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May+June 2013
6 35 Articles
5 Happy Father’s Day 6 Celebrating Mom
Bearers of life, wipers of noses, givers of unconditional love . . . mothers are the unsung heroes of everyday life.
Father’s Day isn’t just a day for us to make our dads feel like kings . . . it’s also a great time for fathers to relish the relationships they have with their kids!
12 them Reading This Summer! 35 Keep
Kids Going to Camp?
If your kids are going to sleep-away camp this summer, you may be wrestling with worries and what-ifs.
Studies show that reading 20 minutes a day is a key to success for kids of all ages.
Family Fun Guide Calendar of Events
Get to know the people, places and things that make this coast special!
Camps �������������������������������������������������������������������38 Seasonal Events ���������������������������������������������������39 Sounds Fun ���������������������������������������������������������� 40 The Arts �����������������������������������������������������������������41 Runs, Walks & More �������������������������������������������42 Volunteer ��������������������������������������������������������������43 Recurring Local ��������������������������������������������������� 44
Resource Directory
Community resources offer a wide range of information and services for you and your family!
Listings ������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Family Builders
Families are important. Spend time enjoying life together at home and on the go.
The Family Chatter Challenge ���������������������������������� 16 Teach Your Kids Something New ���������������������������� 18 Show Her You Care, Show Him You Care ��������19, 20 Snacks—Recipes for Tasty Get-Togethers ����������� 21, 31 Crafts—Get Creative with Your Kids ������������������� 25, 31 That’s Good to Know!—Information You Can Use �����34
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Emerald Coast
parent It’s Your MagazineTM
This is your magazine! Welcome to Emerald Coast Parent magazine. We like to consider this your magazine. We look forward to hearing from local readers like you on a regular basis. Let us know how we might be able to participate in the continued improvement of this beautiful area where we all live and work. As busy parents ourselves, we place a high value on spending quality time with our children and are always looking for fun crafts, recipes, events and outing opportunities to add to our family calendars. If you have fun, easy and cost effective ideas that you'd like to share with our community of readers, please feel free to email them to us at Your ideas might just end up being featured in an upcoming issue! Here's a list of things we'd love to receive from you: • Personal stories and pictures of you and your family out and about, enjoying a favorite local attraction, restaurant or event • Recommendations and endorsements of local stores, services and restaurants • Ideas for fun crafts • Your family’s favorite recipes Let’s make this a great local magazine, together! Thanks, The EC Parent Team To advertise in Emerald Coast Parent, contact Nathan Wilson: Phone: 503-710-1720 Publisher Nathan Wilson Creative Director Rob Williams Snacks & Crafts Editor Tasha Williams Contributing Writer Todd Patkin Contributing Writer Heidi Smith Luedtke Contributing Writer Rob Stringer Contributing Writer Kim Seidel Contributing Writer Joanna Nesbit Contributing Writer Jan Udlock Photography InsideOut Creative Arts © 2013 It’s Your Magazine. All rights reserved. Emerald Coast Parent content may not be used or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopy, without the express written permission of the publisher. Emerald Coast Parent is not responsible for the loss of or damage to unsolicited manuscripts, unsolicited artwork, or any other unsolicited material. Unsolicited material will not be returned. It’s Your Magazine and its affiliates, contributors, writers, editors, and publisher accept no responsibility for errors or omissions with information and/or advertisements contained herein. It’s Your Magazine’s liability in the event of an error is limited to a printed correction. It’s Your Magazine does not assume liability for products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility for claims made by the advertisers.
4 • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 •
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By Rob Stringer
Celebrating Mom How to Make Every Day Her Special Day! Bearers of life, wipers of noses, givers of
been celebrating mothers throughout his-
unconditional love . . . mothers are the unsung
tory. While you may not be planning to erect
heroes of everyday life. Although it is hoped
a statue as done by the ancient Greeks, this
that you recognize and celebrate your Mom
Mother’s Day you’ll want to ensure you have
on a regular basis, her special day-Mother’s
thought of a way to show her you care. Here
Day-is soon approaching.
are a few ideas:
Continued on page 9
Although the first official Mother’s Day took place on May 9, 1914, when then-president Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May “Mother’s Day”, cultures have • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 5
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B y To d d P a t k i n
Happy Father’s Day (and Every Other Day Too)! 7 Ways to Focus on Fatherhood and Live Your Happiest Life Right Now Of course, Father’s Day is a day to celebrate dads. In fact, doing so may be a lot easier than you think! We buy them gifts, cook them special meals, and tell
I speak from experience. My relationship with my teen-
them how much we love them. After all, dads deserve age son, Josh, is one of my top priorities and the source all of the special treatment and attention we can give of some of my greatest pleasures. them! However, Father’s Day isn’t just a day for us to
Yes, being a parent can be tough, scary, frustrating and
make our dads feel like kings; it’s also a great time for time-consuming—but it’s also the single most worthwhile fathers to relish the relationships they have with their kids! thing you’ll ever do. Working on becoming the best father If that thought makes you squirm just a little bit because you can be is the ultimate gift to you and your kids. You’ll you know you probably aren’t in the running for “World’s all be happier, because when you invest in your kids, Best Dad,” don’t worry. There’s no better time to hit the you’ll be rewarded tenfold through the joy your kids will reset button on your parenting style.
give back to you. However, if you’re just going through
If your overtime hours at work, your golfing hobby, or the parenting motions without really putting your heart something else entirely has gotten in the way of your rap- into being a dad, you’re missing out on this potentially port with your kids, take a deep breath and let yourself off untapped happiness. the hook. The truth is, there’s no such thing as a perfect
If you’d like to make this Father’s Day a turning point in
parent, and more to the point, you can start improving the quality of your relationship with your kids, then read the relationship you have with your children right now. on for seven experience-tested tips: 6 • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 •
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1. Simply be present more of the time. Yes, we’re all very busy. (If anything, that’s a gross understatement.) However, allowing your job, the errands you need to run, or your golf game to take precedence over time spent with your kids is one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a parent. Simply being there, physically and emotionally, will make a huge difference in how your kids see you and relate to you. Parenting is truly rooted in the day-to-day instead of in the “big” events like recitals and ceremonies. You can’t script or schedule the vast majority of life—you need to be there to catch the special, opportune moments. While earning money is important and bringing home gifts from business trips is nice, throwing a baseball in the front yard or simply watching a movie while sharing popcorn on the couch is always more special!
2. Plug in—emotionally. It’s something we’ve all done: Your body is engaged in playing Monopoly with your children, but your mind is trying to figure out how much money will be left after all of the bills are paid, and when you’ll be able to take the car into the shop. Yes, you’re off to a good parenting start, but don’t be fooled: Being there in body is not enough. You’ve also got to give kids the first fruits of your thoughts and feelings if you really want to make a connection.
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Kids are smarter than we often want to admit—they know when your mind is elsewhere, even if they have no idea that you’re specifically thinking about business or how to improve your golf swing. If this happens consistently, they’ll begin to feel
Don’t be afraid to be emotional with your children in public settings! less important, and your relationship will suffer. When you’re with your children, all of you needs to be there. Also, don’t be afraid to let go emotionally with your kids, especially in public. Wouldn’t it be great to be known as the person who cheers the loudest and greatest at your daughter’s ballgames, or simply as the most fun dad in town?
3. Let your kids be themselves. Variations on this theme happen all the time: A dad insists that his son needs to stick with football because he has so many fond memories of being on the high school team himself…never mind that his son would much rather be marching in the band. Yes, when we try to dictate who our kids become we often have the best of intentions at heart, but we fail to realize that we’re doing those
kids a big disservice. As a father, make a genuine effort to discover who your kids really are and commit to supporting them on their paths. Always love your kids for who they are. You’ve had the first portion of your life; now it’s their turn. And trust me—your kids will be happy adults only if they too learn to love and be okay with themselves as they are and for who they are. So, I’m sorry if you wanted your son to follow in your footsteps and be a star athlete. If he prefers the arts, you’d better love him for that just as well, and be cheering loudly at all of his concerts.
4. Parent with no regrets. Parenting is the toughest job in the world because each family and each kid is incredibly unique. There’s no foolproof method for raising a happy and successful child, and you can bet that no matter how hard you try to get it right, you’ll wish you’d done some things differently. Instead of getting bogged down in parenting what-ifs and whys, just do the best you can and make sure that you’re guided by love. Even if you’re able to see alternatives in hindsight that might have been better choices, you’ll never regret doing the best you could do at the time for your kids. In the minefield that parenting often feels like, I’ve identified a few things that enable me to be a dad without regretting half of my decisions. First and foremost, I make every effort to be available and interested in my son’s life at all stages. It’s crucial to realize that your child will be like he is today only Continued on page 11
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be a dad today.
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Continued from page 5
WITH WORDS ... • Buy
or make a card. With over 144 million commercial greeting cards given, Mother’s Day remains the third-largest cardsending holiday. While store-bought cards are nice, consider spending a little extra time and making your own. Include memories, reasons why your mom is special, or even an original poem.
• Send
an electronic card. There is a large assortment of online greetings you can personalize with your own special message—everything from animated cards to greetings from the cat.
• Create a memory book. Fill it with special remembrances
from you and your family. Dads can help younger family members write down memories and messages for mommy, or help select original artwork and drawings for inclusion. A homemade video or audio book can also capture the memories.
WITH ACTIONS ... • Give her a day off. Taking over the laundry, dishes, cooking
or other routine jobs she does is always appreciated. Give her that most elusive of items—free time!
• Start a family ritual. Consider starting an annual event.
Look to mom’s interests for inspiration. Picnic by the lake? A family show celebrating mom? Even moms and dads have moms. Consider taking the kids to visit your mom and having a special family tea party at her home or nursing home.
• Give the gift of touch. Foot massages, back rubs, hugs and many kisses!
• Make
something. Consider framing foot and handprints of young children, making personalized coupon books or a special craft. One mom shares, “My son gave me a lovely pin he made. It looks like a wad of chewing gum with ‘jewels’ on it. But there are still times (years later) I wear it with pride!”
