Connect Canada Magazine - Edition Winter-Spring 2012/13

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Connect Magazine • Winter 2012/2013• Published by CC Group Inc.




FAMILY Life Keep Your COOL … Or Warm with an Energy Plan for Your Home

Grand Pré

A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a Successful Swiss Family Boutique Winery

D e s t ina t io n Tra v el:


real & fabulous!


Nature’s Perfect Balance of History & Present Day!

CAN $7.00

Connect REAL ESTATE * LIFESTYLE * BUSINESS M. Robinson Financial Controller F. Harmsen Design & Graphic Production Ross Graphic Editor

Copy Editing Real Estate Industry Copy Editing

Frank Harmsen & Bettina Grunwald Copy Editing (English) Tim Brushett Copy Editing (German) Balko Schmidt Contributors

Timothy Brushett, Martina Robinson, Kerstin Rohde, Hillary Dionne, Wolfgang Opel, Jared B. Schwartz Cover Painting: Harry Hamm, Petpeswick Picture

Gallery Photo Credits: photography by Frank Harmsen unless

otherwise stated. Pg. 24: Julia Robinson, Pgs. 10 & 11 drawings: Juliana (age 7), Pg. 72 top far right photo, pg. 73 top middle photo: Bettina Grunwald, A World of Difference: Hillary Dionne. Editorial Office

19 Meaghers Grant Road P.O. Box 34, Musquodoboit Harbour Nova Scotia, Canada B0J 2L0 1.902.889.2198 Connect Magazine is produced exclusively for Robinson & Harmsen Lifestyle Real Estate Inc. and provides a visually engaging cross–marketing medium for professionals; online and in print. Printed copies of our magazine are available on request, and are showcased at select locations. Published twice annually.

Connect >< Canada

CC Group Publishing Incorporated No liability is accepted for editorial content, accuracy of text or possible misprints. No liability is accepted for errors in property detail, nor do publishers accept liability for accuracy of availability of featured properties. Reproduction of content is by prior permission of the publishers. Connect Magazine and its distinctive logo is owned by CC Group Publishing Inc. The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work and distinctive logo(s). No part of Connect Magazine may be reproduced, changed in any way, or copied in any form or by any means at all without the written consent of the publisher.


Welcome! Is your business a family business and vice versa?

In this, the Fall issue of Connect Magazine, we focus on the common ground shared by family and business, especially where that business is a family concern. Within a human context a family may be defined as ‘a group of people affiliated by blood, affinity or co–residence’. Additionally, a family business is ‘one which is owned and managed by more than one member of the same family’. It is, therefore, a natural progression to assume that if you operate a lifestyle business then your family is your business and your business is your family and that being the case, you’re in good company with us here at our ‘Lifestyle Business Magazine’. There exists a unique dimension to a lifestyle family business which sets it apart from what we perceive as the profit/loss driven ethos of normal business. Call it heart, conscience or concern but it is that indefinable factor that causes something to be greater than the mere sum of its parts. If you own and operate a family business then your employees are literally and figuratively ‘of your tribe’. You undoubtedly foster greater concern than the average proprietor/worker not only for your employees and the health of your business but for its ability to thrive into the future and nurture succeeding generations. I think the essence of these statements applies to any ‘family constellation’. Every family is a business, with budgets, financial statements, profit and loss, schooling, training and coaching plans and so forth, with the aim to foster healthy growth and creativity in all its manifestations. Not to be ignored are the goals of retirement and the possibilities it represents as well as plans for succession. In this, our 6th issue of ‘Connect’, we are pleased to offer a select real estate portfolio and an array of viewpoints concerning the operation and management of real life estate investments as diversely new and familiar as the autumn colours and winter whites of our beautiful province.

We are here by choice! Martina Robinson, Editor





Real Estate Residential 28 icf construction

Strong and beautiful in Antigonish.

36 grace & light

Fill this charming Shelburne home.

52 panoramic view Imagine waking up to this!

53 swedish style With European flair.

54 log home with water With 4 acres of land.

Life on a Farm 40 family farm

Dreams come true here. Over 70 acres to grow.

Green Property 32 four green choices How far off the grid do you want?

33 hemlow island

A dreamy Lindal home on Nova Scotia's east shore.

Pick your Spot

55 riverside log home

66 gems offered

61 west petpeswick

30 land for sale!

Your own dock to launch from. Moving to an Island!

Lifestyle Business 14 seven lifestyle

businesses for sale Take your pick and live your entrprenurial dream.

38 the chatterbox café Books, coffee and your own café.

39 daycare & residence Licensed day care with a home for

58 inn & restaurant

An award winning opportunity.

60 springvale nursery

A fully oprating nursary with retail, landscaping and research facility.

family Estates 8


Gorgeous! Just gorgeous.

34 musquodoboit harbour With room for everyone.

35 country harbour

A proud estate with lots of land.


48 on a country lane

All over Nova Scotia.



Lifestyle 10 garden of eden

4 grand pré winery

26 building with the

12 windsor

World Class vineyard in Nova Scotia.

Anything is possible!


A thumbnail sketch of energy efficient home construction.

The land of plenty.

24 robinson & harmsen Get to know us.

42 a world of

50 estate planning


Strategies for owning real estate.

Tancook: a family paradise.

56 ski martock

46 poem: graduation

Serious about snow.

A piece by Marina Duggan.


20 south west florida Sea, sun and warm sand.

62 the south shore

A little tour of this incredible area.


59 pizza insalata

Perfect for any time of year. This Publication is printed on Recycled paper. Please recycle this issue.

Note: All properties shown in this publication are listed on the NSAR/AVREB


System unless otherwise stated.


Grand Things Happen Here

Vom Investment Banker zum Weingutsbesitzer Hanspeter Stutz, Visionär mit Weitsicht Wunder geschehen nicht von alleine. Der 12 Hektar umfassende Rebberg wurde vollständig neu bepflanzt und Hanspeter verbrachte die nächsten fünf Jahre damit, das alte Bauernhaus und die umliegenden Scheunen mit Schweizer Perfektionismus zu renovieren. Der Weg zum Erfolg war voller Baustellen. Eigentlich ist die Familie Stutz eher zufällig in Kanada gelandet. Als Hanspeter in den 90er Jahren im Auftrag eines Kunden die landwirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten Neuschottlands unter die Lupe nahm, entdeckte er ein schlafendes Dornröschen. Das verlotterte Weingut Grand Pré, mit Aussicht auf die weltweit höchsten Tiden wurde zur Zukunftsvision. Der passionierte Weinliebhaber hatte nach dem schmerzlichen Tod seiner Ehefrau eine neue Herausforderung dringend nötig und so entschloss er sich, die erfolgreiche Karriere in der Schweiz an den Nagel zu hängen. Zusammen mit seiner damals 20 jährigen Tochter Beatrice und dem 19 jährigen Sohn Jürg wollte er ein Familienunternehmen gründen und nochmals ganz von vorne anfangen. Die beiden Kids waren zuerst eher skeptisch, hatten sie doch eine total andere Karriere geplant. Jürg wollte als Banker in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters treten aber ließ sich kurzerhand zu einer Winzer– und Önologausbildung in Wädenswil überreden. Beatrice hatte ein Drogistinnen Diplom in der Tasche und bereits ein wenig Auslandluft geschnuppert. Sie kam gerade von einem 3–monatigen Sprachaufenthalt aus Kalifornien zurück und erklärte sich zu einem zeitlich befristeten Nova Scotia Experiment bereit. Bei Nichtgefallen würde sie nach zwei Jahren in die Schweiz zurückkehren. Hanspeter hatte das gesamte Leben seiner Familie umgekrempelt und nun gab es kein zurück mehr. 1993 ersteigerte der Visionär das heruntergekommene Weingut und musste einsehen, dass davon nichts mehr zu retten war. Wunder geschehen nicht von alleine.


At Domaine de Grand Pré, we take great pride in making the finest Nova Scotia wines. We work hard to develop special wines true to our province and unlike any others in the region – we grow specialty grapes that are developed for Nova Scotia’s specific climate and landscape. The result is an array of award–winning vintages appreciated across Canada and around the world!

“Our property has been described as “world–class” – from the vineyards and museum to the restaurant and tours. Our 30,000 visitors each year certainly speak volumes about the experience you’ll get at Domaine de Grand Pré.” “Come immerse yourself in the romance of our boutique that demonstrates a magical blend of Nova Scotia and Old World charm. During your visit, you can stroll through the lush vineyards, visit our museum, enjoy global cuisine andsi po neo fo urfi nev intages.” Hanspeter Stutz

Der 12 Hektar umfassende Rebberg wurde vollständig neu bepflanzt und Hanspeter verbrachte die nächsten fünf Jahre damit, das alte Bauernhaus und die umliegenden Scheunen mit Schweizer Perfektionismus zu renovieren. Der Weg zum Erfolg war voller Baustellen. Beatrice begann ihr neues Leben als Stellvertreterin einer Drogerie und landete schlussendlich auf Umwegen als Angestellte in einem Gourmetrestaurant. Das Motto Ihres Vaters „flexibel muss man sein im Leben“ galt auch für sie. Nach sechs Jahren harter Arbeit brachte Hanspeter zusammen mit seinem frischgebackenen Winzer Sohn die erste Ernte ein. Im Juni 2000 wurde die Domaine de Grand Pré Winery offiziell eröffnet und der erste Jahrgang ausgeschenkt. Aber der Weinproduzent hatte bereits das nächste Ziel avisiert: Für Trank war ja nun gesorgt, also musste auch noch Speis‘ her. Gesagt, getan - ein Weinguts Restaurant wurde gebaut, um die Tochter als Managerin ins Familienbusiness zu integrieren. Während der gut ausgebildete Jürg in seinem neuen Beruf florierte, war Beatrice in ihrer neuen Rolle etwas überfordert.

Das Vater Tochter Team hatte hohe Ambitionen und wollten Schweizer Küche zu europäischen Preisen in die verschlafene Küstenprovinz importieren. Die Rechnung ging aber nicht so leicht auf und die Kundschaft ließ noch auf sich warten. Heute lacht Beatrice über die anfänglichen Fehlschüsse, aus denen man schnell gelernt hat. Ein hiesiger Chefkoch wurde angeheuert, das Menü auf lokale Spezialitäten umkreiert und die Preise (um runde 15% ) gesenkt. Von da an ging es nur noch aufwärts!

Heute sind die Restaurantmanagerin und der Koch auch im privaten Leben ein Team, das am selben Strick zieht. Unser Geheimtipp: für Hochzeitsfeiern ist man von Mai bis Oktober gut eingeplant. Die zahlreichen Stammkunden sorgen für den Rest und es ist kein Wunder, denn „Le Caveau“ ist mehrfach prämiert und gilt als einer der besten Gourmet Tempel an der kanadischen Ostküste. Hanspeter zeigt stolz auf einen Artikel in der Zeitschrift „Wine Access“, in dem es sein Stammlokal auf die Liste der „Top 20 Wine Farm Restaurants“ weltweit geschafft hat. Jürg ist inzwischen selbst Vater zweier Kinder geworden und seine Frau Cäcilia führt die Weinboutique.


aktiver denn eh und je. Nebst Speis und Trank (waren ihm nicht genug und ein neues Projekt musste her) sah er noch andere Potentials. Unter dem Namen „Stutz Cider“ produziert Hanspeter seinen eigenen Apfelwein. Der ist selbstverständlich ein Schweizer Qualitätsprodukt und in ganz Nordamerika einer der wenigen, der von frischem Obst und nicht aus Konzentrat hergestellt wird. Und wenn der dynamische KanadaSchweizer nicht gerade die Werbetrommel für das Stutz Imperium schlägt oder auf der Suche nach neuen Visionen ist, dann sieht man ihn in seinen Lederklamotten auf dem „Mopedl“ durch die Gegend flitzen. Stets auf der Suche nach neuen Jagdgründen. Hanspeter ist nämlich auch ein passionierter Pilzsucher, und mit seiner goldenen Nase kennt er fast jedes Plätzchen, wo es „Eierschwämmli“ zu finden gibt. Vater’s Partnerin Anna kümmert sich um den Weinverkauf an den diversen lokalen Bauernmärkten und ist in der übrigen Zeit für die Gestaltung und die Pflege des großen Gartens zuständig. Die gesamte Familie ist involviert, ganz so wie es sich Hanspeter vorgestellt hatte. Im Weinbusiness ist allerdings nicht immer alles so gelaufen, wie man es sich vorgestellt hatte. Der Staat hat da anfänglich ziemlich krass reingefunkt: Die Gesetze sind hier völlig anders als in der Schweiz; ein wichtiges Detail, das der Stutz Familie beinahe einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht hätte. Alkohol untersteht nämlich der Aufsicht des ,,Nova Scotia Liquor Board”, das nicht nur den Verkauf sondern auch die Preise und Gewinnmargen vorschreibt. Ohne das Verhandlungsgeschick des schlauen Schweizer Fuchses hätte die Sache bös enden können. Der junge Winzer Jürg hat seine Weine dem hiesigen Klima angepasst und entwickelt laufend neue, kreative Eigenkreationen. Viele Gold, Silber und Bronze Medaillen an kanadischen Weinwettbewerben sind das Resultat. Zusammen mit seinem Vater freut er sich, dass sich weitere fünf Weinfarmen in der Nachbarschaft angesiedelt haben, bald werden es insgesamt 15 sein.


