west seattle
Big landslide destroys home.
New parking scheme for Ballard.
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She’s the 500,000th.
Vol. 97, No. 51
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2015 50¢
Serving Ballard, Burien/Highline, SeaTac, Des Moines, West Seattle and White Center
Christy Phu remembered at candlelight vigil; 14-year-old freshman was shot to death on Dec. 6
Suspect charged with murder; being held on $2 million bond By Patrick Robinson
The victim’s family, who live that set him off. Sam Phu said Si Friends, family and teach- in Seattle’s Columbia City neigh- Phu demanded the shoes from his ers gathered to honor and remem- borhood, is heartbroken now that niece so he could sell them, but she ber 14-year-old Christy Phu with Christy is gone. refused. a candlelight vigil at Chief Sealth “She’s just a young kid,” said “She didn’t want to give him the High School on Wed. evening, Dec. her other uncle Sam Phu, who is shoes, and then he shot her,” said 9. Phu was shot to death on Dec. also Si’s older brother. “She don’t Sam Phu. “It’s just him. He’s an 6, allegedly by her uncle, Si Phu, have a problem with anybody.” animal—no heart, no love for the 24, following an argument over a The family said it was an argu- people.” pair of shoes. He was arrested and ment over Michael Jordan shoes – See CHRISTY PHU, page 5 charged and is being held in King REMINDER: You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are th County Jail on a $2 million bond. authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photog His arraignment is expected Dec. 22. artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that you indem At the vigil, banners, many with tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communicatio messages to Christy, were on the - For Internal Use wallsDocument: outside the80297-2x3-120415-Berkshire.ai school as a group Saved: December 07, YEAR > 2015 of seven friends organized the User: Victoria Persons Printed: December 04, YEAR > 201 event and remembered their friend. File: /Volumes/Shared/Archive Storage/Advertising/ A-L Ads/B Ads/Berkshire Hathaway/Berkshire Hathaway/8029 She was recalled as a funny, loud, and faithful friend. “Most of us here were pretty close. She was always super positive. She never wanted to waste time and always wanted to take the time to do something good. She always had a really nice smile on her face. Patrick Robinson Even when she wasn’t happy she Close friends of Christy Phu organized the candlelight vigil. They would try to stay up,” several of are from left, Kameron, Solida, Kayla, Rylee, Bryana, Janeth, her friends said. They’ve all done Jolia, Kimberly, and Sicily. grief counseling over the matter. Six of her friends spoke. Kayla, Janeth, Jolia, Kimberly, Solida, and Kamal, before Janeth sang “Lay Me Down” and two of her teachers spoke highly of her spirit and intelligence.
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King County
Si Phu, 24, was arrested and charged with murder in the shooting death of his niece Christy Phu. He is being held in King County Jail on at $2 million bond. His arraignment is expected Dec. 22.
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Comment West Seattle Herald Highline Times
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comment Xmas tunes
“O Renton-baum” (The popular preference, although a case could be made for ‘O Kent-enbaum.’) “Port Angeles, We Have Heard on High”(alternate title: “Port playing the stuff just after the 4th Angeles, We Have Heard While of July. High.”) When I was a kid, I was such “I’m Dreaming of a White Center” a crummy singer that when time “Have Yourself a Marysville came for the school’s annual Christmas” Christmas recital, the music teach“Duvall Hear What I Hear?” er placed me in the very back row “O Little Town of Bellingham” of the choir. “Good King Issaquahs” Even then, she could still hear “Federal Way in a Manger” me. “Frosty the Snohomish Man” “Tell you what, Pat,” she said. REMINDER:“Why You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are the owner of, or legally authorized to use, any business One more: don’t you just move your name, trademark, name, design, logo,singphotograph, illustration, graphic, artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement “I Saw Mommy Kissing Enumlips astrade if you were actually and that youing—but indemnifydon’t Robinson Communications Inc. claws” actually sing?” So Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications I gave it a try—and I turned out Pat Cashman is a longtime Northto be good at it. If I’d stuck with - For Internal Use Pat Cashman ment: 78865-4x5-012514-CircPromo.pdf Saved: December 11, YEAR > 2015 - 11:17 (-08 GMT) west TV and radio writer and it I might have turned to politics, performer. Pat can be seen on the where appearing to say someVictoria Persons Printed: November 25, YEAR > 2015 - 07:21 (-08 GMT) It was a delight to see it on the sketch show “Up Late NW” airing thing—but actually not—is often Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/1218015 ROP ad pdfs/78865-4x5-012514-CircPromo.pdf morning TV news: Video of eager required. Saturdays on KING 5 and throughholiday shoppers pushing, shovout Washington and Oregon. He But when word got out that I ing, gouging, scratching, claw- wasn’t really singing, the rest also co-hosts a weekly on-line talk ing and garroting each other to of the chorus complained to the show: Peculiarpodcast.com. He be the first into the stores. After teacher. “Why should we knock can be reached at pat@patcashall, when it comes to catching an ourselves out, while Cashman just man.com. elbow in the mouth, it’s better to fakes it?” So the teacher again WESTSIDE WEEKLY give than to receive. pulled me aside and said I wasn’t Ballard News-Tribune, And the malls, offices, cof- going to be a part of the chorus West Seattle Herald, Highline Times Jerry Robinson Publisher Emeritus — fee shops, drug stores and den- anymore. “We’re going to give you 1951 - 2014 tist offices are all playing holiday more of a featured role instead,” T. C. Robinson Co-Publisher/ songs these days—just in case we she said. I was put in charge of the General Manager forgot what time of year it is. In sound effects: jingle bell ringing, lowing at another, “No, you idiot! tion mentioned earlier. Ken Robinson Co-Publisher/ fact, there’s at least one radio sta- horse hooves clopping and so on. It was eleven lords a dancing, not How about some new titles that Managing Editor tion around here that starts run- My best was “the sound of knock- seven!” we can embrace locally? Patrick Robinson Reporter/Photographer ning Christmas music just prior ing on a door.” I created it using “The lords were leaping not Coincidentally, I worked out Shane Harms Reporter/Photographer to Thanksgiving Day—and plans just my knuckles—and a door. dancing, you fathead,” shouted the some new possibilities in my spare Gwen Davis Reporter/Photographer to play nothing else through New The best thing about traditional other guy. “And there were TEN time—which I probably have too Hannah Danforth Contributing writer/photographer Years. That ka-ching sound you holiday music is that it’s so com- of them!” much of: Amanda Knox Contributing hear? It’s another royalty check forting and familiar—we all know “Oh yea?” yelled back the first “Let It Rain, Let It Rain, Let It writer/photographer going to Jose Feliciano. The holi- the songs and the words. That’s guy again. “Then WHO was danc- Rain.” Pat Cashman Columnist day music tack works such ratings also the problem with it. ing?” “Here We Come A Bothell-ling” Georgie Kunkel Columnist wonders for that radio station, you “The maids! The nine maids!” (It’s a tune that could be played for Hot buttered rums can also be Scott Anthony Columnist can expect next year they’ll start comforting and familiar, but down“Wrong! They were milking!” a day or a lifetime.)
ing too many, too often—is not a good idea. Plus, it can make your waistline widen to bowl-full-ofjelly size—and give you a hotbuttered hangover the next day. This has been proven in studies at universities such as the School of Mixology. One time, while walking to my car in a downtown parking garage, I heard an argument taking place right near the entrance. A spectacularly inebriated guy was bel-
“Milking what? Those French hens from earlier?” Shortly thereafter, the two were out of my earshot. I wish I’d stuck around for the discussion of the pipers and drummers. Speaking of holiday music, people who live around here shouldn’t have to listen to stuff written years ago by people in Germany, England or even Hollywood—and then played incessantly on that particular radio sta-
Hot buttered rums can also be comforting and familiar, but downing too many, too often—is not a good idea. Plus it can make your waistline widen to bowl-fullof-jelly size—and give you a hotbuttered hangover the next day.
Peggy Sturdivant Matt Wendland
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West Seattle Herald White Center News YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSPAPER SINCE 1923
West Seattle Senior Center loses $60,000 in funding from United Way of King County Agency shifting emphasis toward homelessness and families with children
United Way of King County is never too old to learn! told 30 groups it provides fundConsider the donation at the ing to that they are going to lose $250 to $500 level—where you can that funding as a result of a shift truly keep our Center Thriving! in emphasis the agency is makAll the various levels work off ing. Out of the $1.8 million budget one and another to provide benchange, $60,000 will be lost by the efits beyond the individual level Senior Center of West Seattle. to creating a community Center The emphasis for United Way that benefits all. We urge you to will move to include homeless- contribute at a level where you can ness and programs for children and make a difference.” families, UWKC said. The Senior Center plans to Senior Center Director Lyle recoup the losses by doing more Evans said, “2016 is a crucial year fundraising. Approximately 75% for the center and we need your of their program budget is paid for assistance. For the last twenty- through fundraising efforts already. five years, we have received fund- In fact, a brand new fundraising ing from United Way. Sadly, they campaign is just being launched. have told us that our funding will Cathy MacCaul, director of be cut by $60,000 next year. Our advocacy for AARP Washington, Center is a 501(c)(3) non-prof- said United Way officials told her it organization. We are respon- their strategic plan has changed to sible for raising 75% of nearly reflect what donors want to sup$800,000 annual budget. This loss port. MacCaul agreed there’s no hits hard since we have counted lack of worthy causes, but called on this stable income.” the move shortsighted. “This is just We have started a fundraising not the time to do that,” she said. campaign for $25,000 by the end “There is a huge ‘age wave’ that havestart warranted to Robinson Communications that you are th of the REMINDER: year to helpYou jump us has just begun—more than Inc. 10,000 authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade logo, photog for 2016. people will turn 65 name, everydesign, day for artwork or other material any next part of15the advertisement We have a donation link onforming our the years. So, there and willthat be you indem Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Communicatio websitetions www.sc-ws.org also that a dramatic increase in Robinson the number too, though all but the 10 p.m. does give some specifics. of seniors who need these types showing are sold out. Tickets for - For Internal Use Can you make a donation of of services.” MacCaul said there’s Document: Saved: December 04, YEAR > 2015 that show will be79414-2x3-101714-Berkshire.pdf on sale only that $25—To help meet someone’s concern that other United Way User: 12:15 Victoria Persons Printed: June 12, 2014 - 05:26 (-07 G day from p.m. to 5:15 p.m. basic needs—whether it be a chapters could follow King Counup until time. File:show /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/1211015 admeal, pdfs/79414-2x3-101714-Berkshire.pdf week’s worth ROP of hot a warm ty’s lead and leave more senior The regular run of Star Wars will jacket, or housing alternatives? programs scrambling. play at 10:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:45 Consider a donation of $75— She pointed out that King Counp.m., 6:45 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. where that money supports those ty voters just approved a “Best resources to help our seniors Start” property tax levy, an influx navigate through our challenging of new money to be used for child medical systems, or to help with and family programs and early legal concerns. learning. Paula Houston, CEO of Consider a donation at the Senior Services, said that for her $100 level—where that money organization, the cuts will mean helps expand one’s horizons. One – See SENIOR CENTER, page 5
Admiral Theater on track for ADVERTISING spring makeover as seats arrive The renovation of the Admiral Theater is on track and set to take place most likely in March according to Entertainment Director Dinah Brein. The seats (gently used) have arrived, a cushy red velvet style and the process of installing them will take place along with the conversion to four theaters this spring. The four-plex sections will not be equal. The front theaters will have closer to 200 seats with the screen about midway into the present depth of the building. They will be conventional seats looking down at or roughly level to the screen. The back theaters will be smaller and be stadium style seating but looking up to the screen. New carpet, new paint and new wall coverings, of course, will come in but the digital projectors (state of the art Digital Laser products) have been in place for a few months now since The Admiral shows first run films. It’s likely the theater will close for about two weeks to permit the complete renovation of the restrooms since it means everything will be updated and made modern. The initial plan for the theaters themselves was to close one side and remain in operation on the other side as the
conversion takes place. The funding for the renovation is being provided to a large extent by the award of $95,000 from a City of Seattle cultural grant. Speaking of first run films, Star Wars The Force Awakens will debut at the Admiral on Dec. 18
Thinking of selling?
Would you like to know the value of your home in today’s market? Call us at 206-932-4500. We would be pleased to provide you with a complimentary market evaluation! Photos by Patrick Robinson
New seats (these are just the backs) have arrived at the Admiral Theater and will be installed as part of the renovation of the historic building this spring when it converts to a 4 plex.
