Emerald Coast Parent Magazine November+December 2013

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Military? Let Us Serve You! Ask us how we can help.

Chez Élan Fine Apartments

Luxury Living in

Ft. Walton Beach

Chez Élan Fine Apartments, inspired by the captivating feel of a European countryside and dramatic Mediterranean architecture, were created with generous floor plans that mirror today’s most well-appointed homes, but with one important difference—the carefree nature of apartment living! Chez Élan exemplifies the essence of fine living, offering designer interiors and a wealth of amenities, including a euro-pool with spa, 24-hour access clubhouse with billiards table, poker tables, computer w/printer, complimentary wireless access and hi-tech fitness center with free weights and separate sauna. Community events include pool and poker tournaments, Sunday night football parties and BBQs in the courtyard, providing you with the small community feel that enhances the luxury. With a professional staff to make your time at home easy, you can enjoy the many features of this superb lifestyle.



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Racetrack Rd NW


Navy St

Dawes Rd

Chez Élan Richpien Rd

Hallmark Realty Servies

Carlos Dr

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Vincent St

McFarlan Ave

Weeks Rd


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November+December 2013


7 10 Column The Bigger the Group!


Crystal Ryan, Emerald Coast Kids Listserv

Articles Simplify Your Schedule for Balanced Living!


Create a balanced, organized schedule a nd increase your productivity.


Ensure More School Success!

Discover how sound sleep is associated with top performance, sound reasoning, impulse control and more.

Local Spotlights The Gift of Dance!

16 Turning Wishes Into Reality! 34 Northwest Florida Ballet—Bringing the gift of dance to the people of Northwest Florida.

Wish Tree—The place where you can find great presents for all of your family and friends.

Family Builders


Families are important. Spend time enjoying life together at home and on the go.

Family Builders (Continued) Show Her You Care, Show Him You Care �� 25, 26 Snacks—Recipes for Tasty Get-Togethers ����������� 28 Crafts—Get Creative with Your Kids ������������������� 30 Teach Your Kids Something New �����������������������32

Family Fun Guide Calendar of Events


Get to know the people, places and things that make this coast special!

Seasonal Events ���������������������������������������������������38 Sounds Fun ���������������������������������������������������������� 40 Runs, Walks & More �������������������������������������������41 The Arts �����������������������������������������������������������������42 Recurring Local ��������������������������������������������������� 44 Volunteer ������������������������������������������������������������� 44

Resource Directory


Community resources offer a wide range of information and services for you and your family!

Listings ������������������������������������������������������������������� 45



The Family Chatter Challenge ���������������������������������� 22 That’s Good to Know!—Information You Can Use ���� 24

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Emerald Coast

parent It’s Your MagazineTM

This is your magazine! Welcome to Emerald Coast Parent magazine. We like to consider this your magazine. We look forward to hearing from local readers like you on a regular basis. Let us know how we might be able to participate in the continued improvement of this beautiful area where we all live and work. As busy parents ourselves, we place a high value on spending quality time with our children and are always looking for fun crafts, recipes, events and outing opportunities to add to our family calendars. If you have fun, easy and cost-effective ideas that you'd like to share with our community of readers, please feel free to email them to us at info@itsyourmagazine.com. Your ideas might just end up being featured in an upcoming issue! Here's a list of things we'd love to receive from you: • Personal stories and pictures of you and your family out and about, enjoying a favorite local attraction, restaurant or event • Recommendations and endorsements of local stores, services and restaurants • Ideas for fun crafts • Your family’s favorite recipes Let’s make this a great local magazine, together! Thanks, The EC Parent Team To advertise in Emerald Coast Parent, contact Nathan Wilson: nathanwilson@itsyourmagazine.com Phone: 503-710-1720 Publisher  Nathan Wilson Creative Director  Rob Williams Snacks & Crafts Editor  Tasha Williams Contributing Writer  Crystal Ryan Contributing Writer  Heidi Smith Luedtke Contributing Writer  Kara Martinez Bachman Contributing Writer  Kim Seidel Contributing Writer  Joanna Nesbit Contributing Writer  Jan Udlock Photography  InsideOut Creative Arts © 2013 It’s Your Magazine. All rights reserved. Emerald Coast Parent content may not be used or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopy, without the express written permission of the publisher. Emerald Coast Parent is not responsible for the loss of or damage to unsolicited manuscripts, unsolicited artwork, or any other unsolicited material. Unsolicited material will not be returned. It’s Your Magazine and its affiliates, contributors, writers, editors, and publisher accept no responsibility for errors or omissions with information and/or advertisements contained herein. It’s Your Magazine’s liability in the event of an error is limited to a printed correction. It’s Your Magazine does not assume liability for products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility for claims made by the advertisers.

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Join Today! Contact: crystal@emeraldcoastkids.com

Bigger t he Group, t he Better t he Resouce! The


Listserv Crystal Ryan

I will never forget the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child­— I had just moved to Baltimore. In the past I had heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a family,” but I never fully appreciated the saying as much as I would in the very near future. At first I was overcome with powerful, physical feelings of joy. As an expectant mother I was excited to begin bonding with the microscopic being growing inside me. When the fog of excitement lifted, however, the clear reality began to set in that I had no idea what motherhood truly entailed. None of my friends had kids and I was a bartender—so I didn’t have any practical experiences around kids (unless of course you count numerous childish patrons I served nightly). I had never even been a babysitter.

instinctually, I turned to Mom for advice. While she was great at calming my nerves with the typical, yet sincere “you’ll be a great mother” and “you’ll find your way” comments, she was at a loss in being able to offer any specific guidance. Mom felt too out of touch with modern pregnancy Continued on page 6

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and delivery trends, not to mention baby gadgets and gizmos, which are incredibly daunting—I think there may be more models of strollers available than there are cars! Next I decided to hit the books and surf the Web. Unfortunately, I found myself, once more, overwhelmed by such an abundance of information and advice—often contradictory—that I felt stressed in trying to absorb it all. My saving grace came one day as I was out walking through my neighborhood. Another mother, who was juggling her two young children, noticed I was pregnant (and probably sensed my fear as mothers do) and asked if it was my first. When I replied “yes, my first” with a hint of desperation, she immediately said “make sure you join the mothers list serv” and gave me an email address. I didn’t even know what a list serv was, but I trusted the advice of one mother to another and sent off an email requesting more information.

That’s when the magic began. All of a sudden, I was a part of one of the greatest resources a mother could ever ask for. That’s when the magic began. All of a sudden, I was a part of one of the greatest resources a mother (especially an expectant mother) could ever ask for. Over 1,000 local parent members strong, this email distribution list was a free and simple way to get access to advice on just about everything. Mothers of every kind, new and seasoned veterans, offered up their advice on pediatricians, buying and trading or selling toys, great books and nearly new hand-medown clothes that were no longer needed.

I specifically enjoyed finding out about local kid events, activities and play groups. They even offered advice on some not so motherly basics like trusted plumbers, painters and local mechanics. Being new to the area, I specifically enjoyed finding out about local kid events, activities, play groups and moms’ nights out. I finally understood and fully embraced the saying “it takes a village to raise a family.” After all, parents are the best resource for other parents! My email group in Baltimore was such an invaluable resource that when I moved to the Emerald Coast I immediately searched for a comparable group to join. When I couldn’t find anything similar I decided to start my own. I began my group (EmeraldCoastKids) in August of 2013. This list serv is free and there are no obligations. I hope to make this group as valuable to the new and expectant moms of this area as the one I left in Baltimore was to me.

The Bigger the Group, the Better the Resource! How to Join: Email me at crystal@emeraldcoastkids.com to join and share your thoughts, ideas and advice. Continued on page 12

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Simplif y . . . Your Schedule for Balanced Living By Kim Seidel

Is a balanced life achievable? So many children and families are overscheduled these days. Balancing these activities and keeping a good family calendar is the key to success!

Organizing at Home

It’s important to Peggy Herlitzka, a family law attorney, wife, and mother of three active children, to keep her busy schedule as simple as possible. She’s developed a successful system, using a family calendar at home and a computer calendar at work. This process helps her to maintain a productive and balanced family and professional life. Creating a balanced, organized schedule is important, because it increases productivity, says Donna Fakler, a professional organizer. “When our productivity increases, the quality of our work improves, we get things done on time and we accomplish more with less effort,” Fakler says. “This is why we should all strive to be organized.” How does Herlitzka keep organized and balanced?

Creating a balanced, organized schedule is important, because it increases productivity!

At home, Herlitzka keeps the children’s school and activities calendars and information in one spot on her kitchen counter. Once a month, she takes out that stack of papers and lays everything out to look over.

Next, she marks down upcoming events on a large family calendar that hangs in their kitchen. The children’s school activities, field trips, sports, music lessons and scout meetings all go on the family calendar for the next month. As birthday party invitations, school projects and other important dates to remember come in, Herlitzka will write those on the family calendar. Continued on page 15

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Ensure more School Success with



By Kim Seidel

“It’s time for bed”

Know How Much is one of the most important Sleep Everyone Needs. phrases you can say to help your The average school-age child requires about hours a night, but kindergarteners and child be successful in school. 10 first graders may need 11 to 12 hours, Kur“Sound sleep is associated with cinka says. (see sidebar on p. 19 for recomtop performance, sound rea- mended sleep requirements.) soning, impulse control, and Strive to Meet Sleep much more,” says Mary Sheedy Requirements for Kurcinka, best-selling author Your Entire Family. of Sleepless in America (2006, Make sleeping a top priority for your entire HarperCollins). family – your children, you and your spouse

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too. “If we protect our own sleep as well as our children’s, we will be better parents,” Kurcinka says.

Take a Reality Check.

While most parents want to do what’s best for their families, Kurcinka acknowledges the reality of busy children getting 10 hours of sound sleep each night may be a challenge for many families. “We’re a culture that doesn’t value sleep,” Kurcinka says. “We face pressures for our children that they need to compete so we enroll them in many activities to prepare them for adulthood.”

Engage in Earlier-Day Activities. Many parents juggle school-related activities that often occur in the evening, when a child needs to be winding down for sleeping. Yet as a parent, you can alter your decisions about participating in activities and running errands so sleep takes top priority in your household, Kurcinka says. For example, rather than enrolling your child in swimming lessons after dinner, consider Saturday morning or afterschool lessons instead. Run errands during the day, whenever possible. “First, parents need to make sure a child will get enough sleep, and then they can plug activities into their calendars – not the other way around, scheduling activities and having them sleep around their schedules,” Kurcinka says.