Ein wenig Konkurrenz schadet nichts, schließlich will man zu einer berühmten Tourismus Destination werden. Das Nappa Valley der Ostküste ist bereits fest im Ausflugsprogramm der Halifax anlaufenden Kreuzfahrtschiffe integriert. Nova Scotia ist kein verschlafenes Nest mehr und Hanspeter sorgt dafür, dass etwas läuft. Er mischt in einigen Eventkomitees mit und schon viele Ideen sind auf seinem Mist gewachsen so als Beispiel das Valley Pumpkin Festival. Und was macht der dynamische Ostschweizer heute? Natürlich ist er

11611 Highway 1 Grand Pré, Nova Scotia, Canada

Summer 2012 * Grand Pré named UNESCO World Heritage Site Grand Pré is a vibrant agricultural landscape, carved out of its harsh coastal environment three centuries ago by Acadian settlers. Working collectively, they applied an ingenious system of dyking and drainage to hold back the highest tides in the world, created extraordinarily fertile farmland, and began a tradition of collective management. This land reclamation system and this management tradition continue to ensure the livelihood of the local community today.


Photo credits: Tractor: Anita Davidson Photography, Bride:, Truck: CNS-Shirley Robb

1896 Heritage Country Church Authentic 1940s Cookhouse Home-style & Maritime Cooking Heritage Vehicles & Chauffeur Dance & Reception Hall 1940s Era Heritage Buildings Event Planning & Accommodation Assistance

1940 1950

Memory Lane Heritage Village 45 Minutes from Halifax / Airport 10 Minutes from Clam Harbour Beach Lake Charlotte, Nova Scotia 1-877-287-0697 7



This stunning natural setting is the perfect venue for the Eastern Canadian Timber Family Estate, framing panoramic views from virtually every glorious window. Imagine your family & dear friends in this fantastic frame.

Multi-Family Estate

This Family Estate, cleverly staged as a three unit dwelling, welcomes a multitude of family life ideas. 1. Upper floor: the master bedroom suite and bath offers bright living space. 2. Upper floor: the one–bedroom suite and bath above the double garage could be fully self contained. 3. Lower level: the walk out one–bedroom suite, bath and sauna, is spacious and light infused with plenty of inviting room. Main floor: the open concept common area showcases


the beautiful kitchen, dining area and grand living/ relaxing room with entertainment flow towards the outdoor terrace, overlooking the absolutely private garden grounds. The B&B idea: enjoy the lower level suite for your private living quarters and host 2 suites to seasonal guests. The home’s main level is perfect for gracious gatherings such as wine tastings, lavish breakfasts and wedding receptions.

Three Levels of Luxury & Possibility

Main Floor

Upper Floor

Lower Level

Floor plan diagram and measurements to be verified by interested parties.

The property’s extensive 11 acre grounds invite ideas for additional out-buildings, enjoying well kept greenbelts and gardens. The residence was originally built in 2001 and is in a like–new state, as it has seen only seasonal use. The property is well maintained by a caretaker and alarm system monitored. The Annapolis Valley is known for its fine shops and dining, superb local wines and comfortable & friendly lifestyle. Wake up to morning magic with the sunlight spreading over the valley below. This tranquility is interrupted only by nature’s choir of songbirds providing a majestic symphony for your pleasure. With nature all around, you could easily confuse this setting for the hills of Tuscany with vineyards nearby. Your perfect Eastern Canadian Family Estate, framing panoramic views from virtually every window. Built with timeless and traditional local Elm, and at least 13 other wood species, this Timber Frame Home shows off masterful wood workings.

• true craftsmanship in the Cherry wood kitchen cabinets • the outdoor entertaining deck is built from Red Oak • the staircase to the upper floor guides you with amazing Ash wood, while the window trimmings looking out, shimmer with Aspen wood • the fireplace stone work is laid with local granite and Nova Scotia limestone and meets up with engineered hardwood floors • a warming in floor heating system within the lower and main level ensure comfort throughout • the wired-in sound system for your favorite music in every room • outdoors, a gracious gazebo offers welcoming vistas of the valley and distant mountains • the double car garage sports a practical concrete shower stall which could be used to remove salt water from boating equiptment or shower off the family dog • the acreage contains walking trails for daily enjoyment with the family and the dogs Address: Arlington, Annapolis Valley R&H ID No: SW-3263 Price: $899,900. Contact Info: page 24


Garden of Eden

Any-and Everything is Possible By Kerstin Rohde

In the past, the exploitation of a garden was the first priority. Man baute in ihm Obst und Gemüse an und er musste Platz für Nutztiere, wie Hühner oder Schweine bieten. Der Haushalt war dementsprechend groß und zu dessen Bewirtschaftung und Bewältigung bedurfte es der gesamten Familie. Nowadays, we all buy our fruits, vegetables and whatever else we need in a supermarket. Das verkümmerte Gemüsebeet stellt sich als eine Schnapsidee heraus oder als gescheiterter Versuch den Kindern zu vermitteln, dass die Lebensmittel nicht fertigverpackt von Tetrabäumen fallen. Ansonsten dient der Garten heute vorzugsweise zu dekorativen Zwecken. Thus, the question to be asked: do we still need a big family whilst the meaning of our gardens keeps shrinking? Diese Frage zu beantworten ist nicht leicht oder besser: Es kommt auf die Perspektive an. Während das Arbeitsleben uns suggeriert, dass die


Familie unserem Chef Zeit stiehlt, die wir in Form von Überstunden doch besser ihm zur Verfügung stellten, wollen uns die Feministinnen weismachen, dass die Familie ein Hindernis für die Karriere und Selbstentfaltung ist und nur hinnehmbar, wenn der Partner in die Rolle des „Haussklavens“ schlüpft. Nur das konservative Lager sieht eine gesellschaftliche Notwendigkeit in der Institution Familie, wo sich selbstverständlich die Frau selbstaufopfernd und ohne Rücksicht auf ihre Bedürfnisse um das Wohl der Familie sorgen soll. Seriously, all three perspectives are suffering from one big failure: they all see the family as an institution of suppression which does not leave space for the individual self-development, irrespective of gender, age and one’s needs. But uniting the family under one colourful umbrella will offer this space for individual development. Immer mehr junge Familien entscheiden sich deswegen für das Generationenmodell, welches jedem den Freiraum gibt, sein Lebensmodell

auszuleben und auszuschöpfen, denn keiner bleibt auf der Strecke. Junge Männer und Frauen, die eine ehrgeizige Karriere verfolgen, müssen sich nicht mehr um eine unbewohnte Wohnung sorgen, während sie von Termin zu Termin durch die ganze Welt jetten. Aber das wohl Wichtigste: Ob Single oder in einer Partnerschaft, die Erfüllung des Kinderwunsches ist kein Ding der Unmöglichkeit, denn das Generationenmodell ersetzt das „Entweder… Oder“ durch ein erfrischendes „Auch“. Es wird immer jemand da sein, der das Kind in die Arme der familiären Geborgenheit einschließen wird. Hier erfährt es den Schutz und Rückhalt den es braucht, um später selber auf eigenen Füßen zustehen. But most importantly: the kids grow up with happy parents, since nobody has to sacrifice their needs for those of the family. Alles kann, nichts muss. Any-and everything is possible. This model leaves space for one’s own decision making, whether you want to be a working Mom or a housekeeping Dad.

Und was ist mit den Großeltern? Die können nun endlich tun und lassen was sie wollen, ohne dass die Kinder und der Hund aus dem Haus sein müssen. Sie können um die Welt reisen und die Vorzüge eines dekorativen Gartens genießen, ohne sich dessen körperlichen Herausforderungen zu stellen. Dafür hat man ja die Kinder und Enkel unterm Dach, und anstatt auf der Altersersatzbank zu schmoren, spielt man in deren Leben immer noch eine Rolle. The mere imagination of being stuck with the own family 24/7 might send chills down one’s spine. Wer erinnert sich nicht an die nervenaufreibenden Familienzusammenkünfte vom letzten Weihnachten, bei denen mehr Frust als Lust auf Familie entstanden ist?

Doch durch architektonische Tricks lässt sich dieses Problem lösen. Jeder Familienteil bekommt so sein eigenes Reich. Dann kann man die Tür hinter sich einfach schließen oder stürzt sich in das After Work Family Life. Alles so, wie es einem passt. Zeitraubende Familienbesuche sind passé, denn man sieht sich immer dann, wenn es einem passt und nicht wenn das schlechte Gewissen mal wieder etwas zu sehr drückt. Die Großeltern sehen ihre Kinder, während deren Eltern mal etwas Zeit für sich oder die Arbeit brauchen, man trifft sich abends auf ein Glas Wein oder eine Tasse Tee. Den dekorativen Garten bewältigt man gemeinsam, es sei denn man ist sich über Dschungelbuchromantik einig. Und so lange die Enkel noch nicht da sind, kümmern sich alle um den Hund. So tut die Familie auch noch etwas für die individuelle Fitniss, ohne muffiges Fitnessstudio und ohne verlustreiche Kämpfe mit dem Schweinhund. Die Familie gedeiht zum Quell der Entspannung und Harmonie. So, what is left to say is that living together all generations united, will let the family thrive to everyone’s personal Garden of Eden. Kerstin Rohde attends the University of Hamburg and is studying Law, with a main focus on Public International and European Law. During her studies she is working within the department of international affairs at the University of Hamburg. Kerstin spent time in Ontario, Canada and in Norwich UK. She will continue to seek international opportunities.


The Land of Plenty W

elcome to Avon, the land of plenty. This beautiful little corner of Nova Scotia has been proclaimed “the land of plenty� due to the abundance of culture, recreational activities and cuisine enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. From the fresh local produce to the multitude of activities available, the Avon Region has something for everyone. The Avon is comprised of the Town of Hantsport, the Town of Windsor and the Municipality of West Hants all of which are nestled around the gorgeous Avon River. Many parts of the East coast of Canada shine during the great weather of the summer months, but the Avon boasts year round opportunities and many residents enjoy the Fall and Winter as much as any other season. Autumn in the Avon has warm days and cooler nights that are perfect for all the wonderful events that occur during this season.


The Avon area has some of the most fertile lands in the province, and has many events that surround our rich agricultural history. The late Howard Dill, of Windsor, NS, is 'the Pumpkin King' and has the distinction of being four-time world champion pumpkin grower. In 1979, his winning pumpkin weighed in at 438 pounds. There is a common thread with all current world champions - all have used the patented Atlantic Giant Seed to grow their winning specimens. One of the most interesting and unusual aspects of our annual Pumpkin festival is the Pumpkin Regatta, where people use the hollowed out giant pumpkins to actually race across our small lake. Thousands of people line the banks of Lake Pisiquid to watch this great spectacle of paddlers. The Avon is also home to the Hants County Exhibition, which is the oldest agricultural fair in North America and will be celebrating the 250th anniversary in 2015.

In November as the vibrant coloured leaves begin to fall, and snow begins to dust the ground, many people living in northern climates head indoors. This is not the case in the Avon, as it is just a chance to experience another wonderful season. Ski Martock, one of the few downhill ski venues in Nova Scotia, also has a world class cross country/ biathlon course. Additionally, there are many other trails around the community that become great x-country venues when covered in snow. Winter is also the season of one of Canada’s passionate pastimes: hockey! As soon as the temperature drops you will find people on every lake and pond, and more often than not, with a hockey stick in their hand. There is great pride in the game of hockey in the Avon, and as it should be, as Windsor NS is the Birthplace of Hockey.

In 1800 Windsor boys from King’s College, the oldest independent school in Canada, adapted the game of hurley to ice, and ice hockey evolved from this great discovery. Add in the sport of curling, ice fishing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and many other great activities and it’s easy to see why visitors or residents alike have no reason to hibernate in the Avon. With all these great things to see and do, and so much more, including bountiful Wineries, a world class horse culture and the amazing tidal power of the Avon River, it is obvious why the area has earned the name, “the land of plenty”.

We hope you will visit us and explore all we have to offer in the land of plenty.


Come along for a ride and purchase this turnkey Lifestyle Business The buggy rides start and end on Bluenose Drive: one of the busiest, tourist streets in all of Lunenburg, due to its close proximity to the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic and various eating establishments located on the waterfront. The iconic carriage tour company exercises its horses with replica 18th century buggies in pleasant weather. Established since 1996, the business can include all buildings, equipment, and even a lease on 25 extra acres of pasture & woods trails.

