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G O T O B I G K A H U N A S . C O M F O R G R O U P & C O R P O R AT E D I S C O U N T S ! 1007 US HWY 98 EAST • DESTIN, FL 32541 • 850-837-8319 • BIGKAHUNAS.COM
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September+October 2014
12 10 Column
21 Teen Talk
What Your Kids Wish You Knew!
Articles Sugar Shutdown
Family Fun Guide Calendar of Events
Get to know the people, places and things that make this coast special!
Seasonal Events �������������������������������������������������� 40 Runs, Walks & More �������������������������������������������41 Sounds Fun �����������������������������������������������������������42 The Arts �����������������������������������������������������������������43 Recurring Local ��������������������������������������������������� 44 Volunteer ������������������������������������������������������������� 44
9 Parenting Through the Storm! 10 Resource Directory How to Slay Scary Monsters 12 45
Why It’s Important to Cut Down on Your Sugar Consumption
Minimize Stress and Fear During Hurricanes and Evacuations
Help Your Child Understand that Scary Monsters Are Just Pretend
Community resources offer a wide range of information and services for you and your family!
Listings ������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Family Builders
Families are important. Spend time enjoying life together at home and on the go.
The Family Chatter Challenge ���������������������������������� 24 That’s Good to Know!—Information You Can Use �����26 Show Her You Care, Show Him You Care �������� 27, 28 Snacks—Recipes for Tasty Get-Togethers ����������������� 30 Crafts—Get Creative with Your Kids ������������������������� 32 Teach Your Kids Something New ���������������������������� 34
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Emerald Coast
parent It’s Your MagazineTM
This is your magazine! Welcome to Emerald Coast Parent magazine. We like to consider this your magazine. We look forward to hearing from local readers like you on a regular basis. Let us know how we might be able to participate in the continued improvement of this beautiful area where we all live and work. As busy parents ourselves, we place a high value on spending quality time with our children and are always looking for fun crafts, recipes, events and outing opportunities to add to our family calendars. If you have fun, easy and cost-effective ideas that you'd like to share with our community of readers, please feel free to email them to us at Your ideas might just end up being featured in an upcoming issue! Here's a list of things we'd love to receive from you: • Personal stories and pictures of you and your family out and about, enjoying a favorite local attraction, restaurant or event • Recommendations and endorsements of local stores, services and restaurants • Ideas for fun crafts • Your family’s favorite recipes Let’s make this a great local magazine, together! Thanks, The EC Parent Team To advertise in Emerald Coast Parent, contact Nathan Wilson: Phone: 503-710-1720 Publisher Nathan Wilson Creative Director Rob Williams Snacks & Crafts Editor Tasha Williams Contributing Writer Heidi Smith Luedtke Contributing Writer Kim Seidel Contributing Writer Joanna Nesbit Contributing Writer Jan Udlock Contributing Writer Kara Martinez Bachman © 2014 It’s Your Magazine. All rights reserved. Emerald Coast Parent content may not be used or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopy, without the express written permission of the publisher. Emerald Coast Parent is not responsible for the loss of or damage to unsolicited manuscripts, unsolicited artwork, or any other unsolicited material. Unsolicited material will not be returned. It’s Your Magazine and its affiliates, contributors, writers, editors, and publisher accept no responsibility for errors or omissions with information and/or advertisements contained herein. It’s Your Magazine’s liability in the event of an error is limited to a printed correction. It’s Your Magazine does not assume liability for products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility for claims made by the advertisers.
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What do you get when you mix fresh local seafood, live music, beautiful weather, and 60,000 people? You get Destin’s Annual Seafood Festival and a whole lot of fun. As has long been the custom, the Destin Seafood Festival will kick off Destin’s month-long Fishing Rodeo during this three-day celebration of family fun on the Destin Harbor Boardwalk.
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Naturally, you would expect to find amazingly fresh, local seafood, which is always in strong supply. The mile-long boardwalk will be lined with vendors selling their delicious fare; each offering a different product from the others. In addition to seafood, visitors will also enjoy a wide variety of local and regional arts and crafts vendors. There are rides for the kids and activities to keep visitors of every age entertained. With three main stages and stages in every harbor restaurant, music will fill the air all weekend long with both local and out of state acts. Whatever you are looking for can be found as you meander down the Harbor Boardwalk. In the early days, the wives of the Destin fishermen formed an auxiliary to support the Charter Boat Association. They worked to meet the needs of families who were going through tough times and supported the fishing community in any way they could. It was these ladies who organized and put on the first Seafood Festival and paved the way for what we experience today. This huge event has come to be much more than the small community festival that was its beginning back in 1979. Today the Seafood Festival is a celebration of Destin, its rich history, and what makes this World’s Luckiest Fishing Village so special. More than 500 local volunteers put in countless hours to ensure the success of the Annual Destin Seafood Festival. The lasting success of the festival can be attributed to the strong efforts of the local community. This year the Seafood Festival will take place on October 3, 4 and 5. Make your plans now to be in town for the 36th Annual Destin Seafood Festival, and experience the fun for yourself. v
October 3-5, 2014 F O R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N , V I S I T:
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By Jan Udlock
Sugar Shutdown The insurance letter came in the mail, and to our relief, this time he qualified. Six months earlier the life insurance company disqualified my husband after reviewing his blood work. We were shocked to find out that even though he was 6’1” and 205 pounds, his test results showed he had a 12% higher risk of having a heart attack Consequently, he cut down on his fat and sugar consumption, lost 20 pounds and after a second round of blood tests, his second application was accepted. “Obesity is the root of most diseases we are dealing with today. Weight doesn’t necessarily cause a disease, but it exacerbates the risk factors, and makes many conditions harder to treat,” says Patricia Greenberg, nutritionist, chef and author.
Food At Home Most of my seven family members are average to slim but this health scare made my husband and me take a second look at our diet. We started cutting down on the amount of sugar that we consumed as a family through making some simple changes and are still working today on making more changes. I talked with my kids about hidden sugar. Ingredients are listed in order of content percentage, so if sugar is close to or at the beginning of a product’s list of ingredients, it’s not the one you want to buy. Sugar has a variety of names like malted barley, malted rice, dehydrated cane juice, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, etc.
I also started buying more fruits and veggies. The key for our family was to put them out on the counter washed and ready to eat instead of leaving them in the refrigerator. Who doesn’t like those tiny carrots to munch on? Changing our dessert patterns was the hardest for us. We are a dessert-every-night family. We always had ice cream with homemade fudge; but to cut down on the amount of sugar, we now have it less often. We had to change our mindset before we were able to change our eating habits. Sugar is not good for us and should be considered a rare treat. Only then can we live a more health conscious life. Many nights my husband would make a shake that would contain less ice cream than what each child would get in a bowl. Less sugar? Well, we’re not perfect. My hubby has always been a big baker so we rarely eat processed cookies and cakes. “Try to make homemade as often as possible to reduce the sugar content and monitor the quantity,” says Greenberg. He has even put pureed fruit or applesauce in brownies, but shh! don’t tell my kids.
New Habits Need Time Habits take time to form so don’t expect you can adapt a new food habit within a week. I found myself discouraged because I craved dessert after dinner. So I realized that if I took something away, I had to replace it with something better. Sometimes we offer our kids fresh raspberries or blueberries for dessert. “Instead of weighing and measuring, have one day a week designated for desserts and make it a special day for the family,” says Greenberg. Continued on page 15 • EC Parent Magazine • 9
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By Kara Martinez Bachman
Minimizing Stress and Fear During Hurricanes and Evacuations Parents who live in hurricane-prone regions have a laundry list of worries during late summer. Insurance payment: check. Generator fuel: check. Non-perishable food: check. Often overlooked—or at least, treated lightly—are the needs of our young children during the approach of a storm. For parents living along the Gulf Coast in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, and Florida—or in the coastal areas of the Southeast, such as the coasts of Georgia or the Carolinas—the fear of storms can be very real. Experts believe, however, that parents can help minimize anxiety when aware and tuned-in to their children. Traci Dubuisson, mom from Metairie, Louisiana, says her daughter was too young to remember the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
“My daughter was only two years old when Katrina hit, so she was pretty much oblivious,” said Dubuisson, whose home survived, but was located just a short drive away from the infamous 17th Street Canal breach in New Orleans. “She just loved being with family, especially her cousins, and it didn’t seem to matter to her where we were,” said Dubuisson.
For some, the fear of storms can be very real. Now that she is older, her daughter—now aged ten—understands what a storm can mean for people in its path. “Her biggest fear is definitely flooding,” said Dubuisson, expressing a sentiment that’s common among children in low-lying coastal areas. “She knows enough about what happened in Katrina to know
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that the flood waters caused so much destruction. She would [now] worry about our house and her Grammy’s house being destroyed,” explained Dubuisson.
