2 minute read

A Distinctive Christian University

a helpful set of guiding principles for us today. One of those key principles is the theologically and socially profound notion of the Lord’s Supper as an open table. Because Jesus is the host, his hospitality is open to all who are willing to come.

Consistent with that heritage principle, Rochester University will strive to exemplify the spirit of the open table. RU exists to provide “a rigorous and holistic education” that prepares students for personal and professional success as they serve and participate in God’s mission in the world. Such an objective entails with it (among other things) a relentless pursuit of truth (which makes the epistemic presumption that such a thing as truth both exists and is discoverable,) and devotion to practices of discernment that engage, involve, and respect the voices and perspectives of the entire community. So, at RU, anyone of any stripe who is willing to sit at this metaphorical table with us, will be extended the hospitality and welcome of the Table of the Lord, as together we pursue truth, a rigorous and holistic education, and participation in God’s mission in the world.


That principle creates for us a foundation for our emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It means we will be welcoming and inclusive of all believers and unbelievers, all races and ethnicities, all political persuasions, all socioeconomic statuses, all orientations, and citizens of every nation. As we create and foster that inclusive and welcoming environment, we will strive to keep in front of us the reminder that it is because Jesus is Lord, that we emulate his model of hospitality, welcome, and inclusion. If we do this, we will encounter others (and already have encountered them) who embrace a life narrative that is different from the Christian story. That difference will produce deep variations in perspectives, values, and practices. Again, in the spirit of the open table (which reflects the Golden Rule and the greatest commandments) as an institution, we will welcome and value these differences and the people who embody them, while continuing to speak and live the truth as we understand it. We will treat these differences with civility, respect, and grace, and will leave the judgment to God. It will be this welcoming, loving, inclusivity, that will help us to establish a credible voice to speak into this polarized and post-Christian world. (excerpt from remarks by Dr. Brian Stogner, President of Rochester University, delivered on January 7, 2022)

Center for Student Life

Mission Statement

Steadfast with the mission and Christian identity of RU, the Center for Student Life empowers our diverse student body through intentional programming to cultivate an environment and experience that nurtures personal, relational, and spiritual formation in service to God’s world.

Core Values


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