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January+February 2018
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10 Ways
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“I Love You”
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January+February 2018
Strong Families Don’t Just Happen
5 9 10 14
New Year, New Attitude How to Tap More Joy in 2018
Family Chatter......................................................................22 That’s Good to Know!........................................................24 Show Her You Care, Show Him You Care........ 25-26 Teach Your Kids Something New!............................... 28 Snacks—Recipes for Tasty Get-togethers.................31 Crafts—Get Creative with Your Kids............................34
Making Room for Nothing Rediscovering the Simple Life 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” A Valentine’s Day Family Playbook 12 Great Kids’ Books to Snuggle Up With A List of cold-weather books that will warm the hearts of toddlers, young readers and teens
Teen Talk Helpful Advice from One Teen to Another
Living life to its fullest begins with staying healthy, fit, and safe.
Looking for fun, adventure, and great food? Experience life to the fullest by discovering new tastes and fun-filled experiences—the Emerald Coast has it all. Enjoy!
Get to know the people, places, and things that make the Emerald Coast special!
Seasonal Events | The Arts.............................................45 Runs, Walks, & More | Sounds Fun............................. 46 Reoccurring Local | Volunteer........................................ 47
Parents, Lend an Ear.........................................................18
Spark up some lively conversation with your kids. Take the FamilyChatter Challenge.
22 FamilyChatter
parent Emerald Coast
Editorial Director Tasha Williams Subject Line: Editorial Snacks & Crafts Coordinator Carol Eide Subject Line: Snacks and Crafts Contributing Authors Christa Melnyk Hines Lara Krupicka Jessica Fisher Cindy Hudson Heidi Smith Luedtke Gayla Grace Calendar of Events and Resource Guide Suzanne Bratton Subject Line: Calendar Proofreader Jennifer Cullis
In everything we do, we believe in inspiring families to live, laugh, love and enjoy life—TOGETHER! Director of Sales Nathan Wilson Phone: 503-710-1720 Sales Manager Lexy Cruz Creative Director Rob Williams
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4 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine
NEW YEAR, NEW ATTITUDE By Christa Melnyk Hines
Want to bring more joy into your home this year? Try shifting your mindset. Not only can adopting a more optimistic attitude create a happier life, but you’ll influence how well your kids respond to life’s daily challenges too. “Children watch their parents. They pick up on moods and beliefs. A positive attitude is contagious—as is a negative attitude,” says Dr. Kristen Hensley, psychologist and director of the Center for Psychoeducational Services at the University of Kansas.
Positively rewarding. A positive outlook boosts productivity, energy and motivation; helps reduce stress; enhances confidence and self-esteem; benefits health and even improves relationships with others. “A positive attitude can also help us be more flexible in our thinking and make seeing solutions to problems easier,” Hensley says.
“Looking for silver linings in life can help build mental resilience and general optimism.”
A positive outlook boosts productivity, energy and motivation; helps reduce stress; enhances confidence and self-esteem. Practice self-awareness. Try tracking your moods to get a better sense of what you’ll need to do to better care for yourself each day. Jessica Mostaffa, early childhood mental health specialist and therapist who works with mothers suffering from depression, says this tactic helps her clients take a more mindful approach to their day-to-day emotional well-being. Continued on page 6 • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 5
Continued from page 5
Make a happiness list. Brainstorm a list of activities that help you feel better when you’re feeling depleted. Your list might include taking a warm shower, watching a comedy, gardening or taking a walk with a friend. “When moms start working on increasing time for themselves, it not only decreases depressive symptoms, but they also report having a better, more positive relationship and interactions with their children, partners and others in the home,” Mostaffa says. Invite your kids to make lists too. When they’re angry or upset, they can turn to their list to help them manage their emotions in a healthy way. For example, they can shoot hoops, listen to music, draw, read, or call a trusted friend.
grounding questions such as these: What’s the evidence that thought is true? What’s the evidence that thought is not true? What’s the worst thing that could happen? What’s the best thing that could happen? And what’s the most likely thing to happen?
Watch how you say it. Notice how you describe your obligations to yourself or others. For instance, instead of saying, “It’s my responsibility to make sure the kids have their homework done,” you might say, “It’s my privilege to make sure that my children are doing what’s best for them.” “It’s those subtle shifts that have profound effects on our lives,” says Carla McClellan, an ACC-certified life coach.
Voice your gratitude. Moms: Increasing time for yourselves decreases depressive symptoms and can also create a better, more positive relationship and interactions with your children, partners and others in the home.
Foster positive thinking at mealtime by inviting your family to share three things for which they feel grateful and why. Bedtime is a good time to reflect on the day too. “Daily affirmations can be powerful,” Hensley says. “These don’t have to be major things either. A five-year-old might say she’s grateful for the cupcake she got at school for a classmate’s birthday celebration because it made her happy. The purpose is to teach this kind of thinking and help it become a more natural part of everyday life.”
Reframe negative thoughts.
Create a vision board.
Rather than trying to ignore them, work with cynical thoughts that creep into your head. Mostaffa suggests asking yourself
Imagine what you and your family would like to accomplish in the year ahead. Either make a family vision board or individual ones. Continued on page 8
6 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Continued from page 6
card. On the opposite side, have him write the negative thought. “Then you can discuss with your child each side, how each makes him or her feel, and what the consequences of each side might be,” Hensley says. “Remind children that it’s okay to have negative thoughts and feelings. We just don’t want them to rule our lives.”
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Grab a stack of old magazines, scissors, glue and poster board. Cut out inspiring words, quotes and pictures. Ask each other questions such as these: What are our dreams for the coming year? What do we want to see happen in our lives? What would an ideal vacation look like?
Set intentions. Alongside your daily to-do list, make a to-be list. Every morning, set your intention. Ask yourself, “Who am I willing to be today? Kind? Loving? Generous? Enthusiastic?” “An intention is a laser focus for our energy. When we claim who we are willing to be, we can be that,” McClellan says.
Encourage quiet time. Quiet, unplugged time helps nurture creative thinking, problem-solving and stress reduction. Gear down before bedtime as a family. Read together, draw or watch a show. This time together helps kids decompress and gives them space to express worries, concerns or stories from the day.
Playful Parenting by Lawrence J. Cohen
Quiet, unplugged time helps nurture creative thinking, problem-solving and stress reduction.
Simple Fun for Busy People: 333 Free Ways to Enjoy Your Loved Ones More in the Time You Have by Gary Krane, Ph.D.
Weigh the positive and the negative.
Inside Out - animated Pixar movie that explores emotions
If your child is troubled by a situation at school or at home, encourage him to write down a positive thought about it on a
The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler
8 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Families who play together tend to be happier and more deeply connected. Play together. Experts agree, families who play together tend to be happier and more deeply connected. Whether you throw the football, compete in a game of cards, dance to funky music in your living room, or make up games on a car ride, play will strengthen your relationship with each other. Experiment with what works for your family. “All of these types of activities and rituals are very important because they’re modeling a positive attitude, building a healthy way of thinking and interacting with the world, and helping children understand the link between thoughts, feelings and behaviors,” Hensley says. v Freelance journalist Christa Melnyk Hines and her husband are the parents of two boys. Christa’s latest book is Happy, Healthy and Hyperconnected: Raise a Thoughtful Communicator in a Digital World.
Most parents have times when they feel like they have to be in multiple places at one time to manage their children’s calendars. But what happens when the imagined need becomes real? Like most moms, Hillary Homzie’s schedule for her family was a house of cards, a careful stacking of one activity on the other. Then one day it came toppling down. A change in plans with a carpool partner, when all three of her kids had somewhere to be, left her scrambling. “I remember dropping off one kid at a swim party and not even being able to have the time to arrange how my fifthgrader got home,” she explains. She herself had to get to a doctor’s appointment where she was diagnosed with multiple ailments, brought on by stress. It was then she realized something had to change. Homzie’s story may sound extreme, but it’s more normal than many realize. According to a research study conducted at the University of Michigan, children experienced a major decrease in time spent in unstructured activities between 1981 and 1997. A followup to that study showed free-time activities for kids continued to decrease into 2003. With shrinking amounts of downtime, you have a recipe for collapse.
Scale Back for Balance The solution for the craziness? Scale back. Start by searching for ways to leave empty slots on your calendar. Then continue until you’ve reached an equilibrium that satisfies your family. This may sound like a risky proposition. After all, we’re encouraged to provide our kids with opportunities to learn and grow. Dr. Wendy Grolnick, professor of psychology at Clark University and author of Pressured Parents, Stressedout Kids, says that “parents feel a lot of pressure to have their children get involved in a lot of activities. There’s the ramped-up competition. The feeling that they have to be in sports before they’re five to get in college.” But can there be too much? Dr. Grolnick notes, “Afterschool activities are wonderful. Research shows kids gain an advantage—they do better in school. Really, it’s about finding a balance.” Anastasia Gavalas, a mother of five, realized this early on before her children reached kindergarten. She determined to choose balance from the get-go. Gavalas says that she asked herself, “How can I structure my life so that it supports what I believe in my heart?” The answer came in a move from a busy Long Island suburb to the laid-back lifestyle of the Hamptons. “I recognized that the competitiveness is not what life is all about. Parents are so fearbased. We think if we don’t give our kids every experience, Continued on page 13 • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 9
By Christa Melnyk Hines
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A Valentine’s Day Family Playbook Valentine’s Day isn’t just for couples in the heady throes of young love. Deliver sweet somethings to every important person in your life. Here’s the plan for a perfectly playful V-Day for the whole family.
Create a Sweet Tweets jar. Decorate a mason jar for your child.
On slips of paper, write adjectives or short sentences in 140 characters or fewer that describe traits you most appreciate, admire and love about him or her.
Hunt for Cupid’s treasure. C hallenge your kids to a scavenger hunt. Give them clues on a trail of paper hearts or cupid cut-outs. One clue leads to the next until they find a Valentine’s Day surprise. Check online for scavenger hunt clue ideas.
