2016-17 Organizational Handbook – Rochester College

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Student Organizations

at Rochester College

“Our mission in the Rochester College Student Development Office is to create and promote a campus experience that supports the mission of Rochester College. As coeducators, Student Development seeks to maximize student learning for all students through co-curricular engagement.” This handbook is intended as a comprehensive guide for interest groups, recognized student organizations and their sponsors/advisers. As a companion to the Rochester College Student Handbook, this guide contains campus policies and procedures, as well as information on how to form and maintain active student organizations. In nurturing student learning and development—intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical—we consider student organizations and their sponsors/advisers to be vital partners in the process. Rochester College provides many opportunities for student leadership and campus involvement along with college resources and services to support those efforts. The Student Development Office serves as the primary liaison between student organizations and Rochester College. Our offices are located in the Associates Campus Center. Please visit us any time, or contact us at 248.218.2041. We are here to serve you, and look forward to supporting your leadership and service to the community. p|2

Table of Contents STUDENT DEVELOPMENT MISSION STATEMENT.............2 TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................... 3 ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING A STUDENT ORGANIZATION.............................................. 3 GENERAL EXPECTATIONS............................................4-8 Establishing and Maintaining a Student Organization... 4 Organization Recognition........................................... 4 Conduct Expectations............................................... 5-6 On or Off-Campus Conduct Standards of Conduct for Events Alcohol/Drug Free Activities Hazing RC Guidelines and Philosophy of Hazing Policy Philosophy of Student Discipline...............................6-8 Reporting Misconduct Student Organization Disciplinary Process Cases of Appeal CURRENT STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS........................ 9-15 Student Government...............................................9-10 Officers General Qualifications for Holding an Office Purposes of Student Government Social Clubs............................................................10-12 Purpose of Social Clubs Social Club Membership Eligibility Maintaining Social Club Membership Other Student Organizations......................................12 IMAGE Student Action Diversity Committee How to Form a New Organization, Requirements and . Processes............................................................... 12-15 Annual Maintenance Procedures Student Organization Sponsor/Adviser

Social Club Sponsor Qualifications Sponsor Selection Procedure Financial Responsibilities within Student Organization Records Expenditures Purchase Orders Check Requests Reimbursements Overdrafts Deposits/Donations/Fundraisers Meeting Minutes Benefits of Campus Affiliation CAMPUS SERVICES, GENERAL POLICIES, AND PROCEDURES....................................................16-19 Computer and Technology Purchases Email, Websites and Social Media Contractual Agreements Announcements Equipment and Facilities Reservations Fax Services Film and Music Guidelines Food Services Guest Speakers and Professional Entertainment Mail Boxes for Student Organizations Photocopy, Design, and Print Services Student Organizational Bulletin Boards Global E-mailing Mailings in Student Boxes Sponsorship and Fundraising Outside Vendors/Solicitation Worship Hours/Schedule Conflicts


General Expectations Establishing and Maintaining a Student Organization At Rochester College, our experience is that most students benefit from active participation in student organizations. A student organization comprises a group of at least five Rochester College undergraduate students who voluntarily gather for a determined common purpose. At Rochester College we encourage students to form organizations that: • Support the mission of Rochester College • Provide an environment that facilitates individual growth and autonomy, while also fostering social responsibility within a larger community • Contribute to the intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical development of students • Serve as a vehicle for service to the campus and surrounding communities • Support the college’s curricular and co-curricular programs • And enhance the overall quality of student life at Rochester College

Organization Recognition The college administration recognizes student organizations that demonstrate evidence of apparent adherence to and support of its Christian mission and educational aims. Rochester College recognizes student organizations that remain true to the following goals:

1. Strive toward all goals within the context of a Christian liberal arts college 2. Help students advance significantly in personal, social, and academic growth through a program of services to students 3. Cultivate a spirit of community in all areas of the college 4. Serve the campus and surrounding communities 5. Set standards that encourages excellence in each member 6. Instill in each member the approved purpose of the organization and fulfill that purpose 7. Provide structured opportunities for self-governance and effective organization management 8. Provide an atmosphere that supports and rewards academic achievement. The college will not recognize any group that engages in or promotes conduct and/or beliefs that contradict the community standards and expectations set forth in the Rochester College Student Handbook. To be recognized as an official campus organization, there must be on file in the Student Development Office an application with a charter of purpose, an updated record of responsible officers, membership lists, and an approved adviser. It is the policy of the college to oppose and prevent illegal discrimination of any student organization based on ethnic origin, race, or creed. This includes, but is not limited to, membership selection and/or involvement in activities.