WITH PURCHASES ... • Family Movies. Take family movies and have them transferred to digital files.
• Spa
treatments. Bubble bath, theatre tickets, a book by a favorite author, a special food, or dinner out. It’s not the size or expense, it’s the thought that makes it a gift from the heart.
Your mom is an amazing person—cheerleader, doctor, counselor, protector and guide. Abraham Lincoln had the right idea when he said, “All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother.” This year, try to put a new spin on your gift to Mom, making sure it reflects just how much you care. v
Rob Stringer— As an educator, Youth Coach & speaker, Rob Stringer BA, BEd, CPC has spent two decades helping kids & teens meet with success. For more ideas, follow Rob on Facebook at and • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 9
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Continued from page 7
for today, so don’t wait for a better or more convenient time to spend time with him. You may regret choosing to work an extra hour, but you’ll never regret the extra hour you spent with your kids. Also, do everything you can to treat all of your kids equally while still putting what you’ve learned into practice. Parenting your first child will probably come with the steepest learning curve, and you’ll be able to utilize what you’ve learned with your other children.
5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Parenting is something that you definitely shouldn’t do alone unless you absolutely have no other choice. Since no one has all of the parenting answers, it’s a good idea to ask for help, whether from your parents, your neighbors, a psychologist, or even from your own wife, when you’re unsure about something! I believe that both parents are equally important in a family, and I know that I was fortunate to be blessed with both a mother and a father who loved and supported me. That said, as a father myself, I think that maternal instincts might be called that for a reason. If your wife seems to bond more easily with your kids, then ask her for advice. Also, ask her to highlight childhood milestones for you. After all, not everyone instinctually knows that an eleven-monthold walking is a big deal!
Likewise, you may believe that a big blowout trip to Disney World will make up for all of those nights you worked late. While a family trip isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s important to realize that your kids may appreciate the little things even more deeply. Doing “normal” things with your kids on a regular basis will mean more to them long-term than the occasional extraordinary event. Small gestures like getting ice cream frequently on hot summer nights often forge deeper connections than extravagant trips and gifts. With that in mind, build regular “dad time” into your schedule. For example, you might set up a special night one or two times a month with each of your children— just you and them.
dad—and human being!—each day by, among other things, pursuing activities that you love and that will make you feel better about yourself. Ultimately, being a great dad is less about following parenting manuals and more about just being with your kids—and not just physically, but mentally, too—and loving them unconditionally every day. By next Father’s Day, make it your goal to be even closer to and more involved with your children than you are now. You won’t regret the time spent strengthening these relationships! Really engaging with your children is one of the most fulfilling things any parent can do. v
7. Be happy! At first glance, working on your own happiness level might not seem like good parenting advice. But this might be the most important takeaway of all. The fact is, we simply do not place enough significance on our own happiness in America. And if you’re overstressed, overworked, and discouraged, how can you expect your kids to develop any differently? As parents, we must realize that our kids learn to live their own lives from watching how we live ours. They develop their priorities, outlooks, and attitudes based on ours. So until we fathers (and mothers!) learn how to become truly happy people ourselves, our children won’t stand a very good chance of growing into content, positive, and fulfilled adults themselves. So please, please, please make a conscious decision to be a happier
Todd Patkin grew up in Needham, Massachusetts. After graduating from Tufts University, he joined the family business and spent the next eighteen years helping to grow it to new heights. After it was purchased by Advance Auto Parts in 2005, he was free to focus on his main passions: philanthropy and giving back to the community, spending time with family and friends, and helping more people learn how to be happy. Todd lives with his wonderful wife, Yadira, their amazing son, Josh, and two great dogs, Tucker and Hunter. Finding Happiness: One Man’s Quest to Beat Depression and Anxiety and—Finally—Let the Sunshine In (StepWise Press, 2011, ISBN: 9780-9658261-9-8, $18.00, is available at bookstores nationwide, from major online booksellers, and at
6. Bigger isn’t always better, especially with children. If you’re feeling parenting guilt for any reason, you might be tempted to think that buying the latest and greatest gaming system for your kids will make up for your misstep.
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B y H eidi S mith L uedtke
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Going to Camp?
! y r r o W o t T NO w o H
Since you brought them home from the hospital, you’ve worried about what they eat and how much they sleep. You’ve kept them clean, protected them from injury, and made sure they have safe opportunities to learn and grow. If your kids are going to sleep-away camp this summer, you may be wrestling with worries and what-ifs. • What if she doesn’t eat? • What if he wets the bed? • Will he put on clean clothes every day or wear the same underwear until they’re dirty enough to stand on their own? • What if the other kids are cliquish or mean? • Will the camp director call me if she’s miserable? • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 13
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Continued from page 14
• Question your assumptions.
Fears may be fueled by irrational beliefs. Kids don’t suffer serious malnutrition from week-long candy binges. And wearing dirty clothes won’t kill them either. Concerned your temperamental child won’t fit in socially? Allow for the possibility she’ll find buddies to hang out with all on her own. Don’t let your beliefs limit kids’ potential.
• Keep goals in mind. Ultimately, parents want
kids to become self-reliant, says Donahue, and building self-reliance requires parents do less, not more for their kids. Camp allows kids to make new friends, try fun experiences, explore nature, and build competence and independence. You’ll have lots more opportunities to practice your daily routine at home—remember, camp is the time for kids to stretch beyond their comfort zones.
Why Parents Worry “Much of our anxiety as parents stems from the fact that there are so many things we cannot control in our children’s lives,” says Paul Donahue, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Parenting Without Fear: Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2007). In new situations, there are many unknowns, and it is easy to let them get the best of you. You may worry that without structure kids won’t be able to handle routine tasks like taking a shower, brushing their teeth or getting dressed. One mom I know felt so sure her son wouldn’t dress properly at camp that she packed his clothes—one pair of underwear, shorts, shirt, and socks for each day of camp—in gallon-size Ziploc bags, each labeled with a day of the week. Others make “do not forget” lists to remind kids to brush their teeth, wash their face, and comb their hair. Because parents focus so much on kids’ needs, it’s hard to step back and let kids take care of themselves. We’re bombarded by coverage of natural disasters and child predators, so the world seems scary and unsafe. “Concern about the safety of children has become something of a national obsession,” Donahue observes. Our protective instincts keep us on edge—it is difficult to acknowledge we can’t protect kids completely. Sometimes we have to trust others to care for our kids, and trust our kids to look out for themselves. We fear what might go wrong when we aren’t there to supervise. Fear of letting go can be driven by our own uncertainty about who we are without our children and what we’ll do with ourselves while they’re away, too. Although many parents feel overscheduled and exhausted by kids’ countless activities, we also thrive on the crazy busy-ness kids bring to our lives. Without baseball practice, piano lessons, carpool, family dinners, bedtime routines, and movie night, our lives would be slower and saner and…emptier.
How to Stop It
Don’t let summer camp worries hold you hostage. Use them as an opportunity to confront your own needs for safety, control, and closeness. Here’s how.
• Step back. Anxieties have a way of sucking you in.
Your thoughts and emotions may be swirling like a tornado around you. Get out of the eye of the storm and reflect on your feelings. What (exactly) are your worries? Write them down so you can face them head on.
• Have a plan.
Keep anxieties in control by making a plan for how you’ll use your new-found free time. Schedule special time with your children who aren’t at camp. Plan a romantic date or overnight getaway with your spouse. Learn something new or catch up on your favorite shows. Stay busy (but in a good way). You deserve a change of pace, too.
Share stories about the fun times you had at camp. • Share stories. One sure-fire way to break out of
anxiety is to remember and share with your kids the fun times you had at camp. Tell them where you went and what you loved most. Maybe you loved the zip line or were an archery expert. The time you flipped your canoe over and got sopping wet in the lake shouldn’t be a secret. Your kids will love to hear about your camp adventures as they embark on their own.
• Stay connected. The kids will be gone, but they
won’t be forgotten. Find fun postcards, print pictures of family pets, and collect care-package items to send. Be creative and have fun with it—getting mail from home makes kids feel special. Resist the urge to call and check in every day: give kids space. Be sure you pack supplies for kids to send letters home. They’ll want to share their experiences and you’ll treasure their letters forever.
Anxiety over summer camp is understandable, but it shouldn’t stop you from sending kids off to have new adventures. It’s likely that many of your cherished childhood memories involve nature, new friends, and time to explore on your own—summer camp offers all these opportunities and more. It’ll be okay if they get dirty, eat too much sugar, or lose their swim goggles somewhere along the way. Really. v Heidi Smith Luedtke is a psychologist and mom of two independent, energetic kids. She is the author of Detachment Parenting.
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Builders Families Are Dynamic!
As parents, sometimes our biggest goal for the day is to simply survive our hectic schedules. Somewhere between school, homework, work, sports and all the other “opportunities” presented to us, we’re supposed to find fun and creative ways to make life more interesting for our families. Here are some easy ways to help you fulfill that last goal—because you need more fun in your life! Our Family Builders section is full of fun snacks, crafts, conversation starters and more! Pick and choose the activities that are best for you and your family and enjoy!
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FamilyChatter Challenge
B y R ob W illiams
Years ago, as I was about to become a new father, my mother gave me one particular word of advice that has always stuck with me: “Eat at the dinner table as often as possible.” This section is dedicated to my mother—whose advice at the time seemed like such a simple “no-brainer.” Nevertheless, as time went on (and our lives began to get scary busy), I realized that her words of wisdom were starting to look more like a challenge than simple advice. My wife and I decided to accept her challenge and do our best to carry on the “simple” time-honored tradition of eating dinner at the family
Keep track of which questions you and your family have answered by marking them off as you go.
table. So how have we done? Well, I have to admit that sometimes our family calendar blows away any and all attempts of establishing a “normal” dinner time and routine. In fact, just a few weeks ago, as the family all sat down for dinner, it dawned on my wife and me that it was nearing 9:00 at night! Was it a little later than normal? Sure, but we still took the time to talk to each other about our day and ask a few probing questions like the ones on this page. Take the challenge and try them at your dinner table. Enjoy!