“Attack” them with hearts. On each of the thirteen days
leading up to Valentine’s Day, mom of four, Alexis Sanchez posts a heart-shaped note on her kids’ doors each night after they go to bed. By Valentine’s Day, their doors are covered. “Usually it’s just characteristics I see in them or ways that they’re kind to others. They really love this, and
I even found my ten-year-old kept all his hearts from last year in a special drawer, so that’s pretty awesome,” Sanchez says, whose other children are 10, 6 and 1.
Send a singing telegram. ideotape your preschooler singing a V ditty such as, “I made this little valentine; Of red, white and blue; I made this little valentine, especially for you!” (point at the camera). Email the file to grandparents or another relative your youngster is crazy about.
Customize cards for classmates. Bypass the usual
cartoon paper postcards and publish simple photo cards with a themed border. Continued on page 12
10 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
c ab a n as . e t a iv r P . s ea 4 kiddie ar . s n io t c a r tt ac k age s . a p d p n u a o s r e g id d an Over 40 r hd ay p a r t y t ir B RES ERVE y! . ls o o love to pla Great p s ie il m YO U R a f e er This is wh P RI VATE C AB A N A TODA Y! FOR DISCOUNT TICKETS USE PROMO CODE: ECPAR2016 AT BIGKAHUNAS.COM
jumping jacks, pushups, etc.). Players take turns tossing a beanbag (or other item) onto the grid. Then they roll the dice to see how many times they have to do the exercise that their beanbag landed on. For more ideas, check out 12345 Fit-Tastic! on Pinterest, a healthy lifestyles initiative for families.
Continued from page 10
Last year, Sanchez attached a small bottle of bubbles to her daughter’s card, which read “Friend, you blow me away!”
Play the Queen of Hearts.
Ace V-Day by sending love notes in a pack of red playing cards for your beloved. Punch holes in the corner of each card. On paper squares, write down 52 reasons why you love or appreciate him. Paste each sentiment in the middle of a playing card. Title the deck “I love you because…” and paste it on the top card. Attach the cards with a c-clip.
Treat them to a hearty breakfast. Surprise your kids with
heart-shaped cinnamon rolls. Instead of rolling your cinnamon roll dough from one side to the other, roll it on both sides so that each side meets in the middle,
forming a heart shape. Slice and bake. Serve juice out of dollar-store champagne flutes. Make a fruit salad. Cut fruits like apples, strawberries, banana and watermelon using a heart-shaped cookie cutter.
Toy with chemistry. Put candy conversation hearts to the test. Gather vinegar, salt water, tap water and bleach (with adult guidance). Place a candy heart in four bowls. Ask your child to hypothesize about what will happen when each liquid is dropped over the candy. Using an eye dropper, test her theory. How does the candy react to different liquids? Did your young chemist’s predictions prove true?
Get those hearts pumping.
Using a poster board, make a grid of nine different exercises (sit-ups, somersaults,
Rev up date night. In the whirlwind of parenting, life as a couple can get routine. Plan an outing with your sweetheart that’s playful and gets you out of your dinner-and-a-movie rut. For example, lift off in a hot air balloon ride; go dancing; take a couples cooking class; paint together at a drop-in paint-and-sip studio; or attend a concert or live theater production. v Freelance journalist Christa Melnyk Hines and her beloved valentine of 20 years share their hearts and home with two active children, a pair of nutty dogs, and a cricket-lovin’ lizard. Christa is the author of Happy, Healthy & Hyperconnected: Raise a Thoughtful Communicator in a Digital World.
Visit us at 12 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Continued from page 9
they will miss out or fall behind.” Homzie’s solution to her crazy schedule was to limit her children’s activities. “I just decided that each kid could only do two activities. That’s it. So even if they loved something, they had to drop it. I had my kids rank their activities.” Her middle child’s schedule was reduced the most, from six different activities, most of them two and three times weekly, to two activities. Instead, he found ways to enjoy things like tennis in a casual setting, rather than competitively.
Talk It Out How can you go about freeing up time in your child’s life? Dr. Grolnick advocates talking it out: “I think sitting down together with your kids (depending on their age) and picking the activity they love the most. Negotiate how many times a week.” Take the time to listen and understand why your children want to do the things they do. See if they can find the enjoyment of some scheduled activities through a more unstructured means. Offer to join them. Homzie’s former tennis-playing son now finds time on the court with his dad or a friend. According to Dr. Grolnick, the amount of sustainable activity will vary by child and family. It’s not about a set number of activities; rather, it’s about that issue of balance. “Some families are in a bunch of activities and are thriving,” she explains. And as Gavalas learned, a balanced life is an intentional life. Evaluate your priorities. Probe to find your children’s priorities. Then organize your calendar around those. “Taking stock and evaluating after a season is better than signing up wildly. Parents can talk realistically about what the kids can do,” says Gavalas.
Enjoy the Downtime The results are priceless. Homzie noticed the change in her highly active middle son. “Now he’s seeing the light and is talking about the need to have downtime. He’s no longer asking me if he can do fencing or whatever sport is next on his list.” Gavalas’s family is also enjoying the quieter lifestyle. Her eldest daughter volunteers at a horse farm. Her second daughter
attends a dance class twice a week. And her sons play two sports each. They have more time for playing and being outside. Which can be unusual these days. According to the University of Michigan study, children’s time spent in unstructured outdoor activities, such as walking, hiking or camping, fell by 50% over the period of the study. Regaining this freedom is priceless. Homzie agrees:
6 SIGNS YOUR CHILD’S SCHEDULE IS TOO FULL If you see more than two or three of these signs—and they’re not related to a physical illness— you may need to take some white-out to your calendar:
“Our life is still busy, but there are afternoons when I can walk up to the top of the small mountain where I live, with the children, and go for an adventure walk. The children can actually jump on our trampoline and swing on the swings–in their own backyard!”
1. Your child is frequently tired. 2. You feel you’re constantly saying, “Let’s go!” 3. Your child experiences regular stomachaches. 4. Your child is often irritable. 5. Your child balks at going to activities.
Where many people see a slower schedule as a loss of opportunity, Dr. Grolnick notes that it can actually open doorways to opportunity. “Kids will find their passion if they have the space,” says Dr. Grolnick. “If they’re too scheduled, they don’t have the space to find what will hook them. If you have to push them to do these things they don’t feel good about, it’s counterproductive. If you give them space, they will gravitate toward something.” Ultimately, leaving empty spots on the calendar is about giving kids that space– space to be a kid, space to play, and space for discovery. v
6. You mix up who’s supposed to be where and when—more than once. (from advice provided by Dr. Wendy Grolnick)
Lara Krupicka is a parenting journalist who regularly faces the challenge of balancing the activities of three girls. Thankfully, they all love downtime. EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 13
Sometimes the best way to fend off the cold and dark outside is to snuggle up and read a good book. And when the book itself takes place in the cold, the dark, or both? Even more reason to take another sip of hot chocolate and wrap a blanket closer. Here’s a list of cold-weather books that will warm the hearts of toddlers, young readers and teens.
Ages 3 to 7
First Snow by Bomi Park. When a girl wakes up to the silence
Bunny Slopes by Claudia Rueda. This is a playful picture book about a white bunny with a red scarf skiing downhill. Kids interact with the story when words prompt them to shake, tip, and even flip the book upside down.
Ages 8 to13
The Wish Tree by Kyo Maclear and Chris Turnham. This is a sweet tale about a boy who follows his heart, sings his own song, and ends up getting so much more than he set out to.
of a first snow, she bundles up and goes out to play. The fun begins when she rolls a giant snowball and follows it out of her town.
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This is one of The Little House books about Laura’s family life on the prairie in the late 1800s. This one tells of the whole town’s struggle to survive a months-long blizzard. Continued on page 16
14 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Continued from page 14
Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater. This classic tale tells of Mr. Popper and his family, who receive a penguin as a gift from an explorer. Before long they have 12 penguins getting into all kinds of trouble.
Dogsled Dreams by Terry Lynn Johnson. A 12-year-old girl learns about dogsledding from her dad, who is letting her develop a team of her own. She dreams of one day entering a race with the dogs she has come to rely on. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Read this in late winter when the children in the story transform their garden from an overgrown, brown place into a green sanctuary. The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter’s Wonder by Mark Cassino. Nonfiction is great for kids who love facts. Here they can learn how snow crystals form and find instructions for catching their own snow crystals. Stunning photographs illustrate the facts.
Rocky Road by Rose Kent. Who would dream of opening an ice cream store in upstate New York in the middle of winter? Tess’s mom, that’s who, a dreamer who isn’t always practical or reliable, which means Tess has to keep family life down to earth.
Ages 14 and Up Secrets in the Snow by Michaela MacColl. Jane Austen investigates French spies, works to solve a murder in the snow, and finds inspiration for the storyline of Pride and Prejudice.
MetalTown by Kristen Simmons. In this bleak, cold world of the future, teens discover that when they band together, they find strength to fight injustice and improve their lives.
Cold Spell by Jackson Pearce. This modern re-imagining of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” addresses issues of love, tenacity, courage, finding friendship in unlikely places, and having the strength to be oneself. v
Cindy Hudson writes about books, reading, and family literacy at 16 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Youth Today it’s not uncommon to see both children and teens using laptops, handheld devices such as smart phones, tablets or gaming controllers on a daily basis. The exploding popularity of gaming systems and computer usage may be putting our youth at a greater risk of developing repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The carpal tunnel is the narrow passageway of ligament and bones in the wrist that houses the median nerve and tendons. Repetitive movements, such as typing on a computer or playing a video game or musical instrument for a long period of time, can cause the tendons in the carpal tunnel to swell and pinch the median nerve, causing CTS. Although CTS typically affects individuals age 30 and over, physicians are reporting complaints of CTS symptoms from younger individuals. Symptoms most commonly associated with CTS include burning, tingling or numbness in the palm of the hand and in the fingers. Symptoms are most often noted in the thumb, index finger and two middle fingers, and may include loss of strength or coordination in the hands. Children and teenagers are spending hours at the computer every day, putting strain on their wrists and hands that formerly was only seen in adults. Both groups should follow these tips to avoid repetitive stress injuries:
• Use a chair that can be adjusted for your height to
avoid bending your wrists to type. For children, it may be wise to purchase special furniture and a special computer mouse and keyboard designed for smaller bodies and hands. Place the keyboard at a level slightly lower than normal desk height. When using handheld gaming devices or tablets, put a pillow in your lap and rest your arms on the pillow.