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Get Others Involved. Parents may find they cannot honor their children’s need for sleep without some support from other families. “We need to create a message in our communities,” Kurcinka says. “Parents can get together and ask important questions such as, ‘Why does basketball practice need to begin at 8 p.m.?’ They can let others know that they want their 9-year-olds to play basketball, but not at that time. Parents really can make a difference by speaking out.”

The Effects of Sleep.

“The repercussions of not getting enough sleep are so widespread,” says Val Krage, a parent educator. “The risk factors and consequences are very eye opening. Once parents understand it, they really react to it.” Though scientists are still learning about the consequences of poor sleeping habits, research has clearly shown sleeping too little inhibits productivity and the ability to remember and consolidate information. Short sleep duration is linked with an increased risk for motor vehicle accidents, obesity, diabetes, heart problems, depression and substance abuse, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Make the Connection to Sleep Benefits. Many times, parents don’t connect academic, behavioral, and health issues with sleep, Krage says. Sleep directly impacts mental Continued on page 19

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Fall thoughts that were recently shared: Q: We are planning an 8 hour road trip to visit the grandparents but are very nervous because my 2-year-old has recently started getting car sick. We don’t normally take long car rides, but now anything longer than a 45 minute trip seems to make him vomit . . . anyone have suggestions, because we can’t afford to fly and the grandparents can’t come to us. —Beverly A: My son started getting car sick at age 2 also! We tried not to let him have anything to drink, especially milk, before getting in the car and if packing a snack to make sure it was something dry like pretzels or crackers . . . and we keep an emergency “chuck-up” kit in the trunk, which is basically a beach bucket with wipes, spare clothes and a towel. —Linda A: We moved our daughter’s car seat to the center. Allowing her to look out the front window rather than the fast moving stuff out the side window made all the difference. If she started to feel a little sick, we would just get her to close her eyes and “imagine” what was out the window. — Charlotte A: Two months before we were to make a 16 hour drive to our new home, my two-year-old started getting car sick. We pulled out all the stops knowing there was no way to avoid eating and drinking in the car because there would be no good place to pull over and hose down a car seat. We moved the seat to the center, got him some SeaBand motion sickness bracelets ($5 at the pharmacy...they were his “cool driving bracelets”). We also downloaded some movies onto our mini laptop and wedged it in between the two front seats so that he would stay focused on one thing. We made it the whole way, of course stopping frequently for fresh air, without any incidents!!! By the way, he is nearly 3 now and has grown out of it! —Mary Q: Where is the best place to find inexpensive Halloween costumes? A: This list serve! Just let us know what you need? We have a trunk full of costumes!—Sophie A: Party City has a ton, and you can try them on before you buy them. Make sure to go online and sign-up for their email list first! They will send you a coupon to use right away! —Becky A: I am big into saving Box Tops for my kids’ school . . . If you go to the Box Tops website, they sell a really good variety of costumes through various places including; Halloween Express and even Old Navy. When you buy online you get more Box Tops for your kids’ school. —Peggy A: We have generally had good luck at thrift stores. —Ann A: I organize costume swaps with the other parents in our school . . . recycle and socialize at the same time : ) —Kristen

We would love your responses to these questions: Q: What is there to do on the Emerald Coast during the winter for little ones when the Beach and Pool are not available? Q: Not being from this area . . . how do I find a safe babysitting option to take my Valentine out? Email me at: crystal@emeraldcoastkids.com. v

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Continued from page 7

Recently, the family created a magnetic wall, using magnetic paint, which is great for putting up sports calendars, lunch menus, field trips, and more to keep track of her children. Another key to Herlitzka’s organizing success is a simple, threering binder that she keeps in her kitchen. All of the children’s activity and school calendars and schedules, as well as phone numbers and e-mail addresses of their friends, are kept in that binder. After she completes the family calendar for the upcoming month, she goes into the den and logs onto her computer. From there, she accesses her calendar for work, which she keeps on her computer for easy access from home and from work. Anything from the family calendar that will affect her work calendar – such as a pick up time from a Scout meeting – goes onto her work schedule. If she needs to purchase something for one of the kid’s projects, she writes that down to do over her lunch break.

Organizing at Work “The most important organizing tool is your planner,” Fakler says. “Your planner coordinates your calendar, your to-do list, your contacts and all else when integrated with your master to-do list.” At work, Herlitzka maintains a separate calendar and schedule. She has daily to-do lists and “due lists,” which are her ongoing projects. When she’s preparing for a trial, she gives herself 90 days, 60 days and 30 days notices.

Review your master list at the end of the day to plan tomorrow’s top priorities!

your to-dos. Review your master list at the end of the day to plan tomorrow’s top priorities.”

Home-Work Balance Herlitzka learned a good lesson one summer when she overscheduled the children in activities. “I have tried to add more into our schedule in the past, and it got too crazy,” she says. “The kids don’t need to be in so many activities; they need down time too and time to play in the backyard and ride their bikes.” Herlitzka thinks about what she really wants her children to be involved in before she puts it on their family calendar. To keep balance, her children participate in music lessons, one sport at a time and scouting. Taking swimming lessons is a priority as well. This gives the family time for activities together and a night off for both Mom and Dad. On Friday nights the family enjoys watching a movie and eating dinner picnic-style together. Tuesday night is her husband’s evening out, when he can play golf or basketball with friends. On Thursday night, Herlitzka uses her night off to run errands and to participate in her monthly book club. Fakler says, “You know you are organized when: You leave home and work with ease and grace; you enjoy a leisurely lunch; you have a productive day and leave work on time without guilt; you are healthier; and you spend quality time with the people you love.” v

Kim Seidel has two active daughters, and often faces the challenge of whether to push or back away as their mother.

Herlitzka is also extremely involved in several community organizations, which regularly meet. These meetings are marked down on her calendar at work as well. Along with easy access, Herlitzka likes keeping her work calendar on her computer, because she uses the reminders it gives. She also likes to send herself phone voice messages to work from home when she thinks of something she needs to remember. Fakler is a big fan of master to-do lists. “Use it to list your todos as they come to mind,” she says. “This will clear the clutter in your mind and the stress created when you try to remember

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Dance! The Gift of

As with all beginnings, those of the Northwest Florida Ballet were humble. Founded as the Fort Walton Beach Ballet in 1969, the company quickly expanded outside the bounds of the city that was its home. By 1987, not even a decade later, the name was changed, and an Emerald Coast institution was born. The Ballet has attracted an expansive cast of international guest stars over the years, but has never strayed from its core purpose: to bring the gift of dance to the people of Northwest Florida. DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY

Step through the doorway of the Sibyl Lebhertz Center for Dance Education on any night of the week, and you will be met with a frenzy of activity. Music from the upstairs studios fills the air, and the whole building is alive with the energy of the dancers. Dance classes are held every day beginning at 3:30, and often run late into the evening. The students don’t mind the long hours, though; they jeté at the chance to participate in classes like jazz, hip-hop, and (of course) ballet. NFB specializes in 16 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

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classical French technique, but strongly encourages every student to branch out beyond their pointe shoes.

Even the little ones get in on the action. Even the little ones get in on the action. Creative Dance and PreBallet classes for baby ballerinas are held three times a week, with troupes of four-to-seven-year-olds filing in to fill the spaces at the barre. Classes are open to boys and girls alike. Some of the Ballet’s most successful students wore shorts instead of tutus—including current Creative Director and CEO, Todd Eric Allen. Tuition starts as low as $55 a month, with scholarship opportunities available for anyone who may need them. FROM STUDIO TO SCHOOL

In 2002 NFB ventured in a bold new direction, fusing traditional education with dance. The Northwest Florida Ballet Academie is the arts’ answer to math and science magnet schools, fusing traditional scholastic education with dance. Students in grades 3-8 attend the Academie just as they would a standard school, but instead of running the track in PE they spend an hour in the dance studio. They also take French, art, and music lessons in addition to their core classes, all taught by certified Okaloosa County teachers.

. . . instead of running track they spend an hour in the dance studio. The Academie is a free program for students of Okaloosa, Escambia, Bay, Santa Rosa, and Walton Counties. Admittance to the school is by audition: toward the end of their second grade year students are invited to try out, and each year between 40 and 50 children are selected for acceptance. Students are evaluated based on their potential to learn, their willingness to listen, and their enthusiasm for dance. Students who choose to stay in the program all the way through 8th grade are invited to join the NFB Pre-Professional Program, which offers high school students the opportunity to continue their training in anticipation of pursuing careers in professional performance. BRIGHT LIGHTS, BIG STAGE

NFB stages a number of performances throughout the year, all featuring dancers drawn from the ranks of their student Corps de Ballet. The most spectacular of these, and the one that continually draws the most acclaim, is The Nutcracker. This annual celebration of holiday magic features a cast of nearly one hundred local children ages nine and older in roles like baby mice, angels, and gingerbread cookies. Beloved as much by the performers as by the audience, the tradition is in its 44th year with no sign of stopping! v NorthWest Florida Ballet 310 Perry Avenue SE.Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 850.664.7787 • www.nfballet.org ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • 17

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13 Saturday, November 9, 20 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Local restaurants will compete in a spirited and fun cook-off event that will offer samples of creative BBQ. Celebrity judges will evaluate the entries and award prizes. Breweries will offer more than 25 refreshing craft beers and cocktails to compliment the BBQ and signature coastal food. This fun afternoon will feature “tasting stations” where you can experience the restaurants’ creative BBQ styles that will not necessarily be traditional pork, beef or ribs. Visitors can buy tasting wristbands for $30 at the gate or in advance for $25 by calling 850-974-4801 or emailing info@harborwalk-destin.com. Some of the participating restaurants this year include Harry T’s Lighthouse, Emerald Grande’s Grande Vista Bar and Grill, Sandcastle’s Restaurant, Landshark Pizza Company and Tucker Duke’s. New additions to this year’s event are Chef Brian Cartenuto from Tucker Duke’s Lunchbox along with live entertainment from The Blenders, The Modern Elderados and Season Ammons Band. The BBQ categories include, Best Traditional BBQ, Most Creative BBQ, Best Seafood BBQ and Best Booth. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place in the category of The Peoples Choice. Volunteers are needed to help out. For more information on how you can participate, please contact: jamiemarie@cox.net, 850.585.5451 or gvann@harborwalkdestin.com, 850-572-8274. 18 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

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Continued from page 11

and physical development. School-age children on little sleep can suffer from mood swings and behavioral problems, such as hyperactivity and cognitive difficulties that impact their ability to learn in school, Krage says. Various studies have pointed to chronically sleep-deprived children performing two grade levels below their peers on standardized tests. “Children are not equipped to learn when they’re sleep deprived.”

