Catalogue of entities from North–Rhine Westphalia, Germany looking for partners and interested in joining FP7-consortia 17.10.2012
Enterprise Europe Network NRW.Europa
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Contents: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN: SCREAM .............................................................................. 3 FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF: Intelligent machine tool ....................................................... 5 FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF: EcoFactory ......................................................................... 8 FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013: Smart City Ruhr ............................................................... 10 FP7-ICT-2013: iPREDICT........................................................................................... 12 FP7-AAT-2013-RTD-1: Vigilance of pilots .................................................................. 14 FP7-SME-2013: Determining the wear resistance of cutter blades ............................ 16 FP7-SME-2013: Harvesting Biomass ......................................................................... 18 FP7-SME-2013: Determining the Properties of Agricultural Products......................... 19 FP7-SME-2013: Simulation of Harvesting and Food Preparation Processes ............. 21
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People (ITN)Health: SCREAM Programme: PEOPLE Initial Training Network Call deadline: 23.11.2012 Deadline of partner search: 22.10.2012 Description: A consortium led by a German University Hospital seeks further partners for an FP7 Initial Training Network and on translational neuroscience. Early stage researchers should investigate modern neuroscience, scientific achievements, and technical developments in order to improve treatment of the upcoming disorders. RTD and SME partners are sought to perform research and development activities in the field psychiatry, neurology, psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. According to the WHO, the burden of disease in 2010 and beyond will be dominated by neuropsychiatric disorders with 3 out of the 5 most disabling and expensive diseases. The European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) shows that mood and anxiety disturbances are the most common mental health problems. Anxiety disorders are under-recognized and even mild manifestations often lead to serious outcomes (Kessler, 2007). The prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders is very high among the European countries: the 12-month prevalence of mental anxiety disorders ranked on the first place (12%), followed by somatoform disorders (11%) and mood disorders (9%) (Wittchen & Jacobi, 2005). They have a high risk for a chronically progressive course with an increasing range of complications over time if an adequate treatment cannot be provided or fails. In particular, these patients are at an exceedingly high risk for psychiatric comorbidity. Intensified brain research during the last years brought profound progress in neuroscience, development in the understanding of complex systems, and groundbreaking achievements in non-invasive neuro-physiological measurement techniques including therapeutic application with neurofeedback. Methods such as computer-based cognitive behavioural therapy already have achieved an accepted role in clinical treatment in certain countries. A German University Hospital plans to co-ordinate the ITN proposal SCREAM which aims to enable young scientists to integrate the new findings across these basic sciences and enable a transfer into clinical research and practice. To meet the social and scientific challenge of neuropsychiatric disorders, SCREAM addresses anxiety and mood disorders as diseases, as central symptoms of most psychiatric disorders, and as first displays of neurobiological disturbances. The partners shall cover the systemic, clinical, and neurobiological aspects of anxiety and mood disturbances with a high degree of excellence. Innovative didactic methods such as internet-based teaching, problem-oriented learning, hands-on neuroscience, and clinical training will be provided on the sites of the partners. The training encompasses the integration into institutional post-graduate programs in English language, rotating workshops, and a half-year practise phase at associated private sector (non-university) partners. Rotating training facilities will enable profound insight into each of the innovative methodologies and techniques. The existing international research network in its present Seite 3
form, encompassing theoretical, basic sciences, and clinical research perspectives, will be strengthened and further developed by the ITN-SCREAM. Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN Indicative budget: EUR 470.72 million of the 2013 budget. Deadline for the proposal is November 22nd, deadline for the partner search is 19.10.2012 Consortium of partners already existing: The consortium already includes university and industry partners from Germany, UK, Austria, The Netherlands and Poland. It will be coordinated by a German University Hospital. Partner(s) sought: The partners shall cover the systemic, clinical, and neurobiological aspects of anxiety and mood disturbances with a high degree of excellence. Innovative didactic methods such as internet-based teaching, problem-oriented learning, hands-on neuroscience, and clinical training will be provided on the sites of the partners. ITN allow two ways of participation to the projects: 1. Direct contribution of Participants (level 1): Participants are organizations (e.g. universities, public or private non-commercial research centres, large enterprises, SMEs, non-profit or charitable organisations, etc.) that are full partners of the ITN 2. Indirect participation of associated partners (level 2): No recruitment of researchers, but provision of training in research and secondment opportunities. Associate partnership is open to both public and private sector organisations located in any country.
Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Tim Schüürmann Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone: ++49 208-30004-28 E-Mail:
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NMP/ICT: Intelligent machine tool
Programme: FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF Call deadline: 04.12.2012 Description: A German research institute specialised in production technology seeks industrial partners for an FP7 Factories of the Future project to build smarter, more energy-efficient and productive machine tools with innovative sensors. Focus will be on a metrology frame for machine tool error correction, an acoustic camera and online work piece measurement. Manufacturing companies of any sector and SMEs specialised in sensor technology are sought. A German research institute specialised in production technology plans to submit a project to FP7 Factories of the Future. The goal is to build smarter, more energy efficient and more productive machine tools with the help of innovative sensor equipment for the future of manufacturing. The main content of the planned project “Intelligent Machine Tool” is to bring together innovative sensor and equipment suppliers and the European manufacturing industry in order to conduct a large number of experiments for the verification and assessment of innovative sensor-based optimization approaches for machine tools in a number of different application scenarios. Three main optimization approaches tackling common problems in modern manufacturing which were defined upfront are the following: • Metrology frame for correction of thermal machine tool errors on work pieces • Acoustic camera for fast process optimization • On-line work piece measurement for integrated quality control Moreover, project partners can define further optimization approaches and experiments before or during the project. Suppliers of sensors, electronics or control hardware and software will supply their equipment for the experiments with the optimization approaches, so they can enter new application areas with their products or prototypes. The optimization approaches will be tested within different application scenarios by enterprises in the European manufacturing industry. These manufacturers will be presented with new optimization methods for productive, high quality and energy efficient machining. The expected outcome is a catalogue of results of manufacturing scenarios with the optimization approaches compared to state-of-the art in order to obtain a guideline for other machine tool makers or machine tool users whether or not the equipment of sensor technology in their machines is technically and economically feasible.
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The consortium will be made up of: • End users These are enterprises, which sell high-tech products in different industries. They rely on cutting-edge manufacturing and therefore are generating tough requirements for the quality of their parts. • Manufacturers They are making the components for end users by means of machining. They are trying to optimize their manufacturing with regards to precision, quality and cost in order to fulfill the strict requirements. • Machine tool suppliers/makers They supply the manufacturers with production machines. The machines have to be constantly enhanced with innovative equipment in order to have a foundation for cuttingedge manufacturing • Sensor suppliers Are looking for new applications for their sensors and optimize and improve the sensors’ characteristics. • RTDs Develop innovative optimization concepts. Coordinate experiments. Consortium of partners already existing: The German research institute will be coordinator. The proposal is under development. Partner(s) sought: European enterprises: • Globally acting manufacturing enterprises focused on high flexibility small volume small lot size manufacturing, remanufacturing, overhaul or recycling operations. • Sensor suppliers especially focused on acoustic emission, vibration, displacement or temperature sensors. Sensor suppliers in this project should preferably be SMEs. - Type of partner sought: Industry - Specific area of activity of the partner: SMEs supplying sensors, manufacturing enterprises with small lot size manufacturing. Could be automotive, tool construction and others - Task to be performed by the partner sought: Sensor manufacturers will be integrated in experiments to test and identify new applicatons. Manufacturers will work on optimization of machining.