Conduct Expectations

house party, etc.) in an activity and will be subject to all college sponsored event guidelines.

Student organizations, their leaders and members are expected to display the highest standards of conduct, honor, and integrity and to uphold all policies contained in the Rochester College Student Handbook. In keeping with the Academic Vision and mission statement and its heritage in Churches of Christ, all members of the campus community are encouraged to consider and respect the teaching of Jesus and to hold a Christian worldview. It is expected that all student organizations will adhere to biblical teaching regarding moral and ethical practices. Engaging in or promoting conduct or lifestyles inconsistent with biblical teaching is not permitted.

On or Off-Campus Conduct Organizations must submit to the conduct expectations outlined above whether activities are on or off-campus; they are an extension of the Rochester College community and subject to the principles and regulations governing all college activities. Off-campus rights and freedoms of student organizations involve the responsibility to display conduct and behavior that reflect favorably on them, the college, and the community. Although the college does not assume responsibility or liability for students’ off-campus events or behavior, it does reserve the right to take disciplinary action in response to behavior off-campus that violates the college’s behavioral expectations and policies or adversely affects the college’s mission. An event is defined as an occurrence or activity, whether formal or informal, spontaneous or planned, on or off-campus, in which five or more members and/or new members of an organization are engaged (e.g., sporting activity, formal, meeting,

Standards of Conduct for Events Rochester College is a Christian college community. As such, all events, programs, and performances must be suitable for family audiences. All participants, whether internal or external, (e.g., students, vendors, artists, and producers), shall perform and/or conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the standards of the college as specified below: 1. No alcoholic beverages or non-prescribed drugs are permitted on campus. 2. No unlawful or improper conduct or language is permitted on stage during a performance or on campus. 3. Smoking is not permitted in any college building or facility, or at any other campus event. See the Smoking Policy in the Student Handbook for more information. 4. Examples of behavior and/or language that are inconsistent with standards of the college include but are not limited to: degrading, demeaning, or exploitative references, profanity, explicit lyrics, inappropriate clothing, suggestive dancing, and/or references to sex, alcohol, and narcotics/drugs. 5. All support talent for any on campus or off campus event must also comply with the standards of conduct stated herein.

Alcohol/Drug-Free Activities Rochester College seeks to foster an alcohol and drug free environment. Therefore, all activity of student organizations, whether on or off-campus, must be alcohol and drug free. Alcoholic beverages are not to


be served or consumed at any formal/informal meeting, gathering, or event of a student organization, whether on or off-campus. In planning events, both on and off-campus, student organizations must make arrangements to ensure that no alcoholic beverages are served or consumed. Moreover, illegal drug use of any kind is strictly prohibited by college policy and local law. For more information about the college’s policy for Alcohol and Other Drugs, see the Student Handbook.

Hazing Hazing is prohibited by Michigan state law and college policy. Rochester College is dedicated to a hazing-free environment for all of its student organizations. According to Michigan Law, “Hazing is defined as an intentional, knowing, or reckless act by a person acting alone or acting with others that is directed against an individual and that the person knew or should have known endangers the physical health or safety of the individual, and that is done for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, participating in, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization” (Michigan penal Code Act 328 of 1931, addendum 750.411t.). All students and student groups are required to comply with Michigan’s requirements on hazing and the college’s regulations prohibiting hazing. Verbatim copies of the Michigan hazing laws and the college’s regulations prohibiting hazing can be obtained from Student Development.

RC Guidelines and Philosophy of Hazing Policy

their membership and organizational mission. Hazing may include (but is not limited to) activities such as: forced consumption of alcohol or other foods/ beverages; paddling or striking in any form; those that would result in excessive fatigue or sleep deprivation; inhibiting a student’s personal hygiene regiment; forms of demerits for its membership; physical and psychological distress; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery (skits, songs, making a spectacle at Chapel, etc.); morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with social club regulations/organizational law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of this educational institution. Hazing policies apply to all student organizations and athletic teams. It should be noted that planning, initiating, or participating in hazing (as an officer, member, new member or adviser) can result in disciplinary actions for both individuals and the entire organization under the Code of Conduct and this handbook, whether or not all of the organization’s membership condoned or were made aware of the activity in question. It is the duty of the organization sponsors and officers to take whatever steps necessary for its membership and new membership to develop an understanding of the hazing policy and definitions as outlined in this handbook. Questions about events and hazing policies should be directed to the Dean of Students.