By Patrick Robinson
4700 42nd S.W. 206-932-4500
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Memes, motivations and millennials
Amanda knox
millennial. Politically apathetic. If I’m not voting, I must not care. I must be enamored of Russell Brand’s rhetoric. Kids these days. Surely the distillation of this stereotype rings shallow, but there it is, and here is my defense. As a millennial, I have opted out of voting because all too often I have not felt represented
The unfortunate consequence of such opting-out is that millennials and millennial perspective are evermore under-represented by those politicians and institutions that implement policy and nevertheless represent us. Whether we like it or not, they shape of our shared world and the course of our shared history. Enter 2015. I happened to
A faceless, camo-draped soldier with a rifle slung over his shoulder, and the caption, “God gave his archangels weapons because even the Almighty knew you don’t fight evil with tolerance and understanding.” A pit of snakes juxtaposed to an image of a crowd of refugees waiting to cross a border into asylum, and the caption, “Can you tell which snakes will
the Middle East. Whoa. But what made the hair on the back of my neck stand up was that these sentiments were not just being expressed by isolated, ignorant, hateful, extremist trolls who made the memes, but they were being echoed, in one form or another, by actual Presidential candidates. Either this was an ingenious
I remember the first time I voted. It was 1996, I was nineyears-old, and it was over the phone, to participate in the Nickelodeon Kids Pick the President telethon. At the time, I was about as political as I was religious, which is to say, vaguely aware and uninvested. All the same, I was excited to vote, because it was the first time in my life that I had the chance to implement my (albeploy to shock people into politiit immature and uninformed) by my political options. At the turn down invitations of friends bite and which will not?” cal participation, or this was the front line of a more expansive, to gather in pubs to drink and An American flag wrapped opinion about the greater world around me. No matter interconnected society, I have be entertained by the same old around a white cross, and the dangerous consequence of optREMINDER: You have warranted“sh*t to Robinson Communications Inc. that youcaption, are the REMINDER: owner of, or You legally have warranted to Robinson Inc. that you are th out forCommunications too long. represented by direct show” of the Presiden“One nation, under ing that my vote didn’t yet count. felt more authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photograph, authorized illustration, to use, any graphic, business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photog Either way, I’m informFor the first time I thought, one participation and consumption tial primary debates. As usual, God, not Allah.” artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that you indemnify artwork Robinson or other Communicamaterial forming any part of the advertisement and that of media, culture, and interper- I did not go out of my way to Calls to deny the fact of cli- ing myself, and I’m going to you indem day it would. tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications tionsInc. Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communicatio Fast forward another nine sonal dialogue. Which is to say, listen to the soundbites and mate change. To criminalize vote. Not because I’m excited. we are better than this. immigration. To abolish public years and I think I forgot to in a time where everyone is- ForaInternalonly Use - faintly heard the echoes of - For InternalBecause Use 80271-2x5-112715-WestwoodVillage.pdf Document: 80049-2x5-082115-PacificGalleries.pdf Saved: November 20, YEARhealth > 2015 -care. 12:19 To (-08 enforce GMT) Chris- I invite my Saved: December 11, YEAR fellow millennials to > 2015 take Document: part in my local elec- journalist, an advocate, a politi- headlines. Victoria Persons User: Victoria Persons Printed: August 13, YEAR > 2015 - 0 Rather, it was the memes that tian religious morality on the do the same. tionsUser: when I turned eighteen. cian, I have more faith in my File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/1127015 ROP ad pdfs/80271-2x5-112715-WestwoodVillage.pdf File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/1218015 ROP ad pdfs/80049-2x5-082115-PacificGalleries.pdf rights of a secular state. To Attending freshman University own ability to directly repre- stopped me in my tracks: Wounded veterans waving to refuse entry of Muslim refu- Amanda Knox is a columnist classes, working a part time sent my interests and concerns, job, getting to know my new instead of entrusting self-under- a crowd during a parade, and gees into the United States. To for the Westside Weekly. She relationships and freedoms as mining, bipartisan politicians the caption, “This is why I don’t implement a mandatory death can be reached at amandak@ care if we torture terrorists.” penalty policy. To carpet bomb robinsonnews.com. a young adult, and in general and institutions. feeling relatively comfortable and privileged took up all my emotional and mental processing, energy, time. I was also flummoxed and frustrated with 2015 SANTA SCHEDULE the political environment— it was 2005, we were still at NOVEMBER 26 - THURSDAY CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING war, and the various stretched, NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 17 (MONDAY - FRIDAY) flexed and mutated reasons for 12 PM - 8 PM BREAK: 3 PM - 4 PM that war didn’t feel like they NOVEMBER 28, DECEMBER 5, DECEMBER 12 (SATURDAY) belonged to or had anything to 10 AM - 8 PM BREAK: 3 PM - 4 PM do with me. I had voted against NOVEMBER 29, DECEMBER 6 (SUNDAY) it, to no avail. My vote had 12 PM - 6 PM BREAK: 3 PM -3:30 PM never felt so insignificant. DECEMBER 13, DECEMBER 20 (SUNDAY) Having missed out on the 10 AM - 7 PM BREAK: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM millennial turnout in 2008 that DECEMBER 18, DECEMBER 23 (FRIDAY AND WEDNESDAY) brought Obama to office, the 10 AM - 8 PM BREAK: 3 PM - 4 PM only time in my voting-age DECEMBER 24 (THURSDAY) life that I’ve felt excitement, Visit Seattle’s Largest Antique Mall! 10 AM - 5 PM BREAK: 1 PM - 2 PM solidarity, and self-expression Explore over 200 dealers offering everything from through the act of voting was in 19th century antiques to mid-century vintage items. support of the right to same-sex marriage in Washington state. Otherwise, I’ve not gone out of my way to fill out my ballot Antique Mall and Auction House every time it arrived in the mail. 241 South Lander St. - Seattle Because of this, some might 206.292.3999 • www.PacGal.com consider me stereotypically
2600 S.W. Barton St. • Seattle • 98126 • www.westwoodvillagecenter.com
West seattle calendar
Convenient and free parking. p.m. For persons with Dementia/ Join the West Seattle For more information contact: Alzheimer’s and their care part- Lion’s Club 4535 California Ave. S.W. Linda at 206.932.3021 or Pat at ners. No judgement or expecta- Senior Center of West Seattle 206.937.7169 tions. Just come and be yourself 4217 S.W. Oregon St. All holiday decor/holiday cloth- 206.935.2186. and have a good time! No cost 206.762.1221 ing and pink tagged items are other than your food and drink at Every Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m. 75% off starting Dec. 21. Still West Seattle happy hour prices! Sponsored by time to decorate your house, your Lion’s Club Events West Seattle Senior Center and Irish Dance Lessons office or yourself with great bar- Senior Center of West Seattle Angelina’s Restaurant. Questions: West Seattle VFW Hall gains. We still have a good selec- 2nd floor theresamz@seniorservices.org or 3601 S.W. Alaska St. tion of bone china cups and sau- 4217 S.W. Oregon St. cers filled with goodies for last Every Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m. 206.932.4044. Every Mon. and Tues. in the minute gifts, as well as a selection for lunch and speaker unless othlate afternoon and early evenings. of antiques, vintage and collect- erwise noted. Call Harvey Rowe Overeaters Anonymous Open to children and adults. ible treasures. When you shop, at 206.762.1221 for reservations Meetings Information at 206.851.2102. donate and volunteer with us you by prior Tues. evening. Lunch $7. Peace Lutheran Church support our important commit8316 39th Ave. S.W. BNI West Seattle ment to funding cancer cures. We Santa Al’s Every Thurs. evening, p.m.of, orChampion REMINDER:West You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are7–8:15 the owner legally Seattle Kiwanis Meeting will close at 8 p.m. Thurs., Dec. toWeekly Anonymous is a fellowWest Seattle Schedule authorized use, any business name, trademark, tradeOvereaters name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, Meeting The graphic, Kenney 17. Regular hours are: Sun., 11–3 Tram’s Hair Salon ship of women who meet artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and thatand youmen indemnify Robinson7125 CommunicaMasonic Hall Fauntleroy Way S.W. p.m.; Mon.–Sat., 10–4:30 p.m. 4110 California Ave. S.W. to help solve compulsive overeating tions Inc. and4736 its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. 40th Ave. S.W. Every Thurs., 7:45–9:15 a.m. Sat., Dec. 19, 10–1 p.m. Santa is We will close at 1 p.m. Christmas www.kiwaniswestseattle.org (obesity, anorexia and bulimia). The Learn how to grow your busi- For Internal Use Eve; closed Christmas Day. www. Every Wed., sponsored by the businesses and only requirement for membership 6:30 p.m. Guests ness with quality referrals. $10 Document: 34340-1x1-TFN-West5.pdf Saved: August 13, YEAR > 2015 - 12:43 (-07 GMT) discoveryshopwestseattle.org. all Photos that you take are free. is a desire to stop eating compul- includes breakfast. Welcome. People dedicated to REMINDER: You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are the owner of, or legally User: Victoria Persons OA is a non-profit internacommunity service, and we havetradesively. authorized topdfs/34340-1x1-TFN-West5.pdf use, any business name, trademark, name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/8:21 ROP ad West Seattle TOPS Meeting tional organization patterned after Daystar Toastmasters WelFUN, too!forming Key Clubs local artwork or other material any partatof the advertisement and that you indemnify Robinson CommunicaDesign review Providence Mount St. Vincent the Twelve-Step Alcoholics Anonycomes Guests Schools plus many tions Inc. andHigh its affiliates in accordance withother the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. set for former 4831 35th Ave. S.W. mous program. All are welcome. For Daystar Retirement Village activities. Every Tues. evening, 5:30–7p.m. more info 206.979.6665 or www. For Internal Use 2615 S.W. Barton St. Alki Tavern location Document: 80157-1x1-101615-Harold's Fitness.pdf Saved: October 30, YEAR > 2015 - 06:37 (-07 GMT) seattleoa.org. daystarclub.toastmastersclubs.org Everyone is welcome to join us Take Off Pounds Sensibly By Patrick Robinson User:Arrive Victoria at Persons our “Take Off Pounds Sensi- Guadalupe Church Sat., Dec. 19, 10–11 a.m. A design review meeting for bly” weekly meeting, an encourAARP Defensive File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/1106015 ROP ad pdfs/80157-1x1-101615-Harold's Fitness.pdf 10 minutes early for orientation. Pastoral Care Center the proposed seven-story mixed weight loss support Inc. group. Come REMINDER: experience You the have safe,warranted sup- aging Driving Workshop to Robinson Communications that you7000 are the owner or legally 35th Ave.of, S.W. use structure at 1307 Harbor Ave. Weigh-in 5:30–6 p.m. and Meet-logo,Every portiveauthorized atmosphere in which you name, trademark, trade name, design, to use, any business photograph, illustration, graphic, Tues., 9:30 a.m. TOPS is Daystar Retirement Village S.W. is set for Jan., 21 at 6:30 6–7 ofp.m. Our group encourcan grow your communication artwork or other material forming ing any part the advertisement and that you Robinson Communicaanindemnify encouraging weight loss sup- 2615 S.W. Barton St. p.m. at the West Seattle Senior ages healthy livingofand loss Communications of port group and leadership skills. Improve tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms Robinson Inc.with weigh-ins every First Sat. of every month, ongoCenter at 4217 S.W. Oregon St. your ability to think-on-your-feet pounds, with accountability via Tues. For info: 206.932.2621. ing, 9–5:30 p.m. $15 for memA Land Use Application has - For Internal Use -weekly weigh-ins. Meetings our and become more comfortable bers, $20 non-members. Call eakers-2x6.pdf been filed with DPD to allow Saved: August 28, YEAR > 2015 - 12:33 (-07 GMT) speaking to groups. Meetings: include informative programs, “The Memory Lane Cafe” 206.937.6122 for info or to RSVP. a seven-story structure with 15 REMINDER: You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are the owner of, or legally first and third Sat. morning each challenges, awards, encourage- Angelina’s residential authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, units, above retail, Niche Network/9:4 ROPBill ad pdfs/Arthritis-Sneakers-2x6.pdf ment and lots of FUN! TOPS is 2311 California Ave. S.W. month. Info: 206.932.6706. Business Network with Robinson Communicarestaurant, office and light manartwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that you indemnify an extremely affordable program. Third Wed. of month, 3–4:30 Westside Professionals ufacturing in an environmentions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. Alki Masonic Hall tally critical area. Parking for - For Internal Use 4736 40th Ave. S.W. 27 vehicles to be located within Document: 79559-1x4-120514-State Farm-Dave Newman.ai Saved: November 26, 2014 - 13:36 (-08 GMT) Every Wed., 8–9:30 a.m. Build the structure. Existing structures User: Victoria Persons Printed: November 26, 2014 - 13:36referrals (-08 GMT) would be removed. your business through File: /Volumes/Shared/Archive Storage/Advertising/M-Z Ads/S Ads/State Farm/state farmand Agents/Dave Newman State Farm Ad/79559/79559-1x4-120514-State Farm-Dave N networking. For info, contact The design proposal has not sfelix@quidnunc.net. yet been submitted to DPD. Deadline for receiving Calendar items is Noon Wednesday for the following week’s Friday Herald/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space available. Email submissions as soon as possible to: calendar@robinsonnews.com. Items can be accepted from nonprofit groups and government agencies only. Others may call Richard Sherman at 206.356.7288 for inclusion in our “Out & About” advertising column.
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Since 1960 206.937.7733
Harold's Fitness
The one to see:
CHRISTY PHU CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Si Phu is no stranger to the law. Earlier this year, court documents show, Snohomish County prosecutors charged him with cyberstalking-domestic violence. Investigators said he sent threatening text messages to an ex-girlfriend after a breakup. Probable cause documents filed with the prosecutor’s office state that a detective “conducted a pre-
liminary examination of text messages on the phone and noted there to be repeated and specific threats by Si Phu to kill Christy Phu by shooting her.” Investigators said that “he has threatened surviving family members.” Phu is being held on a $2 million bond and charges are expected later this week. Some of the content in this story is from our news partner Q13 Fox News.
