1 minute read

working with parents

Students need to be given independence and responsibility for their own learning to prepare them for their next steps to university or employment. We provide this freedom in a very supportive context, with close monitoring and guidance. We believe it is essential that, as parents and carers, you should be kept fully informed and up to date about your son or daughter’s progress while at Rochdale Sixth Form College. We will keep you involved through a variety of methods, including Parents’ and Carers’ Evenings to discuss academic progress with subject teachers; action plans; newsletters and access to attendance data and current targets via our online portal, Cedar.

We ask that you keep in contact with your son or daughter’s Student Performance and Development Leader, telephone Student Administration in the case of absences and do not go on holiday in term time. We ask too that you support us to help your son or daughter find the right balance between their social life, paid work and study.


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