• •
• Make sure to take frequent breaks from repetitive tasks to give your body a rest.
If you or your child experience symptoms associated with CTS, please visit your physician to help prevent permanent damage to the median nerve. Other activities and risk factors may also contribute to CTS, such as:
• Intensive racquet sports, such as tennis • Gymnastics • Trauma, such as breaks or sprains in the wrist that may cause swelling in the carpal tunnel
Mild cases of CTS are usually treated with the use of a brace or splint. These are typically worn at night to prevent the wrist from bending and help to open the carpal tunnel so that the median nerve has as much room as possible. Allowing the wrist to rest may help the swollen tendons to shrink. Over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, may also help the swelling subside. In more severe cases, a physician may recommend a cortisone shot or injection to help reduce inflammation in the carpal tunnel. If neither of these treatments help, surgery may be suggested to help relieve the pressure on the median nerve. It is normally an outpatient procedure that takes less than an hour. Fortunately, very few people are permanently injured by CTS and symptoms generally improve with proper exercises and treatment. Preventative measures are the key to keeping symptoms from surfacing or returning. v
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BUILDERS Strong Families Don’t Just Happen
Spend a little time talking to each other every day—take our Family Chatter challenge. Have some messy fun in the kitchen or at a craft table making some of our featured Snacks & Crafts. Teach your children to love on others with our Teach Your Kids Something New. Discover how to survive a visit to the emergency room in That’s Good to Know. ENJOY LIFE—TOGETHER!
31 34
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Our FamilyChatter Challenge is simple— just do your best. Here are some simple questions that will hopefully inspire your family to enjoy great conversations whenever, however, you can. Enjoy!
Live, Laugh, Love, and TALK TOGETHER! o What Valentine’s
What is your least favorite New Year’s resolution?
If you could create a T-shirt design, what would you draw or write on it?
Are you holding onto something that you should walk away from?
If you had $100 (or $1,000, etc) to spend, how would you spend it?
If you could change anything in the world, what would you change and how?
If you could make up a brand-new school subject, what would it be?
Day traditions do you look forward to the most each year?
Is there anyone at school who seems to get left out or teased often?
If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be?
o What
are three words you would use to describe yourself to others?
If you could make one law—what law would you create and why?
If you could make three new family rules—what would they be?
What would your perfect Valentine’s Day date include? o
Keep the Conversation Going with Follow-up Questions: Interesting. What else can you tell me about that? o Now what are you going to do? o No way! Can you tell me more? o Seriously? Then what happened? o How do feel about what happened? o How does this make you feel? o What’s your next step? o
22 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
OM O R Y C N E G R E M E Lu ed tk e, Ph D By H ei di Sm ith
Surviving the Emergency Room with Your Child According to the Centers for Disease Control, 26 percent of children under age 6 visit the emergency room each year. Most pint-sized patients complain of fever and are diagnosed with viral illness, ear infection, a respiratory tract infection, or pneumonia. Even if your kid’s condition isn’t life threatening, you want the best care possible. Here’s insider information on how to get it.
Before You Go “Call ahead if you know your child needs a specialist,” advises Ron Clark, MD, attending emergency physician at the Hospital of Central Connecticut and author of Surviving the Emergency Room. If you need a hand or eye surgeon to stitch up a nasty cut, ask if one is available. “Specialists don’t work every day,” Clark says. “A quick call can save time and aggravation, and a transfer to another hospital can take hours.”
Be prepared to answer questions about your child’s medical history. “Contact your pediatrician, too. If she can’t see your child, she may inform the emergency room staff that you’re coming and provide background information,” Clark
says. The emergency physician may be meeting your child for the first time. Your pediatrician has the long view. “Be prepared to answer questions about your child’s medical history,” says Ron San Juan, MD, Director of Pediatric Urgent Care for Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. You’ll be asked when symptoms began, how they have changed over time, what medications your child took and when. Bring those medications Continued on page 27
24 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Cut out this page. Then cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes hers. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other— as often as you remember!
Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say, “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!
10 WAYS to sh w
R E H y u care Offer to care for the kids while she takes a bath or reads a book in bed.
Remind her what you loved most about her when you first met. Surprise her by doing something you think she would want done before she asks. Try not to argue over money. Peacefully discuss future expenditures instead. Surprise her by doing the laundry while she’s out of the house. Date your spouse. Take her to dinner. Invest in quality time together. Tell her (and show her) you love her often. Show enthusiasm for the things that she’s excited about—let your actions show it. Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas in each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!
Give her a long kiss when you come home from work. Make the bed on weekends—or every day if possible. Email us your ideas! EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 25
Cut out this page. Then cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes hers. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other— as often as you remember!
Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say, “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!
10 WAYS to sh w
M I H y u care Don’t just tell him you love him–tell him WHY you love him. Don’t overcommit yourself. Leave time for him. Ask him what he’d like for dinner–let him choose the menu at least once a week. Wake him up with a kiss and a cuddle. Take him for a weekend getaway without the children. Walking by him? Reach out and touch him for a second! Hide notes for him around the house where only he will find them. Initiate romance periodically. And respond more often.
Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas in each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!
Talk with him about having specific family goals to achieve together to feel closer as a marital team. Prepare a healthy lunch for him—include a love note. Email us your ideas! 26 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine
Continued from page 24
MAKE THE EMERGENCY ROOM LESS STRESSFUL WITH A LITTLE ADVANCE PREPARATION Navigate the emergency room like an insider. Read Surviving the Emergency Room by Ron Clark, MD.
with you; prescription labels provide useful dosing and pharmacy contact information. You’ll also need your child’s physicians’ names and phone numbers. Store them in your phone or wallet.
You’ll also need your child’s physicians’ names and phone numbers. Store them in your phone or wallet. Bring a familiar, loved object, such as a stuffed animal, blanket, or baseball glove, and entertainment options such as coloring books and handheld video games. Only 18 percent of patients are seen within 15 minutes of arrival. Plan to wait.
Get Quality Care “You are your child’s advocate, so don’t be afraid to speak up. If you’re triaged to a spot in the hallway, ask the doctor to give your child a complete exam in a room,” Clark says. Also find out when the doctor’s shift ends. Delays and oversights can happen when your child’s care is transferred to a successor. Ask the doctor to introduce you to the incoming caregiver before he or she leaves. Continuity is critical. “It’s important that doctors take the time to explain the diagnosis and treatment
plan,” says San Juan. If you don’t understand the initial explanation, ask for clarification. Sometimes an extra few minutes with the doctor can eliminate hours of worry. Have a staff member write down difficult diagnoses so that you remember them and can communicate accurately with other medical providers.
Bedside Manner Matters “Emergency medical providers often see 25 to 30 patients per shift,” Clark says. Respect their time. Don’t summon staff to your child’s room repeatedly if your concerns can wait. “You don’t want to become the squeaky wheel,” says Clark. Healthcare providers may subconsciously avoid the room with the “difficult parent.” Write down questions or concerns and raise them when it is your child’s turn with the doctor. It’s in everyone’s best interest for your child to get high-quality, timely care. Be patient and polite. “Don’t be surprised if staff members ask you to repeat information you provided earlier,” Clark says. They’re trained to verify; it doesn’t mean they weren’t listening. Before discharge, ask how to care for your child at home and when to follow up. Get clear guidance on prescribed medications and potential side effects. And don’t forget to say thank you. Your gratitude encourages staff members to give the next patient quality care, too. v
Teach kids what to expect using this kid-favorite: Curious George Goes to the Hospital by H. A. Rey.
Download the Medical ID app for your Android phone (https:// or update the info in your iPhone Health App to give medical personnel access to important info in a crisis. Heidi Smith Luedtke, PhD, is a psychologist and mom of two who can find her way to the hospital vending machines without consulting posted signs. She is the author of Detachment Parenting. • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 27
Teach Your Kids Something New! ling: b i S r Fo
ing clean r o f em Rede ur room yo de attitu d d n i k eken for a Good you all we rd towa time extra or r o f V em Rede Xbox (or T ) s e on th ever work t a wh your u and lone o y g ttin ga for le venin Good ave the e h friend
For Mo m:
Redee mf of perf or a weekend orming your ch day ores Good f or a we ek of my ma nners e practicing very da y Redee m for h elp wa shing the win dows Good f or h sibling elping young with ho e mewor r k
Redeem for time together at the movies Good for help with a cleaning project Redeem for help on your next shopping trip Good for a game of cards or board game of your choice
For Dad: Redeem for help washing and vacuuming the car Good for a day without electronics Redeem for help with lawn care Good for no grumbling when asked to do a special chore
For Grandparent:
Other gre without p at gifts rice tags A smile • Re
Gentle de
• A hug
meanor Helping h eart Sweet wo rds A listenin g ear Uncondit ional love
ra c e B y G a y la G
Gifts Without Price Tags I remember giving wrapped, handwritten notes to my mom as a young child on Valentine’s Day. They would say, “Redeem for extra help in the kitchen,” or “Good for babysitting my sister while you go to the store.” The special ones would say, “Redeem for an attitude adjustment on a cranky day.” My mom loved getting my gifts and always made a big deal of exchanging the gift for whatever I offered. It gave me a special feeling of satisfaction to know I helped my mom through such simple, heartfelt gifts. 28 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
This Valentine’s Day, if you’re looking for some gift ideas for your children to give you, your husband, their grandparents, siblings, relatives or close family friends, here is a list of ideas for gifts of service or gifts of the heart. v
RENOVATION FLOORING RENOVATION FLOORING RENOVATION FLOORING Experience the Renovation Experience Flooring Difference Experience the the Renovation Renovation Flooring Flooring Difference Difference Experience the Renovation Flooring Difference
Call Product/Service Information Call 850-460-7295 Call 850-460-7295 850-460-7295 Product/Service Information to book your private appointment today Call 850-460-7295 Product/Service Information to book your to book your private private appointment appointment today today
and let our design to team help you make your home or business look beautiful! book your and help you make your business and let let our our design design team team help youprivate make appointment your home home or ortoday business look look beautiful! beautiful! and let our design team help you make your home or business look beautiful!
Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer.
Specializing Specializing in Wood, Tile, Stone, and Carpet Specializing in in Wood, Wood, Tile, Tile, Stone, Stone, and and Carpet Carpet Specializing in Wood, Tile, Stone, and Carpet 11714 11714 Emerald Coast Pkwy. Ste. 3 11714 Emerald Emerald Coast Coast Pkwy. Pkwy. Ste. Ste. 3 3 11714 Emerald Coast Pkwy. Ste. 3 Miramar Beach, Florida 32550 Miramar Beach, Florida 32550 Miramar Beach, Florida 32550 Miramar Beach, Florida 32550
Experience Experience the the Renovation Renovation Flooring Flooring Difference Difference Experience the Renovation Flooring Difference BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS
BUILD SELF CONFIDENCE Call Product/Service Information Call 850-460-7295 Call 850-460-7295 850-460-7295 Product/Service Information HAVE FUN to bookInformation your 850-460-7295 private appointment today Call Product/Service to to book book your your private private appointment appointment today today -
and let our design to team help you make your home or business look beautiful! book your and help you make your business and let let our our design design team team help youprivate make appointment your home home or ortoday business look look beautiful! beautiful! and let our design team help you make your home or business look beautiful!
Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer.
Valentine Butterflies YOU NEED 2 handfuls of jelly beans or other small colorful candies 1 wood spring-type clothespin 2 small wiggle eyes 9-inch length of chenille wire any bright color of craft paint (to coordinate with chenille
• • • • •
wire color)
• small paint brush • craft glue, or hot glue gun and glue sticks • snack-sized recloseable bag • pencil
DIRECTIONS Use the craft paint to paint the outside edges of the clothes pin. Clip the pin onto the edge of a box until it is dry. Bend the chenille wire into a “V” shape. Wind each end of the wire around a pencil to give it a round shape. Glue the wiggle eyes next to each other on one side of the clip end of the dry clothespin. Let dry completely. Place 2 handfuls of candy into a recloseable snack bag and seal, removing any excess air. Lay the bag of candy on a flat surface, spread out the candy evenly and fold under the recloseable strip. Pinch the bag in the center and clip with the clothespin (eyes on the top and recloseable strip on the bottom). Also clip the point of the chenille “V” at the end of the clothespin. These make fun Valentine’s Day treats.
• • • • • •
Candy Sticks YOU NEED ¾ cup vanilla candy melts colorful sprinkles pretzel rods microwaveable mug
• • • •
• spoon • paper plate • waxed paper
DIRECTIONS Spread 1/3 of the sprinkles onto a paper plate (you can add more sprinkles as needed to replenish what is used up). Follow the package directions to melt the candy melts in the mug. Dip one end of a pretzel rod into the melted candy to lightly coat 2/3 of the rod (you can use the spoon to scoop the melted candy around the rod as needed). Immediately roll the coated part of the rod in the sprinkles. Place the rod on a sheet of waxed paper to cool. Repeat this process for the remaining pretzel rods.
• • • • • •
Simple, fun to make, and always delicious! • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 31
Chinese Moon Cookies INGREDIENTS ½ cup butter at room temperature ¼ cup white sugar 1 egg yolk 1 cup flour
• • • •
• raspberry or strawberry jam • cookie sheet • mixing bowl and measuring cups • small spoon
DIRECTIONS Preheat the oven to 350º F. Thoroughly mix butter, sugar, egg yolk and flour. Divide the dough into approximately 12 1-inch balls. Slightly flatten the ball on the cookie sheet. Then press your thumb in the center of the circle of dough to make a small dip. Gently press closed any cracks that may result. Spoon a small amount of jam to fill the dip. Bake for 20 minutes or until the jam is bubbling and the edges of the cookies are just starting to brown. These are a favorite treat to serve for celebrating Chinese New Year (this falls on February 16, 2018).
• • • • • • •
Eagle Treats YOU NEED 6 regular sized marshmallows 6 chocolate cream sandwich cookies 6 candy corns (or whole almonds) 12 small candy eyes
• • • •
• ¾ cup vanilla candy melts • ¾ cup sweetened shredded coconut • small fork or skewer • microwaveable mug • waxed paper • cereal bowl
DIRECTIONS Place the coconut into the cereal bowl, breaking up any clumps. Place candy melts in a mug and melt according to the package. Place the sandwich cookies, flat side down, on a piece of waxed paper. Use the fork to pierce one flat end of a marshmallow, then dip the marshmallow in melted candy. Immediately roll the sides and top of the coated marshmallow in coconut; use your fingers to slide it off the fork and press it onto a sandwich cookie. Repeat 5 times. Dip the large end of a candy corn into the melted candy and press it onto the side of the coated marshmallow to create a beak (hold the beak in place for 15-20 seconds to set). Repeat. Use the fork to dab a little melted candy onto the back of a candy eye. Gently press the eye onto the side of the marshmallow near the beak to create an eye. Repeat for the second eye and for the remaining marshmallows. Let the melted candy cool completely before serving. This makes a fun President’s Day or Washington’s Birthday treat.
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32 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Valentine Wreath MATERIALS 8 inch embroidery hoop 1-foot length of ribbon 90 6x24-inch pieces of tulle (3 colors, 30 of each). You can purchase 6-inch rolls at craft supply stores and cut to length.
• • •
• craft foam hearts (3-4 inches)
in colors to coordinate with the tulle scissors hot glue gun and glue sticks clear acrylic spray plastic drop cloth or table cloth
• • • •
INSTRUCTIONS Fold a length of tulle in half to make a loop. Holding the cut ends with one hand, slide the loop end under the edge of the embroidery hoop. Pull the cut ends through the loop and pull until the loop tightens around the hoop. Alternating colors, continue looping pieces of tulle onto the hoop and sliding them together as you go. When you are done, the whole hoop should be evenly covered in lengths of tulle. Cover an outdoor surface with a plastic drop cloth or table cloth. Lay the tulle wreath on the plastic and smooth down the pieces of tulle. Spray the wreath with clear acrylic spray and let it dry (this will stiffen the tulle—you may need to apply two coats of spray). Thread the ribbon through the screw for tightening the embroidery hoop. Knot the ends of the ribbon together. Arrange the foam hearts around the inside edge of the wreath and hot glue them in place.
• • • •
Chinese Envelope Gifts MATERIALS 5 ¼ x 7 ¼ inch red envelopes 4 inch paper doilies 1-2 inch dog stickers gold acrylic craft paint
• • • •
• 1 inch sponge brush • glue sticks • paper plates
INSTRUCTIONS Lay the doilies out on paper plates. Use the sponge brush and gold paint to paint one side of each doily (brush from the center to the edge to keep the doily flat). Let dry. Use the glue stick to apply glue to the back of the doilies. Press one doily onto the center front of each envelope. Rub gently to smooth down and secure the edges. Apply a dog sticker to the center of each doily. Chinese New Year will be celebrated on February 16, 2018. Each year is represented by an animal, and 2018 is the year of the dog. It is traditional to give gifts to loved ones inside red envelopes. These gifts can include money, gift cards, or notes of love.
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34 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Find touchable, workable exhibits that teach about natural phenomena and basic scientific principles for children and families. • Robotics Exhibits • Live Reptile & Amphibian Room • Live Birds • Brain Games • Field Trips • Planetarium Nights • “Science of...”(Monthly event series geared towards adults)
31 SW Memorial Pkwy. Fort Walton Beach
Have Your Party at the Science Center! Choose from one of our four themes: Dino Dig • Animal Safari • Mad Scientist • Space Party Packages Available Saturdays from 11am-1pm or 1:30pm-3:30pm
Party includes admission for 12 children and two adults, a science activity, use of the private party room, a party host to assist with party details, party favors for each child, setup/cleanup, decorations, use of fridge and microwave, paper products and drinks. Call today to plan your party!
First Saturday of the month 10 am-1 pm • Ages 9-14 Our Robotics Workshops will cover a range of robotics skills and concepts to help introduce students to robotics and give them the skills needed to compete in Lego League.
American Presidents Garland MATERIALS American presidents flash cards (available at educational supply stores, or download and print a picture of each president, keeping the size to fit on a 3x5-inch card). cardstock in patriotic colors 1/8-inch wide ribbon (6 yards
• •
if your flash cards are 3 inches wide). black permanent marker 45 spring-type clothespins scissors ruler hole punch hot glue gun and glue sticks
• • • • • •
INSTRUCTIONS Optional: If you printed your own pictures of the 45 American presidents, mount each one on a 3x5-inch piece of cardstock and write his name below his picture or on the back of the card. Cut the cardstock into 45 3x2.5-inch pieces. Punch 2 holes in each piece of cardstock, ½ inch apart at the center of one 3-inch side. Number each piece of cardstock below the punched holes, starting with 1 and ending with 45. Hot glue one clothespin to the back of each numbered piece of cardstock so that the clip end is hanging down. String the ribbon through the holes in the numbered cardstock clips so that the clips are in numerical order. Hang the clips within reach of the children in your home. Clip the president flash cards to the numbered cards in order of each president’s term in office. You can use this garland to play a variety of memory games to help you and your children learn the different presidents of the United States.