(Ask the Kids)
If you could spend your time doing only one activity, what would that activity be? Why?
(Kids Ask Dad)
What is the worst job you can think of doing for a living?
What was your first job?
How would you like to be described by your friends? What is your greatest talent?
Do you think your dad is a good cook?
Do you prefer to relax inside or outside? How do you like to relax? What kind of grades did you get in school? Did you enjoy school or dislike it?
What is your favorite dinner mom makes?
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What are you most looking forward to doing this summer?
Chatter Challenge Tips: Here are a number of places you can use these questions to spur on great conversations with your family! At the Kitchen Table
What’s your favorite summer snack to have during an outing?
What is your best summer memory?
What is your favorite beach activity?
How do you define a person’s character?
(Kids Ask Mom)
What is your favorite kind of flower?
If you could go back in time and change life, would you? How so?
What do you like most about each family member?
If you could make three wishes, what would they be?
In the Family Room During Commercials In the Back Yard On Road Trips in the Car Yell them out loud—out of the blue—just for fun!
What are your favorite board games to play with friends and family?
Live What are a Laugh few things that really upset Love you? and Talk Together • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 17
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tools a precious metal. Set parameters from the start,
Teach Your Kids Something New!
especially if you have older teens who are more likely to use tools on their own. No education or demonstration of tools would be complete without teaching tool safety. As you go through each tool, point out any steps you should take to ensure safe use (gloves, safety glasses, proper clothing).
Safety, Safety, Safety!
This Edition:
ToolBoxTalk Teaching your children how to use tools is a tradition that is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Think of a project you can do around the house with your child, or build something that will give you a chance to introduce your child to some tools in the family toolbox. Whether you’re a do-it-yourselfer or a seasoned pro, you’ll quickly discover that teaching a child how to use tools properly is quite a project in itself. Be patient with your child. Remember, they’re still developing the fine motor skills needed to master even the most basic tools.
Choose a simple project and remember that the end product is not as important as the time you’re spending with your child! Teaching is quite different than doing. Go over the basics of each tool with your child, provide a demonstration . . . then, hand over the tools and let fate take its course. Be sure you choose a simple project, and remember that the end product is not as important as the journey you’re about to take with your child. Encourage them as they work with each new tool. This is also a good time to teach your child the value of quality tools and how to take proper care of them. You can also use this time to set some ground rules regarding “your tools.” Sometimes a hammer is just a hammer. Some tool owners, however, consider their
Most importantly, have fun and enjoy spending time with your child.
Their Very Own Tool Box Kids love to use “Daddy Tools.” That being said, one way to make things fun for your child, while protecting your tools at the same time, is to present your child with their very own tool box. Include some of the basic tools, and add to it as your child ages or as the projects require more sophisticated tools. When you send your kid off to college, you can send their tool box off with them. Include some of the following:
Tape Measure A 25-foot measuring tape should work for most jobs. A pocket-sized tape of 6 to 12 feet can also come in handy for those smaller jobs or for taking it with you to your local hardware store.
Screwdrivers Two basic screwdrivers are needed: a good quality, medium size, flat head and a Phillips head screwdriver. Mulit-head sets are available as well.
Pliers You’ll need a needle-nose pliers for small projects. Larger, heavy grooved, pliers are great as well for larger jobs and removing nails or large staples.
Hammer A medium weight hammer works well for most jobs around the house. Consider the age of your child as well. Large hammers can be difficult for small children to control.
Wire Cutters Some pliers have wire cutters built into them. If not, be sure to add this to your list of tools. You don’t want to have to explain to your wife why Jonny used her kitchen shears. v
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Cut out this page. Then, cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes her half. Now it’s time for you both to do your part. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other—as often as you remember!
Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump-start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!
10 WAYS to sh w
R E H y u care Wash her car without telling her. Compliment her often. Be specific Sit close to her—even when you are just watching television. Let her sleep in sometimes and you get the children ready for the day. Help her finish her goals, hobbies. Talk to her. Tell her about your day, if she’s interested. Ask her about hers. Again, be specific. Surprise her with a card or flowers. Show enthusiasm for the things that she’s excited about. Rub her feet or neck after a hard day of work and/or taking care of the family.
Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!
Practice common courtesies like holding the door for her, pouring her coffee.
Email us your ideas! Let us know how you go out of your way to SHOW HER YOU CARE! • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 19
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Cut out this page. Then, cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes her half. Now it’s time for you both to do your part. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other—as often as you remember!
Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump-start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!
10 WAYS to sh w
M I H y u care Encourage him to spend a “Night out with the guys.” Pack a surprise love-you note in his lunch box. Go for a walk on the beach together. Play a board game together. . ake him a nice crafts present. M Involve children or do it yourself. Flirt with him. Be playful. Help him achieve a goal around the house that needs getting done. Call him out of the blue just to say that you love him. Tell him that you’re happy you have him in your life.
Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!
If the phone rings while your talking, finish your conversation and then pick up the phone or call back.
Email us your ideas! Let us know how you go out of your way to SHOW HIM YOU CARE!
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M oth e r’s Day & father’s Day
Recipes for Tasty Get-togethers
We’ve gathered a few fun and tasty recipes that will hopefully entice your taste buds into the kitchen for a little fun with your kids. Children love to touch and smell things. They also love to use their imaginations. Enjoy making a small mess and have a little fun—you’ll be creating memories to cherish for years to come.
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Mother’s Day Fruit Bouquet Ingredients • Watermelon • Kiwi • Pineapple • Cantaloupe • Flower Cookie Cutters • Melon Baller • Bamboo Skewers Directions • Cut watermelon and pineapple into 1/2” thick slices. • Using a flower shaped cookie cutter, cut out several pieces of watermelon and pineapple. • Using the melon baller, make several balls out of the watermelon and cantaloupe. • Cut the kiwi into ½” slices. • Assemble flowers with different layers to make a nice arrangement.
Tips: Create a nice self-standing fruit bouquet by sticking the assembled flower arrangements into half a watermelon. Place each arrangement in such a a way as to ensure that your final bouquet will be nicely balanced.
Mother’s Day Strawberries Ingredients • Strawberries • Melting Chocolate (White and Brown) • Sprinkles • Decorating Tubes Filled with Colorful Frosting • Waxed Paper Directions • Melt melting chocolate according to directions. • Have your sprinkles ready, because they stick best to the chocolate while it’s still warm. We placed the sprinkles in a wide mouthed cup. • Sprinkled Strawberries—Dip your strawberries in the chocolate. Immediately after dipping, hold strawberry over the wide mouthed cup and distribute sprinkles. Extra sprinkles will fall back into the cup and can be used again. When desired effect is reached, place your strawberry on waxed paper to dry. • Striped Strawberries—Dip strawberries in the melting chocolate. Place on waxed paper. Use decorating tubes to stripe the frosting back and forth over the strawberries until desired effect is achieved.
Try yogurt as an alternative to chocolate.
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Father’s Day Strawberries Ingredients • Strawberries • Melting Chocolate (White, Brown and Orange) • Decorating Tube • Frosting (Red, White and Brown) • Waxed Paper Directions • Melt melting chocolate according to directions. • Dip several strawberries in each color, and place them on waxed paper to dry. • Using decorating tube add red stitches to turn your strawberry into a baseball. • Using decorating tube add white lines and stitches to turn your strawberry into a football. • Using decorating tube add brown lines to turn your strawberry into a basketball.
A healthy snack for all those dads who love their sports!
Golf Ball Cupcake Ingredients • Boxed Chocolate Cake Mix • Silver Cupcake Liners • Tub of White Prepared Frosting • Can of Green Frosting with a Decorating Spout • White Gumball or Jawbreaker • Pretzel Sticks • Fruit Roll Ups Directions • Prepare cupcakes according to directions on the box and pour into silver cupcake liners. Bake according to directions on box. Allow to cool. • Frost cupcakes with a thin layer of white frosting. • Carefully cut out a small hole in the top of the cupcake with a butter knife. • Decorate the “green” with green frosting using a fancy decorating tip of your choice. • Cut a small triangle out of a red fruit roll up and stick it onto the end of a pretzel stick. • Push “flag” into hole, using excess frosting to attach if necessary. • Place “golf ball” on the edge of the hole. • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 23
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S po n so r e d
Helen Back Café ResortQuest A Wyndham Company
Pelican Beach Resort The Boardwalk HarborWalk Village E.C. Parent Magazine And More!
The Emerald Coast 2 Coast relay, hosted in Destin, Florida, on the Emerald coast is the perfect team relay for the passionate outdoors enthusiast or the individual who’s just out to get some exercise with friends. Most people fall in love with the relay after just one event. There is something exhilarating about running under starry skies as your team runs a distance that requires almost a full tank of gas to drive.
Corporate Sponsorship Available Contact: Emerald Coast2Coast, PO BOX 850, Destin, Florida, 32540
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Vehicle Wraps Business Cards Fax Service Brochures Vinyl Banners Name Tags Color Copies
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Visit Us Online at Island Palm Shoppes,16055 Emerald Coast Pkway, Suite 109, Destin, FL 32541
Phone 850-650-0886 • Fax 850-650-0887 • The Shoppes at South Haven, 4821 Hwy 98, Suite 102, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
Phone 850-267-4552 • Fax 850-267-4553 • EC_Parent_May_June_2013.indd 24
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Time to Get Creative with Your Kids!
Glue, paint, glitter and time with your children— what could be better? Spending time with your children is something we all love to do, and crafts offer a fun, exciting way to express our creative sides. Another great thing about crafts is how easy they are on the family budget—a little glue and paint go a long way. Crafts are also a good way to hone your child’s eye for detail and small motor skills. Let your child choose one of these crafts to do with you and have some fun!