Talking to children may help to alleviate stress before a storm. Marcia C. Barksdale, LPC, provider of counseling services through Islands Counseling in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, says that talking to children may help alleviate some stress before and during a storm. “Talk about what is going to happen, whether it is evacuating or preparations for staying. Knowledge lessens the fear,” said Barksdale. Continued on page 19
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By Heidi Smith Luedtke, PhD
How to Slay
(and Other Childhood Fears) “Mom. Come here, now,” my three-year old whispers urgently as he pulls me toward the yard. “Red eyes,” he says, shivering with fear. “Red eyes.” My son believes we have a monster downstairs, but only at night when we are upstairs. Other monsters live in bushes at the back of our yard, where they feast on stray baseballs and Frisbees. That is why he is worried now. I am called in to retrieve the ball he has lost. I grab the ball and run back to him as if I’ve narrowly escaped. “Monsters are just pretend,” I say.
A Big, Scary World As their understanding of the world increases, so do kids’ fears. Infants may be fearful of separation or loud noises, and those fears stick with kids into the toddler years. But as their experiences and imaginations grow, toddlers may also develop fears of animals and insects (dogs, snakes, spiders), characters in costumes (beware Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny), and things that lurk in the dark (ghosts and monsters, bad guys and robbers). They may also fear they’ll be sucked down the toilet or the bathtub drain, despite your constant reassurance that they won’t. School-aged kids may get over their fear of the boogeyman but grow anxious about social disapproval and failure. “Anxious thinking – for all of us – is notoriously distorted, exaggerated, and unreliable,” notes Dr. Tamar Chansky, psychologist and author of Freeing Your Child from Anxiety: Powerful, Practical
Solutions to Overcome Your Child’s Fears, Worries, and Phobias. But don’t dismiss your child’s fears as childish or irrational. Confronting even the silliest scary scenarios helps kids learn to deal with real-life woes and worries. When your daughter shrieks and clings to your leg because the neighbor’s border collie bounces her way, embrace the teachable moment. Parents can help kids confront fears so they don’t grow bigger and scarier.
Fight Fears Together Respect feelings. Fear feels uncomfortable. Your child’s heart is racing, her palms are sweaty, and she wants to escape to safety. Be her ally and accept her anxiety. If she isn’t ready to pet the snake at the zoo or sleep without a night light, don’t push it. Word up. Kids can’t always express what scares them, especially when the body’s fear response is energizing them to fight or flee. Help your child identify specific concerns using age-appropriate words. Ask “what is it about the dog that worries you?” or “what might happen when the lights are off?” You can’t devise monsterslaying strategies if you don’t know the enemy. Do reconnaissance. Fear festers when our imaginations get the best of us. The more your child learns about the feared situation, the less powerful his imaginary thoughts will be. Hold hands while you both check the basement for monsters. Go online and read about snakes together. Pretend you are engineers studying how self-flushing toilets work. Knowledge is power. Talk back. Encourage your child to argue against the frightening thoughts or to repeat a calming phrase such as “I am fast and Continued on page 16
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Continued from page 9
Preparation Is Important If you have younger children, let them pick out their own water bottles to carry around and make sure everyone has their bottle when leaving the house. Pack snacks for the car or when out shopping to prevent having to eat out or making poor choices. As you run out of the sugary items, replace them with healthier alternatives. Eat more smaller meals in a day so you won’t have a tendency to gorge at one meal. Greenberg reminds parents, “children seem to naturally gravitate towards sweets which is a combination of the visual appeal as well as being hungry more often because they are growing. They also tend to get bored quicker than adults and restlessness is often mistaken for hunger.”
Food Away From Home We also stopped ordering sodas at restaurants while out in public. I still see my kids eyes swoop over and look at me while they are looking at a menu. I shake my head no and they go back right back to their meal decision. This newest food decision provides a considerable savings for our family because fast food and restaurant drinks can run $2.00 - $2.50 a piece. I still drink diet sodas infrequently at home; however, I’ve lost a lot of my taste for them since I’ve been drinking more water. The idea “you can’t eat it if it’s not there” sounds too simple but I stopped buying certain processed foods. I mumble some answer if a child asks about the missing sugary cereal and wait a few weeks before buying it. Often, they forget about it, and we move on.
Coffee, Anyone? My hubby used to turn up his nose when I ordered a nonfat coffee drink when I was out running around town. But soon he started looking at the website of our favorite coffee store and saw the sugar load of calories in a blended coffee drink. Wowza! 64 grams of sugar in one yummy drink. He’s now drinking skinny lattes with a flavored syrup. I use artificial sweeteners in my coffee at home and use sugar free syrups when I buy a coffee out. I’m still working on that decision.
Further Ideas American Diabetes Association has an abundance of recipes, cookbooks and ideas to manage and prevent the onset of obesity Our journey continues as we investigate different foods and recipes. Cutting down on sugar is hard at times but so worth your and your family’s health. v
Simple Suggestions to Cut Down on Your Consumption of Sugar • French fries without catsup sounds un-American but doable if you’re trying to cut down on sugar. • Freeze juice in ice cube trays and add to thermos of water so by lunch, kids will have a chilly drink and not too much sugar. • Use mashed mango or bananas on waffles and pancakes instead of syrup. • Cut down one quarter of a cup less for recipes that ask for sugar. • Be careful of calling changes in your eating habits “rules,” or your family will automatically make it seem like a chore to eat healthy. • You can always do the 50/50 plan when you put half real fruit juice in a glass and add seltzer water to replace the soda fizzy taste. It’s still a treat for your kids and less sugar. • Purchase canned fruit that says “light” or is sweetened by own juices. • Cooked oatmeal with added fruit instead of brown sugar is a filling breakfast.
Jan Udlock Jan Udlock is a freelance writer, mom of five and is still trying to cut back on sugar. • EC Parent Magazine • 15
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Continued from page 12
strong. Ghosts can’t catch me!” Talking back shrinks scary thoughts. Dr. Susan Mather recalls that her son was sure there were monsters under the bed and in the closet. “We put a sign on the door that read ‘Monsters KEEP OUT’ and they obeyed!” she says. Baby steps. “The best way to face a fear is a little at a time, from a safe distance,” says marriage, family and child therapist H. Norman Wright, author of Helping Your Kids Deal with Anger, Fear, and Sadness. Face a fear of heights by imagining the scary situation first. Then, move on to climbing a low structure, followed by a taller one, and so on. Give high-fives as kids conquer each challenge. Be there. Kids need to know you’ll stick with them when they face their fears. Don’t let your own distress or embarrassment cause you to shut down or disappear. “Research indicates it takes about 20 minutes for the anxiety to subside when a fear is confronted,” Wright says. Work toward this goal with your child.
Be Afraid, But Not Too Afraid Fear is essential for survival – it helps us to escape dangerous situations. But if your child’s fears keep her from engaging in everyday activities, it may be time to seek professional help. Some kids’ fear systems are much more sensitive than others. Anxious kids may be trapped in a whirlwind of fearful thoughts, and paralyzed by nagging “what ifs.” According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 13 percent of children are affected by anxiety disorders, which include phobias, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Talk with your pediatrician or school psychologist if your child’s fears are overwhelming you both. v
It is no accident that most children’s books and movies have villains. Vicarious scares allow kids to practice coping from a safe emotional distance. These books confront kids’ fears head-on without keeping them up at night with please-check-what’s-in-my-closet concerns.
Story and Picture Books Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed (1997) by Barbara Park. Junie scares away an invisible under-bed monster using an ugly school picture of herself as a weapon. A Not Scary Story About Big Scary Things (2010) by C.K. Williams. A growling monster begs a brave boy to believe in him in this silly story. On A Scary Scary Night (Can You See What I See?; 2008) by Walter Wick. Search for objects in spooky scenes with your child to encourage conversation about scary subjects. Wemberly Worried (2000) by Kevin Henkes. Anxious kids will recognize themselves in Wemberly, a shy white mouse with lots of worries. What Was I Scared Of? A Glow-in-the Dark Encounter (2009) by Dr. Seuss. The narrator of this delightful classic is terrorized by an empty pair of pants that is equally scared of the narrator.