• • • • • •
Lollipop Flowers MATERIALS ball-shaped lollipops in bright colors variety of colors of felt floral tape
• • •
• 16 gauge floral stem wire • fabric scissors • hot glue gun and glue sticks • wire clippers
INSTRUCTIONS Clip the stem wire into 9-inch lengths. Cut the felt into approximately 4-inch flower shapes. Clip a small hole in the center of each flower. Squeeze a ring of hot glue around the pop a little bit above the stick. Immediately slide the stick through the hole in a flower and press the felt into the glue so that the felt gathers around the pop. Let the glue cool. Lay a length of stem wire alongside the lollipop stick and wind them together using the floral tape. Continue winding down the entire stem and back up to the lollipop so that the whole stem is covered.
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36 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
Make President’s Day a little more exciting and help your children learn about the different leaders who have helped shape our country.
TEEN TALK dvice from Helpful A Another! to n One Tee
RETURNING TO SCHOOL AFTER A LONG BREAK When coming back from a long break, the mind of a teen is in shambles; between stressing for upcoming exams, long work schedules, and even some family/friend issues, high school students aren’t necessarily finding the proper ways to handle everything. In addition to this stress, some do not feel 100 percent and ready for the new year, as personal free time was limited due to increased family time. However, for this new year, my advice is to throw
these worries away. We have to step back and realize that no matter what we feel in the moment, school is not the most important thing in the world. What is most important is ourselves and understanding who we are. An easy way to do this is by taking several mini-breaks throughout the day. It is never a bad thing to take a timeout, even as a teenager. When homework is getting too much, or when you just need a minute, put the world on pause. Make yourself a cup of tea, close your eyes, and breathe. Read,
or listen to music; take time to take care of yourself. Also, reflect on things; think about the choices you made this year, the people you are friends with, and decide if that is what’s best for you. Never be afraid to make a choice for you. Embrace this new year and all the new possibilities, but also embrace yourself. v
J UNIOR, AGE 16 • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 37
Resource Guide
Looking for fun, adventure, and great food? Experience life to the fullest by discovering new tastes and fun-filled experiences—the Emerald Coast has it all. Enjoy! Crestview | Destin | FWB | Gulf Breeze | Navarre | Niceville/Valparaiso | Pensacola GULFARIUM MARINE ADVENTURE PARK 1010 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 243-9046 Delight in watching dolphins leap and sea lions play during spectacular shows! Enjoy educational exhibits and beautiful gulf views.
Local Attractions Tickets BIG KAHUNA’S WATER PARK 1007 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 837-4061 With more than 40 water attractions and an adventure park, Big Kahuna’s offers something for everyone. Big Kahuna’s has been Destin’s one and only water park for more than 25 years!
GATOR BEACH AT FUDPUCKER’S 20001 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 654-4200 Gator Beach gives you the chance to see more than 80 live alligators in an up-close and personal environment. You’ll not only be able to see the gators but feed them as well!
1125 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 654-4668 The Track Family Fun Park features the southeast’s premier go-carting and family fun centers including The Track Family Fun Parks in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee; Gulf Shores, Alabama; Destin, Florida; and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, as well as Fat Daddy’s Arcades in Destin, Florida; FWB, Florida; and Orange Beach, Alabama. Each of our five parks features The Track’s signature three-and-a-half-story elevated go-cart ride along with a vibrant lineup of family attractions ranging from family go-cart tracks, Fat Daddy’s Arcades, and thrill rides to miniature golf courses, kids’ country rides, and more.
Five Flags Speedway 7451 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola, 944-8400 Five Flags Speedway is a paved half-mile (0.8 km) auto-racing oval. It opened in 1953 and is located on Pine Forest Road. It is christened after Pensacola’s
38 • January+February 2018 • EC Parent Magazine •
nickname, “City of Five Flags.” The speedway runs several local classes during the regular racing season (March–October). These classes include Super Late Models, Pro Late Models, Super Stocks, Sportsman, and Bombers. The races are usually held on Friday nights bi-weekly. The track also hosts many regional touring series.
Gulf Breeze Zoo 5701 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 932-2229 The Gulf Coast area’s awardwinning Gulf Breeze Zoo is home to more than 900 native and exotic animals. The zoo offers many hands-on animal encounters and kids activities perfect for field trips, family day trips, and exciting birthday parties.
Maximum Magic Dinner Show 1318 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 424-5125 Illusionist of the year Noah Wells presents Maximum Magic, Destin’s only magic show, with mind-blowing illusions, hilarious comedy, special effects, unbelievable mentalism, and more!
National Naval Aviation Museum 1750 Radford Blvd, Ste C, Pensacola, 452-3604 The National Naval Aviation Museum, formerly known as the National Museum of Naval
Aviation and the Naval Aviation Museum, is a military and aerospace museum located at Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. The museum was established December 14, 1962, with the initial facility located in a cramped 8,500-square-foot building on the air station that had been erected during World War II, and it was dedicated in June 1963.
Pensacola Ice Flyers 201 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 466-3111 The Pensacola Ice Flyers are a professional ice-hockey team of the Southern Professional Hockey League. The team played their first season in 2009–2010. Home games are played at the Pensacola Bay Center, previously home to the ECHL’s Pensacola Ice Pilots from 1996 until their folding in 2008.
Pensacola Lighthouse 2081 Radford Blvd, Pensacola, 393-1561 Climb 177 steps up the historic Pensacola lighthouse for one of the most beautiful views on the Gulf Coast. Built in 1859, the lighthouse is located onboard the NAS Pensacola. The top of the tower offers stunning views of Pensacola Pass (where Pensacola Bay meets the Gulf of Mexico), three historic forts, the Pensacola skyline, and the
E M E R A L D COA S T PA R E N T • L O C A L AT T R AC T I O N S historic Navy Yard. The fully restored Keepers’ Quarters, built in 1869, is home to the Richard C. Callaway museum, which houses numerous exhibits on local history and the lighthouse itself.
in the heart of the city’s entertainment district. Enjoy exhibits that you will find extraordinary, unusual, shocking, and possibly true to life!
Pensacola Museum of Art
6709 Pensacola Blvd, Pensacola, 505-0800 Sam’s Fun City is family owned and operated by Richard and Terry Sanfilippo. The park is named after the Sanfilippo’s daughter, Samantha. In 1996, after a successful career in environmental science and engineering, Richard redirected his energy toward creating a family-focused business in Pensacola, Florida. After a significant planning period, the first phase of the park opened in September 2000. The park has continued to grow over the years by adding bumper boats and mini golf in 2001, phase one of an arcade in 2003, a water park in 2005, and an expanded arcade in 2008. With more than 40 rides, slides, and attractions, Sam’s Fun City is the largest fun park on the central Gulf Coast.
407 S Jefferson St, Pensacola, 432-6247 The Pensacola Museum of Art is the only art museum in the city of Pensacola, Florida. It was founded in 1954 by a group of women from the American Association of University Women. These determined women combined their efforts to create an art center that would exhibit traveling shows, offer art classes for both children and adults, and provide meeting space for members of the community as well as create a forum for lectures, films, and other cultural presentations. They joined forces with others in the community who shared this same vision and formed the Pensacola Art Association.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! 9907 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 230-6113 Explore the odd and unusual at this family friendly attraction
Sam’s Fun City
SKYZONE 5007 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 500-1663 We’re always working to invent epic new ways to play, gather, and compete. Even though we’re the originators of wall-to-wall aerial action, we never stand still. We’ve been voted the number one “out of the box” workout and the “best party ever.” We’re dedicated to providing you with the pure joy that comes from flying. We are sky lovers, thrill seekers, and people who believe that jumping is freedom. We believe fitness can be fun and play can be smart. We are healthy and bursting with energy. We fly high and keep it safe. We are Sky Zone.
Wild Willy’s Adventure Park
1306 Miracle Strip Pkwy, FWB, 400-3300 Wild Willy’s has a number of different attractions sure to make everyone’s day!
WonderWorks 9910 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 249-7000 WonderWorks is an amazing attraction where scientific principles and fun come together to provide an unrivaled educational experience! • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 39
Outdoors Adventures Unlimited 8974 Tomahawk Landing Rd, Milton, 623-6197 Discover the fun of outdoor adventure at Northwest Florida’s premier recreation center! Situated along the secluded Coldwater Creek, experience nature’s beauty. Relax with us— you’ll be glad you did!
Coldwater Gardens Glamping Experience 7009 Creek Stone Rd, Milton, 426-1300 Situated on a gentle slope overlooking a pine savanna, our tents are outfitted with amenities that make your experience relaxing. Each tent is equipped with top glamping amenities including a queen-size bed, minifridge, coffee maker, outdoor shower, and charcoal grill.
DESTIN HELICOPTER BEACH TOURS 34859 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 424-5125 View the beautiful Emerald Coast from above on a thrilling helicopter tour!
Horseback Trail Rides 613 S County Hwy 393, Destin, 208-3114 Located close to the Destin beaches, this stable offers trail rides and RV space. With 13,800 acres of state forest, there is plenty of riding to fill up your day.
Panama City Beach Helicopter Tours 15726 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 230-2080 View the beautiful Panama City Beach coastline from above on an amazing helicopter tour!
Pensacola Aerial Beach Tour
Deep Sea Fishing Party Boat
4145 Jerry Maygarden Rd, Pensacola, 346-4230 Our Piper Saratoga has six seats— plenty of room for the entire family! Choose from a romantic Sunset Champagne Beach Tour or an adventurous Shark Patrol, and make some wonderful memories.
102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7095 Come fish with one of the oldest and largest fishing fleets on the Emerald Coast, and fish the beautiful unspoiled waters of the Gulf of Mexico!
Zipline Canopy Tour
7 Calhoun Ave, Destin, 978-3060 Your adventure starts out at the Destin Marina as an experienced guide takes you to the dolphin “hangout.” After exploring, the guide will allow you to adventure out on your own as well!
