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Temporary forever housing
Temporary Forever Housing - 2020, 87%
Dwelling is a temporary experience. Throughout each dwelling’s lifecycle it will be used by vastly different households with different space requirements and needs.Thereforehousingcannothaveaonesizefitsallapproach–itshould adapt and change to reflect each user. One issue arising from temporary residences is making a space feel like your own when customisation options are limited. This issue is pressing for those who enjoy creativity and expression like creative professionals. The building contains six temporary units for rentals under 12 months and ten permanent units for rentals over 12 months. The building emphasises temporary customisation with walls that can be snapped to a1x1mgrid.Thisgridallowsforunlimitedoptionsforapartmentconfigurations andcustomisationasresidentscanresizeanddecorateroomsatwilltosuita variety of needs.
Industry Skills
3D Modeling Environmental Sustainable Design Rendering
Option 01 Option 02
This diagram shows how one apartment can be customised three different ways. The adjustable walls in each apartment snap to a 1x1m grid to allow layout and design changes to suit each renter. The walls come in a variety of colours and textures to allow temporary customisation for each resident.
Option 03
First Floor Plan
0 3 9m
Second Floor Plan
0 3 9m
The common facilities for residents include a laundry, a rooftop terrace, a large kitchen, shared living spaces, and a studio. The mixed-use facilities include a print shop, a craft café, and a gallery to showcase artwork created by the residents. Off each apartment there is a communal living space that connects four apartment together. These living spaces open up directly into the centralised network of walkways to allow for interaction between residents in different
Communal Studio Shared Living Space Communal Walkway Network Customised Bedroom
Semi-Public Courtyard
Theapartmentsutilizereversebrickveneerandpolishedconcretefloors asinternalthermalmass.Inaddition,doubleglazedhighperformance glass and a continuous line of insulation help maintain a comfortable temperature year round. The building has a timber structure to decrease the embodied energy of the building. Each of the apartments follows the Better Apartment Design Standards with large windows in each bedroom, ample storage, and limited direct views from the street into the apartments.
The building’s solar panels product an average of 79.5 kW per day -- just under 50% of the total building energy consumption. Additionally, the building has an annual heating demand of 8.6 kW/h/m2 and an annual cooling demand of 7.4 kW/h/m2.