8 minute read
of Lake Ontario: A Journey of Discovery”
from CITY May 2023
Rochester Museum & Science Center, rmsc.org
The Great Lakes are commonly seen as ecological and economic treasures, but they also hold a lot of history. Jim Kennard has spent nearly 50 years exploring shipwrecks in Lake Ontario with finds including the British warship HMS Ontario, which sank during a storm in 1780, and the sloop Washinton, which sank in 1803. The finds garnered international media coverage. Kennard has written a book, “Lake Ontario Shipwrecks: A Journey of Discovery,” about his experiences and discoveries, which is what he’ll discuss during tonight’s talk. The event is included with admission to RMSC: $18 for adults, $13 for members and students. JM
MULTIDISCIPLINARY Stories from the Living Tree
Memorial Art Gallery, mounthopeworldsingers.org
This immersive performance invites you into a space where different cultures, languages, and forms of art are woven together as roots of a figurative tree, where stories can be shared and exchanged, growing into something new. Annika Bentley is leading this collaboration that includes singing from Mount Hope World Singers, music by pianist and percussionist Greg Woodsbie, performances from BIODANCE led by Missy Pfohl Smith, and animation by Christine A. Banna. Experience it all at the Memorial Art Gallery at 7 p.m. with a second performance Sunday at 2 p.m. Performances will also be streamed live online. MS
DRINK “Agave Through the Ages: Class and Tasting”
Salena’s, salenas.com/tequila-classes Tequila has quite the reputation among drinkers, mainly that it fuels good times and bad choices, often in succession. But like other spirits, it’s the product of craftsmanship and age. Unlike the shots of Cuervo or Sauza we’ve all slammed at the bar, there is a growing market of agave spirits that are meant to be sipped and enjoyed slowly, just as if it was scotch, bourbon, or cognac. This class will focus on the gamut of spirits made from blue agave, which is a cactus. There’s tequila, but there are also its close cousins raicilla and mezcal. You’ll get to taste the spirits, but you’ll also learn about the different styles. The class runs from 6-8 p.m. and costs $30. Reservations can be made online. JM
FILM “A Knight’s Tale”
The Little Theatre, thelittle.org Rotten Tomatoes calls this movie “Rocky on horseback” and it’s not wrong, but that description does it a great injustice. “A Knight’s Tale,” which stars the late Heath Ledger as the titular knight, is great fun. Too often, movie sites will poo-poo flicks if they’re deemed too pedestrian — a fate that befalls a lot of comedies and horror movies. But “A Knight’s Tale” is what you want from a night in front of the big screen. It’s a great story about how a peasant squire aspires to improve his lot in life through much hard work, and his friends stand behind him along the way as they navigate all sorts of peril, adversity, and ultimately, glory. This film is showing at 7:30 p.m. as part of the “So Fetch!” series, which is a celebration of turn-of-themillennium movies. Admission is the Little’s usual: $11 general, $7 for members, students, and people in the military. JM

DRINK Celebration of Cream Ales 2023
Roc Brewing Co., rocbrewingco.com
If there’s one style of beer that screams “Rochester!” it’s the cream ale. But Genny isn’t alone when it comes to making the smooth, easydrinking libation. Roc Brewing Co. hosts its annual Celebration of Cream Ales, a 12-hour marathon featuring more than 35 breweries from Rochester and throughout upstate New York. Genesee will be there, rest assured, but make room for offerings from such breweries as Resurgence, Eli Fish, Prison City, Other Half, and Rohrbach as well. DK
MUSIC Off With Their Heads
Bug Jar, bugjar.com
