Emerald Coast Parent Magazine

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September+October 2018

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September+October 2018




5 8 9 10 14

ABCs of a Successful School Year: Success Is as Easy as Learning Your ABCs!! Cut to the Chase: Homework Strategies that Work! Sugar Shutdown: W hy It’s Important to Cut Down on Your Sugar Consumption


Family Chatter......................................................................22 That’s Good to Know!........................................................24 Show Her You Care, Show Him You Care........ 25-26 Teach Your Kids Something New!............................... 28 Snacks—Recipes for Tasty Get-togethers................30 Crafts—Get Creative with Your Kids............................34


Help Your Child Out of Their Comfort Zone: How to Be An Encouraging Parent


Five Myths About Stepfamily Life: Helping Stepcouples Understand Normalcy and Find Contentment in their Relationships



Teen Talk Helpful Advice from One Teen to Another

Looking for fun, adventure, and great food? Experience life to the fullest by discovering new tastes and fun-filled experiences—the Emerald Coast has it all. Enjoy!


Get to know the people, places, and things that make the Emerald Coast special! Seasonal | The Arts............................................................45 Runs, Walks, & More | Sounds Fun............................. 46 Reoccurring Local............................................................... 47



Living life to its fullest begins with staying healthy, fit, and safe.

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22 FamilyChatter

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4 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine

ABCs By Pam Molnar

of a Successful School Year A S U CC E SS F U L S C H O O L Y E A R I S AS E ASY AS L E A R N I N G YO U R A B C S . C H E C K O U T T H E S E S I M P L E T I P S FO R A H A P PY A N D H E A LT H Y S C H O O L Y E A R .

Accept new challenges


Push your child to go outside of his comfort zone. Encourage him to try new activities, learn new sports, and make new friends.

Be sure to add free time to their schedule. These are the times your child can relax on the couch, play video games, or have a lastminute pick-up game with friends in the neighborhood.

Breakfast We all know breakfast is an important meal. If your child does not have time for a sit-down breakfast, provide on-the-go breakfast foods like muffins, fruit or protein bars.

Chores Give your child a sense of responsibility. Assign your child a few jobs that you expect to be done each day before or after school, such as making her bed or feeding the dog. A little bit of responsibility will go a long way.

Exercise Balance your child’s sedentary school day with plenty of exercise outside after school. Combine unstructured play with friends with a more structured team practice.

Friends Encourage your child to invite new friends over so that you can get to know the person your child is spending time with. It is a great opportunity to meet the friend’s parents, too. Continued on page 6 ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • September+October 2018 • 5

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Grab-and-go snacks

Mindful of others’ feelings

Your child will be hungry after school. Instead of grabbing a handful of cookies, provide her with pre-bagged healthy snacks that won’t interfere with the dinner hour. Think veggies and dip, or hummus and crackers.

Tell your child to think before he says it and to apologize if it comes out wrong. Tell him to practice “the more, the merrier” when making plans and to include new friends in his group.

Help, but don’t do it for him We want our children to succeed, but they will never learn if we do it for them. It is okay to give suggestions, but remember that it is their name on the paper.

Nutrition Plan healthy meals ahead of time. Stock up on ingredients for quick healthy meals that your family enjoys. Save time by using the crockpot or prepping food ahead of time.



It’s back to school and back to a room full of germs. Stock your child’s backpack or desk with tissues and hand sanitizer. Remind her to wash her hands and to sneeze into her arm.

Lay out clothes, make lunches the night before, and put backpacks and shoes in the same place each night.

Join Encourage your child to join activities at school. It will give him a sense of belonging and he will be more than just another face in the crowd.

Keep trying It is hard to see your child not get the role, position or grade that she hoped for. Encourage your child to pick herself back up and try again. Disappointment builds character and gives her the tools to succeed.

Limitations Only you know your child’s limitations. While being a part of extracurricular activities is important, sometimes they are overwhelming. It’s okay to say no to invitations and extra practice when you see your child is overwhelmed.

6 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Provide a good example While words are important, your actions mean so much more. In other words, practice what you preach.

Quality time It is easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of back to school. Try to plan dinners together or have a family game night. It is important to stay connected and catch up on each other’s day.

Rules Remind everyone of the school-year rules. Reestablish bed times, discuss the when, where and how long for electronics use, and what happens when Mom and Dad are not home.

Social media Reconfirm what social media sites your child belongs to and check all passwords.

Take time to talk Open your schedule each day and let your kids know when it is a good time to come to you with problems and concerns. You will get more out of the discussion if you are both tuned in.

Use their time wisely As our kids get older, their commitments increase. Teach your child to use his time wisely by prioritizing so that he will not be up at midnight doing homework.

Volunteer It is a great way to see what goes on at school, meet the teachers, and interact with the other parents. Even working parents can get involved by helping at evening and weekend events.

Workspace Establish where your child will do his homework. Is the kitchen table too distracting? Does he have a desk in his room? Choose a space that is quiet and has all the tools he needs.

Xtra help Get a jumpstart on finding a qualified tutor for your child. If she struggles in a subject, look for someone who can keep her on track this year.

Year of . . . Help your child set achievable goals this year. Make this the year of straight As, perfect attendance, or the lead in the school play.

And voted #1 by most moms: Zzzzzzs Time to return to the school-night bedtimes. It is hard to adjust to waking up early again, so adjust it a little at a time. Tell your child to listen to her body and go to bed earlier if she needs it. v

Pam Molnar is a freelance writer and mother of three. This is her 13th new school year as a parent.

EC Parent Magazine • September+October 2018 • 7

By Gayla Grace

Cut to the Chase: Homework Strategies that Work As I overheard a conversation with a parent discussing her child’s routine and the late hour the child completed her homework the night before, I thought about how easily we allow our kids to slip into procrastinating habits that result in disastrous consequences. Instead of encouraging behavior that will allow our children to meet their responsibilities, we allow distracted effort or inaction.

with your expectations. If your child doesn’t immediately start his task, make sure he understands why he’s allowed a break (so that he will be more productive later) and how much time he has before he must begin the task.

Consider the why. Is there a legitimate reason your child

hasn’t started her assignment? Does she have the resources she needs? Is there a clear goal in mind? Does she need some organizational help to get started? Does she have a quiet place to work? Every child has different needs, and as parents, we help our children succeed when we provide them with what they need to accomplish the task at hand. That doesn’t mean we dive in and tackle the assignment with them, but it might mean we take them to the store to buy necessary supplies to get started.

If we teach our kids to overcome the temptation of procrastinating, we give them a valuable skill that reaches into adulthood. Here Break it down. It’s easy to procrastinate a task that appears are a few tips to help your child complete overwhelming. Our son had an assignment recently that required required tasks without procrastinating. multiple tasks. When he looked at the project all at once, he became overwhelmed with the amount of work to do. But as I helped him

Determine your child’s most productive put together a step-by-step outline to reach the goal, it empowered period. Sometimes parents insist that their children complete him to tackle the assignment. Breaking large projects into smaller their homework immediately upon arriving home from school. However, it might not be the most productive time for your child. Talk with your child about how he feels when he comes home from school. Does he need a snack break? Does he want to shoot the basketball first? Does he want to immediately start his required tasks at home to allow more time to play later without having to think about the chores or homework that must be done? Be clear

assignments makes them appear more manageable, and thus, children will be less likely to procrastinate.

Discourage perfectionism. Striving for perfection on

every assignment and every test leads to stress and encourages procrastinating habits. When a child thinks she must make a 100 on her assignment, she has less motivation to even begin the assignment. Continued on page 15

8 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

By Jan Udlock

Sugar Shutdown The insurance letter came in the mail, and to our relief, this time he qualified. Six months earlier the life insurance company disqualified my husband after reviewing his blood work. We were shocked to find out that even though he was 6’1” and 205 pounds, his test results showed he had a 12 percent higher risk of having a heart attack. Consequently, he cut down on his fat and sugar consumption, lost 20 pounds, and after a second round of blood tests, his second application was accepted. “Obesity is the root of most diseases we are dealing with today. Weight doesn’t necessarily cause a disease, but it exacerbates the risk factors and makes many conditions harder to treat,” says Patricia Greenberg, nutritionist, chef and author.

Food at Home Most of my seven family members are average to slim but this health scare made my husband and me take a second look at our diet. We started cutting down on the amount of sugar that we consumed as a family through making some simple changes, and we are still working today on making more changes. I talked with my kids about hidden sugar. Ingredients are listed in order of content percentage, so if sugar is close to or at the beginning of a product’s list of ingredients, then it’s not the one you

want to buy. Sugar has a variety of names, such as malted barley, malted rice, dehydrated cane juice, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, etc. I also started buying more fruits and veggies. The key for our family was to put them out on the counter washed and ready to eat instead of leaving them in the refrigerator. Who doesn’t like those tiny carrots to munch on? Changing our dessert patterns was the hardest for us. We are a dessert-every-night family. We always had ice cream with homemade fudge; but to cut down on the amount of sugar, we now have it less often. We had to change our mindset before we were able to change our eating habits. Sugar is not good for us and should be considered a rare treat. Only then can we live a more health-conscious life. Many nights my husband would make a shake that would contain less ice cream than what each child would get in a bowl. Less sugar? Well, we’re not perfect. My hubby has always been a big baker, so we rarely eat processed cookies and cakes. “Try to make homemade as often as possible to reduce the sugar content and monitor the quantity,” says Greenberg. He has even put pureed fruit or applesauce in brownies, but shh! don’t tell my kids.

New Habits Need Time Habits take time to form, so don’t expect to adapt a new food habit within a week. I found myself discouraged because I craved dessert after dinner. So I realized that if I took something away, I had to replace it with something better. Sometimes we offer our kids fresh raspberries or blueberries for dessert. “Instead of weighing and Continued on page 13 ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • September+October 2018 • 9

By Kim Seidel

HELP YOUR CHILD OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE H OW TO B E A N E N CO U R AG I N G PA R E N T With more children over-scheduled these days than not, many parents wouldn’t think the need to push children to get involved would be an issue. Surprisingly, that’s not the case. “The high pressure on children to succeed holds many kids back from trying in the first place,” says Kristy Braunreiter, a parent educator. “The pressure doesn’t always come from parents, but society in general.” The media, too, showcase perfect performances by athletes and entertainers that children can easily assume happen overnight. They’re too young to realize that success requires hard work, practice, and patience, Braunreiter says. “When children start a new activity, explain to them it will require hard work,” Braunreiter says. “This will help them to develop confidence over time.”

Consider your child’s personality The initiative to participate also depends on a child’s personality. Braunreiter knows that her nine-year-old son’s Type A personality wants to be the best immediately. That causes Lars to shy away from new programs.

To help encourage children, set aside time to talk with them about their interests, Braunreiter suggests. “As parents, we know our children the very best,” she says. Point out their strengths; tell them these are gifts to share with others. Jessica Apfel Miller, recognized that her daughter Jada tended to have performance anxiety. At one point, her then 12-year-old daughter refused to consider joining show choir. “I knew in my heart of hearts that Jada wanted to try out for show choir,” Apfel Miller says. “It blew my mind when she told me that she didn’t want to try out.”

