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Senior ciTizen commiTTee
Meeting Minutes February 1, 2023
Chair JH welcomed everyone to February’s meeting. The meeting was called to order at 10:10AM. There were approximately 75 members present.
JH opened the meeting with an update on the celebration for Women’s History month. She advised the committee, that we will not have a formal committee meeting next month (March 2023). Rather, we will participate in a special Women’s History Program with the Senior Center on Thursday, March 23, 2023, from 11:30AM to 2:30PM. Seniors can begin signing up for this event on Monday, February 6, 2023 at the board office and senior center. Maximum capacity will be 200 participants. We look forward to a wonderful event!
Next, JH acknowledged that this month we celebrate Black History. However, we would be remiss if we did not recognize the tragedy in the death of Mr. Tyre Nichols. A moment of silence was held. Mr. Nichols was stopped by police in Memphis, Tennessee he was beaten severely by several officers, and he died several days later.
JH asked the membership to focus on the humanity of Mr. Nichols he was our brother, an extension of us as members of the African American community. Tyre Nichols was 29 years old. He moved to Memphis, Tennessee shortly before the pandemic from California. He recently began working for Fed Ex where his co-workers only had fond memories of him. He has a 4-year-old son, who will have to grow up without his loving smile and care to guide him. Family members tell us he was an avid skateboarder and loved photography especially pictures of nature. Tyre used to join a small group of friends at Starbucks to take time to fellowship and engage in regular talk of the day especially sports. His favorite football team was the San Francisco 49’ers. He was loved and his life mattered!
Committee members received a handout as they entered, titled “Celebrating Black History Month.” The handout featured Carter G. Woodson – aka – The Father of Black History. In 1915, Carter G. Woodson traveled to Washington, D.C. to take part in a national celebration of the 50th anniversary of the emancipation. It was out of this meeting of thousands of Black Americans that he was inspired to do more in the spirit of celebrating Black history and heritage.
He founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History; later named the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926 choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.
With the rise of the civil rights and Black Power movements in the 1960’s young African Americans on college campuses were becoming increasingly conscious of the historic dimension of their experience. They urged the ASALH to change with the times which included a shift to a monthlong celebration of Black history. In 1976, on the 50th anniversary of the first Negro History Week, the Association officially made the shift to Black History Month.
Since then, every US President has issued a proclamation honoring the spirit of Black History Month.
The Black History Month 2023 theme, “Black Resistance,” explores how “African American have resisted historic and ongoing oppression, in all forms, especially the racial terrorism of lynching, racial pogroms and police killings,” since the nation’s earliest days.
JH remined all that still today there is an active attempt to silence the teachings of history as it pertains to Black and Brown people. We cannot remain silent and above all we have a responsibility to teach our history to our children.
JH introduced our guest speaker, Mr. Jay Williams, Owner – Marion Scott Real Estate. He serves as the General Manager for Rochdale Village Inc. Mr. Williams opened by stating he was pleased to be meeting with the seniors and wanted to provide a presentation focusing on management’s effort to improve the Customer Service expe- rience for all shareholders.
Mr. Williams shared a PowerPoint which highlighted the following:
• The group secretary’s role will be redefined, and they will become Office Coordinators with an enhanced skillset to deliver quality service.
• Staff training has included leadership and customer service training.
• Enhancements to responding to calls from shareholders has been implemented.
Mr. Williams and members of his staff, Mr. Wilfred Rodriguez, Assistant General Manager and Mr. Lance Williams, Director of Operations participated in a robust question and answer session with the audience.
JH thanked management for their presentation and thanked members of the senior committee who stayed for the entire meeting. JH noted, that in the past the breakfast was held to the end of the meeting, but last month the committee agreed to change the format and serve breakfast as people came in. However, it is rude to leave while the meeting is ongoing particularly when guest speakers are invited.
Also, when you leave early you may miss out on special items such as today’s giveaway in honor of Black History Month. JH then gave out a beautiful “The Power of a Dream” reusable bag to those remaining. Collection: a total of $75.00 was collected. The meeting adjourned at 11:25am.