Connect Canada Magazine - Edition Winter 2010

Page 1

Spectacular Real Estate Listings in Nova Scotia

Aggravation is a good thing, when it comes to Wool

Eastern Townships, Québec

Farm mit 240+ hektar & zwei Wohnhäuser CAN $7.00

It’s really about relationships



ime “I have not looked ahead this calendar year” WHY is that? - you ask. TIME is our most precious commodity. Some TIMES move too fast and other TIMES’ not fast enough. The right TIME to make the right decision, in balance and in harmony, well grounded. As we are transitioning from 2010 into 2011, we all continue to create the revolving collage of our lives. It is a project which will never stop to finish, as it continues to grow with us. Snapshots of Time within a season, we enjoy festivals, birthdays and holidays, moving through the calendar year “calmly – organized - letting it come to us”.

We may reflect, look back and recount what was good and what decisions could have been � made to realize a dream not yet fulfilled. As the saying goes “Time waits for no one” and so timing plays such an important role in our life. We are all dependent on time. Without Time we are nothing and we cannot realize anything! We are asked what we plan for the next 3 years, and what our upcoming 5 year goals map out to: > a transfer through workplace > education > a change in pace due to retirement… = all translate into either a faster or slower pace.

We are told: “you have so many good years left in you, what are you going to do with them?” Investors know that owning a destination property is like paying yourself to take vacations. Affordable oceanfront properties are becoming more and more scarce, just ask anyone from the U.S.A., Europe or even within CANADA - British Columbia for that matter – these properties are much sought after and Nova Scotia has it all… and then some! All that is waiting between you and realizing your dream, is merely to make a decision and never look back! That’s all…. all the while remembering that Time keeps marching on.

@CC Magazine, we are just beginning to have serious fun! This is our 2nd Edition and it is all about Time and focus, place and location, story and a good reason why, centered around Real Estate, Home Base and Home away from Home. It is our decision to offer a real estate publication in step with TIME! A Safe and Happy Journey in 2011 to you and yours. “How fast 10 years have passed in Time, eh!”

Connect >< Canada

Photo credit: Frank Harmsen

Edition Winter 2010/11




Real Estate



by Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc.

13 15 24 28 30 34 36 38 40 48 50


Wildlife Estates @ Hollahan Lake SOUTH SHORE

Upscale Marina Living SOUTH SHORE


A Well-Crafted Home... EASTERN SHORE

Romancing the Sea EASTERN SHORE

Embrace the Space EASTERN SHORE

Open Plan Home with 28+ Acres SOUTH SHORE

Acres of Park-like Privacy... HALIFAX METRO

Make this Dream Home Your Reality

50 42


Bold Ocean on Cape Gegogan EASTERN SHORE

A Place to Live and... EASTERN SHORE



Home on 60+ Acres which backs onto 3 Lakes...


A Northumberland Seaside Home


Business 6


It’s Really About Relationships by ROSS FINLAY

59 26

16 20 26 49 32

20 13



The Toy Maker of Lunenburg SOUTH SHORE

The Red Cap Restaurant & Motel YARMOUTH & ACADIAN SHORE

The Harbour Ridge Golf Course EASTERN SHORE

The Venture Café EASTERN SHORE



Out of Province 8

240+ ha Farmland mit zwei Häusern EASTERN TOWNSHIPS, QUÉBEC

Lifestyle 42 52 59

über nova scotia

Chicken Dreams by TIM BRUSHETT Aggravation is a Good Thing, When it Comes to Wool by MARTINA ROBINSON Tapping into Spring by PAM JONES

Travel 46


Oh Canada


Food 18

Tip of the Hat to Red Cap by NADINE FOWNES

CC Group 60

Contact Us



It’s really by Ross Finlay


hen I returned to Nova Scotia after

My instinct was to hang up in disbelief/anger

a wide-ranging career in the “Big

but instead I said “Well then, we had better get

Smoke” I decided to go it alone and

to know one another.” We did and in the years

try my hand at consulting and use my experience to help others. (A detractor once described a

following they became a very good client. In business, competence is one thing but

consultant as “any unemployed person with a briefcase more

just as important, if not more, is

“Trust and respect

the strength of the relationship

remember clearly submitting my

are at the heart

business, you’re in the business

first proposal for a project I was

of building

than three miles from home.”) I

very confident I could complete in an exemplary fashion. I had


worked hard on that proposal


and was quite secure in my

between two people. If you’re in of relationships. A referral can be much more powerful than an excellent proposal. Organizations depend on the quality




plan. You can imagine that I was

They are the

disappointed when the contract

glue that holds

suppliers. Part skill, part art,

was given to a large firm.

them together.”

good interpersonal skills are

I took the opportunity to call up the company to ask for

feedback on the proposal so I could learn for

with investors, staff, clients and

consistently rated as the number one priority for a majority of


next time. “Your proposal was the best” was

Trust and respect are at the heart of building

the response. “We thought yours was the most

business relationships. They are the glue that

creative and we really liked your methodology.”

holds them together. Trust emerges from the

I couldn’t imagine it was price as I knew I didn’t

observed connections between expected and

have the overhead of the large firm. “No, yours

actual behaviour. There are several elements

was the most competitively priced proposal.” I

of trust and respect that you should know.

asked the next logical question – why didn’t I

First is that they are given, you cannot buy or

get the work? “We don’t know you” was the

take either. Second, they don’t just suddenly

very telling reply.

happen; rather, trust and respect grow over

6 Business

about relationships time. They are both rational and emotional at

less time is wasted, creativity increases and

the same time. Finally, they are personal and

productivity rises. If you can help people save

presume a two way relationship.

time and achieve their goals, the likelihood of

So how can you increase people’s respect and trust in you? There are many ways but here’s a

reciprocation is enhanced. Enlarge





wherever possible. Networks expand through

few: Get to know people. Take the time to learn

introductions. Introduce people to others in

people’s likes and dislikes. This will help you get

your relationship “circle” whenever you can

to know the character of the individual. You

and whenever it’s appropriate. Remember,

are often judged by the company you keep so

association with certain people can work for you

it’s important to your reputation that you have

or against you. Sometime’s hearing someone

relationships with the right people.

say “I’ve got a lot of time for that person” is





a signal of an existing relationship and you can

Know your own strengths and weaknesses.

utilize this to enhance your own relationship

Interpersonal skills include communication,

building efforts. Explore that connection.

presentation and networking skills. Good

Make heroes of other people. Recognize

networking means being able to confidently

accomplishments and make a point of telling

introduce yourself to strangers, deliver a

others. This reinforces their efforts when you

handshake without spilling appetizers down

express pride in their accomplishments and will

your front, hold a stimulating conversation,

nurture a growing respect.

escape politely if you’ve struck the party bore and make useful contacts for future business.

Finally, walk the talk. Live up to your commitments and be a risk taker when it comes

Use your power in the service of others

to trusting others. As Stephen Covey said “The

and their objectives. Be a resource to people.

most important ingredient we put into any

Information is power and, unlike the past

relationship is not what we say or what we do,

where people hoarded information and used

but what we are.”

it sparingly, today’s environment sees success coming from the sharing of information. When information is shared, people are more efficient,

Ross E. Finlay is an angel investor, co-founder of the First Angel Network Association and a consultant recognized for his facilitation, business planning, and strategic change advice. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of CC Group Publishing.



Diese voll ausgestattete Farm liegt nur knapp 1,5 Stunden Fahrzeit von Montreal und wenige Minuten von Vermont (USA) entfernt und wartet nur darauf, von Ihnen übernommen zu werden! 1



8 Robinson & Harmsen Relocation Services GbR


u dieser Farm gehören ca. 243 ha Land, zwei Wohnhäuser, verschiedene Außengebäude und der Grundstock an Werkzeugen und Maschinen, die für einen Farmbetrieb notwendig sind. Da sie als Ltd. registriert ist, bietet sie jedem Einwanderungsinteressenten für Kanada ideale Voraussetzungen, diesen Schritt über den Erwerb des Objekts für sich zu ermöglichen.