Although there is no exhaustive list of all the actions that could constitute hazing, organizations should only plan activities that intentionally and reasonably promote positive growth and development of


Philosophy of Student Discipline The Dean of Students is responsible for student discipline. The Dean is aided by the Student Life Committee, which serves as a board of appeals in cases of suspension, dismissal and/or designated cases of campus violations. Final authority in cases that are properly appealed rests with the Student Life Committee. As a result Rochester College has a set of expectations and guidelines detailed in the Student Handbook that are furnished to articulate these high standards and personal values. Additionally, when a violation of these standards occur discipline is viewed and utilized as an opportunity to put some structures in place to help the student or group develop better understanding of consequences and responsibility. The college attempts to be consistent, unbiased, and sensitive in its disciplinary matters. The Dean may exercise professional discretion to tailor any disciplinary measures to unique circumstances. Rochester College believes in redemption and providing a student with discipline such as: time off to consider the seriousness of decisions, mentorship, specified counseling and accountability, fines, restitution, and research assignments or work detail to help in the student’s personal development.

Reporting Misconduct All Rochester College community members are expected to take personal responsibility not only for themselves and their personal actions but also to keep the best interest of others in mind. It is also important to help those around us be accountable. This will at times be difficult but reporting misconduct or violations is important.

The honesty and maturity shown by those who voluntarily come forward and report their own misconduct will be taken into consideration unless the violation and consequences are beyond the scope of the college’s jurisdiction. Students reporting violations of campus regulations should contact the appropriate on campus authorities such as campus security or Student Development personnel. In cases of emergency where injury or harm occur, or is about to occur the student should contact the local sheriff’s department by dialing 911. As with any incident such as theft or harm to their person, it is up to the individual involved in the incident to contact the police and file a report – the college cannot file a report for the student. An incident report should be completed in cases of state or federal law violation or situations involving accidental or purposeful physical harm. Incident Reports are available in Student Development, on my.rc.edu or from Security and should be completed as soon as possible, preferably within 48 hours of the incident and delivered to Student Development personnel or Security. Persons involved or witnessing an incident or those who have personal knowledge of the incident should be the individuals who complete an Incident Report. Secondhand knowledge or hearsay without verification is not acceptable within an Incident Report. Names, times, and specific violations should be noted with accuracy. Student Development keeps records for follow-up, for reference in any future violations as well as assistance to the authorities or insurance claims if needed.

Student Organization Disciplinary Process Student Organizations violating Rochester College regulations will be processed similar to individual


students. After a report has been completed, investigations will be made. Once the incident and its particulars have been confirmed, the leaders of the organization will be contacted with results. The leaders and sponsors of an organization assume responsibility for their organization and should include structures within their bylaws and constitutions that provide details for calling special meetings and the protocol for handling and communicating these situations. Organizations will receive discipline impacting the entire organization and might include: complete forfeiture of an organizational charter, limited loss of a charter, activities of said organization are denied or limited, or the organization as a whole may be fined. In some cases certain members may be more responsible than others, and at the discretion of the Dean of Students those members may be treated as individuals with specific disciplinary action being administered as dictated by the evidence of the incident.

Cases of Appeal In the case of a revoked charter, the college has established appeal procedures with the intention of assuring an unprejudiced hearing and objectivity. The appeal must meet one of the following criteria: • There is insufficient evidence to support dismissal or suspension. • There is new evidence that effects the initial disciplinary decision. If an organization believes that its charter has been revoked unfairly, the president may present new evidence to the Dean of Students for consideration within one business day of the disciplinary decision.


If an organization believes that its charter has been revoked based on insufficient evidence, it must submit a written appeal, including a clear statement explaining why the organization feels the disciplinary decision was not appropriate for the situation. The appeal must be submitted to the Dean of Students within five business days after notification of charter revocation. In a case of a revoked charter new evidence may be presented indefinitely. The Dean of Students will forward the appeal to the Student Life Committee who will meet to determine whether the case meets the criteria stated above. The Student Life Committee consists of two administrators (Provost and Dean of Students), two faculty members, and two students (applicable while college is in session). The Provost chairs the Committee and votes only in cases of a tie. In the event the committee decides to conduct a hearing on the appeal, a hearing will be scheduled as soon as possible. The student organization submitting the appeal and/or others involved may be summoned to speak at the hearing. Unless requested by the committee, legal counsel, parents or guardians of the student will not be permitted to appear before the Student Life Committee. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Student Life Committee will decide if the revoked charter sanction should be upheld, if a greater or lesser sanction should be administered, or if the decision should be reversed. Hearing proceedings, except the deliberation of the Committee, may be recorded. The Dean of Students will inform the student organization president of the outcome.

