PERL AND THE ORACLE DBA Jared Still, RadiSys Corporation Perl came quietly onto the IT scene in 1987. Its goal as described by its creator Larry Wall was to combine the best of C, sed, awk and the Bourne shell into an easy to use language for text manipulation. Since the time of its initial release Perl has gone through 4 major revisions and succeeded far beyond its authors expectations. The current stable version of Perl is 5.8.6 as of the time this writing. When you think about it, Perl is now old enough to have attained ‘legacy‘ status. Perl was designed to be easily extended through the use of modules. Perl modules allow Perl code to be easily packaged for reuse. There are literally thousand of Perl modules available through CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) designed for a variety of purposes. There are modules available for converting data between different formats, file handling, time and date conversions, email, interfaces to commercial software, security, graphics and many other topics. The modules that make Perl most interesting to DBA’s are the DBI (DataBase Interface) and DBD (DataBase Driver) modules.
Early Use of Perl With Oracle In the early part of the 1990’s, Kevin Stock created a version of Perl that was linked with Oracle’s OCI libraries to allow direct access to Oracle databases from Perl. This was prior to the release of Perl 5. Perl 4 modules did not have the extensive capabilities that Perl 5 now has, requiring that the Oracle libraries be linked to Perl at compile time. The result was known as Oraperl. Oraperl made possible to use the extensive capabilities of Perl while connected to an Oracle database. This doesn’t really sound too revolutionary until you consider that prior to Oraperl it was necessary to write external programs in C or some other 3GL language. Oraperl provided most of the power of C, along with the powerful features of sh, sed and awk in an easy to use scripting language. The powerful constructs of Perl made it possible to write programs using less code than in C, and did not require the edit, compile, link routine when developing, instead using a runtime pcode compiler Creating Oracle database utilities became much easier for Oracle DBA’s familiar with C. For those not familiar with C, Perl was an easier language to learn than C. In the early 1990’s (at a previous employer) we were searching for a tool that would allow us to easily write reports based on pharmaceutical claims data. Some commercial products were reviewed and rejected as being either too costly or too unwieldy. SQL*Plus has excellent report formatting abilities, but was lacking in its ability to make many complex computations at runtime. Using PL/SQL was not an option, as the combination of PL/SQL and SQL*Plus lacked the performance ability required at that time. PL/SQL functions used inline in SQL statements performed somewhat poorly in Oracle 7. There was also the issue of controlling printers from the report, as the printer chosen at runtime had to be sent the correct codes to set the printer fonts, something that could not easily be done from SQL*Plus. It was suggested that Perl be considered, as it appeared to have much of the reporting functionality of commercial tools that had been examined, and contained many features that commercial packages were lacking. The ability to directly control printers was vital. The fact the multiple database connections could be made was a nice feature. Of economic importance was the fact that Perl was freely available (this was a small company). Several contractors were hired to work on our project, and as they were all proficient in C, they had no trouble learning to use Perl. The manager of the project had been hesitant at first, but was swayed by the economic arguments. What has been described so far may not appear to be DBA duties, but I have found that what constitutes DBA duties varies with the company where one is employed, with company size being a strong influence on that. Small shops often call on the DBA to provide functionality and expertise outside the realm of classically defined DBA duties. Our use of Perl was so successful that we began using it for many tasks. The next project was to create backup routines to regularly backup our Oracle databases, something more in line with traditional DBA tasks. We had been managing backups using shell scripts, but something more robust was needed. A fairly robust Perl module (Perl 4 at that time) was created to
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manage the backup of Oracle database, both cold and hot backups. Known as hotback1, it was in use for several years at this site.
DBI and DBD The release of Perl 5 in October 1994 brought about many improvements. Among them was the ability to dynamically load shared libraries at runtime. Also released in 1994 were DBI and DBD::Oracle, authored by Tim Bunce. The new release of Perl also permitted object oriented programming, making it possible to write easily reusable Perl modules. DBI was written as a generic database interface. This allowed for Perl scripts that used DBI to be written to the same interface regardless of database vendor. A separate DBD driver module would be written for each database vendor’s product, enabling the architecture seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Perl DBI and DBD::Architecture Fortunately for Oracle users, the DBD::Oracle interface was also released in 1994, as the author of the DBI also wrote the DBD::Oracle module2. The use of Perl with databases, and in particular Oracle databases, began to increase dramatically with this new release of Perl and the release of the DBI and DBD::Oracle modules. What does all this mean for the DBA?
Why You Should Use Perl A DBA is required to use many different technical skills. Besides being conversant in SQL, PL/SQL, database design and implementation, there are also many tasks that require scripting skills. The tools of choice have traditionally been the Bourne or Korn shell3 with their built in programmatic elements, along with such tools as sed, awk and other command line utilities. The DBA that works on the Win32 platform has a somewhat more limited choice of tools, at least as supplied with the operating system. 1
Still available at at the time of this writing. Tim Bunce is still maintaining DBI and DBD::Oracle, as of December 2004. 3 And increasingly the Bash shell with the proliferation of Linux. 2
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Perl and the Oracle DBA
Perl has made possible the creation of DBA utilities that previously required more traditional languages such as C. Complex data structures unavailable in shell scripting as well as more complex control structures make it an ideal scripting language for utility use. The fact that many Perl scripts can work on UNIX, Linux and Win32 without modification is also a valuable asset. Many a DBA must support Oracle on multiple platforms. No wonder Perl is referred to as the “Swiss Army Knife” of programming languages. Though there are many features that separate Perl from the more traditional scripting tools, there are two features of DBD::Oracle that may be particularly attractive to a DBA. •
Multiple connections to multiple databases.