Der Bungalow Dieses kleine Landhaus ist mit seinen ca. 200qm Wohnfläche äußerst großzügig angelegt. Im rustikalen Erdgeschoß befinden sich zwei Schlafzimmer, ein Bad, das Wohnzimmer und die gemütliche Küche. Die großen Fensterfronten geben den Blick über Ihr Land bis zum Horizont frei. Das Gebäude ist voll unterkellert. In diesem Bereich, der auch durch einen separaten Eingang erreichbar ist, befinden sich das zweite Bad, ein weiteres Schlafzimmer und die Wirtschaftsräume mit Waschmaschine und Trockner. Die neu gebaute Rolltor - Lagerhalle bietet auf einer Grundfläche von ca. 20m x 40m reichlich Lagerraum für Maschinen und Fahrzeuge.

lifestyle business

240+ ha Farmland mit zwei Häusern in Québec’s malerischen Eastern Townships

1 Das “White House” 2 Maschinenpark in der neuen Lagerhalle 3 Weideland 4 Abendstimmung 3

Das „Weiße Haus“ Das Baujahr 1920 sieht man dem Gebäude mit seiner weit ausladenden Veranda, von der Sie einen traumhaften Blick über Ihr Land haben, nicht an, da in der letzten Zeit umfangreiche bauliche Erneuerungen vorgenommen wurden. Das Strom - und Wasserleitungssystem wurden modernisiert., die Sanitäreinrichtung erneuert, das Dach und der Schornstein renoviert und eine moderne Holzheizung eingebaut. Ein 5m tiefer Brunnen sichert die Wasserversorgung des Hauses mit erstklassigem Wasser.


Das Farmland Das Land besteht zu ca. 81 ha aus Weiden und zu ca. 162 ha aus Wald. 1980 wurde der Farmbetrieb in die heutige Gesellschaftsform, einer Ltd., überführt. Das Land ist fruchtbar, so dass Sie eine Vielzahl verschiedener Nutzpflanzen anbauen können. Neben einer Landwirtschaft sind auch andere Geschäftsideen in dieser zauberhaften Umgebung sehr gut umsetzbar.



Eastern Townships Quebéc, Canada Preis: 748,000 CAD


Balko Schmidt Büro: +49.4532.4084.165 (CET) Frank Harmsen Robinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR Weitere Informationen: Grundrisse Grundriss "White House" Grundriss "Bungalow"

➛ ➛ ➛

Robinson & Harmsen Relocation Services GbR


Our Constellation Dynamics Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. A Licensed Real Estate Brokerage in Nova Scotia

Martina Robinson (E, G)

Bettina Grunwald (E, G)

Frank Harmsen (G, E)

Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia

Managing Associate Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia

Managing Director

Bill Slaunwhite (E)


Unlicensed Assistant to Martina Robinson Business Operations Coordinator Executive Assistant to Frank Harmsen

Licensed Industry Members in Nova Scotia Martina Neuer (G, E)

CC Group Publishing Inc.

A Nova Scotia Incoporated Company


Graphic Design & Layout, Photography, Copywriting, Translation, Property Portraits, Floorplans, Internet & Social Media, Print Services

PSM - Professional Standards Mentorship Training, Consulting & Support for Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. Licensed Industry Members in Nova Scotia

CC Magazine

Providing a visually engaging cross-marketing medium online & in print

Professionals serving Professionals

Robinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR A Licensed Real Estate Brokerage in Germany

Frank Harmsen (G, E) Broker Licensed Industry Member in Germany

Balko Schmidt (G, E)

Martina Robinson (E, G)

Broker Licensed Industry Member in Germany Business Operations Coordinator

Broker Licensed Industry Member in Germany

We serve you in English, French and German

Welcome to the Featured Listings of

in Nova Scotia, Canada

Picture at White Point Beach, Queens County. Robinson & Harmsen assumes no responsibility for its accuracy. Interested parties are encouraged to seek independent verification of facts presented herein. CC Group Publishing assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. listings in the CC magazine.


Wildlife Estates @ Hollahan Lake

NOTES: Property Info:


ILDLIFE ESTATES @ Hollahan Lake - within its Phase I, this community is presently offering 10 Lots for Sale. You will find your future homestead partly surrounded and protected by Crown Land; the Blandford Nature Reserve with its sheer size of some 320 ha. showcases Nature at its best. The lake promises you sailing, fishing, kayaking, canoeing, swimming and you can surely relax and play in this lifestyle setting. The Hollahan Lake area is most conveniently located between the communities of East River and Blandford. Beautiful beaches within the picturesque Aspotogan Peninsula are reached in minimal driving time. 
The Highway #103 is connected to in under 10 minutes and the towns of Chester and Hubbards are reached within 20 minutes by car.

10 Lots @ Hollahan Lake Highway #329 Deep Cove, Lunenburg County Nova Scotia, Canada MLSÂŽ: # 60064367/1-10 Prices starting @ 63,900 incl. HST

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. -in co-operation withRobinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR



Building a Home that is

“A Cut Above�

For more information, please call or visit your local Lindal Design Centre at: 1-877-3LINDAL or 902-252-RENO, or visit our website at: or


Upscale Marina Living in East River Point

1 Idyllic harbor setting 2 View to the property from the ocean 3 Expansive view to marina from the property 4 Side view of lot

NOTES: Property Info:

Lot 23, Endeavour Avenue East River Point, B0J 1T0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 60628344 Price: 125,000 CAD


et your sights on having a nautical lifestyle on Nova Scotia’s South Shore with this +/- 1.19 acre partially cleared and treed corner lot across from one of Nova Scotia’s newest, full-service,

yacht maintenance, and repair facilities. – East River Marine. The lot is located within an upscale development that is a commutable 50 minutes drive to the city of Halifax and a convenient 10 minute’s drive to the charming town of Chester; as such, you can truly build a home that is positioned within the best of both worlds - a

Contact Info:

Anna-Lisa Jones REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.452.8044

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Online Map

➛ ➛

city to work and play in, and a home to retreat to and rest in. There is a clear sight line to the marina; and, as the lot is raised up from the road, it offers the possibility of building a home with expansive views of the ocean. The marina offers 40 moorings and 30 marina slips for yachts up to 130 feet length overall; and, with the capacity of hauling boats to 80 feet LOA, 20- foot beam, and 70 metric tons by travel lift, this is one small but mighty marina.


If you have a marine lifestyle on your building lot wish list, go to 23 Endeavour Avenue and imagine the possibilities...


`UW gba` S f[_W



magine being able to own one of the most respected wooden toy making businesses in Canada and live in beautiful Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, home to the legendary Bluenose II and UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can do both with this amazing Lifestyle Business opportunity. The Toy Maker of Lunenburg has been operating for over 30 years and has earned the reputation for producing safe, practical toys that challenge children’s imaginations. Current toys include brainteasers, puzzles and giftware with room to expand the line. As the new owner, you’d enjoy an admirable legacy, producing long-lasting, quality products that could be used for generations to come. The two-storey, 2,000 sq. ft. workshop serves as the manufacturing facility, storage area and distribution centre. As well, there is a complete list of tools that are provided with this offer. The custom built, 2,700 sq. ft. home is very comfortable and spacious and is infused with light. In-floor heating warms the home’s main floor and there is a huge granite fireplace that is well featured. This is a Lifestyle Home and business to be proud of!

S`V kag Uag^V ^[hW ZSbb[^k WhWd SXfWd ...and you could live happily ever after. 5RELQVRQ+DUPVHQ FRP

Step into an established, respected Lifestyle Business in beautiful Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

NOTES: Property Info:

12 Sandy Hollow Road Lunenburg, B0J 2C0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 60056496 Price: 524,000 CAD

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson Broker, Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛



Tip of the by Nadine Fownes

A Middle West Pubnico restaurant serves haddock so divine it begged to be recreated at home!


his was the year of the dream vacation for

rich, chunky lobster cream sauce that contained much

many of my friends and family.

more lobster than cream.