Address: Lunenburg, South Shore R&H ID No: SS-2230 Price: $395,000. Contact Info: page 24

lifestyle businesses SOLD 06/2012

The Red Cap Restaurant and Motel is located in Canada’s oldest Acadian settlement and is rich in history. It is still very much a seafaring town and with its history comes a flair for local cuisine and an experience your customers will leave with and remember for some time. Situated on some 3 acres of land, the Red Cap’s brilliant red roof acts as a beacon to travellers. The interior of the Red Cap offers a bright modern space with every convenience you would expect of a well equipped and meticulously maintained restaurant and motel. The restaurant can accommodate both casual and fine dining in its 130-seat space and with a full service bar and wonderfully stocked kitchen it is no wonder the Red Cap is also popular with the local people for dining or for holding wedding receptions, anniversaries, meetings and formal events. Address: Middle West Pubnico, Yarmouth R&H ID No: YA-1107 Price: $625,000. Contact Info: page 24 14

? Address: Mahone Bay, South Shore Asking Price: $460,000.

Downtown Digby Registered 4 Star Queen Anne revival heritage B&B, in the quiet countryside of Pubnico. Renovated with respect for the property's history but include all the moderm conveniences. 3 spacious guest rooms, furnished with antiques and collectibles, each with en suite baths. Private owner’s quarters complete with kitchen, living room, bath, office/laundry and 2 bedrooms. Wireless internet, off street parking, motorcycle & bike shelter. 18 hole golf course, scenic ocean side restaurants and museum all in this oldest Acadian Village in the world. Address: Pubnico, Yarmouth R&H ID No: YA-1402 Price: $229,000. Contact Info: page 24

for sale

‘Guppys’ Place Family Country Restaurant in New Germany. Built and designed in 2001 as a Restaurant and Baking Facility with over 2,000 square feet and a seating capacity of 85 plus. Building is on 3 acres of commercial land with parking for approximately 60 vehicles. Address: New Germany, South Shore R&H ID No: SS-2421 Price: $239,000. Contact Info: page 24

Fully Rented, 5 Apartment Investment Property Each Apartment enjoys a full kitchen with fridge & stove; 3 piece bathroom and living room. The heating source is oil/ hot water and electricity with individual meters. The property has been renovated with new roof shingles, wood and vinyl siding and new windows. 3 x 1 Bedroom unit 2 x 2 Bedroom unit Address: 86 Montague Row, Digby R&H ID No: YA-1438 Price: $180,000. Contact Info: page 24

The Toy Maker of Lunenburg has been operating for over 30 years and has earned the reputation for producing safe, practical toys that challenge children’s imaginations. Current toys include brainteasers, puzzles and giftware with room to expand the line. As the new owner, you’d gain an admirable legacy, producing long–lasting, quality products that could be used for generations to come. It is possible to purchase a home with this business. Address: Lunenburg, South Shore R&H ID No: SS-2113 Price: please inquire Contact Info: page 15 24


Connect Magazine • Winter 2012/2013• Published by CC Group Inc.




FAMILY Life Keep Your COOL … Or Warm with an Energy Plan for Your Home

Grand Pré

A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a Successful Swiss Family Boutique Winery

Destination Travel:


real & fabulous!


Nature’s Perfect Balance of History & Present Day!

CAN $7.00

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19 Meaghers Grant Road P.O. Box 34, Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada B0J 2L0


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CC Group Publishing Incorporated 19 Meaghers Grant Road P.O. Box 34, Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada B0J 2L0


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Knowledge is Power! Women want to understand their cars better. A lady’s Car Care Clinic is the perfect tool: offering women a stronger comfort level and understanding about the importance of preventative maintenance and how to keep their car in good working condition. Here + Now are the days where women look after their cars and ensure a proper maintenance plan is in place. A healthy and safe relationship with your vehicle is the smart way to organize. This is a FREE, fun and informative Lady’s seminar, to learn about effective maintenance for your vehicle. The clinics are held at our Cole Harbour location. You can contact Cindy at 404-3133.



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By: Sharon E. Hallam

I have had a love affair with Florida for over 45 years. My parents bought a winter retreat home there and enjoyed beating winter months for over 20 years. Sophisticated and spectacular, Florida is well known globally for its array of leisure pursuits. There is always something new to see and learn when in Florida and it is still the highest ranked state in the United States for affordable travel and easy accessibility. I traded homes with my parents in the summer months which afforded me the luxury of being able to explore the State of Florida. Florida has a fascinating history. It is the 27th State admitted to the Union and it received its name from a Spanish explorer by the name of Juan Ponce De Leon. Good old Juan was the first European to set foot in Florida and ever since that time Europeans and Canadians have fallen in love like I did with this area. I want to touch on an area in the Southwest Florida region known as the Paradise Coast. Let’s begin with Naples.

NAPLES Bathing suits to Black Tie Attire – it has it all! Ahh, Naples .. located in Southwest Florida it lies bordered by the gentle waters of the Gulf of Mexico to the west and the mysterious Everglades to the south resulting in an ideal semi-tropical climate and a perfect playground for the well heeled, well traveled and well educated. Naples has no heavy industry and one of Florida’s lowest crime rates and has long had an irresistible appeal due to easily accessible beaches and minimal traffic congestion. Tree lined boulevards alive with native flora and fauna are the norm. Near the downtown there exists a wonderful historic waterfront community called Tin City. The name is derived from the ubiquitous tin roofed buildings that once formed the hub of the area’s economic development and transport, evolving into the heart of Naples’ fishing industry including oyster processing, clam shelling, boat building and maintenance. Today it has a delightful boardwalk dotted with local shops and restaurants. Of all the natural attractions that Naples has to offer residents and visitors alike, the long beaches, renowned for their sugary white sand, are the most popular yet even


KEY WEST they, in a seeming effort to outdo themselves, underscore a limitless aquamarine horizon where dolphins dance and seabirds soar to the endless soothing rhythm of ocean washing over sand. anderbilt Beach, Naples Municipal Beach ( housing Naples Pier) and Lowdermilk Beach Park are the most popular with tourists and locals. For those seeking a more secluded experience, beaches like Delnor Wiggins Pass State Recreation Area and Clams Pass Beach Park fit the bill nicely. Visitors will enjoy fiery sunsets across the Gulf waters and will hear locals speak of ‘the green flash’, an atmospheric phenomenon occurring just as the sun slips below the horizon, its rays broken down into the full spectrum of colors. Romantics say it is the release of lost souls or a sign of true love but it’s a certainty that if one is fortunate enough to catch this fleeting glimpse it will never be forgotten. Between May 1st and August 3rd Southwest Florida is witness to an equally amazing event when the great Loggerhead sea turtles emerge from the Gulf to enact an eons long ritual, burying their eggs in the warm sand like some ancient prayer to future generations. From sunbathing to swamp boating the Everglades, a list of the activities Naples has on offer would require a small book but one of its premier attractions must be its world class golf courses. The names of the designers of these courses reads like a list of the greats of the game .. Palmer, Nicklaus, Norman and Hills. Naples hosts a

Naples and Marco Island are a unique experience in affordable luxury and natural wonder.

NAPLES number of PGA and LPGA tournaments and the recent Franklin Templeton Shootout. Naples truly is paradise found.

MARCO ISLAND Serene and lush experience!

mainland or one of many criss-crossing canals where the tidal currents are strongest and drop your line. You’re almost assured of a strike. Along the beaches fishing rods in holders are a common sight and a productive way to catch your dinner.

Marco Island, the largest of Florida’s 10,000 islands, is an especially alluring area which has made an effort to maintain its natural wonders. It is celebrated for its lush tropical foliage and if you are a birder it provides sighting opportunities like no other with over 200 species of birds nesting there. Spotting over 130 varieties in a single day is not unusual. Like Naples, Marco offers sun drenched sand beaches and a laid back pace. This is a popular fishing place. The Gulf temperatures provide the perfect year round environment and you don’t even need a boat. Study the locals. Follow them to one of the two bridges connecting the island to the


SANIBEL ISLAND It’s all about nature! Visitors keep streaming to Sanibel and Captiva Islands. The residents have made a concerted effort to protect the natural environment of their home. It provides a stunning, timeless glimpse into Florida’s unspoiled habitats. This area is a magnet for those who appreciate its original nature and eco-tourism possibilities .. its wildlife refuge and miles of nature trails. Sanibel Island epitomizes the quintessential beach town. The very name evokes images of shells and who knew there were so many varieties. Visitors flock from around the world to admire and collect these ‘treasures from the sea’. The sheer numbers of people of all ages seen shuffling along the beaches with buckets, bags and nets, bent over in hopes of finding the ultimate treasure has given rise to the phrase, ‘the Sanibel Stoop’. Even at night they appear like drifting shadows along the shore. The Bailey-Matthews Museum in Sanibel is devoted solely



to the study and beauty of shells and mollusks. Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were close friends and built their summer homes next to one another on Sanibel Island. Edison’s home includes his laboratory and experimental gardens created in 1886 all now proudly maintained true to their original condition. The homes of these two geniuses, who shared a passion for unusual botanicals like eucalyptus and giant banyan trees and growing their own food, offer fascinating glimpses into the lives of two of America’s most famous men. A tour of their beautifully preserved estates rewards the visitor with a unique perspective on Sanibel Island history. If boating is your passion you will find outlet in the area’s myriad waterways, the perfect place for sightings of the abundant wildlife, from lean and graceful blue herons to inquisitive raccoons and playful dolphins. Southwest Florida truly is paradise found.


Are you longing to hear the sound of the surf? Do you like the feel of warm sand between your toes? Do you enjoy walking on a beach? Do you enjoy wearing sandals? Do you enjoy swimming in warm ocean waters? Do you enjoy boating? Do you enjoy fishing? Do you enjoy eating seafood and fine dining? Do you enjoy unique boutiques and art galleries? Do you like to play golf on championship golf courses? Do you enjoy photography? Are you an outdoor enthusiast? Do you want to be in a home that is flooded with natural sunlight? If you have answered “yes” to the majority of the questions above – then you are longing to live in what is known as “Paradise Found” – Southwest Florida! Sharon E. Hallam owns and operates a Travel Company and is recognized in the industry for her accreditations as a travel planner, with excellent research, planning and consultation skills. Sharon specializes in European, Caribbean and Cruise travel.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of CC Group Publishing.

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…and here TOO! NOVA SCOTIA, EASTERN SHORE Martina Robinson: Broker Frank Harmsen: Managing Director/Owner Áine Hughes: REALTOR®/Coordinator Administration Colleen Myers: REALTOR® Balko Schmidt: REALTOR® NOVA SCOTIA, SOUTH SHORE Bettina Grunwald: Managing Associate Broker NOVA SCOTIA, ANNAPOLIS VALLEY David Spence: REALTOR® Winfried Viebahn: Business Consultant Isabelle Scherz: Certified Translater NOVA SCOTIA, YARMOUTH & DIGBY COUNTY Eva Stara Krebser: REALTOR® Ludwig Wagner: REALTOR® NOVA SCOTIA, CAPE BRETON ISLAND Roland Möller: REALTOR® Harald Heinz: REALTOR® GERMANY, HAMBURG Martina Robinson: Independent Associate Broker Frank Harmsen: Independent Associate Broker Balko Schmidt: Independent Associate Broker Nicola Schaper: Independent Associate Broker GERMANY, BADEN WÜRTTEMBERG Inge Rihm: Independent Associate Broker AUSTRIA, TIROL Reinhard Siller: Independent Associate Broker UNITED STATES, FLORIDA Stefan Bolsen: Independent Associate Broker