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Noodle Bracelets Materials • Circular Pasta • Rubbing Alcohol • Food Coloring • Ziploc Baggies • Wax Paper • Paper Towel • Pipe Cleaners • Slotted Spoon Instructions • Place ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol into a baggie. • Drop 20 drops of food coloring into the baggie and mix. • Put ¼ cup of pasta into the baggie and seal it. • Repeat with as many colors as you wish. • Turn baggie every 30 minutes until pasta reaches desired color. • Lay out a section of wax paper and cover it with paper towel. • Remove pasta from baggie with slotted spoon and place on paper towel to dry for an hour. • String dried pasta onto pipe cleaner to make a beautiful homemade bracelet and twist to close.
Optional—Use long pieces of yarn instead of pipe cleaners to make mom matching necklaces to go with her new bracelets.
Stained-Glass Frame Materials • 4 Large Popsicle Sticks • Purple Paint • Clear Contact Paper
• Tissue Paper in a Variety of Colors • Scissors • Glue • Yarn
• Scotch Tape
Instructions • Paint popsicle sticks purple. • Glue popsicle sticks together at the four corners to make a frame. • Cut tissue paper into a heart shape for a center. • Cut remaining tissue paper into pieces of varying shapes and sizes. • Cut two 5” squares out of contact paper. • Remove backing from one square. Stick tissue paper heart in the middle of the square. Add additional pieces of tissue paper to create a stained glass effect. • Remove backing from the other contact paper square. Carefully place square over tissue paper, sealing tissue paper inside. • Attach stained-glass to the back of the frame with scotch tape. • Tie yarn into a hanging loop and attach to the back of frame with a dot of glue.
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Yarn Flower on Styrofoam Plate Materials • Styrofoam Plate • Yarn in several colors • Template (available online) • Large Needle Instructions • Decide what design you would like to create in your frame. Make a rough sketch. (Flower design available online at Pattern.pdf) • Lay design over top of plate, tape edges down. • Using needle, poke holes evenly around design, making sure to go all the way through the paper and the Styrofoam plate. • Remove design from plate. • Thread your needle and tie a knot. Come up one hole from the back of the plate and down the next hole. Up and down until each design is created. Tie a knot on the back when each color is finished.
Mother’s Day Flower Materials • Large Paint Stick • Green Paint • Fun Foam
• Double-Sided Sticky Tape • Scissors
• Sharpie Markers® – Black, Gold & Silver
Instructions • Use green paint to turn the large paint stick into a stem. • When dry, write “I Love My Mom Because…” on stem with a Sharpie marker. • Cut green fun foam into two leaf-shaped pieces. Write “Mother’s Day” and “2013” on the leaves. Attach leaves to the stem using double-sided sticky tape. • Trace your child’s hand onto one sheet of fun foam using a marker. Cut this hand out; this will be your stencil. Use this hand stencil to trace all 8 of the “hand petals” in various colors. Discard template when finished. • Cut each petal out. Turn petals over so you can’t see any residual marker. Write nice things about mom on each of the petals using Sharpie markers. • Cut the yellow fun foam into a 6“ circle. Attach it to the stem with sticky tape. • Cut a nice picture into a circle and attach it to the larger yellow circle. • Attach hand petals to yellow circle using sticky tape to create a flower-like effect. • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 27
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Paperweights Materials • Large Metal Lids • Pre-mixed Grout • A Variety of Decorations Including Letters • Sponge • Spatula • Spray paint Instructions • Spray paint the lid of your can. • Scoop grout out of the tub with spatula and push it securely into lid. • Use a wet sponge to smooth out the grout. • Carefully push letters, stones, marbles and glass pieces into paperweight. • Use sponge again to remove any excess grout and clean off decorations.
Tip: These are great gift ideas for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Just change the words as needed!
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Tin Can Organizers Materials • 3 Empty Tin Cans • 3 Sheets of Cardstock • 5 Skeins of Yarn in Coordinating Colors • 3 Key Tags • Double-Sided Sticky Tape • Markers • Pencils • Rulers • Scissors
This is a quick, easy craft that makes a perfect Father’s day gift that can be cherished and used for many years.
Instructions • Cut cardstock into strips long and wide enough to cover the can. • Using double-sided sticky tape to attach paper to cans. • Cut a length of yarn long enough to wrap around and secure with a knot at the back of the can. • Repeat with desired colors and frequency. • Write D-A-D on three key tags. • Attach one key tag onto one string on each can, spelling out D-A-D. • Fill with your father’s favorite organizational supplies.
Trinket Box Materials • Colored Popsicle Sticks • Glue • Green Felt Instructions • Place 11 popsicle sticks vertically side by side. • Apply glue across the length of a new popsicle stick and secure horizontally to one end of the original 11 popsicle sticks. Repeat on the other side with a second popsicle stick, horizontally. This should create a solid base. • Apply a dot of glue on the 4 ends of the securing 2 popsicle sticks. Place 2 new sticks vertically. • Continue adding 2 sticks horizontally and vertically until the box is 11 layers high. • Cut green felt to fit and place in the bottom of the box. • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 29
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Memorial Day & 4th of July
Snacks & Crafts
Honoring the memories of the countless men and women who have given thier lives in service to our country.
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Patriotic Watermelon Centerpiece Ingredients • Watermelon • Thin Popsicle Sticks • Cookie Cutters • Knife Directions • Cut your watermelon in half. Set one half aside to become your base. • Cut remaining halves of watermelon into thin slices, approximately ½” thick. • Using cookie cutters, cut stars out of the watermelon. • Place the stars on the thin popsicle sticks and put into watermelon base. • Put your centerpiece in the refrigerator until it is time to show off your Memorial Day snack.
A healthy, simple snack that’s perfect for hot summer days!
Oreo® Cookie Pops Ingredients • Double Stuff Oreo® Cookies • Lollipop Sticks • White Melting Chocolate • Red, White & Blue Sprinkles • Paper Plate • Waxed Paper Directions • Push lollipop sticks carefully into Oreos. • Melt melting chocolate in the microwave according to directions on the package. • Dip Oreos into melting chocolate. Place lollipop over a paper plate and sprinkle with sprinkles. You can reuse the sprinkles that fall onto the plate. • Place completed cookie on waxed paper to harden.
One of your favorite treats just got even better!
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Patriotic Clothes Pin Wreath Materials • Clothespins • Red, White & Blue Spray Paint • Wire Wreath Frame • White Star Stickers Instructions • Spray paint clothespins red, white and blue. • Spray wire frame white. • Clip clothespins to frame in sections of five pins. There are 4 wires that circle the wreath. Clip clothespins to the center two wires. Pins are not clipped to either innermost or outermost wire. • Stick white stickers onto blue clothespins to resemble a flag.
Patriotic Wind Socks Materials • Medium-sized Metal Coffee Can • Red and White Streamers • Double-Sided Sticky Tape
• Twine • Blue Spray Paint • White Paper • Scissors • Glue • Sponge Brush
• Waxed Paper • Hammer and Punch
Instructions • Spray paint the cans blue. Be careful to cover all surfaces first. Let dry. • Cut white paper into 4 star shapes. • Lay out a layer of waxed paper and squeeze a large dot of glue onto it. • Using a sponge brush, spread a layer of glue onto each white star, then place it on the can. Push star down with fingers, making sure that the star follows the indents of the can and is securely attached. • Using a hammer and punch, poke two holes into the base. • Cut a 40” piece of twine. Tie a knot on one end and thread the twine through the can and back down through the second hole. Tie another knot. • Cut streamers into 12” segments: 5 red, 5 white. • Attach streamers to the inside of the coffee can with double-sided sticky tape. • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 33
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That’s Good to Know! Information You Can Use! This Edition:
SummerCamp School is almost out and summer is almost here. Kids love the idea of no more school for a few months, but many parents begin to worry; what do I do now? Having your child attend some type of summer camp is a great idea for working parents and stay-at-home parents alike. The biggest reason is fun, fun, fun for your child. Kids love to be social and active. Attending a summer camp allows them to do both in a structured environment that keeps them safe and engaged where they get to enjoy new things and meet new friends. For working parents, there is the added benefit of having a place for the kids to go since, unfortunately, summer doesn’t mean that we get that time off like our children do. While camps are terrific, there are some tips we would like to pass on to make the process as easy as possible for all involved.
Look at Times The next thing we suggest, before sharing with your child, is to look at the dates and times. Some camps are half days, some are full days and some are overnight. Some are for a week while others could be as long as a month or even possibly the entire summer. It is a good idea to decide what works for your family, including if it possibly interferes with any possible family vacations during that time.
Camp gives your children the chance to be social and active! Choosing Together Budget When picking the camp, our first suggestion is to decide what your family budget is before looking at the available camps and without the input of your child. Summer camps can vary dramatically in price; some could be as low as $20 per week per child, while others can go as high as many thousands of dollars per child. It is always best to know what your budget is before getting yourself or your child excited or disappointed about camps that may not be in the family budget.
It is our suggestion that once budget and times have been decided, the best way to select the right camp is to let your children have a voice in the process. Let them look at the camps that fit within your pre-selected criteria and ask them what sounds fun. This is a terrific opportunity for some family bonding time as you get to learn more about your child’s interests and passions at that moment and they get to feel more empowered in making choices that impact them. The last thing to remember during this part of the process is to have your child select at least three different camps and rank them in their order of preference. This will help to avoid frustration and disappointment just in case the first camp they wanted is no longer available. v
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Keep Them Reading This Summer for Back to
School Success! By Kim Seidel
Along with reading 4 to 5 books each summer, studies show that reading 20 minutes a day is a key to success for kids of all ages. Following are some great ideas to help your children meet that 20-minute goal and then some more during the summer!