Scotland, Italy, Maine … You name it, every other

It was so fabulous that I have spent weeks obsessing over how to replicate the recipe at home.

week someone was packing up

“You know, you could just email

and jetting off to some fabulous

them and ask if they would share



their recipe with you,” my husband

home and regaling us with stories

said to me a few days ago as I

of where they’d been, what they’d

stood at the stove, stirring together

seen and the food they’d eaten.

my third attempt at recreating this



To them, I say: “Oh yeah? Well,

fantastic dish.

we went to the Pubnicos. So there.”

“Yes, but that wouldn’t be

And that’s not meant as a

nearly as much fun, would it?” was

complaint. Not at all. It’s




my reply as I blew the steam off tourist


your own province; the scenery

a spoonful of lobster-pink cream before splurping a taste.

along this meandering stretch of

The following recipe is my

southwestern Nova Scotia coastline

interpretation of the Red Cap

is spectacular.

Restaurant’s Haddock with Lobster

Plus, we ate one of the most delicious and

Sauce. I think I’ve got it just about right. But we

memorable meals of our entire summer – a delicious

should probably take another drive down the shore to

dish of haddock with lobster sauce – at a sweet little

get one more taste. You know, just to be certain that

Acadian restaurant called the Red Cap in Middle West

I haven’t missed anything.

Pubnico. The haddock fillet was as fresh as it could be: sweet, delicate and moist on the inside, light and golden crisp on the outside. Draped over it was a

18 Food

You would be well advised to do the same. Nadine Fownes is a food writer and photographer in Halifax, Nova Scotia. You can read her column, Comfort Food, every other Wednesday in The Chronicle Herald. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of CC Group Publishing.

Hat to Red Cap! Haddock in Lobster Sauce, Pubnico Style! 4 fresh haddock fillets (1 small fillet per person, or two larger fillets that have been cut into two pieces) 1 egg salt and pepper 250 ml (1 cup) panko crumbs 30 ml (2 tbsp) butter, NOT margarine 30 ml (2 tbsp) vegetable oil

For the lobster sauce: 2 small lobsters, cooked and cooled (choose lobsters that are about 700g to 1 kg (1 ½ to 2 pounds each) in size)


rack the lobsters, using a bowl to catch any

30 ml (2 tbsp) butter, NOT margarine 15 ml (1 tbsp) finely chopped shallot 1 small garlic clove, smashed but left whole 175 ml (3/4 cup) heavy cream freshly ground pepper dash Tabasco sauce or a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper a small splash of white wine 75 ml (1/3 cup) chopped flat leaf parsley leaves lemon wedges

flat dish, spread out the panko crumbs.

liquid that drips from the shells. Remove the

Dip the fish fillets into the beaten egg, shake off

meat from the shells and chop into chunks.

excess and then lightly coat each piece with bread

Set aside. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, melt butter

crumbs. Place on a plate and lightly season each fillet with salt and pepper (go easy on the salt.)

and oil together. Lightly sauté shallots and garlic in the

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. If your

hot just until the shallots begin to become translucent,

pan is too small to cook all four fillets at once, use two

but take care not to let them brown. Scrape the lobster

pans. (The fish won’t get crispy if it’s crowded.) Melt

into the hot pan and gently sauté in the butter and

butter and oil in the pan and heat until bubbly. Slide

shallots. Stir in the cream and any reserved juice from

breaded fish fillets into the hot butter and fry until

the lobster, lower the heat and cook gently until the

golden, about three to four minutes on each side, or

cream reduces and thickens. Season to taste with

just until the fish is cooked through. (If you’re not sure,

some freshly ground pepper and a dash of Tabasco or

take a fork and see if the fish flakes easily. When it

cayenne. Lobster tends to have a lot of salt so be sure

does, it’s done.)

to taste before you add any more – you shouldn’t need to add much salt, if any.

Just before the fish is ready, return the pan of lobster sauce to the heat and fish out the whole garlic clove

At this point, the sauce can be set aside, covered,

and discard it. Give the sauce one last stir, loosening it

and kept warm. If it thickens too much, it can be revived

up if it is too thick by adding a tiny splash of wine, milk,

by stirring in a tiny splash of white wine or a little bit of

water or stock.

milk, stock or water.

Place each haddock fillet on a plate and spoon some

Next, prepare the fish by patting the fillets dry with

lobster sauce over the top of each fillet. Scatter a little

a slightly damp paper towel. Crack the egg into a cup,

chopped parsley over top and serve with a squeeze of

whisk with a fork and pour into a flat dish. In another

fresh lemon juice.



Lifestyle Business


Red Cap Restaurant & Motel A Seaside Lifestyle A Lifestyle Business A A Match Match Made Made in in Heaven! Heaven!


20 20

3 Colourful flags 11 Colourful flagsattract attractvisitors from around the world visitors from around the world. The 130-seat offers 22 The 130-seatrestaurant restaurant offers both casualand andfine fine dining. dining both casual The view patio 33 The viewfrom fromthe theoutdoor outdoor at the patio at Red the Cap Red Cap.

NOTES: Property Info:

1014 Highway 335 Middle West Pubnico, B0W 2M0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 90075524 Price: 697,000 + HST CAD



estled between the the waters waters estled between of Lobster of Lobster Bay Bay and andPubnico Pubnico Harbouryou’ll you’ll the Harbour find find the quaint quaint town of West Pubnico town of West Pubnico offering offering of thebeautiful most beautiful some ofsome the most seaside seaside landscapes in the province landscapes in the province of Nova of Nova This glorious Scotia. This Scotia. glorious Lifestyle Property Lifestyle Property is homeRed to the is home to the beautiful Cap beautiful Red Cap Restaurant & Restaurant & Motel � imagine, two Motel – imagine two successful successful businesses in one! businesses in one! The Red Cap’s brilliant roof acts Situated on 3.19 acres of land, as a beacon to visitors travelling the Red Cap’s brilliant roof acts as the scenic “Lighthouse” and aalong beacon to visitors travelling “Evangeline Trail” driving routes, along the scenic “Lighthouse” both popular and well-publicized and “Evangeline Trail” driving destinations forpopular tourists. and wellroutes, both Located destinations 2.5 hours from Halifax publicized for tourists. and just a half hour to the colourful Located 2.5 hours from Halifax and just .5 hours to the colourful

town of Yarmouth, Yarmouth, the the Red Red Cap Cap town invites visitors enjoy invites visitors to to enjoy tasty tasty local local fareboth with both casual and fare with casual and fine dining fine dining options. In summer options. In summer months, the months, thearea outside patio place area outside patio is a popular is a popular place to enjoy the to enjoy the fabulous ocean view. fabulous ocean view. The twelve The tastefully appointed rooms make tastefully appointed rooms the Red Cap the perfect endingmake to an the Red Cap the perfect ending to adventurous day of sightseeing. an adventurous day of sightseeing. As the owner of the Red Cap, As the owner of the Red Cap, you’ll enjoy living and working in a you’ll enjoy living and working community where friendly residents in a community where friendly value a slower of life, where residents valuepace a slower pace of your time is your own and where life, where your time is your own your where businessyour is a business pleasure �isa your “Joie and de Vivre” –that is uniquely Acadian. pleasure a “Joie de Vivre” that is Call us Acadian. for a private showing at uniquely your leisure. Call us for a private showing at your leisure.

