1 minute read

Hanging Up The Hat: Comparing Retirement Saving Options for Your Situation

Whether you are in a small business environment or a sole proprietor, star�ng to plan for re�rement can be a daun�ng task. Join us for an informa�onal session at the Rochester Area Builders office, where we will discuss your op�ons and chat about the best way to get started with your re�rement planning , no ma�er what your current situa�on is.

Please bring any ques�ons you might have, as we want this session to be interac�ve. We will be serving a light lunch .

Presented by Jodi Hruska, MBA, CFP®, CDFA®, APMA® Financial Advisor at Con�nuum Financial Group

Thursday, February 16th, 12-1pm

Rochester Area Builders 108 Elton Hills Ln NW Rochester, MN

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