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The Downtown FWB Merchants Association, in collaboration with Sharing and Caring, Sponsor the Annual Downtown FWB Zombie Walk! This family fun event is held every year and boasts adult, kids and even pets dressed in their very best Zombie costumes! This year, it will be held Sat., October 18th, 2014! The Zombies come to life as they walk the streets of downtown, playing games and accumulating stamps on the game board to enter to win amazing prizes! Last year some of the prizes consisted of, but weren’t limited to, an iTouch, skateboard from PLUS Skateshop, 1,000s of dollars in Downtown Merchant Gift Certificates and much more! Canned goods are recommended as your ticket to scare even the most unassuming humans! Candy and games are scattered throughout the merchants stores to make for an exciting walk among the “Dead.” In past years, we raised over 1200 pounds of canned goods to stock the pantries of our local Sharing and Caring! The Downtown Merchants will have makeup stations to “Zombify” you, if you need help finishing up your costume. The Zombie Walk concludes with a Mass Dance of the hit song “Thriller” at The Landing Park in downtown. In order to prepare for 100s of people dancing in uniform to the smash hit “Thriller,” the Downtown Merchants’ hold Thriller Dance Classes throughout the month of October. There you will learn all the moves to dance Zombie-style at The Landing to “Thriller.” Visit us online:
Downtown Fort Walton Beach Florida
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© Photos compliments of Larry Beat • • 850-733-3184
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Continued from page 11
“Children are observant, and what they hear from their peers is typically worse than anything a parent will tell them.” Surrounding children with favorite and familiar things can help alleviate anxiety during uncertain times. “Always bring a treasured stuffed animal or toy,” said Barksdale. “Let the child pack a special small box...let that be their task to keep them occupied and to assure that should the worst happen, their treasures are with them...all of this is comforting when away from home.” Dubuisson relaxes her daughter during storm evacuations by bringing comfort items and giving her child something positive to look forward to. “We bring her pillow and her favorite stuffed animals,” said Dubuisson. “Evacuation usually means a trip to visit her cousins, which she enjoys, so we focus more on that than the approaching storm.” Alabama mom Chris Begg now lives in Birmingham, but has owned property in the storm-prone regions of both Louisiana and Mississippi; she is no stranger to storm evacuations. For Begg, assuring children of the safety of their dogs, cats, birds, goldfish, hamsters, or other beloved animals is important.
Surrounding children with favorite and familiar things can help alleviate anxiety during uncertain times. “Kids worry about pets,” said Begg. “Plan to evacuate with animals...make sure you own an appropriate pet carrier.” Remembering to check early for pet-friendly hotels in advance of an evacuation is critical; having plans for pets that can be clearly outlined for children can bring solace.
Watching televised news updates about the storm or listening to radio broadcasts is part of being a wise and informed adult. However, exposure to news coverage may be detrimental for children.
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“Absolutely keep kids away from TV during broadcasts while the storm is occurring and after, if it is destructive,” suggested Barksdale. “A child can suffer from nightmares just from hearing parents or commentators talking about the destruction.” How do parents know when a child is not dealing well with storm stress? The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, assists parents in helping kids cope with hurricane fear or loss. The website at provides guidelines for parenting after natural disasters, with specific instructions for hurricanes. Most important post-storm, however, is being attuned to what is “normal” for your child. “Stress usually presents in children by way of nightmares, bedwetting, and misbehavior, when these were not present previously, “ said Barksdale. “It can also present in clinginess, inability to concentrate, a drop in grades, and disinterest in activities.” Although taxing for parents who may be dealing with their own hurricane-related problems, focusing on any changes in the child in a supportive way is more critical than ever. “Patience, love, and checking on their own reactions to the stress are the first response,” said Barksdale. “When all else fails—and the situation is not improving with time—checking with a professional counselor is a good idea.” Children can sometimes place magical value on special belongings, such as blankets or books. Should a storm cause damage, it is important to acknowledge any feelings of loss, but also to emphasize that people are the true treasures. Barksdale has personal experience with this situation. “After Katrina, my six-year-old niece, while walking through my totally decimated house, repeatedly told me how lucky I was to have found one of her princess tea cups,” said Barksdale. “I readily agreed with her in the midst of the ruins of my house, because my treasure was standing beside me.” v
Kara Martinez Bachman is a freelance writer and editor. She is fortunate that her ten-year-old daughter has no memory of Hurricane Katrina, and that her son--aged 13--remembers it as being similar to “a really long camping trip.”
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Don’t you love that back to school feeling— t the excitement and happiness that runs through you the nigh showing off all before your first day? Getting to see all your friends again, privileges your new clothes, and the best part of it all is getting the new t let us fool you, that come with moving up the education food chain. But don’ compare, but it also scares us all this change does send a rush through our veins beyond that ignites us; I mean, if we a bit too. It’s the newness of having so much more freedom drive, being able to aren’t regulated we’d probably all go crazy. Learning how to some of the go to football games, and beginning new relationships are highest points through our high school years. you get to begin preparing As seniors you get to experience ever ything one last time and the first time, start searching for the rest of your life. Juniors get to experience prom for maturing but this is usually for colleges, and driving. Sophomores are still learning and ything is new and the age where we begin finding ourselves. For freshman ever the bottom and they wonderfully exciting but very scary because they are the on have to figure out how to manage time and responsibility. like the worst Most of us put on the mask of hating school; we make it seem in and experience ever when in reality that’s just our way of blending ve. showing ever yone how much we despise the work we recei tually help us, But we need to get past that and see the way this will even . not to mention getting a free education makes us all very lucky
15 years old - Sophomore
Te e n Ta l k
What Your Kids
Wish You Knew! • EC Parent Magazine • 21
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Introducing God’s Story for Me Booklets! We’ve Fun-sized One of the Best-loved Story Bibles. Every child needs to fall in love with God’s great Book. These new “Little Books” have been adapted from God’s Story for Me Bible Storybook, the story Bible designed especially for preschoolers! These stories have proven to get kids excited about God’s plan for their world. Each 32-page booklet is adapted from God’s Story for Me Bible Storybook* with more than 60,000 copies sold worldwide.
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FAMILY BUILDERS School is starting and life is about to get a whole lot busier for most families. Now is the time to be purposeful in carving out family time from your hectic schedules. Don’t forget to have fun now and then. Spend a little time talking to each other every day at the dinner table and take our Family Chatter Challenge. Have some messy fun in the kitchen or craft table making some of our featured Snacks & Crafts. Help your children develop healthy habits in life with our Teach Your Kids Something New section. Start preparing for Halloween by reading over our safety tips in our That’s Good to Know section. Enjoy life TOGETHER!
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FamilyChatter Challenge
If you cou choose to be ld any again, what age would you c age hoose? Why?
three e r a t Wha you have goals rself this u r for yo school o n i year work? at Does school starting up again worry you or excite you?
What was your favorite movie over summer vacation?
Wh some at are q you lo ualities ok for in friend s?
What w of yo ere som e ur adve nture favorite s famil y this with your summ er?
d ousehol Which h e your r chores a e? favorit ur least o y e r a Which ? favorite
Discuss the difference between doing well in school, and doing your best in school. What are some actions you can take to prepare yourself for success and what are some obstacles you should try to avoid if you think they may cause you to be distracted or do poorly in school?
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Use these questions to spur on great conversations: • At the Kitchen Table • In the Family Room • On Road Trips • By yelling them out loud—out of the blue—just for fun!
u Would yo ide ay ins l p r e h t a r e? or outsid
Which th things w ree ould you save if y our h caught o ouse n fire?
What are three things you would like to know about the future?
In your ow how did yo n words, ur pa really mee rents t?
What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
If you w Preside ere voted nt, first thi what is the ng you’ d do?
What pet would you like, and what would you name it?
Live Laugh Love and Talk Together • EC Parent Magazine • 25
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That’s Good to Know! Information You Can Use!
This Edition:
Taking Care of Your Teeth When you get your picture taken, everyone says, “Say cheese! Smile!” So you do — you open your mouth and show your teeth. When you see the picture, you see a happy person looking back at you. The healthier those teeth are, the happier you look. Why is that? It’s because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they’ll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best.
After you eat, bacteria go crazy over the sugar on your teeth, like ants at a picnic. The bacteria break it down into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. Plaque also causes gingivitis (say: jin-juh-VY-tis), which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore. Your gums are those soft pink tissues in your mouth that hold your teeth in place. If you don’t take care of your teeth, cavities and unhealthy gums will make your mouth very, very sore. Eating meals will be difficult. And you won’t feel like smiling so much.
Why Healthy Teeth Are Important
We’re lucky that we know so much now about taking care of our teeth. Long ago, as people got older, their teeth would rot away and be very painful. To get rid of a toothache, they had their teeth pulled out. Finally, people learned that cleaning their teeth was important, but they didn’t have toothpaste right away. While you’re swishing that minty-fresh paste around your mouth, think about what people used long ago to clean teeth:
How does taking care of your teeth help with all those things? Taking care of your teeth helps prevent plaque (say: PLAK), which is a clear film of bacteria (say: bak-TEER-ee-uh) that sticks to your teeth.
Before Toothpaste Was Invented
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ground-up chalk or charcoal lemon juice ashes (you know, the stuff that’s left over after a fire) tobacco and honey mixed together
Yuck! It was only about 100 years ago that someone finally created a minty cream to clean teeth. Not long after that, the toothpaste tube was invented, so people could squeeze the paste right onto the toothbrush! Tooth brushing became popular during World War II. The U.S. Continued on page 37
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Cut out this page. Then, cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes her half. Now it’s time for you both to do your part. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other—as often as you remember!
Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump-start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!
10 WAYS to sh w
R E H y u care Take her out on an ice cream date. Clean the bathrooms for her. Pick a night and cook the family dinner and clean up afterwards. Schedule a his & hers spa day. Ask her how her day was and then listen to her—show genuine interest. Get up early and fix her coffee and breakfast. Encourage her to find time to get away, relax and read a good book— without the kids. Try to help your kids when they’re calling out for mom so her day isn’t so crazy.
Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!
Help the kids with schoolwork. Draw her a bath and have her favorite treat waiting next to the bathtub for her to enjoy.
Email us your ideas! Let us know how you go out of your way to SHOW HER YOU CARE!
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Cut out this page. Then, cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes her half. Now it’s time for you both to do your part. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other—as often as you remember!
Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump-start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!
10 WAYS to sh w
M I H y u care Take him out to a movie of his choice. Encourage him to take time for himself and his hobbies. Buy him a new book you think he might enjoy. Try a new author. Have his car washed or detailed without him knowing. Cook him a dinner he really likes but you haven’t had for a while. Play video games with him when the kids aren’t looking. Take him out fishing. Go to a water park—without the kids.
Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!
Make a list of his best qualities and slip it in his pocket to find at work. Go on a long walk together and get ice cream or a snack while you’re out.
Email us your ideas! Let us know how you go out of your way to SHOW HIM YOU CARE!
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SNACKS & CRAFTS Set a little time aside this fall for some good, old-fashioned fun. Snacks and crafts are a great way to engage with your children. Enjoy! • EC Parent Magazine • 29
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Amazing Eyeballs INGREDIENTS • Oreo® Cookies • Brown M&Ms® • Blue, Green and Red Sparkle Gel by Wilton® DIRECTIONS • Remove one brown side from each cookie and eat it. • Squeeze a generous amount of blue or green sparkle gel on the white portion of the Oreo. • Push a brown M&M into the gel. • Draw red gel squiggles coming out from each eyeball.
Cupcake Centipede INGREDIENTS • White Boxed Cake Mix • White Frosting • White Cupcake Liners • Waxed Paper • Gel Food Coloring
These are perfect for any Halloween party. They’re easy to make and just gross enough to cause a reaction.
• Gummy Worms • Assorted Candy – licorice or Twizzlers, M&Ms, gumdrops, DumDums
DIRECTIONS • Prepare cake mix according to the directions on the box. • Divide cake batter into 6 bowls. • Add food coloring to each bowl and stir until the desired color is reached. We made our cupcakes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. • Bake the cupcakes according to the directions on the box. Remove cupcakes when thoroughly cooked, but before any browning occurs. • To make legs—heat gummy worms for 10 seconds until moldable (less in some microwaves). Place each gummy worm on waxed paper and bend it to create a leg shape. Allow to cool. • With a sharp knife, make a slit in the paper on each side of the cupcake and push one leg into each slit. Refer to the picture to see how they should look (Note that each cupcake will be placed on its side.). • Apply frosting to each cupcake. Push cupcakes together into a centipede shape. We alternated dark and light colors. • To make the head – Place one frosted cupcake on its flat bottom. Place a second frosted cupcake on top of the first and on its side. Cut a piece of licorice in half length-wise and approximately 2-3” long for the mouth. If needed, you can microwave the licorice to make it more moldable. Push M&M eyes and gumdrop nose into the frosting. Finish off the centipede by adding Dum Dums as antennae.
Tip: Build your centipede on the surface you plan to display it on as it’s difficult to move afterwards. This is a great snack to bring to a back-to-school or summer reading program celebration party!
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BOOnana Pops INGREDIENTS • Bananas • Bright White Melting Chocolate • Mini Chocolate Chips • Thin Popsicle Sticks • Waxed paper DIRECTIONS • Cut bananas in half into ghost shaped pieces. • Push the Popsicle stick into the bottom of each banana. • Heat the melting chocolate in the microwave according to the directions on the package. • When thoroughly melted, dip bananas into the chocolate. If you cannot cover entire banana, feel free to drizzle melting chocolate over the banana instead. • Put chocolate chip eyes onto your ghost. • Place ghost on waxed paper to dry.
These BOOnana pops are healthy and delicious!
Boo Boo Snacks INGREDIENTS • Graham Crackers • White frosting • Strawberry jelly • Band-Aid® Box DIRECTIONS • Break graham cracker into quarters. • Apply white frosting to the center of each graham cracker to mimic the look of a bandage. • Heat strawberry jelly in the microwave for 30 seconds. Spoon the “blood” onto the bandage. • Display Boo Boo Snacks on a plate with a box of Band-Aids.
These are great snacks to make with young children. Each step is teachable and easy to do. • EC Parent Magazine • 31
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Apple Jar MATERIALS • Mason Jar, Shorter Size • Clear Acrylic Spray • Foam Brush • Light and Dark Red Acrylic Craft Paint • Light and Dark Green Acrylic Craft Paint
• Light and Dark Brown Acrylic Craft Paint • Wooden spool • Textured Green Scrapbook Paper • Hot Glue Gun
INSTRUCTIONS • Spray entire jar with clear acrylic spray (allows for the acrylic craft paint to adhere to the glass and metal). Allow to dry. • Apply dark red paint to the jar with the foam brush (a second coat might be needed). After the paint has dried, streak or dab the light red paint over the dark red paint to add texture and depth. • Repeat the same procedure with green paint on the lid. • Paint wooden spool brown to create a stem. Allow to dry. • Cut green paper into leaf shapes. • Attach the green paper and stem to the lid with hot glue. Press firmly.
These apple jars make great gifts for teachers and shows them just how much you appreciate all they do.
Ghost Luminaries MATERIALS • Gallon Milk Jugs • Scissors • Glow Sticks
• Black Scrapbook or Construction Paper
• Xyron® machine, double sided sticky tape, or glue
INSTRUCTIONS • Thoroughly wash each milk jug and allow to dry. • Cut face shapes out of black paper. • Xyron Machine—Run black paper shapes through Xyron machine. Remove paper backing and adhere to milk jug. • Double-sided tape—Adhere double-sided tape to the back of each paper shape and attach to milk jug. • Glue—Apply glue to the back of each paper shape and attach to milk jug. Allow drying before moving. • Just before Halloween event, crack open glow sticks and place inside each ghost. Glow sticks last from 1 to 24 hours depending on the brand.
Tip – Fill with water as needed to prevent luminaries from moving around on sidewalk.
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Cup O’ Halloween Fun MATERIALS • Orange, Green and White Cups • Sharpie® Markers • Electric Tealights INSTRUCTIONS • Draw fun Halloween faces on each cup with a Sharpie Marker (Frankenstein, Pumpkins, Ghosts). • Once the ink has dried, touch up any streaked spots. • Turn on electric tealight and place underneath each cup. • Turn off the lights!
Warning: Do not use regular tealights in the plastic cups.
Trick-or-Treat Candy Frame MATERIALS • Cheap Wooden Frame • Black Spray Paint • Halloween Candy • Hot Glue Gun
• White Sticker Letters (Optional—White Scrapbook Paper, Cricut® Machine and Xyron® Machine)
INSTRUCTIONS • Spray the frame with black paint and allow to dry. • Cut white letters out of scrapbook paper with Cricut machine and font of your choice, or use white sticker letters. • Adhere white letters to the frame. • Experiment with candy placement until you achieve the look and balance you like. • Attach one piece of candy at a time with hot glue and press firmly to apply to frame. • Add a cute picture of your Trick-or-Treater!
Tip – This craft uses real candy and may need to be discarded. If you’d like to have a frame that lasts forever, use candy wrappers instead of whole candy. • EC Parent Magazine • 33
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Teach Your Kids Something New! This Edition:
HALLOWEENCANDY 15 WAYS TO USE LEFTOVER CANDY Once you have a couple of Halloweens under your belt, you start to know the deal. Like which of your neighbors give out oversized chocolate bars and which ones greet you with toothbrushes.
3. Try reverse trick-or-treating! With a parent, make a trip to
But you also start to realize something else: That even though it’s fun to own a mountain of candy, it’s probably not the best idea to eat it all. So this year, after sorting through your favorites, why not find something else to do with the rest? We’ve got 15 awesome ideas— from selfless to the silly. Give them a try and your teeth (and your dentist!) will thank you.
else—like a book or a toy. Make it fun by using a scale to weigh your stash—for example, maybe you could earn a book for every pound of candy you trade in.
1. Participate in a candy exchange. Some dentists and orthodon-
one or more local charities that accept candy donations. You’ll feel great, and you’ll sweeten someone else’s day too. Some ideas include your local Ronald McDonald House, nursing homes, food pantries, children’s hospitals, veterans’ homes, or women’s shelters.