Help kids find books to enjoy. Studies have shown that kids’ reading frequency tends to decline after age 8. “The No. 1 reason kids give as to why they don’t read more is that they can’t find books they like to read,” says author Francie Alexander. “Parents should take an active role in helping kids find the books they’ll want to read.” During the summer, a variety of special literacy activities may be held in your area at libraries and book stores. Seek activities with your child to spark an interest in reading. Never leave home without a good book. Whether you’re traveling for vacation or to the grocery store, always
take a book with you. “Books keep kids from getting restless in traffic,” Alexander says. “There’s never a reason for a child to say, ‘I’m bored’ when there’s a book around.” Have your child start a series. Kids love to find characters that they admire and can relate to. Many series are available that fit various ages and interests to engage imaginations and to keep them reading. Have fun helping your child discover a series that he can enjoy for several years. Allow you children to choose books. “Guide your child to books that fit his or her interests, but ultimately let them pick their own book,” Alexander says. One
report on children’s reading habits found that 89 percent say the book they loved the most is one they personally selected. Don’t stop reading together. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) reports children today are reading less often for shorter time periods. Their time is filled with other activities, including sports, video games, and television. To keep reading on their list of activities, continue to read to your children. No matter the age, you can keep reading aloud to your kids. When your child can read himself, you can take turns reading and devour longer, chapter books together. Continued on page 36 • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 35
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Continued from page 35
As you listen to your child read, you can interact and support her. Reading together is one of the most important things you can do to help your child become a successful and happy reader. The best way to motivate your child to read is to be actively involved with them in the process – no matter their age. Following are more practices for any parent to instill a lifelong passion for reading in their children. Visit your library. Keep in mind that books and magazines can be checked out at your local library to maintain your budget. Check out whether your area book stores hold special story times and programs as well.
Celebrate the season. To maintain their interest, focus on holidays with related books. Keep in separate tote bags. It’s fun for kids to read stories for special times of the year, including Fourth of July and Back to School time. Check out “fresh” seasonal books at the library too. Place some reading material around the house. While her two daughters are well on their way to a lifetime of reading, Chris Kubal worries about her son’s disinterest in books. To help spark the desire to read, Chris places inviting reading materials throughout the home.
Create your own home library. Keep books around your home. Stack them on kids’ shelves in their bedrooms, including series of books.
Motivating kids who dislike books. For parents like Kubal who have a child who dislikes reading, be creative and think outside of the box. Try these following tips and see if you can lure him into an enticing book after all.
Subscribe to magazines. Invite each family member to subscribe to several magazines geared toward their interests. This keeps everyone reading for pleasure and for learning.
Tie in books with movies or fun facts. If he loves movies, get him to read the books that relate to favorite films. In addition, many excellent books are chock full of fun information, from creepy facts
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to world records. “These types of books are especially popular with boys who tend to be reluctant readers,” Alexander says. Enhance their reading online. Allow your child to go online to complement their reading. One report shows that 64 percent of kids actually go online to extend their reading experience, whether they’re visiting author fan sites or social networking on book-related sites to buzz about their favorite titles. “The report shows that kids who go online more frequently are more likely to read a book for fun every day. They just don’t want to let that book experience go, so parents should let kids ‘tech it up’ and extend that reading experience,” Alexander says. v
Kim Seidel is the mother of two daughters, ages 15 and 11, and thankfully, they both love to read but still need encouraging on their days off from school.
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Fun Guide Calendar of Events Welcome to a More Exciting Life! No matter how busy you find yourself these days, you might want to make your to-do lists in pencil rather than pen. With the Emerald Coast’s year-round sunshine and laid-back lifestyle, the stage has been set once again for an abundant year of festivals, concerts and special events. We live on a beautiful coast that has so much to offer, and we’re here to make sure you know what’s going on in your own backyard. Don’t miss out on life just because you didn’t know what was happening. Enjoy!
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4 11 18 25 BRICKS 4 KIDZ - Amusement Parks, Kindergarten—5th grade
June 17th - June 21st, (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Riverside Elementary School, Crestview Get your ticket to ride at Bricks 4 Kidz® very own Amusement Park! Campers will build a new ride each day, learning how to make things spin, roll, turn and rock. Then they will take what they have learned to design their own thrills and challenges. Each camp day includes carnival-themed games, group challenges, model-building and more. For more information call 850-729-0096 or visit www. Cost is $180 for the week.
SummerWILD Children’s Summer Camp Weekly, Mon. - Fri., June 3rd - June 28th, (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village
Summer goes WILD at HarborWalk Village with Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge. Children 1st-6th grade can spend an exciting week on the Destin Harbor learning about exotic animals and their natural habitats. Children will talk with a real marine biologist, do arts and crafts, and encounter actual animals! Contact Susan Leveille at 850-650-1880 to register. Cost is $150 for the week; family discounts are available.
Kamp Kellywamba
June 17th - June 21st, (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) Destin Middle School
Amazing Animals, 1st—3rd grade
June 10th - June 14th, (9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center
Lego Robotics 101 & Science Center Greatest Hits, 4th—6th grade
June 10th - June 14th, (9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) and (1 p.m. - 4 p.m.) - Emerald Coast Science Center No one does summer FUN better than the Emerald Coast Science Center. We have been FUN-sizing our best ideas to put together some FUN-tastic camps that your child is going to love! Cost is $100 ECSC Members $120 ECSC Non-Members. 10% discount available for siblings. 10% discount for 3 or more camps. For more information call 850-664-1261 or visit
Make New Friends, Ages 5—12
June 10th - June 14th, (6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.) YMCA FWB / Shalimar Elementary / Walker Elementary, Crestview Camp includes breakfast and lunch. Cost Is per week; $85 for members, $105 non-members. For more information call 850-689-2999.
BRICKS 4 KIDZ Movie Making 101, 2nd—5th grade
June 11th - June 14th, (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Riverside Elementary School, Crestview Lights, cameras, LEGO® action! Use LEGO® bricks to tell YOUR story, complete with music, special effects and all your favorite LEGO® mini-figure characters! In this unique and creative camp, students will plan, script, stage, shoot, and produce their own mini-movie using Stop Motion Animation. Working as a team, students will use LEGO® components to build the set and props, then shoot their movie using a camera. Teams will use movie-
making software to add special effects, titles, credits and more. When the movie is complete, campers will impress friends and family with a screening party on the last day of camp. Each of our camps will provide at least 20 hours of fun and educational activities. Participants will receive a mini-figure at the end of the week and a white Bricks4Kidz® T-shirt as well as a snack each day. For camps which run from 9-3, students will need to bring a sack lunch. For more information call 850-729-0096 or visit Cost is $180 for the week.
Reptiles & Amphibians, 2nd—6th grade FRIDAY ONLY, June 14th, (1 p.m. - 4 p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center
Science Center Greatest Hits, 1st—3rd grade
June 17th - June 21st, (9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center
LEGO Green City Challenge, 4th—6th grade June 17th - June 21st, (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center
See “Lego Robotics 101” regarding camp fees. For more information call 850-664-1261 or visit
Summer Favorites, Ages 5—12
June 17th - June 21st, (6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.) YMCA FWB / Shalimar Elementary / Walker Elementary, Crestview
This one week class features art, drama, dance and juggling and is designed for students entering 1st through 8th grade in the fall. Cost is $125 per student which includes t-shirt and supplies. On the final day of Kamp, students will present a performance showcasing their work from the week. For more information call 850-650-2226.
Bats, 2nd—6th grade
FRIDAY ONLY, June 21st, (1 p.m. - 4 p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center
LEGOs in Motion Adventure Stories and Wild Animals - 1st – 3rd grade
June 24th - June 28th, (9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center
Bustin’ Myths & Science of Flight, 4th—6th grade
June 24th - June 28th, (9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) and (1 p.m. - 4 p.m.) - Emerald Coast Science Center See “Lego Robotics 101” regarding camp fees. For more information call 850-664-1261 or visit
Physical Education, Ages 5—12
June 24th - June 28th, (6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.) YMCA FWB / Shalimar Elementary / Walker Elementary, Crestview Camp includes breakfast and lunch. Cost Is per week; $85 for members, $105 non-members. For more information call 850-689-2999.
Rainforest, 2nd—6th grade
FRIDAY ONLY, June 28th, (1 p.m. - 4 p.m.) Emerald Coast Science Center See “Lego Robotics 101” regarding camp fees. For more information call 850-664-1261 or visit
Camp includes breakfast and lunch. Cost Is per week; $85 for members, $105 non-members. For more information call 850-689-2999.
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Cantina Laredo Celebrates Fifth Annual Cinco de Mayo Sat., May 4th, (5 -11 p.m.) Grand Park, Grand Blvd
Cantina Laredo Modern Mexican Food hosts its 5th annual Cinco de Mayo celebration on Saturday, May 4, from 5 – 11 p.m. This family-friendly event takes place at Grand Park in Grand Boulevard and at Cantina Laredo’s restaurant. Enjoy live music, food, drinks, door prizes and displays by various Grand Boulevard stores. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call Cantina Laredo at 850-654-5649.
Cinco de Mayo Fest
Sun., May 5th, (12 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village A vibrant celebration of Latin music, food, dance, and more! Kids will enjoy activities and crafts. For more information call 850-424-0600.
El Paso’s Cinco De Mayo Block Party Sun., May 5th, (All Day) - El Paso, across from Harbor Docks
Enjoy live music, and great food specials! Get there early for free souvenirs, while they last. For more information call 850-460-7074.
SunQuest Cruises/SOLARIS Mother’s Day Lunch Cruise
Sun., May 12th, (12:15 - 3 p.m.) Baytowne Marina Give her an experience as amazing as she is with a memorable and relaxing Mother’s Day Lunch cruise on SunQuest Cruises’ SOLARIS yacht. Enjoy a leisurely cruise while indulging in a 3 course chef prepared meal. Adults $55, children 3 – 10, $25 and infants under 3, $15. For more information and reservations, visit or call 850-650-2519.
Sunset & Fireworks Memorial Day Cruise Sun., May 26th, (7 - 9:30 p.m.) Baytowne Marina
Dolphin, sunset and fireworks cruise . . . what else could you ask for on Memorial Day? Cruise through Memorial Day on Walton County’s only family cruise excursion, the SunVenture I Catamaran. For more information and reservations, visit or call 850-424-6465.
Memorial Day Concert Celebration
Sat., May 25th - Sun., May 26th, (7 p.m.) Baytowne Marina Kick off the summer with free concerts and fun and fireworks on the Destin Harbor. For more information please call at 850-424-0600.