“It’s certainly going to be 1.95in xbecause 2in a crisis, if we don’t FROM have services, people are 1. Variations in appearance may occur in the newspaper due to the use of different visual media. This proof is shown in a different format (on a computer monitorCONTINUED or printed on a private printer) from the PAGE newspaper. 3 Proof elements such as these color definition, registration, paper quality or screen resolution may vary depending on your computer’s set-up. Due to the distribution of our newspapers, we print on light-weight paper through high-speed presses. It is therefore impossible to match the about $800,000 less funding next going quality of this proof in the newspapers and the customer acknowledges and accepts this fact. 2. This advertisement has been prepared by Robinson Communications Inc. for inclusion in the newspapers. All rights in this advertisement (otherto than fall further into povtrademarks or material or wording owned by you) are owned by Robinson Communications Inc. Neither the entire advertisement or images therein are to be reproduced used intransportation, any manner without the prior written consent Robinson which makes them not be Dave Newman yearorfor Meals on of erty, Communications Inc. 3. If you are in an industry where a licensing or registration regime applies, you may be required to display your licence or registration details in your advertisement. Wheels, community dining and able to stay in their homes.” She Insurance Agency Inc. As a service to our clients, we provide 2 complimentary proofs. Any work more. And this said her charge group expects to curtail done onpopulation an ad after those 2 initial just proofs in subject to an additional of PLEASE CHECK ALL DETAILS, INCLUDING... THIS PROOF COPY IS... $75.00 an hour with half an hour minimum. By requesting a changed proof 3435 California Ave. SW after a final proof you are agreeing to pay these charges. Final proofsin will2in be isn’t as resilient as young famiservices some cases and start 1.95in x run and charged to the client if changes or a kill order is not recieved by the Names & Addresses Technical & Trade terms deadlines established by Robinson Communications Inc. Seattle, WA OK as is OK with marked changes lies, she added. waiting lists. Contact Information SPELLING 1. Variations in appearance may occur in the newspaper due to the use of different visual media. This proof is shown in a different format (on a computer monitor or printed on a private printer) from the newspaper. Proof elements such as color definition, registration, paper quality or screen resolution may vary depending on your computer’s set-up. Due to the distribution of our newspapers, we print on light-weight paper through high-speed It is therefore to match the Logos Ad size “People don’t seepresses. issues of impossible The United Way’s change is Make marked changes and proof again quality of this proof in the newspapers and the customer acknowledges and accepts this fact. 2. This advertisement has been prepared by Robinson Communications Inc. for inclusion in the newspapers. All rights in this advertisement (other than aging, and what happens to people planned for June 2016. United trademarks or material or wording owned by you) are owned by Robinson Communications Inc. Neither the entire advertisement or images therein are to be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written consent of Robinson While we always be sure everything is your correct, the final responsibility for assuring the accuracy of this ad rests with the Communications Inc. 3. If you are in an industry where a licensing or registration regime applies, you may be required to display yourendeavor licence ortoregistration details in advertisement. phone: (206) 708-1378 as they age when they don’t have Way of King County netted $112 signer of this proof copy. Please check carefully. By signing this proof you agree to and understand all the terms outlined above. fax: (206) 453-5041 services, as anAs aimmediate crisis,” service to our clients, we provide 2 complimentary proofs. Anyin work its most recent fundmillion done on an ad after those 2 initial proofs in subject to an additional charge of PRINT authorized PLEASE CHECK ALL DETAILS, INCLUDING... web: www.robinsonnews.com THIS PROOF COPY IS... name signature an hour with half an hour minimum. By requesting a changed proof said Houston. $75.00 raising campaign. after a final proof you are agreeing to pay these charges. Final proofs will be
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New rain gardens celebrated; nearly 80,000 gallons of stormwater diverted
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Patrick Robinson
Joyce Horvath, joined by her neighbors cut the ribbon on her rain garden, part of a group of seven installations that will divert nearly 80,000 gallons of stormwater from drains.
of Seattle’s most valuable Over 50,000 in Besides pretty, gar-of, orways REMINDER: have warranted tolegally Robinson Communications Inc.being that you are therain owner legallyduring heavy rains. REMINDER: You have warranted one to Robinson Communications Inc. that youYou are the owner of, orproperties Six authorized families on the blocks of assets—our waterways. With Seattle are eligible for Raindens help control stormwater, Additional authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, information, includto use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, Sullivan and Tillman Streets of the rebate program it really is a Wise rebates. Program experts a significant source of polluing a complete list of workartwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that you indemnify Robinson Communicaartwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that you indemnify Robinson CommunicaWest Seattle are helping solve win-win-win.” King County will be availtion in Puget Sound and the shops and events where people tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. water pollution by sending the These homes have collective- able at this event to answer Duwamish River. can learn more about Rain- For Internal Use - For Internal rain that falls on their Document: roofs into lyUseinstalled six new RainWise questions about eligibilitySaved: for August By 13, controlling Wise, is available at www.rain72277-1x4-030510-Easy Street.pdf YEAR > 2015stormwater, - 12:48 (-07 GMT) 21115-ChristmasEarlyDeadlines.pdf Saved: November 30, YEAR > 2015 06:49 GMT) RainWise rain gardens and cis- rain gardens and two cisterns. rebates that (-08 may cover up to people can support city and wise.seattle.gov Or visit the Persons Printed: November 19, YEAR > 2015 - 07:59 (-08 GMT) Printed: February 25, 2010 - 09:19 (-08 GMT) terns. The installationUser: wasVictoria cel- All together, these RainWise 100 percent of the cost to install county goals to control over- Barton-Fauntleroy Facebook File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/8:21 ROP ad pdfs/72277-1x4-030510-Easy Street.pdf ebrated on Dec. 12 pdfs/80273-2x3-121115-ChristmasEarlyDeadlines.pdf with a rib- installations will collect the a cistern or rain garden in cer- flows of sewage and stormwa- Page at www.facebook.com/ Niche Network/1204015 ROP ad bon cutting followed by a tour rain that falls on 5,840 square tain parts of Seattle. ter that occur in these water- BartonFauntleroyRainWise. of seven rain garden and cistern feet of roof area. This will keep installations. nearly 80,000 gallons of storm“My neighbors gathered for water out of the sewer system an introduction to the RainWise each year. Home Grown OrganLet Harold guide you program and it was no surprise ics, the RainWise contractor for to better health that several were interested,” the entire cluster, will lead a 206.937.7733 said Elliott Night, a Sullivan tour of nearby installations and Street neighbor and leader who offer advice on selecting plants made this cluster of RainWise and attracting pollinators. installations happen. “It’s a way RainWise is a joint program to beautify our yards with rain of Seattle Public Utilities and gardens, save water with cis- King County Wastewater Treatterns, and reduce pollution in ment Division. By Patrick Robinson
Harold's Fitness
EARLY DEADLINES Due to the Christmas holiday, the newspaper dated January 1, 2016 will have early deadlines. For classified advertising:
11 a.m. • Thurs., December 24th
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12 noon • Thurs., December 24th
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11 a.m. • Thurs., December 24th
Mary Ballanger dubbed 500,000th King Co. Water Taxi rider of the year By Rochell Ogershok Public Affair Coordinator King County Department of Transportation
Friday after noon the King County Water Taxi served it’s e warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are the owner of, or legally authorized to use, any business 500,000th water taxi passenger de name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement of 2015, for a grand total of 3.1 y Robinson Communications Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. million riders since inception in 2009. In addition to this milestone, - For Internal Use they have set an all-time record for Saved: November 16, YEAR > 2015 - 06:46 (-08 GMT) annual ridership for both the West Printed: November 16, YEAR > 2015 - 06:44 (-08 Seattle GMT) and Vashon routes. roup pages/Out and About/Promos/80266-1x8-Out&AboutPromo.ai The person who was dubbed 500,000th rider of the year is West Seattle resident Mary Ballanger. She is a regular Water Taxi rider. To celebrate these milestones, we selected one of our regular passengers to be the ceremonial half-millionth rider at 4:40 p.m. Friday on Pier 50 just before the 4:45 p.m. sailing to West Seattle. Patrick Robinson
Mary Ballanger, of West Seattle became the 500,000th rider of the King County Water Taxi this year and was honored by King County.
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Westside Weekly
on our combined Vashon and West Seattle routes Fri. afternoon, Dec. 11. The previous annual record for the Water Taxi was 467,119 passengers in 2014. In addition to the Water Taxi system milestone, each route is achieving a record year for ridership. The West Seattle route currently stands at 307,500 passengers for 2015. In addition to surpassing the 300,000 passenger mark for the first time, the total also surpasses the 282,662 passenger record set last year. The Vashon route is currently at 192,500 pas-
Theater review ACT’s A Christmas Carol is best when it’s wacky and weird By Amanda Knox
Additional ridership details: The King County Water Taxi celebrates its 500,000th passenger
sengers for 2015 and will exceed 200,000 passengers later this month. The previous record on this route was 187,824 passengers set in 2013. As the Water Taxi service continues to grow, so does the King County Marine Division’s fleet. Earlier this year, the Water Taxi launched two new vessels with the capacity of 278 passengers each. In the prior three years, the Marine Division also added a back-up vessel along with a new moorage and maintenance barge as part of its fleet expansion.
This year ACT is performing its 40th Anniversary Production of a yearly holiday tradition, A Christmas Carol. It’s a bit ironic, considering that ACT is otherwise a theatre focusing on contemporary, progressive theatre productions. But that’s OK. Some stories have staying power. A Christmas Carol is a sentimental reference point for many who celebrate the Christmas holiday—that’s why there are so many iconic film versions—so why shouldn’t it be so for ACT as well? ACT’s A Christmas Carol suffers from its attempt to reconstruct the cinematic, without the benefits of cinema. For example, Kurt Beattie is a brilliant Scrooge when he’s hunched behind his accountant’s desk, rhymically counting coins, barking orders, and scowling scorchingly at anyone who looks at him the wrong way. But it is most awkward to watch the same Scrooge flail his arms about his head and twirl around the stage in order to recreate the idea that he is flying through the air on his way to the past. Why not take advantage of the strengths (instead of emphasize the weaknesses) of the theatre to arrive at these same scenes? Scrooge doesn’t need to fly. ACT’s A Christmas Carol is at its best when it takes advantage of the direct connection the theatre offers between the talented actors and the audience, and also when it gets wacky and weird. In terms of the weird, G. Valmont Thomas is an excellent Jacob Marley, with amazing physicality that takes up the whole stage. He is effectively creepy and pitiful from the moment he erupts from beneath
a trapdoor, lurches around the stage, dragging his chain, to the moment he is finally dragged back down again, moaning and wailing. Similarly, it is a surprisingly weird and creepy moment when the oft-overlooked characters Want and Ignorance writhe out from underneath the Ghost of Christmas Present’s robes, wrapped in rags like tiny, freaky, memorable mummies. In terms of the wacky, Rob Burgess is a winning Mr. Fezziwig, also effectively taking up the full stage with his jolly clowning that comes across as very genuine and benevolent. Another oft-overlooked character, the Turkey Boy, also becomes memorable through Brandon Oke, who puts on the most hilariously incredulous face, and exclaims, “Why, it’s Christmas Day!” To top it off, he exaggeratedly thrusts his arms out in front of him a few times for good measure. It’s hard to explain how funny this is without just seeing it. All in all, for a theatre that usually caters to “curious, openminded, and brave audiences,” ACT’s rendition of A Christmas Carol features strong, talented actors, but is disappointingly unsuccessful when attempts to recreate iconic film productions. It would have been better had ACT re-envisioned the story so that it catered better to the theatre setting. As it stands, you might as well just watch one of the film versions—The Muppet Christmas Carol being my personal favorite. A Christmas Carol plays Nov. 27–Dec. 20 at ACT (700 Union St., Seattle). Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased online at www.acttheatre.org or by phone at 206.292.7676, or at the box office.
Consider long-lasting financial gifts to grandchildren
Knowledge is golden Sarah Cecil On Sept. 13, we observe National Grandparents Day. If you’re a grandparent, you might get a card or a little present from the grandkids. However, you will probably get great-
er pleasure from the gifts you give them. And if you’d like to make a financial gift, you’ve got some attractive options. How you choose to make your gift depends somewhat on how you’d like the money to be used. Do you want to provide an intermittent source of income that your grandchildren can use at various points in their lives? Or would you rather designate your gift to be used exclusively for college? If you’re interested in the “intermittent income” type of gift, you might want to work with a legal professional to establish a trust, which offers several key benefits, including the following: Wide choice of investment options—A trust can be funded with virtually any financial instrument—stocks, bonds, cash, and
so on. Although the trust owns the assets, you, as trustee, control them and can decide what type of investments to make. Flexibility in distribution of assets— You can direct the trust to distribute assets to your grandchildren at various ages. Many trusts make payouts at 25, 30 and 35 years of age, but it’s your choice. And you can determine when the trust will terminate. Reduction in estate size—Currently, only a small percentage of Americans pay estate taxes, but these laws are frequently in flux, so someday it may be to your advantage to have reduced the size of your estate through gifts to an irrevocable trust. As of 2015, you can give up to $14,000 per year ($28,000 for a married couple filing jointly) into each irrevocable trust you create for each grandchild without incurring gift taxes.
Your grandchildren can obviously enjoy the financial benefits of being beneficiaries of a trust. But if you want to specifically earmark some funds for your grandchildren’s college educations, you can find other vehicles that may be more appropriate. One such possibility is a 529 plan. Contribution limits are quite high, and your earnings can accumulate tax free, provided they are used for qualified higher education expenses. (529 plan distributions not used for qualified expenses may be subject to federal and state income tax and a 10% IRS penalty on the earnings). Furthermore, your 529 plan contributions may be eligible for state income tax incentives. But 529 plans vary, so check with your tax advisor regarding these incentives. If you, as a grandparent, own a 529 plan, it is not reported on the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the document commonly used to determine a student’s financial aid eligibility. However, withdrawals from your 529 plan will be treated as untaxed income to your grandchild and could significantly affect your grandchild’s financial aid eligibility for the following school year. Consequently, you may want to save your 529 plan assets for your grandchild’s final year of college. By establishing a trust or investing in a 529 plan, you can help improve the quality of life for your beloved grandchildren. Consider taking action soon. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by Sarah Cecil, CRPS®, Edward Jones Financial Advisor. 4740 44th Ave. S.W. Suite #102. Seattle, WA 98116. 206.938.6017.