4. Ask your parents if you can exchange your candy for something
5. Reduce by recycling. If you have a birthday or other party coming up, offer to use your candy to fill up goodie bags.
6. Buy fun chocolate molds at a craft store, melt down your extra
chocolate bars, pour into the molds, let cool, and voilà—decorative, delicious gifts!
tists (dentists who specialize in braces) offer candy exchanges. You turn in some candy and get healthy treats in exchange. Or you turn in some candy, and they pay you $1 per pound. They donate the candy to soup kitchens or to troops overseas.
7. Make a special Halloween version of trail mix by tossing in
2. Wouldn’t it be cool if some of your candy went halfway around
can buy them at the craft store). Add a photo, and you’ve got a really sweet present for someone special.
the world? Your Halloween candy could be included in care packages that are sent to soldiers serving their country far from home. Here are two organizations that ship packages to the troops. Heat-resistant candy only. Chocolate melts, you know! And don’t forget to include a handwritten letter of support to really put a smile on a soldier’s face!
a handful of candy pieces with your pretzels, nuts, raisins, and dried fruits.
8. Glue candy pieces to an unfinished wooden picture frame (you 9. Did you know you can make jewelry and crafts out of candy wrappers? You can search for how-to instructions on the Internet.
10. Use the candy to fill a piñata for someone who has a fall or winter birthday.
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11. Give “candy math” a whirl! Use candy corns to practice addition, subtraction, or counting by fives and tens. Hershey bars or KitKats are both great for visualizing fractions. Or, you can sort your candy (chocolate, gum, lollipops, fruit snacks, etc.) and figure out what percentage each group contributed to your total amount.
12. Donate your candy to. . . science? Yep, you can do lots of great candy experiments at home using Skittles, Lifesavers, Starbursts, M&Ms, and more. Plus, you just might want to see what happens when you leave a gummy bear in water. . .
13. Create a board game using candy as pieces. Or you can use candy in a sweet game of checkers or—dare we say it?—Candyland.
14. Build a candy city. With some glue (ask a parent for help if using a hot glue gun), some toothpicks, and a whole lot of imagination, you can design and construct a scene that even your Legos will envy. And it’s never too early to start planning this year’s holiday gingerbread house.
15. Send it to work with your mom or dad. That’ll really make it disappear fast! v
© 1995- 2014 . The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission. • EC Parent Magazine • 35
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Continued from page 26
Army gave brushes and toothpaste to all soldiers, and they learned to brush twice a day. Back then, toothpaste tubes were made of metal; today they’re made of soft plastic and are much easier to squeeze! Today there are plenty of toothpaste choices: lots of colors and flavors to choose from, and some are made just for kids. People with great-looking teeth advertise toothpaste on TV commercials and in magazines. When you’re choosing a toothpaste, make sure it contains fluoride. Fluoride makes your teeth strong and protects them from cavities. When you brush, you don’t need a lot of toothpaste: just squeeze out a bit the size of a pea. It’s not a good idea to swallow the toothpaste, either, so be sure to spit after brushing.
How You Can Keep Your Teeth Healthy Kids can take charge of their teeth by taking these steps: • Brush at least twice a day — after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks. Brushing properly breaks down plaque. • Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Have your dentist show you the best way to brush to get your teeth clean without damaging your gums. • Take your time while brushing. Spend at least 2 or 3 minutes each time you brush. If you have trouble keeping track of the time, use a timer or play a recording of a song you like to help pass the time. • Be sure your toothbrush has soft bristles (the package will tell you if they’re soft). Ask your parent to help you get a new toothbrush every 3 months. Some toothbrushes come with bristles that change color when it’s time to change them. • Ask your dentist if an antibacterial mouth rinse is right for you. • Learn how to floss your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels weird the first few times you do it, but pretty soon you’ll be a pro. Slip the dental floss between each tooth and along the gumline gently once a day. The floss gets rid of food that’s hidden where your toothbrush can’t get it, no matter how well you brush. • You can also brush your tongue to help keep your breath fresh! It’s also important to visit the dentist twice a year. Besides checking for signs of cavities or gum disease, the dentist will help keep your teeth extra clean and can help you learn the best way to brush and floss. It’s not just brushing and flossing that keep your teeth healthy—you also need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Remember, the plaque on your teeth is just waiting for that sugar to arrive. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda. And don’t forget to smile! v
© 1995- 2014 . The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®. Reprinted with permission. • EC Parent Magazine • 37
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FUN GUIDE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Welcome to a More Exciting Life! No matter how busy you find yourself these days, you might want to make your to-do lists in pencil rather than pen. With the Emerald Coast’s year-round sunshine and laid-back lifestyle, the stage has been set once again for an abundant year of festivals, concerts and special events. We live on a beautiful coast that has so much to offer, and we’re here to make sure you know what’s going on in your own backyard. Don’t miss out on life just because you didn’t know what was happening. Enjoy!
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6 13 20 27 AJ’s Kids’ Fall Festival
Mon., Oct. 20th - (1 - 3 p.m.) - AJ’s Seafood & Oyster Bar School is out and we have just the thing to keep the kids entertained. Join us for another great Kids’ Fall Festival here at AJ’s. This year’s festivities will include crafts from Build-A-Bear and Home Depot Kids, our own treats, pumpkin decorating, apple bobbing, face painting, a bouncy house and so much can even come in costume. This year will be the BEST! For more information, call 850-499-8942.
Hog Rally Concert
Fri., Oct. 24th - (7 -10 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village Rally together for a FREE concert on the main stage with the Bobby Friss Band! Then keep the night rockin’ with an After Party at Coyote Ugly at 10:00 PM! For more information, visit www. or call 850-424-0600.
Sat., Oct. 25th - Sun., Oct. 26th - (9 -11 p.m.) HarborWalk Village
Rock the Docks Live - Special Edition
Sat., Sept. 13th - (7 -9 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village One last Saturday night, come out for a free concert on the HarborWalk Village stage! Enjoy Shake the City on the main stage! All concerts are free and open to the public! For more information, visit www.harborwalkdestin. com or call 850-424-0600.
The 7th Annual Baytowne Wharf Beer Festival
Fri., Oct. 17th - Sat., Oct. 18th - The Village of Baytowne Wharf This popular festival features 40 on-site craft brewers, over 200 domestic and international beers, seminars and samplings and live music. Beer novices to beer lovers will be able to sample domestic and international options, including specialty, seasonal and not-yetreleased beers. For more information, visit or call 850-267-4164.
International Talk Like A Pirate Day
Fri., Sept. 19th - (7 -10 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village Festival of all things Pirate! Activities will include live entertainment. Kids interactive pirate shows and games!! For more information, visit or call 850-424-0600.
6th Annual Zombie Walk
Sat., Oct. 18th - (4 - 10 p.m.) - The Landing The 6th Annual Zombie Walk. All “undead” are invited to join. Zombies will register at The Landing. Bring 4 canned goods to donate for charity. Make-up artists will be on hand to zombify for a small donation of canned goods or money. Games, Prizes & Music. Zombie Walk will conclude with a meandering of Zombies through Downtown to their final destination for Thriller Dance (Compliments of Fred Astaire Dance Studio). For more information, call 850-218-3318.
36th Annual Destin Seafood Festival
Fri., Oct. 3rd - Sun., Oct. 5th - HarborWalk Village The 36th Annual Destin Seafood Festival is going to set up along the length of Destin harbor from Harborwalk Village to Heron Harbor, including Harry T’s, Olin Marler’s, AJ’s, Galati’s, Dewey Destin’s, the City of Destin Royal Melvin Heritage Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, and the East Pass Marina, on Oct. 3 - 5, 2014. The location puts the festival right in the heart of the action along the harbor, and the Destin Fishing Rodeo, which takes place the entire month of October. More than 65,000 locals and visitors attended the 2013 festival to enjoy live music, delicious seafood, and more. For more Information on entertainment, food, arts & crafts, and more visit www.
Dreamcatcher Preformance
Sun., Oct. 19th - (7 - 9 p.m.) - HarborWalk Village Vocal students hit the main stage for an electrifying performance of diverse musical styles showcasing their talents in a singoff! For more information, visit www. or call 850-424-0600.
Think innovation-because the winning stakes for most creative costume are high with HarborWalk Village as your destination for costume contests for both the little goblins and grown-up ghouls! This thrilling and chilling Halloween bash starts Saturday with our Adult Costume Contest and continues Sunday with our Children and 4-legged creatures costume contest! For more information, visit or call 850-424-0600.
Trick or Treat Street
Fri., Oct. 31st - The Village of Baytowne Wharf Free event with Friends, fireworks, and frights! Come experience this family friendly Halloween event. For more information, visit or call 850-267-4164.