Start to shift bedtimes.

For many families, the summer schedule – going to bed later and sleeping in longer – has disrupted sleep patterns for everyone. Ideally, families stick to a sleeping schedule all year long, including on weekends, not varying by more than one hour, Krage says. Now as fall approaches, try to begin shifting your children’s bed times and wake times closer to their school schedules. Start to move the schedule in 15-minute increments.

Promote Good Sleep Habits. Follow These Tips from Kurcinka:

Recognizing a good night’s sleep begins in the morning. This means establishing a regular wake-up time and sticking to it. Turning off the television and computer in the morning. Instead, pull open the shades to allow natural light to wake up your children. If possible, have your children go outside for even a few minutes to stimulate the body. Eating mini meals and snacks that contain protein, carbohydrates, fruits/vegetables and a little fat six times a day. (Think cheese and crackers and yogurt and fruit.) Encouraging naps and quiet time during the day for children, ideally after lunch for 45 minutes. Banning video, television, and rough play after dinner. Start slowing the routine after the meal. If a child has trouble falling asleep, move their bath or shower away from the bedtime routine, because the body temperature needs to drop again before sleeping. v Sleep requirements (includes naps) Newborns, 1-2 months, 10.5-18 hours Infants, 3-11 months, 9-12 hours during night, and 30-minute to two-hour naps, one to four times a day Toddlers, ages 1 to 3, 12 to 14 hours Preschoolers, ages 3 to 5, 11-13 hours Kindergarten and first graders, 11 to 12 hours School-age, 6 to 12, 10-11 hours Teens, 13-17, 8.5-9.25 Adults, 8.25 hours Kim Seidel is the mother of two daughters, ages 15 and 11. ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • 19

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The 1st Annual

1-Mile Family-Fun-Run December 21st 10 a.m. LOCATION

The Landing Park on Brooks St. Downtown FWB

Specialntest! Co Costumeand adult For kid divisions.

Lady Roller Derby Santas will be chasing all elves with large candy canes as they run, jog and skip along the 1 mile trail to the Landing Park for festivities, food, activities & PRIZES for participants!

Register Today!

Register on Active.com or stop in RUN WITH IT to pick up an application or register the day of the FAMILY FUN RUN. Registration on the day of the run is from 8:30-9:45am.

Pre-Party and After Party! Shop the Downtown Christmas market after you run! $15-adults - $5-kids

Presented by the Downtown FWB Merchants Association For more information go to http://www.downtownfwb.com

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BUILDERS It’s beginning to look a lot like the holidays—my favorite time of year! I love all the smells of Thanksgiving and how everything around us seems to transform into a magical, winter wonderland as we transition into Christmas! The holidays are a great time to gather together and experience a little joy that the busyness of the rest of the year seems to crowd out of our lives. This year as you’re sitting around the dinner table, take our Family Chatter Challenge—get to really know some of those famiy members you only see once a year! Have some fun making tasty treats with Grandma in the kitchen, or do a little crafting with the cousins! Enjoy life TOGETHER!

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FamilyChatter Challenge


Years ago, as I was about to become a new father, my mother gave me one particular word of advice that has always stuck with me: “Eat at the dinner table as often as possible.” This section is dedicated to my mother—whose advice at the time seemed like such a simple “no-brainer.” Nevertheless, as time went on (and our lives began to get scary busy), I realized that her words of wisdom were starting to look more like a challenge than simple advice. My wife and I decided to accept her challenge and do our best to carry on the “simple” timehonored tradition of eating dinner at the family table. So how have

Keep track of which questions you and your family have answered by marking them off as you go.

Who did you sit with at lunch? What did you talk about?

we done? Well, I have to admit that sometimes our family calendar blows away any and all attempts of establishing a “normal” dinner time and routine. In fact, just a few weeks ago, as the family all sat down for dinner, it dawned on my wife and me that it was nearing 9:00 at night! Was it a little later than normal? Sure, but we still took the time to talk to each other about our day and ask a few probing questions like the ones on this page. Take the challenge and try them at your dinner table. Enjoy!

Why is Christmas a special time of year for you? And what are you looking forward to the most?

What are some nice things you can do durin g the holidays for others?

What was the best gift you have ever bee n given during the holidays? What made that gift so importan t to you? Do you still hav e it?

l meals are What specia forward to you looking olidays that during the h y don’t get? you normall

What are some things you and your class are doing in school to help celebrate the holidays?

What is the earliest memory you have about Thanksgiving or Christmas? How old were you?

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Chatter Challenge Tips:

If you could celebrate the holidays anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Why?

Here are a number of places you can use these questions to spur on great conversations with your family! At the Kitchen Table In the Family Room During Commercials

ons do What family traditi te ar d them? you have? Who st family kept How long has your hat are some these tradition? W u can start? new traditions yo

What are some of your favorite holiday stories or books you like to tell or read during the holiday seasons?

In the Back Yard On Road Trips in the Car

Should fruitcake be outlawed? What are your favorite holiday treats? Who makes them for you? How can you show your appreciation?

Yell them out loud—out of the blue—just for fun!

If you could ch ange anything abou t the holidays, what would you change an d why? r favorite What is you rol? What Christmas ca favorite is your least rol? Christmas ca

Live Laugh Love and Talk Together

ing What are some Thanksgiv and Christmas smells? Do you have a favorite?

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Ants in Their Pants

That’s Good to Know! Information You Can Use!

Traveling with toddlers is challenging. Kids can’t roam free in transit, so try to maximize movement during travel breaks. On the road, think parks, playgrounds and rest areas. Pick up food to go, then find play space nearby—turn pit stops into picnics. Inflatable beach balls and Frisbees are fun anytime, anywhere. Flying? Don’t book a short airline itinerary. You’ll want ample time to stretch, use the restroom, and eat a snack before boarding. Use training pants for long stretches of travel if your child isn’t 100% accident-free—pull-ups can save your sanity and your seat! If your child will be sleeping on the floor—bring a sleeping bag. Let them pick one they like and practice at home first. Too much go-go-go wears everyone out—leave room for rest.

Fearless Adventurers This Edition: B y K i m S e i d e l

Holiday Travel—with Kids Traveling with kids is like diving into the deep end of the pool. It might be cool and refreshing, but it’s risky.

Baby on Board

Whether you travel by car, train or plane, try to keep to your baby’s schedule as much as possible. Don’t let them get too hungry or too tired. Change diapers often—even if you have to do it at 32,000 feet. Pack light, but not too light. Having what you need eases stress, but only if provisions don’t weigh you down. Take changes of clothing for everyone, including yourself. You don’t want to arrive at your destination smelling of sour milk. Bring a stroller if space allows: they’re handy for carrying more than the baby. Many airlines check baby gear free of charge. Consult the airline website for details. If you’ll need to heat milk or baby food, find lodging with a fridge and microwave or bring an electric teapot. In transit, offer roomtemperature options, like applesauce and cheerios. How you pack is important, too—easy access is key. Make an “in transit” kit to stow under the airline seat or near baby’s car seat.

You don’t want to unpack everything to find the wipes!

Let school-age kids participate in travel planning. Go online to explore routes and let them suggest a few activities along the way (confirm activity information, such as hours and admission fees). Print a packing checklist for your child and have them set out items for inspection. Double check that they have the necessities, then teach them how to pack it all up. Kids will need snacks along the way. Bring non-perishables from home if you can—you’ll save money and they will eat healthier.

Digital devices don’t promote family interaction. In transit, video games and DVD players can keep kids quiet, but they don’t promote family interaction. Make travel time memorable with family games and sing-along music.

Teen Travelers

Teens aren’t alway easy to get along with—tailoring some of your plans to your teen’s concerns will help you enjoy the trip and each other. Expect your older children to pack themselves, and follow up to make sure they have the essentials (don’t forget about their iPod, digital camera, cell phone or laptop). Score points by funding new tunes or book titles before the trip. Encourage your teens to document their experiences digitally. This stokes creativity and facilitates that “what I did on my summer vacation” essay down the road. Plan for alone time. Give teens breathing room—honoring their personal space pays off and avoids blow-ups. Within reason, help older kids stay connected to friends back home. Social media can preserve their relationships and your sanity. v

Routine is soothing, so preserve everyday rituals—like bath time and breakfast—if possible.

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Cut out this page. Then, cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes her half. Now it’s time for you both to do your part. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other—as often as you remember!

Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump-start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!

10 WAYS to sh w

R E H y u care Be a good listener. Show her you value what she says. Take her out to breakfast or make her breakfast. Encourage her to relax in some way while you clean up after dinner. Be an involved partner in helping with the children and spending time together. Be careful to choose your words, especially when angry. Tell her (and show her) you love her often. .Learn to enjoy what she enjoys. Hold her hand in public.

Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!

Call her when you’re going to be late. Rubher back or feet after a hard day.

Email us your ideas! Let us know how you go out of your way to SHOW HER YOU CARE! info@itsyourmagazine.com ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • 25

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Cut out this page. Then, cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes her half. Now it’s time for you both to do your part. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other—as often as you remember!

Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump-start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!

10 WAYS to sh w

M I H y u care Prepare a surprise for him. Kiss and hug him for no reason. I. nspire and empower him by reminding him about past success. Follow your dreams and involve him to help you. Give him a shoulder rub after a long work day. Don’t sweat him with the small stuff. Apologize when you know you were wrong. Focus on the positive; focus on what you have already!

Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!

Never throw away his stuff without asking—always check with him first. Buy something nice and useful for his hobby. Email us your ideas! Let us know how you go out of your way to SHOW HIM YOU CARE! info@itsyourmagazine.com 26 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

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SNACKS & CRAFTS The holidays are a great time to spend a little time in the kitchen or at the craft table for a little family fun!