Memorial Day Weekend Sale
Fri. May 24th - Mon., May 27th, (10 a.m. - 9 p.m.) Silver Sands Premium Outlets Shop the Memorial Day Sale at Silver Sands Premium Outlets and get extra discounts on top of everyday savings. For more information on this free event, call 850-654-9771.
Memorial Day Concert Celebration Sat., May 25th - Sun., May 26th, (7 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village
Kick off the summer with free concerts and fun on the Destin Harbor. Enjoy a vibrant fireworks display over the Destin Harbor after Sunday night’s concert. For more information please call at 850-424-0600.
SunQuest Cruises / SunVenture Dolphin, Sunset & Fireworks Memorial Day Cruise
Sun., May 26th, (7 - 9:30 p.m.) - Baytowne Marina See highlighted area for details.
58th Annual Billy Bowlegs Torchlight Parade
Thurs., May 30th, (7 p.m.) - The parade goes north on Eglin Parkway between 1st and Hughes Street Join us for the world-famous Billy Bowlegs Torchlight Parade! Help the citizens of Fort Walton Beach welcome Capt. Billy and his Krewe to the city — only time will tell whether they can take over the City for the 58th time. This event is the first in the threeday Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival. For more information call 850-244-8191.
Memorial Day Concert Celebration
Sat., May 25th - Sun., May 26th, (7 p.m.) Baytowne Marina Kick off the summer with free concerts and fun and fireworks on the Destin Harbor. For more information please call at 850-424-0600. • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 39
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Sounds Fun
4 11 18 25 1st Annual Island Life Social Club Gumbo Cook-Off to benefit RELAY FOR LIFE Sat., May 4th, (2 -6 p.m.) - Fudpucker’s on Okaloosa Island See highlighted area for details.
ArtsQuest Fine Art & Music Festival
Fri., May 10th - Sun., May 12th - WaterColor Inn & Resort, Santa Rosa Beach
Burning Up The Beaches Returns to The Emerald Coast
Fri., May 3rd - Sun., May 5th - The Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island Hundreds of car enthusiasts will be bringing their rides to participate in this unique event. The 2013 version of Burning Up The Beaches features two days of cruising stops up and down the Emerald Coast. Each stop will have its own unique festivities and events for participants. The Burning Up The Beaches Car Show is on Saturday May 4th at the Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island. Judging with prizes in over a dozen categories pits driver against driver to see whose vehicle has what it takes to hold bragging rights for the next twelve months. Attending the car show is free of charge to spectators and this year will feature more family-friendly attractions than ever. Bounce houses for kids, unique valve cover races, and the High Roller BMX Stunt Show will entertain visitors as they view the hundreds of vehicles on display. For more information visit www.BurningUpTheBeaches. com or by calling 850-376-1037. All proceeds benefit Horizons of Okaloosa County.
1st Annual Island Life Social Club Gumbo Cook-Off for RELAY FOR LIFE Sat., May 4th, (2 -6 p.m.) - Fudpucker’s on Okaloosa Island
$25 per team, which includes two wristbands for admission to event. $10 per person for entry, which includes gumbo tasting, contest vote, live music, silent auction and food & drink specials. For more information e-mail Diane at
Fri., May 3rd, (5:30 -7:30 p.m.) - Wellington Place Fort Walton Beach Come to Wellington Place Fort Walton Beach on May 3, and kick-off an evening of good food and “group therapy”— just for the girls— at our Girls Night Out! Gather with friends, old and new, and enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and door prizes. For more information call 850-864-4600 or visit
Sat., May 11th, (12 -6 p.m.) - Old Spanish Trail Park, Crestview Join us for a day of live music and performances on stage, food and games for the Children to enjoy. We want to give you the opportunity to be a part of this inspiring event. Proceeds will be donated to For more information call Connie Murray at 850-682-2754.
Sat., May 18th, (12-3 p.m.) - Destin Healthcare See highlighted area for details.
4th Annual Little Black Dress Party
Sat., May 18th, (6-10 p.m.) - Emerald Coast Convention Center
Fri., May 3rd - Sun., May 5th - Paradise Point Shopping Center Unit 9 (Publix Shopping Center by Brooks Bridge)
Wellington Place Girls Night Out
Key Lyme Time / A Lyme Disease Awareness Event
Spring Fling
$2 sale
Women’s resale clothing event Semi-Annual $2 Sale 4800 square feet of brand named fashions Proceeds benefit children of Okaloosa Walton childcare services Friday 5/3/2013 3-7pm $10.00 entrance fee, all clothing $2 each piece Saturday 5/4/2013 9-6pm $5.00 entrance fee, all clothing $2 each piece Sunday 5/5/2013 1pm-5pm free entrance, all clothing $2 each piece cash only, no refunds, women only, please no men or children.
Presented by Visit South Walton and the St. Joe Community Foundation - 130 international artists exhibiting in over a dozen mediums will fill the gulf-front resort of WaterColor for two and a half days, along with WineQuest great live music, artist workshops and demos and ImagiNation, where kids rule!! For more information call 850-960-8088.
Spring Fling
Sat., May 18th, (12-3 p.m.) Destin Healthcare Destin Healthcare is hosting a Spring Fling open to the COMMUNITY. We will have fun and games for the whole family. Including PONY RIDES, PETTING ZOO, CAKE WALKS, CONCESSIONS, BOUNCY HOUSE, FOOD and ENTERTAINMENT. This spectacular event will be on MAY 18, 2013 from 12-3PM on Saturday. Bring the family out for a DAY OF FUN!! For more information please call Destin Healthcare 850-654-4588
Join us as we bring back the “Roaring 20’s” for the 4th Annual Little Black Dress Party, hosted by the newly formed White-Wilson Community Foundation. From a Silver Sands Premium Outlet Fashion Show to casino game night, live and silent auction, this night will be filled with entertainment! This annual fundraiser provides funds relating to women’s health, early detection and preventive care. Our charities this year will be: Opportunity, Inc., Shelter House, local chapters of the American Heart Association and American Cancer Society, and the White-Wilson Community Foundation. General tickets are $65. For more information call 850-420-9184.
6th Annual Okaloosa Arts Alliance Family Fun Arts Fest
Sat., May 18th, (12 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village Enjoy live entertainment, original arts & crafts from numerous vendors, free kids’ activities, food, drink and excitement for all ages! Saturday night enjoy a dazzling fireworks display over the Destin Harbor Boardwalk in
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celebration of Armed Forces Day! For more information please contact Amy Baty at or call 850-424-0600.
The World’s Greatest Baby Shower Thurs., May 23rd, (5:30 - 8 p.m.) Emerald Coast Convention Center
Hosted by the Healthy Start Coalition of Okaloosa and Walton Counties, Inc. All pregnant women and new parents, who have had a baby in the last 3 months, are invited for fun, information, light snacks, and great baby shower prizes! Local service providers and businesses will provide information on prenatal health, well baby care, parenting, infant health and safety, immunizations and much more! Admission is free. For more information contact Healthy Start at 850-833-9284.
Latin Salsa Festival
Sat., May 25th - Fort Walton Beach Landing Park Waterside outdoor dance festival. For more information call 850-882-6801 or visit
Big Kahuna’s VIP Day for the Ronald McDonald House
Sun., June 9th, (11 a.m. - 6 p.m.) - Big Kahuna’s Water Park Big Kahuna’s is hosting their VIP Day for the Ronald McDonald House! Call or come by the House to purchase your tickets!.
Fish Fry Benefit
Sat., June 15th, (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) - Harry T’s Lighthouse - HarborWalk Village Fish Fry to Benefit the Destin History and Fishing Museum. For more information call 850-654-4800.
Don’t See Your Event? Send calendar events to us at:
Northwest Florida Ballet presents Ugly Duckling and the Tortoise and the Hare Fri., May 3rd, (7:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center at Northwest Florida State College
The creators of Corbian the Dinosaur are at it again! In an age when television, computers and video games reign supreme, the folks at Lightwire Theater and Corbian Visual Arts & Dance bring their use of cutting edge technology, electroluminescent puppetry, and dance to another unforgettable theatrical experience. Tickets are $28 for adults and $14 for children 12 and under. Tickets can be purchased starting April 1, 2013 at nfballet. org or by calling the Northwest Florida Ballet offices at 850-664-7787.
No Reservations: The Musical
Sat., May 4th & May 18th, (7 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village, Main Stage “No Reservations (on the Redneck Riviera)” follows the story of a group of men vacationing on Florida’s Emerald Coast. Away from their wives, the men seek out to do what all married men on vacation want to do: drink, fish and enjoy the beach. This comedy of errors will have you laughing from start to finish, and who knows, they may even pull you up on stage to help tell the tale! For more information call 850-424-0600.
is a musical journey across the United States on the “Chattanooga Choo-Choo” from “New York, New York” through “Georgia.” Our dancers will thrill us as they hula to “Hawaii Five-O.” The second half will pay tribute to God and Country as we feature a patriotic theme. Ticket outlets: Alphy’s, Navarre; FNBT.COM, Destin & Niceville; Connect with Flowers, Shalimar; P.S. Gifts, FWB; Eglin ITT; Hurlburt Field.
Stage Crafters Community Theatre presents Skyscraper by David Auburn Fri. - Sun., June 7th - 9th & June 14th - 16th, (7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.) - Ft. Walton Beach Civic Auditorium
This serio-comedy with a generous dash of reality-based fancy, is a zany story of memory and fantasy. It revolves around an odd group of characters whose lives merge on the rooftop of an old building marked for demolition and how all of their lives are changed as they uncover the mysterious threads that connect them to each other. Pulitzer-prize-winning playwright David Auburn has written a gentle satire of love and life that keeps you guessing until the final curtain. Tickets are $15 per person. For more information visit seasons.php or call 850-243-1101
Ft. Walton Beach Community Chorus
Fri., May 17th - Sun., May 19th, (7:30 p.m.) Ft. Walton Beach Municipal Auditorium The Fort Walton Beach Community Chorus is performing “This is My Country.” the first half • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 41
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Cobia Challenge of Destin Powered by Pelagic Fri., May 3rd - Sun., May 5th HarborWalk Marina
Enter this weekend long Cobia Tournament or watch the weigh-ins at HarborWalk Marina. For more information call 850-650-0230 or register online at
1st Annual Bark for Life
Sat., May 4th, (8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.) The Village of Baytowne Wharf See highlighted area for details.