Don’t See Your Event? Send calendar events to us at:
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RUNS, WALKS & MORE Pensacola Mud Run
Sat., Oct. 11th - (7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.) - 3047 County Hwy. 95A, Cantonment, Florida 32533 (next to St. Matthew’s Baptist Church) The 2nd Annual Pensacola Mud Run will combine the excitement of running a race, the challenge of crawling, climbing, swinging, lifting, toting, sliding, and scaling obstacles, with the fun of playing in the mud; costumes, a family fun festival with kids’ activities, music, food? It is an event you won’t want to miss. For more information, visit www.
AJ’s Tin Cup Classic Golf Tournament
Sun., Sept. 14th - (11 a.m.) - Seascape Resort Golf Club Join us for AJ’s Tin Cup Classic Golf Tournament, to benefit the Destin History & Fishing Museum. This year the golf tournament will be held on Sunday, September 14th at the Seascape Resort Golf Club. Registration is at 11:00 am with a Shotgun Start at 12:00 pm. It’s a “Four-Person Team Scramble” format & team slots are limited. Awards will proceed afterwards back at AJ’s Seafood & Oyster Bar at 6:00 pm, along with dinner & drinks. Looking to donate or sponsor a hole? Any type of donations will be appreciated. Services, gift certificates, and/or products would be highly appreciated to help make this tournament a resounding success. For more information or to enter, contact AJ’s Seafood & Oyster Bar at 850-837-6457 or 850-837-7199(fax), email us at, or visit our website and download the application.
7th Annual InDyne “Fairways for the Fisher House” Golf Tournament and Gala” Thurs., Sept. 18th - Fri. Sept. 19th - (1:30 p.m.) Kelly Plantation Golf Club
Each year Fisher House of the Emerald Coast serves over 600 guests free of charge. The mission of the Fisher House is to provide a safe, comfortable lodging facility for military families and veterans undergoing medical treatment in the local area. Join InDyne, Lockheed Martin, Jacobs, Michles & Booth and Pioneer Technologies in sponsorship of the upcoming Fairways for the Fisher House Golf Tournament and Gala. Sponsorships are still available, ranging from $200 to $15,000. Please join us for what is expected to be a wonderful event benefitting America’s finest. The golf tournament will take place 18 September with a 1:30 PM shotgun start at Kelly Plantation. The gala event will take place 19 September starting at 6 pm at the Eglin Bayview Club with dinner, entertainment, and a fabulous silent auction. Participants in the golf tournament receive gala tickets with their entry fee. Individual gala tickets may be purchased in advance for $50 or $1000 for a reserved table for ten. This event will sell out, so get your tickets now! Proceeds from the event will benefit the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast.
Children in Crisis, Inc. 6th Annual Sugar Sands Charity Golf Classic Sun., Oct. 12th - Mon., Oct. 13th - Kelly Plantation Golf Club
The 6th annual Sugar Sands Charity Golf Classic will be held Monday, October 13, 2014 at the Kelly Plantation Golf Club. The activities will begin with a pre-registration party at Tommy Bahamas Restaurant and Bar on October 12. The tournament held on October 13th will begin with an 11:30 a.m. check-in and shot-gun start at 1 p.m. The tournament is to raise vital funds to help feed, clothe and care for the foster children living in the Children’s Neighborhood. Participants will enjoy lunch prior to play, refreshments from drink and food stops on the course and a family style dinner at the awards dinner following golf at Tuscany Italian Bistro. Sponsors are still needed for this event. There are a number of sponsorship levels available and ways to be involved with the tournament. For more information on sponsorship opportunities or to become a sponsor, please call Allie Noah at 850-864-4242.
For more information, including purchasing tickets or becoming a sponsor, contact Kim Henderson at kim@fisherhouseemeraldcoast. org or call 850-259-4956.
Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida “Biker’s Blast for the Past” Sat., Sept. 20th - Heritage Museum
Motorcycle Poker Run benefiting the Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida. There are vendor and sponsorship packages still available. For more information, email info@ or call 850-678-2615.
2014 American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk of the Emerald Coast
Run For Drew - 5K Run/Walk
Sat., Sept. 20th - (7 - 11 a.m.) - Davidson Middle School, Crestview
Sat, Oct. 18th - (8 a.m.) - Uptown Station
For more information, visit the Crestview Chamber of Commerce website or call 850-682-3212.
Habitat for Humanity Half Marathon and 5K Wed., Oct. 1st - (6 a.m. - 12 p.m.) - Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort
Running enthusiasts are invited to enjoy the mild, sunny weather and scenic trails all throughout the beautiful 2,400 acre resort. From the beach to the bay, runners will be able to soak in views of the resort including the Gulf of Mexico, Choctawhatchee Bay, beautifully manicured golf courses, ponds, nature and so much more. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity. For more information, visit www. or call 850-267-4164.
This noncompetitive 5K walk raises money to fund breast cancer research and educate Floridians about the importance of early detection and prevention. During the Making Strides walk at Uptown Station in Ft. Walton Beach on October 18th at 8:00 a.m., participants will join together to show support for the fight against breast cancer. For more information and to sign up, please contact Donna Fought at 850-585-9904 or email at • EC Parent Magazine • 41
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FWB BBQ Festival
Fri., Sept. 19th - Sat., Sept 20th - The Landing You know the truth—you’ve long envied our neighbors in Crestview and Destin for their BBQ cookoff events. Well, we have one of our very own right here in Fort Walton Beach, thanks to the combined efforts of Okaloosa Gas, the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, Apex Broadcasting, and the City of Fort Walton Beach. The FWB BBQ Festival will take place at the Landing on Friday, September 19, and on Saturday, September 20. Encourage your kids (ages 10 through 15) to enter the Junior BBQ contest - they can win a $2,000 Broilmaster Grill! Mark your calendars for this festive weekend, when you’ll note the glorious fragrance of BBQ wafting from The Landing, you’ll hear the sounds of great music, and you’ll be amazed by the great variety of craft beers. For more information, call 850-244-8191.
Big Green Egg Fest coming to Seascape Resort Sat., Sept. 27th - Seascape Resort
Bay Breeze Patio is calling all master grillers and EggHeads to pull out their favorite recipes and register for Eggs on the Beach, an official Big Green Egg Fest coming to Seascape Resort in Miramar Beach, Sept. 27, 2014. An EggFest is a gathering of people who are passionate about cooking and smoking foods on the Big Green Egg, an all-in-one smoker and grill. “We have been wanting to host an EggFest to our area for a number of years,” said Bay Breeze Patio Co-owner and Grill Master Wayne Paul. “Our goal is to make this one of the most cookfriendly competitions along the Gulf Coast while supporting a great cause.” For more information or to register a cook team, sign up as sponsor or purchase a ticket to be a taster, visit www. EggsontheBeach.comor call 850-269-4666.
Kids’ Cane Pole Classic
Sat., Sept 27th (10 - 11:30 a.m.) - AJ’s Seafood & Oyster Bar FREE for children under 12. Cane pole and bait are supplied. There will be food, awards, entertainment, and a guest appearance by Ronald McDonald afterwards. Every child will receive their very own fishing pole from AJ’s Seafood & Oyster Bar just for participating. For more information, call 850-259-3790.
What Women Want
Sat., Sept 27th (10 - 3 p.m.) - Emerald Coast Convention Center Come spend a fun filled day exploring the best In fashion, food & drink, entertainment, health, beauty, travel, home décor and more. Featuring fashion and style show, live demonstrations, Interactive exhibits, guest speakers, and door prizes. For more information, call 850-243-7676.
South Walton Fashion Week
Mon., Oct 6th - Sun., Oct. 12th - (5 - 10 p.m.) Grand Blvd
AJ’s Kids’ Wagon Parade
Sat., Sept 27th - (2 - 4 p.m.) - Destin Harbor Boardwalk Help your child decorate their wagon in a favorite nautical theme, then bring it to AJ’s as we march our Wagon Parade along the Destin Harbor Boardwalk. Tons of fun activities like face painting, a bouncy house, arts & crafts, and so much more. There are no registration fees and will also be open to large group divisions. For more information, call 850-499-8942.
This large scale, multi-day event along Northwest Florida’s Gulf Coast benefits The Cultural Arts Alliance of Walton County’s (CAA) Arts Education Program. South Walton Fashion Week in its second year is produced by the CAA. This upscale week of events will showcase South Walton’s premier fashion boutiques and local and national designers with exclusive runways shows, special events and trunk shows; host a national Emerging Designer Competition; and solicit model talent across the Southeast, ultimately helping launch careers of up and coming talent. For more information, please contact the Cultural Arts Alliance at 850-622-5970, or email: info@ or visit;
4th Annual Emerald Coast Duck Regatta
Sat., Oct 11th - (10 a.m.) - Village of Baytowne Wharf On Saturday, Oct. 11, approximately 4,000 ducks will begin their race across the Lagoon at the Village of Baytowne Wharf at Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort. Prizes will be awarded to the owners of the first ducks to cross the finish line! The event will have fun activities for the whole family, including Abrakadoodle face painters, crafts, scavenger hunts and more beginning at 10 a.m. The Baytowne Carousel will offer free rides for children 12 and under from 11 a.m. to noon. Thanks to Mr. Russ Scott, owner of Baytowne Adventure Zone, all net proceeds from the Baytowne Zip Line between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. will be donated to the Sacred Heart Hospital Guild. Make a donation of $10 or more to the Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast Guild to adopt a duck. For more information visit; www.
