The Contiguousness of Extents
Administration Tips
Do Extents need to be next to each other in the Tablespace? A lot of people often ask whether the fact that a segment’s extents are scattered throughout a tablespace and interspersed with the extents from other segments makes a difference to the performance of queries and DML on that segment. For example, if Tables A, B and C have their extents arranged within a tablespace like this: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC …we would say that Table A’s extents were contiguous one with another. Likewise, Table B’s extents are contiguous, and so are Table C’s. On the other hand, it is rather more likely in a production system that you.d see a random arrangements of extents, like this: ABCBCBCAABCBACBCBCBCAABCBAABCBCBCABCBBABCBCBCAABCBACBAABCBCBCABC …and so on. Arranged like this, we say that Table A’s (and B’s and C’s) extents are discontiguous. The question is therefore whether the discontiguousness of a table’s extents matter for the speed with which Oracle can perform selects, inserts, updates and deletes on that segment. At the end of this paper is a simple test you can run to demonstrate the truth of this for yourself. It’s a script which will create a procedure called ‘CONTEST’. That procedure creates a number of tables (you decide how many when you call the procedure) with their extents beautifully contiguous to each other… and then repeats the process, but this time making sure that the extents are totally discontiguous. It loads each table with around half a million rows, and then monitors the time it takes to select and delete all those records. The nice thing about the procedure is that you can run it easily several times –making it create the tables in a variety of different tablespaces. Given this ability, it is now trivial to compare the performance for tables with large extents versus ones with lots of small extents –you just make sure you create tablespaces that allocate differently-sized extents to segments housed within them. It’s also easy to compare dictionary-managed tablespaces with locally managed tablespaces: just run the procedure first on a dictionarymanaged tablespace, and then repeat the run specifying a locally managed one. For the test to be fair, it’s important that you run it against a freshly-created tablespace. If you use an existing one, there’s no guarantee that what the procedure seeks to create as contiguous actually will be contiguous.
Copyright © Howard Rogers 2002
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The Contiguousness of Extents
Administration Tips
It’s also important that the account used to run the tests should be freshly-created, owning no other objects in the database. This User needs execute rights on the dbms_utility package, and an unlimited quota on the tablespace you’ve created to run the test against. So, you might do the following preparatory work: create tablespace CONTEST1 datafile 'd:\somewhere\filename1.dbf' size 500m autoextend on next 500m minimum extent 64k default storage (maxextents 2000 initial 64k next 64k pctincrease 0) extent management dictionary; Create user howard identified by password; Grant create session, create procedure to howard; Grant execute on dbms_utility to howard; Grant select any table,create any table,delete any table,drop any table to howard; Alter user howard quota unlimited on contest1;
Obviously, if you want to test the performance of locally managed tablespaces, that first command would be replaced with something rather more like this: create tablespace CONTEST1 datafile 'd:\somewhere\filename1.dbf' size 500m autoextend on next 500m extent management local uniform size 64k;
Next you need to create the procedure in the schema of the user just created. If you save the script as a text file, called “contig.txt”, you just do this: SQL>@c:\somewhere\contig.txt
Incidentally, the script is downloadable in its own right from Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to execute the procedure. It accepts four parameters: how many tables do you want to test with, the tablespace in which they should be created (enclosed in quotation marks), the number of records you want to populate them with, and the directory on the server itself where the test results should be written to (again in quotation marks): SQL> execute contest(5,’CONTEST1’,500000,’C:\TEMP’)
That last parameter must match your init.ora’s UTL_FILE_DIR parameter exactly. If you haven’t got it set in your init.ora, you will need to set it and re-start the Instance afterwards. The results are output in a file called contest.txt. For good measure, the test runs with the same settings three times. If you then want to repeat the test on a differently-sized or differently-managed tablespace, just create the new tablespace, and re-execute the procedure, specifying the new tablespace name. The new results will replace the old ones, though –so you might want to re-name the original contest.txt file first. Obviously, the real fun with this procedure is testing it out for yourself, in your own environment. But here are the results of a few runs I performed on a rather pathetic Celeron 1GHz machine with all datafiles on a single hard disk: Copyright © Howard Rogers 2002
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The Contiguousness of Extents
Administration Tips
RUN 1: -----------------------------------------------------760 CONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------503994 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.39 seconds 504108 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.45 seconds 504222 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.45 seconds 504336 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.45 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 1.52 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.252 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 49.42 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 45.75 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 49.3 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 47.59 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 48.86 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 48.186 seconds. -----------------------------------------------------760 DISCONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------504446 records for Table CON1 selected in 3.05 seconds 504447 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.9 seconds 504448 records for Table CON3 selected in 3.08 seconds 504449 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.9 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 3.03 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.992 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 50.27 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 50.15 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 50.14 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 49.9 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 49.76 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 50.044 seconds.