“When children start a new activity, explain to them it will require hard work.” This mom took action that other parents may find surprising: Apfel Miller decided to make Jada go through the auditions. She went so far as to walk Jada into school and turn in her permission sheet for try-outs that day. Although Jada admitted she was nervous, Miller could sense her excitement too. “She was convinced she wasn’t Continued on page 12

10 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com




Continued from page 12

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Continued from page 10

going to make it, but I could see that she felt good about trying out,” Apfel Miller says. “As her mom, I was proud that she got out of her comfort zone.” When Jada was selected for the show choir, Apfel Miller says that Jada displayed a roller coaster of emotions: relief, fear, worry, and elation. Apfel Miller continued to show her daughter encouragement, including through the first difficult days of show choir camp. “By the third day at camp, she found her confidence and was having so much fun,” Apfel Miller says. “Now you can find her and her girlfriends practicing their routines every chance they get.”

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Support your child’s activities

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Once a child chooses an activity, Braunreiter recommends learning about the program. Some children thrive on competition, while others prefer a more low-key activity. Talk to coaches and program leaders about your questions and concerns. “A hesitant child is relying on you, their parent, for support and encouragement,” Braunreiter says. “They’re trusting you to help them determine whether it’s a good fit for them.” Visit a class or practice session with your child to determine if it would offer a good experience for your child. Sometimes it helps a 10:14:50more AM reserved child to invite a friend to participate in an activity with them.

Some children thrive on competition, while others prefer a low-key activity. When a child decides they’d rather not participate in a program—​ or when they aren’t accepted into an activity—give your child time before rushing to the next possibility, Braunreiter says. “If you make it too pressurized, it will backfire on you as the parent,” she says. “Your child needs to know that they’re being heard and respected.” However, when a child opts to get involved in an activity, follow-through is important for both child and parent. Ensure that the child attends practices and games. Commit to the season—no matter what challenges arise. Attend the events and games to cheer for them and to show your support. “This teaches them good life skills, and that’s what you want from an activity,” Braunreiter says. “This teaches them about work ethic and helps them to mature.” v Kim Seidel has two active daughters and often faces the challenge of whether to push or back away as their mother. 12 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine

Continued from page 9

measuring, have one day a week designated for desserts and make it a special day for the family,” says Greenberg.

Preparation Is Important If you have younger children, let them pick out their own water bottles to carry around, and make sure everyone has their bottle when leaving the house. Pack snacks for the car or when out shopping to prevent having to eat out or making poor choices. As you run out of the sugary items, replace them with healthier alternatives. Eat more smaller meals in a day so that you won’t have a tendency to gorge at one meal. Greenberg reminds parents that “children seem to naturally gravitate toward sweets, which is a combination of the visual appeal as well as being hungry more often because they are growing. They also tend to get bored quicker than adults and restlessness is often mistaken for hunger.”

Food Away from Home We also stopped ordering sodas at restaurants while out in public. I still see my kids’ eyes swoop over and look at me while they are looking at a menu. I shake my head no and they go right back to their meal decision. This newest food decision provides a considerable savings for our family because fast food and restaurant drinks can run $2.00 to $2.50 a piece. I still drink diet sodas infrequently at home; however, I’ve lost a lot of my taste for them since I’ve been drinking more water. The idea that “you can’t eat it if it’s not there” sounds too simple but I stopped buying certain processed foods. I mumble some answer if a child asks about the missing sugary cereal and wait a few weeks before buying it. Often, they forget about it, and we move on.

Coffee, Anyone? My hubby used to turn up his nose when I ordered a nonfat coffee drink when I was out running around town. But soon he started looking at the website of our favorite coffee store and saw the sugar load of calories in a blended coffee drink—wowza!—64 grams of sugar in one yummy drink. He’s now drinking skinny lattes with a flavored syrup. I use artificial sweeteners in my coffee at home and use sugarfree syrups when I buy a coffee out. I’m still working on that decision.

Further Ideas The American Diabetes Association has an abundance of recipes, cookbooks and ideas to help us manage and prevent the onset of obesity. Our journey continues as we investigate different foods and recipes. Cutting down on sugar is hard at times but so worth your and your family’s health. v


An estimated one-third of children will live in a stepparent home before the age of 18 and 50% will have a stepparent at some point in their lifetime.

By Gayla Grace

“I didn’t know remarriage would be this hard,” said stepmom Sally. “We’ve been married more than a year and our relationships are still struggling. It feels like we take one step forward and three steps backward.” Sally’s frustration is normal. White-picket-fence expectations of a do-over in marriage or second chance after the loss of a spouse create unrealistic ideas of stepfamily life. Myths about how things should be influence our understanding and set us up for disappointment. When we smother the myths of stepfamily life and replace them with reality, we more easily adjust to the new family in our home. Here are a few myths to consider:

Myth 1: Love is enough for a longlasting marriage as a stepcouple. Fairy tales present an image that love is all we need. Marriage naturally includes love, but the complexities of stepfamily life require more than a gushy feeling. For a stepcouple to traverse bumpy roads with windy curves and unexpected potholes—and refuse the temptation to turn back at times—there must also be perseverance, commitment to the vows of “for better or for worse,” willingness to offer grace freely, empathy for another’s feelings, patience, forgiveness, understanding, wisdom, selfsacrifice, and more. It’s not that love isn’t important. It is! But sometimes, on hard days, we need to dig deep for something more than love, which just might be the ticket for thriving, longterm relationships.

Myth 2: Kids are resilient; they’ll adjust easily to their new family. Although kids might be resilient, that doesn’t mean they won’t struggle to accept their new family. There’s often a period of adjustment that can include behavioral outbursts or emotional withdrawal, particularly when kids haven’t had adequate time to grieve the loss of their original family or their age is in double digits (younger kids often adjust easier). Stepfamily research tells us that it takes 4-7 years for relationships to come together and perhaps longer when both parents bring children to the marriage. It helps to adjust our expectations so that we allow for a period of settling in when disharmony and uncomfortable feelings show up more often than we’d like. Relationship bonding is a marathon, not a sprint, with rewards for those who stay the course.

Myth 3: Stepparents are evil. Despite the message Cinderella taught us that stepparents are evil, we find stepparents everywhere who work hard to create loving homes and establish healthy relationships with their stepchildren. My stepmom friend, Lisa, is an example. Despite confusion in her role and uncomfortable feelings as an outsider at times, Lisa offers Continued on page 16

14 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Set a timer when necessary.

Be realistic with your expectations, particularly in the early years as children are adjusting to new routines. We want our kids to enjoy school and the privilege of learning, not labor over perfect grades.

Set a timer when necessary. When our son is having

a particularly hard time settling in to work on an assignment, we determine together how long he must sit and work and then we set a timer. When he knows he gets a break after a predetermined time, he more easily commits to beginning the work. A timer is a great tool to help kids develop consistent study habits, which will be especially important as they get older and need to commit to longer periods of study. Continued on page 17

Continued from page 14

Stepparenting with Grace

A Devotional for Blended Families ISBN 978-1683972686, August 2018

grace freely and often in her home. She doesn’t claim to be perfect, but she pushes past her mistakes and tries again when she fails. She understands the tug of loyalty her stepchildren feel that naturally pulls them toward their biological mother. She still offers love, guidance, and nurturing to better the lives of her stepchildren, recognizing there might be few rewards in return. Kudos to Lisa and stepparents everywhere who do the same.

An estimated 113.6 million Americans (adults and kids) have a step relationship. Myth 4: Co-parenting is the only option.

Uniting Two Families into One Is Not an Easy Task! The stepmom journey includes days of bumpy roads and overwhelming emotions. Struggles with ex-spouses, complicated schedules, bickering kids, and financial concerns can easily threaten a hopedfor idyllic home and leave you longing for a white picket fence. But where do stepmoms go when they just need a little encouragement? Stepparenting with Grace: A Devotional for Blended Families is the resource that veteran stepmom Gayla Grace wanted but couldn’t find. The StepFamily Foundation reports that there are more than 1,300 new stepfamilies forming every day and that 75 percent of stepfamilies complain that they don’t have access to resources specific to their situation. “As a young stepmom,” writes Gayla, “I longed for a devotional that offered encouraging words for my unique needs. But I found limited resources to help combat my emotions during a confusing transition.” Knowing that blended-family dynamics are complicated and the demands are many, Gayla set out to write a devotional that could provide a soothing salve and encouragement for the thousands of other stepparents navigating the rocky terrain of creating a blended family. Through the wisdom gleaned from her own experiences as a stepmother, Gayla offers the much-needed companionship, encouragement, and understanding that stepparents desperately need. v

We all recognize the importance of healthy co-parenting with the ex-spouse in another home. But sometimes co-parenting isn’t possible. When Josie remarried, her ex-husband became volatile and uncooperative with her. Although Josie tried hard to keep communication open and amicable, every conversation about their kids turned into an argument. Finally, Josie opted to try parallel parenting, a form of disengaged parenting that is essentially “my house, my rules; your house, your rules.” There were often different standards in the two homes, but her kids learned to transition without a problem and no longer had to witness the arguments between two people they loved. Josie hopes co-parenting might work in the future, but for now, parallel parenting is the best option to reduce the inevitable conflict with her ex-husband.

Approximately one-third of all weddings in America today form stepfamilies. Myth 5: Blended families can function like biological families. Blended families might try to function as traditional families, but frustration often follows. The dynamics are vastly different. For instance, parental roles are not clear. Since kids pre-date the marriage, stepparents fare better when they step back and establish a relationship before diving into a disciplinarian role. The old adage that “rules without relationship result in rebellion” rings true here. Another difference is the dynamic of insiders and outsiders. In traditional families, everyone is an insider and accepted into the family circle. Stepfamilies have outsiders (stepparents) who weren’t part of the original circle and have to earn their way in. A stepchild who lives in another home might also feel like an outsider. When these complex variables are recognized and managed—differently than biological families—then blended families can form healthy, thriving relationships. We gain a greater likelihood of contentment and harmony within our stepfamily relationships when we’re aware of stepfamily myths and confront them with reality, adjusting our expectations in the process. What other stepfamily myth does society project that needs to be considered? v Gayla Grace is the author of Stepparenting with Grace, A Devotional for Blended Families. She writes, speaks, and coaches with a passion to encourage stepfamilies and help them create long-term, thriving relationships. She holds a master’s degree in Psychology and Counseling and created StepparentingWithGrace.com more than a decade ago to offer resources and coaching services to stepcouples. Gayla and her husband, Randy, have five children in their blended family.

16 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Continued from page 15

Maintain a balanced routine. If we allow our kids to

participate in every sport, music, drama, and school activity that occurs, we create an unmanageable schedule with little time left over for responsibilities at home. When our children can’t visualize the satisfaction of completing a task when they begin, it’s likely they won’t want to start. So, ask your children what activities interest them most and prioritize their desires to create a schedule that allows time for starting and completing other tasks as well. Rearrange the schedule as necessary to maintain balance.