Op-Ed: This election victory belongs to all of us ADVERTISING
REMINDER: You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are the owner of, or legally authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, maintain the Communicastatus quo? responsive and accountable policartwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that youwould indemnify Robinson Let’s use the outcome of this ing for all of our communities and tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. campaign and the new district enforcement of our groundbreak- For Internal Use system to pass laws that ensure ing labor laws. Document: 80267-2x2-120415-Locol.pdf Saved: November 25, YEAR > 2015 - 07:05 (-08 GMT) that those who benefit most from I say “we” because I’ve only By Lisa Herbold ingly pass District elections. We REMINDER: You have to Robinson Communications User: Victoria PersonsElect Printed: June 03, YEAR > 2015 (-07 GMT) District 1 Councilmember our- 11:56 prosperity invest in warranted a fair gotten this far with the helpInc. of that my you are th wanted a Council more accountauthorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photog A File: full /Volumes/Shared/Niche 35 days from electionNetwork/1204015 ROP ad pdfs/80267-2x2-120415-Locol.pdf deal for our city. Like we said supports. This election belongs to able to the voters. artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that night, this long campaign is finally on the campaign trail, let’s pass all of us. I’ll only be able to suc- you indem Of course early in the campaign tionsimpact Inc. andfees its affiliates in accordance with you the Terms of side. Robinson Communicatio over. But before I shift gears away these values became an even bigdeveloper to improve ceed with by my I want from campaigning and towards ger focus because an Indepenmobility, laws so development you there to push me, to correct - For Internal Use representation and policy-making, dent Expenditure (IE) campaign Document: 79312-2x6-090514-WSChurchDirectory.pdf Saved: August 28,me YEAR includes truly affordable housing, me, to redirect me, to back up,> 2015 - 1 You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are the owner of, or legally I have some thoughts from the made aREMINDER: and new regulations that protect and help to move us all forward. Lisa Herbold record-busting investment User: Victoria Persons Printed: August 28, 2014 - 05:39 (-0 to use, any business trade name, design, as logo, renters photograph, illustration, graphic, heart to share. of the excesses againstauthorized me. Their donations were name, not trademark, become the new “politics File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/9:4from ROP some ad pdfs/79312-2x6-090514-WSChurchDirectory.pdf artwork other material partIt’s of the that youinindemnify Robinsonmarket. CommunicaThis campaign has been the not subject a hot housing We also Lisa Herbold can be reached via toorfinancial limitsforming like any usual. notadvertisement everyday thatand a cantions Inc. and affiliates in accordance the Terms Robinson Communications most humbling and among the our donations have to beInc. persistent advocates for email at d1forlisa@gmail.com. are.itsThis District didatewith outspent 3-1 of wins her elecmost rewarding of my life expe- 1 $230,000 IE was more than all tion. Hasn’t this election proven - For Internal Use riences. From 80275-2x3-121815-NewYearEarlyDeadlines.pdf the very first day IEs combined in citywide Council to us thatSaved: if we November continue to30,work Document: YEAR > 2015 - 06:49 (-08 GMT) in late January when the idea of races in the last 3 election cycles together like we have over User: Victoria Persons Printed: November 19,the YEAR > 2015 - 08:25 (-08 GMT) running was pitched to me by oth- combined. last 10 months we can make sure File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche Network/1204015 ROP ad pdfs/80275-2x3-121815-NewYearEarlyDeadlines.pdf ers (you know who you are!), to But maybe now we can ensure that all voices are represented and building an organization of volun- that the influence of IEs will that we can challenge those who teers, to asking those volunteers Catholic Catholic to work an extra month to secure Now Serving Beer & Wine my lead, the spirit and number of New Winter people lending their energy to our Menu effort has been such an incredible Starting May 24-25, the new Mass Schedule will be: Saturdays at 5 p.m. Mass Schedule affirmation of our shared values Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Wed, Thurs, Fri................ 9:00 a.m. and aspirations. Morning Mass: Saturday Vigil.................. 5:30 p.m. (Mon., Wed., Thur., Fri., 1st Sat.) 7:45 a.m. As for Nick Licata, my teacher Word and Communion: Sunday Mass...8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Tues. at 7:45 a.m., other Sat. at 8 a.m. for the last 18 years, he embodFr. Jack Walmesley, Pastor Fr. John Madigan, Pastor ies all of the best qualities of a Growlers Flights 7000 35th Ave. SW • 206-935-0358 4100 SW Genesee • 206-935-8353 dedicated and tireless public serwww.olgseattle.org www.holyrosaryseattle.org vant, egoless leader, and a bril7900 35th Ave. S.W. liant creative strategist. I do not Lutheran Catholic hope to fill his shoes, but will be Holy Family Parish The Lutheran Fr. Horacio Yanez, Pastor honored to walk in his footsteps, Church of the Atonement 9622 20th Ave SW, White Center while also making my own path. 206-767-6220 Sunday Schedule Of course, the person with 8:30 a.m. (Eng) Daily (M-F) Worship Service ..... 9:00 a.m. Due to the New Year holiday, the newspaper dated 7:00 p.m. (Esp) Wed whom I shared the stage between 8:00 a.m. (Eng) Sat Mass Fellowship ........... 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Eng) Sat Vigil August and November deserves January 8, 2016 will have early deadlines. 6:30 p.m. (Esp) Sunday School ..... 10:30 a.m. extra-special recognition for her 8:00 a.m. (Eng) Sun Mass 9:30 a.m. (Esp) integrity, energy, and knowledge. Rev. Jason Swan, Pastor For classified advertising: 11:00 a.m. (Eng) 12:30 p.m. (Esp) 740 S. 128th St., 98168 I was privileged to run with Shan6:00 p.m. (Tagalog) Church: 206-244-3020 • Preschool: 206-277-7160 non Braddock as my opponent www.atonement-lcms.org www.hfseattle.org/parish and campaign partner. I have For announcements, obituaries & display advertising: boundless admiration for Shannon’s commitment to our community and I sincerely look forward 4.025in x 2in to working with her in the future. For legal notices: 1. Variations in appearance may occur in the newspaper due to the use of different visual media. This proof is shown in a different format (on a computer monitor or printed on a private printer) from the newspaper. Proof elements such as color Together with our may vary depending on your computer’s set-up. definition, registration, paperthe qualityissues, or screen resolution Due to the distribution of our newspapers, we print on light-weight paper through high-speed presses. It is therefore impossible to match the quality of this proof in the newspapers and the customer acknowledges and accepts this fact. 2. This advertisement has been prepared by Robinson Communications Inc. for inclusion in the newspapers. All rights in this advertisement (other than campaign focused upon the values trademarks or material or wording owned by you) are owned by Robinson Communications Inc. Neither the entire advertisement or images therein are to be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written consent of Robinson thatCommunications led us last toinoverwhelmInc. 3.year If you are an industry where a licensing or registration regime applies, you may be required to display your licence or registration details in your advertisement.
Council member Elect Herbold PROOF offers her thoughts and thanks
Spiritual Resources Holy Rosary Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
EARLY DEADLINES 11 a.m. • Thurs., December 31st
Technical & Trade terms
12 noon • Thurs., December 31st
11 a.m. Thurs., December 31st
To advertise your spiritual center, call Dick Sherman at 206-356-7288
As a service to our clients, we provide 2 complimentary proofs. Any work done on an ad after those 2 initial proofs in subject to an additional charge of $75.00 an hour with half an hour minimum. By requesting a changed proof after a final proof you are agreeing to pay these charges. Final proofs will be run and charged to the client if changes or a kill order is not recieved by the
Highline Times Des Moines News SeaTac News WWW.HIGHLINETIMES.COM
A major landslide destroys one home and affects others Record-breaking heavy rains the week of Dec. 7 in the Puget Sound region caused a large landslide in the Burien community Tues., Dec. 8. The slide occurred in a private residential area just north of Seahurst Park. The area is known as Standring Lane and is a gated beach community. There is no public access. Following the slide, only emergency personnel from the City of Burien and some other officials were allowed entry. The point of the slide is south of the entry. Photos and other information about the slide were obtained from the City of Burien. We have no estimate of damage, but have been told one house is destroyed and one vehicle was pushed into the bay. Our sources in the area have told us residents there do not want to talk to the press. What follows is information from the City of Burien. The City of Burien has worked throughout the day with geotechnical specialists to assess conditions at the site of the mudslide that damaged two houses north of Seahurst Park. Preliminary reports indicate that the slope has not stabilized and evacuation orders remain in effect. Residents of all five evacuated homes are to remain away from their houses overnight but, except in the case of the most-impacted house, residents will be allowed back to retrieve belongings under supervision for short periods of time.
Google Earth
Photos courtesy of the City of Burien
Details of Geotechnical Review: The slide began at approximately 150 feet elevation—about half way up the slope—where soil composition changes. Above that point, ground water is absorbed. It then seeps out below that elevation. Given wet soil conditions over the past several days, seepage behind the slope’s surface layer likely caused the soil to blow outward, resulting in the slide. The source of the slide and much of the debris field lies within the property lines of the southernmost house. It is typical in slides like this one for the margins to continue settling. This will be particularly likely as rains return overnight and throughout the coming days. Details of evacuation status: Access to the southernmost property is prohibited. The public is asked to stay away from the area as further settling remains likely. Signs will be posted at the north end of Seahurst Park to prevent public access from below the slope. The property owner of the secondmost southern property will be allowed to return to collect personal
items briefly and under supervision. The stability of the slope above that property remains in question and further settling is likely. Property owners in the remaining three evacuated houses will be asked not to reoccupy their homes until they are able to demonstrate through an independent geotechnical study that it is safe to return. Other updates: The city is working with the Fire Department to secure the vehicle that was pushed past the bulkhead in the slide. At this time, there is no access to be able to tow the vehicle out of the water. Staff on site indicates that there is no evidence of oil or gasoline leaking from the vehicle. The Homeowners’ Association has asked the public to respect their privacy at this time. Updates will be provided at www. burienwa.gov under “News & Announcements” as information is available. Update as of December 11: City of Burien leadership continues to work with homeowners impacted by Tuesday’s mudslide as evacuation orders remain in effect. Reports from the area indicate that the toe of the slide is still moving, though at a very slow pace. As the city’s response moves from preserving public safety into evaluating impacts to the environment, the city is coordinating with Washington State Department of Ecology to determine what cleanup response is feasible given the ongoing settling at the site. The city’s geologist maintains his recommendation that staff, residents, and the public stay away from the evacuated area and far away from the toe of the debris. Any disturbance to the debris, as could happen during cleanup, has the potential to further destabilize the slide. Because of these risks, Ecology is not requiring removal of debris at this time. Property owners hold the ultimate responsibility for the cleanup once it is safe to do so. As a condition of re-occupancy, homeowners in the evacuated area must complete further geotechnical studies of their property to make sure it is safe before they resume living there. As reported yesterday, Red Cross resources have been made available if shelter is requested. King County Office of Emergency Management announced yesterday that those who suffered property damage or other losses in this week’s storm may be eligible for assistance. Information is available at www. kingcounty.gov/damage and a hotline has been set up at 800.523.5044.
Fascinating art workshops for students by Burien Arts Association The Burien Arts Association is presenting fascinating art workshops in fused glass and collage over the Winter Break for stu-
dents in grades 6–8. The workshops taught by noted artist Kris Vermeer will be Mon. through Wed., Dec.
28, 29 and 30 at the Burien Arts Gallery, 826 S.W. 152nd St. in Olde Burien. The workshops run 10–11:30 a.m. The workshops
are free but donations to the sponsoring Burien Arts Association are welcome. Class size is limited to 10 students so those interested should register soon by email at burienarts@g.mail.com. On Mon., Dec. 28 and Tues., Dec. 29, workshop participants will work with pre-cut pieces of smooth glass and glass enamels. Students may create up to three projects, such as small plaques, window/wall ornaments or magnets.