It’s been 10 years since the modernday standard bearers of Minnesota punk put out “Home,” a high-energy record full of loud guitars and introspective lyrics that doesn’t have a bad song on it. Now, the band is out on the road touring in celebration of that release, even though it has put out several other albums after that. But tonight Off With Their Heads will play “Home” in its entirety, from its explosive start to its blistering finish. Carpool and Broadsword open. The show is 18-and-up and tickets are around $18-$20, depending on whether the purchaser is over 21. JM
“History and Mystery: The Folklore and Legends of the Bristol Hills”
Bristol Volunteer Fire Department, bristolhillshistory.org
Instead of the grainy black-and-white photos you might expect to find in a historical recounting, The Bristol Hills Historical Society commissioned local illustrator Anna Overmoyer to create 30 whimsical watercolor paintings to accompany the stories in “History and Mystery: The Folklore and Legends of the Bristol Hills.” The book is a mix of historical fact and folklore, telling the area’s history from ancient Native American times and post-Revolutionary War settlement to contemporary times. A free public reception begins at 1 p.m. and will feature a display of original art from the book and a presentation by Haudenosaunee storyteller Perry Ground. Copies of the book can be reserved for $37 at bristolhillshistory. org. LS
PGA Championship
Oak Hill Country Club, pgachampionship.com
Oak Hill Country Club has been hosting Professional Golf Association events for nearly 70 years — and is home to the 105th PGA Championship from May 15 through May 21. You can walk the grounds of the club’s storied East Course alongside the world’s best players, sip lemonade or something stronger, and rub elbows with Smugtown socialites, because you know they’ll be there. But it’ll cost you. There are different tiers of tickets, starting with those between $55 and $65 that are for viewing the practice rounds on Monday and Tuesday. From there, the tickets escalate rapidly, to $266 for Sunday’s championship round. If you enjoy great golf, or just want to experience a world-class event in your own backyard, and have the bank for a ticket — go. You won’t regret it. DA
“Ragtime: The Musical”
JCC CenterStage, jccrochester.org
This musical, adapted from E.L. Doctorow’s 1975 novel of the same name, follows three families in pursuit of the American Dream in the early 20th century. At the core of the musical is a cast of characters confronting wealth and poverty, freedom and prejudice, and hopes and despair against a backdrop of the promise for a brighter future. The show opens on May 6 and closes today with a 2 p.m. performance. Tickets are $35 for JCC members and $40 for non-members. Students can see it for $20. DA
MUSIC Rebecca Clarke Recital
George Eastman Museum, eastman.org
Here’s a bit of Rochester trivia: George Eastman and Joseph Thatcher Clarke had a friendship based on biking and a shared love of music - Clarke helped manage Eastman’s European business and sent him recommendations for his new music library in Rochester. Eastman employed Clarke’s sons: Eric as manager of Eastman Theatre and Hans as Kodak’s first chemical engineer. The real star of the family turned out to be Joseph Thatcher Clarke’s daughter - noted composer and violist Rebecca Clarke. She stopped by Rochester in 1923, and played her viola sonata for family friend George Eastman in his living room. Fast forward a century, and violist Ryan Hardcastle, pianist Brock Tjosvold, and mezzo-soprano Krysten Chambers-Jones will bring her music back to that same room this afternoon at 3 p.m. MS
Family friendly event to learn more about services of BVA and other public safety and community partners such as Brighton Police, Monroe Co. Sherriff’s mounted patrol, Monroe Co. 911, and NY State Police

Activities include ambulance tours, equipment demonstrations, face painting, bounce house, and more!