Model good habits. Avoid procrastination in your everyday

routine. Our children are watching us and will emulate what we do. I love the poem by Edgar Guest that captures the importance of example. Here’s a portion of it: “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day. I’d rather one should walk with me than merely show the way. The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear. Fine counsel is confusing, but example’s always clear.” If we want to raise young adults who will avoid procrastination, we must avoid it ourselves.

Procrastinating habits become harder to break the longer they’re practiced. But through

intentional effort, we can teach our children to avoid the pitfalls of procrastination. v Gayla Grace is an author and stepfamily coach with a “his, hers and ours” family. She enjoys helping nontraditional families thrive in their relationships.


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Warning Signs of Concussion WITH FALL AROUND THE CORNER, TRAINING FOR FOOTBALL AND SOCCER ARE WELL UNDERWAY. SPORTS AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ARE GOOD WAYS TO STAY HEALTHY AND ACTIVE, BUT THERE ARE RISKS OF INJURY TOO, ESPECIALLY WITH CONTACT SPORTS. Concussions are common sports-related injuries that frequently go unnoticed or overlooked. Take time to learn the warning signs of concussion to keep your child from experiencing a more serious brain injury. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. They can be caused by a blow to the head or when the upper body and head are shaken. Brains of children and teens have not fully developed, putting them at risk for more serious brain damage from a concussion. Symptoms of a serious head injury include repeated vomiting, loss of consciousness lasting longer than 30 seconds, a headache that gets worse over time, changes in behavior, changes in coordination such as stumbling or clumsiness, disorientation and slurred speech. If someone is experiencing any of these symptoms, they should seek medical attention immediately. When someone suffers a more mild concussion they could lose consciousness temporarily and be confused. Other common symptoms include:

• Headache • Amnesia • Dizziness • Ringing in the ears

• Nausea • Vomiting • Slurred speech • Fatigue

Sometimes symptoms will not appear until a few hours or days after the injury, such as difficulty concentrating, memory loss, personality changes, sensitivity to light and noise, sleep disturbances, feeling

depressed, and issues with tasting and smelling. Anyone with these symptoms should rest and not return to sports or other vigorous activities until they have been checked and approved by a medical professional. The effects of a concussion are usually temporary; however, if a person with a concussion does not take time to heal, they can experience serious complications. Resting and slowly returning to regular activities is the best way to recover from a concussion. If a concussion is left untreated, you risk getting another concussion or permanent brain damage. Take precautions when your child participates in contact sports and make sure equipment such as helmets and pads are in good condition. If an athlete experiences a blow to the head and feels disoriented, have them sit out the rest of the game. They are more susceptible to getting another or more serious concussion if they keep playing. v

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18 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

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Th e Ear ly L e ar n in g Co alitio n o f th e Emer al d Coast's mi ssi on i s to su ppo rt th e su cce ss o f e ve r y ch ild an d th e i r fami l y thr ough qu ality ear ly edu catio n an d car e.

Child Care Questions? We provide free resource and referral services to local families regarding childcare. Parent Line: (850) 833-9333

Ear ly L ear n in g Co aliti on of the Eme r al d Coa 113 0 N Eglin Par kway, Shal i mar , FL 32579 (8 5 0 ) 8 3 3 -3 6 2 7 www.el c-ec.o rg

Get ready, set a time and read!

Florida offe rs fr ee pr eki n der gar ten fo r all 4 -ye ar-o lds re gardle ss o f family income. Children must l i ve i n Fl o r i da an d be 4 ye ars o ld o n o r be fo re September 1 of th e cu r r en t year to be e ligible . If th e ir birth day falls from Fe bruary 2 th r o u gh S eptembe r 1, yo u may wait to e n ro ll yo u r child the followi n g year wh en th ey are 5 .

At the Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast our mission is to support the success of every child and their families through quality early education and care. Enjoy the books and the activities chosen for this edition to support Apply online by vi si ti n g: your child’s skills www.familyse r vi ces.fl oearly r i daearliteracy l yl e arn in g.co m R e se ar ch sh o ws that c hildren who parti ci pate i n h i gh -qu al i ty pr e kin de rgarten pr ograms ar e be tte r pr e pare d fo r sch oo l and de ve l o p l i fe l o ng soci al an d e mo ti on al ski l l s.


By Kelly Ault, ISBN-13: 978-0547315966

Are you hungry? Are you full? Communicating with your infant and even young toddlers can be basic American Sign Language, the colorful illustrations.

Th e Early Le arn in g Co alitio n of the Eme r al d Coast's mi ssi on i s to difficult at times. This sturdy book will help you and your child learn su ppo rt th e su cce ss o f e ve ry chi l d and the i r fami l y thr ough build communication skills qu ality e arly e du catio n an d car e . and bond with your child as you explore

ACTIVITY: Make reading a routine with your child. Let them explore the book and give them

C h i l dwords C a r e Qto u eexplain s t i o n s ? what they see and feel. Taking your W e pyour r o v i d child. e free resource and referral services to local families regarding childcare.

time reading is a great way to bond with


Parent Line: (850) 833-9333

By Peggy Rathmann, ISBN-13: 978-0399230035

Mr. Zookeeper isEarly ready bed, but playful gorilla has a better idea. Beyond the words on the Le arfor ni ng Coal i ti ona of the Eme r al d Coast 113 0 N Eglgive i n P ar kway, S hal i mar , FL 32579for conversations and labeling. pages the illustrations multiple opportunities (8 5 0 ) 833-3627

c-ec.o rg ACT I V I TY: www.el Hide stuffed animals around the room and give your child a set of pretend keys.

As they find the animals, have them line them up and ask them to name the animal, what color is the animal and what sound does the animal make? All these questions will boost thinking skills and vocabulary while you are having fun and spending time together.


Flor i da offe rs fre pre kiPenn, nde rgarte n 978-1933718002 fo r al l 4 -ye ar -o l ds r e gar dl e ss o f Bye Audry ISBN-13: fami l y i ncome .

Separation is hard for all of us especially when a child journey with school. Childre n must l ibegins ve i n Fltheir ori da and be 4 ye ar s oChester’s l d o n o r mother be fo r e shares special secret to ehelp calm Septe mbe r 1 of athe currefamily nt ye ar to be l i gi bl e . I fhis th efears i r bi rabout th daygofal l s ing to school. This book will become a family favorite. from Fe bruary 2 through S e pte mber 1, yo u may wai t to e n r o l l yo u r chil d the fol l owi ng ye ar whe n the y ar e 5 .

ACTIVITY: Get 2 pieces of paper and trace each other’s hands. Once you are done, draw a heart in the Appl y onl i ne by vi si ti ng: palm of the hand and each of you give it a kiss. Parents, www.fami l yse rvi ce s.fl ori dae arl yl e ar n i n g.co m fold up your tracing and place it in your child’s pocket and your child can do the same for their print for you. either of you miss another, takeality your Research showsIfthat c hildren whoone partici pate you in hcan igh -qu out andare remember how special you pr ekindergartenprint programs bette r pr e pared fo rand schloved o o l an d are. develop lifelong social and emotion al skills.

1130 N EGLIN PARKWAY SHALIMAR, FL 32579 (805) 833-3627 | WWW.ELC-EC.ORG

Th e Ear l y Le ar n i n g Co al i ti o n o f th e Eme r al d Co ast's missio n is to su ppo rt th e su cce ss o f e ve r y ch i l d an d th e i r fami l y th r o u gh

Our FamilyChatter Challenge is simple— just do your best. Here are some simple questions that will hopefully inspire your family to enjoy great conversations whenever, however, you can. Enjoy!

Live, Laugh, Love, and TALK TOGETHER! Do you consider TV to be entertainment or a waste of time? How about video games?

Do you prefer to communicate with friends and family via text or talking on your phone?

What’s the most influential book you have ever read? Why?

What are some things about your family’s past that you’d like to know more about?

What inspires you to do your best in life? What causes you to get discouraged?

Are shoes, sunglasses and other accessories overpriced? What can you do about it?

What scares you the most and excites you the most about the future? Why?

What do you think is the hardest thing about being married? Why?

What activities do you look forward to during the fall? What activities can your family do to stay active together?

What did you enjoy most about your summer break? Do you have any “summertime regrets”?

Do you have a pet? If so, do you feel your pet improves your quality of life or complicates it? Why?

Are you concerned more with what people think of you than with doing what’s right?

What worries you the most when you think about moving away from home?

What’s the largest challenge you’ve overcome in life? How did you overcome it?

What are some things you believe in that you feel are not generally favored in society?

What are some everyday obstacles that get in the way of saving and investing your money?

22 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Keep the Conversation Going with Follow-up Questions: Interesting. What else can you tell me about that? o Now what are you going to do? o No way! Can you tell me more? o Seriously? Then what happened? o How do feel about what happened? o How does this make you feel? o What’s your next step? o

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Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer.

Taking Care of Your Teeth When you get your picture taken, everyone says, “Say cheese! Smile!” So you do—you open your mouth and show your teeth. When you see the picture, you see a happy person looking back at you. The healthier those teeth are, the happier you look. Why is that?.

It’s because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they’ll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best.

Why Healthy Teeth Are Important

How does taking care of your teeth help with all those things? Taking care of your teeth helps prevent plaque (say: PLAK), which is a clear film of bacteria (say: bak-TEER-ee-uh) that sticks to your teeth.

After you eat, bacteria go crazy over the sugar on your teeth, like ants at a picnic. The bacteria break the sugar down into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. Plaque also causes gingivitis (say: jin-juh-VY-tis), which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore. Your gums are those soft pink tissues in your mouth that hold your teeth in place. If you don’t take care of your teeth, cavities and unhealthy gums will make your mouth very, very sore. Eating meals will be difficult. And you won’t feel like smiling so much.

Before Toothpaste Was Invented

We’re lucky that we know so much now about taking care of our teeth. Long ago, as people got older, their teeth would rot away and be very painful. To get rid of a toothache, they had their teeth pulled out. Finally, people learned that cleaning their teeth was important, but they didn’t have toothpaste right away. While you’re swishing that minty-fresh paste around your mouth, think about what people used long ago to clean teeth:

• ground-up chalk or charcoal • lemon juice • ashes (you know, the stuff that’s left over after a fire) • tobacco and honey mixed together Yuck! It was only about 100 years ago that someone finally created a minty cream to clean teeth. Not long after that, the toothpaste tube was invented so that people could squeeze the paste right onto the toothbrush! Tooth brushing became popular during World War II. The Continued on page 27

24 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Cut out this page. Then cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes hers. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other— as often as you remember!

Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say, “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!

10 WAYS to sh w

R E H y u care Take her out on an ice-cream date. Clean the bathrooms. Pick a night and cook the family dinner and clean up afterward. Schedule a his & hers spa day. Ask her how her day was and then listen to her—show genuine interest. Get up early and fix her coffee and breakfast. Encourage her to find time to get away, relax and read a good book— without the kids.

Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas in each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!

Try to help your kids when they’re calling out for mom so her day isn’t so crazy. Help the kids with schoolwork. Draw her a bath and have her favorite treat waiting next to the bathtub for her to enjoy.

EC Parent Magazine • September+October 2018 • 25

Cut out this page. Then cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes hers. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other— as often as you remember!

Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say, “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!