Instructor Kris Vermeer will fire the works and return to students for pick up on Wed., Dec. 30. On Dec. 30, students will also create collages using recycled paper and other materials to create a new work of art. Kris Vermeer has created public art, currently teaches in the Tacoma School District and has exhibited at the Burien Arts Gallery. She was one of the featured artists at the Burien Arts Association’s Vision 20/20Art Sale and Gala in November.
letter to the editor Des Moines utility tax has been pulled
To the editor: The city has the right to impose Based on conversations with a utility tax on water and sewer fellow councilmembers and the services. If we wind up adopting public, I’ve pulled the utility one, we will also implement a tax issue off of the December rebate program for low-income 17 Des Moines City Council seniors and the disabled. agenda. It will not be voted on Regarding a franchise agreein 2015. If it gets addressed, it ment, we tried getting the utility will be early next year ... and districts interested in adopting one after more conversation with about four and a half years ago, the utility districts. but without much interest. Only The city has long-standing bud- Water District #54 and Lakehaven get issues that we have an obli- Water & Sewer District chose to gation to address. Our constitu- enter into one at that time. ents have demanded the level of Listening to the community, police, park & recreation, and we will try to come to some are currently agreement with the utility disREMINDER: You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that youother are theservices owner of,we or legally and have asked for tricts early next year; but we authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, providing photograph,… illustration, graphic, police services. To balance preserve our right to implement artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that youmore indemnify Robinson Communicathese interests tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. will take a combi- a tax if needed. nation of efficiencies, cuts, and - For Internal Use additional revenues. That is what —Dave Kaplan Document: 80312-2x5-121815-NormandyPkSeniorLiving.ai Saved: December 09, YEAR > 2015 - 11:00 (-08 GMT) we’ve been working on since Mayor and Councilmember User: Victoria Persons Printed: December 09, YEARearly > 2015 - 11:00 (-08 GMT) August. City of Des Moines, WA File: /Volumes/Shared/Archive Storage/Advertising/M-Z Ads/N Ads/Normandy Park Senior Living/80312/80312-2x5-121815-NormandyPkSeniorLiving.ai
During last night’s regular Council Meeting the SeaTac City Council repealed the city’s utility tax effective March 1, 2016. The Council originally adopted the utility tax in Oct. 2014, making it effective beginning Jan. 1, 2015. The six percent (6%) tax originally adopted in Oct. 2014 applied to electric energy, natural or manufactured gas, solid waste (5%), surface water management, telephone, and cable television businesses within the city. The ordinance repealing the tax will not affect utility companies’ payment of the tax through February of next year. The low-income, senior citizen utility tax relief program will also remain in full force while the tax is in effect. The annual rebate program applies to SeaTac residents who are very low income and either 65 or older or disabled and unable to work. More information on the utility tax and relief program is available on the city’s website at www.ci.seatac.wa.us/ utilitytax.
SeaTac City Council repeals utility tax
Highline calendar
Artist Amaranta Ibarra— Sandys Displays Paintings Burien Community Center 14700 6th Ave. S.W. 206.988.3700 Through the end of Jan. in the Lobby Gallery. Trained in ceramics, Amaranta moved from Mexico City to Seattle 20 years ago. An artist and art teacher, she began working in water colors 3 years ago. Her series “Angels, Mermaids and other Demons” illustrate different stages of personal narrative. www.artmaranth.org. Community Center hours: Mon.–Thurs., 8:30–8 p.m.; Fri., 8:30–5 p.m.; Sat., 8– Noon.
Burien Arts Gallery Bountiful Textures Exhibit 826 S.W. 152nd St. 206.244.7808 www.burienarts.org Exhibit runs thru Sat., Dec. 26. Fiber works by Fiber 19 artists “Bountiful Textures.” Gallery hours: Wed.–Sat., Noon–6 p.m.
Also thru Dec. 26.: Fiber works by Sonia Grasvik and Carol Wax at Skinperfect, 905 S.W. 152nd St.
Tukwila Pantry Emergency Food Bank Riverton Park United Methodist Church 3118 S. 140th St. 206.431.8293 www.tukwilapantry.org Through community assistance with donations and financial support the Pantry can offer food, support and kindness to many in need in Tukwila, Burien and Boulevard Park. These contributions do more than just put food on plates. It is rewarding to see a community work together around a common goal. Contact us at anytime, leave a message and we will get back to you.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting Highline United Methodist Church 13015 1st Ave. S. www.oa.org Every Mon. and Thurs., 10:30– 11:30 a.m. Does food rule your life? We are a fellowship of people recovering from compulsive eating. No dues, weigh-ins or special food to buy. The only requirement is a desire to stop eating compulsively. Come join us! Info: Kathy 425.226.1464.
Every Mon. at 9:30 a.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is an encouraging support group. Members weigh in weekly. Open to all. Information: Lynette 206.243.9509.
Burien TOPS Meeting Highline Christian Church, lower level 14859 1st Ave. S. For entry, knock at door facing S. 150th St. Every Mon. evening. Weighin 5:30–6:20 p.m. and Meeting 6:30–7:30 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is an encouraging support group. More information: 206.372.8044.
Des Moines TOPS Meeting Southminster Presbyterian Church 19834 8th Ave. S. Every Tues. morning. Weighin 9:00–9:25 a.m. and Meeting 9:30–10:30 a.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is an encouraging support group. Please join us on our journey to better health.
Burien TOPS Meeting Glendale Lutheran Church 13455 2nd Ave. S.W. Every Tues. at 6:30–8 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is an encouraging support group. Members weigh in weekly. Information: Ruth 206.244.3059.
Highline Cancer Center Seeking Volunteers
North Burien TOPS Meeting
Volunteers needed to work in the American Cancer Society (ACS) Cancer Resource Center, to help provide resources and support to cancer patients and their families. Volunteers are trained by the hospital and ACS, and then commit to working a 4-hour shift a week. This is a weekday-only, 6-month minimum commitment. If you are interested in learning more about this rewarding opportunity, please contact Jessie Sanders at 253.207.5155 or jessie.sanders@ cancer.org.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 11620 21st Ave. S.W.
Highline Medical Center Grief Support Group Highline Cancer Center Meditation Room 16233 Sylvester Rd. S.W. Meets every first and third Wed., 2–3 p.m. This is an ongoing, all year round, drop-in Grief Support Group. No registration necessary, just drop-in. All welcome. More information: 206.431.5373 x5400.
Southgate Garden Club Meeting 80295
Deadline for receiving Calendar items is Noon Wednesday for the following week’s Friday Times/ News. Events are published based on timeliness and space available. Email submissions as soon as possible to: calendar@robinsonnews. com. Items can be accepted from nonprofit groups and government agencies only. Others may call Dona Ozier at 206.708.1378 for inclusion in our “Out & About” advertising column.
Tukwila Community Center 12424 42nd Ave. S. 206.878.7478 Monthly meetings held on third Wed. evening of month. We will discuss the fall beauty in our landscapes and make a leaf decor project to brighten our homes.
Highline POLICE rEPORTS Federal Way man shot in head while visiting Tukwila A 19-year-old man from Federal Way was shot in the head Tues., Dec. 8, while in Tukwila. According to police reports, the man, whose identity has yet to be released, was shot in the head at close range during a fight with several others near the intersection of 14800 and International Boulevard. Witnesses told police that the victim was shot at about 5:15 p.m. before the group of men who had been fighting fled quickly in different directions. Police arrived to the scene to find the victim laying on the ground. A K-9 unit was brought in to help locate others involved in the shooting but attempts were unsuccessful. The victim was rushed to the hospital in critical condition but his current status has yet to be updated. Police are asking that anyone with information about the crime contact the Tukwila Police Department by calling 206.433.1808. Crimes reported between 11/23/15 and 12/6/15 Home and Business Break-in/Burglary: 200 Block Pacific Hwy S., 17600 Block Intl. Blvd. S., 2400 Block S. 142nd St., 10400 Block 16th Ave. S.W., 1600 Block S.W. Roxbury St., 9600 Block 28th Ave. S.W., 9600 Block 28th Ave. S.W., 9600 Block 18th Ave. S.W., 11800 Block Renton Ave. S., 2800 Block S.W. Roxbury St., 10600 Block 15th Ave. S.W., 9800 Block 21st Ave. S.W., 9600 Block 25th Ave. S.W., 11200 Block 2nd Ln. S.W., 10600 Block 15th Ave. S.W., 11400 Block 3rd Ave. S., 11000 Block 17th Ave. S.W., 1400 Block S.W. 107th St., 10400 Block 26th Ave. S.W., 10800 Block 8th Ave. S., 9800 Block 28th Ave. S.W., 16700 Block Intl. Blvd. S., 16800 Block Military Rd. S., 17600 Block Intl. Blvd. S., 17300 Block 32nd Ave. S., 17200 Block Intl. Blvd. S., 100 Block S.W. 148th St., 13600 Block Ambaum Blvd. S., 14800 Block 8th Ave. S.W., 17700 Block Des Moines Memorial Dr. S., 14600 Block Ambaum Blvd. S., 15900 Block Maplewild Ave. S., 2200 Block S.W.
149th St., 3300 Block S.W. Seola Ln., 11800 Block Glendale Wy. S., 600 Block S.W. 120th St., 15200 Block Ambaum Blvd. S., 11500 Block 30th Pl. S.W., 11800 Block 26th Ave. S., 100 Block S.W. 157th St., 13200 Block 4th Ave. S., 15800 Block 8th Ave. S.W., 13600 Block 1st Ave. S. Auto Theft/Break-in: 14200 Block Military Rd. S., 2400 Block S. 131st St., 9600 Block 18th Ave. S.W., 16700 Block Intl. Blvd. S., 17300 Block 32nd Ave. S., 16800 Block Intl. Blvd. S., 11300 Block 26th Ave. S., 14800 Block 1st Ave. S.W., 15400 Block 10th Ave. S.W., 15800 Block 4th Ave. S., 13700 Block 11th Pl. S., 600 Block S. 152nd St., 14600 Block 1st Ave. S., 1200 Block S.W. 132nd Ln., 2200 Block S. 112th St., 12400 Block 12th Ave. S., 15600 Block Des Moines Memorial Dr. S., 12000 Block 2nd Ave. S., 1800 Block S. 118th St. Assault/Violence: 14200 Block 29th Ave. S., 1600 Block S.W. 104th St., 3300 Block S. 170th St., 3200 Block S. 169th St., 400 Block S.W. 152nd St., 13800 Block 1st Ave. S.W., 13400 Block 12th Ave. S., 600 Block S.W. 156th St., 15000 Block S.W. 156th St., 11600 Block 21st Ave. S.W., 12400 Block Occidental Ave., 12800 Block Ambaum Blvd. S., 12200 Block 23rd Ave. S., 13800 Block Des Moines Memorial Dr. S., 2000 Block S. 113th St., 16200 Block Sylvester Rd., 200 Block S. 156th St. Property Crimes/Trespass/Vandalism: 2200 Block S. 132nd St., 2600 Block S. 152nd St., 9600 Block 28th Ave. S., 9600 Block 16th Ave. S.W., 10600 Block 17th Ave. S.W., 1900 Block S.W. 98th St., 16600 Block Intl. Blvd. S., 400 Block S. 186th St., 13700 Block 12th Ave. S.W., 400 Block S.W. 152nd St., 14300 Block 1st Ave. S., 10800 Block Roseburg Ave. S., 14300 Block 1st Ave. S., 13400 Block 1st Ave. S., 14600 Block 1st Ave. S., 15700 Block 1st Ave. S., 100 Block S.W. 148th St., 14600 Block Ambaum Blvd. S., 14900 Block 4th Ave. S.W., 400 Block S.W. 152nd St., 14300 Block 1st Ave. S., 11600 Block S.W. 148th St., 300 Block S.W. 148th St.
Waive the Visa Program, not the liberty In response to what happened in Paris and California, the House this week passed legislation that changed our Visa Waiver Program. After talking to my fellow Seattleites, I’ve learned that many don’t know exactly what this program is. And why would they? It isn’t something that any of them will ever use. But I tell you, it is still important. The Visa Waiver Program uses the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) to eliminate the need of a visa for people from partner countries, thirty-eight of them in all including Western Europe, Japan and Australia. People from those countries go on the ESTA website, pay a small fee and answer security questions. Then sometime in the following day(s) they are granted permission to enter the US for three months without having to apply for a visa at a consulate or embassy, a process that can be lengthy, arduous and expensive. The new bill, according to CNN.com, would bar those from Iraq, Syria, Iran and the
Sudan, and any traveler from the partner countries that has visited those countries in the last five years from entering the US without a visa. Iraq, Syria, Iran and Sudan were never part of the program, so people from those countries always needed a visa to enter. No big change there. The people this mainly affects are those with which we have strong solidarity, like France, which was also the catalyst for the urgency of this bill. How ironic. But, okay, this doesn’t completely bar someone from the country. It just stops them from using the Visa Waiver Program. And it’s hard to argue that increased screening, for let’s say a Frenchman who has been to Syria in the last few years, even if it seems draconian and robotic, would be bad. After all there is a war going on. But there is also a provision in the bill that allows the Department of Homeland Security to revoke program status if a partner nation doesn’t share adequate traveler information with them, something that the European
Union has already warned could have a backlash for US travelers. Many countries have reciprocal visa policies with the US; if we require an expensive, lengthy visa process for them, sometimes they require the same for us. So if we revoke the non-visa status from Europe, that could mean, if we want to travel to France, it would cost us money and time. There is also the possibility that they might turn us away for something that we’ve done in the past or for somewhere that we have gone on vacation that they don’t like.
from entering a neighboring country because of something that you weren’t even found guilty of. Could something similar start happening every time we try to leave the US? What if a DUI you haven’t even been convicted of stopped you from being able to enter every country in the world? Our perception has been put through a cheese-grater, and we think that this legislation is mild because we have Trump on the far, radical right—on the far nuts— screaming to keep all the Muslims out. Meanwhile Senator Feinstein and Senator Flake are proposing a bill that would have people get biometric screening in an embassy before they applied for entry. Could you imagine traveling to Europe and having to get a biometric screening before going? After the countless domestic acts of terrorism, Obama and our Congress push to change border laws. Then the laws that they do change mostly affect our allies and potentially ourselves.
as a whole and their ability to move around the globe freely? Is travel a luxury, and by traveling, do we put ourselves in the position to be scrutinized? Do these laws help the war on terror? I know that we are trying to protect ourselves and that it is a dangerous world out there and all are enemies are waiting for us in the darkness ready to pounce on us when we make a mistake, but fear can be powerful and it can cloud our judgment. Let’s be careful not to trade liberty for security.