Contact Info: Property Info:Broker Martina Robinson,

1014 Highway 335, Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile:West (001)Pubnico, 902.476.4710 Middle B0W 2M0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS ®: # 9 0 0 7 5 5 2 4 Listing Brokerage: Price: 697,000 CAD Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Agent Info:Estate Inc. -in co-operation withMartina Robinson, REALTOR ® Robinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR Listing Brokerage: Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle For moreReal Info Estate pleaseInc. click here: Office: (001) 902.889.3249 Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710 Online Map

➛ ➛

For more Info please click here Robinson Google Maps

➛ ➛


David R. Melvin

B.A. (Hons), M.P.A., LL.B

Barrister • Solicitor • Notary Public

Profile and Practice Areas A lawyer practicing with his colleagues at Livingstone & Company; a law firm located in downtown Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. We are committed to offering quality legal services in a timely and costeffective manner. Servicing the greater Halifax Regional Municipality and Province of Nova Scotia, our practice includes litigation, corporate-commercial matters, wills, estates and real estate. Our client base includes small and medium sized businesses, financial institutions, individuals and families. We regularly provide advice on a variety of areas of law. Please feel free to contact us with your inquiry as to how we might assist you. David R. Melvin

Livingstone & Company 17 Prince Street, Suite 201 P.O. Box 664 Dartmouth, NS • B2Y 3Y9

t: (902) 461-5111, ext. 5 f: (902) 461-4911 e:

We are in our 3 rd Generation, servicing your everyday automobile needs for 40 + years.

Locations: 2803 Robie Street, Halifax (902) 454-8300

267 Bedford Highway, Halifax (902) 443-3150

217 Wyse Road, Dartmouth (902) 469-6250

975 Cole Harbour Road, Dartmouth (902) 404-3133



A Well-Crafted Home 1


Utility 9.10x4.11 ft.

Kitchen 15.10x15.6 ft. Dining Room 15.6x10.2 ft.

Laundry Room 11.6x7.8 ft.

Bath 11.6x 5.7 ft.


Foyer 11.6x5.7 ft

Living Room 15.2x13.2 ft.

Main floor 24


with Style, Charm & Integrity Located in Musquodoboit Harbour


n this increasingly virtual world, the REAL is in the greatest demand ever. This vintage home has been strategically re-shaped by master craftsmen

to fit into today’s world, keeping its integrity, style and charm! The deep water anchorage offers a safe haven with over 150 feet of ocean shore entertaining. Intelligent “James Hardi Siding”, full front veranda,


1 Traditional wrap around porch 2 Southwest views are perfect for sunsets 3 Back deck view to Petpeswick Inlet 4 From dining room, looking toward kitchen

NOTES: Property Info:

254 East Petpeswick Road Musquodoboit Harbour, B0J 2L0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 40859209 Price: 429,900 CAD Ocean frontage: +/- 165 feet

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson, Broker, Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛

spacious back deck overlooking the Musquodoboit Harbour inlet; walk-out lower level. Boasting a jet-air bathtub to soak the senses, in-floor heat to snuggle your toes, his & her sinks. A cherry-wood kitchen with Jenn-Air dual fuel restaurant-style propane range; a prep sink, built in Carrera marble pastry counter.


Modern people living @ it’s best! Original house is circa 1902 and rebuilt in 2005.


lifestyle business

FORE... 1

The Harbour Ridge Golf Course


...SALE, in East Petpeswick


Photo credit: Bettina Grunwald 1 Visual enjoyment from the Clubhouse upper level deck 2 Clubhouse, coming from the 9th hole 3 Beautiful view even on a foggy day 4 The 3rd hole 3


land with beautiful waterfront on Jeddore Harbour


boasts lots of potential for development. Expand to

Property Info:

his 9-hole golf course on more than 160 acres of

an 18 hole course (approval in place, purchaser to verify) and add some rental cottages, or simply enjoy the existing business! Presently included: a well maintained golf course with breathtaking views over Petpeswick Inlet. A 10 year old, 3-storey Club House with a wrap around deck, a mediumsized licensed restaurant, and of course locker facilities for guests. As a huge plus, the owner or their groundkeeper will love the 3 bedroom/1 bath apartment with its south facing deck.

108 Harbour Ridge Drive Musquodoboit Harbour, B0J 2L0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 40832800 Price: 698,000 + HST CAD Ocean frontage: +/- 300m / 1,000 feet

Contact Info:

Martina Neuer REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.223.9924

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc.

All business equipment is included plus a separate, outbuilding for storage. Healthy membership numbers plus green fee players

For more Info please click here: Online Map

➛ ➛

and the cozy restaurant make this a profitable business with potential for growth. Are you looking for an opportunity to take part in the area development? Then, come to live


and work while you play.




A lifestyle location set “next door to” the Martinique Beach Provincial Park & Wildlife Sanctuary


ou would find this Executive

The nearest golf course is just 5

Bungalow feel as yummy as

minutes away from your doorstep

a Coastal Cottage should.

and the local yacht club is located

A savvy getaway house, sunny and

around the corner and happily

spacious with modern shades of

welcoming new members.


Too good to believe, come

Enjoy your grand outdoor space

and SEA… and stroll your very

with some 1,000 feet of ocean

own boardwalk and continue on

frontage, a wharf, a boathouse and

your private nature paths along

an awesome gazebo which forms

the saltwater inlet and oh, don’t

part of the home. Raised gardens,

forget to bring your sailboat.

mature landscape, nature paths and a bench to sit upon to sip your morning coffee. The deck is a wonderful place to relax, while enjoying the sunset, sharing time and an evening glass of wine. Live




entertain friends and family, while you know your home is considered “the place to come to” for gatherings. Flow together in unexpected ways as you realize: 45 minutes to reach the Halifax city centre and mere minutes to one of Nova Scotia’s prettiest sandy surf beaches.



Rom the S


1 Revel in the 180 degree views 2 View to ocean and boardwalk 3 Boardwalk along the shoreline


mancing Sea

Property Info:

2242 East Petpeswick Road East Petpeswick, B0J 2L0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 40197089 Price: 595,000 CAD Ocean frontage: +/- 1/4 mile

Contact Info:

Martina Neuer REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.223.9924


Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Kitchen 14.9x11.2ft. Bath


Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. -in co-operation withRobinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR

Bedroom 15.1x11.10 ft.

Living Room 17.10x16.8 ft.

Cinema 15.3x7.6ft.

Bath 15.1x8.1 ft.

Foyer 14.9x11.2ft.

Bedroom 16.10x15.1 ft.

Dining 16.8x11.2 ft.


Bedroom 17.6x11.10 ft.

Sunroom 11.10x11.2 ft.

Deck 22.0x12.6 ft.

For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛


Gazibo 12.6x11.6 ft.


Main floor



Embrace the Space 1 Sunny & bright south-westerly views from the house 2 To the upper level “eagles loft” master bedroom 3 The kitchen 4 Open living concept with gorgeous ocean views 1

while overlooking the Seaforth cliffs





them every chance you get? You want an intelligent


house that matches your character in a family friendly

Property Info:

o you have an anti-wall policy and want to eliminate

neighbourhood; a home which flows together in energetic ways! Then embrace this space with its 18 foot ceiling in your living room overlooking the ocean inlet views. Your indoor plants have never looked healthier than through smart Kohler windows with Low-E Argon Glass. This home offers a pleasing entertaining flow. We call the master bedroom “the eagles loft”.

1387 East Chezzetcook Road Lower East Chezzetcook, B0J 1N0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 40802894 Price: 497,000 CAD

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Bedroom 12.6x10.10 ft.

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. -in co-operation withRobinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR

Bath 12.6x11.6 ft.


Living Room 22.11 x 13.11 ft.

For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛

Kitchen 13.7x13.1 ft.



Main floor RobinsonHarmsen


recreational land

A Lifestyle Re-imagined Approximately 250 Acres located in Bass River Mines 1


nature lover’s delight! 250 acres of hardwood forest with a babbling brook running through it. This log cottage sits on top of its own hill overlooking an expanse of rolling hills and

the sparkling waters of the Bay of Fundy in the distance. This cozy abode loves its woodstove. Drinking water comes from the brook, or dig a small well. Tap your own maple trees and boil your own golden maple syrup. Enjoy nature galore, while the deer and rabbits join you. The tranquility and peace of this nature treasure is all yours to have and to hold. Just about 20 minutes from the Wentworth Ski region and to the fabulous Masstown market.