Building With the Earth A thumbnail sketch of energy efficient home construction In geological time it’s been mere seconds since the ideal dwelling place for homo sapiens constituted a dry, spacious cave close to sources of food and water. Said cave would be easy to heat in winter and cool in the hot season as well as readily defendable if necessary. Our requirements haven’t changed so dramatically although our defenses are more likely to be mounted against rodent and insect infestation than rival tribes or prowling carnivores. Humans are most comfortable in temperatures of the low to mid 70’s Fahrenheit. We desire a pleasing location with views, proximity to food and water as well as the benefits of health, safety and socialization derived from living close to our own kind. But two major shifts have occurred in the past several decades with regard to the standard North American home. The first is our perception of needs versus wants regarding the amenities in those homes and the second involves energy consumption. If cost in dollars were the only consideration it alone would be enough of a catalyst for change. Housing accounts for more than one fifth of the energy used in North America and energy bills for some homeowners can easily rival mortgage payments but are increasingly less predictable. The dynamics of climate change are still a subject of great controversy .. too many unknowns in a system of immense complexity .. yet our status as a mitigating factor remains obvious. All that heating and cooling is a major contributer to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and runaway climate change, the ramifications of which are only beginning to be realized. Enter the era of green building techniques, LEED certification and zeroenergy homes .. houses that produce more energy than they use. To date the majority of people building a new home probably won’t go the still relatively extreme route of zero-energy construction. Nonetheless,


new home buyers are demanding houses with smaller carbon footprints in both the construction stage and at the point of ultimate energy use. The issue, as is often the case, is a matter of balancing needs, wants and costs. Green building involves a variety of factors too comprehensive for this article, including materials used and their source as well as waste management on site. Our focus in this article is the ultimate energy efficiency of the house and how to best achieve it. The first concern is siting .. orienting the structure to take advantage of natural shelter from cold winds while maximizing potential solar gain in winter without creating overheating issues in summer. Siting considerations will often involve wind or solar power options and Nova Scotia offers excellent siting possibilities. Average annual sunlight is substantial and the climate tends to be moderated by proximity to the Gulf Stream. The resources for understanding siting are readily available and easy to grasp if a builder or homeowner is willing to do a little reading. The second essential is the creation of a tight, well-insulated envelope. The modern house as we know it bears no small resemblance to the human body insomuch as it consists of a skeleton (the framing) and several skin-like layers (housewrap, sheathing, siding and drywall, etc.) which can all function as effective air barriers as long as the detailing is correct. These layers protect all the interior systems of a house including what we tend to think of as the heart of the home, the kitchen. Lots of insulation, especially in cold climates, is a must. R-40 in walls and R-60 in roofs is the norm in zero-energy homes and those values are becoming increasingly common in standard construction. A number of building methods allow for R-40 walls and although some are more suitable for new construction and others favour retrofits,

they all share a common feature, deeper walls and attention to restricting air flow. Insulating materials include fiberglass batts, blown dense-pack cellulose, foam panels and the most recent kid on the block, sprayed expandable foam, which has been used extensively in commercial/ industrial applications for some time, including the space program. Air leaks and moisture are the enemy here. In cold climate high-R buildings the exterior sheathing spends much of the year below the dew point of interior air (the point at which water vapour condenses) because of heavily insulated walls. Any warm interior air leaking through the wall cavity will condense on the cold sheathing resulting in rot and mold growth. The need for an unbroken air barrier extending up and across a roof or ceiling and down to a basement wall or floor slab becomes obvious. Ensuring there are no exterior water leaks is equally important. Windows should be installed on full sill flashing and have wrapped jambs and, along with doors, have proper head flashing. If a wall does get wet it should have capacity to store moisture and gradually dry to the exterior or interior. I’ve often heard comments such as ‘They really knew how to build back then’ or ‘Those old houses never rotted out’ and there’s certainly truth in those statements. But every age has had good and not so good builders and often the durability of old homes is due to the very factors which make them inefficient and expensive to heat as well as less comfortable in extremes of heat and cold. Old houses breathed. They had little if any insulation and air moved easily through their walls so that, barring window, door or roof deterioration, they were constantly drying. A similar effect may be achieved in a super insulated house with construction of something called a rain screen wall. A rain screen wall is

simply an engineered space between the siding and the sheathing and housewrap that allows for a chimney effect of moving air to effectively dry the wall. It can be achieved using battens or lath to raise the siding off the sheathing or one of several products manufactured especially for this purpose. It’s important that windows and doors also be built out to accommodate the extra depth and strict attention be paid to the details necessary for keeping insects from moving into the space. All that insulation and air tightness in a modern home, however, results in the need for some sort of mechanical ventilation to control interior moisture. Stale, moisture laden air must be exhausted to the outside while fresh air must be brought into the house. Heat recovery ventilators can perform this function while recouping some of the energy that would be otherwise lost in the outgoing air. Other options include a device situated in the basement or crawl space and consisting of a fan and a humidity sensor. Humid air is heavier and wants to drop. The sensor may be adjusted to a desired humidity level and the fan simply pulls the humid air down through the entire house and exhausts it to the outside. Super insulated walls cost more to build but that cost can be recouped by substantially reduced heating and cooling requirements. Conventional houses are basically heated and cooled by sheer force while things become much more subtle with a super insulated dwelling. With the R- values discussed here, standard heating systems are simply overkill. In some cases a single space heater can serve an entire house. Heat pumps extract heat from the air, ground or water and are efficient and cheap to operate. However, ground based systems can be expensive to install and air based models lose their efficiency as air temperatures drop sharply. Manufacturers are producing increasingly more efficient gas or oil fired products, some greater than 95% efficient but, again, these may simply be too much for a super insulated house and appropriate sizing is important. Electrical-resistance heat is easy and relatively cheap to install, simple to zone by room and a viable option for a wellinsulated house but most electricity comes

from a big carbon footprint grid which tends towards a meagre 30% efficiency. For the homeowner willing to invest up front, renewable energy options are the way to go. A super insulated house could easily be heated with the help of solar or wind systems and would actually result in power being sold back to the utility. In fact, such a house, properly sited, could stay comfortable on even the coldest days without any independent system as long as the sun were shining. If the sun refuses to shine a small high efficiency wood or pellet stove can easily do the job. Gas fired, or electric, on demand water heaters are an economical source of hot water for radiators or, even better, an inslab hot water system. The electric heaters tend to be less efficient or durable in relation to the gas units, especially when used for domestic hot water, but are quite capable of meeting the demands of a heating system. The tankless heater is so efficient, the required water temperature so low and the heat sink capability of the concrete slab such that very little energy is required to run the system. My first experience with in-slab hot water occurred in the earlys 90’s when the company I worked for at the time built a new house for a client on a lot exposed to the open ocean. Once the house was weathertight and drywalled our crew went home for Christmas while the company responsible for the heating system came in to do the installation and slab. The house was brought up to temperature and all the systems checked out. The system was turned off and we came back in to trim out the interior. The first winter storm hit that week and the temperature plummeted. We worked for that week and part of the next without a heating system beyond a strategically placed space heater here and there. The insulated slab retained its heat for several days and we were comfortable the whole time. I was sold on in-floor heat from then on. Windows can easily be one of the largest single expenditure items on a house, depending on energy rating, features and custom design and are one area where it doesn’t pay to go cheap. Most modern windows are double glazed, meaning

the sash holds two panes of glass. The glass should be insulated with a gasket from both the metal channel separating the panes (often aluminum, a notoriously willing conduit for heat or cold) and the sash into which it is mounted. The space between the panes on better windows is filled with argon, an inert gas which gives the window improved insulation and soundproofing. The window sashes and frames may be aluminum clad, vinyl, steel, fiberglass or wood, or a combination of these. Each has its own features, advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking the more a window costs the better the design, hardware and construction. A case can be made for triple glazed windows which are more prevalent in Europe where the government and populace, at least thus far, seem to take adapting to the consequences of energy shortages and global warming somewhat more seriously than we here in North America. Although the triple glazing offers definitively superior insulation and soundproofing it can be difficult to justify an increase of 30 to 50% in cost. This article represents a thumbnail sketch of energy efficient construction. The industry is in a period of great fluidity. Needs and demands and the technology to meet them are all in a state of flux. Every project has its own variables and overriding factors and, almost inevitably, cost trumps all. Can money for super insulated walls or green energy systems be garnered from other parts of the job? Is the client able and willing to amortize those costs over many years of reduced heating and cooling needs? As the technology and methodology improve and the demand for them increases the cost should lower correspondingly and the cave, as we know it, will continue to evolve. By Tim Brushett

Tim Brushett is a journeyman carpenter, freelance writer and musician.




ICFSmart Construction Strength–Smart Energy

Can You See How Strong the Walls Are? We’ll be happy to show you! The extra high ceilings throughout convey an overriding sense of homey grandeur… THE LOCATION some 6 km to the University Town of Antigonish THE FACTS built in 2001 on a park-like 6 acre double lot TLA 3,100 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths plus 2 powder rooms Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) is a system of formwork for concrete that stays in place as permanent building insulation for energy-efficient, reinforced concrete walls. The forms are interlocking modular units that are dry-stacked (without mortar) and filled with concrete. The forms lock together somewhat like Lego bricks and serve to create a form for the structural walls or floors of a building. ICF construction is becoming increasingly commonplace for both low rise commercial and residential construction as more stringent energy efficiency and natural disaster resistant building codes are adopted.


Address: Antigonish, Northumberland Shore R&H ID No: NS-6420 Exclusive Price: $447,000. Contact Info: page 24

Home Financing

Your new home doesn’t come with mortgage advice. I do. Sound advice, smart strategies and helpful products from your RBC mobile mortgage specialist Whether you’re about to buy your first home, or your fifteenth, you can always benefit from the professional services of an RBC Royal Bank® mobile mortgage specialist. I can provide the right level of advice, products and strategies you need to make your home buying dream a reality. When it comes right down to it, buying a home is a unique and highly personalized experience. No one else will have the same needs, expectations and desires as you. It makes sense that your mortgage should also be unique. It should reflect your current financial situation and your future plans, your beliefs about money and your home ownership goals. There’s no such thing as a “one-sizefits-all” mortgage. And that’s where I come in.

Providing real solutions As your mobile mortgage specialist, I’m here to help you get the financing you need to suit your lifestyle and to make your home ownership goals happen. Working together, you and I will assess your financial situation and needs and discuss strategies and advice tailored to your situation.

Service when and where you need it

Jason A Baker Mortgage Specialist Royal Bank of Canada 7907 Hwy 7 Musquodoboit Harbour, NS B0J2L0 Cel: 902-476-6330 Fax: 902-845-2381

I realize that your schedule is also unique, and your banking needs may not fit the typical 9 to 5 hours. That’s why I’m ready to meet with you at your convenience — whether that’s in the morning or the evening, at your work place, or even on a building site. I can arrange to meet you at the time and place that suits you.

Continued on Page 2


North West Shore

North West Shore

R&H ID No: SS-2369 Kejimkujik National Park Area Price: $420,000.

R&H ID No: NS-6319 Highway 6, Marshville, Northumberland Straight Price: please inquire

10.57 Acres with 350 feet of Ocean Front on John Bay times two! Once in a lifetime you are offered a gem of a building lot in an area of great desirability! This is one such select offer… and it is repeated, so there are twins – side by side, 2 LOTS. The Northumberland Shore has long earned 'its star rating' from families all over Canada and abroad.

Yarmouth County

Build your own wilderness retreat near the Kejimkujik National Park. Offered for Sale are 9 parcels encompassing more than 147 acres.

Land for SALE N

R&H ID No: YA-1426 Lot #35, Plymouth Gentian Road, Gavelton Price: $52,800. Wooded +/- 6.25 acres water front lot on the Bennett's Lake. Electricity and phone are already in place on the road. Also available lot #29 with +/- 4.45 acres and water frontage on Bennett's Lake.


Yarmouth County


R&H ID No: YA-1400 Lot on Highway #340, Carlton Price: $86,000.

Beautiful Woodlot with over 60 Acres (24 hectars) and about 1700 feet of Lake Frontage, a good driveway (Right of Way) leads you to the lake, where you can build your dream home or develop into cottage lots for sale.



South Shore

South Shore

R&H ID No: SS-2194 Highway 329, Deep Cove Price: please inquire

R&H ID No: SS-2210 Lot #6, Loon Trail Road, Westfield Price: $25,000.

WILDLIFE ESTATES @ Hollahan Lake Phase I of this community is presently offering 10 Lots for Sale. With sailing, fishing, kayaking, canoeing and swimming–you can relax and play in this lifestyle setting. Partly surrounded and protected by Crown Land: The Blandford Nature Reserve with its sheer size of some 320 ha. showcases nature at its best. The towns of Chester and Hubbards are 20 minutes away.

This 92,031 sq. ft. (2.11 Acres) pie shaped land parcel, affords wider waterfront on McGowan Lake and provides approximately 300' of pebble beach for a west-facing treed parcel at the end of a Cul-de-sac. Power is run to this piece of land and not beyond. You can build today, or hold this lot for the future when you are ready to build. Protective Covenants are in place. A lot of privacy!

Cape Breton Island R&H ID No: CB-7446 Lot #8, Marble Mountain Rd Mashes West Bay Price: $89,000.

2.6 Acre property with 540 ft. of waterfront just 15 minutes away from the town of Port Hawkesbury, this world class subdivision is nestled in the richly forested hills on the shores of the beautiful Bras d’Or Lakes.

“don’t wait to buy land, buy land and then wait” Eastern Shore

R&H ID No: ES-5374 Lot on Highway 316, Country Harbour, Guysborough County Price: $37,000. We invite you to visit this riverfront property and decide that it is a perfect setting for your family's memories. Fall colours, winter's crisp and quiet time, and spring & summer fun. The seasons colourful pallet have a mysterious vibrancy right here in beautiful Country Harbour. This spot of land offers to you the opportunity for a safe get away, seasonal home or full time residence. A rare and manageable chance for a family haven. Be our guest, come to see....

South Shore

R&H ID No: SS-2286 Lot #7, Keddy Cove Road, New Elm Price: $40,000. Calling all nature lovers. The private groomed road to your 1.8 acre waterfront oasis is part of the adventure!!! Fully treed and sizeable for development, this lot has power 'right at the doorstep'. West facing orientation near the mouth of the cove allows sunset views into the open, island filled boat-ways.

Eastern Shore

R&H ID No: ES-5237 Lot #12, Holland Harbour Road, Holland Harbour Price: $150,000. Today, this is the ONLY bold oceanfront building lot available for sale in this particular subdivision and a unique opportunity to mingle with international artists. Known as ARTinsula, this Peninsula has been established with creative minds. 11.61 Acres +/-.