They will have all of our information on a screen. We share criminal information with Canada and they share it with us. For instance, if you want to hop across the border to Vancouver for a fun weekend and you’ve had a DUI, they most likely will turn you around. CanadaDuientrylaw.com says that a not guilty verdict for a DUI may cause a US resident to be turned away because sometimes BURIEN all the border staff sees is the Let us step back, polish our lens original arrest record. and start asking questions. It’s aREMINDER: curious thing to be stopped doesCommunications this mean for humans You have warranted to What Robinson Inc. that you are the owner of, or legally
Out & About
By Zach Watson
As I was preparing to write my latest column concerning the recent dreadful events in Paris, two other appalling incidents occurred…the Planned Parenthood attack, followed by the bloodbath in San Bernadino. The deeds of the perpetrators may be ‘explained’ by ‘political’ or ‘religious’ motives, while remaining forever incomprehensible to most of us. But such episodes bring home the fact that, on any given day, or in any given moment, we cannot know what may be delivered in our direction. We could step out the door to never return, or chat with a loved one, never dreaming this will be our final conversation. Fortunately, violence or terrorism is rarely responsible for our ever-evolving fate. To the contrary, it is likely to be something
Thursday & Saturday
Marjorie Young
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the psychic view
authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, RENT OUR out where he worked. Several days theand Good artwork or other material forming readers any part oftothereplicate advertisement that you indemnify Robinson CommunicaFACILITIES later she phoned to its speak withinthe Samaritan’s The page tions Inc. and affiliates accordance with thekindness. Terms of Robinson Communications Inc. manager of that health club, prais- was soon flooded with reports FOR YOUR far more ‘mundane—a distracted ing her employee’s good deed. -But For Internal ofUseothers coming to the aid of Document: 80298-2x5-121115-Frankies.ai Saved: December YEAR > SPECIAL 2015 - 12:43EVENT (-08 GMT) driver fails to see the pedestrian the manager had sad news…the friends and strangers alike. 07, Thus, User: Victoria Persons Printed: December YEAR >For 2015more - 06:57information (-08 GMT) at the crosswalk. A bolt of light- generous stranger had been killed though ‘Mitchell’ died so 02, sudcall ning File: sends a tree crashing into a Storage/Advertising/ in a car crash, just one after his denly,Bistro/80298/80298-2x5-121115-Frankies.ai his final gracious act 206-243-2143 /Volumes/Shared/Archive A-Lday Ads/F Ads/Frankie's bedroom. Too many Christmas impressive act of generosity. served to provoke an open heart Burien Elks Lodge lights results in a home going up Determined to do something to in so many others. 14006 1st Ave. S. in flames. An unhealthy life-style honor her benefactor, ‘Melanie’ • Make New Friends leads to a heart attack. All this may started a Facebook page sharing Follow Marjorie Young on Twitter: seem gloomy, of course, but does the episode, while encouraging @psychicmargie. • Community involvement & fundraising remind us that life is largely unpredictable…even to those possessing • Fun Calendar of events ‘psychic abilities!’ • Reasonably priced food On the other hand, truly mar& beverages velous things may materialize at • Participate in Veterans a moment’s notice, as our exisServices 10, 12, tence is always a balance of the 17, 19 & 31 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks dark and the light, both being a Elks Care - Elks Share necessity for our spiritual growth. Watching a movie where the hero faced no adversity, we’d quickly lose interest when ‘nothing happens.’ It is the struggle leading to the potential ‘happy ending’ that makes for a memorable tale…or a memorable life. BRING All this should remind us to live AD IN FOR each precious day with purpose. $ One story on the news recently (206) 946-1334 YOUR BILL serves as a remarkable reminder. Expires 1/31/16 FrankiesBtownBistro.com Limit 1 per A young mother was at the superperson market with her toddler and infant Now open: 7 days a week in tow. At the checkout, her credit Lunch Monday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. card was declined. Embarrassed, Frank Genzale and Frank Yellam Jr. proudly present she asked if she might run home Traditional Family Recipes. to get a different card. Instead, a young man waiting in line insisted on paying the $200 tab…absolutely refusing to hear her offer 653 SW 152nd St. • Burien • (206) 946-1334 to repay him. Touched and gratedonao@robinsonnews.com Hours: Mon. to Thurs., 11 to 9 • Fri., 11 to 10 • Sat. 4 to 10, • Sun. 4 to 9 ful, she made a point of finding
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Sunday, December 13th, 10:30 a.m.
Children's Christmas Pageant during worship Alternative Christmas Fair 10 to 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 to Noon
Sunday, December 20th, 10:30 a.m. Sermon - "The Wisdom of Mothers"
Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24 at 8:00 p.m.
NORTHMINSTER A service of Lessons and Carols with choral selections in English PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH from Camille Saint-Saens' sacred "Christmas Oratorio." “a village church in the city” Please come with family and friends to this musical celebration wheelchair accessible of this most holy night. “Look for us on Facebook!” 80300
7706 25th Ave. NW • Seattle 98117 • www.northminsterpres.org • 206-783-3402
ADVERTISING Hope Lutheran Church & School Tibbetts PROOF United 42nd Ave S.W. at S.W. Oregon St.
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Methodist Church
6:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.
Dec. 21 Longest Night Service 7 p.m. Dec. 24 Family Christmas Eve Service 5 p.m. Dec. 24 Celtic Christmas Eve Service 8 p.m. Dec. 27 House of Bread Service 10 a.m.
Contemporary Service Candlelight & Communion Service
Christmas Day 10:30 a.m. Service
Engaging People, Awakening Hope
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Westside Glendale Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th IMPORTANT Evangelical 6:00 p.m. Weekly Candlelight Service Lutheran Church wishes you Regular Sunday Service CHRISTMAS EVE 10:00 a.m. 3:00 P.M. Family Mass with Christmas Pageant and yours Sunday School 5:00 P.M. Family Mass 13455 2 Ave SW 9:00 a.m. 10:00 P.M. Traditional Mass Burien, WA 98146 a joyous PLEASE CHECKIS... ALL DETAILS, INCLUDING... PLEASE CHECK ALL DETAILS, INCLUDING... THIS PROOF COPY IS... Night Wednesday Family THIS PROOF COPY 206.244.9400 CHRISTMAS DAY 6:00 p.m. www.glendalelutheranwa.org 10:00 A.M. Christmas OK as is OK with marked changes Christmas OK as isDayMass OK with marked changes
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Ballard News-Tribune SERVING BALLARD SINCE 1891
SDOT looking to create RPZ parking in central Ballard
By Shane Harms
Area in the Ballard Urban Hub SDOT surveyed.
Seattle Department of Transportation has done a new study that could designate an area in Central Ballard as a Restricted Parking Zone. The Central Ballard Residents Association sent Seattle Department of Transportation a letter last September that requested they look into implementing an RPZ after a rise in street-parking congestion. Michael Kahrs is founder and Committee Chair of CBRA. He said that the group was concerned for the wellbeing of residents in Central Ballard. “One of the issues I was seeing problems with was parking. It seemed that every neighborhood that’s had growth has had success with an RPZ, and Ballard did not have one,” said Kahrs. ““Parking has been an issue near and dear to my heart since I started CBRA, and my goal is to make it easier for residents to live here.” SDOT responded by doing an RPZ study in Central Ballard last year, focusing on the residential area to the north of the Ballard Urban Hub core (N.W. 57th Street to N.W. 65th Avenue and 15th Avenue NW to 28th Avenue N.W.). The findings did not justify designating an RPZ. In order to implement an RPZ, 75 percent of on-street spaces must be occupied, non- resident vehicles must occupy at least 35 percent of those spaces and the zone falls within 20 contiguous blocks. Later in May/June of this year there were changes to the commercial parking in the Urban Hub. Paid parking hours were extended from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and paid parking was added to Ballard Avenue N.W and other blocks. SDOT waited for citizens to acclimate to the changes
before doing a follow-up study for an RPZ. However, this RPZ study focused on areas further south of N.W. Market Street, and it revealed different results from the previous study. SDOT determined this by surveying license plates at evening and morning hours on Wednesday and Saturday. This time the findings warranted implementing an RPZ. In all hours surveyed, parking was over 90 percent occupancy with close to 50 percent non-residents. So what comes next? Ruth Harper with SDOT headed the studies. She said that just because the findings warrant an RPZ there is still some work to do. “We are still very early in the process and no decisions have been made,” said Harper. SDOT plans for public meeting to gather community input on designating the area as an RPZ zone. They plan to send out a zone survey in early 2016 and have public meetings in the spring to discuss zone boundaries and hours of operation for the zone. “The details we’d like to hear about include whether we chose the right hours or the right blocks or if residents think this will make parking better. People say many different things, and we want to hear what they think.” If implemented residents in the zone would need to apply for a permit. Permits cost $65 for two years and permitted vehicles would be able to park in the same spot in the zone for up to 72. There are currently 31 RPZs in Seattle and the last one implemented was in Fremont. Most zones allow 2 hour parking for individuals without permits. For more information about RPZ visit www.seattle.gov/transportation/parking/parkingrpz.htm
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Another pot shop in Ballard?
Summary of SDOT’s RPZ study.
To the editor: I am writing to inform the editors that there is a influx of marijuana stores coming to Ballard. I already know of two that are currently open, and I just read that another plans to open in the Ballard Historic District. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We all share the same belief that we need to keep Ballard’s
character the best we can. I for one cannot accept a POT SHOP in our beloved historic district. Does the Ballard News Tribune have any thoughts on this? Perhaps a story on this topic is due. Thank you for your time and I would appreciate any insight you may have on this matter. —Steven Jarvis, Ballard
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Photo courtesy of St. Alphonsus Parish School
Kevin Smith with St. Alphonsus Parish School students last Tuesday. Smith was there to speak with students and pick up food donations for the University District Food Bank.
Seahawk playerADVERTISING Kevin Smith visits St. Alphonsus in Ballard PROOF
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By Shane Harmsto use, any business name, ty oftrademark, Washington Husky, who authorized trade name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic,
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Ballard calendar
Skål! Scandinavian Spirits Exhibition Nordic Heritage Museum 3014 N.W. 67th St. 206.789.5707 www.nordicmuseum.org Now thru Sun., Feb. 28th. A new national traveling exhibition created by the Museum of Danish America in Elk Horn, Iowa, in collaboration with the Nordic Heritage Museum and four other Scandinavian-American institutions.
Swedish Club Lutfisk and Meatball Dinner 1920 Dexter Ave. N. 206.283.1090 Fri., Dec. 18, 6 p.m.–Social hour. 6:30 p.m.–Dinner. We will have both Norwegian and Swedish chefs and Norwegian or Swed-
ish accompaniments for a lutfisk vs lutefisk feast. $27/if you buy ticket before Wed., Dec. 16; $32/ late RSVPs or at the door. Tickets: www.swedishclubnw.org.
Annual Kid’s Christmas Party Salmon Bay Eagles 5216 20th Ave. N.W. 206.783.7791 Sat., Dec. 19, 1:30 p.m. The children of our community are invited for fun activities and various snacks. Santa will arrive at 2:30 for time with each child and present stockings filled with lots of goodies.
A Participatory Evening of Music to Benefit the Homeless Amazing Grace Spiritual Center 2007 N.W. 61st St. Sat., Dec. 19, 7:30 p.m. Seattle’s own global vocalist, Gina Salá, along with Grammy winner Steve Gorn, and her wonderful band create an evening of music and stories from several cultures to celebrate the winter Solstice and support Facing Homelessness Seattle. www. facinghomelessness.org/ Tickets: $20/in advance or $25/at the door. Brown Paper Tickets:wintersolstice kirtaginasala.bpt.me/.
Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group Ballard – Swedish Medical Center, 3 North Conference Room 5300 Tallman Ave. N.W. Third Sat. of each month, 10:30 a.m.—Noon. Free. Alzheimer’s Association family caregiver support groups provide a consistent and caring place for people to learn, share and gain emotional support from others who are also on a unique journey of providing care to a person with memory loss. Info: Linda Whiteside, 206.529.3875.
Seattle Folklore Society “Sugar and Spice Holiday Cabaret” Phinney Neighborhood Center Community Hall 6532 Phinney Ave. N., Brick Bldg. Sat., Dec. 19, 7:30 p.m. Enjoy an evening of rich, bluesy vocals and end-of-year cheer from singersongwriter-actress Angie Louise and friends. Advance tickets $16, $14 for SFS and PNA members, youth $8 at Brown Paper Tickets online. Tickets at the door $18 and $16. www. seafolklore.org / 206.528.8523 / concerts@seafoklore.org.
Kadampa Meditation Center Holiday Events
6556 24th Ave. N.W. 205.526.9565 Loving Others, Candlelight Service: Thurs., Dec. 24, 5–6:30 p.m. Free. Learn some basic Buddhist teachings on patience, on the practice of loving kindness, and on how to keep a positive and balanced mind through the holiday season. Light a candle to make a prayer for peace. Everyone welcome. Family friendly. Creating Peace, New Year’s Eve: Thurs., Dec. 31, 5–6:30 p.m. $10. Learn beautiful teachings that can create more peace within us and create more peace to our world. Everyone welcome (children welcome to sit quietly with parents upstairs). meditateinseattle.org.