8974 Tomahawk Landing Rd, Milton, 889-2180 Fly through the air on a series of up to 14 ziplines topped off by a flyover of Coldwater Creek on a 900-foot stretch of cables!
Watersports Big Kahuna’s Water Park Aquatic Adventures Pontoon Rental 5915 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Captain your own boat from the still waters of Grand Lagoon just minutes from Shell Island, where you can pull up on the beach!
Blackwater River Tubing Trip 6974 Deaton Bridge Rd, Milton, 623-0235 Enjoy one of the last true wilderness getaways in Florida while tubing the Blackwater River! One of the purest sandbottom rivers in the nation, this river boasts clear, spring-fed water with a walking-speed current that is safe and fun for all ages!
Blue Angels Practice Cruise 400 Quietwater Beach Rd, Pensacola, 898-9002 Watch true American heroes blaze across the skies with their amazing maneuvers and fearless speed. Enjoy the air-show maneuvers from the comfort of a 63-foot catamaran at the center of the show!
Destin Crab Island Waverunner Dolphin Tour
Destin Sailing Cruise Aboard the Daniel Webster Clements 116 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-2222 The Daniel Webster Clements is great for a day or evening sailing cruise and is equipped with two bathrooms and a deck that holds 37 guests. See dolphins and beautiful sights along the East Pass and Destin Harbor. Each cruise offers complimentary beer, wine, and sodas.
Destin X Jet Ski & Waverunner Rentals 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Customers are launched from the harbor, where all the equipment is in great condition!
DESTIN X PARASAILING 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Parasailing is one of Destin’s top activities and offers family fun for all ages. Daily departures are available during the spring and summer, weather permitting.
Destin X Pontoon Boat Rental 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Our pontoon rentals offer great prices and include fuel!
Discover Scuba Diving in Panama City Beach, 106 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 230-8006 The class includes classroom instruction followed by a fun beach dive!
Dolphin and Snorkel Excursion Aboard the Sea Screamer 2 3605 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 235-3000 This is one of the best ways to see beautiful Shell Island under and over water! Snorkel gear
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and instruction are included in your trip.
Dolphin Cruise Aboard the Original Sea Blaster 34 Harbor Blvd, Kiosk 60G, Destin, 654-6888 Join the fun, and come search the Emerald Green waters of the Gulf of Mexico along the sugar-white sand beaches of Destin, Florida, for playful dolphins!
Dolphin Sail Aboard the Privateer Catamaran 3901 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 769-3866 Listen to tropical music as you enjoy a complimentary wine, sangria, cold beer, or non-alcoholic beverage onboard Panama City Beach’s best sunset cruise!
Dolphin Sightseeing Cruise Aboard the Original Sea Screamer 3605 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 235-3000 The Sea Screamer offers exciting day cruises and breathtaking sunset cruises to enjoy. Journey by beautiful Shell Island and the State Park jetties, then go for a refreshing ride alongside the world’s most beautiful beaches and resorts.
Dolphin Watch and Destin History Cruise 102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7095 Family owned and operated, the Dolphin Watch and Destin History Cruise is an ideal way to enjoy a relaxing one-anda-half-hour narrated cruise watching dolphins play in their natural habitat. The boat features a glass-bottom viewing area, snack bar, restrooms, and an airconditioned/heated cabin.
Fine Dining Dinner and Dancing Cruise 9300 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-2519 The Solaris is the area’s only fine dining entertainment yacht. The yacht features fresh gulf seafood, prime beef, and much more, all prepared in a full-service galley. Live entertainment and a full bar are available to enhance the experience.
The Hydrojet—the World’s Largest Jet Ski! 102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 865-3557 Known as the worlds largest jet ski, the Hydrojet can really move!
E M E R A L D COA S T PA R E N T • L O C A L AT T R AC T I O N S Come get wet and have a blast with your friends and family!
Pontoon Boat Rental with Luther’s Watersports
200 & 202 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-8733 Pontoon boats are an easy way to enjoy the beautiful Choctawhatchee Bay in Destin. All the boats are in great shape, reliable, and clean. Cruise around the bay, or just relax at crab island—it’s up to you!
105 Hogtown Bayou Ln, Destin, 699-1694 No trip to Santa Rosa Beach is complete without an inshore fishing trip. The Choctawhatchee Bay hosts a number of different species of fish. Trips in the bay are great for everyone from children and first-timers to the avid fisherman.
Offshore Fishing with Fish Now Charters 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Enjoy the scenic beauty of Panama City Beach as you and your group travel out to open water. Feel the heart-pounding thrill and awesome power of pulling a gigantic catch up from the depths.
Panama City Beach Pirate Cruise Aboard the Sea Dragon 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-7400 Come aboard Panama City Beach’s only pirate adventure cruise. Cruise away into the fantasy world of friendly swashbucklers and spirited pirates aboard an 85-foot pirate ship.
Pensacola Beach Dolphin Cruise 400 Quietwater Beach Rd, #16, Pensacola, 898-9002 Cruise aboard the 63-foot openair covered catamaran Portofino I, and spy dolphins, birds, and the other marine life playing in their natural habitat along the protected Gulf Islands National Seashore.
Private Six-Pack Deep-Sea Fishing with Reel Deal Charters 210 E Highway 98, Destin, 424-5125 Come aboard a charter that offers more than 15 years of experience fishing off the Florida Coast.
SeaQuest Dolphin Sightseeing Tour 116 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-2222 Climb aboard AJ’s SeaQuest, and experience affordable family fun as you cruise the emerald waters along the sugar-white sand beaches of Destin. The 53-foot boat carries up to 89 passengers and offers an array of excitement and fun for the entire family. Also receive complimentary drinks!
SHELL ISLAND DOLPHIN TOUR ON WAVERUNNERS 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 A popular way to see the dolphins and enjoy two hours of wave-runner riding on a guided tour to nearby Shell Island.
Shell Island Eco Sea-fari Tour and Dolphin Encounter 5550 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-3435 We begin the journey in the historic Grand Lagoon, then collect sea shells at Shell Island! The boat will remain at the dock while you explore the island. You will have an hour at your leisure to swim, go shelling, explore, picnic, or just relax and enjoy the beautiful and pristine uninhabited island!
Small-Group Dolphin and Snorkel Tour
5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Take a cruise around Shell Island in search of wild bottlenose dolphins. This is a guided twohour cruise and a fun trip for the entire family. Not only do you get an exciting dolphin-tour experience, but free snorkel gear is included in case you want to park the boat and cool off. • EC ad-Emerald Coast Parent.indd 1 Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 41 5/9/17 8:57 AM
Snorkel and Dolphin Excursion on Destin’s Original Sea Blaster
2 Harbor Blvd, #100, Destin, 424-7695
34 Harbor Blvd, Kiosk 60G, Destin, 654-6888 Jump in and have some fun snorkeling! Then take a cruise and look for dolphins and other marine life along the coast. Snorkeling equipment is included.
A one-of-a-kind full-service burger bar. Choose from one of 18 different burgers, or get creative and build your own. Pick the bun, type of meat, cheese, and sides.
Sunset Dolphin Encounter Aboard Captain Anderson III
Multiple locations throughout area
5550 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-3435 Travel through the historic Grand Lagoon into St. Andrews Bay, then move up through the channel known as “the Pass” out to the edge of the gulf to watch dolphins play.
Swimming with Dolphins at Shell Island 5709 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 238-0909 Spend the day with a professional team of instructors who will teach the proper way to interact with dolphins. The tour is capped off with several live swim-ins at Shell Island for potential dolphin encounters.
Restaurants American BONEHEADS FIRE GRILLED 10015 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 477-4002 We like to say adventure is the spice of life. We also like to say if you’ve perfected the spice of life, why fry it? At Boneheads, we serve freshly grilled food for a healthy dining experience that everyone can enjoy. We also offer full-service event catering. We can prepare and deliver food that tastes great to business meetings, training events, and more.
Hungry? We specialize in hot subs and submarine sandwiches made with premium meats and cheeses, steamed to perfection, then piled high on a toasted private-recipe sub roll. Our menu will surely satisfy your appetite! Founded by firemen. Catering available.
Multiple locations throughout area Tropical Smoothie Cafe’s menu boasts bold, flavorful food and smoothies with a healthy appeal, all made to order from the freshest ingredients. We find that superior, simple ingredients, including real fruit and veggies, set our smoothies apart from others.
