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Meet Jim Catalano
from CITY May 2023

Headquartered in Ithaca, Jim writes stories about bands and music for WITH-FM 90.1, which appear on WITHradio.org, as well as in CITY Magazine, and on WXXINews.org. WITH is a broadcast partnership between WXXI and Hobart & William Smith Colleges (HWS). You will also see him out in the community tabling at events, festivals, and concerts throughout the Finger Lakes. We sat down with Jim to ask him a few questions. Here’s what he had to say.
How do you come up with your “Shows to See This Week” column?
It’s a remnant of my Soundoff column, which I wrote for almost 30 years in the Ithaca Journal and Ithaca Times. The latter half of the column was usually blurbs on upcoming shows; now that I do it for the WITH website, I’m able to also put in relevant videos, links, and playlists. By the way, I hope to bring back the front half of the column, where I often write in the first person about the Ithaca/CNY music scene.
Of the shows in your column, how many do you end up going to?
Not as many as I used to, that’s for sure! Before the pandemic, I would see 200-300 shows per year, and often several shows a night almost every day of the week. These days, I’ve dialed that way back, but still try to see as many cool bands as possible.
What’s your favorite part of the job?
Meeting a variety of musicians, especially when I get to interview them in their studio spaces. I also like working events, especially the summer concerts at Beak & Skiff and the annual GrassRoots Festival.
If you could invite three musicians (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would they be?
Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, and Bruce Springsteen.
What’s the best concert you have ever gone to?
Bruce Springsteen at Vernon Downs, on Aug. 29, 2012. I’ve seen him around a dozen times in a variety of venues, but this was the one show where I was in the pit area in front of the stage, just a few feet away from him and the rest of the E-Street Band for four hours on a beautiful summer night!
What’s the best part about living in Ithaca?
The natural surroundings –gorges, waterfalls, Cayuga Lake, hiking trails, parks, etc. – as well as the cultural scene – music, art, film, books, food, stage, and more.