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Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Sabrina Wodrich Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Telefon: 0208-30004-44 E-Mail:
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NMP/ICT: Smart, Efficient and Renewable Energy Resource Management in the Factory (EcoFactory) Programme: FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF Call deadline: 04.12.2012 Description: One of the major issues in todays factories is that there are no tools for enabling an efficient or even optimal electrical energy usage. This means that after the energy is delivered to the factory it is hard to evaluate whether the usage could have been lower under certain conditions. Having the possibility to monitor and control the energy usage of each machine would allow to calculate the usage of the whole plant and, even more important, to find possibilities for optimizations and orchestration of the entire energy consumption. Another important aspect to be considered is load-peak control. It mainly helps stabilizing the providers network and saves costs at the consumer side, because energy provided over a contractual defined limit per defined time interval is much more expensive. The conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy always accompanies energy conversion into heat, vibrations, etc. These effects should be considered as potential energy sources to be smartly harvested. The energy generated in this way would allow powering some sensors or other low energy demanding devices. There are also other potentials to harvest energy from, e.g. kinetic movements of machinery. However, a correct methodology is missing how to use that energy in a feasible way in the plant. There is a need for an optimization approach able to consider applications and problems at different levels of the automationpyramid, starting from the enterprise level (ERP) down to the field level. The idea is to build a self-optimization engine where three major steps can be distinguished: - Data Collection - Model-based Analysis and Prediction - System Adaptation Data Collection - Using a wireless sensor network (WSN), deployed at the factory floor, the usage of electrical energy and other resources available at the factory level (compressed air, hot/cold water, steam, etc.) can be monitored. Cheap and robust sensors are used to maintain real-time information about the processes in the plant. When using energy harvesting to power the sensors, the WSN can be set up without any additional cabling efforts enabling seamless integration into existing production sites. Due to this simplicity of adding new sensor devices the network can co-evolve with the evolution of the production line. In addition to this, existing energy management solutions, such as PROFIenergy, will be also used for data collection. The aggregation of already available data of the process es present in different entities of the factory and external dependencies (supply chain) are the basis for the evaluations and optimizations performed in the next step. Seite 8
Model-based Analysis and Prediction - In todays plants the design criteria is often performance and capacity. The optimizations aim at maximization of these variables. The addition of resource information enables an optimization for sustainability and energy efficiency not only of selected processes, but for the entire plant including its resource suppliers in a holistic way. Due to the complexity of state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, the optimization demands extensive models representing all internal dependencies as well as external demands and constraints from customers and suppliers. The simulation and metrification by means of Energy Performance Indicators give incentives for adapting the plant to improve efficiency and to reduce the resource demands. System Adaptation - The final step establishes the interface between the self-optimization engine and particular applications at different levels of the automation pyramid. It is necessary to access theseapplications in order to fine-tune the parameters generated in the previousphase. This phase closes the self-optimization loop. The effects of the modifications on the plant efficiency are visible in the next cycle of the self-optimization engine. The continuous optimization allows to address predictable and unpredictable external factors in an optimal way. Expertise of partner sought: Power electronics Machine Builder Manufacturing company Automotive manufacturing company Energy provider Power metering
Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network fĂźr Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Achim Conrads BismarckstraĂ&#x;e 28 45470 MĂźlheim an der Ruhr Telefon: 0208-30004-58 E-Mail:
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Energy/ICT: Smart City Ruhr
Programme: FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013 Call deadline: 04.12.2012 Description: A German SME is planning to coordinate the project: Smart City Ruhr. Retrofitting of an Existing building stock – smart Load management and Integration of energy grids for an Energy efficient Future. Vision and goals: 1. Maximization of the independent energy supply of a district by distributed generation in local energy clusters ● Retrofitting and refurbishment of the building stock; reduction of energy consumption and upgrading with innovative metering and steering devices (building agents) as the basis of a control and communication infrastructure ● Deployment and integration of distributed resources and generation, including renewable resources (heatpumps, chp, pv) ● Dynamic optimization and balancing of local demands and supply for electricity and heat by an agent based management system (building agents and cluster agent) ● Integration of existing energy grids, i.e. gas, district heating grid and electricity, by intelligent software, heat exchangers and electrolyzers