19th Annual Festival of the Arts
Sat., Oct. 25th - Sun., Oct. 26th - Mattie Kelly Cultural Arts Village One of the Southeast’s premier festivals, the event showcases the original artwork of more than 100 juried artists from across the U.S. Festival features include live music, art activities for kids, souvenir posters and t-shirts, art raffle and more. A food bistro, wine bar & beer garden as well as convenient parking and motor coach shuttle are also available. Admission is $3/ adult; children 12 and under are free. For more information, visit or call 850-650-2226.
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T H E A RT S Memories of Elvis in Concert Chris MacDonald
Thurs., Oct. 2nd - (7:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center
“Play That Funky Music” Show - Arts and Design Society
Tues., Sept 9th - Fri., Oct. 9th - Art Center Gallery Opening reception for the Arts and Design Society’s “Play That Funky Music” Show is scheduled for Friday, September 12, from 6 pm to 8 pm. The exhibition features works in any medium, reflecting the influence of the artists’ favorite music. The show begins September 9 and runs through October 3. Gallery hours are 12 noon-4 pm, Tuesday-Friday, and 1 pm - 4 pm, Saturday. Admission to the reception and the gallery is free and open to the public. The Art Center Gallery is located at 17 First Street, SE, Fort Walton Beach. For more information, call 850-244-1271 or visit the Website at
Upright Citizens Brigade - National Tour Fri., Sept 12th - Mattie Kelly Arts Center
The 2014-2015 national touring season at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center begins September 12, 2014 with a special evening of improvisational comedy direct from New York. The stars of tomorrow from the renowned improvisational theatre UPRIGHT CITIZENS BRIGADE (UCB) will provide a master-class to NWFSC theater students and then present an evening performance for the public in the mainstage theater. UCB tours have featured the remarkable talent of notable comedians now with 30 Rock, The Office, Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show and many more. Tickets to this Special Event are $10 each. For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter. org, or call 850-729-6000.
Recycled Percussion - National Tour
Thurs., Sept. 25th - Mattie Kelly Arts Center On September 25, 2014 the 2014-2015 national touring Broadway/Artist season at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center presents an unprecedented combination of extreme percussion, engaging humor and extraordinary athleticism with a show that has been rocking the Las Vegas strip for over two years – RECYCLED PERCUSSION. Originally seen on “America’s Got Talent”, Recycled Percussion has been called “STOMP on steroids”. Tickets are $35 each. There is a group discount for 10 or more tickets. For more information, visit www., or call 850-729-6000.
Chris MacDonald is back with his popular tribute Memories of Elvis in Concert. All seats are Reserved. Tickets are $35 each and are available starting July 29, 2014 by phone, web or in-person from the Mattie Kelly Arts Center Box Office. Box Office phone and in-person hours are 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. Web sales are open 24/7. Are you still lonesome for the energy, charisma and the incredible voice of the King of Rock-n-Roll? Did you enjoy the compelling story of the Jersey Boys? Then get “all shook up” with this dynamic tribute to Elvis that shares the incredible story of “the shy humble country boy who became the King of Rock–n- Roll.” For more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter. org, or call 850-729-6000.
CAMELOT - National Tour
Fri., Oct. 10th - (7:30 p.m.) - Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Main Stage An all-new production of one of theatre’s most legendary musicals, recounting the legend of King Arthur, Guenevere, Lancelot, and the Knights of the Round Table. Winner of four Tony Awards, never has this story of passion, pageantry and betrayal been more captivating! For more information, visit www., or call 850-729-6000.
Snow White - NWF Ballet
Sat., Oct. 18th - Sun, Oct. 19th - (7:30 p.m.) Mattie Kelly Arts Center
available. In Click, Clack, Moo Farmer Brown hears “click clack moo, clickety clackety moo...” all day long as the cows are typing and protesting their working conditions! The show is open to public, private and home school groups. Tickets are $6 each for students and chaperones. Teachers may attend for free with their class. Children’s Series events require advance group reservations through House Manager Delores Merrill and tickets are not available individually through the Box Office. For more information, email: merrilld@nwfsc. edu or visit, or call 850-729-6000 or 850-729-6065.
WSRE Presents Ethan Bortnick Live in Concert Tues , Oct. 28th - (7 p.m.) - Jean & Paul Amos Performance Studio on the Pensacola State College campus
The show begins at 7 p.m. Admission is $50. At just 13 years old, Bortnick is an internationally renowned composer, pianist, singer and entertainer. His passion and extraordinary talent for music became apparent when, at age 3, he asked his parents for piano lessons and discovered his unique ability to hear a song once and play it back note for note. A Hollywood, Fla. native, Bortnick began composing music at age 5. He made history in 2011 as the youngest entertainer to headline a show in Las Vegas, and he was certified by Guinness World Records as “The World’s Youngest Solo Musician to Headline His Own Tour” in 2012 at age 9. For more information, visit
October 18 & 19. The Northwest Florida Ballet presents Snow White. Mainstage. 7:30 pm on Saturday, October 18 & 2:30 pm on Sunday, October 19. Advance tickets will be available for purchase from through the NWF Ballet starting TBA. For more information Contact the Ballet at 850-664-7787 or see the ballet website at
Click Clack Moo - National Tour
Tues., Oct. 28th - Mattie Kelly Arts Center The national touring children’s theater production of Click Clack Moo will be presented October 28, 2014 in the main stage theater of the Mattie Kelly Fine & Performing Arts Center on the Niceville campus of Northwest Florida State College. A hilariously “moo-ving” musical about compromise, the show is based on the award-winning book by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. One hour in length, the show is recommended for grades K to 4th. Curriculum Connections include: Communication and Language Arts, LiteratureBased, Music, Social Studies. A study guide is
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Public Library from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every third Tuesday to answer astronomy questions and help beginners get started stargazing. For more information visit
Wednesday Night Concert Series
Every Wed, (7 - 9 p.m.) - The Village of Baytowne Wharf Free event; enjoy the continuation of the Wednesday Night Concert Series through the fall. We’ll be tantalizing your musical taste buds with musicians to entertain all of our homeowners and locals, and guests!! For more information, visit or call 850-267-4164.
ARTwalk on the Harbor Uptown Station Family Movie Night Series
Every 3rd Sun. of each month, (11a.m. - 4 p.m.) Destin Boardwalk
Every other Sat. of each month, (7:30 p.m.)
Uptown Station Family Movie Night Series featuring: Amazing Spiderman 2. Join us every other Saturday night at Central Park for our family movies series in the park! All movies begin at dusk (approximately 7:30 pm) and are FREE and open to the public! Movies are always dependent on weather! For more information, check the Uptown Station Facebook page for the most current updates or visit www.
Art event along the Destin Boardwalk from HarborWalk Village to AJ’s featuring local and regional artists and vendors. This event is free to the public and will take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month from 11 am to 4 pm. For more information, visit www.ArtWalkontheHarbor. com. You can also visit www.harborwalkdestin. com or call 850-424-0600.
Contact Alicia Sikes at 850-243-1525.
Salvation Army
Florosa Fire Department
Contact Tom Peele at 850-581-2900.
Contact Harvey Eckoff at 850-244-3834.
Contact John at 850-837-8516.
Destin Community Center
Poetry & Music Jam
Contact Lisa Firth at 850-654-5184.
Every 2nd Tues. of each month, (6 - 7:45 p.m.) Crestview Public Library
Tom Haugh with the Northwest Florida Astronomy Association will be at the Crestview
Contact Nikole Wood at 850-863-8999.
Contact Mark McEnaney at 850-685-0686.
This is a fun music filled group for the community out at the park. It is a great chance to break out the drums and feel the beat or sit and relax and take a load off your feet! For more information call Tiffany at 772-323-6029.
Every 3rd Tues. of each month, (6:30-8 p.m.) Crestview Public Library
Habitat for Humanity
1st & 3rd Sun. of each month, (4 - 6 p.m.) Twin Hills Park on Hwy 90, Crestview
Stargazing Basics
Contact CC Fearson at 850-659-3190.
Contact Lisa Martinez at 850-243-4531.
Twin Hills Drum Circle
Poets and musicians are invited to bring their work and instruments to a free-form openmic poetry reading and jam session. For more information call Esther at 850-682-4432 or Rick at 850-585-6399.
Opportunity Place
Don’t See Your Event?
Waterfront Rescue Mission
Contact Tina or Sharron at 850-244-2726.
Destin History & Fishing Museum Contact Kathy Blue at 850-837-6611.
Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge
Contact Susan Leivelle at 850-650-1880.