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Miniature Candy Cornucopias INGREDIENTS • Sugar Cones • M & Ms • A Clean Pencil • Plastic Wrap • Curling Ribbon DIRECTIONS • Drizzle about one tablespoon of warm water into the cone. • Dip the tip of your cone in warm water for about 20 seconds. • Pour out the water and put cone in the microwave for about 20 seconds. • Carefully wrap the tip of the sugar cone around a clean pencil until it is the shape you desire and hold it in place for about 30 seconds or until it cools slightly. • Allow the cone to dry completely. • Fill the cone with M&Ms. • Wrap the open end of the cone with plastic wrap and secure with curling ribbon. • Tip- Dip the open end in chocolate, because anything is better with chocolate.

Dip the open end of your sugar cone into chocolate— because anything is better with chocolate!

Chocolate Acorns INGREDIENTS • Hershey’s Kisses in Dark & Milk Chocolate • Mini Nilla Wafers • Chocolate Frosting • Butterscotch or Peanut Butter Chips • Decorating Syringe DIRECTIONS • Fill a decorating syringe with chocolate frosting. • Squeeze a pea size amount of frosting on the bottom of a Mini Nilla Wafer. • Attach a Dark Chocolate Hershey’s Kiss. • Squeeze a small dot of chocolate in the top of the Nilla Wafer. • Attach the butterscotch chip. • Alternate using Dark and Milk Chocolate Hershey’s Kisses.

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Nutter Butter Reindeer INGREDIENTS • Nutter Butter Cookies • Creamy Peanut Butter • Pretzels • Dark Cocoa Melting Chocolate • White Chocolate Chips • Black icing • Red M&Ms • Popsicle Sticks

Snip the tips off the white chocolate chips before adding them to the reindeer. This will allow a flat surface for black pupils.

DIRECTIONS • Open up a Nutter Butter cookie to reveal the creamy peanut butter filling inside. • Spread creamy peanut butter over entire cookie, place Popsicle stick inside and close the cookie again. • Break pretzels so they look like antlers. Eat the spare pieces. • Heat melting chocolate according to the package, and place in shallow bowl. • Dip the Popsicle in melting chocolate and place on wax paper. • Add white chocolate chips for eyes, a red M&M for a nose, and pretzels for antlers before the chocolate dries. • Once dry, add black pupils onto the eyes.

Melting Snowman Cookies INGREDIENTS • Your Favorite Sugar Cookie Recipe • Large Marshmallows • 2 Cups Powdered Sugar

* The marshmallow should be soft enough to push down slightly, but not so soft that it deforms when you pick it up.

• 4 tsp Milk • 4 tsp Light Corn Syrup • Cookie Decorating Pens in Various Colors

DIRECTIONS • Make sugar cookies according to your favorite recipe. • Roll into ping-pong sized balls and bake. • Spray a microwave safe plate with cooking spray and put one large marshmallow on the plate. I recommend only doing one marshmallow at a time. • Prepare cookie frosting- 2 cups Powdered Sugar, 4 tsp Milk, 4 tsp Light Corn Syrup. Stir in a bowl until smooth. • Drizzle frosting on the cookie in the shape of a puddle. • Microwave the marshmallow for about 7 seconds.* • Apply cooking spray onto your fingers and then carefully lift the marshmallow up by its base and place it on the cookie— pushing down, very slightly, on the top of the marshmallow. • Allow the frosting to dry for a full 24 hours. • Decorate as desired with eyes, nose, arms, buttons, scarves, bow ties or bows in their hair.

You need to allow the frosting to dry for a full 24 hours.

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Fall Centerpiece MATERIALS • 2 Glass Vases of different sizes • Dried Lentils • Popcorn Kernels • 2 Tea Lights • Ribbon in Fall Colors INSTRUCTIONS • Add Dried Lentils to the smaller vase. • Add Dried Popcorn Kernels to the larger vase. • Push a tea light down into the center of each vase. • Add a festive bow to each vase.

These vases look nice on a base of artificial fall leaves.

Christmas Coasters MATERIALS • Napkins in Four Different Christmas designs • Four 4-inch Tiles • Outdoor Mod Podge • Flat Cork • Foam brush • White Glue INSTRUCTIONS • Cut napkins into 4-inch squares, highlighting the most interesting part of the napkin. • Apply Mod Podge to the tile with a foam brush. • Carefully place the napkin over the wet Mod Podge. • Apply a layer of Mod Podge on top of the napkin. • Repeat with the other three napkins.

Iron the napkins to flatten out the creases. You can also spray the tile with clear acrylic coating for extra protection.

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Button Ornament MATERIALS • 100 Small Buttons • 1 Larger Button • 100 Ball Pins • Ribbon for Hanging • 2½-inch Styrofoam Ball INSTRUCTIONS • Place a button on the Styrofoam ball. • Push a ball pin through one of the holes to attach it. • Continue placing buttons over the entire ball until covered. • If there are any open spaces, you can add a second layer of buttons. • Cut a 3-inch section of ribbon and roll into a loop. • Place the large button inside the loop. • Use 4 pins to attach the large button and ribbon to the ball. Push the pins in different directions so it will hold tightly.

Shiny red ball pins with large heads help to give your Christmas button ornament a nice touch of red.

Cute Microwavable Heat Packs MATERIALS • Cotton Material - 10in x 11in • 3 Cups of Uncooked Rice • Thread DIRECTIONS • Fold material in half, right sides together. • Sew bottoms and sides together, using a ½ inch seam allowance. • Turn pack inside out. • Fill pack with approximately 3 cups of rice. • Sew final edge closed. Fold over and sew again to reinforce the final edge.

We used bandanas. You can make 4 heat packs out of just one bandana.

These make great Christmas giveaway gifts for everyone on your list!

Try other ingredients inside - Feed corn, Buckwheat hulls, Oatmeal, Beans or Flax seed

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Teach Your Kids Something New!

This Edition: B y Ta s h a W i l l i a m s

s ago her many year cipe to my mot ne who asks. re is th ve ga n yo Adeline Melvi share it with an est—that she with one requ

FAMILYTRADITIONS Think back to the holidays of your childhood and try to recall some of your family traditions. If you’re like me, a special few come to mind right away. You probably recall some of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes and Christmas treats, or a few favorite games you played with your siblings and cousins. Family traditions are part of the fabric of our lives and help to make us who we are. As the holidays quickly approach, it’s easy to get lost in all of the delights of Thanksgiving and splendors of Christmas. We look forward to spending time with family and taking a well deserved break from our day-to-day lives. It’s usually during this time that many of us venture out and brave the shopping aisles and check-out lines of our favorite stores and boutiques—in search of that perfect gift for everyone on our list. Unfortunately, as we take in all the trappings of the season, we can very easily succumb to the materialism of the holidays. Luckily, not every gift has to be store bought! Each year, for quite a few years now, our family has taken part in what’s become one of my favorite family traditions—the annual making of peanut butter balls—roughly 1,500 to 2,000 of the little things!

three wonderful sons, but sometimes getting them off of whatever game they’re playing with their cousins and over to the table to help out is not always easy. That being said, they all end up participating and each of them enjoys giving out their own packages of peanut butter balls to their friends, teachers and leaders—who have come to anxiously anticipate these treats.

Turn family traditions into teachable moments! Every year the list of who we deliver peanut butter balls to changes. It mostly comes down to who we want to say thanks to. One year my youngest son wanted to give a box of treats to Victor—one of our garbage men. We tend to know our garbage men pretty well as we’re always asking permission to put odd things directly into the back of the truck because they won’t fit into our garbage cans. Robby was so excited to spread the joy of Christmas and Victor was very thankful that we thought of him. Who can you think of that would enjoy receiving an unexpected gift this year? The great thing about peanut butter balls is that they’re fun to make and don’t cost a lot—so you’re able to give out boxes of them to many people—which feels great!

Luckily, not every gift has to be store bought! Each year is a little different depending on who’s in town, or who is staying with my parents (who host the peanut butter ball bonanza). Participation is a must for my immediate family (each year, at least one of our children tries to convince us that making just one peanut butter ball is “technically” participating). We have

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alls Chocolate Peanut Butter B

IN GR ED IEN TS • 6 cups Crispy Rice Cereal ky Peanut Butter • 40 ounces or 5 cups Chun • 2 pounds Powdered Sugar • 1 cup Melted Butter t • 4 teaspoons Vanilla Extrac • 60 ounces Chocolate Chips x (food grade) • 1 cup Grated Paraffin Wa • Plastic Table Cloth • Tongs DI RE CT IO NS er, t chocolate and wax) togeth • Mix all ingredients (excep balls. ed siz roll into ping-pong with hands if necessary, and the in ts near the canning produc • Shred Paraffin Wax (Sold cessor or by hand. grocer y store) in a food pro wave wax together in a large, micro • Mix Chocolate chips and nutes mi two wave for only one or safe bowl. Melt in the micro l efu car Be . thoroughly melted at a time, mixing often until n. bur or it will clump and not to overheat the chocolate chocolate and place them lted me • With tongs, dip balls into . on a plastic tablecloth to dry h. es om too thick to work wit • Reheat chocolate if it bec dling. han for several hours before • Let the balls cool and dry Takein a plain white Chinese Tip- Place about 10 balls t. gif ay for a fun holid out Box with a bow on top count to 10 as they put the Tip-Preschoolers love to balls in the boxes.

Handing down family traditions doesn’t have to be a solemn event cloaked in ritual. Sometimes it’s as simple as being intentional in what we are planning to do already—thus turning a normal event or family tradition into teachable moments! Turn craft and snack time with your children into something more special this year. Sit down with them and explain that they are going to make some homemade gifts, or treats, that come from their hearts and give them away to people they feel are special—or at least deserve a special thank you! If you’re looking to try something new—I highly recommend these peanut butter balls. I guarantee you they’ll be something you look forward to every year. v Thanks, Mom (Harriet Kaempf), for always getting the family together at your house and hosting this event—even though it’s quite a bit of work and mess—we love you! Tasha Williams is the mother of three very busy boys—whom she enjoys homeschooling. When she’s not busy being “mom,” she’s off doing something that needs to get done for the family (written by Rob Williams—her very appreciative husband). ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • 33

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Into Reality—One Customer at a Time! Welcome to the place where your wishes come true! The place where you can find great presents for all of your family and friends. We’ve got everything from baby pacifiers to 2XL adult custom t-shirts. Our one-stop, family-oriented retail store has two distinct sections. The first one is for custom apparel; where you can get the latest fashion/movie/ music industry sayings screen printed for you within minutes. For your sense of humor; there are over 400 of the funniest and most popular designs to choose from for yourself or as a memorable gift. With a variety of styles and colors to choose from in tank tops, t-shirts, and sweat shirts, choose your favorite design and we’ll put it on in just 10 seconds! What a great birthday and Xmas present!