Uncle Bill’s Family Restaurant 252 N Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 689-0099
ASIAGO’S SKILLET 300 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-4160
The Breakfast Table Cafe 385 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 460-7322
99 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 301-9464,
Corner Cafe 692 Bob Sikes Blvd, FWB, 803-0263
KC’s Sandbar and Grille 190 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 244-1087
Props Craft Brewery and Grill 255 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 586-7117
Slick Mick’s Deli and Grille 19 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 864-5577
All American Heroes 8544 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-9797
TC’s Front Porch 8552 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-1601
Ye Olde Brothers Brewery 4458 Hwy 87, Navarre, 684-1495
Hurricane Grill and Wings 4597 Hwy 20 E, Niceville, 932-1075
One20, a Modern Bistro 120 Partin Dr, Niceville, 729-2120
Toast Wine Bar & Small Plate 4550 Hwy 20 E, Niceville, 279-6665
Carmelina’s Cafe 9400 University Pkwy, Pensacola, 208-6211
Chicken Salad Chick
7173 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 484-5203
36150 Emerald Coast Pkwy, #111, Destin, 460-2888
CJ’s Kitchen and Grille
Donut Hole Bakery & Café
2100 W Garden St, Pensacola, 435-9543
635 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-8824
Flora-Bama Lounge
Johnny Rockets
17401 Perdido Key Dr, Pensacola, 492-0611
4348 Legendary Dr, Destin, 837-0005
Grover’s Fingers and Wings
9418 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 477-7172
300 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-6743
Jackson’s Steakhouse
The Pancakery 960 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 269-0791
Shakes Frozen Custard
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Buffalo Wild Wings
400 S Palafox St, Pensacola, 469-9898
1065 Hwy 98, Destin, 269-1111
2907 E Cervantes St, Pensacola, 912-6196
O’Briens Bistro
4283 Legendary Dr, Destin, 424-7600
4350 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, 477-9120
Saltgrass Steak House
16055 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Ste 111, Destin, 837-5333
905 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 434-3600
Asian Bamboo Sushi Bar and Hibachi 2511 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 689-1391
THAI SIAM CUISINE 396 E Cedar Ave, Crestview, 423-4510
Yumi Buffet
Buck’s Smoke House
790 on the Gulf
303 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-3600
2996 Scenic Hwy 98, Destin, 650-4853
Smoke on the Water
4260 Legendary Dr, Destin, 424-5795
Mary’s Kitchen
314 Bayshore Dr, Niceville, 678-2233
Mellow Mushroom
99 Eglin Pkwy, #42, FWB, 863-1141
Sonny’s Real Pit BBQ
French Quarter Grill
2680 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 683-8886
The Tipsy Pig Bar and Grill
138 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 301-0515
Louisiana Lunchbox
34904 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-1288
Dirt Road Cookers 6900 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 384-8839
Rib Shack of Navarre
821 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-3945
9532 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-4244
Lotus Thai
Five Sisters Blues Cafe
Thai Delights Restaurant
550 Mary Esther Cut-Off, FWB, 243-3744
421 W Belmont St, Pensacola, 912-4856
Siam Garden Café
334 N Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 862-7426
Thaiger Thai Restaurant 99 Eglin Pkwy, #34, FWB, 581-7600
11117 Lillian Hwy, Pensacola, 417-2965
Sonny’s Bar-B-Q
364 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 932-6882
6702 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 476-7618 630 N Navy Blvd, Pensacola, 456-2000
Makong Thai Restaurant
Voodoo BBQ and Grill
Shang Hai Restaurant
1935 Ortega St, Navarre, 939-6950
Peking House 8224 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-9898
Philippine Market and Café 144 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 729-0811
Thai International Restaurant 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2146
Bangkok Garden 1708 W Fairfield Dr, Pensacola, 432-5511
Sake Cafe 4795 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 494-9999
Shanghai Buffet 1741 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 857-8891
Tu-Do Vietnamese Restaurant 7130 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 473-8877
La Famiglia Ristorante Italiano and Pizza
Café Bienville
714 Howell Rd, Niceville, 678-2604
New Dragon Mongolian Grill and Buffet
104 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 460-2990
302 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 797-8252
925 Beal Pkwy, FWB, 314-0717
56 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-3507
Crust Pizzeria
1741 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 912-8111
Cajun Tonie’s Gumbo House 8600 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 428-3864
Bayou Cajun Seafood, Po’boys and Pho 6705 Pine Forest Rd, #500, Pensacola, 435-4200
CUBS CRAWFISH 11125 Lillian Hwy, Pensacola, 456-7551
Rodizio Grill 605 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 466-2113
The Ruby Slipper Cafe (Brazilian) 509 S Palafox Ave, Pensacola, 792-4834
7000 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola, 361-1130
French Zesty Baguette Bistro 4418 Commons Dr, Ste C, Destin, 460-8797
Bay Café 233 Alconese Ave SE, FWB, 244-3550
Bon Appétit Bakery and Café 420 Mary Esther Cut-Off NW, FWB, 244-2848
Heavenly Croissant 722 N Beal Pkwy, FWB, 862-6790
German Schnitzel Brew House 98 Eglin Pkwy, Ste 8, FWB, 226-4796
The Schnitzel Lodge 4504 E Hwy 20, Niceville, 279-4485
960 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 650-6420
Mimmo’s 979 Hwy 98, #5, Destin, 460-7353
Vinny McGuire’s Pizza 29 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-0116
Ali’s Bistro 171 Brooks St SE, FWB, 226-4708
Clemenza’s 75 Eglin Pkwy Ste 126, FWB, 243-0707
Niki’s Pizza 2843 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-4228
Papa’s Pizza 37551 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-3334
NEW YORK PIZZA DEPOT 8207 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-6973
Sal’s Pizzeria and Grill 6903 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-8240
CIAO BELLA PIZZA 4400 E Hwy 20E, Niceville, 729-0066
Fazoli’s 7210 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 473-9585
Passage to India
Franco’s Italian Restaurant
3102 E Cervantes, Pensacola, 433-8887
523 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 433-9200
Taste of India
Georgio’s Pizza
810 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 439-3005
3000 E Cervantes St, Pensacola, 432-5996
Irish Beef O’Brady’s 2509 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-9588
Santino’s Pizza and Grinders 4771 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, 474-0400
Johnny O’Quigley’s
4801 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 484-6836
1025 Industrial Dr, Crestview, 306-1012
Dominic’s Pizzeria
McGuire’s Irish Pub 33 Hwy 98E, Destin, 650-0000
177 John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2131
Yum’s Chinese
The Caribbean Pot
Mia’s Italian Restaurant
Bamboo’s Jamaican Restaurant
1620 Airport Blvd, Pensacola, 477-2999
481 S John Sims Pkwy, Ste B, Valparaiso, 389-2270
2203 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-8333
236 Miracle Strip Pkwy, SE, FWB, 226-6464 • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 43
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Lana’s Jamaican House Cafe
La Paz Restaurante and Cantina
Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant
7700 W Fairfield Dr, Pensacola, 453-2144
950 Gulf Shore Dr, Destin, 837-2247
530 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 650-4400
600 S Barracks St, Pensacola, 470-0003
Ricon Boriqua
538 Eglin Pkwy NE, FWB, 863-3323
4607 Legendary Marina Dr, Destin, 710-5858 (LULU)
Zoe’s Kitchen
Sabor A Mexico
4357 Legendary Dr, Destin, 650-6525
El Paso Navarre
Aegean Breeze Deli 913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, #20, Gulf Breeze, 916-0430
YIOTA’S GREEK DELI 130 Miracle Strip Pkwy, Mary Esther, 302-0691
Chrisoula’s Cheesecake Cafe 236 W Garden St, Pensacola, 438-5650
13 Eglin Pkwy SE, FWB, 243-3331 9500 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-4994
El Patron Mexican Grill 8137 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-0950
Old Mexico Restaurant 1177 E John Sims Pkwy, Niceville, 729-1127
Taco Town
113 Partin Dr, Niceville, 729-8646
3012 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 332-6709
Miguel’s Mexican Food
Jordan Valley Cafe
2 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 607-7121
201 S Jefferson St, Pensacola, 607-2780 4550 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 466-5901 201 S New Warrington, Pensacola, 466-2342
The Aegean Restaurant 1259 Eglin Pkwy, Shalimar, 613-6120
Mexican/Cuban/ Puerto Rican CRAB ISLAND CANTINA 2 Harborwalk Blvd #100, Destin, 424-7417 We offer a large selection of seafood, Latin-inspired cuisine, award-winning fusion, and Black Angus steaks all served in a casual waterfront-dining atmosphere.
Rio Bravo 596 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 466-2468
Cafe Amapola 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 678-6767
East Gate Cafe 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2271
Seafood Boshamps Seafood and Oyster House 414 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-7406
Tailfins Seafood, Alehouse and Oyster Bar 172 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-1200
524 South B St, Pensacola, 4323313
L & L Fresh Seafood 1611 N Pace Blvd, Pensacola, 432-0234
AJ’s on the Bayou
200 Eglin Pkwy, NE, FWB, 864-4694
1000 S Pace Blvd, Pensacola, 549-4444
Anglers Beachside Grill 1030 Miracle Strip Pkwy, FWB, 796-0260
Sam’s Seafood and Steaks
Old Bay Steamer
The Fishing Hole
102 Santa Rosa Blvd, FWB, 664-2795
15 Brent Ln, Pensacola, 912-6664
Rick’s Crab Trap
303 Glen Ave, Valparaiso, 7290406
178 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 664-0110
Stewby’s Seafood Shanty 427 Racetrack Rd NW, FWB, 586-7001
Dave’s Oyster Bar 4584 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-1789
420 S A St, Pensacola, 432-6626
Doc’s Oyster Bar
VEGAN End of the Line Cafe 610 E Wright St, Pensacola, 429-0336
EAST BAY CRAB HOUSE 9250 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 939-5543
The Gulf 1284 Marler Ave, Okaloosa Island, 387-1300
Dockside Oyster Bar & Café 821 Bayshore Dr, Niceville, 678-1241
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
L J Schooner’s Dockside Restaurant and Oyster Bar
14059 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-1881
290 Yacht Club Dr, Niceville, 8975400
Azteca Mexican Restaurant
Dewey Destin
Atlas Oyster House
789 N Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-8206
9 Calhoun Ave, Destin, 837-7575 202 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7525
600 S Barracks St, Pensacola, 437-1961
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Making the Most of Life on the Coast! We live on a beautiful coast that has so much to offer, and we’re here to make sure you know what’s going on in your own backyard. Enjoy!
Four Score and Seven Years Ago
Mon, Jan 22 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center Head to Northwest Florida State College for another Children’s Program musical. Four Score and Seven Years Ago is about two men on different sides of the Civil War who teach each other about bravery and loyalty. For tickets, show times and more information, please visit
Baytowne on Ice
Sat, Oct 28 – Sat, Feb 3 – Baytowne Wharf Time to dust off those skates and get in the winter spirit at the Village of Baytowne Wharf’s Baytowne on Ice. This seasonal ice rink is the perfect opportunity to share some of your favorite holiday traditions! For more information, please visit
Charlotte’s Web
Mon, Jan 29 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center
Mardi Gras Pub Crawl
Northwest Florida State College is hosting another Children’s Program musical. Head to the Mainstage to see Charlotte’s Web! This treasured tale features endearing farm animals and explores bravery, selfless love and the true meaning of friendship. For more information, please visit
Fri, Feb 9 – HarborWalk Village (6:00p.m.) Head to HarborWalk Village for this year’s Mardi Gras Pub Crawl! Wear your Mardi Gras outfit and prepare for a good time! For more information, please visit www.emeraldgrande. com/events.