10 WAYS to sh w

M I H y u care Take him out to a movie of his choice. Encourage him to take time for himself and his hobbies. Buy him a new book you think he might enjoy. Try a new author. Have his car washed or detailed without him knowing. Cook him a dinner he really likes but you haven’t had for a while. Play video games with him when the kids aren’t looking. Take him out fishing. Go to a water park—without the kids.

Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas in each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!

Make a list of his best qualities and slip it in his pocket to find at work. Go on a long walk together and get ice cream or a snack while you’re out.

26 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine

Continued from page 27

Contact Harris Insurance to determine eligibility for property insurance in the state of Florida from a member of the Auto-Owners Insurance Group SM.

U.S. Army gave brushes and toothpaste to all soldiers, and they learned to brush twice a day. Back then, toothpaste tubes were made of metal; today they’re made of soft plastic and are much easier to squeeze! Today there are plenty of toothpaste choices: lots of colors and flavors to choose from, and some are made just for kids. People with great-looking teeth advertise toothpaste on TV commercials and in magazines. When you’re choosing a toothpaste, make sure it contains fluoride. Fluoride makes your teeth strong and protects them from cavities. When you brush, you don’t need a lot of toothpaste: just squeeze out a bit the size of a pea. It’s not a good idea to swallow the toothpaste, either, so be sure to spit after brushing.

How You Can Keep Your Teeth Healthy Kids can take charge of their teeth by taking these steps:

• Brush at least twice a day—after breakfast and before

bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks. Brushing properly breaks down plaque. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Have your dentist show you the best way to brush to get your teeth clean without damaging your gums. Take your time while brushing. Spend at least 2 or 3 minutes each time you brush. If you have trouble keeping track of the time, use a timer or play a recording of a song you like to help pass the time.

• •

• Be sure your toothbrush has soft bristles (the pack-

age will tell you if they’re soft). Ask your parent to help you get a new toothbrush every 3 months. Some toothbrushes come with bristles that change color when it’s time to change them. Ask your dentist if an antibacterial mouth rinse is right for you. Learn how to floss your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels weird the first few times you do it, but pretty soon you’ll be a pro. Slip the dental floss between each tooth and along the gum line gently once a day. The floss gets rid of food that’s hidden where your toothbrush can’t get it, no matter how well you brush. You can also brush your tongue to help keep your breath fresh!

• •

It’s also important to visit the dentist twice a year. Besides checking for signs of cavities or gum disease, the dentist will help keep your teeth extra clean and can help you learn the best way to brush and floss. It’s not just brushing and flossing that keep your teeth healthy— you also need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Remember, the plaque on your teeth is just waiting for that sugar to arrive. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda. And don’t forget to smile! v © 1995- 2014. The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission. Reviewed by: D’Arcy Lyness, PhD., Date reviewed: July 2013 ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • September+October 2018 • 27

Teach Your Kids Something New!


15 Ways to Use Leftover Candy Once you have a couple of Halloweens (www.operationgratitude.com)—heat-resistant candy only; chocunder your belt, you start to know the deal, olate melts, you know! And don’t forget to include a handwritten letter of support to really put a smile on a soldier’s face! such as, which of your neighbors give out oversized chocolate bars and which ones 3. Reverse Trick-or-Treat greet you with toothbrushes. Try reverse trick-or-treating! With a parent, make a trip to one or But you also start to realize something else: that even though it’s fun to own a mountain of candy, it’s probably not the best idea to eat it all. So this year, after sorting through your favorites, why not find something else to do with the rest? We have 15 awesome ideas— from selfless to the silly. Give them a try and your teeth (and your dentist!) will thank you.

1. Candy Exchange Participate in a candy exchange. Some dentists and orthodontists (dentists who specialize in braces) offer candy exchanges. You turn in some candy and get healthy treats in exchange. Or you turn in some candy, and they pay you $1 per pound. They donate the candy to soup kitchens or to troops overseas.

2. Traveling Candy Wouldn’t it be cool if some of your candy went halfway around the world? Your Halloween candy could be included in care packages that are sent to soldiers serving their country far from home. Here’s one organization that ship packages to the troops

more local charities that accept candy donations. You’ll feel great, and you’ll sweeten someone else’s day too. Some ideas include your local Ronald McDonald House, nursing homes, food pantries, children’s hospitals, veterans’ homes, or women’s shelters.

4. Bigger or Better Ask your parents if you can exchange your candy for something else—like a book or a toy. Make it fun by using a scale to weigh your stash—for example, maybe you could earn a book for every pound of candy you trade in.

5. Recycle It Reduce by recycling. If you have a birthday or other party coming up, offer to use your candy to fill up goodie bags.

6. Chocolate Molds Buy fun chocolate molds at a craft store, melt down your extra chocolate bars, pour into the molds, let cool, and voilà—decorative, delicious gifts! Continued on page 31

28 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

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Boo Boo Snacks YOU NEED Graham Crackers White frosting Strawberry jelly Band-Aid® Box

• • • •

DIRECTIONS Break graham cracker into quarters. Apply white frosting to the center of each graham cracker to mimic the look of a bandage. Heat strawberry jelly in the microwave for 30 seconds. Spoon the “blood” onto the bandage. Display Boo Boo Snacks on a plate with a box of Band-Aids.

• • • •

These are great snacks to make with young children. Each step is teachable and easy to do.

Apples in a Bucket YOU NEED Large Pretzels Red Melting Chocolate Your Favorite Brand of Fruit Leather

• • •

• Gummy Worms • Chocolate Bar • Waxed Paper • Kitchen Shears

DIRECTIONS Cut the fruit leather into pieces that look like leaves. Cut the chocolate candy into chunks that look like stems. Heat the melting chocolate according to the directions on the package. Add cooking oil to thin if necessary. Dip pretzels in melting chocolate and place on waxed paper. Quickly, before the pretzels dry, add leaves and stems to the “apple.” Arrange in a cute bucket for a fall party or a teacher gift.

• • • • • •

These make great thank-you gifts for your favorite teachers—just in time for a little back-to-school treat!

30 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Continued from page 28

7. Halloween Trail Mix

12. Candy Experiments

Make a special Halloween version of trail mix by tossing in a handful of candy pieces with your pretzels, nuts, raisins, and dried fruits.

Donate your candy to . . . science? Yep, you can do lots of great candy experiments at home using Skittles, Lifesavers, Starbursts, M&Ms, and more. Plus, you just might want to see what happens when you leave a gummy bear in water . . .

8. Candy Frame Glue candy pieces to an unfinished wooden picture frame (you can buy them at the craft store). Add a photo and you have a really sweet present for someone special.

13. Board Game Create a board game using candy as pieces. Or you can use candy in a sweet game of checkers or—dare we say it?—Candyland.

9. Candy Wrapper Jewelry

14. Candy City

Did you know you can make jewelry and crafts out of candy wrappers? You can search for how-to instructions on the Internet.

Build a candy city. With some glue (ask a parent for help if using a hot glue gun), some toothpicks, and a whole lot of imagination, you can design and construct a scene that even your Legos will envy. And it’s never too early to start planning this year’s holiday gingerbread house.

10. Piñata Use the candy to fill a piñata for someone who has a fall or winter birthday.

11. Candy Math Give “candy math” a whirl! Use candy corns to practice addition, subtraction, or counting by fives and tens. Hershey bars or KitKats are both great for visualizing fractions. Or you can sort your candy (chocolate, gum, lollipops, fruit snacks, etc.) and figure out what percentage each group contributed to your total amount.

15. Office Treats Send the candy to work with your mom or dad. That’ll really make it disappear fast!. v

© 1995- 2014 . The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission.

Candy Corn Marshmallow Ghosts INGREDIENTS Large Marshmallows Melting Chocolate in Orange and Yellow Black Decorating Gel Waxed Paper

• • • •

DIRECTIONS Lay down wax paper to cover the entire work area. Heat the melting chocolate in the microwave according to the directions on the package.* Dip the marshmallow in orange melting chocolate and place on waxed paper. Allow the ghost to dry completely before dipping in yellow. When the orange is completely dry, dip the ghost in yellow melting chocolate and place on waxed paper. Allow to dry. Dot eyes onto ghosts with black decorating gel.

• • • • •

*We found that adding a little bit of cooking oil makes the melting chocolate more manageable.

Creepy Apple Smiles YOU NEED Red Apples Creamy peanut butter Mini-marshmallows Spreading Knife

• • • •

DIRECTIONS Cut the apple into strips, representing lips. Be sure to remove the core. Spread peanut butter smoothly across each apple slice. Place 5-6 marshmallow teeth on top of the peanut butter on one apple slice. Place the second apple slice on top of the marshmallows to form an Apple Smile.

• • • •

These are great snacks to make with little children. They’re easy to make and healthy to eat!

32 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Pumpkin Pie Fudge with Salted Dark Chocolate Ganache FUDGE INGREDIENTS 2 Cups Granulated Sugar 1 Cup Packed Light Brown Sugar 3/4 Cup Salted Butter, Cut into Pieces 1 Cup Canned Pumpkin 2/3 Cup Evaporated Milk 2 Tablespoons Real Maple Syrup 2 Teaspoons Pumpkin Pie Spice

9 Ounces White Chocolate, Chopped (white chocolate chips can be substituted) 3 Cups (7 oz.) Mini Marshmallows 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

GANACHE INGREDIENTS 8 oz. Semi-sweet Chocolate (chopped, or high quality chips) 1/2 Cup Heavy Cream GARNISH INGREDIENTS A Flaky Salt Like Fleur de Sel, Flor de Sal, or Sel Gris An 8” x 8” Pan (must be at least 2” tall), or a 9” x 9” pan Candy Thermometer*

*Tip: Make sure to clip your candy thermometer to the side of the pan and that the tip of the glass portion of the thermometer is submerged in the candy as it cooks.