2. Flexibilization of consumption and supply in local energy clusters to respond to the demand of superior energy grids ● Development and incorporation of demand response, demand-side resources, and energy-efficiency ● Installation of an agent based management system to gather data of demand and supply capacities in the local energy cluster ● Control of local consumption and supply by control commands of the cluster agent and buildings agents among themselves ● Deployment and flexible use of storage capacities in form of local storage solutions and the integration of energy grids
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Partner sought: Topic ENERGY.2013.8.8.1: Demonstration of optimised energy systems for high performance-energy districts They are searching for international partners for these work packages: -
producers of hardware boxes to control peripherie units (houses and industrie), i.e. hardware device that implements management software (agent logic) and has an interface to control heating system (chp or heat pump) and other distributed generation units
producers of hardware to transmit sensor data and steering commands (GSM/Wireless moduls & wired (internet, powerline inside houses or coaxial cable))
energy providers with experiences in flexible tarif and billing systems for distributed generation, best: experience with decentral feed-in models for district heating systems
producers of heatpumps or chp units
Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network fĂźr Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Michael Guth BismarckstraĂ&#x;e 28 45470 MĂźlheim an der Ruhr Telefon: 0208-30004-56 E-Mail:
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ICT: Intelligent Predictive Decision support system for large scale dataIntensive Environments (iPREDICT)
Programme: FP7-ICT-2013 Call deadline: 16.04.2013 Deadline of partner search: 31.10.2012 Description: A German university intends to submit a project under Call FP7-ICT-2013-11, Objective 4.2: Scalable data analytics. The project iPREDICT aims to develop a generic, sophisticated, and customisable platform that will extract information from extra-large data sources and streams from the cloud environment or physically situated resources. Large companies or SMEs are sought that can propose a strong use-case scenario with real world Big Data sources and streams. A German university institute intends to submit a proposal to the call "Objective 4.2: Scalable data analytics (Call FP7-ICT-2013-11). The title of the project will be "Intelligent Predictive Decision support system for large scale data-Intensive Environments" (iPREDICT). Background and project approach: The amount of data in the world is expanding rapidly. Every day, huge amounts of data are created by scientific experiments, companies, non-commercial organisations and end users. Scientific progress heavily depends on the generation and analysis of extremely large data sets. Decision-making methods and technologies have not kept pace with the massive increase in data available to decision support systems in science, industry and consumer culture with most providing either impracticable, fairly rudimentary theoretical models, or tools that are only applicable to specific application domains. iPREDICT aims to develop a generic, sophisticated, and customisable platform that will extract information from extra-large data sources and streams from the Cloud environment or physically situated resources. Using pattern recognition, statistics and visual analytic techniques iPREDICT will present the information in a helpful form, and enhance decisionmaking across many domains. This project will combine advanced techniques to enable: - applications across a wide range of domains; - integration of large-scale data from disparate resources and streams; - scalability and elasticity on cloud infrastructures; - statistical identification and discovery of complex events that would be imperceptible for standard analyses; - effective and meaningful decision support, and - continuous quality control of results. Seite 12
iPREDICT will be developed and validated using real-world data with large scale disparate data resources and streams. By using hybrid approaches to decision-making and integrating expert and end-user feedback, iPREDICT will enable significant improvement in the quality of decision-making, applicable across healthcare, industry, civil society and beyond. Stage of development: Proposal almost fully developed. Re-submission. The German research institute will act as coordinator. Partner(s) sought: SMEs or large companies that can propose a strong use-case scenario with the real world BigData sources and streams. Companies dealing with bigdata types that are currently experiencing very high growth rates including (but not limited to) 3D, biology, genomics, financial, geospatial, social networks, transportation, logistics, telecommunications, engineering, digital content industries and any type of data stream. Tasks to be performed by the partner sought: Propose a strong use-case scenario for the project, with the real world Big Data sources and streams. These data sources should be available to the consortium upon project start. Interested organisations are asked to provide information on the following issues: company expertise, information on the use-case scenario (e.g. data volume, velocity, variety, current challenges, real-time/complex events, data and decision flow) R&D projects and relevant publications (if applicable).
Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Nora Anton Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Telefon: 0208-30004-51 E-Mail:
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Transport: Vigilance of pilots
Programme: FP7-AERONAUTICS and AIR TRANSPORT (AAT)-2013.3-1. Human factors Call deadline: 14.11.2012
Description: A German SME is planning to coordinate the project within FP7-AAT-2013-RTD-1 Advanced concepts, methods and techniques for: - improved understanding of the human factor (e.g. state of mind, attention, awareness,response to the stress) in support of human-machine interaction and the role of automation in the decision-making process. Target of the project is the development of a video based method for online monitoring of the vigilance status of pilots (attention, arousal, tiredness). Previous work with drivers in road tests shows that this can be done rather precisely using central (e.g., EEG) and peripheral (e.g., EDA, ECG) physiological variables, a newly developed video analysis system and advanced mathematical modeling. Three main problems are to be solved within the project: Further development of the existing method to meet the technical requirements and constraints relative to flight scenarios. Development of a method to monitor reliably the specific vigilance processes of pilots during various flight scenarios (e.g., long term vs short term flight, various degrees of mental load and/or stress conditions, experimental variations of different factors influencing tiredness). Development of a mathematical engine for online prediction of the pilot vigilance status in various flight scenarios (see above) based solely on video assessment of head related responses (e.g. facial expression, eye blink / movements, head movements). Partner sought: Partners should have expertise/research interest in the area of central and peripheral measurement of human vigilance and arousal in traffic situations (road, railway, aircraft) and / or automatical video assessment of human head related responses and / or mathematical modeling of psycho-physiological and motor responses. It would be desirable, too, to have aircraft industrial partners (e.g., Airbus) and partners which are potential user of the method (e.g., airlines). Previous FP experience: 1.) Human Response to Impulse Noise 2.) Sound Engineering for Aircrafts ( SEFA) 3.) Community Oriented Solutions to Minimize Aircraft Noise Annoyance (COSMA)
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Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Johannes Böhmer Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Telefon: 0208-30004-12 E-Mail:
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Agro/Food: Determining the wear resistance of cutter blades
Programme: FP7-SME-2013 Call deadline: 15.11.2012 Description: The idea of the project, developed by a German university, is to design a method for measuring the wear resistance of different cutter blades used in agriculture and/or to determine the best blade design with respect to high wear resistance. INNOVATIVE ASPECTS and main advantages/benefits: Actually, there are no suitable methods for determining the wear resistance of cutter blades and for describing it. Commonly used methods are not designed with regard to agricultural machinery. Thus, the wear pattern achieved with this test rigs differs from those gained during measurements on the field. Different parameters, like the blade geometry, are also not considered. Describing the wear is also a challenge, because common methods for characterizing cutting edges are not suitable. During the project a method has to be designed for determining the wear pattern under real conditions and describing it. Additionally, e. g. the blade geometry or coating could be optimized by our project partner. Current stage of development: A test rig has been developed and first tests have been performed. The test rig is presented during the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-AgEng2012) in Valencia/Spain. It has to be further optimized. Additionally it should be investigated how the wear resistance can be described. It can be shown that existing methods are not suitable. Partner(s) sought: The institute is looking for cooperation partners to take part in an EU funded research project. During the project a method has to be designed for determining the wear pattern under real conditions and describing it. Additionally, e. g. the blade geometry or coating could be optimized by our project partner. Universities/Institutes/Companies are sought which are ready to cooperate/work with us within an EU funded project. The university is ready to work on a common proposal or to join a consortium.
