Media Pack 2018: Robotics and Automation News

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Market trends and business perspectives

Media Pack



Market trends and business perspectives

Overview is a business-to-business information provider. We always try and provide insights into market trends and business perspectives. The website was launched in July 2015. Since then, it has become a well-regarded source of information for this growing and increasingly important industry. With news, features, opinion and interviews, the website makes every effort to bring interesting developments to the attention of a large audience of readers from all walks of life, including many senior executives and professionals from the robotics and automation industry and associated sectors. Many of our early partners include the largest and most well known companies in the world, as well as some of the most dynamic startups.


Market trends and business perspectives

Highlights l is one of the most popular and most visited websites in its market, and it is the fastest-growing. l Included in Google News – stories published on our website are immediately available to web searchers globally. l Apple News One of the first and only websites to be part of the new service. l Newsletters which go out to about 1,000 to 200,000 industry professionals, depending on clients’ requests and editorial routine.

Current readership 75,000 a month


Market trends and business perspectives

Growth The response to Robotics and Automation News has exceeded our expectations. From a point at which we had a small group of loyal readers to the point where it became so large that we no longer know how many readers we had – we estimate it to be around 75,000 a month currently. A number of companies are supporting us through partnerships involving editorial, marketing and advertising, and we hope this will continue and develop into longterm relationships. In additional to our core audience, we have access to more than 200,000 occasional readers through our database. This can be a powerful component in your marketing and advertising campaigns.

We are the market leaders in Europe


Market trends and business perspectives

Most of our readers are from North America

Drilldown As well as our regular readership of 75,000 a month, we can offer access to more than 200,000 readers from the industrial sector Sector through our marketing l Industrial robot campaign solutions. manufacturers Geography l United States l India l United Kingdom l Germany l Canada l France l Japan l Australia l Spain l South Korea

l Industrial automation providers l Automotive and aerospace manufacturers l Electronics manufacturers l Computing software and hardware l Components l Business and finance l Logistics providers l Other robotics and automation sectors

We have a fast-growing readership in Asia

More than half our audience are loyal and regular readers who visit our website and other channels directly. This is the highest proportion of direct visits in our market. Demographics Gender l Men 70% l Women 30% Age l Aged 18-34 50% l Aged 35-54 35% l Aged 55+ 15% Career and education l Graduates 65% l Managerial 55% l C-level 30%


Market trends and business perspectives

Content These are just some of the subject areas we cover. We can accommodate your content and / or advertising in our editorial calendar and can offer a range of marketing opportunities for your Architecture business.

Health l Helper robots l Humanoid robots l Robotic surgery

General l News l Features l Interviews l Opinions l Press releases l Case studies l White papers l Directories l Magazines l Brochures

Business l Robo-advisers l Process automation l Virtual assistants

l Intelligent buildings l Smart homes

Computing l Artificial intelligence l Internet of things l Software Aerospace l Robotic spacecraft l Aircraft

Industry l Agriculture l Industrial robots l Manufacturing

Transportation l Driverless cars l Intelligent transport l Logistics


Market trends and business perspectives

Editorial calendar These are features and special reports scheduled into our editorial calendar. Contact us to include your subject area or company.

l Smart homes l To be decided

February March l Industrial internet l Robotic spacecraft l To be decided l To be decided

April l Industrial robots l To be decided

May l Manufacturing l To be decided

June l Agriculture l To be decided

July l Robotic surgery l To be decided

August l Autonomous cars l To be decided

September l Intelligent transport l To be decided

October l Logistics l To be decided

November l Virtual assistants l To be decided

December l Computing l To be decided


Market trends and business perspectives

Solutions l Website Our website

l Press releases We

l Newsletters Our regular

l Podcasts Our professionally

l News Our website is a

l Videos We produce live

l Social Our articles are

l Advertising Stories

provides a perfect platform for your press releases and advertisements

and special newsletters can help you reach more than 200,000 people

respected news source, included in Google and Apple news services

widely shared on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and similar websites

can write press releases or distribute your prepared marketing material

presented podcasts are available through iTunes and other media

webinars and corporate videos with multinational companies

published on our website are immediately available to web searchers globally


Market trends and business perspectives

Packages l Website Package For 10,000 views of your advertisement on our website, you just pay $100 l News & Social Media Package We can publish your article on our website, and distribute on the web for $100 l AudioVisual Package We can produce videos and podcasts starting from $500 l Newsletter Package We can feature your articles in our newsletter or produce a newsletter for you, and send it to 1,000 to 200,000 people


Market trends and business perspectives

Rates l Website Advertising starts

l Press releases We can

l Newsletters From $100

l Podcasts Short or long

l News Promoted articles

l Videos Short or long videos

l Social Promoted articles at

l Books Sponsor or advertise

from a simple flat rate of $100 per month for prominent positions

for our regular newsletter, to $1,000 for 200,000 industry professionals

available at $100 each published on Apple News and Google News

$100 each shared on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and others

write press releases at a rate of $500 for around 500 words

podcasts produced for iTunes and our website for $500

produced for YouTube, Vimeo and our website from $500

within any of our many publications from $500


Market trends and business perspectives

Dimensions l website uses standard IAB sizes, including the popular 486 x 60 and 250 x 250 pixels, and responsive

l For Newsletters, we tend to prefer the simple 486 x 60 pixels landscape banner but can accommodate other sizes

l For Videos and Podcasts we recommend short, 10 to 20 second advertisements, but we can produce longer infomercials on request

l To be part of our Books or other publications, we suggest standard magazine sizes, but contact us for details about specific publications


Market trends and business perspectives

lR is our website address. lS is our address for email correspondence relating to sales and for PayPal payments.

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