The second part of the store is a baby/children’s resale! We buy, sell, trade, and consign baby clothes, gear, toys and much more!

You’ll be surprised at the quantity and quality of our selection, as you would never guess it was used. Items are in excellent condition and waiting to be yours! Our little ones grow so fast and there are so many things they want and need! Come to Wish Tree and you’ll get great deals, excellent quality, gently used baby clothes and toys at a fraction of the price! This is also the perfect place to bring in items that your child has outgrown for some additional cash in hand.

Items are in excellent condition! We host many events and promotions, so don’t forget to find us on Facebook under Wish Tree Fort Walton Beach. “Like” our page

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Wear Your Personality on a Shirt!

and automatically receive all our updates, deals and promotions. Right now we are starting a new baby contest: Bring in one holiday picture of your baby to the store and you’ll receive a number that we pin the photo on to our contest wall (located in the store). Now the most important part – to SEND ALL YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS, RELATIVES, FRIENDS, and NEIGHBORS, to the Wish Tree to vote for your baby to be the winner. On New Year’s Eve, we will count the votes and the winner will receive a $100 gift certificate from Wish Tree and be published in the “Emerald Coast Parent” magazine, January issue as our model. v 230 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 850-301-0303 ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • 35

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FUN GUIDE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Welcome to a More Exciting Life! No matter how busy you find yourself these days, you might want to make your to-do lists in pencil rather than pen. With the Emerald Coast’s year-round sunshine and laid-back lifestyle, the stage has been set once again for an abundant year of festivals, concerts and special events. We live on a beautiful coast that has so much to offer, and we’re here to make sure you know what’s going on in your own backyard. Don’t miss out on life just because you didn’t know what was happening. Enjoy!

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Here Comes Santa Claus

Fri., November 29th - Saturday, November 30th, (6 - 9 p.m.) - The Village of Baytowne Wharf Kick off the holiday season with a family movie under the stars! The fun continues Saturday, with a preview to 12 Nights of Lights, Tree Lighting, and of course, Santa Claus! Welcome Santa to Baytowne and cheer him on as he lights the Village Christmas Tree. Stick around for a preview to our choreographed light show, 12 Nights of Lights, and watch as fireworks light up the sky over the lagoon. Make a lantern for the upcoming Baytowne Lantern Parade as you enjoy a choir singing your holiday favorites! And last, but not least, visit Kris Kringle himself! Admission is free. Open to public. Subject to change based on weather. For more information, visit www. sandestin.com/events.

Santa’s Arrival to HarborWalk Village

Fri., November 29th - Saturday, November 30th, HarborWalk Village

So far this year, we’ve helped 1,873 nonhomeless & 474 homeless with 7,701 bags of groceries and $8,831 worth of clothing. For more information, call 850-837-2277.

Baytowne on Ice

Fri., November 1st - Fri., January 31st, 2014 The Village of Baytowne Wharf For those visitors who miss the cold, the ice skating rink at The Village of Baytowne Wharf is the perfect opportunity to get into the winter spirit. The seasonal ice skating rink has become a local holiday favorite. The first hour of each day is reserved for “kids skate” for youths 12 and under. For more information, visit www. sandestin.com/events or call 850-267-8184.

2013 Festival of Tree in Grand Boulevard Tues., November 26th - Wed., December 25th, (4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.) - Grand Boulevard

Grand Boulevard’s fourth annual “Festival of Trees” will showcase more than a dozen uniquely decorated Christmas trees from area non-profit organizations, Nov. 26—Dec. 25 in Grand Park. The public is invited to attend the kick-off on Tues., November 26, 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. as the trees are lighted, judged on their decorations and winners are announced at 6 p.m. “Festival of Trees” is free and open to the public.

5th Annual Christmas Bazaar

Saturday, November 16th, (8 a.m. - 2 p.m.) Harvest House, Destin 5th Annual Christmas Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 16, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., at Harvest House located at 300 Mountain Drive in Destin. This will be an outdoor event with free food provided by Waffle House. Christmas items that have been collected throughout the year will be on sale at discounted prices. As always, proceeds from the thrift store sales are used to stock our food pantry and provide area families Turkeys, Hams, fresh vegetables and all of the trimmings for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Harvest House is a non-profit organization that has been serving Destin and the surrounding communities since 1987. We assist area individuals, families and homeless every 30 days with food and clothing. In 2012, we helped 3,221 non-homeless & 572 homeless providing them with 9,661 bags of groceries and over $14,000 worth of clothing.

19th Annual Thanksgiving Feast Thurs., November 28th, (5 -11 p.m.) Harbor Docks Restaurants

Finally, on Thanksgiving Day, Harbor Docks will host their 19th Annual Thanksgiving Feast. People from all walks of life gather at the Destin restaurant in a true Thanksgiving tradition. Those who are capable of making donations are encouraged to do so. Those who aren’t capable are treated to a complimentary meal of a lifetime. Everyone is invited. No questions are asked. Everyone celebrates together. All proceeds raised benefit Habitat for Humanity and Destin Harvest projects. For more information, visit www.harbordocks.com or call 850-837-2506.

Santa makes his grand entrance to the Destin Harbor at this Christmas season kick off! Kids will enjoy free activities and can visit with Santa Claus! The event is free and open to the public. This day and evening is sure to get you into the holiday spirit! Saturday Visit with Santa at HarborWalk Village Description: It’s time for the children to bring their wish list and visit with Santa Claus. All of Santa’s guests receive a special treat! For more information see website for details: www.harborwalkdestin. com or call 850-585-5541.

Here Comes Santa Claus

Sunday, December 1st - Saturday, December 28th, (6 p.m.) - The Village of Baytowne Wharf For the month of December, enjoy a festive light show in the Events Plaza set to your favorite holiday music every Wed., Friday and Saturday leading up to Christmas at 6 & 7 p.m. This sparkling event will also be featured during the holiday editions of the Wednesday Night Concert Series at 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.sandestin.com/events.

Christmas and FWB Christmas Boat Parade Thurs., December 5th, (5:30 p.m.) - The Landing

Start planning now how to decorate your boat for the 2nd Annual FWB Christmas Boat Parade. The event started out last year with a small but dedicated band of holiday sailors – but we’re pretty sure that this year’s group of entries will be larger. How do we know? Consider this: As Ted Corcoran mentioned in his column, “This year’s parade, sponsored by Helen Back, features a new fun twist—ANYONE who enters a decorated boat in the parade (for which there is no entry fee) will receive

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S EASO NAL 1st annual “Running of the Elves”

Saturday, December 21st, (10 a.m.) - The Landing Park on Brooks St.- Downtown FWB See highlighted area for details.

Baytowne Countdown a $50 gift certificate to Helen Back. And immediately upon passing the judges’ stand you can take your boat to Helen Back on the Island for a post parade party!!” All boaters are invited to join the parade, which will begin at approximately 5:30 pm. While there is no entry fee, all entrants are required to register their vessels with the FWB Chamber. In addition, the skippers of all registered vessels must attend a mandatory Skippers’ Meeting at the Chamber offices (34 Miracle Strip Parkway, SE, Fort Walton Beach), date to be announced. This event is sponsored by Helen Back, the City of Fort Walton Beach, the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, and the Fort Walton Sail and Power Squadron. It is but one part of the Christmas festivities at The Landing on December 5th, when the City of Fort Walton Beach will sponsor the Christmas Tree Lighting with music and a visit from Santa, and a Festival of Trees. For more information, contact the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce at 850-244-8191.

Christmas Parade

Saturday, December 14th, (10 a.m.) - Old Time Pottery parking lot to Stahlman Avenue The parade begins at the Old Time Pottery parking lot and travels west down Highway 98 to Stahlman Avenue. For details, call the Destin Community Center at 850-654-5184.

Baytowne Holiday Lantern Parade

Saturday, December 14th, (6 p.m.) - The Village of Baytowne Wharf In celebration of the holiday season, The Village of Baytowne Wharf presents the Holiday Paper Lantern Parade. This community event will feature commissioned paper lanterns in the shapes of iconic symbols of the holiday season. Sandestin homeowners help us kick off the evening with a lighted, golf cart Christmas Parade at 6pm. We invite all individuals and groups to participate by making their own paper lanterns. For more information, visit www.sandestin.com/events.

27th Annual Holiday on the Harbor Destin Lighted Boat Parade, Visit with Santa & Fireworks Sun., December 15th, (12 - 9 p.m.) Destin Harbor and HarborWalk Village

Come enjoy live music, children’s arts and craft and hot chocolate! Visit with Santa Claus

Tues., December 31st, (7 p.m. - midnight) The Village of Baytowne Wharf You don’t want to miss The Village of Baytowne Wharf’s end-of-year party! Come dance the night away and enjoy live bands and breathtaking fireworks as they light up the sky over the lagoon at midnight. The Village of Baytowne Wharf is the place to ring in the New Year! For more information, visit www. sandestin.com/events.

New Year’s Eve Celebration

Tues., December 31st, (7 p.m. - midnight) HarborWalk Village New Year’s Eve Celebration—Dine, drink and dance into the New Year throughout HarborWalk Village. Enjoy live music in the restaurants as well as the HarborWalk Village Main Stage. Two Fireworks and the 6th Annual Ball drop descending over the Harbor make this celebration Destin’s most exciting place to be on New Year’s Eve! Please visit the website for more details: www.harborwalkdestin.com or call at 850-585-5451.