Current Student Organizations Inter-Club Council

General Qualifications for Holding an Office in Student Government:

Inter-Club Council (ICC) is a group of student organizational leaders who meet regularly with the Dean of Students or her designee to facilitate unity and cooperation between the student organizations. Membership is limited to these positions and to coleaders or vice presidents who are being mentored for leadership.

Student Government The Rochester College Student Government represents the student body. Student Government consists of an executive cabinet, student senate, activities council, Homecoming/alumni relations, and Food Service committee.

Officers The officers in the Executive Cabinet are elected and consist of the Student Body President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Elections are held each April to elect officers for the following academic year. Executive officers receive stipends. The Dean of Students serves as the staff/faculty adviser.

Residency Requirements: • Candidates for election must have attended Rochester College at least one full semester prior to election • Candidates must carry a minimum of 12 oncampus credit hours at the time of election and throughout their term of office. Any exception must be approved by three-fourths vote of the Senate, the President of the Student Body, and the Dean of Students or her designee. Social Standing Requirements: • Candidates must not be on any probation status • Any candidate running for executive office who has been suspended the prior year will require the approval of the executive members and the Dean of Students. Academic Requirements: • Candidates must maintain an accumulative grade point average of at least 2.75. • Be a student planning to return to the college in the semester following the election. Classification Requirements: • All candidates for the Executive Cabinet must have served as a senator for a semester. Those running for President must have served as an Executive Cabinet member.


Positions held: • An officer of the Executive Cabinet of the SG may not serve concurrently as a president of a social club or other club on campus unless approved by the Dean of Students. • The Student Body President cannot serve as an officer of any other organization.

sors, directs and oversees all Social Club activities. This group works in conjunction with each of the clubs to help ensure that each particular mission is upheld, that unity within the Social Club Program is encouraged in its meetings, activities, projects and programs.

The purpose of Student Government is:

From their beginning, clubs were instituted to foster social interaction and the building of positive and enduring relationships with accountability and activities that build spiritual maturity.

• To serve the needs of the students by representing students to the administration. • To serve the needs of the institution by representing the administration to the students. • To serve the needs of Christian education by assisting the college in reaching its goals and objectives. • To serve Christ and mankind by exhibiting and promoting the ideals of the college in developing Christian character and unity among all in the college community: students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni and friends. For further detail, please request a copy of the Rochester College Student Government Constitution from the Student Development Office.

Social Clubs The Rochester College Social Club program was instituted to offer the student body smaller peer group involvement, accountability, leadership development, service opportunities and to foster a sense of unity in a Christian setting. The Social Club program is under the direction of the Student Development Office. The Dean of Students or her designee, along with social club spon-

Purpose of Social Clubs

Social Club membership can benefit those individuals who need to identify with a smaller group of students. A club not only aids with identity but also requires involvement, responsibility and service in order to maintain membership. The commitment of Rochester College, in conjunction with the Social Club program, is threefold: 1. To help foster appropriate social interaction, leadership opportunities and the responsibility to serve mankind. 2. To involve staff, faculty, alumni, and community adults in the sponsorship of the clubs in order to foster appropriate leadership and mentoring. 3. To oversee the structural and financial responsibility of these organizations so that the credibility of the clubs can be maintained consistently. Four social clubs exist to provide special activities, sports rivalry, service opportunities, and smaller social groups. Two clubs are coed and two are gender focused. For more details about each club a student may request a copy of the club’s mission statement or bylaws/constitution.

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Two co-ed social clubs: • Alpha Tau Theta (women)/Kappa Tau Xi (men) • Sigma Phi (women)/Delta Nu (men)

4. Must complete and turn in a new membership application as well as successfully complete New Member Orientation in the fall.