NOTES: Property Info:

3 1 View from loft into living room 2 ... and a brook runs through it 3 A fine log home 4 The view from the loft all the way to the Bay of Fundy 5 A place to meditate

Lornevale Road Mines Bass River, B0M 1L0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 20124202 Price: 265,000 CAD

Contact Info:

Martina Neuer REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.223.9924

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. 4

For more Info please click here: Online Map

➛ ➛





Open Plan Home in Beautiful Bayport

Ocean views with restful lush landscaping


ocated approximately 1.5 hours southwest of Halifax, you’ll find this contemporary yet casual +/- 2,100 sq. foot home well set-back from the road, perched on a

rise of land with expansive views of the beautifully landscaped gardens and the ocean beyond. There is a lot of dream time potential with this +/- 28.6 acre property as it is zoned R3; so, whether you just want your home on the range, or to run a small scale business, or to operate an agricultural operation (there are three cleared fields), you have choices. There are some restrictions to R3 zoning, so your plans for the property 1


will require municipal approval.



1 Spacious soft bark path through property 2 Contemporary yet casual open plan living 3 Rich cherry wood flooring w/pine ceiling & windows 4 Main view to home

Property Info:

2688 Highway 332 Bayport, B0J 2X0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 60196151 Price: 449,000 CAD

The house itself has a modern open plan layout

through the pine cathedral

Anna-Lisa Jones REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.452.8044

ceiling and the oversized

Listing Brokerage:

and the space is infused with light from the skylights




warm wood frames. There 4

Contact Info:

are rich cherry, hardwood floors in the main great room area, built in appliances in the kitchen, a huge, bright master

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛

bedroom with access to a private deck area; and, downstairs, you will find a large space office/bedroom space as well as a large bedroom, bath, and a workshop space. Lunenburg, only 12 minutes away, is a World UNESCO Heritage site, with over 180 shops and services including an acute care hospital and several clinics. Live large in a lifestyle community in


this Bayport home!



A Kingswood Contemporary Home with Acres of Park-like Privacy Enjoy Nature in a Lifestyle+ Community


irtually unheard of in the much sought-after Kingswood subdivision, this contemporary styled Cape-Codinspired, 2,090 square foot home sits on an amazing

8.5 acres of lush landscaping, evergreens, and deciduous trees. The pre-cut trails through the property are a wonderful place to walk and unwind, are convenient off-leash park areas; and for children, offer a wildly unstructured area for imaginative play. Eight years young, 3 bedroom/3.5 baths, and immaculate, this home has an open place that is bright and breezy, with 1


walls of windows that create a relaxing indoor/outdoor feel



1 Path through property 2 Charming home in nature-rich setting 3 Bright & breezy open plan 4 Lush landscaping & culinary gardens


Property Info:

54 Lakeshore Drive Hammonds Plains, B4B 1X1 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 41078387 Price: 364,000 CAD

and an air filtration system that keeps the air delightfully fresh. The lower level has been renovated to include a



with ensuite and a separate French door entrance. This new space is located next to the family room which makes this lower level perfect

Contact Info:

Anna-Lisa Jones REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.452.8044

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛

for guests, a nanny, a need-for-privacy teen, or perhaps a live-in student. Just minutes to the local grocery store and public schools, 15 minutes to major shopping areas, under 30 minutes to downtown Halifax, and located on a bus route to French Immersion schools, this property definitely offers you the convenience of proximity


while offering the luxury of park-like privacy! Escape everyday to a place called home at 54 Lakeshore Drive.



Make This Dream Property Your 30 Acre Reality!




4 1 Home is where the HEART is 2 View towards Penn Hills Golf Course 3 Lovely outdoor entertaining deck 4 Safely enclosed pool off the deck


ove your space in this organic, modern lifestyle: “a spring runs through it” offering plenty of clear drinking water -and- more than enough to fill the swimming pool with. Space is definitely the key word here; freedom to explore your “Dreams, which are Realities waiting to be created.” – they say. What do you say? Tell us what you think after viewing this fine home in a central location! A note to golfers and entrepreneurs who are pondering this real property in way of a business opportunity: Penn Hills Golf Course is within walking distance of this property’s front door. This location is aproximately 33km to Truro, 30 minutes to the Halifax International Airport and under 1 hour to downtown Halifax.

NOTES: Property Info:

14048 Highway 215 Shubenacadie, B0N 2H0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 45102167 Price: 599,900 CAD

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. -in co-operation withRobinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

Bath 17.9x 5.4 ft.

Bedroom 17.6x12.8 ft.

➛ ➛ ➛ Living Room 21.0 x 15.4 ft.

Kitchen 12.10x12.8 ft.

Laundry 8.10x5.0 ft

Dining Room 14.8x12.8 ft.

Bedroom 12.8x11.0 ft.


Foyer 14.8x5.5 ft.

Main floor



Bold Oce

in Cape Geg NOTES: Property Info:

2470 Cape Gegogan Road Goldenville, B0J 3C0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 35179134 Price: 549,000 CAD Ocean frontage: +/- 415 feet

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. -in co-operation withRobinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR

#2470 Cape Gegogan Road Goldenville, B0J 3C0 Nova Scotia Canada Photo credit: Bob Hay


his address showcases a chic contemporary bold ocean home on the tip of Cape Gegogan, nestled between Little Liscomb and the Sonora Peninsulas.

Call it uncommon ground with its 25+ acres of privacy,

For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛

reached through the 12km private lane. Privacy Guaranteed! While you may truly enjoy an outdoor clothesline, every modern life appliance is present in this home. The intelligence of this lifestyle combines Green Energy sources of wood, wind, and solar including deep cell solar batteries, a backup diesel generator and a propane cookstove. The detached double sized garage features a finished loft.







Haus bietet auf zwei Etagen jeweils eine komplette Wohnung mit reichlich Platz für Sie und Ihre Gäste. 40

residential No stamp needed if mailed within Canada.


gogan NOTES: Property Info:

#2446 Cape Gegogan Road Goldenville, B0J 3C0 Nova Scotia Canada


tlantic bold ocean property with approximately 395 feet of frontage, lending itself safely to sea kayaking and sailing, diving and boating; the community even offers

2446 Cape Gegogan Road Goldenville, B0J 3C0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 35126168 Price: 239,000 CAD Ocean frontage: +/- 395 feet

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. -in co-operation withRobinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR

its own private boat slip to its members. Beach combing like pirates, romantic walks, fires by the sunset - you name it, you label it, you celebrate it….and take the summer photos for your scrap book. The home is self sufficient and Green Energy powered.

For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

➛ ➛ ➛

“sold as-is”, the price tag offers you a turn-key destination property to send postcards from and into the rest of the world. Ein idealer Platz mit fantastischem Blick über den Atlantik für traumhafte Sommerurlaube und urige


Winterabende vor dem Kamin.