The Premiere Golf Tournament
Fri., May 10th, (8 a.m.) - Burnt Pine Golf Club in Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort Burnt Pine Golf Club will host The Premiere Golf Tournament benefitting Children’s Volunteer Health Network. Presented by Alys Beach, this tournament will feature 4-player teams in a scramble play format and registration includes complimentary breakfast, culinary lunch stations on the course, a low country shrimp boil after party as well as complimentary beverages throughout the day (sodas, sports drinks, water and beer), special events, awards for top 2 teams and a silent auction. To register a team or for more information, visit or contact Zach at 850-622-3200 ext.102 or by email
The 2013 Destin Relay For Life Fri., May 10th - Saturday, May 11th Destin Community Center
Relay For Life supports cancer research, education, advocacy efforts and patient services! For more information contact the Destin Community Center.
3rd Annual Sinfonia BRAVO! Beat 5K Run/Walk Sat., May 11th, (8 a.m.) - The Village of Baytowne Wharf
Lace up your shoes and run for the arts in Sinfonia’s third annual BRAVO! Beat 5K run/ walk on Saturday, May 11 at 8am, starting and ending at The Village of Baytowne Wharf in Sandestin. Whether you are a seasoned runner, walker or want to bring the entire family (strollers welcome,) you will enjoy the beautiful surroundings of The Village
of Baytowne Wharf and Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort followed by a post-race celebration. The race entry fees are $25 per person through June 10 and $30 the day of the race. Children registrations for those 17 & under are $15. For more information contact the Sinfonia office at 850-269-7129 or visit
Annual ABWA Billy Bowlegs Boat Poker Run Sat. May 11th, (2 p.m.) - Shalimar Yacht Basin
The 20th Annual ABWA Billy Bowlegs Boat Poker Run begins and ends at Shalimar Yacht Basin in Shalimar, FL. Boaters cruise to several local ports, visit the Casino Room, and party at Shalimar Yacht Basin. Participants will have the opportunity to win great prizes with the top three poker hands winning valuable prize packages which include weekend resort stays, certificates for dinner and other great prizes. Entertainment will be provided. To be a sponsor, call 850-685-8027. To participate, call 850-863-9082 or go to
1st Annual Bark for Life
Sat., May 4th, (8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.) The Village of Baytowne Wharf Bring your 4-legged friend for a day of fun as The South Walton Relay for Life team is hosting their first ever Bark for Life: A Canine Event to Fight Cancer. Pre-Registration: $10 per pup | Day of Registration: $20 per pup.
Sandestin Beach Bicycle Tour
Fri., May 17th - Sun., May 19th - Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort See highlighted area for details.
10th Annual Bob Hope Memorial Charity Golf Classic
Fri., May 17th - Sat., May 18th, (12 p.m.) - The Eagle course. Eglin AFB Golf Course in Niceville Play begins on Friday, May 17 at 12:00 p.m. on The Eagle course. Golfers will play The Eagle again on Saturday, May 18 with an 8:30 a.m. start and an awards luncheon will immediately follow. There will be prizes for the winning teams, a Longest Drive contest, a Closest to the Pin contest, and an opportunity for hole-in-one prizes. The two day tournament is $150 per person and golfers will receive green fees, golf cart, range balls, commemorative coin, goody bag, on-course refreshments and lunch for both days. Registration is open online at www.afev. us/GolfClassic or by calling 850-651-3766. Proceeds from this event benefit military widows in need residing at the Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV).
2013 Emerald Coast Mud Run
Sat., May 18th - Northwest Florida State Campus Combine the excitement of running a race, the challenge of crawling, climbing, swinging, lifting, toting, sliding, and scaling obstacles, with the fun of playing in the mud; throw in a costume contest, a family fun festival with kids activities, live music, food, and everything
Sandestin Beach Bicycle Tour
Fri., May 17th - Sun., May 19th - Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort on Florida’s Emerald Coast will be the backdrop for The Sandestin Beach Bicycle Tour this May as hundreds of cyclists venture through Northwest Florida. The weekend bicycle event is designed for all road cyclists. Participants will get an opportunity to soak in a scenic bike ride alongside pristine beaches including a rest stop in charming Seaside and also enjoy post-ride activities and mechanical support. For more information or details call 850-267-6168 or visit www. for details.
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Florida’s Emerald Coast has to offer. It is an event you won’t want to miss. For more Information call 850-678-9008 or visit www.
Fudpucker’s Emerald Coast Volleyball Juniors Open My First Tri
Sun., June 25th - Eglin AFB Swim 200 Meters- In Choctawhatchee Bay, protected inlet area; Bike 8 MilesOut and back course on a semi-closed course, mostly flat with a couple gradual rises, helmets required; Run 2.5 Miles- A shaded and flat out and back course. Majority of the run on pavement, with less than .25 miles on other surfaces…grass and dirt roads. For more information call 850-882-6223 or visit my-first-tri-2012.
Sat., May 18th - Sun., May 19th - Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island USA Volleyball Association youth tournament. Divisions for boys and girls four player teams, ages 18 and under. For more information visit
Crestview Chamber Hacker’s Holiday Golf Tourney
Sat., May 25th, (9 a.m.) - Blackstone Golf Course Registration Deadline is noon on Wednesday, May 22, 2013. Limited to the first 24 teams. Please return registration form to the: Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce, 1447 Commerce Drive, Crestview FL 32539 or by fax at 682-7413
Annual Gate-to-gate Run/Walk
Mon., May 27th, (7:30 a.m.) - Eglin AFB 4.4-mile run/walk and one-mile fun run on Eglin AFB. For more information call 850-8826801 or visit
2nd Annual Walk Her Way
Fri., June 7th, (6 p.m.) - Rosemary Beach’s Town Center Men, women and children of all ages are invited to don high heels for Walk Her Way at Rosemary Beach’s Town Center on Friday, June 7, at 6 pm. This strut aims to raise awareness of domestic violence. Walkers will stroll around the square as they show off their favorite pair of high heels. The good time doesn’t stop when the walk ends. Stick around for the afterparty and FREE public concert featuring The Forrest Williams Band. For more Information contact: Malayne DeMars at 850-231-7382 or visit
My First Tri
Sun., June 25th - Eglin AFB See highlighted area for details.
Volunteer Covenant Hospice Volunteer Training
Tues., May 7th, (10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) - Covenant Hospice office (next to Dollar Tree on Eglin Pkwy) Covenant Hospice is seeking individuals and groups to join its award-winning volunteer team. A training workshop will be held 9am-5pm Tuesday May 7th at our Covenant Hospice office at 220 Eglin Parkway NE, FWB, in Mariner plaza next to Dollar Tree. The training will present an overview of hospice care and volunteer choices. To register call: Kappy Smith 850-729-1800.
Keller Williams Realty 6th Annual Red Day Thurs., May 9th - Bluewater Bay office, Niceville (Located in the Winn Dixie shopping area)
CANNED FOOD DRIVE- Drop off canned goods at the Bluewater Bay office on May 9th. For more information call 850-218-8312.
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recurring Local Pre-School Story Time
Every 1st & 3rd Tues. of each month, (1:30 p.m.) Fort Walton Beach Library Let your child explore the magic of books: 3-5 year olds (includes 6 year olds in the summer).
Wednesday Night Concert Series
Every Wed. night - May & June, (7 - 9 p.m.) Village of Baytowne Wharf Enjoy the continuation of the free Wednesday Night Concert Series through the month of May & June. We’ll be tantalizing your musical taste buds with an array of musicians to entertain all of our guests.
Thursday Night Concert Series Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation Concerts in the Village
Thursdays - May 2nd - June 27th, (7 p.m.) Mattie Kelly Cultural Arts Village, Destin A 10-week concert series beginning May 2 through June 27 every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m., followed by a concert finale on Wednesday, July 3 for an American Patriotic Tribute. Held at the Mattie Kelly Cultural Arts Village in the heart of Destin and enjoy use of new permanent stage, the Dugas Pavilion, and Village Green. Concerts in the Village feature unique amenities for all ages, creating an enjoyable cultural experience. The Picnic Supper Club is a benefit to sponsors and available MKAF members who wish to purchase a season table to host friends, family or clients in a cultural atmosphere. Local featured restaurants alternate weekly serving fresh, affordable cuisine prepared on-site, and even offer a kid’s menu. Concert fans are welcome to bring their own picnic and wine or beverage of choice. Bottled water and soft drinks are available to purchase on-site with proceeds to benefit the MKAF’s cultural and education mission. Admission is $8 per adult and children under 12 and MKAF members are free. For more information visit, or call 850-650-2226.
Twin Hills Drum Circle
1st & 3rd Sun. of each month, (4 - 6 p.m.) Twin Hills Park on Hwy 90, Crestview This is a fun music filled group for the community out at the park every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. It is a great chance to break out the drums and feel the beat or sit and relax and take a load off your feet! We play all types of percussion from hand drums, to djembes, to wooden sticks to buckets. All our welcome, including the kids. For more information call Tiffany at 772-323-6029.
Poetry & Music Jam
Every 2nd Tues. of each month, May 14th & June 11th (6 - 7:45 p.m.) - Crestview Public Library Poets and musicians are invited to bring their work and instruments to a free-form openmic poetry reading and jam session. For more information call Esther at 850-682-4432 or Rick at 850-585-6399.