Two gender-focused social clubs: • Epsilon Theta Chi (men) • Omicron Omega Zeta (women) For more details about each club, request a copy of the club’s mission statement or bylaws/constitution Social Club Membership Eligibility It is assumed that students choose Rochester College to obtain a quality education in a Christian environment. Social club membership is open to any Rochester College student enrolled in nine or more credit hours. Initial requirements include: a willingness to attend mixers, meet people and participate in New Member Orientation activities. Therefore, any Rochester College student who wishes to pursue membership in an organization must meet the following criteria: 1. Be a registered and enrolled student at Rochester College with at least nine credit hours. 2. Maintain at least a 2.2 grade point average. Students may enter on academic alert or probation, but if the GPA standard is not achieved by the subsequent semester, the member will be required to enter a “probationary” period until a GPA of 2.2 or greater is reached, or forfeit participation in the club. Probationary period limits the member’s activities and ability to hold office in the organization.

New Member Orientation for social clubs occurs each fall and is one week in duration. Two weeks before New Member Orientation, students interested in participating must complete an application found in Student Development. The completed application is passed on to the applicant’s first choice. Dependent upon selected social club’s voting process, the student will either be accepted and passed on to the second or perhaps the third choice. Applicants should be aware that the selection process may include a club limiting the number of new members it accepts, or the club not accepting the application if they feel an applicant is not a “fit” for the mission or environment of their club. Every student applying for club membership will be accepted as long as they understand this process and select a second and third choice. Applicants who only select one choice run the risk of not being selected and need to be prepared for that possibility. Applicants will receive a bid to New Member Orientation the weekend after the deadline for the new member application. For those who receive and accept their bid, New Member Orientation begins with a mandatory introduction meeting on Sunday evening, prior to New Member Orientation week. This meeting is for all current members and new members who have accepted bids from a Rochester College social club.

3. Show an acceptable attitude toward the college and the principles on which it stands, including participation in the campus community. p | 11

Maintaining Social Club Membership After completing New Member Orientation and participating in new member induction, social club members must attend meetings as outlined by their club’s constitution, pay dues on time, meet club standards of behavior, maintain a GPA of 2.2 or above and be an active part of club culture. Members who do not fulfill membership requirements are open to loss of membership which may include loss of any dues. Regaining membership and all its rights should be outlined in each social club’s constitution or bylaws.

How to Form a New Organization, Requirements, and Processes Rochester College recognizes and charters approximately 10 student organizations. The various organizations reflect the interests and diversity of our students. Student Development encourages the formation of any college-sponsored organization given that the proposed organization meets the policy set forth for all student organizations in the application for an organization and maintenance of a chartered student organization. Interest groups or students wishing to form a formal organization with an association with Rochester College must complete an application to organize (available in Student Development) and receive what we call a charter to organize. The application requires at least 5 charter members and at least one sponsor/adviser and contact information for all, a proposed name of the organization and a constitution or bylaws. The completed application must be turned into the Dean of Students who will review the application process and either approve, deny or request further information. Students should allow one semester for

the process of properly organizing and receiving full approval from the Dean of Students.

Annual Maintenance Procedures for Student Organizations Every chartered organization must complete an application to renew its charter annually. The renewal application should be completed no later than the end of September of each year and includes supplying a current list of members, sponsors/advisers, updated constitution or bylaws, a calendar for events, financial statements and draft of the proposed New Member Orientation if applicable. Charter renewal applications are filed electronically and are located on the Student Portal. Any changes made in an organization at any point in the year should be filed immediately in the Student Development Office. This would include constitutional amendments, change in officers, membership changes, sponsor changes or information changes.

Student Organization Sponsor/Adviser The position of sponsor should be filled by a non-student adult willing to help the particular organization fulfill the organization’s mission by meeting regularly with the membership and leaders and putting time into developing the leadership through one-on-one mentoring and recruiting. The recommended sponsor to member ratio is twelve members to every one sponsor. Rochester College organizations are also expected to treat their sponsors with respect by supplying minutes expediently to keep them in regular communication with all club actions, activities and projects. Organizations should make provisions to accommodate their selected sponsors in regard to meeting times and en-

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sure each sponsor understands the expectations the club has on his or her participation, time and involvement.

Social Organizations Sponsor Qualifications: • A sponsor must be at least 2 years out of college, at least 23 years of age unless they are an employee of the college or an approved member of the community. • A sponsor should exhibit a lifestyle that demonstrates an active faith. • A sponsor should exhibit a lifestyle in line with that of the social club’s stated mission and the mission of the college. • A sponsor must be willing to accept the duties outlined for sponsors as dictated in the club bylaws. • A selected sponsor must be willing to commit to regular attendance of club meetings, specified activities held by the club, and should view their role as not merely one who chaperones but as a mentor and guide to the members of the club.