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Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Astrid Pauli Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone: 0208-30004-42 E-Mail:
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Agro/Food: Harvesting Biomass
Programme: FP7-SME-2013 Call deadline: 15.11.2012 Description: In the future, biomass will be one of the most important energy sources. Thus, harvesting biomass is a very important issue. The aim of this research project, developed by a German university, is to optimize the processes for harvesting with regard to harvesting biomass. INNOVATIVE ASPECTS and main advantages / benefits: Research on harvesting biomass is a very important task for agricultural engineers since harvesting processes are not optimized for just this task. We assume that the importance of harvesting biomass will increase in the future. During this project we could be one of the first experts working on this topic. Partner(s) sought: Universities/Institutes/Companies which are ready to cooperate/work with us within an EU funded project. The university is ready to work on a common proposal or to join a consortium. Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Astrid Pauli Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone: 0208-30004-42 E-Mail:
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Agro/Food: Determining the Properties of Agricultural Products
Programme: FP7-SME-2013 Call deadline: 15.11.2012 Description: The project idea, developed by a German university, is to design methods for measuring the properties of agricultural products as well as to integrate the measurement results within a data base. INNOVATIVE ASPECTS: Simulations are often the basis for optimizations. Furthermore, they are able to accelerate development processes. To perform simulations of harvesting or food preparation processes as well as for designing engines, material data is needed. Standards for determining the material properties don't exist. The aim of the project is to determine the material properties of the most important agricultural products and integrate them into a data base. Furthermore, the founded measurement methods should be publicated and suggested to become a standard. Decreasing costs for the IT infrastructure and software enable the use of modern simulation tools in more and more companies. To perform simulations of agricultural processes, the relevant properties of the agricultural products have to be known. Until today, these measures have to be determined individual. Standards do not exist. CURRENT STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT: Some properties of a few agricultural products have been measured, e. g. the forces needed to cut grain stalks as well as different food, like cheese, carrots and potatoes. Partner(s) sought: During this project standards should be developed in form of methods. Determined material properties should be integrated into a data base that could be accessed by the internet. TARGET PARTNER SOUGHT: Universities/Institutes/Companies which are ready to cooperate/work with us within an EU funded project. The university is ready to work on a common proposal or to join a consortium.
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Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Astrid Pauli Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone: 0208-30004-42 E-Mail:
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Agro/Food: Simulation of Harvesting and Food Preparation Processes
Programme: FP7-SME-2013 Call deadline: 15.11.2012 Description: The project idea, developed by a German university, is to design methods for the simulation of harvesting and food preparation processes. The project should be especially focused on the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Multi Body Simulation (MBS) and the Distinct Element Method (DEM). The methods should be coupled with each other to holistic simulate the processes. Moreover, the methods have to be validated. INNOVATIVE ASPECTS and main advantages/benefits: Simulations are often the basis for optimizations. Furthermore, they are able to accelerate development processes. The simulation of harvesting and food preparation processes could lead to a lot of optimizations. To simulate those processes, a coupling of different simulation methods is necessary. Such methods partially exist, but are not designed for the simulation of agricultural processes. CURRENT STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT: Some agricultural machines by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) have been symulated. E. g. the stream within a chaff cutter has been optimized. A model for simulating cutting processes also exists. Actually we are working on a method for coupling CFD and MKS in order to simulate the cutting process holistically. For validating simulations of cutting processes, FMDauto has developed test rigs. Two of them are presented during the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-AgEng2012) in Valencia/Spain. The first test rig is designed to cut grain stalks with translational speeds of up to 100 m/s. The second test rig serves for determining the forces needed to cut different food, e. g. cheese, sausages, potatoes. Partner(s) sought: Universities/Institutes/Companies which are ready to cooperate/work with us within an EU funded project. The university is ready to work on a common proposal or to join a consortium.
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Contact details
ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa
Astrid Pauli Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone: 0208-30004-42 E-Mail:
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