-----------------------------------------------------12 CONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------503994 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.21 seconds 504108 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.37 seconds 504222 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.23 seconds 504336 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.19 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 1.76 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.152 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 44.64 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 52.46 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 58.41 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 56.64 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 57.09 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 53.848 seconds. -----------------------------------------------------12 DISCONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------504446 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.39 seconds 504447 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.12 seconds 504448 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.15 seconds 504449 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.5 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 2.23 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.278 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 56.66 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 49.53 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 51.56 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 50.26 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 53.68 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 52.338 seconds.
RUN 2: -----------------------------------------------------760 CONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------503994 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.5 seconds 504108 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.74 seconds 504222 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.46 seconds 504336 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.44 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 1.82 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.392 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 46.72 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 45.12 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 46.21 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 48.15 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 46.3 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 46.5 seconds. -----------------------------------------------------760 DISCONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------504446 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.99 seconds 504447 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.9 seconds 504448 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.66 seconds 504449 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.88 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 2.97 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.88 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 51.02 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 49.06 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 49.46 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 48.6 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 51.7 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 49.968 seconds.
Copyright © Howard Rogers 2002
-----------------------------------------------------12 CONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------503994 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.1 seconds 504108 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.19 seconds 504222 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.25 seconds 504336 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.32 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 2.15 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.202 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 47.79 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 52.17 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 56.39 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 60.43 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 59.91 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 55.338 seconds. -----------------------------------------------------12 DISCONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------504446 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.26 seconds 504447 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.23 seconds 504448 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.35 seconds 504449 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.35 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 2.18 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.274 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 60.65 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 45.5 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 47.05 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 47.99 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 46.91 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 49.62 seconds.
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Administration Tips
RUN 3: -----------------------------------------------------760 CONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------503994 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.06 seconds 504108 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.16 seconds 504222 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.19 seconds 504336 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.06 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 1.69 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.032 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 48.67 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 46.39 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 47.6 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 46.86 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 46.2 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 47.146 seconds. -----------------------------------------------------760 DISCONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------504446 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.9 seconds 504447 records for Table CON2 selected in 3.07 seconds 504448 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.72 seconds 504449 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.77 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 2.78 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.848 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 50.25 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 48.36 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 49.51 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 47.44 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 48.79 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 48.87 seconds.
-----------------------------------------------------12 CONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------503994 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.19 seconds 504108 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.47 seconds 504222 records for Table CON3 selected in 2.51 seconds 504336 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.48 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 1.89 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.308 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 47.04 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 57.63 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 56.61 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 49.11 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 47.87 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 51.652 seconds. -----------------------------------------------------12 DISCONTIGUOUS EXTENTS -----------------------------------------------------504446 records for Table CON1 selected in 2.44 seconds 504447 records for Table CON2 selected in 2.45 seconds 504448 records for Table CON3 selected in 4.15 seconds 504449 records for Table CON4 selected in 2.45 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 selected in 2.75 seconds Average select time for all tables: 2.848 seconds. 504450 records for Table CON1 deleted in 49.89 seconds 504450 records for Table CON2 deleted in 45.25 seconds 504450 records for Table CON3 deleted in 46.81 seconds 504450 records for Table CON4 deleted in 48.23 seconds 504450 records for Table CON5 deleted in 48.38 seconds Average delete time for all tables: 47.712 seconds.