By Tim Brushett

If I told you a chicken was capable of a rich inner life what would you think? Perhaps you’d smile in anticipation of a punch line or think me naive but bear with me. The evidence requires that we harken back to the spring of 2006 when I worked the summer in a recreated historic village on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore. Memory Lane Heritage Village depicts life in the area as it would have been in the 1940’s when most of the young men were overseas, electricity was a novel luxury granted to the lucky few and the rule of the monarchy an accepted fact. The discovery of gold in the underlying granite resulted in a furious but brief spate of wealth and employment however forested in equal measure in order to keep body and soul united. The collision of crag, forest and ocean creates a stunningly rugged landscape, beautiful but begrudging in its bounty. Communities of the era tended to be small, families and homesteads often widely dispersed resulting in a tough, enterprising people who understood the value of kin, good neighbours and honest labour. This was the venue into which I had chosen to cast my fortunes. I would be the village handyman. My duties were myriad but included the care of two sheep, two kittens the kittens were no problem, ample experience there. The sheep were another matter. It was rough going between us for a time but when accepting of one another our relationship became almost fraternal. Ultimately however, it was in the company of the chickens and a

diminutive rooster in particular that I gained the most knowledge, certainly compassion and perhaps even revelation. I was part way through an orientation tour with Gordon, a founding member of the Village board of directors. Gordon and I had sauntered up a gentle slope that divides the homestead from the boatbuilding shop and stood looking at the old barn where the livestock spend their nights. The kittens were tumbling about in the yard surrounded by a dozen or so chickens scratching busily in the dirt, all overseen by a strutting rooster. A striking bird, certainly but not the subject of my tale. That bird was nearly invisible against the weathered boards of the barn. Until he moved. I saw that he was small, a runt of some kind. He appeared to and brain had their own mutually exclusive agendas. He would appear to come to a decision and

To make matters worse his feathers were dingy brown and sparse with an odd furlike quality, sprouting in errant tufts from his twisted feet. His wings too were strange, stunted and pointing straight towards the ground as though, instead of wings, he had his hands was at once tragic and hilarious. I peered at him over my glasses. “ What is it?” I asked. “ Oh, it’s a chicken,” said Gordon in his stylish British accent. “ A rooster actually. Doesn’t really belong though; breed’s not appropriate to the era. Some kind of rescue bird.” “Weird Harold,” I said. Sensing that Gordon himself was on uncertain footing, unwilling to name names or reveal more I let the subject drop and we moved on but Harold would remain a focus of attention throughout the ensuing summer. By the end of June two of the chickens had produced chicks and for a time the barnyard was awash with tiny black and yellow balls of

but his feet somehow betrayed mothers, learning the lessons of whereupon he would right himself and continue. And so he made his way about. Step. Slide. Lurch. Recover.

the hens impressed me with their parenting skills and protective instincts regarding their young. attempts to handle the chicks and would agitate violently if the sheep came blundering about obviously recognizing the danger in those clumsy, heedless hooves. Around about then I sensed a mellowing of my disdain for chickens in general. I came to relish the early morning opening of the coop when they would explode in a froth of feathers and optimism for the new day. In the midst of all this enthusiasm strode the big rooster, a poised and arrogant study in shades of teal and

_ ¯ )DA@NOTG@ ) DA A@NOTG@ _ ¯ "/ +,3 0 "/ +,3 0 0 , ,1& 1& red, copper and gold and black. except when Harold showed an interest in one of his harem at which point Harold revealed some moves of his own. Astonishingly he was a sprinter. If the need arose he could turn it on and it was almost eerie to watch that faltering creature until he deemed himself safe and settled back into his heaving, pitching stagger. Furthermore, Harold had attitude. It took time to manifest and was, I believe, encouraged to fruition by his other unwavering desire for freedom. Harold gravitated to the outdoor life with genuine verve. He steered clear of people and refused to entertain thoughts of nightly starlight and the fresh air of the nearby woods. The one time early on in our relationship, when I managed to herd him into the coop at night with the others, disaster ensued. I arrived the following the darkest corner of the coop. The formerly meagre array of feathers on his neck and head were entirely gone and he had a open scalp wound from the relentless pecking of the other birds. I was understandably dismayed and though I tendered an apology he found it unacceptable and I made no further attempts to force him As the summer heat dried the land leaving the sheep in the paddock near the church at night. When I arrived each morning they would greet me at the gate then run to the galvanized steel basin that served as a feed trough, eager for their ration of special oats and release into the

standing beside them, waiting perhaps a bit more patiently, but Harold. I believe I was only slightly more amused than amazed. Harold sheep engaged in their usual shoving match to see who could devour the most in the shortest departed, Harold staggered over to the basin, hopped blithely onto its lip and disappeared into the bottom to clean up the dregs. It seemed an unlikely and comical partnership but it gladdened my heart to see Harold making friends, albeit ones outside his normal social circle. In the meantime the life alfresco was agreeing with Harold in more obvious ways. His plumage was gloss and he was bulking up like a steroidal weightlifter, clearly

couple of hens that appealed to him and who were in turn smitten by his obvious charm and newfound good looks, or perhaps, simply the lure of the exotic. To his credit the big guy mounted a valiant defense but eventually succumbed to Harold’s charisma and speed opting to focus on maintaining his harem at a level he could control while Harold seemed have found within himself a new man...or rooster. Gone was the lurching stagger, replaced with solicitous patriarch, keeping close watch on his girls, leading them to the best places for forage with which his free roaming lifestyle had granted him an intimate knowledge. By now I had ceased calling him Weird Harold; it simply no longer seemed appropriate. It was still impossible to get close to him. One evening late in the summer the Village hosted a wedding and I worked late. It was well after dark

This blush of good health had experiment with more daring moves on the head rooster’s harem. Dangerous behaviour and fruitless aware of the rooster’s location managing always to rocket out of range of the big guy’s increasingly futile sorties. Eventually he achieved his goal, cutting out a

had left and I decided to make one last round of the buildings. As I drew abreast of the barn I paused to appreciate the nights’ charm and in the silence I noticed a faint but unmistakable sound as of someone muttering under their breath. I followed the sound into a small copse of woods abutting the barn and by the cool, clear light of the full moon I spotted Harold. He was perched in the branches of a big His eyes were closed and as near as I could tell he was asleep and dreaming. He paused momentarily and a slight shudder overtook him before he settled once again and resumed his murmuring. I watched quietly for some minutes before he

I eventually began to back away, he suddenly became aware of me. His stared at one another for a few moments before I spoke. “ It’s okay, Harold. Go back to sleep.” Apparently it was enough for he blinked once as if shrugging and returned to his dreams. As the Village closed at summer’s end all the animals returned to their respective farms or homes including the chickens. Harold refused to be contained, however, and in the bustle and confusion he disappeared. I assumed the worst, that he had fallen to some predator, but late in the fall, as the Village was being prepared for winter, Gordon made

in the chicken coop. As he groped about in the straw and darkness he suddenly came into contact with something warm and feathered and parting the straw Gordon found himself face to face with Harold who, alone and lonely once again, security of the coop. Lonely enough that he allowed himself to be apprehended and spirited away to Gordon and Charlotte’s farm in Clam Harbour. There Harold had the run of the place, securing his original harem plus a few choice additions but still refusing to be cooped up at night. Sadly, late in the winter I received

marauding raccoon. I grieved at Harold’s passing for a time. It seemed that the winking out of that tiny bright spark of determination left my world a little skint. Eventually I found consolation in the thought that though Harold very bright. A short time later my wife and I received another call from Gordon and Charlotte. “Why don’t you come over for dinner next weekend. Oh, and by the way, we just hatched a new clutch of chicks. One of them has the strangest plumage. We’re calling him Weird Haroldson.” I smiled from the other end of the line. “ Just Haroldson to me.”

inevitably fallen victim to a

At Memory Lane, 16 restored buildings, typical of a Nova Scotia coastal village in the 1940s, await your discovery.

Cookhouse Meals 1940s Nostalgia Local Guides Antique Machinery Live Animals Local Crafts Fresh Bread C@P Site (free internet/email access)

Tel: 1-877-287-0697 or Email: 50 min. east of Halifax on the #7 Highway at Lake Charlotte. Turn at Webbers Store toward Clam Harbour Beach.



anada is the world’s second largest country behind Russia and is also rich in natural resources. Despite the abundance of natural wealth, real estate in Canada is economical compared with other developed countries and we enjoy virtually unlimited recreational opportunities. Canadians are very hospitable, welcoming people - particularly in provincial and rural Canada. The majority of Canadians are very tolerant and follow a live and let live philosophy. There is often a stronger sense of community and duty in Canadian towns than can be found in other countries and Nova Scotia exemplifies this kind of character to a tee. Houses in Canada are typically timber-framed and because of climate extremes, the housing stock is usually high quality and well insulated.