Send calendar events to us at:
Boys & Girls Club
Contact Rita Cummins at 850-862-1332.
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DIRECTORY Planes, trains & automobiles . . . and everything else in between! The Emerald Coast has a wealth of attractions for all those who visit or call the coast home. It's amazing just how much there is to do if you embrace your adventurous spirit and simply explore your own backyard. Whether you're looking to plan a field trip or just a fun family outing, there's always something to look forward to on the Emerald Coast. Here are just a few ideas for places to visit. And don’t forget to send us your favorites!
Wesley Mansion Welcome to Eden Gardens State Park The focal point of this 161-acre park is the beautifully renovated, two-story Wesley house with its elegant white columns and wrap-around porch. The moss-draped live oaks and ornamental gardens inspire visions of hoop skirts and landed gentry. Named after a wealthy Florida timber family, the park is part of the family's estate. The house holds the second largest known collection of Louis XVI furniture in the United States. Visitors can also take a stroll along the grounds and enjoy the picnic area. 181 Eden Gardens Road Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 850-267-8320 EdenGardens/ • EC Parent Magazine • 45
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EMERGENCY NUMBERS Sheriff & Police Okaloosa County Sheriff �������������������� 850-651-7400
Libraries Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-8572
Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-833-9590
Walton County Sheriff ������������������������� 850-892-8186
Walton ��������������������������������������������������������850-267-2809 or walton/about.asp?p=22
Bay County Sheriff ���������������������������������850-747-4700
Escambia County Sheriff �������������������� 850-436-9580
Santa Rosa County Sheriff ����������������� 850-983-1100
Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-981-7323
Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-4432
Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-279-4863
Ft. Walton Beach Police ���������������������� 850-833-9546
Panama City Beach Police ����������������� 850-233-5000
Florida HWY Patrol ������������������������������ 800-665-2794
Florida Poison Control ������������������������ 800-222-1222
US Coast Guard ���������������������������������������850-244-7147
Fire Department Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-8413
Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-833-9565
South Walton �������������������������������������������850-267-1298
Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-939-5236
Niceville ����������������������������������������������������850-897-3689
Chambers of Commerce Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-6241
Navarre ������������������������������������������������������850-939-3267
Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-244-8191
Walton County ����������������������������������������850-267-0683
Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-678-2323
Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-3212
Pensacola ������������������������������������������������� 850-438-4081
Panama City Beach ������������������������������ 850-235-1159
Museums Air Force Armament ����������������������������� 850-651-1808
Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-6121
Destin History & Fishing ��������������������850-837-6611
Panama City Beach ������������������������������ 850-872-3053
Medical Centers & Hospitals Destin Emergency Care �����������������������850-837-9194
Indian Temple Mound Museum ����������� 850-833-9595
Heritage Museum of NW FL �������������� 850-678-2615
Walton County Heritage ����������������������850-951-2127
Ft. Walton Beach Medical ������������������ 850-863-7610
N. Okaloosa Medical Center �������������� 850-689-8100
Wesley Mansion ������������������������������������� 850-231-4214
White Wilson Medical-Destin ������������850-837-3848 White Wilson Medical-Ft. Walton ��������� 850-863-8100
Post Offices
Emerald Coast Urgent Care ��������������� 850-654-8878
Niceville Twin Cities ���������������������������� 850-678-4131
Navarre Baptist �������������������������������������� 850-939-4888
View a large collection of antique fishing rods and reels. The most unique is constructed of split bamboo with an original Penn Reel that belonged to Ernest Hemingway. Enjoy vintage photographs of early Destin settlers, boat captains and much more. Tues. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Wed. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Thurs. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Fri. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Sat. 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Admission Fees: Adults $5 Seniors & Military $4 Children $3; Children under 6 are Free Destin History & Fishing Museum 108 Stahlman Ave. Destin, FL 32541 850-837-6611 www.destinhistoryand
Experience the feeling of swimming in the Gulf of Mexico with an awardwinning exhibit of fish caught in Destin.
Emerald Coast Science Center ��������� 850-644-1261
Sacred Heart ������������������������������������������� 850-278-3000
Destin History & Fishing
Destin ���������������������������������������������������������850-837-6312 Ft. Walton Beach ����������������������������������� 850-244-2625 South Walton ������������������������������������������ 850-269-1186 Navarre ����������������������������������������������������� 850-939-0381 Niceville ��������������������������������������������������� 850-678-2021 Crestview ������������������������������������������������� 850-682-2634
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Public Transportation
Delta ���������������������������������������������������������� 800-221-1212
Okaloosa County Transit ���������������������850-833-9168
Mid Bay Bridge ���������������������������������������850-833-7562
United Airlines ��������������������������������������� 800-864-8331
Movie Theaters
AMC Destin Commons 14 �������������������850-650-4579 At the Destin Commons Mall
Cinema Plus ���������������������������������������������850-302-0129 Downtown FWB
Lively 10 ���������������������������������������������������850-654-2992 Off of Hwy 98 in Destin
Regal Sun Plaza �������������������������������������850-244-4252
Air Force Armament Experience the aviation warfare armament from the early days of World War I right through to today's high tech planes and bombs. Inside, you'll find an extensive collection of weaponry and interactive displays that will amaze and intrigue. Outside displays include vintage military aircraft including the fastest plane ever built - the SR-71 Blackbird! Admission is FREE and all are welcome! Mon. 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Tues. 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Wed. 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Thurs. 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Fri. 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Sat. 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Sun. Closed Air Force Armament Museum 100 Museum Dr. Eglin AFB, FL 32542 850-651-1808 Service may be provided by Delta or a Delta Connection carrier. Provides nonstop service daily to Atlanta, GA (ATL).
Mary Esther Cutoff
UA Santa Rosa 10 ����������������������������������850-243-5260 At the Santa Rosa Mall in FWB
Radio Stations Express Jet provides nonstop service to Houston, TX (IAH).
US Airways ���������������������������������������������� 800-428-4322 Provides non-stop daily service to Charlotte, NC (CLT) and Washington, DC (DCA).
Southwest ���������� 1-800-I-FLY-SWA / 800-435-9792 Provides non-stop flights daily to and from Baltimore, MD (BWI), Houston, TX (HOU), Nashville, TN (BNA), and Orlando, FL (MCO) with connecting service to international destinations.
AirTran ��������������������������800-Air-Tran / 800-247-8726
1120 AM – Progressive Talk 1260 AM – Fox News Talk 1340 AM – ESPN Sports 91.1 FM – Contemporary Christian 92.1 FM – Oldies 93.3 FM – Adult Contemporary 95.3 FM – Talk Radio – Local Crestview 98.1 FM – Country 99.5 FM – Rock 102.1 FM – Classic Rock 103.1 FM – Adult Contemporary 105.5 FM – Country 106.3 FM – Smooth Jazz 107.3 FM – Classic Rock 3 Daily Flights to Atlanta with 351 seats.
Rental Cars
Avis �������������������������������������������������������������800-331-1212 Enterprise �������������������������������������������������800-261-7331 National ���������������������������������������������������� 877-222-9058 Budget ������������������������������������������������������� 800-527-0700 Hertz �����������������������������������������������������������800-654-3131
Airports NW Florida Regional Airport – VPS �����850-651-7160
Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport–Panama City Beach ���������������850-763-6751
Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional ���������850-436-5000
Destin Airport ������������������������������������������850-651-7160
Crestview Airport – Bob Sikes �����������850-651-7160
Airlines American Eagle ��������������������������������������800-433-7300 Provides non-stop service to Dallas, TX (DFW).
It’s our goal to make this guide as useful and complete as possible. If we have omitted any resource you feel could be useful to our community of readers, please feel free to send us your recommendations at: • EC Parent Magazine • 47
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“Dentistry with a Gentle Touch” Early Morning, Lunchtime & Evening Hours Available New Patients Emergencies Insurance Assistance Interest FREE Financing
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry G E N E R A L D E N T I S T RY
• Complete Family Care • Low Radiation Digital X-Rays • VELscope Cancer Screening • Painless Dentistry Techniques • Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, Partials • In-Chair Entertainment System • Oraquix No-Injection Anesthetic • Extractions, Root Canals, White Fillings
A D VA N C E D C O S M E T I C S • Complete Smile Makeovers! • Orthodontics, Clear and Traditional by General Dentist • Painless Veneers • White Fillings and Bonding • ZOOM Whitening
The Ultimate 1-Hr Whitening
redefining beauty
Painless Veneers
Cleaning • Periodontal Care • Scaling & Rootplaning • Sealants • Fluoride
Katherine Bartlett, DMD Kristin M. Shinnick, DMD Ashley L. Brooks, DMD John J. Cash, DDS
Uptown Station
Eglin P k
Fort Walton Beach
w ay
Hwy 98
Ft. Walton Beach, Florida (Near Uptown Station, Off of Hospital Dr.) Destin
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