DIRECTIONS 1. Prepare your pan by lining bottom and sides with foil. Allow foil to overhang at least two sides, so it can be used to lift the fudge from the pan in the end. Spray foil with non-stick spray or lightly coat with butter. 2. Stir together the sugars, butter pieces, pumpkin, evaporated milk, maple syrup and spice in a 3 1/2 quart saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, over low to medium high heat. Continue to cook until a candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees F (soft-ball stage). The thermometer will shoot up to around 224 rather quickly, but it can take up to 20 minutes to slowly climb the remaining 10 degrees. Be patient, stir frequently, and keep your burner set to the lowest setting of “high” to maintain a boil, but prevent burning. 3. Immediately remove pan from heat. Remove thermometer. Stir in the white chocolate until it has melted and incorporated completely. Next, stir in the mini marshmallows until they have melted and are thoroughly incorporated. Last, Compliments of www.rookno17.com

stir in the vanilla extract. 4. Pour mixture into prepared pan. Use a small offset spatula to smooth and level the top, if necessary. Cool for 15 minutes. 5. While fudge is cooling, prepare the ganache by placing the chocolate in a medium bowl. In a saucepan, or in the microwave, bring cream to a boil. Pour boiling cream over the bowl of chocolate. Allow to sit for 2 minutes. With a small whisk or fork, gently bring the cream and melted chocolate together until thoroughly combined, smooth and shiny. 6. Pour chocolate ganache over the fudge (which will be warm, but will have set by now). Use a small offset spatula to smooth and level, if necessary. 7. Cool for 10 minutes, then sprinkle desired amount of salt on top of the ganache. Allow the fudge to continue to cool, on a baking rack, until it comes to room temperature. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. 8. Lift fudge from pan by the overhanging foil. Gently peel back the foil. With a sharp knife, cut into 1” squares. Wipe knife in between slices to keep pieces looking neat and clean. Store fudge in the refrigerator. Best when served at room temperature. v

Back to School Picture Frame MATERIALS 4” x 6” Flat Wood Frame 16 Pencils (You may want extras in case you break one or your frame requires more) Pencil Sharpener Small Hack Saw Foam Brush

• • • • •

• White Lined Paper • Mod Podge • Exacto Knife • Hot Glue • Red Cardstock (apple snapped) • School Picture

INSTRUCTIONS Lay your pencils on your frame and mark where you want the end to be for each—using the frame’s corner seams as a guide. Cut off the extra with a small hack saw and then sharpen the pencils to a point until they all fit perfectly on the frame. Brush a light coat of Mod Podge over your frame and lay a sheet of lined paper over it, smoothing over the front of the frame. Mod Podge the edges of the frame and wrap the paper around the corners like a present. Mod Podge the paper around to the back of the frame so the sides look nice and finished. Cut an X in the paper, in the middle of the frame (see photo), with your exacto and fold the paper onto the inside edge— adhearing it with Mod Podge. Trim off any excess paper. CAREFULLY hot glue each pencil in place by placing 3 to 4 small dots of hot glue to each pencil as you lay them down. Attach the cardstock apple using hot glue (see photo).

• • • •

• • •

Apple Jar MATERIALS Mason Jar, Shorter Size Clear Acrylic Spray Foam Brush Light and Dark Red Acrylic Craft Paint Light and Dark Green Acrylic Craft Paint

• • • • •

• Light and Dark Brown Acrylic Craft Paint • Wooden spool • Textured Green Scrapbook Paper • Hot Glue Gun

INSTRUCTIONS Spray entire jar with clear acrylic spray (allows for the acrylic craft paint to adhere to the glass and metal). Allow to dry. Apply dark red paint to the jar with the foam brush (a second coat might be needed). After the paint has dried, streak or dab the light red paint over the dark red paint to add texture and depth. Repeat the same procedure with green paint on the lid. Paint wooden spool brown to create a stem. Allow to dry. Cut green paper into leaf shapes. Attach the green paper and stem to the lid with hot glue. Press firmly.

• • • • • •

These apple jars make great gifts for teachers and shows them just how much you appreciate all they do.

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Trick-or-Treat Candy Frame MATERIALS Cheap Wooden Frame Black Spray Paint Halloween Candy Hot Glue Gun

• • • •

• White Sticker Letters

(Optional—White Scrapbook Paper, Cricut® Machine and Xyron® Machine)

INSTRUCTIONS Spray the frame with black paint and allow to dry. Cut white letters out of scrapbook paper with Cricut machine and font of your choice, or use white sticker letters. Adhere white letters to the frame. Experiment with candy placement until you achieve the look and balance you like. Attach one piece of candy at a time with hot glue and press firmly to apply to frame. Add a cute picture of your Trick-or-Treater!

• • • • • •

Tip – This craft uses real candy and may need to be discarded. If you’d like to have a frame that lasts forever, use candy wrappers instead of whole candy.

Ghost Luminaries MATERIALS Gallon Milk Jugs Scissors Glow Sticks Black Scrapbook or Construction Paper Xyron® machine, double sided sticky tape, or glue

• • • • •

INSTRUCTIONS Thoroughly wash each milk jug and allow to dry. Cut face shapes out of black paper. Option A: Xyron Machine—Run black paper shapes through Xyron machine. Remove paper backing and adhere to milk jug. Option B: Double-sided tape—Adhere double-sided tape to the back of each paper shape and attach to milk jug. Glue—Apply glue to the back of each paper shape and attach to milk jug. Allow drying before moving. Just before Halloween event, crack open glow sticks and place inside each ghost. Glow sticks last from 1 to 24 hours depending o n the brand.

• • • • •

Tip – Fill with water as needed to prevent luminaries from moving around on sidewalk.

36 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

TEEN TALK dvice from Helpful A Another! to n One Tee

HELPFUL TIPS ON SURVIVING HIGH SCHOOL Although most of us really hate the idea of having to go back to school, we cannot let our negative feelings affect our focus. The smartest thing to do is to establish habits from the very first day so that they are easier to maintain. One tip that I think is helpful is getting all of your school supplies and organizing them. By doing this it allows you to feel prepared and designate a place to get the things you need when you’re in class. Another thing that could benefit any student is creating a daily schedule that shows

when you will focus on your homework, when you will study, and when you will spend time with your friends. Scheduling things day by day gives someone a sense of responsibility and structure that is very much needed . Other tips that are useful are packing your lunch the night before, choosing your outfits in advance, and setting your alarm to get up and be there on time. All of these can help make the school year much easier, but the most crucial part of success is consistency. When you stick to your plans and goals for the school year, not only do your grades improve, but also you feel less stressed out and more productive. I have a bad habit of procrastinating on every assignment, so this year I set a goal to be more focused by making a list of everything I need to get done and logging it into my planner.

It is also important to keep a positive attitude going into the new year. Although school can get really tough and frustrating, by staying positive, you pave the way to being a more determined student. Whether you’re taking a bunch of AP classes or just starting out, remember to pace yourself, try to maintain your goals, and not get too upset over a bad grade every now and then. In the end, school can either be a very fun time to excel and be with your friends or it can be stressful and hard; it all depends on your attitude and choices. v



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Resource Guide

Looking for fun, adventure, and great food? Experience life to the fullest by discovering new tastes and fun-filled experiences—the Emerald Coast has it all. Enjoy! Crestview | Destin | FWB | Gulf Breeze | Navarre | Niceville/Valparaiso | Pensacola GULFARIUM MARINE ADVENTURE PARK 1010 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 243-9046 Delight in watching dolphins leap and sea lions play during spectacular shows! Enjoy educational exhibits and beautiful gulf views.


Local Attractions Tickets BIG KAHUNA’S WATER PARK 1007 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 837-4061 With more than 40 water attractions and an adventure park, Big Kahuna’s offers something for everyone. Big Kahuna’s has been Destin’s one and only water park for more than 25 years!

GATOR BEACH AT FUDPUCKER’S 20001 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 654-4200 Gator Beach gives you the chance to see more than 80 live alligators in an up-close and personal environment. You’ll not only be able to see the gators but feed them as well!

1125 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 654-4668 The Track Family Fun Park features the southeast’s premier go-carting and family fun centers including The Track Family Fun Parks in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee; Gulf Shores, Alabama; Destin, Florida; and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, as well as Fat Daddy’s Arcades in Destin, Florida; FWB, Florida; and Orange Beach, Alabama. Each of our five parks features The Track’s signature three-and-a-half-story elevated go-cart ride along with a vibrant lineup of family attractions ranging from family go-cart tracks, Fat Daddy’s Arcades, and thrill rides to miniature golf courses, kids’ country rides, and more.

Five Flags Speedway 7451 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola, 944-8400 Five Flags Speedway is a paved half-mile (0.8 km) auto-racing oval. It opened in 1953 and is located on Pine Forest Road. It is christened after Pensacola’s

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nickname, “City of Five Flags.” The speedway runs several local classes during the regular racing season (March–October). These classes include Super Late Models, Pro Late Models, Super Stocks, Sportsman, and Bombers. The races are usually held on Friday nights bi-weekly. The track also hosts many regional touring series.

Gulf Breeze Zoo 5701 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 932-2229 The Gulf Coast area’s awardwinning Gulf Breeze Zoo is home to more than 900 native and exotic animals. The zoo offers many hands-on animal encounters and kids activities perfect for field trips, family day trips, and exciting birthday parties.

Maximum Magic Dinner Show 1318 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 424-5125 Illusionist of the year Noah Wells presents Maximum Magic, Destin’s only magic show, with mind-blowing illusions, hilarious comedy, special effects, unbelievable mentalism, and more!

National Naval Aviation Museum 1750 Radford Blvd, Ste C, Pensacola, 452-3604 The National Naval Aviation Museum, formerly known as the National Museum of Naval

Aviation and the Naval Aviation Museum, is a military and aerospace museum located at Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. The museum was established December 14, 1962, with the initial facility located in a cramped 8,500-square-foot building on the air station that had been erected during World War II, and it was dedicated in June 1963.

Pensacola Ice Flyers 201 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 466-3111 The Pensacola Ice Flyers are a professional ice-hockey team of the Southern Professional Hockey League. The team played their first season in 2009–2010. Home games are played at the Pensacola Bay Center, previously home to the ECHL’s Pensacola Ice Pilots from 1996 until their folding in 2008.

Pensacola Lighthouse 2081 Radford Blvd, Pensacola, 393-1561 Climb 177 steps up the historic Pensacola lighthouse for one of the most beautiful views on the Gulf Coast. Built in 1859, the lighthouse is located onboard the NAS Pensacola. The top of the tower offers stunning views of Pensacola Pass (where Pensacola Bay meets the Gulf of Mexico), three historic forts, the Pensacola skyline, and the

E M E R A L D COA S T PA R E N T • L O C A L AT T R AC T I O N S historic Navy Yard. The fully restored Keepers’ Quarters, built in 1869, is home to the Richard C. Callaway museum, which houses numerous exhibits on local history and the lighthouse itself.

in the heart of the city’s entertainment district. Enjoy exhibits that you will find extraordinary, unusual, shocking, and possibly true to life!

Pensacola Museum of Art

6709 Pensacola Blvd, Pensacola, 505-0800 Sam’s Fun City is family owned and operated by Richard and Terry Sanfilippo. The park is named after the Sanfilippo’s daughter, Samantha. In 1996, after a successful career in environmental science and engineering, Richard redirected his energy toward creating a family-focused business in Pensacola, Florida. After a significant planning period, the first phase of the park opened in September 2000. The park has continued to grow over the years by adding bumper boats and mini golf in 2001, phase one of an arcade in 2003, a water park in 2005, and an expanded arcade in 2008. With more than 40 rides, slides, and attractions, Sam’s Fun City is the largest fun park on the central Gulf Coast.

407 S Jefferson St, Pensacola, 432-6247 The Pensacola Museum of Art is the only art museum in the city of P e nsacola, Florida. It was founded in 1954 by a group of women from the American Association of University Women. These determined women combined their efforts to create an art center that would exhibit traveling shows, offer art classes for both children and adults, and provide meeting space for members of the community as well as create a forum for lectures, films, and other cultural presentations. They joined forces with others in the community who shared this same vision and formed the Pensacola Art Association.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! 9907 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 230-6113 Explore the odd and unusual at this family friendly attraction

Sam’s Fun City

SKYZONE 5007 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 500-1663 We’re always working to invent epic new ways to play, gather, and compete. Even though we’re the originators of wall-to-wall aerial action, we never stand still. We’ve been voted the number one “out of the box” workout and the “best party ever.” We’re dedicated to providing you with the pure joy that comes from flying. We are sky lovers, thrill seekers, and people who believe that jumping is freedom. We believe fitness can be fun and play can be smart. We are healthy and bursting with energy. We fly high and keep it safe. We are Sky Zone.