Eastern Shore

R&H ID No: ES-5157 Lot on Mushaboom Road, Mushaboom Price : $16,500. 37,933.0 Sq. Ft. (0.87 Acre) +/-. Year round road access with views to the ocean. From Dartmouth, drive East on Hwy #107, turn right onto Hwy 7 (Marine Drive), drive East to Mushaboom and right onto Mushaboom Road. The journey is approx. 65 km (1hr) East from the town of Musquodoboit Harbour.



GREEN property



GREEN property Green energy with Solar Power

1040 Sonora Road, Wine Harbour

Location: Ocean Front Lot Size: 62.5 Acres Total Living Area: 925 sq. ft. 1 Bedroom + Loft/ 1 Full Bath



Asking Price: $167,000. Energy: Solar, Propane, Generator Built: NEW-2011 R&H ID No: ES-5351

GREEN property

2446 Cape Gegogan Rd., GoldenVille

Location: Bold Ocean Front Lot Size: ± 25.97 Acres Total Living Area: 1,900 sq. ft. 2 Bedrooms / 1 Full Bath


Asking Price: $189,900. Energy: Solar, Propane, Wood Built: 2000 R&H ID No: ES-5163

256 Cameron Road, Sherbrooke

Location: St. Mary's River Front Lot Size: ± 2.6 Acres Total Living Area: 2,700 sq. ft. 5 Bedrooms / 4 Full Baths



Asking Price: $350,000. Energy: Solar, Oil, HWR Built: 1999 R&H ID No: ES-5305

GREEN property

2470 Cape Gegogan Rd., GoldenVille

Location: Bold Ocean Front Lot Size: ± 25.97 Acres Total Living Area: 2,750 sq. ft. 3 Bedrooms / 1 Full Bath, 2 3/4 baths

Asking Price: $485,000. Energy: Propane, Solar, Wood, HWB Built: 2004 R&H ID No: ES-5139



GREEN property Green energy is the power behind this seasonal residence.


Every window is a landscape painting

When this couple decided to have it all and build their dream Lindal home on Hemlow Island on Nova Scotia’s East Shore, they combined their love of nature with exclusive comfort and joy. The Poggenpohl Kitchen makes a statement in itself as does the flooring of Ipe and Jatoba wood in alternating strips.. The home sits strong on some 45 acres, safely tucked in Liscomb Harbour. Green energy is the power behind this seasonal residence Dieses ganz besondere Lindal Home fügt sich in ein weitläufiges, über 18 ha großes, nuturverbundenes Inselgrundstück. Die Eheleute aus Amerika verbringen ihre Sommerurlaube hier an Kanada’s Ostküste. Bei 1.400m (4,500 ft) Ocean Front ist hier jede erdenkliche Wassersportart möglich. Dank ausgeklügelter Technik braucht man auf keinen Luxus zu verzichten! Bei der Ausstattung wurde großer Wert auf die Verwendung natürlicher Baustoffe und Energien gelegt.

Address: Hemlow Island, Liscomb Energy: Solar, Propane, Wood Contact Info: page 24




Main Floor

Second Floor

Lower Living Area

Floor plan diagram and measurements to be verified by interested parties

Traditional and beautiful, work & play Multi-Family Estate on the Main Street in Musquodoboit Harbour. Work: 45 min to Halifax. Play: 15 min drive Martinique Beach Provincial Park. Commercial & income are possible: This property and its outbuildings have the potential for a B&B, CafĂŠ & Craft Shop, equestrian facilities or other Lifestyle Business opportunity. TLA of Home 4,400 sq ft. on a 2 acre plot of land. Address: 7748 Highway #7, Musquodoboit Harbour R&H ID No: ES-5167 Price: $422,000. Contact Info: page 24




Main Floor

Second Floor

Lower Living Area

Floor plan diagram and measurements to be verified by interested parties

A modern country–style, work & play Multi-Family Estate on the Ocean Inlet of Country Harbour. Work: 45 min to Antigonish. Play: 5 min walk to your own water’s edge. Commercial & income are possible: This property and its outbuildings have potential for a B&B, Café & Craft Shop, equestrian facilities or other Lifestyle Business opportunity. TLA of Home 3,750 sq ft. on 44 acre plot of land. Address: 16311 Highway #316, Country Harbour Mines R&H ID No: ES-5327 Price: $423,000. Contact Info: page 24





Grace and light Fill this Charmer

A Gorgeous Gem it is! Located in the heart of Shelburne within easy walking distance to the Historic Waterfront, shopping and restaurants. 4-5 bedrooms with 3 baths and a spacious, custom, European design Kitchen. Made for great Entertaining. Love at first sight!


Address: 43 John Street, Shelburne R&H ID No: SS-2407 Price: $359,000. Contact Info: page 24

Eastern Shore’s h Lake Charlotte To Cole Harbour

16 17 19 18 14 15 20

13 5 7 9 10 11 6 8 4 12


22 23 24

3 Porters Lake


Chezzetcook Inlet

Petpeswick Inlet


Musquodoboit Harbour

Martinique Beach


Lawrencetown Beach


Heron’s Nest Tearoom 827-4171 4144 Highway 207, Lawrencetown Beach


Fancy Chopsticks 281-3330 5019 Highway 7, Porters Lake



Rose and Rooster Bakery 827 5290 6502 Highway 207, Grand Desert


Porter’s Lake Pub & Grill 827-3097 5228 Highway 7, Porters Lake


Tin Roof Mercantile & Café 827-53 6321 Highway 7, Head of Chezzet Harbour Fish n’ Fries 889-3366 7886 Highway 7, Musquodoboit H


L’Acadie de Chezzetcook Museum, Tearoom & Giftshop 827-5992 79 Hill Road, West Chezzetcook


Lori McKay's Restaurant 827 5959 5191 Highway 7, Porters Lake


Dobbit Bakehouse 889-2919 7896 Highway 7, Musquodoboit H



Tim Horton’s 827-5100 5215 Highway 7, Porters Lake


Rowlings Take-Out & Convenienc 7907 Highway 7, Musquodoboit H


Toulany’s Pizza 827-4900 4554 Highway 7, Porters Lake Jessy‘s Pizza 281-2222 5019 Highway 7, Porters Lake


Gazoo’s Take -Out 827-3435 5361 Highway 7, Porters Lake


Sher's Bear Den Café 889-3003 7955 Highway 7, Musquodoboit H


Cicero's On the Water 827 3287 122 Post Office Rd, Porters Lake


Toulany‘s Pizza 827-2300 Head of Chezzetcook


The Tourist Trap 889-3791 8384 Highway 7, Musquodoboit H


Jeddore Harbour


historic no. 7 HWY Since you are reading this, you understand the power of advertising.

39 28

902 889 2198 REA L E S T A T E * L I F E S T Y L E * BUS I N E S S

CC Group Publishing Incorporated

Oyster Pond


Sheet Harbour Spry Bay

Ship Harbour

Taylor Head Park

Owl’s Head

Clam Harbour Beach

313 tcook


Unbowlievable Lanes Ltd. 889-3433 11 Strike Lane, Musquodoboit Harbour


The Lunch Room 845 2623 47 East Jeddore Road, Oyster Pond, Jeddore



Bonitas Kitchen and Laundromat 889 2213 8990 Highway 7, Forest Hills Plaza, Head Jeddore


Memory Lane Heritage Village 845-1937 5435 Clam Harbour Road, Lake Charlotte



Ong’s Chinese Restaurant 889-3443 9101 Highway 7, Head Jeddore

Krauch & Sons Ltd. 772-2188 27 J35Willy Old Mooseland Rd.,Tangier

ce Ltd. 889-3000 Harbour


Jeddore Lodge & Cabins 889-3030 9855 Highway 7, Head Jeddore

Motel & Restaurant 885-2158 28 Fairwinds 22522 Highway 7, Sheet Harbour



The Salmon River House B&B 9931 Highway 7, Salmon River Bridge

Hbr Motel & Restaurant 885-2293 39 Sheet 22715 Highway 7, Sheet Harbour



Shaun’s Café 889-2667 10139 Highway 7, Head Of Jeddore

Please Note: numbers placed on map are an approximation. Please call establishment for exact location.


Š Frank Harmsen 2012

"Mortgage Advice" Wherever, Whenever Please allow me to introduce myself as your local TD Canada Trust Mobile Mortgage Specialist. As a seasonal resident of the Eastern Shore, I am happy to provide mortgage financing advise for you, whether you are a first time home buyer, building new construction, or a seasoned investor, upsizing or downsizing!

Beth Maclellan

With 25 years in the industry I can help you to sort out all of your financing needs and most often in the comfort of your own home.

Mobile Mortgage Specialist Please contact me at 902-440-1670 or by email:




“Good Food and Festivals are our Specialty!” Lifestyle Business For SALE Is it TIME for you to make a change toward a better pace of life? On Nova Scotia's warm Sunrise Trail, centre stage in the Village of Pugwash, you will find this friendly and lively Café. ( This licensed eatery is a well established tourist spot & local attraction, hosting events and music concerts. The Café seats approx. 30 with additional outdoor seating for 28 on the patio deck. Additional rental income through the retail space tenant.Currently operating from May–October. Address: 10163 Durham Street, Pugwash R&H ID No: NS-6432 Price: $385,000. Contact Info: page 24

Private entrance walk up to 2 + Bedroom, loft–style Apartment with 4 piece Bath.




ABC For Sale: 2 in 1= Lifestyle Business Main Floor


Second Floor

Floor plan diagram and measurements to be verified by interested parties.

Arts & Crafts Style Home + licensed Day Care Business. Private two storey + full BLA area Family Home. + 2 commercial buildings housing the licensed Day Care Business with playgrounds and ample parking. + 2 rental income apartments above the daycare premises. Address: 1436 St. Margarets Bay Rd., Lakeside, HRM R&H ID No: HM-4387 Price: $1,642,000. Contact Info: page 24






Family Farm dream come true.

Make this your four-season playground, a place to create memories to last a lifetime. Festive dinners, planting spring crops, welcoming new farm animals, summer beachcombing adventures and autumn bonfires singing “.. and on his farm he had a horse…”. On the main floor, the living room’s French doors open into a relaxing sunroom. There’s a dining room, a well-equipped kitchen, a bathroom and a mudroom. Upstairs are 3 bedrooms, den and a bath. Outside the huge 3-storey wired barn can be renovated to suit your interests and is perfect for animals and hay storage. There’s also a shed and a large garage. Re-imagine your life at MacDonald Lane - bliss.

Address: 19 MacDonald Lane, Northumberland R&H ID No: NS-6103 Price: $285,000. Contact Info: page 24


A World of Difference Are you a young family caught up in the hectic pace of day–to– day life and in need of a change? Do your body and soul long for tranquility and relaxation? Do you need to breathe fresh air more often and reconnect with nature? Do you wish your children had more freedom and that you could spend more quality time with them?

By Hillary Dionne

months the population of the island swells to over two hundred people as school lets out and the vacant seasonal homes welcome their families back.

The island is serviced by a passenger ferry that operates year–round, to and from the village of Chester. Tancook has many modern–day conveniences, such as electricity via sub–marine

cable from the mainland, land telephone lines, unpaved but regularly maintained roads, and a recently erected high–speed internet tower. There is a post office, a recreational centre, an amazing elementary school, a couple of small gift shops and art galleries, a library, a museum and a seasonally opened place to get fresh fish & chips. There is also a Baptist church that hosts visiting church groups who come

and hold occasional services and hymn sings. The island no longer has a general store, but many residents enjoy a trip to the mainland once in a while to go shopping, do banking and run other errands. In the gallery that houses the library and the museum you will find a fun and games room where you can play board games, air hockey, darts, or do a jigsaw puzzle. Along with books and magazines, the library

