Handydeck Inc. Changes Name to Architrex Inc. BOZEMAN, MONTANA, UNITED STATES, September 24, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Handydeck Inc., a supplier of decking tiles and paving products, has officially changed its company name to Architrex Inc. from 25th Sept. 2017. The firm’s founder and current CEO, Malcolm Kay explained: “The name HandyDeck was an excellent name when we established the business over 10 years ago selling interlocking deck tiles via the Internet for homeowners. But in recent years, we have not only expanded our product range beyond interlocking deck tiles, but are concentrating more on building relationships with trade and commercial customers. So a name which implied either we constructed small decks or sold do-it-yourself decking products, was no longer appropriate.” The current Architrex product range includes porcelain pavers, Ipe wood decking tiles, adjustable height pedestals and Ipe wood interlocking deck tiles. The company’s products are sold throughout the USA and into Canada, supplied from a principal warehouse in Jessup MD. For more information, please visit http://www.architrex.com Scott Wacker Architrex Inc. (406) 551 9655 email us here This press release can be viewed online at: http://www.einpresswire.com Disclaimer: If you have any questions regarding information in this press release please contact the company listed in the press release. Please do not contact EIN Presswire. We will be unable to assist you with your inquiry. EIN Presswire disclaims any content contained in these releases. © 1995-2017 IPD Group, Inc. All Right Reserved.