24 Supper Club
REDD, reddrochester.com
Led by REDD’s Chef de Cuisine
Brad Pareira, the monthly 24 Supper Club presents a multi-course, prix fixe menu at the bar with an optional beverage pairing and rotating theme. This intimate, social dining experience has several seatings available each time; reservations can be made by calling 585-483-7333. LS
The Kodak Concert Band
Greece Baptist Church, jazz901.org/events
2023 marks the second season of collaboration between Jazz 90.1 and Greece Baptist Church, working together to present free jazz and big band concerts to the Rochester community. The Kodak Concert Band – comprised of current and retired Kodak employees and their family and friends – plays at 7 p.m. Free and open to the public. LS
Boz Scaggs
Kodak Center, kodakcenter.com
Guitarist Boz Scaggs is one of those sneakily important artists who might not necessarily be on your shortlist of favorite singer-songwriters, but a quick rundown of hits such as “Lowdown,” “Lido Shuffle,” “JoJo” and “Miss Sun” may make you reconsider. If you find Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” schtick insufferable, and the suprisingly enduring catalog of Hall & Oates isn’t big enough, the Scaggs songbook is the perfect supply of smooth and catchy pop songs with ’70s disco and ’80s soul overtones. And at 78, Scaggs’s still got it. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets run from $45.50 to $85.50, plus fees. DK
Bridge City Sinners
Photo City Music Hall, photocitymusichall.com
Salsa Night w/ DJ Pabony
Lovin Cup, lovincup.com
Not actually knowing how to dance has never stopped me before, but over the years, my husband has argued that dance lessons would make him more likely to actually give it a try. Whether you fall on either side of that argument, this is a good chance to get a little bit of instruction before being let loose on the dance floor. There is a short dance lesson at 8 p.m. when the doors open, followed by an evening of salsa music from DJ Pabony, with a $10 cover. MS
MUSIC Cheap Trick
Del Lago Casino & Resort, dellagoresort.com
The dream police are living in the heads of the folks at Del Lago, who are bringing power pop legends and classic rock radio staples Cheap Trick to the casino’s stage, weird guitars and all. Shine up your old brown shoes, put on a brand-new shirt, and then surrender to the wall of guitars, but don’t give yourself away. Tickets start at $30 but they go as high as $225 for a front row VIP package. The show starts at 8 p.m. JM
2023 Sterling Stage Folkfest
Sterling Stage Kampitheater, sterlingstage.com
MUSIC Jimmie Highsmith Jr. Plays Al Jarreau
Book Buddies
Lollypop Farm, lollypop.org
The Book Buddies Program gives kids the chance to read their favorite stories while cozying up to cuddly cats and other small animals who are waiting for new homes. Lollypop Farm invites kids (and their adults) to the main Fairport campus to practice their reading skills while they make a new furry friend. $5 registration fee for the first child; $3 for an additional sibling or friend (space is limited). All ages welcome, adult supervision is required. Book Buddies takes place every Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. and Thursday at 5 p.m. LS
Bridge City Sinners bills itself as a “y’allternative band,” which is probably the most apt descriptor for a bizarre mash-up of folk, punk, cabaret, and 1920’s jazz influences. A full olde tyme folk ensemble led by vocalist/banjolele player Libby Lux, the Sinners revel in macabre imagery set atop foot-stomping string band tones. Take a listen to “Kreacher,” a strangely upbeat tune about a flesheating monster commandeering an army of rats, and you’ll get a good idea of what the band is all about. Bridge City Sinners will play with local third-wave ska devotees Turkey Blaster Omega. Doors at 7, tickets are $18. GF
It’s never too early to get a jump on music festival season as the weather gets warmer. Consider the Sterling Stage Folkfest as a warmup to sonic celebrations to come this summer. The four-day fest includes two sets apiece from the nightly headliners, which include the beloved upstate Americana band Driftwood and the charismatic folk-rock-soul dynamo Hayley Jane. Buffalo roots band Folkfaces and folkreggae outfit The Forest Dwellers are also on the bill. Overnight camping is included with all tickets. Day passes are $65, four-day festival passes are $85 (plus fees). Separate passes for dogs and vehicles are also available. DK
The Theater at Innovation Square, theaterais.thundertix.com
Saxophonist and flutist Jimmie Highsmith Jr. is a Rochester treasure whose penchant for melody and versatility finds him equally at home with sultry smooth jazz and in-yourface fusion. Tonight, Highsmith Jr. will interpret the music of the late pop-R&B singer Al Jarreau to raise money for The Hosea Taylor Jr. Community Concert Band. Tickets for the 7:30 p.m. concert are $25. DK