Then let me tell you a bit about where I live. If you like what you hear, maybe you’ll come and visit. If you love what you find when you get here … maybe you’ll end up with a new home, just down the road. My name is Hillary Dionne and you may have seen my story in the previous issue of Connect. It was about my creative life – past and present – on a small island that I have proudly called home for the better part of 34 years. Located in the harbour of Mahone Bay, amongst 364 other small islands, you will find Big Tancook; a beautiful and rustic island community of just over a hundred full–time residents. Tancook charms and enchants its residents and visitors with its rugged coastlines, panoramic vistas, and its rich boat–building and fishing history. In the summer


offers quite a selection of VHS and DVD movies for all ages. The recreational centre hosts regular dances, card parties, bingo games, pizza parties, fund– raising dinners and numerous other year–round community events and celebrations. In an emergency, there are a number of island residents who are qualified Medical First Responders and trained defensive fire fighters. By calling 911 for either a medical or fire emergency, the individuals who volunteer on both of these teams will provide a quick response and assessment of the situation. For medical emergencies, the ferry

or even the Lifeflight helicopter will transport the patient to the mainland for continued medical help if necessary. For fire emergencies the defensive fire team has, on hand and ready to go, firefighting equipment which includes pumps and hoses, DNR backpacks, a water–filled pumper truck and an equipped rapid response vehicle. Are you intrigued yet? Well, let me tell you a bit more … Today, Big Tancook’s main industry is lobster fishing and during the months that lobster season is open the island bustles with activity. Living amongst

and alongside the seafarers are a number of handy–persons skilled in everything from carpentry and cabinet making to being mechanically inclined. There are even some who are adept at solving electrical and plumbing problems. Tancook is also home to many artisans who


carve, sculpt, paint, write, knit, quilt, sew, hook rugs, bake and even make sauerkraut. It seems that everyone who lives here or moves here has skills or talents that contribute to the unique and creative ways of island life. If you love spending time outdoors, Tancook will most certainly rejuvenate, relax and reward you. Being an island, Tancook has many interesting beaches to explore. Some are rugged and great to hike along. Others are a beachcomber’s delight, scattered with beach glass, seashells, beautiful stones

and driftwood. At low tide, the island’s Southeast Cove empties out enough to expose sand flats edged with tidal pools full of starfish, hermit crabs, minnows and periwinkles. The sand flats themselves are fun to play on and are perfect for building sand castles or doing Tai Chi and Yoga. Throughout the year you can enjoy the island’s shorelines and surrounding waters, discovering great places to swim, kayak, collect treasures or simply sunbathe. There are also beautiful woodlands and open pasture lands

to enjoy; great for nature-lovers, bird watchers, photographers and artists. There are no dangerous wild animals on the island to worry about when in the woods, but you will see deer and rabbits on occasion. The island’s gravel roads are perfect for cycling, jogging and walking and there isn’t much traffic to contend with. The sunrises are incredible to behold and are well worth getting up early for. Likewise, one could very easily become mesmerized by the reds, purples, and oranges of the sun setting over the western sea. At the heart of this colourful and eclectic island community is the


Big Tancook Island Elementary School where children get a start to their education that is considered by many to be second to none. Big Tancook Island Elementary School is one of the last of its kind, where children from grade primary through grade five spend their day learning together in one classroom. Because of the small number of students, the children often have the benefit of more one-on-one time with the teacher during lessons. As well, the older students help the younger with whatever they can; from tying shoelaces and zipping up jackets, to reading from a storybook or practicing arithmetic. Besides the regular elementary curriculum taught by the teacher, the island school has community members who volunteer weekly to teach music, sports, art and more. Also, there are often guest visitors to the school who do fun and educational activities with the children or even teach them about things such as fire and medical safety. There is never any age or gender discrimination and the school environment is friendly, safe and basically worry-free. Imagine enrolling your children in a school where you know there is no threat of violence, drugs, or alcohol. This type of learning environment allows the students, and their parents, a happy and positive school experience. When the children start grade six and travel on the ferry every day to attend school in Chester, they begin middle school with a solid and sound educational foundation. Our island community is unique in so many ways and has so much to offer in terms of a good quality lifestyle, especially for young families. If you are

self-employed or can work from home, then maybe island life is a possibility for your family. Commuting is also a possibility if your current employment has flexibility and can coincide with the ferry schedule. Maybe your skills and talents will keep you busy here, too. The cost of living on the island is less than on the mainland and the rural setting, fresh air and peaceful day-to-day life is something that many of us, already lucky enough to live here, treasure. My hope in writing this article is to attract some young families

to visit Big Tancook Island to see it for themselves. I also hope that some of you will fall in love with what you find and will be able to have a year-round home here. Our community would certainly welcome any newcomers and our elementary school would thrive with more children. Together, this would help to keep our island vibrant and vital. If you believe the close-knit community of Tancook might be the place for you, come and visit and see what you think. You might just discover a world of difference and a lifestyle that you may not have thought possible.

Wishing Stones Studio & Gallery is located at 151 Southeast Cove Road on Big Tancook Island, Nova Scotia. It’s approximately a one mile walk, on unpaved roads, from the government wharf where the ferry docks. If you take Exit 7 off Highway 103 you will find signage directing you to the Tancook Island Ferry which leaves from the picturesque seaside village of Chester, NS. For more information about Wishing Stones Gallery, please visit www. For information about Tancook, please visit the Tancook Island tourism website www. or the Tancook Island Homepage at For information about the ferry schedule, please visit


Graduation Ask for a worker an out of luck dreamer a boy or a girl with a voice. Ask for a doer a thinker, a planner a person who makes the right choice. Ask for the boy with the plan on his back or the girl buried waste deep in grime. Ask for a comic, a sonnet, a field goal a child with a mathematic mind. Ask for the outgoing, the closed in, the shy ask for the snarky or bright. Ask for relaxed, or doe eyed, or gamer Ask for a child born out of the night. You can ask for a lot but it’s never the same because one part will come with the rest though the edges are torn and some parts fade way the picture still holds to the test. And hate/love’s the constant state of our time though laughter will usually coat that and make up and forgive are hard to achieve we’ve managed to sweep it all under the mat. You asked for the dreamers the make believe seers you asked for the next level man You asked for a future quite littered with new worlds and a timeline which wont hold your hand You asked for a lot and we gave you it back we answered the call without brass. There’s still much to give but we’ll start off with this. We give you the graduate class. By: Marina Jinx Duggan June 2012



rom the crackle of wood burning in the cook stove, to the smell of the saltwater breeze, come experience the warmth and welcome of Nova ScotiaÕ s Eastern Shore in a traditional fishing family’s home. Located only 40 minutes east of metro Halifax, this simple wooden house once belonged to Ervine Myers, his wife Ethelda and their 13 daughters. Like many other families who resided along Nova ScotiaÕ s shores in the early 1900s, the Myers’ made their living off both the land and sea; fishing throughout the summer and working the woods in the winter. Come and visit this charming home to discover just how extraordinary ordinary life used to be.

Open seasonally June 1 - October 15 Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tel: (902) 889-2053

Fisherman's Life Museum 58 Navy Pool Loop Jeddore Oyster Pond Nova Scotia, Canada Martha Monk: Site Manager

Highway 107 to Route 7, follow Fisherman's Life Museum signs to Jeddore Oyster Pond, Halifax Co.; located on the Marine Drive.




Charming Farmstead on a Country Lane This charming and well maintained farmstead is a classic example of the finest old world construction methods. Situated on a country lane overlooking some 70 acres of prime growing land it includes 3 barns, one of which is a large post and beam hay barn. The acreage is bordered on one side by a river spanned with a stout, well built bridge and features a generous pond and peaceful views of gently rolling hills. This is the ideal property for someone with homesteading and farming aspirations. An additional +/-50 acres may be negotiated with the purchase. Please enquire. Address: 61 Sedrich Road, Elderbank R&H ID No: ES-5149 Price: $235,000. Contact Info: page 24




Quality Family Life on the Farm in the Musquodoboit Valley

... enjoyed as it should be, right in the middle of the Musquodoboit Valley, some 131 acres of prime agricultural land located near Middle Musquodoboit in Elderbank. 120 acres cleared and approximately 1/2 tile drained. Accessed by private road this property is an ideal homestead location with all the land required for the full spectrum of farming activities. A large barn, massive knoll and bordering river add value and charm to this desirable property.

Address: 48 Elderbank Road, Elderbank R&H ID No: ES-5424 Price: $220,000. Contact Info: page 24


Family Cottages & Vacation Homes Comparing STRATEGIES for owning Real Estate Nova Scotia

is a popular place to own a cottage or a vacation home. Whether you want a property with an ocean view or wish to fish on a lake, Nova Scotia’s real estate has something to offer everyone.

“Finding your dream property is only the first step.” Finding your dream property is only the first step, as once you have found it, you need to decide how to own it. Planning is important for owning any property. This includes considering personal goals, the tax implications of a sale, the cost of deed transfer tax, non-residence withholdings that may need to be paid to the Government, the impact of death and the probate process. Below we have outlined some of the topics to discuss with your advisors and options that may be available to accomplish your goals.

Traditional Ownership

Often buyers are advised to simply hold property as joint tenants. This means that the property will pass to the survivors upon the death of another owner. This method can avoid probate and works well for couples owning property. As people get older, they often will add their children to a deed for a property to ensure that their child becomes the owner of the property and to avoid probate. This works very well to ensure title passes to the next generation and if the property is your “principal residence” for tax purposes. If it is not your principal residence, it can cause an unexpected tax result. Careful planning can help reduce the chances of an unwanted tax bill.


Tenancy in Common

Another simple method for purchasing property involves taking title as tenants in common. This allows each owner to specify how their interest in the property will pass upon their death. Upon an owner’s death, their interest passes in accordance with their Will, which is not necessarily to the survivor. Provided that you are concerned only with the first transfer, tenancy in common is a great way to ensure that the property stays within a family. For example, parents may convey their property to their children as tenants in common so each child can pass their interest to their respective children. Without further planning, tenancy in common does however present limitations and some additional expenses such as a requirement to probate the deceased’s estate upon death in order to transfer the property. Additionally, there is an inability to control the disposition of the owner’s portion of the property. The property is also available to an owner’s creditors.

Corporate Ownership

Many people are advised to own vacation or cottage properties through a corporation so that they can transfer shares instead of the property. This allows for multiple owners and may help avoid probate. It also provides liability protection as the property cannot be taken for an individual’s debts.

“owning property through a corporation adds a level of complexity”

Maintenance, expenses and even how often the property can be used can be dealt with in a properly drafted shareholders’ agreement. However, owning property through a corporation adds a level of complexity including a whole new set of rules for the owners to deal with. Income tax considerations like taxable shareholder benefits for the use of the property and capital gains on the sale of shares need to be considered. This is also another situation where the principal residence exemption does not apply to the property, and in the case of shares owned by non-residents, special rules need to be followed during the transfers as money may need to be withheld and paid to the government.

Trust and Partnerships

There are also various forms of trust relationships and partnerships that can be set up to own properties. Trusts and partnerships have appeal because they protect the property from creditors of an individual owner, generally help avoid probate and may still allow some flexibility for tax planning. For example, a holdings trust can be used to own property taking the property out of the hands of individuals who may have issues with creditors. Finally, both partnerships and trusts can help keep the property in the family after the death of the original owner as a high degree of control can be exercised over who gets the property. However, like the other structures, partnerships and trusts may add a level of complication that is not necessary and can often cause tax complications if the incorrect structure is used or if the structure is not used properly. Typically, partnerships are more expensive structures than the typical owner of a family cottage or vacation property needs, but they may be useful under the right circumstances. On the other hand, various trusts exist and are often great tools to assist people who wish to own family cottages or vacation properties.

“partnerships and trusts can help keep the property in the family� Summary

As you can see, there is no one size fits all solution to property ownership. A solution to one problem may simply be the start of another problem. Add the complications of property owned by non-residents and various income tax and investment rules, along with the needs and goals of families with unique circumstances and each situation can become very complicated. The important thing for any purchaser or owner of property to remember is that prior to purchasing or transferring title to a family cottage or vacation property you should consult with a professional and experienced advisor. They should be able to advise you on the tax consequences as well as the effect of a transfer of title upon death, including probate issues, to ensure that you have a full understanding of how you are buying a piece of property and why you are taking title in a particular way. By: Jared B. Schwartz

Jared B. Schwartz is a partner at Patterson Law advising businesses and their owners. His practice includes professional corporations, the purchase and sale of businesses (assets and shares), commercial lending, real estate, and corporate governance as well as advising on related matters such as estate planning and creditor protection.

Email: Phone: 902.405.8111 or 896.6111



Wake up to this Panoramic View!


Upper Level

Lower Level

5 Bedroom Ocean Front Family Home.

Located in picturesque Terence Bay, just 30min from downtown Halifax, this stunning property enjoys unparalleled 180ยบ views over the Bay. The luminous open concept living space leads to a massive deck with breathtaking south facing ocean vistas. All furniture, works of art + interior decorations are included in the purchase price. TLA: 2,660 sq. ft. Lot size: 2.5 acres. Address: 35 Jollimore Road, Terence Bay R&H ID No: HM-4431 Price: $595,000. Contact Info: page 24

Floor plan diagram and measurements to be verified by interested parties.




Floor plan diagram and measurements to be verified by interested parties.