I’m no statistician, but given the degree of variation that is evident between runs, and even between processing the same number of records for different tables within a run, there’s no significant difference between contiguous and discontiguous, large or small extents, whether selecting records or performing DML on them. If you just average the averages, you end up with this result: Contiguous small extents: Discontiguous small extents:
2.32 seconds to select, 47.28 seconds to delete 2.90 seconds to select, 49.63 seconds to delete
Contiguous large extents: Discontiguous large extents:
2.22 seconds to select, 53.61 seconds to delete 2.46 seconds to select, 49.89 seconds to delete
Slice it and dice it any way you like, but there just isn’t a pattern in these figures. Neither the contiguity of extents (or lack thereof), nor the number of extents involved, makes any significant difference to the speed with which deletes or selects are performed. No doubt you could think of ways of improving this test: create 1000 segments, for example, or process more rows. Be my guest: I’d love to see the results, because however many segments you create, and however discontiguous you make them, you’ll be running up against a fundamental physical fact: even the blocks within a single extent aren’t actually contiguous on the hard disk. Copyright © Howard Rogers 2002
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The Contiguousness of Extents
Administration Tips
Extents are logical entities. They don’t have any real physical existence: at the end of the day, everything gets stored in operating system blocks on the hard disk anyway. It’s up to the operating system to determine which operating system blocks to use when storing data –and, with the best will in the world, its chances of giving you a contiguous set of blocks in which to store your data are exceedingly slim. All Oracle is doing is imposing a level of logical structuring on those O/S blocks, saying, in effect, that “these 16 512-byte operating system blocks will be regarded by me as comprising one logical entity, a single 8K Oracle block.” But however Oracle regards those 16 O/S blocks, the fact remains that they are independent physical entities .and they can (and will) come from all over the physical disk platter. Now if even an Oracle block is not contiguous on disk, how can you expect a single extent to be physically contiguous? And if a single extent cannot be physically contiguous, then it is obvious that a multiplicity of extents can’t be contiguous either. Therefore, the contiguity of extents is a mirage that never actually happens at the physical hard disk level. Never mind the final argument: the contiguity of extents is often touted as a performance booster, because it means the disk head doesn’t have to move around so much between reads. But in a multi-user system, how often are your disk heads going to be able to move uninterruptedly from one O/S block to another before another User directs them to move somewhere completely different? Never, is the short answer. That’s why it is pointless spending a great deal of time and effort striving to achieve a single large extent for a segment. It’s why the number of extents for a segment (in Locally Managed Tablespace, at any rate) is of so little concern. And it’s also why you shouldn’t worry about precisely where in a tablespace those extents end up. Extent numbers can be a concern, of course, in Dictionary Managed Tablespace. See my paper in response to the question “Is there a “right” number of extents for a segment” for details, though the short story is that anything up to a few hundred extents is still going to impose no noticeable overhead.
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The Contiguousness of Extents
Administration Tips
The Procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script: contig.txt -- Author: Howard J. Rogers -- Date: 8th March 2002 -- Copyright: (c) Howard J. Rogers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script creates a procedure called 'contest'. It was designed to -- allow you to test the oft-quoted myth that having lots or few extents -- makes a difference to query and DML performance. It was also designed -- to put an end to the nonsense that having a segment's extents 'contiguous' -- with each other in the tablespace makes a performance difference. ------
The procedure therefore creates a number of tables. First, it creates them so that each table's extents are contiguous with each other. It then times selects and deletes. Then it drops the tables, and re-creates them so that their extents are interleaved with the extents of other tables. This is the discontiguous test.
The script accepts 4 parameters: The number of tables to test with, the tablespace they should be created in, how many records they should be populated with, and where, on the server, the results should be written to (you specify the same directory as your UTL_FILE_DIR init.ora parameter is set to, the results then get written to a file called contest.txt in that directory).
For accurate results, it is suggested that you run the test using a brand new User account, and a brand new tablespace.
The user account needs the following permissions
Grant create session, create procedure to USER; Grant select any table, create any table, delete any table to USER; Grant drop any table to USER; Grant execute on dbms_utility to USER; Alter user USERNAME quota unlimited on TABLESPACE;
The key point is that these permissions must be directly granted to the user, not acquired via a role. There should be no quota restrictions for the user on the tablespace you propose to use for the test.
The tablespace to be used can be created however you like. I suggest something like the following:
create tablespace CONTEST1 datafile 'd:\somewhere\filename1.dbf' size 500m autoextend on next 500m extent management local uniform size 64k;
...but dictionary managed tablespace is fine, too. You could also try creating a number of tablespaces with a variety of extent sizes: by running the procedure a number of times, you'll then be able to see whether extent size and numbers have a performance impact.
The procedure performs 3 test runs using the one set of run-time parameters. Obviously, you want nothing else running on the machine during run-time.
You are responsible for tidying up after the procedure. Whilst it drops the test tables for you, it doesn't get rid of the tablespace, and it doesn't get rid of the user account you created to run it.