Wild Willy’s Adventure Park

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1306 Miracle Strip Pkwy, FWB, 400-3300 Wild Willy’s has a number of different attractions sure to make everyone’s day!

WonderWorks 9910 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 249-7000 WonderWorks is an amazing attraction where scientific principles and fun come together to provide an unrivaled educational experience!

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Outdoors Adventures Unlimited 8974 Tomahawk Landing Rd, Milton, 623-6197 Discover the fun of outdoor adventure at Northwest Florida’s premier recreation center! Situated along the secluded Coldwater Creek, experience nature’s beauty. Relax with us— you’ll be glad you did!

Coldwater Gardens Glamping Experience 7009 Creek Stone Rd, Milton, 426-1300 Situated on a gentle slope overlooking a pine savanna, our tents are outfitted with amenities that make your experience relaxing. Each tent is equipped with top glamping amenities including a queen-size bed, minifridge, coffee maker, outdoor shower, and charcoal grill.

DESTIN HELICOPTER BEACH TOURS 34859 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 424-5125 View the beautiful Emerald Coast from above on a thrilling helicopter tour!

Horseback Trail Rides 613 S County Hwy 393, Destin, 208-3114 Located close to the Destin beaches, this stable offers trail rides and RV space. With 13,800 acres of state forest, there is plenty of riding to fill up your day.

Panama City Beach Helicopter Tours 15726 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 230-2080 View the beautiful Panama City Beach coastline from above on an amazing helicopter tour!

Pensacola Aerial Beach Tour

Deep Sea Fishing Party Boat

4145 Jerry Maygarden Rd, Pensacola, 346-4230 Our Piper Saratoga has six seats— plenty of room for the entire family! Choose from a romantic Sunset Champagne Beach Tour or an adventurous Shark Patrol, and make some wonderful memories.

102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7095 Come fish with one of the oldest and largest fishing fleets on the Emerald Coast, and fish the beautiful unspoiled waters of the Gulf of Mexico!

Zipline Canopy Tour

7 Calhoun Ave, Destin, 978-3060 Your adventure starts out at the Destin Marina as an experienced guide takes you to the dolphin “hangout.” After exploring, the guide will allow you to adventure out on your own as well!

8974 Tomahawk Landing Rd, Milton, 889-2180 Fly through the air on a series of up to 14 ziplines topped off by a flyover of Coldwater Creek on a 900-foot stretch of cables!

Watersports Big Kahuna’s Water Park Aquatic Adventures Pontoon Rental 5915 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Captain your own boat from the still waters of Grand Lagoon just minutes from Shell Island, where you can pull up on the beach!

Blackwater River Tubing Trip 6974 Deaton Bridge Rd, Milton, 623-0235 Enjoy one of the last true wilderness getaways in Florida while tubing the Blackwater River! One of the purest sandbottom rivers in the nation, this river boasts clear, spring-fed water with a walking-speed current that is safe and fun for all ages!

Blue Angels Practice Cruise 400 Quietwater Beach Rd, Pensacola, 898-9002 Watch true American heroes blaze across the skies with their amazing maneuvers and fearless speed. Enjoy the air-show maneuvers from the comfort of a 63-foot catamaran at the center of the show!

Destin Crab Island Waverunner Dolphin Tour

Destin Sailing Cruise Aboard the Daniel Webster Clements 116 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-2222 The Daniel Webster Clements is great for a day or evening sailing cruise and is equipped with two bathrooms and a deck that holds 37 guests. See dolphins and beautiful sights along the East Pass and Destin Harbor. Each cruise offers complimentary beer, wine, and sodas.

Destin X Jet Ski & Waverunner Rentals 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Customers are launched from the harbor, and all the equipment is in great condition!

DESTIN X PARASAILING 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Parasailing is one of Destin’s top activities and offers family fun for all ages. Daily departures are available during the spring and summer, weather permitting.

Destin X Pontoon Boat Rental 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Our pontoon rentals offer great prices and include fuel!

Discover Scuba Diving in Panama City Beach, 106 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 230-8006 The class includes classroom instruction followed by a fun beach dive!

Dolphin and Snorkel Excursion Aboard the Sea Screamer 2 3605 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 235-3000 This is one of the best ways to see beautiful Shell Island under and over water! Snorkel gear

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and instruction are included in your trip.

Dolphin Cruise Aboard the Original Sea Blaster 34 Harbor Blvd, Kiosk 60G, Destin, 654-6888 Join the fun, and come search the emerald green waters of the Gulf of Mexico along the sugar-white sand beaches of De stin, Florida, for playful dolphins!

Dolphin Sail Aboard the Privateer Catamaran 3901 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 769-3866 Listen to tropical music as you enjoy a complimentary wine, sangria, cold beer, or non-alcoholic beverage onboard Panama City Beach’s best sunset cruise!

Dolphin Sightseeing Cruise Aboard the Original Sea Screamer 3605 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 235-3000 The Sea Screamer offers exciting day cruises and breathtaking sunset cruises to enjoy. Journey by beautiful Shell Island and the State Park jetties, then go for a refreshing ride alongside the world’s most beautiful beaches and resorts.

Dolphin Watch and Destin History Cruise 102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7095 Family owned and operated, the Dolphin Watch and Destin History Cruise is an ideal way to enjoy a relaxing one-anda-half-hour narrated cruise watching dolphins play in their natural habitat. The boat features a glass-bottom viewing area, snack bar, restrooms, and an airconditioned/heated cabin.

Fine Dining Dinner and Dancing Cruise 9300 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-2519 The Solaris is the area’s only fine dining entertainment yacht. The yacht features fresh gulf seafood, prime beef, and much more, all prepared in a full-service galley. Live entertainment and a full bar are available to enhance the experience.

The Hydrojet—the World’s Largest Jet Ski! 102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 865-3557 Known as the worlds largest jet ski, the Hydrojet can really move!

E M E R A L D COA S T PA R E N T • L O C A L AT T R AC T I O N S Come get wet and have a blast with your friends and family!

Pontoon Boat Rental with Luther’s Watersports


200 & 202 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-8733 Pontoon boats are an easy way to enjoy the beautiful Choctawhatchee Bay in Destin. All the boats are in great shape, reliable, and clean. Cruise around the bay, or just relax at crab island—it’s up to you!

105 Hogtown Bayou Ln, Destin, 699-1694 No trip to Santa Rosa Beach is complete without an inshore fishing trip. The Choctawhatchee Bay hosts a number of different species of fish. Trips in the bay are great for everyone from children and first-timers to the avid fisherman.

Offshore Fishing with Fish Now Charters 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Enjoy the scenic beauty of Panama City Beach as you and your group travel out to open water. Feel the heart-pounding thrill and awesome power of pulling a gigantic catch up from the depths.

Panama City Beach Pirate Cruise Aboard the Sea Dragon 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-7400 Come aboard Panama City Beach’s only pirate adventure cruise. Cruise away into the fantasy world of friendly swashbucklers and spirited pirates aboard an 85-foot pirate ship.

Pensacola Beach Dolphin Cruise 400 Quietwater Beach Rd, #16, Pensacola, 898-9002 Cruise aboard the 63-foot openair covered catamaran Portofino I, and spy dolphins, birds, and the other marine life playing in their natural habitat along the protected Gulf Islands National Seashore.

Private Six-Pack Deep-Sea Fishing with Reel Deal Charters 210 E Highway 98, Destin, 424-5125 Come aboard a charter that offers more than 15 years of experience fishing off the Florida Coast.

SeaQuest Dolphin Sightseeing Tour 116 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-2222 Climb aboard AJ’s SeaQuest, and experience affordable family fun as you cruise the emerald waters along the sugar-white sand beaches of Destin. The 53-foot boat carries up to 89 passengers and offers an array of excitement and fun for the entire family. Also receive complimentary drinks!

SHELL ISLAND DOLPHIN TOUR ON WAVERUNNERS 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 A popular way to see the dolphins and enjoy two hours of wave-runner riding on a guided tour to nearby Shell Island.

Shell Island Eco Sea-fari Tour and Dolphin Encounter 5550 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-3435 We begin the journey in the historic Grand Lagoon, then collect sea shells at Shell Island! The boat will remain at the dock while you explore the island. You will have an hour at your leisure to swim, go shelling, explore, picnic, or just relax and enjoy the beautiful and pristine uninhabited island!

Small-Group Dolphin and Snorkel Tour

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5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Take a cruise around Shell Island in search of wild bottlenose dolphins. This is a guided twohour cruise and a fun trip for the entire family. Not only do you get an exciting dolphin-tour experience, but free snorkel gear is included in case you want to park the boat and cool off.

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Snorkel and Dolphin Excursion on Destin’s Original Sea Blaster

2 Harbor Blvd, #100, Destin, 424-7695

34 Harbor Blvd, Kiosk 60G, Destin, 654-6888 Jump in and have some fun snorkeling! Then take a cruise and look for dolphins and other marine life along the coast. Snorkeling equipment is included.

A one-of-a-kind full-service burger bar. Choose from one of 18 different burgers, or get creative and build your own. Pick the bun, type of meat, cheese, and sides.

Sunset Dolphin Encounter Aboard Captain Anderson III

Multiple locations throughout area

5550 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-3435 Travel through the historic Grand Lagoon into St. Andrews Bay, then move up through the channel known as “the Pass” out to the edge of the gulf to watch dolphins play.

Swimming with Dolphins at Shell Island 5709 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 238-0909 Spend the day with a professional team of instructors who will teach the proper way to interact with dolphins. The tour is capped off with several live swim-ins at Shell Island for potential dolphin encounters.


Restaurants American BONEHEADS FIRE GRILLED 10015 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 477-4002 We like to say adventure is the spice of life. We also like to say if you’ve perfected the spice of life, why fry it? At Boneheads, we serve freshly grilled food for a healthy dining experience that everyone can enjoy. We also offer full-service event catering. We can prepare and deliver food that tastes great to business meetings, training events, and more.

Hungry? We specialize in hot subs and submarine sandwiches made with premium meats and cheeses, steamed to perfection, then piled high on a toasted private-recipe sub roll. Our menu will surely satisfy your appetite! Founded by firemen. Catering available.


Multiple locations throughout area Tropical Smoothie Cafe’s menu boasts bold, flavorful food and smoothies with a healthy appeal, all made to order from the freshest ingredients. We find that superior, simple ingredients, including real fruit and veggies, set our smoothies apart from others.