Annual Sock Drive Each year, Seattle Police Department North Precinct Community Police Team and North Precinct Advisory Council collect socks and winter accessories for the Harborview Pioneer Square Clinic, ROOTS, Mary’s Place, and Youth Care. In 2014, the community donated 5,000 pairs of socks, 137 hats, 54 pairs of gloves, and 38 Scarves. Please help us reach our goal of 6,000 pairs of socks in 2015! Bring your items to the North Precinct, 10049 College Way N. or contact Sgt. Newson at
206.684.0794 for pick up.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound has several program options that you can choose to fit your schedule and interests. For more information, text the word “BIG” to 839863 or go to www.bbbsps.org.
–Volunteer opportunities– Carkeek Park 950 N.W. Carkeek Park Rd. Fourth Mon. of month. CAN (Carkeek Area Neighbors) is a committee of the park Advisory Council, and is open to the public. For info 206.782.7054.
Alzheimer’s Cafe Monthly Meeting Stage Door Cafe Located at the Taproot Theatre 208 N. 85th St. Second Tues. of month, 3:30–5 p.m. The Alzheimer’s Cafe provides an opportunity to get out and socialize in a safe environment. No judgement or expectations—just support. There is no cost other than the food that is ordered. Parking available in the lot behind the Taproot. This is a program of the Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Greenwood Senior Center. For info: Carin Mack at 206.230.0166.
Deadline for receiving Calendar items is Noon Wednesday for the following week’s Friday Tribune. Events are published based on timeliness and space available. Email submissions as soon as possible to: calendar@robinsonnews. com. Items can be accepted from nonprofit groups and government agencies only. Others may call Tamara Chakos at 206.359.2248 for inclusion in our “Out & About” advertising column.
Boy Scout Troop 100 begins holiday tree sale Sold trees mean adventure
Shane Harms
Firefighters John Stone, Adrian Beer, Joel Petrella and Lt. Collins with Camille Folweiler, John Bentley and Nick Nesper (left).
By Shane Harms North Seattle’s Boy Scout Troop 100 has begun its annual tree sale at St. Alphonsus Church in Ballard. The tradition has been going on for over 60 years in the Ballard community. In fact, this fall Troop 100 will be celebrating their 75th year as a troop in Ballard. The sale is their sole fundraiser for the year. The fundraiser raises money for their many adventures in the wilderness and to pay for summer camp. Once a month from September to June the scouts have an outing and the funds go toward paying for those trips. Also, every year scouts have a special summer trip where they go backcountry and hone their skills. Last year the troop sent 45 kids down to Camp Meriwether in Oregon. For their special summer trip they went canoeing down the Pend Oreille River near Spokane. Ballardites should hurry to claim their trees because they are going fast and this year they have everything from Norway Spruce, Noble Fir, Grand Fir and Fraser. Wreaths and garland are also offered. Even the local Firefighters from
Station 35 in Crown Hill ornamented their fire engine with a wreath from the scouts. Firefighter John Stone of Fire Station 35 ran the lot for four years while his son was in the scouts. He said that he comes down to support the troop when he can. Fighters Adrian Beer, Joel Petrella and Lt. Collins joined Stone last Thursday. The crew purchased a wreath from the scouts and pinned it to the front of their fire engine. Ballardite Dave Hansen has a son and daughter involved in the scouts. Hansen was volunteering at the tree lot when the Ballard News-Tribune stopped by last week. “I couldn’t think of a better fundraiser for us to do. Scouts love the outdoors so to raise money working with trees makes a lot of sense— you’re smelling the trees and outside working,” said Hansen. ”We’ve been blessed that every year we can send the scouts out to do something they all enjoy.” The tree sale started just after Thanksgiving and will continue until the trees are gone or Dec. 20. For more information visit http:// troop100seattle.com
A memorial service will be held ed the Skippers for Equitable Access (SEA) in the late 1990s to negotiate Saturday, December 19, 2015, 3 p.m., crab quota shares for skippers in the at the Philadelphia Church, 7704 24th Bering Sea rationalization program. Ave. N.W., Seattle, WA; followed by the Ballard ElksInc. Lodge, and the NPFMC You implemented have warranted atoreception RobinsonatCommunications that you are the owner of, or legally Walter Blom CHRISTENSEN NOAA REMINDER: 6411trademark, Seaview trade Ave. name, N.W. design, Rememthe program with skipper shares name, authorized to use, quota any business logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, August 22, 1952 ~ may sent to the and Seattle in the fall of 2005. artwork or other material forming brances any part of thebe advertisement that you indemnify Robinson CommunicaNovember 18, 2015 Fishermen’s Memorial Walter is Inc. survived his former tions and itsbyaffiliates in accordance with the Terms of(www.seattleRobinson Communications Inc. The family and friends of Walter fishermensmemorial.org) or a charity wife and friend to the end, Joanne; Christensen regretfully announce that of your choice. son, Eric of Seattle; daughter, Sonja of - For Internal Use Walter passed away November 18, Document: 75649-2x6-102811-DrJones.pdf Saved: 23, he YEAR > 2015 - 09:02 (-07 GMT) Walter was very September well liked, and 2015, in Ballard, WA. Born August Los Angeles; mother, Solveig; sisters, REMINDER: You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are th will be missed by his family and many Ruby Patteron, June Ingebretsen and User: Victoria Persons Printed: October 19, 2011 - 08:30 (-07 GMT) 22, 1952 in Vancouver BC to Olaf authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photog Cindy Lutovsky; numerous nieces and friends throughout the fishing industry. (deceased) and Solveig (Blom) Chris-Network/092515 File: /Volumes/Shared/Niche ROP ad pdfs/75649-2x6-102811-DrJones.pdf artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that you indem —Arni Thomson, tensen, the family later moved to Bal- nephews; and many aunts and cousins tions Inc. and its affiliates in accordance with the Terms of Robinson Communicatio friend and shipmate. in America, Norway and Canada. lard. Walter graduated from Ballard
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High School in 1970. At the age of 15, Walter got a job painting halibut schooners at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard. It was then that he decided he wanted to become a fisherman. After graduation Walter immediately went off to Southeast Alaska for a summer of salmon seining. That was the start of a rich and colorful career for Walter that spanned over 40 years and included west coast trawling, Bering Sea crabbing, and Bristol Bay salmon. In the early 1970s, Walter fished the west coast on the Windjammer where he met and became friends with Dan Hanson. Then he went onto the Norseman with Kjell Fjortoft in 1975 and started Bering Sea crab fishing. From there he went on the Valiant with Scott Bowlden and Peder Hvatum and eventually he became partners with Peder on the Rosie G in the early 1980s. During the 1970s, he also fished with Magne Nes and later Russ Ott on the Ocean Leader. He also fished on the Aleutian No. 1, and he was captain of the boat, which was owned by another friend from Ballard, Ron Peterson. Walter also bought his own drift boat, the Miss Sonja during the 1980s, which he fished till the mid-2000s in Bristol Bay. In the late 1980s, Walter went to work for Kevin Kaldestad and he became a captain and part owner in the crabber, Arctic Mariner which he ran for Kevin until the fall of 2005. Walter was always a top producer in salmon and crab fishing and he took pride in his work and in being a fisherman. Walter, along with Dan Hanson and Tom Suryan, found-
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In the matter of the estate of: KATHRYN A. KUbICK, Deceased.
In the matter of the estate of: VERNON E. GREER, Deceased.
In the matter of the estate of: INGER b. bURTIS , Deceased.
The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.
The Co-personal represenTaTIves nameD below has been appointed as Co-personal representatives of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Co-personal representatives or the Co-personal representatives’ attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Co-personal representatives served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and non-probate assets.
The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.
The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.
Date of first publication: December 4, 2015
Date of first publication: December 11, 2015
personal representative: benjamin broxon
Co-personal representatives: lynne a. kubick mcCarthy Jon mcCarthy
personal representative: James m. Greer
attorney for the Co-personal representatives: henry w. Grenley wsba # 1321
attorney for the personal representative: sarah e. smITh wsba# 39605
address for mailing or services: 2401 nw 65th street seattle, wa 98117
address for mailing or services: p.o. boX 70567 seattle, wa 98127
Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-06736-0sea
Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-06811-1sea
published in the westside weekly on December 11, 18, 25, 2015 # 6211
published in the westside weekly on December 11, 18, 25, 2015 # 6212
In the matter of the estate of: DOROTHY bROxON jENKINS Deceased.
attorney for the personal representative: sCoTT k. wIlson wsba # 15448 address for mailing or services: 1734 nw market street seattle, wa 98107 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-06626-6sea published in the westside weekly on December 4, 11, 18, 2015 # 6208
Date of first publication: December 11, 2015
Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: Irene m. mckillop attorney for the personal representative: sarah e. smITh wsba # 39605 address for mailing or services: p.o. boX 70567 seattle, wa 98127 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-06883-8sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 # 6214
The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: Cynthia Creasey attorney for the personal representative: nanCy hawkIns wsba # 12345 address for mailing or services: 6814 Greenwood avenue north seattle, wa 98103 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-06141-8sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 # 6215
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY NO: 15-4-04631-1SEA NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR DISTRIbUTION CLERK’S ACTION REQUIRED In the matter of the estate of: AGNES m. LONG a/k/a AGNES NESSE LONG, Deceased. noTICe Is hereby GIven To all InTeresTeD In above esTaTe ThaT: (1) brian D. baker, as personal representative (pr) of the above estate has filed with the Clerk of the above Court: The Final account and petition for Distribution of the estate, requesting the Court to settle the final account, distribute the property of the estate to the heirs or persons entitled thereto, and discharge the pr; (2) The Final account and petition for Distribution will be heard in the ex parte Department, room w325, of the king County superior Court at 10:30 a.m. on wednesday, January 20, 2016, at which time and place any person interested in
Legal/Public Notices must be received no later than 12 noon on Friday
the estate may appear and file objections to and contest the petition and/or final account. Date of publication: December 18, 2015 attorney for the personal representative: sarah e. smITh wsba # 39605 address for mailing or service: p.o. boX 70567 seattle, wa 98127-0567 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-04631-1sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 2015 # 6216
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY NO: 15-4-02780-5SEA NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR DISTRIbUTION CLERK’S ACTION REQUIRED In the matter of the estate of: TED R. LAmmERS, Deceased. noTICe Is hereby GIven To all InTeresTeD In above esTaTe ThaT: (1) Carlee Coolidge, as personal representative (pr) of the above estate has filed with the Clerk of the above Court: The Final account and petition for Distribution of the estate, requesting the Court to settle the final account, distribute the property of the estate to the heirs or persons entitled thereto, and discharge the pr; (2) The Final account and petition for Distribution will be heard in the ex parte Department, room w325, of the king County superior Court at 10:30 a.m. on wednesday, January 20, 2016, at which time and place any person interested in the estate may appear and file objections to and contest the petition and/or final account. Date of publication: December 18, 2015 attorney for the personal representative: sarah e. smITh wsba # 39605 address for mailing or service: p.o. boX 70567 seattle, wa 98127-0567 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-02780-5sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 2015 # 6217
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY NO: 15-4-04048-8SEA NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR DISTRIbUTION CLERK’S ACTION REQUIRED In the matter of the estate of: AILEEN VIRGINIA THOmAS, Deceased. noTICe Is hereby GIven To all InTeresTeD In above esTaTe ThaT: (1) ester Thomas, as personal representative (pr) of the above estate has filed with the Clerk of the above Court: The Final account and petition for
Distribution of the estate, requesting the Court to settle the final account, distribute the property of the estate to the heirs or persons entitled thereto, and discharge the pr; (2) The Final account and petition for Distribution will be heard in the ex parte Department, room w325, of the king County superior Court at 10:30 a.m. on wednesday, January 20, 2016, at which time and place any person interested in the estate may appear and file objections to and contest the petition and/or final account. Date of publication: December 18, 2015 attorney for the personal representative: sarah e. smITh wsba # 39605 address for mailing or service: p.o. boX 70567 seattle, wa 98127-0567 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-04048-8sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 2015 # 6218
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-06976-1SEA PRObATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: jEAN A. WOO, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: larry woo attorney for the personal representative: henry w. Grenley wsba # 1321 address for mailing or services: 2401 nw 65th street seattle, wa 98117 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-06976-1sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 #6219
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-06977-0SEA PRObATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: bONNIE L. POULSEN, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: bruce a. poulsen attorney for the personal representative: henry w. Grenley wsba # 1321 address for mailing or services: 2401 nw 65th street seattle, wa 98117 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: king County superior Court 15-4-06977-0sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 #6220
Deadlines for legal notices Thursday 12/24/2015
at noon for the 1/1/16 publication due to the Christmas holiday Please call our office (206) 708-1378
legals@ robinsonnews .com
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-06672-0SEA PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: DOROTHY DORIS PRESTON Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 4, 2015 personal representative: David ellis preston attorney for the personal representative: Thomas T. mIDDleTon, Jr. wsba # 4654 address for mailing or services: 4700 42nd ave sw #570 seattle, wa 98116 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: King County superior Court 15-4-06672-0sea published in the westside weekly on December 4, 11, 18, 2015 # 3058
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-06673-8SEA PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: JAmES FRANCIS mEllON, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the
date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 4, 2015 personal representative: pauline marie mellon attorney for the personal representative: Thomas T. mIDDleTon, Jr. wsba # 4654 address for mailing or services: 4700 42nd ave sw #570 seattle, wa 98116 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: King County superior Court 15-4-06673-8sea published in the westside weekly on December 4, 11, 18, 2015 # 3059
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-06690-8SEA PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: JOAN YvONNE NEWEll, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 11, 2015 personal representative: sylvia m. Duff attorney for the personal representative: KaIleI b. feeney wsba # 43378 address for mailing or services: 3909 California ave sw #101 seattle, wa 98116-3705 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: King County superior Court 15-4-06690-8sea published in the westside weekly on December 11, 18, 25, 2015 # 3060
legal/Public Notices must be received no later than 12 noon on Friday
legals@robinsonnews.com IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-06818-8KNT PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: JOHN E. KOBlAR, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: nancy f. hess attorney for the personal representative: heaTher s. De vrIeze wsba #28553 address for mailing or services: 3909 California ave sw #101 seattle, wa 98116-3705 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: King County superior Court 15-4-06818-8KnT published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 # 3061
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-06872-2SEA PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: DIANE JOYCE mCDERmOTT, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented
within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: scott william mcDermott attorney for the personal representative: heaTher s. De vrIeze wsba #28553 address for mailing or services: 3909 California ave sw #101 seattle, wa 98116-3705 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: King County superior Court 15-4-06872-2sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 # 3062
Tacoma, wa 98402 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: pierce County superior Court 15-4-02072-5 published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 # 12577
PUBlIC NOTICE KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #20 PUBlICATION FOR ENGINEERING SERvICES King County water District no. 20, in accordance with the laws of washington, rCw Chapter 39.80, is announcing its request for statements of qualifications from qualified professional engineering firms. King County water District no. 20 is currently satisfied with the services performed by the present engineers and is making this announcement to conform to rCw 39.80. any statements submitted shall be limited to five (5) pages and shall include only experience with special purpose (water) districts. statements will be received until 4:30 p.m., January 8, 2016, at King County water District no. 20, 12606 first avenue south, burien, washington, 98168, attention Dick swaab, General manager.