Copyright © Howard Rogers 2002
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The Contiguousness of Extents
Administration Tips
create or replace procedure contest (segs number, tblspc varchar2, numrecs number, fdir varchar2) as starttime number endtime deltime reccnt tottime avgtime iterations objcnt excnt output
default dbms_utility.get_time; number default dbms_utility.get_time; number(6,2); number; number :=0; number :=0; number :=0; number :=0; number :=0; utl_file.file_type;
begin output := utl_file.fopen( fdir, 'contest.txt','w',32000); --determine number of iterations to get requested rows per table For x in 1 .. 3 loop execute immediate 'select count(*) from all_objects' into objcnt; iterations:=round(numrecs/objcnt); --contiguous utl_file.put_line(output,'Test Run '||x||' Started : '||dbms_utility.get_time); for i in 1 .. segs loop execute immediate 'create table CON'||i||' tablespace '||tblspc||' as select * from all_objects'; for j in 1 .. iterations loop execute immediate 'insert into CON'||i||' select * from all_objects'; execute immediate 'commit'; end loop; end loop; execute immediate 'select count(*) from user_extents' into excnt; excnt:=excnt/segs; utl_file.put_line(output,'------------------------------------------------------'); utl_file.put_line(output,excnt ||' CONTIGUOUS EXTENTS '); utl_file.put_line(output,'------------------------------------------------------'); for i in 1 .. segs loop starttime:=dbms_utility.get_time; execute immediate 'select count(*) from CON'||i into reccnt; utl_file.put_line (output,reccnt||' records for Table CON'||i||' selected in '|| round( (dbms_utility.get_timestarttime)/100,2) || ' seconds'); tottime:=tottime+round( (dbms_utility.get_time-starttime)/100,2); end loop; avgtime:=tottime/segs; utl_file.put_line (output,'Average select time for all tables: '||avgtime||' seconds.'); tottime:=0; for i in 1 .. segs loop starttime:=dbms_utility.get_time; execute immediate 'delete from CON'||i; execute immediate 'commit'; utl_file.put_line (output,reccnt||' records for Table CON'||i|| ' deleted in ' || round( (dbms_utility.get_timestarttime)/100,2) || ' seconds'); tottime:=tottime+round( (dbms_utility.get_time-starttime)/100,2); end loop;
Copyright © Howard Rogers 2002
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Administration Tips
avgtime:=tottime/segs; utl_file.put_line (output,'Average delete time for all tables: '||avgtime||' seconds.'); tottime:=0; --Cleanup for i in 1 .. segs loop execute immediate 'drop table CON'||i; end loop; --discontiguous utl_file.put_line(output,'------------------------------------------------------'); utl_file.put_line(output,excnt||' DISCONTIGUOUS EXTENTS '); utl_file.put_line(output,'------------------------------------------------------'); for i in 1 .. segs loop execute immediate 'create table CON'||i||' tablespace '||tblspc||' as select * from all_objects'; end loop; for j in 1 .. iterations loop for i in 1 .. segs loop execute immediate 'insert into CON'||i||' select * from all_objects'; execute immediate 'commit'; end loop; end loop; for i in 1 .. segs loop starttime:=dbms_utility.get_time; execute immediate 'select count(*) from CON'||i into reccnt; utl_file.put_line (output,reccnt||' records for Table CON'||i||' selected in '|| round( (dbms_utility.get_timestarttime)/100,2) || ' seconds'); tottime:=tottime+round( (dbms_utility.get_time-starttime)/100,2); end loop; avgtime:=tottime/segs; utl_file.put_line (output,'Average select time for all tables: '||avgtime||' seconds.'); tottime:=0; for i in 1 .. segs loop starttime:=dbms_utility.get_time; execute immediate 'delete from CON'||i; execute immediate 'commit'; utl_file.put_line (output,reccnt||' records for Table CON'||i|| ' deleted in ' || round( (dbms_utility.get_timestarttime)/100,2) || ' seconds'); tottime:=tottime+round( (dbms_utility.get_time-starttime)/100,2); end loop; avgtime:=tottime/segs; utl_file.put_line (output,'Average delete time for all tables: '||avgtime||' seconds.'); --Cleanup for i in 1 .. segs loop execute immediate 'drop table CON'||i; end loop; end loop; utl_file.fflush(output); utl_file.fclose(output); end; /
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