Uncle Bill’s Family Restaurant 252 N Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 689-0099

ASIAGO’S SKILLET 300 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-4160

The Breakfast Table Cafe 385 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 460-7322

99 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 301-9464, buffalowildwings.com

Corner Cafe 692 Bob Sikes Blvd, FWB, 803-0263

KC’s Sandbar and Grille 190 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 244-1087

Props Craft Brewery and Grill 255 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 586-7117

Slick Mick’s Deli and Grille 19 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 864-5577

All American Heroes 8544 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-9797

TC’s Front Porch 8552 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-1601

Ye Olde Brothers Brewery 4458 Hwy 87, Navarre, 684-1495

Hurricane Grill and Wings 4597 Hwy 20 E, Niceville, 932-1075

One20, a Modern Bistro 120 Partin Dr, Niceville, 729-2120

Toast Wine Bar & Small Plate 4550 Hwy 20 E, Niceville, 279-6665

Carmelina’s Cafe 9400 University Pkwy, Pensacola, 208-6211


Chicken Salad Chick

7173 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 484-5203

36150 Emerald Coast Pkwy, #111, Destin, 460-2888

CJ’s Kitchen and Grille

Donut Hole Bakery & Café

2100 W Garden St, Pensacola, 435-9543

635 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-8824

Flora-Bama Lounge

Johnny Rockets

17401 Perdido Key Dr, Pensacola, 492-0611

4348 Legendary Dr, Destin, 837-0005

Grover’s Fingers and Wings


9418 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 477-7172

300 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-6743

Jackson’s Steakhouse

The Pancakery 960 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 269-0791

Shakes Frozen Custard

42 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Buffalo Wild Wings

400 S Palafox St, Pensacola, 469-9898


1065 Hwy 98, Destin, 269-1111

2907 E Cervantes St, Pensacola, 912-6196


O’Briens Bistro

4283 Legendary Dr, Destin, 424-7600

4350 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, 477-9120


Saltgrass Steak House

16055 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Ste 111, Destin, 837-5333

905 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 434-3600


Asian Bamboo Sushi Bar and Hibachi 2511 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 689-1391

THAI SIAM CUISINE 396 E Cedar Ave, Crestview, 423-4510

Yumi Buffet



Buck’s Smoke House

790 on the Gulf

303 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-3600

2996 Scenic Hwy 98, Destin, 650-4853

Smoke on the Water

4260 Legendary Dr, Destin, 424-5795

Mary’s Kitchen

314 Bayshore Dr, Niceville, 678-2233

Mellow Mushroom

99 Eglin Pkwy, #42, FWB, 863-1141

Sonny’s Real Pit BBQ

French Quarter Grill

2680 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 683-8886

The Tipsy Pig Bar and Grill


138 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 301-0515

Louisiana Lunchbox

34904 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-1288

Dirt Road Cookers 6900 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 384-8839

Rib Shack of Navarre

821 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-3945

9532 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-4244

Lotus Thai

Five Sisters Blues Cafe

Thai Delights Restaurant

550 Mary Esther Cut-Off, FWB, 243-3744

421 W Belmont St, Pensacola, 912-4856

Siam Garden Café


334 N Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 862-7426

Thaiger Thai Restaurant 99 Eglin Pkwy, #34, FWB, 581-7600

11117 Lillian Hwy, Pensacola, 417-2965

Sonny’s Bar-B-Q

364 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 932-6882

6702 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 476-7618
 630 N Navy Blvd, Pensacola, 456-2000

Makong Thai Restaurant

Voodoo BBQ and Grill

Shang Hai Restaurant

1935 Ortega St, Navarre, 939-6950

Peking House 8224 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-9898

Philippine Market and Café 144 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 729-0811

Thai International Restaurant 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2146

Bangkok Garden
 1708 W Fairfield Dr, Pensacola, 432-5511

Sake Cafe
 4795 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 494-9999

Shanghai Buffet
 1741 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 857-8891

Tu-Do Vietnamese Restaurant
 7130 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 473-8877

La Famiglia Ristorante Italiano and Pizza

Café Bienville

714 Howell Rd, Niceville, 678-2604

New Dragon Mongolian Grill and Buffet

104 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 460-2990

302 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 797-8252

925 Beal Pkwy, FWB, 314-0717

56 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-3507

Crust Pizzeria

1741 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 912-8111

Cajun Tonie’s Gumbo House 8600 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 428-3864

Bayou Cajun Seafood, Po’boys and Pho 6705 Pine Forest Rd, #500, Pensacola, 435-4200

CUBS CRAWFISH 11125 Lillian Hwy, Pensacola, 456-7551

Rodizio Grill
 605 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 466-2113

The Ruby Slipper Cafe (Brazilian) 509 S Palafox Ave, Pensacola, 792-4834


7000 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola, 361-1130

French Zesty Baguette Bistro 4418 Commons Dr, Ste C, Destin, 460-8797

Bay Café 233 Alconese Ave SE, FWB, 244-3550

Bon Appétit Bakery and Café 420 Mary Esther Cut-Off NW, FWB, 244-2848

Heavenly Croissant 722 N Beal Pkwy, FWB, 862-6790

German Schnitzel Brew House 98 Eglin Pkwy, Ste 8, FWB, 226-4796

The Schnitzel Lodge 4504 E Hwy 20, Niceville, 279-4485


960 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 650-6420

Mimmo’s 979 Hwy 98, #5, Destin, 460-7353

Vinny McGuire’s Pizza 29 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-0116

Ali’s Bistro 171 Brooks St SE, FWB, 226-4708

Clemenza’s 75 Eglin Pkwy Ste 126, FWB, 243-0707

Niki’s Pizza 2843 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-4228

Papa’s Pizza 37551 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-3334

NEW YORK PIZZA DEPOT 8207 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-6973

Sal’s Pizzeria and Grill 6903 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-8240

CIAO BELLA PIZZA 4400 E Hwy 20E, Niceville, 729-0066

 7210 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 473-9585

Passage to India

Franco’s Italian Restaurant

3102 E Cervantes, Pensacola, 433-8887

523 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 433-9200

Taste of India

Georgio’s Pizza

810 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 439-3005

3000 E Cervantes St, Pensacola, 432-5996

Irish Beef O’Brady’s 2509 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-9588

Santino’s Pizza and Grinders
 4771 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, 474-0400


Johnny O’Quigley’s

4801 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 484-6836

1025 Industrial Dr, Crestview, 306-1012

Dominic’s Pizzeria

McGuire’s Irish Pub 33 Hwy 98E, Destin, 650-0000


177 John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2131


Yum’s Chinese

The Caribbean Pot

Mia’s Italian Restaurant

Bamboo’s Jamaican Restaurant

1620 Airport Blvd, Pensacola, 477-2999

481 S John Sims Pkwy, Ste B, Valparaiso, 389-2270

2203 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-8333

236 Miracle Strip Pkwy, SE, FWB, 226-6464

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CIC ad-Emerald Coast Parent.indd 1

5/9/17 8:56 AM

Lana’s Jamaican House Cafe

La Paz Restaurante and Cantina

Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant


7700 W Fairfield Dr, Pensacola, 453-2144

950 Gulf Shore Dr, Destin, 837-2247

530 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 650-4400

600 S Barracks St, Pensacola, 470-0003


Ricon Boriqua


538 Eglin Pkwy NE, FWB, 863-3323

4607 Legendary Marina Dr, Destin, 710-5858 (LULU)

Zoe’s Kitchen

Sabor A Mexico

4357 Legendary Dr, Destin, 650-6525

El Paso Navarre

Aegean Breeze Deli 913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, #20, Gulf Breeze, 916-0430

YIOTA’S GREEK DELI 130 Miracle Strip Pkwy, Mary Esther, 302-0691

Chrisoula’s Cheesecake Cafe
 236 W Garden St, Pensacola, 438-5650

13 Eglin Pkwy SE, FWB, 243-3331 9500 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-4994

El Patron Mexican Grill 8137 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-0950

Old Mexico Restaurant 1177 E John Sims Pkwy, Niceville, 729-1127

Taco Town


113 Partin Dr, Niceville, 729-8646

3012 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 332-6709

Miguel’s Mexican Food

Jordan Valley Cafe

2 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 607-7121

201 S Jefferson St, Pensacola, 607-2780
 4550 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 466-5901
 201 S New Warrington, Pensacola, 466-2342

The Aegean Restaurant 1259 Eglin Pkwy, Shalimar, 613-6120

Mexican/Cuban/ Puerto Rican CRAB ISLAND CANTINA 2 Harborwalk Blvd #100, Destin, 424-7417 We offer a large selection of seafood, Latin-inspired cuisine, award-winning fusion, and Black Angus steaks all served in a casual waterfront-dining atmosphere.

Rio Bravo
 596 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 466-2468

Cafe Amapola 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 678-6767

East Gate Cafe 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2271

Seafood Boshamps Seafood and Oyster House 414 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-7406

Tailfins Seafood, Alehouse and Oyster Bar 172 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-1200

524 South B St, Pensacola, 4323313

L & L Fresh Seafood
 1611 N Pace Blvd, Pensacola, 432-0234

AJ’s on the Bayou


200 Eglin Pkwy, NE, FWB, 864-4694

1000 S Pace Blvd, Pensacola, 549-4444

Anglers Beachside Grill 1030 Miracle Strip Pkwy, FWB, 796-0260

Sam’s Seafood and Steaks

Old Bay Steamer

The Fishing Hole

102 Santa Rosa Blvd, FWB, 664-2795

15 Brent Ln, Pensacola, 912-6664

Rick’s Crab Trap

303 Glen Ave, Valparaiso, 7290406

178 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 664-0110

Stewby’s Seafood Shanty 427 Racetrack Rd NW, FWB, 586-7001

Dave’s Oyster Bar 4584 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-1789

420 S A St, Pensacola, 432-6626

Doc’s Oyster Bar

VEGAN End of the Line Cafe
 610 E Wright St, Pensacola, 429-0336

EAST BAY CRAB HOUSE 9250 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 939-5543

The Gulf 1284 Marler Ave, Okaloosa Island, 387-1300

Dockside Oyster Bar & Café 821 Bayshore Dr, Niceville, 678-1241

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

L J Schooner’s Dockside Restaurant and Oyster Bar

14059 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-1881

290 Yacht Club Dr, Niceville, 8975400

Azteca Mexican Restaurant

Dewey Destin

Atlas Oyster House

789 N Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-8206

9 Calhoun Ave, Destin, 837-7575 202 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7525

600 S Barracks St, Pensacola, 437-1961

44 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Joe Patti’s

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Making the Most of Life on the Coast! We live on a beautiful coast that has so much to offer, and we’re here to make sure you know what’s going on in your own backyard. Enjoy!

works over the Harbor at 9:00 p.m., and the adult costume contest on the main stage. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com.

winning book by the same title. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

PumpkinPalooza Kids & Pets Costume Contest

Sun, Oct 28 – HarborWalk Village (2:00p.m.) Head to the Destin Harbor for some spooktacular family fun! Enjoy a kids’ costume contest and a pet costume contest on HarborWalk Village’s main stage. There will be kids’ crafts and trickor-treating on the Destin Harbor at all restaurants and shops at HarborWalk Village. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com.

Trick or Treat Street

Wed, Oct 31 – Baytowne Wharf (6:00p.m.)

