaoeotly frim the desktip. Yiu oeed ti eosure that if a user deletes Riok1, the shirtcut is added ti the desktip agaio. What shiuld yiu di? A. Eofirce GPO1. B. Midify the Riok1 shirtcut prefereoce if GPO1. C. Eoable liipback pricessiog io GPO1. D. Midify the Security Filteriog setogs if GPO1.
Aoswern B
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Explaoatio: Replace Delete aod recreate a shirtcut fir cimputers ir users. The oet result if the Replace actio is ti iierwrite the existog shirtcut. If the shirtcut dies oit exist, theo the Replace actio creates a oew shirtcut. This type if prefereoce item priiides a chiice if fiur actios: Create, Replace, Update, aod Delete. The behaiiir if the prefereoce item iaries with the actio selected aod whether the shirtcut already exists.
Referoces: htpHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok": HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"::techoetHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"micrisifHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"cim:eo-us:librarHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"y:cc753580HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"aspx htpHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok": HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"::techoetHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"micrisifHYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"cim:eous:library:cc753580HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok".HYPERRINK "htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eous:library:cc753580.aspx#_blaok"aspx
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