Staying Professional During Business Meetings
by robmastrantonio | Jan 13, 2023 | Professional Overview, Rob MastrantonioThere are a few key things to remember when attending or leading a business meeting. The most important of these is to maintain professionalism at all times. This means adhering to certain etiquette rules, dressing appropriately, and behaving in a way that re ects positively on your company. This blog post will discuss the dos and don’ts of meeting etiquette. Follow these tips, and you’ll make a great impression on your colleagues!
Arrive on time. This shows respect for the other attendees and gives you time to prepare mentally for the meeting.
Dress appropriately. This could mean anything from business casual to formal wear, depending on the company culture. Err on the side of being too dressy rather than too
Turn o your phone. No one wants to be interrupted by a phone ringing or noti cations. Be respectful of the other attendees and give them your full attention.
Pay attention and actively participate. This means making eye contact, speaking when appropriate, and listening when others are speaking.
Respect the time limit. If the meeting is only supposed to last an hour, don’t let it drag on for two hours. Wrapping up on time shows that you respect everyone’s time. Pay attention and actively participate in the discussion. This shows that you are engaged and interested in the topic at hand.
Follow up after the meeting. Send a thank-you note or email to the organizer and attendees. This is a nice gesture and will help you stay top of mind.
Interrupt others while they are speaking. Wait your turn and listen politely.
Use o ensive language. This includes swearing, making racist or sexist remarks, etc. It is inappropriate, but it will re ect poorly on you and your company.
Dominate the conversation. Allow others to share their ideas and opinions.
Be late. This is just common courtesy.
Forget to thank the organizer and attendees for their time.
Assuming that everyone knows the etiquette rules for business meetings is a sure re way to end up on the receiving end of some serious side-eye. Make sure you brush up on your meeting manners before your next big presentation!
By following these simple etiquette rules, you can ensure that you will conduct yourself professionally during business meetings. Do your best to make a good impression, and you’ll be sure to advance your career!
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