Seasonal Baytowne on Ice

Sat, Oct 27–Sat, Feb 2 – Baytowne Wharf Get out the old ice skates and get in the winter spirit at The Village of Baytowne Wharf’s Baytowne on Ice! Baytowne’s seasonal ice rink is the perfect opportunity to share some of your favorite holiday traditions. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

PumpkinPalooza Pub Crawl & Adult Costume Contest

Sat, Oct 27 – HarborWalk Village (6:00p.m.) Head to the Destin Harbor for a thrilling and chilling Halloween bash! The night of fright begins at 7:00 p.m. with live music on HarborWalk Village’s main stage, followed by fire-

Calling all ghouls, ghosts and goblins to the Village of Baytowne Wharf for a spooktacular extravaganza! This Halloween, trick-ortreat through the Village streets and visit merchants for your favorite treat! Enjoy live music, face painting, balloon animals, and fireworks! For more information, visit www. baytownewharf.com.

The Arts AQUIFERious

Mon, Aug 20–Fri, Nov 2 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center Northwest Florida State College and the Mattie Kelly Arts Center are pleased to announce the upcoming gallery exhibit AQUIFERious. This exhibition will be held in the McIlroy, Holzhauer and Corridor Galleries. AQUIFERious is curated by Margaret Ross Tolbert and is based on her award-

Meet the Maestro

Sat, Sept 8 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (7:00p.m.) Head to the Mattie Kelly Arts Center for dessert and wine with the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra’s new conductor, Devin Patrick Hughes. Tickets are on sale now. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

Tchaikovsky’s Fourth

Sat, Sept 15 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (7:30p.m.) Help welcome the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra’s new conductor, Maestro Devin Patrick Hughes, for the Symphony’s opening night concert as the dramatic and electrifying come to life with Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

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Film Club Meeting

Mon, Sept 17 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (6:30p.m.) The Northwest Florida State College Film Club is composed of students who meet to watch and discuss Hollywood hits and foreign, independent and classic movies. These meetings are open to the public. For more information, contact Dr. David Simmons at 850-729-6074.

Magic School Bus

Wed, Sept 26 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (9:45a.m.) Hop on the Magic School Bus for a ride in this new musical adaptation based on the original book series published by Scholastic. There will be two showings for this event. The first performance will be at 9:45 a.m., followed by the second show time at 11:30 a.m. Shows are approximately one hour in length. Study guides are available upon request. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

Registration will begin at 7:00 a.m. The race will start promptly at 8:00 a.m. Stick around after the race for breakfast provided by Northwest Florida State College and amazing raffle prizes! For more information, visit www.destinchamber. com.

30A Half-Marathon & 5K

Sat, Sept 22 – Niceville (7:00a.m.) Back for its third year, the 30A Half-Marathon has grown to be quite the destination race! This year, they have added a special Elite Runner Program and will be giving away more than $20,000 in cash prizes to our fastest halfmarathon runners. Starting and ending at Gulf Place, and turning around at the WaterColor Lake House, this smooth, scenic course is a real crowd pleaser. After the race, enjoy beer and grub, as well as the awards ceremony and live music. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Sonder Project. For more information, visit www.30ahalf.com.

Sugar Sands Charity Golf Classic Mon, Oct 8 – Destin (11:30a.m.)

Head to Kelly Plantation in Destin for their Sugar Sands Charity Golf Classic. There will be a preregistration party at Tommy Bahama, a Tommy Bahama golf shirt for the participants, golf and lunch at Kelly Plantation, a gift bag, awards and prizes! For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com.

Thurs, Sept 20 – Baytowne Wharf (5:00p.m.) The Village of Baytowne Wharf is hosting Bubbly Baytowne! Sip and shop through the Village streets and enjoy an evening of free champagne and shopping. This event is free and for 21 and up only. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Head to the Mattie Kelly Arts Center for an afternoon of magic! This sensory-friendly performance is designed to create an experience that is welcoming to all families, including those with children with autism or other developmental or intellectual disabilities that create sensory sensitivities. Admission for this event is free, but donations are accepted. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.


Sat, Sept 22 – Destin (5:00p.m.)

Doctor Faustus

Runs, Walks & More ONE Run 5K

Sat, Sept 22 – Niceville (7:00a.m.) Join the Emerald Coast Autism Center for the 7th annual ONE Run 5K to support the ONE Campaign for Autism. This year’s family and pet-friendly race will be on the Northwest Florida State College campus in Niceville.

Sat, Sept 13 – Destin (7:00p.m.)

Bubbly Baytowne

Sat, Oct 13 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (2:00p.m.)

This Christopher Marlowe play depicts the sinister aftermath of Faustus’s decision to sell his soul to the devil’s henchman in exchange for power and knowledge. This play is sure to entertain! For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

Concerts in the Village

Bring a chair, wine and a picnic dinner to the Concerts in the Village. Enjoy R&B, Motown, classic rock, blues, and more! Admission is $15 per person. For more information, call 850650-2226.

Hocus Focus – Theater of Magical Illusion

Wed, Oct 17 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (7:30p.m.)

region! It is a family-oriented cultural and educational event showcasing the best of Hispanic folklore, music, food and culture. More than 3,000 people are expected to attend, as well as over 60 vendors, and performances from start to finish! A special tribute to military and first responders will also take place. The kids can enjoy activities such as face painting, games, clowns, magicians, piñatas, and more at the Happy World Kids’ Zone! For more information, visit www.fwbchamber.org.

Sounds Fun 5th Annual FunPoker Run Jetski Classic Sat, Sept 8 – Fort Walton Beach (9:00a.m.)

The 5th annual FunPoker Run is back! This family-friendly event takes place in the bay and has a 6-card pick-up at some of the area’s best waterfront venues. The prize for the best poker hand is a trip for two to Hawaii! All proceeds will benefit Children in Crisis. For more information, visit www.funpokerrun.com.

Hispanic Fest 2018

Sun, Sept 9 – Fort Walton Beach (11:00a.m.) Head to the Emerald Coast Convention Center for the largest indoor Hispanic Festival in our

46 • September+October 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Head to the Destin Harbor for the 1st annual HarborFest Celebration! Celebrate the arts, dining, history and community spirit that make Destin so special. The Destin History and Fishing Museum along with charter captains from HarborWalk Charters will be sharing their favorite fish tales and highlighting the area’s fishing heritage, alongside freshly prepared seafood dishes from local chefs. The area’s best artists will be displaying handcrafted jewelry, paintings, and more! Children can stop by the Abrakadoodle table to create and take home their own masterpiece! There will also be live music and fireworks. For more information, visit www.emeraldgrande.com.

Panhandle Music Festival Show Sat, Sept 22 – Niceville (7:00p.m.)

A cappella singers from across the Panhandle and local high school student choruses are invit-

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11th Annual Baytowne Beer Festival

Fri, Oct 12 –Sat, Oct 13 – Baytowne Wharf It’s time to roll out the barrel and discover new and different beers! There will be over 200 domestic and international craft beers available at the event, offering an opportunity to learn about the different types of lagers and ales from a variety of styles. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Poetry and Music Jam

Second Tuesday of each month – Crestview (6:00p.m.) Poets and musicians are invited to bring their work and instruments to a free-form, open-mic poetry reading and jam session. For more information, visit www.crestviewchamber.org.

GulfWind Paddle & Surf Wednesday Night BOTE Board Demo Event

Every Wednesday – Santa Rosa Beach (6:00p.m.) Socialize with other paddle board enthusiasts every Wednesday evening and demo ride the entire fleet of BOTE boards! For more information, call Steve with GulfWind Paddle & Surf at 850-200-8375.

Wednesday Night Concert Series

ed to attend this event organized by the Emerald Coast Chorus and supported by the Sunshine District and the Barbershop Harmony Society. For information, visit www.fwbchamber.org.

Every Wednesday – Baytowne Wharf (7:00p.m.) Enjoy the great weather and live entertainment. The concert series features local and regional talent on the Events Plaza Stage. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

40th Annual Destin Seafood Festival

Thurs, Oct 4–Sun, Oct 7 – HarborWalk Village

Throwback Thursday

One of Destin’s favorite traditions is back! Stroll down the boardwalk at HarborWalk Village for a great weekend of seafood, live music, arts and crafts and family fun! For more information, visit www.emeraldgrande.com.

Every Thursday – Baytowne Wharf (7:00p.m.) Baytowne Wharf will be showing your favorite classic films on the big-screen during their Throwback Thursdays. Grab a lawn chair and enjoy a movie under the stars. All movies are free admission and family friendly. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

8th Annual Emerald Coast Duck Regatta Sat, Oct 6 – Miramar Beach (10:00a.m.)

Head to the Village of Baytowne Wharf for this year’s Duck Regatta, where approximately 3,000 numbered rubber ducks will race across the lagoon. Prizes will be awarded to the first ducks to cross the finish line, including a $5,000 firstplace prize! There will also be face painting, a scavenger hunt, hula-hoop contest, and more! For information, visit www.destinchamber.com.

Bloody Mary Festival

Sat, Oct 6 – Sandestin (11:00a.m.)

30A BBQ Festival

Fri, Oct 12 – Watercolor (6:00p.m.) The public is invited to head to 30A, and for just $25 enjoy all the beer and BBQ you’d like! There will be live music to set the mood for a memorable evening for all ages. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com.

Dog Daze 2018

Sat, Oct 13 – Destin (9:00a.m.) Celebrate dogs and the people who love them at this year’s Dog Daze at Liza Jackson Park. This year’s theme is “Wild, Wild West”! For more information, visit www.fwbchamber.org.

Stepping Out in Style Fashion Show Thurs, Oct 25 – Pensacola (5:30p.m.)

The 42nd annual Stepping Out in Style Fashion Show, presented by the Women’s Board of Baptist Health Care Foundation and Gulf Coast Health Care, is being held at Skopelos at New World. Proceeds from this year’s event will benefit the Meridian at Lakeview Center, which provides mental health treatment and substance abuse services for children between the ages of 7 and 17. For more information, visit www.pensacolachamber.com.

Reoccurring Local Fish the Days, Rock the Nights Head to the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort for the 4th annual Bloody Mary Festival! This event will feature unlimited tastes of the Emerald Coast’s most creative and innovative Bloody Mary’s served by the finest restaurants and bars on the Emerald Coast. This festival will benefit Habitat for Humanity. For more information, call 850-460-7777.

Daily in October – HarborWalk Village (10:00a.m.) Watch the winning catches of the 69th annual Destin Fishing Rodeo hit the docks for daily weighins from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. After, rock the docks all night long with free live music on the main stage starting at 7:00 p.m. To end the evening, there will be a fireworks show over the Destin Harbor. For more information, visit www.emeraldgrande.com.

Farmers’ Market at Grand Boulevard

Every Saturday – Miramar Beach (9:00a.m.) Start your Saturday at Grand Boulevard Farmers’ Market! There will be fresh from-the-farm produce, local seafood, homemade dips and salsas, organic juices, homemade soaps, and more! There will even be organic pet treats for your furry friends. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com.

September Saturdays

Every Saturday in September – Baytowne Wharf (6:00p.m.) Head to Baytowne Wharf where village merchants will feature game-day specials and more than 90 TVs to cheer on teams and enjoy great deals all weekend! Guests can also enjoy live local music each Saturday in September from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

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