published in the westside weekly on December 18, 2015 #12578
In the matter of the estate of: OTTO GAISER, Deceased.
pursuant to rCw Chapter 39.04.155, King County water District no. 20 hereby gives notice that a small works roster has been established for the purpose of soliciting bids for public works improvement projects where the estimated cost is $300,000 or less. The District will select bidders for small works contracts from the District’s small works roster. applications are available at the District office. Contractors may be added to the roster and information may be updated at any time during the year. Contractors should notify the District of any change in address, phone number or status as soon as possible after the change occurs.
The Co-personal represenTaTIves nameD below has been appointed as Co-personal representatives of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Copersonal representatives or the Co-personal representatives’ attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Co-personal representatives served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Dated at Tacoma, washington, this 9th day of December, 2015. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 Co-personal representatives: peter Gaiser Debora Gaiser attorney for the Co-personal representatives: JoneTe w. rehmKe wsba # 28970 address for mailing or services: 917 pacific ave #407
The District hereby invites all interested contractors to submit an application to be placed on the small works roster. applicants must have a valid washington state Contractor’s license to qualify. minority and women owned businesses are encouraged to participate in the small works program. Information may be obtained from the District’s office at 12606 1st ave s, burien wa 98168 or 206-2433990.
published in the westside weekly on December 18, 2015 #12579
PUBlIC NOTICE CITY OF NORmANDY PARK volunteers needed for pro and Con Committees at the December 8, 2015 City Council meeting, the normandy park Council members voted to send the levy lid lift to the voters on august 2, 2016. The City is now seeking volunteers for pro and con committees to prepare statements on the proposed levy lid lift. Committee appointments will be determined during the regular meeting of the normandy park City Council on Tuesday, february 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. persons interested in applying for one of the Committee positions should submit name, contact information, and a brief statement as to why you would like to serve on one of the committees. each Committee’s statement must be no more than 200 words in length and must be submitted to King County elections no later than 4:30 p.m. on may 23rd. any rebuttal statements are due by may 25th and are limited to 75 words. There is a limit of three members per committee; however, each committee may seek advice of any person or persons. Interested volunteers must submit information no later than monday, february 1st at noon to the normandy park City hall, attn: City Clerk, 801 sw 174th st, normandy park, wa 98166. If you have any questions regarding the committee appointments, contact Debbie burke, City Clerk, at 206-248-8248. Debbie burke, mmC City Clerk phone: 206.248.8248 www.normandyparkwa.gov published in the westside weekly on December 18, 2015 #12580
PUBlIC NOTICE CITY OF NORmANDY PARK The following ordinances were passed by the normandy park City Council on December 8, 2015. a copy of the full text of these ordinances may be obtained at City hall, 801 sw 174th street, normandy park, wa 98166, on the city website www.normandyparkwa. gov, emailed or mailed upon request by calling (206) 2488248. CITY OF NORmANDY PARK ORDINANCE NO. 921 an orDInanCe of The CITy of normanDy parK, washInGTon, aCCepTInG a Cash DonaTIon from The frIenDs of normanDy parK foUnDaTIon anD aUThorIzInG anD DIreCTInG The CITy manaGer To Carry oUT The Terms of The DonaTIon. CITY OF NORmANDY PARK ORDINANCE NO. 930 an orDInanCe assUmInG The rIGhTs, powers, fUnCTIons anD oblIGaTIons of The normanDy parK TransporTaTIon benefIT DIsTrICT as alloweD by seConD enGrosseD sUbsTITUTe senaTe bIll 5987 anD followInG ITs assUmpTIon, abolIsh The TbD GovernInG boarD, provIDInG for severabIlITy anD esTablIshInG The effeCTIve DaTe. published in the westside weekly on December 18, 2015 #12581
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-07021-2SEA PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: mARK J. SPONSEllER, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: patricia a. sponseller attorney for the personal representative: Thomas T. mIDDleTon, Jr. wsba # 4654 address for mailing or services: 4700 42nd ave sw #570 seattle, wa 98116 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: King County superior Court 15-4-07021-2sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 # 3063
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING NO: 15-4-07008-5SEA PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 In the matter of the estate of: KATHlEEN (KITTY) KINGSlEY, Deceased. The personal represenTaTIve nameD below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in rCw 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in
which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under rCw 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in rCw 11.40.051 and rCw 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of first publication: December 18, 2015 personal representative: Geraldine Graham attorney for the personal representative: erIC a. olson wsba # 7721 address for mailing or services: 1734 nw market st seattle, wa 98107 Court of probate proceedings and Cause number: King County superior Court 15-4-07008-5sea published in the westside weekly on December 18, 25, 2015, January 1, 2016 #6221
Deadlines for legal notices Thursday 12/31/2015 at
noon for the 1/8/16 publication due to the new years holiday
Please call our office (206) 708-1378
legals@ robinsonnews .com
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34 39
30 37 41
45 49
54 59
61 65
PUZ 189
By Myles Mellor and Sally York
Todays Answers
62 56
43 39 34 25
14 1
L O 4
R 35
E A 9
H 8
T 51
I 54
I 3
B 44
23 17
S 52
29 36
23 25
2 1 6 3
9 2 8 7
5 9
1 9 3 8
9 7 4 3 6 5 1
4 7
6 2
6 8 9 5 7 4 2
3 1
8 2
3 5
6 2
4 8
4 9
1 7
9 3
9 3
5 1
2 6
1 3
8 2
5 1
4 7
4 7
6 1
9 5
8 2
3 8
2 6
Level: Medium
5 4
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult.
Todays Sudoku Solution
by Myles Mellor and Susan Flanagan
1. Decline 2. Cairo inhabitant 3. "Bye now" 4. Cattle breed 5. Programming language 6. A pecuniary punishment 7. Baby powder 8. Detailed 9. Swerved 10. College graduates 11. Food fish 12. Cooper, now BMW 13. Highland tongue 21. Bakery offering 22. Stand by 25. Divider of logs 26. Nitrogen compound 27. Novel and innovative 29. Birthplace of Muhammad 31. Stubble remover 32. Unction 33. Flower part 35. Mural 37. African animal 40. Moonlighter's business 41. Opinion 42. Hormone pumpers 47. Manhandler 48. Keep out 50. Strip action 53. Hindu titles 55. ___ orange 56. Roman Emperor 57. Ripened 58. Michael Jackson's brother 59. Kachina doll maker 60. Weatherman's forecast 61. Gym site 65. Solicit
1. Apiece 5. Feline 10. Pinnacle 14. Vivacity 15. Nebraska city 16. Lex Luther's hangout 17. Canaanite deity 18. Not on deck 19. Amphoras 20. Dessert 23. Voiced a story 24. God of war 25. Less at risk 28. Easily tamed bird 30. Paul ___, British physicist and Nobel prize winner 34. Drink this--live forever 36. Chocolate in oval shape 38. Collector's suffix 39. Veal cutlet 43. U.S.N.A. grad 44. Behavioral quirk 45. Wicked 46. Kind of center 49. European bird, with Jack 51. Heat-resistant glass 52. Pretty girl 54. Daylight savings saving 56. Type of museum 62. Breastplate 63. Regional flora and fauna 64. Foot 66. Anatomical network 67. Remove a dowel 68. Website for tech jobs 69. Olfactory sensation 70. Paris's river 71. Glitch
7 9
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Love, Texan style
Lori Harris. Technicalities. years later they reconnected, The in-between was punc- reclaiming each other as the tuated by phone calls from love of their life. Harris in Texas and then local Doug and Lori Harris live in driving updates after the mis- Texas but thanks to a son who sionary couple arrived in works as a flight attendant advance of the actual birthday they come out to see John on Dec. 10. I received scanned Shrewsbury several times a photos and a message from year, and call him every few Shrewsbury’s daughter, Susan days. For the last year “CousHoward, who lives in Ballard. in” John has been anticipatShe shared, “He will be 99 on ing what he said would be his Dec. 10, he was born on that 100th birthday. Learning that day in 1916 and was a meteo- at The Norse Home this would Peggy Sturdivant rologist during WWII. Beyond only prompt a balloon on his that I really don’t know much chair in the dining room, Lori I have not thought of the more except for a love story Harris went to work. short-lived early 1970s sit- with his first wife. They marArriving on Dec. 9 the Harcom “Love American Style” ried shortly before the war rises picked up John and did since before it went off the and went their separate ways, one of their driving tours in air. Yet today its theme song divorced, married others then which Shrewsbury points came into my head prompt- reunited after being apart for out places of personal intered by a Texas accent and an 54 years and spent the rest of est, especially a house near unusual love story. her life together very happily.” the Aurora Bridge with a turThe seed was planted earJohn Shrewsbury and Helen ret. He’d stand below Helen’s lier in the week by an email Borton were high school window when he was ‘a courtsent to the paper’s publisher. sweethearts who both grew ing.’ The tour always includes “Dear Ken,” wrote Lori Har- up in East Ballard and mar- the drive to Golden Gardens ris from Lindale, Texas, “We ried after graduation. Helen’s and then to either Anthony’s have a sweet little cousin who mother Frances Harris Bor- or Ray’s, where he and Helen turns 100 next week. John ton lived to the age of 103, alternated their dinners and Shrewsbury lives in the Norse having been born on the Tul- lunches back in the day. home, is a WWII vet and has alip Indian Reservation where J o h n S hof, r ew s b u r y n ow You have warranted to Robinson Communications Inc. that you are or legally lived REMINDER: a wonderful, colorful her father was Agent in 1896. livesthea owner fairly quiet graphic, life at The authorized to use, any business name, trademark, trade name, design, logo, photograph, illustration, life. I would hope you would At her death in 2001 Frances Norse Home where he moved artwork or other material forming any part of the advertisement and that you indemnify Robinson Communicathink he as great a Harris the oldtionswould Inc. andmake its affiliates in accordance withBorton the Termswas of Robinson Communications Inc. after Helen’s death. His prehuman interest story as we do.” est living graduate of Lincoln ferred meal, no matter the Use By the time I was part- ForofInternalHigh School. She had rela-> 2015 time of day, is tomato soup, 3015-Tibbits.pdf Saved: August 13, YEAR - 13:08 (-07 GMT) John Shrewsbury’s birthday tives in Texas. ice cream and a small carton Printed: January 21, YEAR > 2015 - 12:38 (-08 GMT) celebration at The Norse During World War II both of milk. That’s what he was iche Network/8:21 ROP adwith pdfs/79659-2x5-013015-Tibbits.pdf Home along VFW Post John and Helen Shrewsbury enjoying with his daughter 3063 members I knew more enlisted; Helen in the WACs, Susan Howard and the Harabout his life. However he and John in the Air Force. rises when Gail Engler and wasn’t turning 100 and he They divorced and both later Elizabeth Servey of the VFW wasn’t actually related to remarried others. Yet some 54 Post 3063 arrived to present him with a flag, wish him Happy Birthday and thank him for his service. Then we all settled at the corner table and heard more
At Large in Ballard
Photo courtesy of John Shrewsbury
John and Helen Shrewsbury before World War II.
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Photo courtesy of Helen Shrewsbury
John Shrewsbury with VFW 3063 Post member Gail Engler. about the “wonderful, colorful life” that Lori Harris had mentioned. Shrewsbury recalled serving in England, France and Germany after training at Fort Lewis.
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He remembered details such as someone who made beer in the bathtub and the slow, slow boat stateside. He played in clubs all over Seattle in a band before the war, the Johnny Star Band. His instruments were clarinet and saxophone; a Margaret Anderson from 39th Street was the piano player. “We just love him so much,” Lori Harris said many times over the week, with a Texas delivery and voice that gets her recognized sight unseen at drive-through restaurants. Perhaps it was that accent that called to mind that sitcom from my childhood: “Love American Style.” Yet this isn’t really about a Ballard couple reunited after 54 years apart, the love story is the almost improbable connection between a family in Texas and an undeniably old man who loved their distant cousin Helen.