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Editorial ………… Robyn Werkhoven
Greetings to our November ARTS ZINE readers. This is the last issue for 2021, we will return in March 2022. We wish all our contributors and readers a merry festive season and a brighter, positive New Year.
The November Arts Zine features a selection of dynamic and intriguing Australian contemporary artists, photographers and writers.
Dr Rod Pattenden is an artist, art historian, and educational facilitator interested in the connection between spirituality and the arts. This article showcases his latest vibrant landscapes.
Photographer Gilbert Rossi writes about his twenty years experience shooting fashion and people related projects, including Sport and four Olympic Games.
Artist and writer Bobby-z Lambert writes about his life and art - exploring the human journey. The article features his book Thunder Ground - silver miners of Potosi, including his remarkable paintings and sculptures of the Bolivian people.
Newcastle artist Michelle Gearin writes about her world of art and presents her latest paintings “My paintings are absolutely intuitive. They are often images of emotional tension.” This month Sydney artist and photographer Bernadette Meyers includes an enchanting article Wildflower Essence.
Lorraine Fildes, our resident travel photographer and writer features Sculptures in the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney. International Spanish photographer SEIGAR features images and story Voguing in Tenerife.
Artist, teacher and performer David McLeod launches The Wolf Suite, an aural, visual and meditative project based on diaphragmatic breathing methods.
Don’t miss out reading new works by resident poets Brad Evans, Reese North, Peter J Brown and Eric Werkhoven and we feature a work by Melbourne based poet Geoffrey Lennie.
ART NEWS and information on forthcoming art exhibitions.
Submissions welcomed, we would love to have your words and art works in future editions in 2022. Deadline for articles 15th FEBRUARY for MARCH issue 45, 2022.
Email: werkhovenr@bigpond.com
Regards - your editor Robyn Werkhoven
The publisher will not accept responsibility or any liability for the correctness of information or opinions expressed in the publication. Copyright © 2021 Studio La Primitive. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced , in whole or in part, without the prior permission of the publisher.