Stargazing Basics
Every 3rd Tues. of each month, May 21st & June 18th, (6:30-8 p.m.) - Crestview Public Library Tom Haugh with the Northwest Florida Astronomy Association will be at the Crestview Public Library from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every third Tuesday to answer astronomy questions and help beginners get started stargazing. For more information visit www. The library also has a telescope available for one-week checkout thanks to an NFAA donation. For library information call 850-682-4432 or go to www.cityofcrestview. org/library.php
Pardi Gras Parade Kick-Off
Tuesday’s - May 28th - June 25th, (6:30 p.m.) HarborWalk Village Who wants some beads?! Join us all summer long as HarborWalk Village transforms into “The Big Easy” every Tuesday night. Enjoy dazzling floats, beads, the Village Brass Band, stilt walkers, jugglers and excitement around every corner during this FREE PARADE through HarborWalk Village! Laissez les bons temps rouler! For more information call 850-424-0600
Red, White, and Blue Celebration Kick-Off – Hero Reunion on the Harbor
Red, White, and Blue Celebration Kick-Off – Hero Reunion on the Harbor Thursdays - May 30th - June 27th, (6:30 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village
The Red, White, and Blue Celebration at HarborWalk Village is a weekly honoring of a local hero. The celebrations highlight the efforts of people who go above and beyond to better their community. Enjoy live entertainment, face painting, free kids’ crafts, and a WWII replica flyover. The evening is topped off by a spectacular fireworks display over the Destin Harbor. For more information call 850-424-0600.
Thursdays - May 30th - June 27th, (6:30 p.m.) HarborWalk Village See highlighted area for details.
Rock the Docks
Saturdays - June 1st - June 29th, (7 p.m.) HarborWalk Village Rock the Docks with a FREE public concert on the HarborWalk Village stage every Saturday night! For more information call 850-424-0600.
First Friday Concert Series
1st Fri. of each month, June 7th & July 5th, (6 - 8 p.m.) - Destin Commons Mall First Friday of each month throughout the summer a concert will be held from 6pm8pm at Destin Commons Mall. Lawn chairs and blankets are encouraged. For more information visit
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Directory Planes, trains & automobiles . . . and everything else in between! The Emerald Coast has a wealth of attractions for all those who visit or call the coast home. It's amazing just how much there is to do if you embrace your adventurous spirit and simply explore your own backyard. Whether you're looking to plan a field trip or just a fun family outing, there's always something to look forward to on the Emerald Coast. Here are just a few ideas for places to visit. And don’t forget to send us your favorites!
Wesley Mansion Welcome to Eden Gardens State Park The focal point of this 161-acre park is the beautifully renovated, two-story Wesley house with its elegant white columns and wrap-around porch. The moss-draped live oaks and ornamental gardens inspire visions of hoop skirts and landed gentry. Named after a wealthy Florida timber family, the park is part of the family's estate. The house holds the second largest known collection of Louis XVI furniture in the United States. Visitors can also take a stroll along the grounds and enjoy the picnic area. 181 Eden Gardens Road Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 850-267-8320 EdenGardens/ • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 45
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Emergency Numbers Sheriff & Police Okaloosa County Sheriff �������������������� 850-651-7400
Walton County Sheriff ������������������������� 850-892-8186
Bay County Sheriff ���������������������������������850-747-4700
Escambia County Sheriff �������������������� 850-436-9580
Santa Rosa County Sheriff ����������������� 850-983-1100
Ft. Walton Beach Police ���������������������� 850-833-9546
Panama City Beach Police ����������������� 850-233-5000
Florida HWY Patrol ������������������������������ 800-665-2794
Florida Poison Control ������������������������ 800-222-1222
US Coast Guard ���������������������������������������850-244-7147
Fire Department Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-8413
Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-833-9565
South Walton �������������������������������������������850-267-1298
Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-939-5236
Niceville ����������������������������������������������������850-897-3689
Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-6121
Panama City Beach ������������������������������ 850-872-3053
Medical Centers & Hospitals Destin Emergency Care �����������������������850-837-9194
Ft. Walton Beach Medical ������������������ 850-863-7610
N. Okaloosa Medical Center �������������� 850-689-8100
Libraries Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-8572
Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-833-9590
Walton ��������������������������������������������������������850-267-2809 or walton/about.asp?p=22
Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-981-7323
Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-4432
Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-279-4863
Chambers of Commerce Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-6241
Navarre ������������������������������������������������������850-939-3267
Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-244-8191
Walton County ����������������������������������������850-267-0683
Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-678-2323
Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-3212
Pensacola ������������������������������������������������� 850-438-4081
Panama City Beach ������������������������������ 850-235-1159
Museums Air Force Armament ����������������������������� 850-651-1808
Destin History & Fishing ��������������������850-837-6611
Indian Temple Mound Museum ����������� 850-833-9595
Heritage Museum of NW FL �������������� 850-678-2615
Walton County Heritage ����������������������850-951-2127
Wesley Mansion ������������������������������������� 850-231-4214
White Wilson Medical-Destin ������������850-837-3848 White Wilson Medical-Ft. Walton ��������� 850-863-8100
Post Offices
Sacred Heart ������������������������������������������� 850-278-3000
Emerald Coast Urgent Care ��������������� 850-654-8878
Niceville Twin Cities ���������������������������� 850-678-4131
Navarre Baptist �������������������������������������� 850-939-4888
Experience the feeling of swimming in the Gulf of Mexico with award winning exhibit of fish caught in Destin. View a large collection of antique fishing rods and reels, the most unique is constructed of split bamboo with an original Penn Reel, that belonged to Ernest Hemingway. Enjoy vintage photographs of early Destin settlers, boat captains and much more. Tuesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Wednesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Thursday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Admission Costs: Adult $5 Seniors & Military $4 Children $3; Children under 6 are Free Destin History & Fishing Museum 108 Stahlman Ave Destin, FL 32541 850-837-6611 www.destinhistoryand
Emerald Coast Science Center ��������� 850-644-1261
Destin History & Fishing
Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-6312 Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-244-2625 South Walton ������������������������������������������ 850-269-1186 Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-939-0381 Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-678-2021 Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-2634
46 • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 •
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Public Transportation
Delta ���������������������������������������������������������� 800-221-1212
Okaloosa County Transit ���������������������850-833-9168
Mid Bay Bridge ���������������������������������������850-833-7562
United Airlines ��������������������������������������� 800-864-8331
Movie Theaters
AMC Destin Commons 14 �������������������850-650-4579 At the Destin Commons Mall
Cinema Plus ���������������������������������������������850-302-0129 Downtown FWB
Lively 10 ���������������������������������������������������850-654-2992 Off of Hwy 98 in Destin
Regal Sun Plaza �������������������������������������850-244-4252
Air Force Armament Experience the aviation warfare armament from the early days of World War I right through to today's high tech planes and bombs. Inside, you'll find an extensive collection of weaponry and interactive displays that will amaze and intrigue. Outside displays include vintage military aircraft including the fastest plane ever built - the SR-71 Blackbird! Admission is FREE and all are welcome! Monday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Tuesday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Wednesday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Thursday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Friday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Saturday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Sunday Closed Air Force Armament Museum 100 Museum Dr Eglin AFB, FL 32542 850-651-1808 Service may be provided by Delta or a Delta Connection carrier. Provides nonstop service daily to Atlanta, GA (ATL).
Mary Esther Cutoff
UA Santa Rosa 10 ����������������������������������850-243-5260 At the Santa Rosa Mall in FWB
Radio Stations 1120 AM – Progressive Talk 1260 AM – Fox News Talk 1340 AM – ESPN Sports 91.1 FM – Contemporary Christian 92.1 FM – Oldies 93.3 FM – Adult Contemporary 95.3 FM – Talk Radio – Local Crestview 98.1 FM – Country 99.5 FM – Rock 102.1 FM – Classic Rock 103.1 FM – Adult Contemporary 105.5 FM – Country 106.3 FM – Smooth Jazz 107.3 FM – Classic Rock Express Jet provides nonstop service to Houston, TX (IAH).
US Airways ���������������������������������������������� 800-428-4322 Provides non-stop daily service to Charlotte, NC (CLT) and Washington, DC (DCA).
Southwest ���������� 1-800-I-FLY-SWA / 800-435-9792 Provides non-stop flights daily to and from Baltimore, MD (BWI), Houston, TX (HOU), Nashville, TN (BNA), and Orlando, FL (MCO) with connecting service to international destinations.
AirTran ��������������������������800-Air-Tran / 800-247-8726 3 Daily Flights to Atlanta with 351 seats.
Rental Cars
Avis �������������������������������������������������������������800-331-1212 Enterprise �������������������������������������������������800-261-7331 National ���������������������������������������������������� 877-222-9058 Budget ������������������������������������������������������� 800-527-0700 Hertz �����������������������������������������������������������800-654-3131
Airports NW Florida Regional Airport – VPS �����850-651-7160
Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport–Panama City Beach ���������������850-763-6751
Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional ���������850-436-5000
Destin Airport ������������������������������������������850-651-7160
Crestview Airport – Bob Sikes �����������850-651-7160
Airlines American Eagle ��������������������������������������800-433-7300 Provides non-stop service to Dallas, TX (DFW).
It’s our goal to make this guide as useful and complete as possible. If we have omitted any resource you feel could be useful to our community of readers, please feel free to send us your recommendations at: • Emerald Coast Parent Magazine May+June 2013 • 47
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“Dentistry with a Gentle Touch” Early Morning, Lunchtime & Evening Hours Available New Patients Emergencies Insurance Assistance Interest FREE Financing
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry G e n e r a l D e n t i s t ry
• Complete Family Care • Low Radiation Digital X-Rays • VELscope Cancer Screening • Painless Dentistry Techniques • Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, Partials • In-Chair Entertainment System • Oraquix No-Injection Anesthetic • Extractions, Root Canals, White Fillings
Ad va n c e d C o s m e t i c s • Complete Smile Makeovers! • Orthodontics, Clear and Traditional by General Dentist • Painless Veneers • White Fillings and Bonding • ZOOM Whitening
The Ultimate 1-Hr Whitening
redefining beauty
Painless Veneers
D e n ta l H y g i e n e
Cleaning • Periodontal Care • Scaling & Rootplaning • Sealants • Fluoride
Katherine Bartlett, DMD Kristin M. Shinnick, DMD Ashley L. Brooks, DMD John J. Cash, DDS
Uptown Station
Eglin P k
Fort Walton Beach
w ay
Hwy 98
Ft. Walton Beach, Florida (Near Uptown Station, Off of Hospital Dr.) Destin
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