We moved to Musquodoboit Harbour where the climate is less severe than might be expected because of the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean in particular has the warmest waters North of Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina, which makes swimming in the Atlantic ocean a pleasant and viable option. Winter temperatures are higher and summer temperatures are lower than those encountered in towns farther inland so we experience pleasantly warm summers, spectacular autumns and a cold winter. Here you will also be hard pushed to find more courteous, laid back and helpful English speaking folk, only too pleased to welcome you to their Paradise. Drawn to Nova Scotia by an advertisement that said Come to Nova Scotia Come To Life and espousing that it is Canada’s ocean playground, we decided to see what it was all about. There are



abundant coastlines, lakes, vibrant communities, Your eyes will be drawn to these as they give the skiing on your doorstep and proper seasons. It impression of the homes being cut-out models is rather like the South of France; warm in the from the backs of cereal boxes. summer, cold in the winter. Because the Halifax Dartmouth Bedford area We both felt comfortable here and knew it was only has an approximate population of 400,000 right for us. We have been here residents, there is the benefit of nearly 5 years now and we have a smaller town culture with the We were drawn been excited, challenged and the advantages of city living. Halifax is to Nova Scotia comfort zone is long gone. There is the capital of the Province. access to endless activities which are To describe the life style of Nova by an advertisement affordable and local. We spend our Scotia, it is important to realize that said summers on our dock or swimming that every day life is more or less in the harbour and in the winter “Come to Nova Scotia, the same everywhere. There is a there is always ice-skating and beauty and diversity to the Maritime Come to Life” skiing. As my husband and I are of culture that you do not experience the mature generation, healthcare in other Provinces and what is espousing that it is becomes an even more important really important to know is that Canada’s Ocean issue and we can tell you first hand throughout Canada’s history, Nova that Nova Scotia has some of the Scotia has welcomed immigrants Playground! finest healthcare professionals, from across the globe. What truly educators, researchers, and facilities anywhere. makes life different here for us is our free time and Naturally, nothing of course is perfect but I must how much more we can have and what we can do say Nova Scotia for the most part has ticked most with it. Basically, Nova Scotia has fewer people and of the boxes on that original wish list of ours. more space. So everything is achieved more quickly There will be a few visual shocks in store and calmly. There is less waiting and less stress; add for the first timers. The houses for the most are to that the great resources for spending our free timber framed and they come without fences, your time, then the lifestyle and quality of life is much neighbours’ garden blending in with yours. As improved. land is aplenty there isn’t the territorialism found Céad Míle Fáilte (Cape Breton Gaelic for 1,000 welcomes) elsewhere, just space with a big “S” between dwellings. There is a notable oddity that most Sharon E. Hallam owns and operates a Travel Company and is recognized in the industry for her accreditations as a travel planner, with excellent research, visitors from Europe point out and that is the roof planning and consultation skills. Sharon specializes in European, Caribbean and Cruise travel. Sharon is the travel columnist for The Eastern Gazette and is tiles: here they are not slate or cement but either featured monthly. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of CC Group Publishing. asphalt or wooden shingles (square thin slices).



NOTES: Property Info:

12785 Highway 316, Goldboro Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 35084706 Price: 189,000 CAD Ocean frontage: +/- 215 feet

Contact Info:

Martina Neuer REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.223.9924

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Online Map

➛ ➛



A place to live. For less than $300,000 combined,


his spacious 2.5 storey century family home is waiting to be refilled with life and laughter. It wants to be the perfect cozy home and/or B&B Country Inn... it would be a perfect match to the little Venture Café business that is just 500 metres down the road (see right-hand page). The house has 4 + 1 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms (2 ensuites), a sunny family dining room, lovely 200 year old barn beams and wood trim in the kitchen. A huge finished attic with pine floor, and roughed-in plumbing for a bathroom. Enjoy the convenience of a walkout basement. All of this plus the 1-1/4 acres of beautiful ocean frontage offer many options for private or business usage. Original wood floors welcome you inside!

lifestyle business


A place to work.

Property Info:

you can have a home & business!

Contact Info:


he Venture Café is within walking distance from the house (see left-hand page) and has all the potential to become a gathering spot for the local community and the tourists alike. Offer them the best seat in the café or on the outside deck. Offer them fish & chips, home made apple pie and let your guests sit back to enjoy your homemade food, overlooking the stunning view of the ocean inlet. Attention butchers, bakers, chefs and entrepreneurs, tourists drive right by the café on this scenic Marine route. Realize your chance to start and operate your own business, ready-to-open turnkey.

The Venture Café 12721 Highway 316, Goldboro Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 35097112 Price: 89,500 + HST CAD Ocean frontage: +/- 365 feet Martina Neuer REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.223.9924

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Online Map

➛ ➛




A Handsome Cape 1

Beautiful country setting only 40 minutes to Halifax!





1 Home with curb appeal 2 Your backyard get-a-way 3 Shady front yard setting 4 Back view of homestead with 2-door garage 5 Lazy days on your front porch


ell made, Well designed, Well priced, Well worth it – come and have a look yourself! Solid and honest construction by local crafts people is what we are

showing off here: The Original Cape Cod Style Home was built for the local doctors with later addition in way of a 1 bedroom, 1 level, self-contained suite. This is a beautiful and enjoyable family life location within quaint Musquodoboit Harbour. The community is very proud of their Primary-to-9 and secondary school system, keeping children close by, not having to travel long distances.

NOTES: Property Info:

7748 Highway 7 Musquodoboit Harbour, B0J 2L0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 40192635 Price: 439,000 CAD

Contact Info:

Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

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Sandy and Don Charbonneau



Feel, Felt, found… Sandy Charbonneau’s eel, Felt, Felt. While some types of Felt husband at the Market in the downtown are very soft, warm and comfortable, some Halifax historic Brewery Building on a Saturday are tough enough to form construction morning in July. Don Charbonneau was holding a materials. Felt can be of any colour, and made into puppet sheep over his arm talking to himself - or any shape or size. Felt is used everywhere from to me… pointing to the display table which was the automotive industry, to home construction to full of felted art made by his wife, Sandy. Between fashions and decor. It is often used as a damper the friendly husband, the talking puppet and of sorts to soften sound and vibration. It is used Sandy’s artwork on display I was happily stopped. extensively in pianos for example, piano hammers What super energy! are made of wool Felt around a Sandy has lived in Canada most wooden core. Felt, a non-woven of her adult life and nearly all of Felt is retro, classic & country, cloth, is produced this time in Nova Scotia. Decidedly, all at the same time. Perfect for Sandy and Don enjoy a beautiful Fall and Winter, find Felt in lamp by matting, Victorian home in Windsor which shades, baskets used for storage condensing and is offering their customers a spot and display, fashions of wild pressing the to visit and browse. Sandy offers creativity and even jewellery. Just kits to purchase so that you can try look around. Picture a chesterfield woollen fibres, your hand at the craft. or couch with cushion covers made as the fibre scales A fine art painter, mostly out of warm Felt – both charming bond together to acrylic, for over 30 years, Sandy and very chic. has taught to children and has Knitted woollen garments which form a matter held workshops. In 2009, Sandy shrink in a hot machine wash can of fact. discovered wool as her new be said to have been felted but, medium and she says “I have more accurately, they have been never looked back!” “fulled”. Felting differs from fulling in the sense “Hunters, Gatherers and Gypsies” by passion, that fulling is done to finished fabric whereas the couple loves to travel and to collect wool from felting is done to fibres that are not in fabric form. interesting local farmers. They dye with vegetable Modern fulling is an example of how the fibres of dyes and aspire to make use of as many recyclable the finished form bond together when combined and re-purposed accessories as possible. Husband with the movement of the washing machine and Don creates some such needed items for Sandy in the temperature of the soapy water. his own wood workshop, including some creations In a Day Care/School environment, a felt-covered of his own mind spirit. board can be used in storytelling to small children. Sandy says each of her creations are unique Small felt animals, people, or other objects will objects and no two are alike: “I try and imagine adhere to a Felt board in the process of telling the my art being used in homes far away and it brings story… Puppets can also be made of Felt. 52 Lifestyle