1st annual “Running of the Elves”

Saturday, December 21st, (10 a.m.) - The Landing Park on Brooks St.- Downtown FWB Lady Roller Derby Santas will be chasing all elves with large candy canes as they run, jog and skip along the 1 mile trail to the Landing Park for festivities, food, activities & PRIZES for participants! Register on Active.com or stop in RUN WITH IT to pick up an application or register the day of the FAMILY FUN RUN. Registration on the day of the run is from 8:30-9:45am. Pre-Party and After Party! Shop the Downtown Christmas market after you run! $15-adults - $5-kidsTo participate, call 850-863-9082 or go to www.abwa-ecc.org

from 12-4 PM. Boat Parade begins at 6pm. FIREWORKS finale following parade! The Destin History & Fishing Museum will host the 27th Annual Holiday on the Harbor Destin Boat Parade. Boats will begin lining up in the harbor between 5 and 5:30 p.m. The parade may be viewed from the docks and restaurants west of Grand Harbor Condominiums. Fireworks will light up the sky after the parade. You may pick up an entry form in person at the Museum, Destin Community Center, City Hall, Destin Area Chamber of Commerce, or other harbor businesses. You may also email kathydestinhistory@gmail.com or call 850-837-6611 to have an application sent to you.

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26th Annual Thunderbird Intertribal Powwow

Fri., November 1st - Sun., November 3rd Niceville Mullet Festival Grounds, Corner of FL Highway 85N & College Boulevard Schedule of Events Friday Children’s Day: 9am—2pm; Powwow: 7pm Grand Entry; Intertribal Dancing into the night Sat., Craft Competition: 10am—11am; Special Performances: 11am - 1pm Grand Entry & Opening Ceremonies: 1 pm, followed by Intertribal, Exhibition, Competition Dancing until 5 pm Night Grand Entry: 7pm followed by Intertribal Dancing, Dance Exhibitions & Competitions into the night Sun., Church Service: 10am-11am: at the Arena Intertribal Dancing, Dance Exhibitions, Competitions Winners: Noon to 4pm ADMISSION: Powwow: $5; $3 - Age 12 and younger Children’s Day: $3. For more information call 850-217-6103.

Indian Hunting Camp Program at Crestview Library

restaurants’ creative BBQ styles that will not necessarily be traditional pork, beef or ribs. Visitors can buy tasting wristbands for $30 at the gate or in advance for $25 by calling 850-974-4801 or emailing info@harborwalkdestin.com. For more information contact: jamiemarie@cox.net, 850-585-5451 or gvann@harborwalkdestin.com, 850-572-8274.

Life’s A Beach Cover Art Competition and Gallery Showing

Sat., November 9th - Fri., November 15th, Arts and Design Society of Fort Walton Beach Life’s A Beach will be holding a cover art competition and gallery showing hosted by the Arts and Design Society of Fort Walton Beach. The contest is open to all ages and should capture the playful, whimsical flair of the Emerald Coast. For an entry form or more information visit, www.ArtsDesignSociety. org or contact the Arts and Design Society of Fort Walton Beach directly at 850-244-1271.

Cars & Coffee

Sun., November 10th, - HarborWalk Village See highlighted area for details.

Pioneer Day 2013

Sat., November 23rd, (10 a.m. - 6 p.m.) Crestview Community Center

Enjoy Join us for an opportunity to provide Christmas joy to children less fortunate! We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys on behalf of the Toy’s for Tots Foundation. While you are there, find unique gifts at an affordable price sure to please everyone on your Christmas list. There will be lots of fun to be had with activities for children, live entertainment, delicious food and so much more! Come and spend the day with your family and us! We hope to see you there!!! Arts and Crafts & Vendors | Vendor spaces are available. For more information call Janet Hurst at 850-585-0030 or email holidayharvestfestival@hotmail.com.

The Friends of the Emerald Coast State Parks in partnership with the Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida are hosting Pioneer Day. Come out and participate in activities such as making rag dolls, dipping candles, and playing old fashioned games. A 19th century chuck wagon will be displayed as well as a replica of a working lumber mill typical of those in the Panhandle decades ago. Two Civil War re-enactor groups, the Walton Guard and the 6th Florida Infantry Regiment, will be firing muskets and displaying their campsites. Park fees are waived and food will be available for purchase. If you are interested in volunteering, email Mrs. Kingsbury at Mkings1010@cox.net with your name and contact information. No pets are allowed. For more information please call 850-833-9144.

Farris Powell presents a unique historical impression of the Seminole warrior at the turn of the 19th century. See history come to life in this 1830’s hunting camp—the clothing, weapons, tools, games, musical instruments, and food. Bring blankets or lawn chairs and dress appropriately for the weather. For more information call 850-682-4432.

Beach Bonfires

Fridays & Saturdays in November, (Dusk - 9:30 p.m.) Baytowne Marina at Sandestin

2013 Blues Brews and BBQ

1st Annual Holiday Harvest Festival

Sat., November 16th, (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Rocky Bayou State Park

Sat., November 2nd, (1 - 3 p.m.) Crestview Public Library

Come enjoy the beautiful outdoors with bonfires at the Marina Beach, from dusk to 9:30 p.m. A perfect way to enjoy the beautiful Fall season. For more information, visit www. sandestin.com/events or call 850-267-7778.

will be held outside in front of the Crestview Public Library from 1-3 p.m. on Sat., November 16th. Bring blankets or lawn chairs and dress appropriately for the weather. (In case of rain the program will be held under the Old Spanish Trail Park pavilion at the intersection of Stillwell Blvd. and Industrial Dr.) For more information call Heather Nitzel at 850-682-4432.

Indian Hunting Camp Program

Sat., November 16th, (1 p.m. - 3 p.m.) Crestview Public Library

Sat., November 9th, (11 a.m. - 4 p.m.) HarborWalk Village Local restaurants will compete in a spirited and fun cook-off event that will offer samples of creative BBQ. Breweries will offer more than 25 refreshing craft beers and cocktails to complement the BBQ and signature coastal food. This fun afternoon will feature “tasting stations” where you can experience the

Relive the past with Blue Heron (Wah-kachobee), a Seminole/Creek Indian. Farris Powell presents a unique historical impression of the Seminole warrior at the turn of the 19th century. See history come to life in this 1830’s hunting camp---the clothing, weapons, tools, games, musical instruments, and food. Sample the Indian drink “soffkee.” This authentic southeastern Indian hunting camp program

Cars & Coffee

Sun., November 10th, - HarborWalk Village Join car enthusiasts who will be showcasing their specialty cars throughout HarborWalk Village while enjoying beverages, food, and live music. The event is sponsored by Porsche of Destin. Proceeds to benefit Wounded Warriors. For more information visit www.harborwalkdestin.com or call 850-585-5451.

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RUNS, WALKS & MORE For more information on the race, sponsorships, expo vendor booths or luminary bags, call Shelter House at 850-243-1201.

Jingle Bell Jog

Sat., December 14th, (8 a.m. - 11 a.m.) Uptown Station 5K Fun Run, 5K Walk, and 10K Race. Register online at www.sfa7.com or www.active.com. Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ sfa7jbj.<,br> For sponsorship opportunities, email jbjsponsor@gmail.com. For questions, email sfach7jinglebelljog@gmail.com.

3rd Annual USO Golf For Heroes

Mon., November 11th, (8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Foxwood Country Club, Crestview FL Entry fee for each player includes green fee/ cart, range balls and lunch provided by Hub City Smokehouse BBQ & Grill. There will be a silent auction after play. Format is Florida lowball (scramble).Teams will be flighted. Remember this is a fund raising event to raise the spirits of the troops and their families by supporting the USO. Register online at: https:// usogolfforheroes3.eventbrite.com. Registration deadline: 5:00 p.m. Wed., November 6, 2013 – We sold out last year! Sign in at registration table no later than 0715. Shotgun start at 0830.

Blue Marlin Realty Charity Golf Tournament Fri., November 15th, (9:30 a.m.) - Regatta Bay Golf and Country Club

The tournament will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. and a shotgun start at 11 a.m. Entrance fees are $120 per person and $400 to sign up a foursome. All tournament players will receive a free lunch courtesy of Lenny’s Sub Shop. Following the tournament there will be an after-party held at the Regatta Bay Clubhouse with raffles and live entertainment featuring Donnie Sundal of Boukou Groove. Proceeds will benefit the Mary Lynne Burnett Memorial Foundation. For more information call 850-510-0629.

Destin Dog Park Wag N Walk & 5K Run Sat., November 16th, (9 a.m.) Destin City Hall Annex

Participants may bring their dog, big or small, to run or walk the race. Preregistration is $20 by Sept. 1, $25 if registered between Sept. 2-Nov. 15, and $30 on race day. Dayof registration will be from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at the Destin City Hall Annex. Participants can also register online at www.active. com until Nov. 15. T-shirts and prizes for winners of each category will be provided for the participants. An award ceremony and celebration will be held after the race. Dogs are required to wear current rabies tags and must be on a short leash. Registration forms can be picked up at the Destin Community Center, Destin City Hall and www.cityodestin. com. For more information, call the City of Destin at 850-650-1241 or email Nick Coleman at, ncoleman@cityofdestin.com.

1st annual “Running of the Elves”

Sat., December 21st, (10 a.m.) - The Landing Park on Brooks St.- Downtown FWB Lady Roller Derby Santas will be chasing all elves with large candy canes as they run, jog and skip along the 1 mile trail to the Landing Park for festivities, food, activities & PRIZES for participants! Register on Active.com or stop in RUN WITH IT to pick up an application or register the day of the FAMILY FUN RUN. Registration on the day of the run is from 8:30-9:45am. Pre-Party and After Party! Shop the Downtown Christmas market after you run! $15-adults - $5-kids. To participate, call 850-863-9082 or go to www.abwa-ecc.org.

Habitrot for Humanity Half Marathon & 5K Tues. November 19th, (6 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort

Sandestin invites running enthusiasts to enjoy the beautiful 2,400 acre resort. From the beach to the bay, runners will be able to soak in views of the resort. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity. For more information, visit www. sandestin.com/events.

Habitrot for Humanity Half Marathon & 5K Tues., November 19th, (6 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort See highlighted area for details.

Shelter House to Host 3rd Annual Luminaria Run

Sat., December 7th, (4:30 p.m.) - Destin Community Center Shelter House, the domestic violence and sexual violence center serving Okaloosa and Walton counties, will present a unique twilight run designed to shine the light on abuse in our community. Due to the race’s growth, it is moving from Sandestin to the City of Destin this year. Runners will start at the Destin City Hall Annex and follow a course lined with more than 2,000 luminarias lighting their path. The race includes 5k and 9k courses winding throughout the Indian Bayou neighborhood. Children are encouraged to participate in the run, and walkers are welcome. This familyfriendly event will have a “sweet finish” featuring s’mores, hot cocoa, cupcakes and more. This is a twilight race starting at 4:30pm. Runners are encouraged to wear reflective gear, and a prize will be awarded for the best lit runner. To register, please go to www. shelterhousenwfl.org or www.imathlete.com.