Main Floor

Second Floor


5 Bedroom Ocean Front Family Home.

Set in a peaceful location amid the natural shores and deep water anchorage of Bras d’Or Lake on Cape Breton Island, this attractive and modern/retro Scandinavian style family estate offers seasonal enjoyment or full time residence bliss. The house’s main level comprises a particularly large living/dining area with a gallery look, a cosy and welcoming sitting room with a fireplace, an adjoining open plan kitchen and, of course, access to the outdoor deck. All furniture, works of art + interior decorations are included in the purchase price. This is a quality Lindal Home. TLA: 2,850 sq. ft. Lot size: 6 acres. Address: 140 Eagle Creek Road, Orangedale, Cape Breton R&H ID No: CB-7434 Price: $470,000. Contact Info: page 24




Wood and Warmth and Water This amazing log home has 2,425 sq. ft. and is situated on an ocean front peninsula on 4 Acres of land. Offered turnkey and furnished with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, two car garage, outbuildings and a dock. Built in 2002 and ready for you! Address: 161 Quoddy Drive, Sheet Harbour R&H ID No: ES-5401 Price: $780,000. Contact Info: page 24




Wood and Warmth and Water And this amazing log home has 2,840 sq. ft. and is situated on The St. Mary's River with 3.5 Acres of land. Offered with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, two car garage, outbuildings and a dock. Built in 2007 and ready for you! Address: 641 Anderson Drive, Sherbrooke R&H ID No: ES-5367 Price: $545,000. Contact Info: page 24


Ski Martock Serious About Snow

By Andy MacLean

Close your eyes and envision Nova Scotia for a moment. What do you see? Quaint fishing villages along rocky coastlines? White, sandy beaches? Maybe you see the orchards and vineyards of the fertile Annapolis Valley? Was it winter? Did you picture skiers and snowboarders sliding down groomed white slopes? How about cross-country skiers gliding through quiet woodland trails?

Ski Martock, near Windsor, is the region’s busiest snow resort and we specialize in Nova Scotian winters. Despite the maritime weather influences of the nearby Atlantic Ocean to the south and the Bay of Fundy to the north, Martock has a reputation for providing consistently snowy winters. The key is snowmaking and our ability to cover 100% of Martock’s alpine and nordic terrain. Martock has remained on the forefront of snowmaking technology and constant upgrades allow Martock’s high tech system to convert ten tons of water into snow every minute! This ability to provide a snowy winter even when Mother Nature can’t is the


reason that Martock has developed such a vibrant outdoor winter community. The alpine trails are primarily intermediate in difficulty with a good mix of easier trails for beginner and novice sliders. Freestyle terrain continues to develop and evolve. We currently have our main terrain park as well as Canada’s first Burton Riglet park for young snowboarders. In 1995 we installed one of Canada’s first halfpipes. Upgrades for the 2011 Canada Winter Games have meant Martock skiers and snowboarders continue to have one of Canada’s best Halfpipes. All alpine terrain is lit and we’re open 7 nights a week. Martock’s Nordic Park experienced a

large expansion in preparation for the 2011 Games. While 5 kilometers of trails may not sound like a particularly long distance, these trails offer a challenging mix of terrain that beginner, intermediate and expert skiers will all enjoy. These wide trails are groomed for both classic and skate skiing and wind through mixed hard and softwood forest. The mix of climbs and descents challenge and exhilarate Biathlon is relatively new to Martock. A large stadium area shared with CrossCountry Skiing and the province’s first Biathlon range were constructed for 2009. This combination of skiing and shooting is growing fast with a large club and provincial program developing athletes. The Biathlon venue has already hosted national level events. For people wanting to enjoy the great outdoors at a slower pace, the nordic park offers a great opportunity to explore the trails on snowshoes. Martock has all of the services to ensure

you have a great day on the snow. The base lodge houses a lounge, food service, Canadian Ski Patrol System first aid, Cleve’s Source for Sports boutique, an accessible elevator as well as washrooms and day lockers. The rental shop has a large inventory of ski, snowboard, telemark and both classic and skate cross-country equipment. The full service repair shop can perform everything from waxing and binding mounts to complete tune-ups and repairs. Martock’s large snow school boasts instructors and coaches able to help skiers and snowboarders at any level improve and progress. Many of our instructors are certified and trained by the Canadian Association of Disabled Skiers. The Martock Ski Race club provides competitive ski race and freestyle ski training and programming. Cross-country ski and biathlon training and programs are administered by the Martock Nordic Ski Club. Hosting the Snowboarding, Biathlon and Cross-Country Skiing events during the 2011 Canada Winter games gave Martock’s great facilities national exposure. Veteran CTV/TSN sports broadcaster, Rod Black, said, “This event at Martock is every bit as good as any world cup event I have covered...venue

and organization!” Martock athletes are no strangers to the world stage including the Olympics. We’ve had an athlete at every winter Olympics since 1998. Trevor Andrew and Sarah Conrad competed in two Winter Olympics each; Trevor in the 1998 and 2002 and Sarah in the 2006 and 2010. Martock continues its legacy in snowboard excellence with Alex Duckworth currently on the National Snowboard Team and local riders Dallas Rourke and Jeremy Page both winning Canada Games silver medals and competing for Canada in snowboarding’s Junior World Championships. Although known as a winter resort, Martock has recently become a four season resort. Ontree Fun and Adventure Park began operation in the spring. The park, operated by Jürgen and Martina Weigelt, is a European-style tree park with swinging and climbing elements as well as many zip lines. You can even ride a bike and a snowboard across cables suspended metres in the air. All elements are located in the mature pine and hemlock forest above the Nordic trails. Come visit Martock this winter and don’t be surprised if your next Nova Scotia day dream is blanketed in white! Ski Martock, 370 Ski Martock Road Windsor, Nova Scotia Phone: 902.798.9501 E-mail:



The real estate property formerly known as

'The Salmon River House Country Inn & Lobster Shack Restaurant' is offered for sale! Main Floor

Second Floor

Loft Apartment

Floor plan diagram and measurements to be verified by interested parties.

Address: 9931 Highway #7, Salmon River Bridge R&H ID No: ES-5042 Asking Price: $460,000. Contact Info: page 24


PIZZA INSALATA From: Lori Isles-Prescesky, Digby, Nova Scotia

Below is my recipe for “PIZZA INSALATA”. I have been making this for years. A nice dish to serve outside on a summer’s eve or in front of the fire in the winter. It is not my original recipe but one I found years ago and is a favourite with my family and friends. Ingredients: 4 (7-inch) pitas or pizza dough rounds 2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic or fresh minced 1 cup (4 ounces) preshredded part-skim Mozzarella cheese or regular Mozzarella 1/2 cup thinly sliced Vidalia or other sweet onion 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1 cup quartered grape tomatoes 1/4 cup pitted kalamata olives, coarsely chopped 2 tablespoons chopped basil leaves 4 cups packaged gourmet salad greens Preparation: Preheat oven to 475°. Place pitas on a baking sheet. Spread 1/2 teaspoon garlic on each pita. Sprinkle each pita with 1/4 cup cheese, and divide onion evenly among pitas. Bake at 475° for 8 minutes or until edges are lightly browned and cheese is bubbly. While pitas bake, combine vinegar, oil, and pepper in a large bowl, stirring with a whisk. Stir in tomatoes, olives, and basil. Add salad greens, and toss gently to coat. Place 1 pita on each of 4 plates; top each pita with about 1 cup salad. Serve immediately.

Lori enjoying a paddle.




Springvale Nursery Limited *Research *Landscaping Service *Wholesale *Retail Garden Centre

NEWS! Springvale Nursery Limited wishes to implement its succession plan: Located in the heart of the Annapolis Valley - offered FOR SALE - is a fully intergraded business spanning 5 acre of well equipped production facility. For over 25 years, Springvale Nursery Limited has been a significant player in the Horticultural Industry in Atlantic Canada and continues this valuable service from production and processing through to market delivery with their effective sales system. In recent years, Springvale Nursery Limited has completed its business concept and associated plant production program, with outstanding potential for the take-over entrepreneur to continue growth. Springvale Nursery’s specialized product logistics expands upon an economy scale which will support national and international distribution of niche market products and services. A comprehensive equipment list and intellectual property overview is available. Please request the Brokerage Confidentiality Agreement.

* Atlantic Canada’s greatest selection of large sized (caliper) trees. * On–site production of

hardy shrub roses grown on their own roots.

* Over 90% of the plants are grown locally.

Springvale Nursery Garden Centres…

Your Home – Outdoors!


Dig this!

Springvale Nursery Limited are growers and suppliers to the nursery and landscape industry. Their wholesale client base includes: *Town & City Municipalities *Garden Centres *Municipal Agencies *Farm Markets Nurseries *Universities & Schools * Greenhouse Operators *Hospitals & Health Agencies * Retail Operations *First Nations Groups * *Golf Courses *Landscape Contractors General Contractors & Developers *Resorts, Hotels & Tourism Operators * Home Builders *Provincial & Federal Parks * Address: 4796 Highway #221, Berwick R&H ID No: SW-3422 Exclusive Price: $1,190,000. Contact Info: page 24




The Kids want to move to Tancook Island!

"We are selling our House because our kids have decided they want to live on Tancook Island! “We and our kids love oceanside living so much we’re moving the family to Tancook Island. Which means our 1 acre oceanfront property on Petpeswick Inlet in Musquodoboit Harbour must be sold.” The long sands of Martinique Beach are near enough for a daily walk or surf. Commute to the city in less than 45 minutes or, if you work from home, keep your kayak pulled up and ready for an impromptu cruise or day trip on this beautiful inlet. The interior of the house features soft shades of seaside colour throughout, high ceilings, a ‘no carpet barefoot feel’ and a stunning custom kitchen. The decor is an easygoing and subtly eclectic mix of country/ retro with a fine dusting of art deco. If this intrigues you, come have a look and imagine yourself BBQ’ing with friends and family or enjoying your morning coffee on the gorgeous covered verandah. A quiet, efficient pellet stove easily keeps the home comfortable when the temperature plummets while the traditional oil fired forced air furnace can act as an air circulating unit or for quick heat response. Breathe the fresh ocean air. Experience the quiet luxury and overwhelming sense of comfort of this waterfront home. Address: 628 West Petpeswick Rd, Musquodoboit Harbour R&H ID No: ES-5418 Price: $278,000. Contact Info: page 24


Deutsche in Nova Scotia

Entdecker, Einwanderer und Touristen

Ein Wikinger namens Tyrkir war vermutlich der erste Deutsche, der Nordamerika erreichte, als er um das Jahr 1000 an der Expedition Leif Erikssons auf der Suche nach neuen Ländern teilnahm. In der Grœnlendinga Saga, enthalten in einer isländischen Handschrift aus dem 14. Jahrhundert, wird berichtet, wie Tyrkir angetrunken von einem Spaziergang zurückkam. Er hatte Weintrauben gefunden, die er aus seiner deutschen Heimat bestens kannte. Dieses Ereignis soll der Anlass gewesen sein, das neu gefundene Land Vinland zu nennen. Bis heute ist nicht geklärt, wo sich in Atlantik-Kanada Vinland befindet. Nur in L’Anse aux Meadows im Norden von Neufundland hat man bisher Überreste einer Wikingersiedlung ausgegraben. Wein wächst in Neufundland jedoch nicht, aber in Nova Scotia.

Halifax - das Tor zum Atlantik 1000 Jahre später kommen die meisten Besucher aus Deutschland nicht mehr mit dem Schiff, sondern landen nach einem sechs- bis siebenstündigen Flug in Halifax, der Hauptstadt Nova Scotias. Bekannteste Sehenswürdigkeit ist die alte Zitadelle auf einem Hügel über der Stadt, wo im Sommer die „Pipers and Drummers“, Dudelsackspieler und Trommler, in Uniformen des 78. Highland Regiments, aufziehen, um das tägliche Ritual des „Noon guns“, des Kanonenschusses um 12.00 Uhr Mittag, einzuleiten. Der infernalische Knall ist in der ganzen Innenstadt zu hören. Halifax wurde durch zwei dramatische Ereignisse mit historischen Dimensionen bekannt: den Untergang der Titanic im Jahr 1912 und die Halifax Explosion von 1917. Das „Maritime Museum of the Atlantic“ an der Waterfront zeigt eine


Dauerausstellung zur Titanic-Katastrophe, deren Opfer auf den Friedhöfen von Halifax ruhen. Viele originale Ausrüstungsgegenstände des „unsinkbaren“ Schiffes sind im Museum zu sehen. Hier sind auch Details zur Katastrophe der Halifax-Explosion von 1917 zu erfahren, bei der es infolge menschlichen Versagens zum Zusammenstoß zweier Schiffe im Hafen kam, eins davon voll mit Sprengstoff. Die Explosion zerstörte weite Teile der Innenstadt und kostete 2000 Menschen das Leben. Heute ist von diesen Schäden kaum noch etwas zu sehen. Im Sommer zieht ein nicht abreißender Strom von Touristen durch das Zentrum und besonders entlang der Waterfront, vorbei an den vielen Gaststätten, Geschäften und Anlegestellen der Schiffe, die auf Gäste für Hafenrundfahrten oder Walbeobachtungen warten. Halifax liegt an einem großen Naturhafen an der

Atlantikküste. Hier landeten um 1750 dreitausend deutsche Einwanderer, die den Versprechungen der britischen Anwerber gefolgt waren und auf genügend Farmland und bessere Lebensbedingungen für ihre Familien hofften. Aus der Zeit dieser ersten deutschen Einwanderer stammt die St. George’s Church in Halifax, die erste lutherische Kirche in Kanada. Auf dem Friedhof kann man noch heute Gräber mit deutschen Namen wie Merkel, Merklin oder Bauer entdecken. Der Wetterhahn auf dem Kirchturm zeigt die deutschen Bezeichnungen der Himmelsrichtungen: N, O, S und W. Straßennamen wie Brunswick (Braunschweig) Street, Gottingen (Göttingen) Street oder Dresden Row verweisen auf die deutschen Einwanderer. Die meisten der sogenannten „Foreign Protestants“ verließen Halifax bald wieder und zogen einige Meeresbuchten weiter nach Westen, wo sie endlich das sehnsüchtig erwartete Land erhalten sollten.