Sponsor Selection Procedure: 1. Clubs wishing to nominate a sponsor must have

the potential sponsor complete a Social Club Sponsor Nomination Form. The form must be completed, signed and turned back into Student Development for approval. 2. If approved, the nomination form will be copied and sent to the appropriate club officers. 3. Approved nominations should be brought before the club at the beginning of each year or when a vacancy occurs, during a regular meeting and the sponsor nominees must be voted on according to each social club’s voting process at

a designated meeting. 4. An existing club sponsor must be present at the meeting. 5. New sponsors should be contacted and sent a letter informing them of their selection, enabling them to accept or reject the honor. 6. New sponsors will be required to sign a commitment contract outlining their responsibilities in an appointment with the Dean of Students or her designee. Sponsors will be asked to serve for a specified term and for no less than one semester.

Financial Responsibilities within Student Organizations All Student Organizations are allowed to keep their organizations bank accounts through the Rochester College Business Office. The college assigns account numbers and documents all transactions. This allows the college to aid in overseeing the process and gives timely access to reports with no fees. Organizations who are approved to have off site accounts must submit regular reports to their organization and the Dean of Students to ensure accountability. Off-site accounts must require a sponsor and designated member’s signatures to disperse funds from the organization’s account. All spending must be approved and agreed upon based on guidelines as outlined in the club’s bylaws. If all three are not in agreement then the expenditure must be voted on by the club.

Records Each organization is responsible for keeping accurate accounting documentation which should be balanced regularly. Financial reports should be made public to the organizations at regular meetings so every

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member understands the use of all funds. Organizations treasurers can request a budget report from the Business Office at any time giving the Business Office Staff at least 48 hours to process. It will be important to keep copies of all records. In the case of an inaccuracy, the burden will fall on the treasurer of the organization to provide documentation to validate their claim. Additionally, balanced financial reports should be submitted to the Dean as requested in the social club syllabus.

Expenditures Since Rochester College is a non-profit organization, all student organizations will enjoy the privilege of this association and should not pay taxes on items, some services or supplies. Members of organizations responsible for expenditures and treasurers should have a copy of the Rochester College TAX ID on hand and use it for every purchase. Organizations who submit requests without using the benefit of the TAX ID documentation risk not being reimbursed for the tax. Each organization needs a process in writing that allows them to spend its funds with some form of membership approval. All expenditures should be presented to the club or executive officers who should decide by majority or unanimous decision to approve or deny the proposed expenditure. These votes should be reflected in the minutes for documentation purposes. No single member or members should spend funds on club activities or projects without the permission of the officers or leaders of the organization. Members who spend funds without permission may not be reimbursed.

Purchase Orders

Organizations expecting to spend over $250.00 towards a purchase should complete a purchase order form which is available in the Student Development Office. A purchase order ensures pre-approval and must be completed with vendor name and address. The Business Office must approve and return the purchase order before the item is actually purchased or ordered.

Check Requests Money requests can be made by completing a check request. The treasurer should procure a signature from the Dean of Students in order to be properly processed. The check request should be completed with the person’s name or the name of the business the money is intended for with details of the expenditure. Forms are available in the Student Development Office. Organizations needing cash to pay for supplies, food or items that cannot be pre-ordered should complete a check request with “Cash Advance” written in the “TO” line on the form. All cash advances require funds immediately available in the account. All receipts should be kept and an expense report should be completed once the receipts are collected. Expense reports forms are also available in the Student Development Office.

Reimbursements Members who are approved by their organization to use their own funds for specified club activities, supplies or projects must have receipts and complete a check request form in order to get reimbursed for their expenditures, completing all required fields and obtaining a signature from the Dean of Students.


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Organizations that overspend their account will have their accounts frozen. Extension of funds may be requested but the organization must show good faith and plans on how the funds will be replaced. In the case of misuse of an organization’s funds, a report will be filed, an investigation will ensue and discipline may result.

Deposits/Donations/Fundraisers All funds accumulated through dues, fundraisers or donations must be funneled through the organization’s account with the college. Depositing funds into the organization’s account can be accomplished by completing a Rochester College funds transmittal form. The treasurer or member should procure a signature from the Dean of Students in order for deposit to be properly processed. Forms are available in the Student Development Office. Fundraisers or donation requests must be approved through the Dean of Students in order not to overrun our constituency with requests for donations or not to duplicate efforts being coordinated by the Rochester College Development Office. The approval process includes the organization completing an event/activity request form available from the Reservations Office, which is on the second floor of the Associates Campus Center. A copy of the approved or denied request will be forwarded to the organization once the decision has been made. Requests should be made no less than one week prior to the event or activity.

