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Editorial ………… Robyn Werkhoven
Greetings to our September ARTS ZINE readers.
We again in this month’s issue wish to stress the importance of the Visual Arts , Music and Literature, in these demanding times with COVID 19, to keep creative and stay positive.
The September Arts Zine features a selection of interesting and vibrant Australian contemporary artists, photographers and writers.
Newcastle artist Mandy Robinson presents her fanciful and boldly coloured collages and assemblages from re-cycled and found materials. Award winning artist and film producer George Gittoes writes about his latest remarkable painting Medieval.
Don’t miss reading art and music performer Hellen Rose’s feature, a thought provoking story - Heading Back While Everyone Else is Leaving.
From the Illawarra, NSW, accomplished artist, sculptor and poet Brett Masters writes about his world of art. Sydney artist Lyn Burns presents her stunning pastel landscapes “Being in the landscape, drawing from nature, is what I most like to do”.
Artist and poet Maggie Hall, presents Claude Watson School for the Arts.
This month Sydney artist and photographer Bernadette Meyers returns with an exquisite photographic feature Tidal Flow. Lorraine Fildes, our resident travel photographer and writer features Sydney's Extraordinary Landmark Buildings.
International Spanish photographer SEIGAR features Btch in the Beach (Featuring Candy Porcelain). “a message of freedom, diversity, acceptance, visibility, and inclusivity.” Sydney artist and poet Mark Elliot-Ranken presents the poem The Northmen come!
We are introducing two new poets to this month’s Arts Zine Skylar J Wynter and Black Crow Walking.
Don’t miss out reading new works by resident poets Brad Evans, Reese North, Peter J Brown and Eric Werkhoven.
ART NEWS and information on forthcoming art exhibitions.
Submissions welcomed, we would love to have your words and art works in future editions in 2021. Deadline for articles 15th OCTOBER for NOVEMBER issue 44, 2021.
Email: werkhovenr@bigpond.com Regards - your editor Robyn Werkhoven
The publisher will not accept responsibility or any liability for the correctness of information or opinions expressed in the publication. Copyright © 2021 Studio La Primitive. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced , in whole or in part, without the prior permission of the publisher.