Aggravation is a good thing, when it comes to wool. by Martina Robinson

me great pleasure to see people smile at what I have crafted!” Why Tea Cosies? “A tea pot on the table or tray is the center of your entertaining. Pretty cups,

cream and sugar and good conversation add to a very pleasant time.” A unique tea cosy adds grace and meaning to the occasion. Sandy will custom design when asked and uses items which are meaningful to her customers as she incorporates their treasures into “2 or 3-D paintings of wool”. Sculpturing with the use of a needle achieves fine details with the technique called needle felting. Sandy and her business partner husband of 44 years have been artists all of their lives. They love to bring smiles to people’s hearts and faces. The natural feel of wool and the whole hands-on process of cleaning, carding and dying, is most satisfying and all inspiring. Sandy insists that “if I am not laughing and having fun, then I don’t want to play anymore” - a dream Lifestyle Business, I’d say.

The crafty couple’s creations can readily be found and purchased at such fine shops as: * Plovers - Halifax * Northern Sun - Mahone Bay * Mastodon Ridge Gift Shop - Shubenacadie * Just Browsing - Eastern Passage * Signature Gifts - Windsor * Sew & Sew - Cabot Trail CB and through mail order at: provides the local Protocol Office (a Div of Intergovernmental Affairs) proudly with “Made in Nova Scotia” items for their Gift Bank. Sandy is a juried member of the Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council Lifestyle



1 Front of Cape Cod with double garage 2 A view to Grand Lake pond 3 Facsimile map showing approximate boundary 4 A true country kitchen 5 Taylor Head Provincial Park & Beach is ca. 6km away 6 A view to Grand Lake pond


A Grand Home on 60+ Acres with Waterfront on 3 Lakes


his grand property backs onto 3 lakes (Grand Lake, Grand Lake Pond and Oak Hill Lake) could have potential for development/investment. It offers enough highway frontage to subdivide into a number of beautiful lake front lots. This could provide tremendous value for the money! The Cape Cod home is spacious at 3,100 sq. ft. with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The open concept oak kitchen on the main floor is infused with new light fixtures.



Grand Lake Grand Lake

Hwy 7 Grand Lake Pond


Oak Hill Lake

NOTES: Property Info: 3 The above yellow boundary lines are approximate and should be verified by the buyer. The lines are to show how grand this property is having lakefront on 3 lakes.

21415 Highway 7 Sheet Harbour, B0J 3B0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 40594020 Price: 279,500 CAD

Contact Info:

Martina Neuer, REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.223.9924

Listing Brokerage:

Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. 5

The Master bedroom has an ensuite with Jacuzzi tub to 4 soothe your soul and then you could later cuddle up by the cozy fireplace in the family room. The walk-out basement is partially finished and the home is heated with a wood-oil furnace. Two outside buildings offer lots of extra storage room and can be converted into work or garden sheds. The attached double bay garage with a large loft space offers expansion room.

For more Info please click here: Online Map

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Oceanside living at it’s finest! 1


magine... you are sitting on your balcony, enjoying one of Nova Scotia’s most spectacular sunsets, watching your kids play in the warm waters of the Northumberland Strait on

your own sand beach... This 10 year old beautiful cottage/house can either be the perfect summer retreat or year round family home. Only approx. 11 km from Tatamagouche and 40 km from Truro with all the amenities needed. Approximately 30 km to the Northumberland Links Golf Course. The house was built by Truro`s Victor Mingo, with beautifully built kitchen cupboards, lots of closets and storage space. Little convenient extras like propane line to the BBQ and `dumbwaiter` add to the charm of this very thoughtfully designed and well built seaside home.


A Northumberland Seaside Home

NOTES: Property Info:

16 Ceilidh Lane Brule, B0K 1N0 Nova Scotia, Canada MLS®: # 20360731 Price: 465,000 CAD


Contact Info: 1 Your own ocean playground 2 Back view of home looking out to ocean 3 Step off your porch to the beach


Martina Neuer REALTOR® Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.223.9924



Martina Robinson, Broker Licensed Industry Member in Nova Scotia Mobile: (001) 902.476.4710 Ocean frontage: +/- 75 feet


Listing Brokerage: Corridor


Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. -in co-operation withRobinson & Harmsen die Makler GbR For more Info please click here: Floor Plans Online Map

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Living Room



Main floor


This moment brought to you by Ducks Nova Scotia’s wetlands are a place to call home for hundreds of species of waterfowl and other wildlife. Wetlands provide food, water, breeding and nesting grounds, resting areas and shelters essential to survival. In addition, wetlands offer numerous environmental benefits such as filtering water, reducing flooding and providing great places for recreational activities like hiking, canoeing and wildlife watching. You can help, too. Join us in supporting Ducks’ wetland conservation efforts in Nova Scotia and ensure wildlife species continue to have a place to call home.


Get involved. Make a donation, attend a local fundraising event or become a volunteer! For information, call (902) 667-8726 or visit



Tapping Into Spring

by Pam Jones


he brilliantly coloured maple trees that beautify Nova Scotia’s hillsides in autumn harbour a coveted treasure, a sap that’s harvested in spring to make one of our most famous Canadian products – maple syrup! Canada is a world leader in the production of this golden elixir with the Maritimes contributing 4% of our total exports. The process of releasing the sap from the tree is called tapping with each Sugar Maple yielding about 10 gallons of sap over a 4-6 week season. It takes about 40 litres of sap to make one litre of syrup. That’s a lot of tapping!

A visit to one of Nova Scotia’s “sugar shacks” offers a unique way to learn about the tapping process while providing experiences that celebrate old world culture. Some offer sleigh rides, snowshoeing or scrumptious pancake brunches. A must have is the sweet, chewy, taffy-like treat made when heated maple syrup is poured onto snow. According to a recent article by the Maple Producers Association of Nova Scotia, the province has plenty of untapped maples, creating an opportunity for new entrants into the industry. The new tapping methods

Pam Jones is an award-winning writer and voice actor with a degree in theatre from UBC and an honours degree in broadcasting from BCIT. Pam has a warm, friendly voice and is a creative storyteller who never fails to connect with her audience through the written and spoken word. Visit The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of CC Group Publishing.

available now better protect the health and life-span of each tree and protect the purity of its lucrative sap. You can “tap in” to more information about Nova Scotia’s maple syrup industry by visiting:


Oyster Pond



Connect >< Canada Annapolis Valley

Publisher CC Group Publishing

Managing Director Martina Robinson

Financial Comptroller Frank Harmsen

Magazine Design VERVIN Grafik: Michael Vervin

Art Direction Bonnie Ross

Brier Island

Graphic Production Bill Slaunwhite

Copy Editing Bettina Gouthro Grunwald

Article Contributors Timothy Brushett Ross Finlay Nadine Fownes Sharon Hallam Pam Jones Martina Robinson


Advertising/Subscription Inquiries

Address of the Editorial Office 19 Meaghers Grant Road, P.O. Box 34 Musquodoboit Harbour Nova Scotia, B0J 2L0 Canada +1.902.889.2198


Gegogan CC Magazine Connect><Canada providing a visually

Peggy’s Cove

engaging cross-marketing medium for professionals. Paper copies of CC Magazine will be made available on request, and are showcased at select locations. Photo credits: Frank Harmsen (Front & Back Cover, pages 2-3, 11, 46) - Nadine Fownes (Page 18)

Martinique Beach

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