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TEACHER FROM THE BLACK LAGOON National Tour Children’s Series Tues., November 5th, (9:45 a.m.) Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage

The Mattie Kelly Arts Center offers a series of nationally touring children’s shows geared to school groups and open to the public on a space available basis. Each show is presented in day-time performances in the Mainstage Theater at the center at 9:45 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Admission is $6 each. Advance reservations are required for either groups or individuals. For more Information or reservations, please call 850-729-6065 or e-mail House Manager Delores Merrill at merrilld@nwfsc.edu.

THE ADDAMS FAMILY - National Tour Broadway Series

orchestral sounds, a touch of swing and jazz and some foot-stomping, toe-tapping rhythms that are just great fun to hear. Another delight at the November concert will be the NFSO performing Charles Ives’ Central Park in the Dark, a kaleidoscope of sounds heard while on an evening stroll in 1906 New York City, and Antonin Dvorák’s famous New World Symphony. Tickets to NFSO concerts are $22.50 each for adults, and $16 each for Active Duty Military and youth age 18 and younger. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter. org, or call 850-729-6000.

Tues., November 12th, (7:30 p.m.) Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage

Featuring an original story this delightfully devilish tale combines the just plain weird with charm, wit and enchantment! And, it’s every father’s nightmare. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family. A man her parents, Gomez and Morticia, have never met. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s “normal” boyfriend and his parents! Season package sales start August 16, 2013 (packages of 5 or more national touring shows receive a discount). Individual tickets are $49 each and are available by web starting August 30 at 5:00 p.m., by phone or in-person starting September 3 at 10:00 a.m. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter. org, or call 850-729-6000.


Northwest Florida Ballet -The Nutcracker Sat., November 23rd - Sun., November 24th, (7:30 p.m.) & (2:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage See highlighted area for details.

HELLO DOLLY! Starring Sally Struthers -National Tour Broadway Series Mon., November 25th, (7:30 p.m.) Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage

Sat., November 16th, (7:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage Featuring the sounds of both American and European composers—guest artist and mandolinist Jeff Midkiff of Virginia performs the regional premiere of his acclaimed, folkinspired Concerto for Mandolin “From the Blue Ridge”—a fascinating reflection of bluegrassbased themes that combine with sophisticated

Starring Sally Struthers, two-time Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award winner! “Hello, Dolly!” is one of the most enduring musical theatre hits, enjoying three Broadway revivals and international success. Featuring an irresistible story and unforgettable songs including Put on Your Sunday Clothes and the show-stopping Before the Parade Passes By -- Hello Dolly! has been charming audiences around the world for nearly 50 years. Season package sales start August 16, 2013 (packages

of 5 or more national touring shows receive a discount). Individual tickets are $45 each and are available by web starting August 30 at 5:00 p.m. For more information, visit www. mattiekellyartscenter.org, or call 850-729-6000.


Fri., December 6th, (3 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Tyler Recital Hall The Performing Arts Division Honors recital is held at the end of each semester to showcase the most successful Northwest Florida State College student performances of the semester. Recital performers are voted on by NWF State Fine Arts faculty. The recital is free of charge and open to the public. The Fall Recital is at 3:00 p.m. on December 6 in the Tyler Recital Hall of the music wing at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center on the college’s Niceville campus. For information contact the NWFSC Fine Arts Office at 850-729-5382.


Fri., December 6th & Sat., December 7th, (7:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, McIlroy Gallery The Northwest Florida State College Madrigals, a select 18-voice mixed ensemble of scholarship vocalists under the direction of Allison Everitt, and Belle Voci, a select women’s ensemble under the direction of Lois Van Dam, will present two performances of the popular “A Victorian Christmas” concert event in the Mattie Kelly Arts Center McIlroy

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T H E A RT S youth age 18 younger. A group discount of $5 off per ticket is available for groups of 10 or more. For more information, visit www. mattiekellyartscenter.org, or call 850-729-6000.

Gallery on December 6 and 7 at 7:30 p.m. Enjoy period music, dance and costumes, augmented by delicious desserts and holiday wassail. Tickets are $25 each. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter. org, or call 850-729-6000.

NORTHWEST FLORIDA SYMPHONY YOUTH ORCHESTRA, WINTER CONCERT—NWF State College Series Sun., December 8th, (3:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage

The Northwest Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra performs in the mainstage theater of the Mattie Kelly Arts Center Sun., December 8 at 3:00 p.m. The NFSYO is a full orchestra comprised of more than 50 talented musicians in grades 4 to12 from Okaloosa, Walton and Santa Rosa Counties. Both groups are conducted by Liz Aylor and are sponsored by Northwest Florida State College, the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra Guild and individual sponsors. For more information on the performance or the NFSYO please contact the college at 850-729-5382 or Liz Aylor at 850-651-4308. Both concerts are free and open to the public; however donations to support the youth program are welcomed.

NORTHWEST FLORIDA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - “HOLIDAY POPS” CONCERT Fri., December 13th, (7:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage

Celebrate the holiday season with performances of light classics, pops selections and the ever-popular carol sing-a-longs with the region’s premiere professional orchestra. The Northwest Florida Symphony Chorale joins the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra for the annual “Holiday Pops” concert on December 13 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets to NFSO concerts are $22.50 each for adults, and $16 each for Active Duty Military and youth age 18 and younger. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org, or call 850-729-6000.

Northwest Florida Ballet The Nutcracker

Saturday, November 23rd - Sunday, November 24th, (7:30 p.m.) & (2:30 p.m.) Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage Advance tickets are available for purchase through the NWF Ballet. Contact the Ballet at 850-664-7787 or see the ballet website for ticket information at www.nwballet.org.

SPENCER’S ART OF ILLUSION - National Tour Artist Series

Sat., December 14th, (7:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage A return engagement of magic, illusion and more by one of the world’s best illusionist teams—“Spencer’s Art of Illusion” appears December 14 at 7:30 p.m. as national touring Artist Series event at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center of Northwest Florida State College. The event includes special family pricing! Individual tickets are $25 adults and $20 for

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RECURRING Pre-School Story Time

Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month, (1:30 p.m.) - Fort Walton Beach Library






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Let your child explore the magic of books: 3-5 year olds (includes 6 year olds in the summer).

Wednesday Night Concert Series

Every Wednesday night - Nov & Dec, (7 - 9 p.m.) Village of Baytowne Wharf Enjoy the continuation of the free Wednesday Night Concert Series. We’ll be tantalizing your musical taste buds with an array of musicians to entertain all of our guests.

Pioneer Day 2013

Saturday, November 16th, (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Rocky Bayou State Park If you are interested in volunteering, email Mrs. Kingsbury at Mkings1010@cox.net with your name and contact information or call 850-833-9144. The park is located off Highway 20, just east of the Rocky Bayou Bridge.

Twin Hills Drum Circle

1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, (4 - 6 p.m.) Twin Hills Park on Hwy 90, Crestview This is a fun music filled group for the community out at the park every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. It is a great chance to break out the drums and feel the beat or sit and relax and take a load off your feet! We play all types of percussion from hand drums, to djembes, to wooden sticks to buckets. All our welcome, including the kids. For more information call Tiffany at 772-323-6029.

19th Annual Thanksgiving Feast

Thursday, November 28th, (5 -11 p.m.) Harbor Docks Restaurants Donations may be made to Okaloosa Habitat for Humanity or Destin Harvest as a “thank you” and to assist them with their work in the local community. Last year the annual Thanksgiving event fed more than 1,500 people and raised more than $20,000 with 100 percent of donations going directly to local needs. We encourage everyone to partake in this year’s Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing familiar and new faces at Harbor Docks. If you are interested in volunteering for this event please email volunteer@habitatfwb. org or info@destinharvest.com for details on available times.

Poetry & Music Jam

Every 2nd Tuesday of each month, (6 - 7:45 p.m.) Crestview Public Library Poets and musicians are invited to bring their work and instruments to a free-form openmic poetry reading and jam session. For more information call Esther at 850-682-4432 or Rick at 850-585-6399.

Stargazing Basics

Every 3rd Tuesday of each month, (6:30-8 p.m.) Crestview Public Library Tom Haugh with the Northwest Florida Astronomy Association will be at the Crestview Public Library from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every third Tuesday to answer astronomy questions and help beginners get started stargazing. For more information visit www.nwfastro.org The library also has a telescope available for oneweek checkout thanks to an NFAA donation. For library information call 850-682-4432 or go to www.cityofcrestview.org/library.php.

Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge: What We Do & How You Can Help

Tuesday, December 3rd, (10:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m.) - Crestview Public Library Susan Leveille, ECWR Director of Education, will present “Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge: What We Do & How You Can Help” for the December 3rd First Tuesday Series program at the Crestview Public Library. The ECWR bought the Sasquatch Zoo east of Crestview earlier this year and will bring some of its “animal ambassadors” to this free 10:30 a.m. program. For more information call Sandra Dreaden at 850-682-4432 or Susan Leveille at 850-650-1880.

Salvation Army

Contact Lisa Martinez at 850-243-4531.

Habitat for Humanity

Contact Mark McEnaney at 850-685-0686.

Florosa Fire Department

Contact Tom Peele at 850-581-2900.


Contact Harvey Eckoff at 850-244-3834.


Contact John at 850-837-8516.

Destin Community Center

Contact Lisa Firth at 850-654-5184.

Waterfront Rescue Mission

Contact Tina or Sharron at 850-244-2726.

Destin History & Fishing Museum Contact Kathy Blue at 850-837-6611.

Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge

Contact Susan Leivelle at 850-650-1880.

Boys & Girls Club

Contact Rita Cummins at 850-862-1332.

Opportunity Place

Contact CC Fearson at 850-659-3190.

Send calendar events to us at: info@itsyourmagazine.com


Contact Nikole Wood at 850-863-8999.


Contact Alicia Sikes at 850-243-1525.