10th Annual Mardi Gras Parade
Sat, Feb 10 – HarborWalk Village (2:00p.m.) Head to the Destin Harbor for beads, beads and more beads during their 10th Annual Mardi Gras Parade! Let the good times roll with beautiful floats, costumes, street performers, live music, and more! For more information, please visit
Fat Tuesday Celebration/Mardi Paws
Tues, Feb 13 – HarborWalk Village (5:00p.m.) HarborWalk is the place to be on Fat Tuesday! There will be free red beans and rice, and the 2nd Annual Mardi PAWS Costume Contest. Bring your pets onto the main stage, decked out in purple, green and gold. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. For more information, please visit
The Arts
Grease Sing-along
Sat, Feb 3 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center
Dirty Dancing
Thurs, Jan 11 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story on Stage is an amazing live experience with heart-pounding music, romance and beautiful dancing! For ticket prices and show times, please visit www.mattie
Original Stars of American Bandstand
Sat, Jan 20 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (7:30p.m.) Head to the Mainstage for The Original Stars of American Bandstand! This show will include performances by Shirley Alston Reeves, The Chiffons, Brian Hyland, Chris Montez and Merrilee Rush. Tickets are $45. For more information, please visit
From the producers of the smash hit singalong Sound of Music, this fully interactive screening of the classic film with on-screen subtitles is “the one that you want”! For more information, please visit www.mattiekellyarts
Nugget & Fang
Wed, Feb 7 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center ArtsPower’s colorful new musical tells the story of a minnow and a shark who get along swimmingly, until the minnow’s first day of school! Can the shark prove to be the minnow’s true friend? Find out during this performance at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center. For more information, please visit • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 45
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5th Annual I Pink I Can Run
Sat, Feb 24 – Pensacola (9:00a.m.) Join the Krewe du YaYas for the 5th annual I Pink I Can Run, a 4-mile run/walk for breast cancer. This great event will include awards, food, an after-party and fun! All proceeds benefit the Keeping Abreast Foundation. There is a $30 entry fee. For more information, please visit
Okaloosa Island Dance Party
Sat, Feb 3 – Fort Walton Beach (6:00p.m.) Dance and party to classic rock, play video bowling, and enjoy free food samples from various restaurants at this year’s Okaloosa Island Dance Party! This will be held at the Emerald Coast Convention Center, and proceeds benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. For more information, please visit
My Chemical Cocktail Party
Fri, Feb 9 – Fort Walton Beach (7:00p.m.) The Ramada Plaza is hosting the 2nd annual Cocktail Mix-off where you can sample and vote for the most scientific cocktails in the area. Local bartenders and mixologists will be showcasing the chemistry, biology and physics behind preparing their exciting cocktails!. The evening will include a cash bar, live music, and chances to win prizes! All proceeds benefit the Emerald Coast Science Center. For information please visit
NFSO Piano Recital – Tzu-Yin Huang Sat, Feb 10 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center
Tzu-Yin Huang will be putting on a fabulous recital at Tyler Recital Hall! Huang has won numerous competitions and has performed in England and in the United States. For ticket prices and more information, please visit
City of Destin Annual Spring Craft Show Fri, Feb 16 – Sat, Feb 17 – Destin
MJ Live
Sat, Feb 17 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center Head to the Mainstage for one of Las Vegas’s top shows: MJ LIVE: A Tribute to Michael Jackson! This show will feature some of Michael Jackson’s greatest hits. There will be awesome sound, lighting and effects along with talented MJ LIVE dancers and a live band. For more information, please call 850-729-6000.
NFSO 31st Season Special Event – “Cirque de la Symphonie” Sat, Feb 24 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center
The magic of Cirque returns with aerial flyers and silks, acrobats, contortionists, dancers, jugglers, balancers, and more, all choreographed to music performed by the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra. For more information, please visit
Lois Henry Presents “But Not for Me”
Sun, Feb 25 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (3:00p.m.) Lois Henry, a NWF music professor, will present a piano recital in the Tyler Recital Hall. This performance is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 850-729-6009.
Runs, Walks & More 15K Pensacola Double Bridge Run Sat, Feb 3 – Pensacola (1:00p.m.)
The Pensacola Double Bridge Run presented by Publix is one of the premier races in the country. The 15K carries runners over 2 bridges, across Pensacola Bay and Santa Rosa Sound, then to historic downtown Pensacola and the picturesque Bayfront Parkway, through Gulf Breeze and onto Pensacola Beach. There will also be a 5K—inviting participants to travel from Gulf Breeze to Pensacola Beach on Santa Rosa Island and the Gulf Islands Seashore. For information, please visit
Sounds Fun
The City of Destin’s 12th annual Spring Craft Show is back and headed to the Destin Community Center. More than 50 vendors will feature handcrafted jewelry, woodcarvings, paintings, food items, and more! For more information, please visit
Winter Guest Fest
Fri, Jan 12 – Fort Walton Beach (8:00a.m.) Head to the Emerald Coast Convention Center for this year’s Winter Guest Fest presented by ResortQuest. This is the area’s largest seasonal guest expo. Admission is $2. For more information, please visit
Science of Wine
Sat, Jan 13 – Shalimar (3:00p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center is partnering with Twisted Grape to teach you about the science behind wine tasting and pairing as you sample several varieties. For tickets and more information, please visit events.
Wine Tasting at Twisted Grape to Benefit Okaloosa Arts Alliance Sun, Jan 21 – Shalimar (2:00p.m.)
Twisted Grape in Shalimar is hosting a wine tasting to benefit the Okaloosa Arts Alliance. There will be live music and drawings for chances to win tickets to upcoming events. For more information, please visit
Bubbly Baytowne
Thurs, Jan 25 – Baytowne Wharf (5:00p.m.) Head to Baytowne Wharf for an evening of free champagne and shopping during their Bubbly Baytowne! Sip and shop through the village as you enjoy a selection of premium champagne and various retail merchants. This event is free and for ages 21 and older only. For more information, please visit
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29th Annual Gumbo Festival
Fri, Feb 16 – Sat, Feb 17 – Baytowne Wharf This winter festival favorite is back! There will be a Crawfish Boil Kick-off Party on Friday, and then Saturday enjoy the Gumbo! There will be samples and a chance to vote for your favorite. Celebrity judges will name the area’s best, Gulf Coast restaurants will be featured, and there will be live music and children activities! For more information, please visit
30A Wine Festival
Thurs, Feb 22 – Sun, Feb 25 – 30A Head to 30A for 4 days of delicious wine, food and beautiful surroundings! For more information, please visit
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Farmer’s Market at Grand Boulevard
Every Saturday – Miramar Beach (9:00a.m.) Start your Saturday at Grand Boulevard Farmers’ Market!. There will be fresh, from-thefarm produce, local seafood, homemade dips and salsas, organic juices, homemade soaps, and more! There will even be organic pet treats for your furry friends! For more information, please visit
Part of being a great volunteer is loving what you’re doing. Find something that you’re passionate about or something that inspires you, and then find a need in your community. There are dozens of reasons why you should volunteer - you just need to find the one that feels right.
Emerald Coast Parrot Head Chili Cook-off Sat, Feb 24 – HarborWalk Village (12:00p.m.)
Join us at this fun and exciting Chili Cook-off featuring local restaurants and an amateur category. Come find out who has the best chili in town! For more information, please visit
Volunteer Opportunity Place
Contact CC Fearson at 850-659-3190.
Contact Nikole Wood at 850-863-8999.
Contact Alicia Sikes at 850-243-1525.
Salvation Army
Contact Lisa Martinez at 850-243-4531.
Reoccurring Local Winter Guest Concert Series
Every Sunday—HarborWalk Village (2:00p.m.) Shake off the winter chills with free live music on HarborWalk Village’s main stage. All winter guests and locals are invited to enjoy a free live concert every Sunday afternoon from 2:00p.m. until 4:00p.m. For more information, please visit
Poetry & Music Jam
Second Tuesday of each month—Crestview (6:00p.m.) Poets and musicians are invited to bring their work and instruments to a free-form, open-mic poetry reading and jam session. For more information, please call 850-682-4432.
GulfWind Paddle & Surf Wednesday Night BOTE Board Demo Event Every Wednesday—Santa Rosa Beach (6:00p.m.)
Socialize with other paddleboard enthusiasts every Wednesday evening and demo ride the entire fleet of BOTE Boards! For information, call 850-200-8375.
Habitat for Humanity
Contact Mark McEnaney at 850-685-0686.
Florosa Fire Department
Contact Tom Peele at 850-581-2900.
Contact Harvey Eckoff at 850-244-3834.
Contact John at 850-837-8516.
Destin Community Center
Contact Lisa Firth at 850-654-5184.
Waterfront Rescue Mission
Contact Tina or Sharron at 850-244-2726.
Destin History & Fishing Museum Contact Kathy Blue at 850-837-6611.
Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge
Contact Susan Leivelle at 850-650-1880.
Boys & Girls Club
Contact Rita Cummins at 850-862-1332.
20 GREAT REASONS TO VOLUNTEER 1. Help others 2. Make a difference 3. Find purpose 4. Enjoy a meaningful conversation 5. Connect with your community 6. Feel involved 7. Contribute to a cause that you care about 8. Use your skills in a productive way 9. Develop new skills 10. Meet new people 11. Explore new areas of interest 12. Meet good people 13. Impress your mom 14. Impress yourself 15. Expand your horizons 16. Get out of the house 17. Make new friends 18. Strengthen your resume 19. Feel better about yourself 20. [ Your favorite reason ] For more information about volunteering, visit VolunteerMatch at • EC Parent Magazine • January+February 2018 • 47
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