Each college sponsored student organization is required to submit minutes of their regular meetings to the Dean of Students via email.

Benefits of Campus Affiliation Student Organizations in good standing with Rochester College receive official recognition and the following privileges to better serve their organizations, the campus and the community: • Use of the RC name in the identification of the organization and sponsorship of activities and events • Ability to hold meetings and social activities on and off campus • Use of approved campus facilities and services (e.g., meeting space, audiovisual equipment, maintenance services, etc.) • Ability to engage in on-campus fundraising • Ability to advertise and promote the organization and its activities, according to guidelines • Ability to link to the college’s web server for student organization website • On-campus financial account for deposits/reimbursements • Special advising, assistance in program planning, and financial management advising by Student Development • Permission to recruit approved off-campus speakers and guest performers • Privilege of requesting financial resources from the Student Government Student Activity Fund.

Meeting Minutes

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Campus Services, General Policies, and Procedures Computer and Technology Purchases All purchases of college sponsored groups for computers or technology equipment must go through the IT Department. This allows for support when the item or items need repair and/or replacing.

Email, Websites and Social Media Student organizations must go through the college IT Department for organizational email addresses and website space on the RC portal for their organizations. The IT Department in collaboration with Communication Services oversee the continuity and look of our public site and requires approval over all submissions, graphics, and content. Student organizations chartered by Rochester College must also receive approval for any social media site or account that is setup under the organizations name (Facebook, Twitter, Flikr). Social media sites will be monitored by the Dean of Students as well as Communication Services. Any independent websites not linked to the RC public site or intranet must also receive prior approval. This approval must be from the Dean of Students and Director of Communication Services.

Contractual Agreements All contractual agreements on behalf of a college chartered student organization must be approved

and signed off on by the Dean of Students prior to any commitments being made. The college will not be responsible for commitments or contracts that are not approved by the Dean of Students.

Equipment and Facilities Reservations A college chartered student organization may use the campus facilities for free. Reserving the space and items needed for an activity such as a weekly meeting must reserve the use of any campus room or space through the Reservation Coordinator. The Reservations Coordinator assigns space and rooms daily for various types of meetings, seminars, etc. and for both off and on campus groups. In order to access facilities, tables, or equipment owned by the college, the organization must complete an Event/Activities Request Form available on the Student Portal log-in page. The form allows for organizations to request set up of chairs and tables, housekeeping needs, audio and video needs (equipment & tech person if needed), and sandwich signs for advertising. An online Activity Form (found on the Student Portal log-in page) should also be submitted gaining approval from the Student Development team. Submission to the reservations coordinator must take place at least one week prior to the

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event. Once the event has been approved or denied, the requestor will receive notice and may submit the event to the Student Development Office admnistrative assistant Joyce at jgraves1@rc.edu to have event posted to the Student Life calendar, located on the college website, if approved.

Fax Services Student organizations can receive telephone privileges by requesting a code for services through the IT Department. For fax services, organizations may come to the Student Development Office and utilize their assigned organizational telephone code to send a fax. A fax to a local phone number does not require a telephone code.

Film and Music Guidelines Organizations that choose to hold activities which include movie viewing must purchase a film through SWANK, unless the event is by invitation only. This means uninvited guests cannot drop in and watch the movie. There are strict laws against public viewing without proper licensure. Any private showing must take place in a venue where privacy can be maintained and monitored. Information on SWANK rentals can be accessed by contacting the Student Development Office. Although we have no desire to monitor all movies that our students view, we feel a responsibility to ensure accountability. The current policy is that films with the rating of PG, PG-13, and R may be acceptable for either on campus or off campus viewing. All films to be viewed must be pre-approved by the Deans in the Student Development Office or by a Resident Director.

Food Services The college employs Chartwells Dining Services as its food service provider and requests that all on campus food needs be directed to Chartwell’s Director of Dining Services, whose office is located within the Fletcher Center Cafeteria in the basement of the Associates Campus Center building. On campus the director, Pat Strzyinski, can be reached by calling extension 2074 or via email at pstrzyinski@rc.edu. Our contract with Chartwells requires that all food needs with regard to on campus events (student and/ or employee), be arranged and purchased through Chartwells. Outside food service may only be brought in with the expressed permission of the Chartwell’s Director of Dining Services. A catering guide is available through Student Development, who oversees campus dining services, or the event organizer may work directly with the Director of Dining Services to ensure budgetary restrictions and dining/food needs are met.