Weiter geht es über Chester und Mahone Bay nach Lunenburg, gegründet durch die 1753 aus Halifax kommenden deutsprachigen Einwanderer und heute UNESCO Welterbe. Der Name der Stadt wurde nicht nach dem Heimatort der Neusiedler, sondern zu Ehren von George II., König von Großbritannien, gewählt, der dem Haus Hannover entstammte und gleichzeitig Herzog zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg war.

Lunenburgs Altstadt

Fährt man heute mit dem Auto die Lighthouse Route entlang der South Shore Nova Scotias nach Westen, erreicht man in dem kleinen Fischerdorf Peggy’s Cove den berühmtesten Leuchtturm Kanadas. Auf einem großen, hellen, in das Meer ragenden Granitfelsen stehend, ist er zu jeder Tages- oder Jahreszeit ein lohnendes Ziel für die Kameras der Touristen aus aller Welt. Leider ist der Ort im Sommer sehr überlaufen; man sollte ihn unbedingt in den frühen Morgenstunden oder am Abend besuchen, denn dann gibt es auch das bessere Licht für schöne Fotos.

Lunenburg ist eine am Schreibtisch entstandene Modellstadt. Die Straßen in „Old Town“ verlaufen daher noch heute schnurgerade, jedoch sind einige von ihnen so steil, dass selbst der geübte Fußgänger außer Atem geraten kann. Die britischen Beamten hatten ein Straßennetz entworfen, das aus sieben Straßen in Nord-Süd-Ausrichtung und im rechten Winkel dazu neun Straßen in Ost-West-Ausrichtung bestand. Jeder der entstandenen Blocks wurde in 14 Grundstücke eingeteilt, womit jede Familie der Erstsiedler vereinbarungsgemäß ein Stadtgrundstück erhielt. Deutsche Familiennamen wie Zwicker, Wentzel, Kaulbach, Conrad, Himmelmann oder Weihnacht künden noch heute davon.


Schiffbau und Fischerei An einem schönen vom Atlantik zurückgesetzten Naturhafen gelegen, ist Lunenburg eine bezaubernde Kleinstadt voller Farben, Kultur und Geschichte. Viele der Holzhäuser aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert sind in wohlgepflegtem Zustand erhalten. Lunenburg hat eine erfolgreiche Geschichte als Schiffbau- und Fischereiort. Heute fehlen jedoch die vielen Schiffe, die noch vor einigen Jahrzehnten die Bucht zu einem vielbeschäftigten Hafen zum Umschlag von Holz, Fisch und im Austausch dafür von Gütern aus der Karibik machten. Zu Zeiten der Prohibition in den USA gehörte Alkohol zu den erfolgreichsten Handelsgütern. Bekannt wurde Lunenburg jedoch durch den Schiffbau. Mehrere Werften verschafften den Einwohnern Jobs und gutes Einkommen. Bekanntestes Beispiel für einen Schoner aus Lunenburg ist der Zweimaster „Bluenose“, seinerzeit der schnellste Schoner an der Ostküste Nordamerikas. Seit vielen Jahren ziert die Bluenose die 10-Cent-Münze Kanadas und dürfte damit jedem Touristen bekannt sein. Die Replica „Bluenose II“ wird zur Zeit in Lunenburg generalüberholt. Über den Baufortschritt kann man sich per Webcam im Internet informieren. Bald wird die Bluenose wieder als Markenzeichen für Nova Scotia und seine stolze maritime Geschichte übers Meer segeln.

Spuren deutschsprachiger Siedler Lunenburg war im 18. Jahrhundert die nördlichste deutsche Niederlassung in Amerika. Viele Traditionen und auch die Sprache der Einwanderer überlebten einige Jahrzehnte. Bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde in wenigen Familien noch deutsch gesprochen. Einige Ortsbezeichnungen in Lunenburg und Umgebung verweisen noch heute auf deutsche Ursprünge, wie Conrad Hill, Kaulback Head, Meisners Beach, Heckmans Island oder Wentzell Lake. Wer aufmerksam durch die Altstadt schlendert, wird auf


eines der interessantesten Gebäude der Stadt stoßen: „Ältestes Haus“ steht auf einem Schild an einem Eckhaus an der Kreuzung von Pelham Street und Duke Street. Es ist das sogenannte Romkey House, das um 1780 im „Coulisse“-Stil, einem aus Deutschland und der Schweiz bekannten Baustil, gebaut wurde. Für die Hauswände wurden dicke Bohlen zwischen die gegründeten und seitlich eingeschlitzten senkrechten Balken geschoben. Die Außenseiten erhielten dann eine Verkleidung mit Holzschindeln oder sich überdeckenden groben Brettern; die Innenseiten wurden mit fein bearbeiteten Brettern verkleidet. Häuser im Coulisse-Stil soll es in Nordamerika nur in Lunenburg geben.

Viele ursprünglich deutsche Familiennamen sind inzwischen anglisiert: Aus Eisner wurde Isner, aus Rehfuß Rafuse, aus Weihnacht Whynot und aus Krause wurde Crouse. Man kann hier Schnitzel essen oder Sauerkraut kaufen und im Atlantic Superstore gibt es Bratwurst und Pumpernickel. Fährt man von Lunenburg in das weiter östlich direkt am Atlantik gelegene Fischerdorf Kingsburg, findet man Flurnamen wie Hartling Bay, Hirtles Beach, Felsen Kap oder Conrad Island. Besucht man dort den direkt in den Dünen am Strand gelegenen Friedhof, wurde man bis vor kurzem von einem hölzernen Torbogen mit der Inschrift „Der Strandfriedhof“ begrüßt. Auf der zum Ort gewandten Rückseite stand „Seaside Cemetery“. Der Bogen soll wohl restauriert und bald wieder am Friedhof aufgestellt werden.

In den ersten Jahren der Besiedlung ging es nicht sehr friedlich her: Die Europäer waren natürlich nicht die ersten Bewohner der Gegend. Das waren die Mi’kmaq, die dort seit ewigen Zeiten von der Jagd und vom Fischfang lebten. Mit den aus Frankreich stammenden Siedlern, den „Acadiens“, hatten sie sich weitgehend arrangiert. Das Zusammenleben verlief relativ problemlos, was sich jedoch änderte, als die Briten die Herrschaft in „L'Acadie“ übernahmen. Die Mi’kmaq verteidigten ihr Land gegen die neu eintreffenden deutschsprachigen Siedler, die wiederum ihr vermeintliches Eigentum übernehmen wollten. Der deutsche Autor A. E. Johann schreibt in seinem Roman „Ans dunkle Ufer“ spannend und historisch genau über die Besiedlung Nova Scotias. Leider wurde vor einigen Jahren das deutsch-englische Magazin „Neuschottländer Bote“ eingestellt, in dem regelmäßig interessante Geschichten über Nova Scotia, die deutschen Einwanderer und ihre Erlebnisse erzählt wurden. Fährt man auf der Lighthouse Route weiter nach Westen, kommt man nach Vogler’s Cove und dann weiter nach East Berlin und West Berlin. Viele Familien der zweiten Generation der deutschen Siedler Lunenburgs hatten sich hier neue Siedlungsgebiete erschlossen. Der Blick auf die Flurnamen und Grabsteine der Friedhöfe überrascht mit der Häufigkeit deutscher Namen. Die Conrads, ein weitverbreiteter Familienname in Nova Scotia, können ihre Vorfahren bis ins 17. Jahrhundert nach Kleinheubach im Maintal nachweisen. Die Ortsschilder von East und West Berlin scheinen die Touristen besonders anzuziehen, denn immer wieder einmal verschwindet eins auf unbekannte Weise. Dabei haben die Ortsnamen nichts mit der lange geteilten deutschen Hauptstadt zu tun. Die Orte wurden 1886 aus nicht dokumentierten Gründen umbenannt, früher hießen sie Pudding Pan (Puddingform) und Blueberry (Blaubeere), mindestens genauso interessante Namen wie heute.

Deutsche Einwanderer nach dem 2. Weltkrieg Einwanderung beziehungsweise Auswanderung hat fast immer etwas mit schwierigen Zeiten, bedingt durch Kriege, Wirtschaftskrisen oder religiöse Auseinandersetzungen, zu tun. Auch nach dem

2. Weltkrieg wanderten viele Deutsche nach Kanada aus, um ihren Familien bessere Lebensund Arbeitsbedingungen bieten zu können. Nach anfänglichen kriegsbedingten Problemen integrierten sich die Familien schnell in die multikulturelle kanadische Gesellschaft. Den Kalten Krieg in Europa beobachtete man nun mit einigem Abstand. Seit vielen Jahren fahren Touristen aus Deutschland nach Nova Scotia – zum Beispiel an die Küste der South Shore oder in das Hochland von Cape Breton. Viele von ihnen kommen immer wieder, mieten Ferienhäuser am Meer oder an den Seen im Inland. Manche hat die wunderschöne Landschaft mit dem erholsamen Klima gar nicht mehr losgelassen. Sie haben sich ein Grundstück gekauft, ein Haus gebaut oder übernommen und verbringen regelmäßig ihren Urlaub oder als Rentner den ganzen Sommer in Nova Scotia. Das Klima ist angenehm mit vielen Sonnenstunden, denn man befindet sich auf der geografischen Breite von Südfrankreich und Norditalien. Die Anreisezeit von Frankfurt ist vergleichbar mit der Fahrzeit von Hamburg oder Berlin in die Toskana.

Wolfgang Opel fotografiert seit 15 Jahren in Kanada. In Zusammenarbeit mit seiner Frau Mechtild arbeitet er an Artikeln und Büchern über Kanada. Zuletzt erschien in 2. Auflage: Mechtild Opel, Kanadas maritime Provinzen, Reise Know-How Verlag, 2011.


Anywhere you want to be‌ Yarmouth FOR




Price: $159,000. R&H ID No: YA-1413 Road , Lake George 243 Three Island Lake


R&H ID No: YA-1314 Price: $224,900. 387 Chebogue Road , Central Chebogue


R&H ID No: YA-1416 Price: $175,000. 100 Whispering Pine Dr., Canaan







R&H ID No: YA-1335 Pri ce: $225,000. 543 Polly Road, East Kem ptrville


2,900. 389 Asking Price: $7 R&H ID No: YA-1 t, Yarmouth 99 Brunswick Stree


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R&H ID No: YA-1349 Pri ce: $45,000 554 Hwy #3 . 35, West Pub nico



R&H ID No: YA-1427 Pri ce: $359,500. 369 Plymouth Gentian Ro ad, Gavelton



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we have a Home or Cottage for you. FOR






R&H ID No: YA-1240 Price: $325,000. 1455 Highway 308, Su rettes Island

Bay of Fundy

ce: $67,000. R&H ID No: YA-1370 Pri haven 6570 HWY #308, Spring

R&H ID No: YA-1217 Pri ce: $398,00 10 Chemin du 0. Bonheur, Slu ice Point

Annapolis Valley







R&H ID No: SW -3328 Price: $114,500. 176 Bayview, Old Shore Roa d, Digby

89,000. -3408 Price: $2 R&H ID No: SW inster Cove Road, Lem 103 Canoe Lake



R&H ID No: SW-337 7 Price: $124,900 . 1185 Parker Mount ain Road , Parkers Co ve

R&H ID No: SW-3395 Asking Price: $139,000. 415 Canoe Lake Cove Road , Leminster

To each their own.



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South Shore FOR




Price: $197,000. R&H ID No: SS –2231 rden Lots 74 Blue Rocks Road , Ga

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ace to visit, An amazing pl nty. Lunenburg Cou Blue Rocks in

Eastern Shore FOR



R&H ID No: ES –5 306 Price: $399,0 00. 54 Artinsula Road , Holland Harbour

Have it your way! UNDER OFFER



–5068 Price: $274,500. 19 Wharf Road, Ostrea Lake



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Any way you like it.

R&H ID No: ES –541 7 Asking Price: $75,00 0. 28980 Highway 7, Moser River

The famous "Three Churc hes" on the waterfront in Mahone Ba y, Nova Scotia.

d pristene Beautiful an ounty. Shelburne C in ch ea B t Crescen

Historic Lunenb urg Waterfront , designated a UNESCO W orld Heritage S ite .

Halifax SOLD



$349,000. –5363 Price: R&H ID No: ES Liscomb omb Rd. , Little 610 Little Lisc



R&H ID No: ES –5259 Price: $4 30,000. 696 Little Liscom b Road, Liscomb

R&H IDNo: HM–4094 Ask ing Price: $470,000. 16 Nice View Drive, Terenc e Bay, Halifax


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