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DIRECTORY Planes, trains & automobiles . . . and everything else in between! The Emerald Coast has a wealth of attractions for all those who visit or call the coast home. It's amazing just how much there is to do if you embrace your adventurous spirit and simply explore your own backyard. Whether you're looking to plan a field trip or just a fun family outing, there's always something to look forward to on the Emerald Coast. Here are just a few ideas for places to visit. And don’t forget to send us your favorites! info@itsyourmagazine.com

Wesley Mansion Welcome to Eden Gardens State Park The focal point of this 161-acre park is the beautifully renovated, two-story Wesley house with its elegant white columns and wrap-around porch. The moss-draped live oaks and ornamental gardens inspire visions of hoop skirts and landed gentry. Named after a wealthy Florida timber family, the park is part of the family's estate. The house holds the second largest known collection of Louis XVI furniture in the United States. Visitors can also take a stroll along the grounds and enjoy the picnic area. 181 Eden Gardens Road Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 850-267-8320 www.floridastateparks.org/ EdenGardens/

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EMERGENCY NUMBERS Sheriff & Police Okaloosa County Sheriff �������������������� 850-651-7400

Libraries Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-8572 www.readokaloosa.org/details_destin.html

Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-833-9590 www.readokaloosa.org/details_destin.html


Walton County Sheriff ������������������������� 850-892-8186

Walton ��������������������������������������������������������850-267-2809 www.focbl.com or www1.youseemore.com/ walton/about.asp?p=22


Bay County Sheriff ���������������������������������850-747-4700 www.bayso.org

Escambia County Sheriff �������������������� 850-436-9580 www.escambiaso.com

Santa Rosa County Sheriff ����������������� 850-983-1100 www.santarosasheriff.org

Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-981-7323 www.santarosa.fl.gov/libraries

Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-4432 www.cityofcrestview.org/library.htm

Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-279-4863 www.cityofniceville.org/library.html

Ft. Walton Beach Police ���������������������� 850-833-9546 www.fwb.org

Panama City Beach Police ����������������� 850-233-5000 www.beachpolice.org

Florida HWY Patrol ������������������������������ 800-665-2794 www.flhsmv.gov/fhp

Florida Poison Control ������������������������ 800-222-1222 www.fpicn.org

US Coast Guard ���������������������������������������850-244-7147 www.uscg.mil/d8/stadestin

Fire Department Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-8413 www.destinfire.com

Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-833-9565 www.fwb.org/fire

South Walton �������������������������������������������850-267-1298 www.swfd.org

Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-939-5236 www.hnfd.org

Niceville ����������������������������������������������������850-897-3689 www.northbayfd.org

Chambers of Commerce Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-6241 www.destinchamber.com

Navarre ������������������������������������������������������850-939-3267 www.navarrechamber.com

Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-244-8191 www.fwbchamber.org

Walton County ����������������������������������������850-267-0683 www.waltonareachamber.com

Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-678-2323 www.nicevillechamber.com

Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-3212 www.crestviewchamber.com

Pensacola ������������������������������������������������� 850-438-4081 www.pensacolachamber.com

Panama City Beach ������������������������������ 850-235-1159 www.pcbeach.org

Museums Air Force Armament ����������������������������� 850-651-1808

Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-6121 www.crestviewfl.org


Destin History & Fishing ��������������������850-837-6611

Panama City Beach ������������������������������ 850-872-3053 www.pcbfire.com

Medical Centers & Hospitals Destin Emergency Care �����������������������850-837-9194 www.fwbmc.com/our-services/destinemergency-care-center.dot


Indian Temple Mound Museum ����������� 850-833-9595 www.trailoffloridasindianheritage.org

Heritage Museum of NW FL �������������� 850-678-2615 www.heritage-museum.org

Walton County Heritage ����������������������850-951-2127

Ft. Walton Beach Medical ������������������ 850-863-7610 www.fwbmc.com

N. Okaloosa Medical Center �������������� 850-689-8100 www.northokaloosa.com


Wesley Mansion ������������������������������������� 850-231-4214

White Wilson Medical-Destin ������������850-837-3848 White Wilson Medical-Ft. Walton ��������� 850-863-8100

Post Offices


Emerald Coast Urgent Care ��������������� 850-654-8878 www.emeraldcoasturgentcare.com

Niceville Twin Cities ���������������������������� 850-678-4131 tchospital.com

Navarre Baptist �������������������������������������� 850-939-4888 www.ebaptisthealthcare.org/BMPNavarre

View a large collection of antique fishing rods and reels. The most unique is constructed of split bamboo with an original Penn Reel that belonged to Ernest Hemingway. Enjoy vintage photographs of early Destin settlers, boat captains and much more. Tues.  10:00 am – 4:00 pm Wed.  10:00 am – 4:00 pm Thurs.  10:00 am – 4:00 pm Fri.  10:00 am – 4:00 pm Sat.  10:00 am – 4:00 pm Admission Fees: Adults $5 Seniors & Military $4 Children $3; Children under 6 are Free Destin History & Fishing Museum 108 Stahlman Ave. Destin, FL 32541 850-837-6611 www.destinhistoryand fishingmuseum.org


white-wilson.com white-wilson.com

Experience the feeling of swimming in the Gulf of Mexico with an awardwinning exhibit of fish caught in Destin.


Emerald Coast Science Center ��������� 850-644-1261

Sacred Heart ������������������������������������������� 850-278-3000

Destin History & Fishing


Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-6312 Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-244-2625 South Walton ������������������������������������������ 850-269-1186 Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-939-0381 Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-678-2021 Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-2634

46 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

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Public Transportation

Delta ���������������������������������������������������������� 800-221-1212

Okaloosa County Transit ���������������������850-833-9168 www.rideoct.org

Mid Bay Bridge ���������������������������������������850-833-7562 www.mid-bay.com

United Airlines ��������������������������������������� 800-864-8331

Movie Theaters

AMC Destin Commons 14 �������������������850-650-4579 At the Destin Commons Mall

Cinema Plus ���������������������������������������������850-302-0129 Downtown FWB

Lively 10 ���������������������������������������������������850-654-2992 Off of Hwy 98 in Destin

Regal Sun Plaza �������������������������������������850-244-4252

Air Force Armament Experience the aviation warfare armament from the early days of World War I right through to today's high tech planes and bombs. Inside, you'll find an extensive collection of weaponry and interactive displays that will amaze and intrigue. Outside displays include vintage military aircraft including the fastest plane ever built - the SR-71 Blackbird! Admission is FREE and all are welcome! Mon.  9:30 am – 4:30 pm Tues.  9:30 am – 4:30 pm Wed.  9:30 am – 4:30 pm Thurs.  9:30 am – 4:30 pm Fri.  9:30 am – 4:30 pm Sat.  9:30 am – 4:30 pm Sun. Closed Air Force Armament Museum 100 Museum Dr. Eglin AFB, FL 32542 850-651-1808 www.afarmamentmuseum.com

www.delta.com Service may be provided by Delta or a Delta Connection carrier. Provides nonstop service daily to Atlanta, GA (ATL).

Mary Esther Cutoff

UA Santa Rosa 10 ����������������������������������850-243-5260 At the Santa Rosa Mall in FWB

Radio Stations

www.united.com Express Jet provides nonstop service to Houston, TX (IAH).

US Airways ���������������������������������������������� 800-428-4322 www.usairways.com Provides non-stop daily service to Charlotte, NC (CLT) and Washington, DC (DCA).

Southwest ���������� 1-800-I-FLY-SWA / 800-435-9792 www.southwest.com Provides non-stop flights daily to and from Baltimore, MD (BWI), Houston, TX (HOU), Nashville, TN (BNA), and Orlando, FL (MCO) with connecting service to international destinations.

AirTran ��������������������������800-Air-Tran / 800-247-8726

1120 AM – Progressive Talk 1260 AM – Fox News Talk 1340 AM – ESPN Sports 91.1 FM – Contemporary Christian 92.1 FM – Oldies 93.3 FM – Adult Contemporary 95.3 FM – Talk Radio – Local Crestview 98.1 FM – Country 99.5 FM – Rock 102.1 FM – Classic Rock 103.1 FM – Adult Contemporary 105.5 FM – Country 106.3 FM – Smooth Jazz 107.3 FM – Classic Rock

www.airtran.com 3 Daily Flights to Atlanta with 351 seats.

Rental Cars

Avis �������������������������������������������������������������800-331-1212 Enterprise �������������������������������������������������800-261-7331 National ���������������������������������������������������� 877-222-9058 Budget ������������������������������������������������������� 800-527-0700 Hertz �����������������������������������������������������������800-654-3131

Airports NW Florida Regional Airport – VPS �����850-651-7160 www.flyvps.com

Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport–Panama City Beach ���������������850-763-6751 www.iflybeaches.com

Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional ���������850-436-5000 www.flypensacola.com

Destin Airport ������������������������������������������850-651-7160 www.flydts.com

Crestview Airport – Bob Sikes �����������850-651-7160 www.flycew.com

Airlines American Eagle ��������������������������������������800-433-7300 www.aa.com Provides non-stop service to Dallas, TX (DFW).

It’s our goal to make this guide as useful and complete as possible. If we have omitted any resource you feel could be useful to our community of readers, please feel free to send us your recommendations at: info@itsyourmagazine.com

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“Dentistry with a Gentle Touch” Early Morning, Lunchtime & Evening Hours Available New Patients Emergencies Insurance Assistance Interest FREE Financing

Family & Cosmetic Dentistry G E N E R A L D E N T I S T RY

• Complete Family Care • Low Radiation Digital X-Rays • VELscope Cancer Screening • Painless Dentistry Techniques • Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, Partials • In-Chair Entertainment System • Oraquix No-Injection Anesthetic • Extractions, Root Canals, White Fillings

A D VA N C E D C O S M E T I C S • Complete Smile Makeovers! • Orthodontics, Clear and Traditional by General Dentist • Painless Veneers • White Fillings and Bonding • ZOOM Whitening

The Ultimate 1-Hr Whitening

redefining beauty

Painless Veneers



Cleaning • Periodontal Care • Scaling & Rootplaning • Sealants • Fluoride

Katherine Bartlett, DMD Kristin M. Shinnick, DMD Ashley L. Brooks, DMD John J. Cash, DDS


Uptown Station

Eglin P k

Fort Walton Beach

w ay


Hwy 98


Ft. Walton Beach, Florida (Near Uptown Station, Off of Hospital Dr.) Destin

EC_Parent_November_December_2013.indd 48


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