Guest Speakers and Professional Entertainment Student Organizations utilizing a guest speaker or professional entertainment for any on campus or off campus event should gain approval through the Student Development Office. Prior to any agreement or contractual agreement, the Dean of Students should sign off on the agreement or invoice to ensure all the proper requests have been made and approved.

Photocopy, Design and Printing Services Student organizations may be assigned a copy code through the IT department. Organizational sponsors/ advisers and officers should limit who has access to

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Announcements this code so as to qualify the number of copies being made. The Business Office will automatically charge the copies to the account associated with the code. The organization whose code is utilized for copy services will be charged unless proof can be supplied that the copy code was abused. An organization may request a code change if abuse or potential abuse could occur. This change must be requested from the IT Department and verified to the Business Office. Rochester College Communication Services (CS) employs graphic/digital designers and printing services. Student organizations are expected to utilize their expertise before pursuing other avenues of design and printing. All organizational logos, crests, letterhead, tshirt designs, handbooks, brochures and promotional materials must be submitted for approval by the CS staff prior to any actual production. CS must be contacted at least four weeks before the final design or item is needed. The design office has established contact with area vendors that give Rochester College excellent rates on t-shirts, sweatshirts, banners, printing services, and any other promotional items your organization may need. Please contact Elliot Jones at ejones@rc.edu or Liz Fulton at efulton@rc.edu for more information. CS office also maintains and archives all organizational crests and logos.

Student Organizational Bulletin Boards Student Organizations may request bulletin board space, which is assigned by the Student Development Office. Depending on space and availability, a board or portion of a board will be assigned. Each organization should ensure its space is kept current and in tact. Bulletin boards not utilized in this manner may be reappropriated.

Student organizations can promote their organizations, events and causes via several announcement venues. Event organizers or designated person should be assigned to promote events and activities. Flyers and/or posters can be posted by submitting these to the Student Development Office for approval and placement. Similarly, flyers placed on vehicles or doors on campus must be approved through the Student Development Office. Organizations looking to place flyers off campus, in parking lots or on residential doors must gain approval of the appropriate authorities, including city councils or the sheriff’s department. Initial approval must also be sought through the Student Development Office. Student organizations that post signs without gaining approval may be subject to fines and loss of advertising privileges. Announcements can also be run on the Student Portal News page which appears once a student has logged in, by emailing a PowerPoint slide to announcements@rc.edu at least 12 hours prior to the desired run time. Similarly, this PowerPoint can be run on the slide show presented in chapel. The Student Development and Academic Services offices manage the content of this site.

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The content of the space must reflect good taste and be in keeping with the mission of the organization, its causes, as well as the overall mission of Rochester College.

Mailings in Student Boxes Mass mailings to the entire student residential population can be accomplished by notifying Student Development at least 48 hours ahead of time. This takes the mail person extra time and should be planned by avoiding Mondays and the first and fifteenth of the month as payroll loads up the mail person on those specific days.

Outside Vendors/Solicitation The college requires all outside groups raising funds from within the campus to complete a solicitation form available through the Reservations Coordinator. Student organizations working with outside vendors will also need to ensure they complete this form to gain approval.

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Worship Hours/Schedule Conflicts Student Organizations are requested to honor traditional hours of Bible study/praise and worship, such as Sunday mornings, by not scheduling events that might distract students from attending local services. We ask that you keep in mind your members and their commitments to local church families and consider it part of your responsibility to encourage participation in such activities.

QUESTIONS? HERE’S WHO TO CONTACT... The Student Development office is responsible for residential living, dining services, student organizations and activities, campus ministry, and vending services. The Student Development staff includes: Candace Cain

Dean of Students 248.218.2040 ccain@rc.edu

Debi Rutledge

Resident Director, Ferndale/Hoggatt 248.218.2201 drutledge@rc.edu

Teri Butcher

Brandon Langeland

Student Life Specialist 248.218.2042 tbutcher@rc.edu

Resident Director, Alma Gatewood 248.218.2202 blangeland@rc.edu

Chris Shields, II

Caitlin Bechard

Campus Minister 248.218.2114 cshields@rc.edu

Director of ACE 248.218.2174 cbechard@rc.edu

Katelyn Hargrave

Administrative Assistant 248.218.2041 khargrave@rc.edu

800 West Avon Road | Rochester Hills, MI 48307 | www.rc.edu

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