• The ability to work with LONG data types. When faced with querying data from another database in SQL*Plus while maintaining the current session database connection, it is necessary to use a database link. While this usually works well its intended use in applications, it is somewhat unwieldy for the DBA maintaining many databases. The database connections may not be known until runtime. It is very convenient to simply be able to open another connection to another database. Another limitation of SQL*Plus and PL/SQL is when dealing with LONG data types. PL/SQL can manipulate a LONG column only up to 32k in length. Using Perl with DBI it is possible to manipulate LONG data types without resorting to C. Though modern applications should be using the more modern LOB data types, there are still many applications that rely on the long data type. Here are a few of the many features of Perl that make it a powerful addition to the DBA tool box: •
Powerful command line argument parsing
Direct control of many OS features and protocols such as ockets, ftp, ssh, file handling, semaphores and IPC
Interaction with the user
The Nitty Gritty Let’s take a look at a simple but complete Perl script makes a connection to a database and queries the DBA_USERS view. Though this is a relatively short script at ~120 lines, it is fairly robust. The following elements are included in this script: •
Parses command line arguments
Creates a database connection
Creates calls to Oracle to create a cursor, execute it and fetch data.
Displays a usage screen if there is an error on the command line
Will produce either a CSV output or a formatted report
Includes documentation available via the perldoc script
The first 16 lines of the script appear in Example 1. If you are unfamiliar with Unix systems, line 1 may appear somewhat strange. This known as the magic cookie in shell scripting, and is used to inform the Unix kernel which shell is used to execute a script, in this case the shell is Perl. The –w tells Perl to include warnings. Lines 5-10 make up some simple internal documentation. This can be viewed by using the perldoc command. Many Perl modules contain extensive internal documentation. To view the documentation for the sample script you would use the command perldoc At lines 12-15 the Perl modules required for this script are loaded. Notice that DBD::Oracle is not mentioned. The DBI will automatically load the correct driver at the time the database connection is made. 1: #!/usr/bin/perl -w 2:
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3:=head1 4: 5: This this simple script queries the table DBA_USERS and outputs 6: the results in either a formatted report or a CSV file. 7: 8: Use -help for an example 9: 10:=cut 11: 12:use warnings; 13:use strict; 14:use DBI; 15:use Getopt::Long; 16:
Example 1. lines 1-16 The next section in Example 2 consists of lines 17-50 where the command line arguments are processed. At lines 18-24 the command line processor is called. Line 26 calls the usage routine if the –help argument was given on the command line. Lines 28-32 are used to assign the command lines options to variables. This is not a required step, it just sets up easier to use variable names. Lines 34 through 37 then check to ensure that required variable are set, and will exit with an error code if not. This script will produce two types of output, CSV formatted output and a standard formatted report. The code at lines 41-43 assigns the –output_type command line option to a variable $outType if it was included, and sets $outType to a default of ‘report’ if it was not included. Line 45 uses Perl’s match operator to ensure that the value specified for the output type was either ‘report’ or ‘csv’, and will cause the script to exit with an error if there is not a match. 17:my %optctl = (); 18:Getopt::Long::GetOptions( \%optctl, 19: "database=s", # = indicates required 20: "username=s", 21: "password=s", 22: "output_type:s", # : indicates optional 23: "help" 24:); 25: 26:usage(0) if $optctl{help}; 27: 28:my($db, $username, $password) = ( 29: $optctl{database}, 30: $optctl{username}, 31: $optctl{password} 32:); 33: 34:usage(1) unless ( 35: $db 36: and $username 37: and $password 38:); 39: 40:# set output type - use default if not set on cmd line 41:my $outType = defined $optctl{output_type} 42: ? $optctl{output_type} 43: : 'report'; 44: 45:unless ( $outType =~ /^report|csv$/ ){ 46: print "type: $outType\n"; 47: warn "incorrect -output_type specified\n"; 48: usage(2); 49:} 50:
Example 2. lines 17-50
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Now in Example 3 we get to the interesting bits of the script. Lines 52-59 create the connection to the database. The database is specified via a data source that consists of ‘dbi’, the name of the database driver, plus the connect string for the database in a colon separated string. Notice lines 56 and 57 where the RaiseError and AutoCommit parameters are set. When the RaiseError parameter is set, all errors raised by Oracle will be raised in the Perl script as well, causing it to die. If set to 0 the error will be displayed, but it will be up to the script to handle the error. Line 61 will cause the script to die if RaiseError is set to 0 and the database connection fails, though with RaiseError set to 1 line 61 will never execute. The AutoCommit parameters controls whether or not a commit will be automatically issued after execution of every DML statement. It is recommended that this be explicitly set in your Perl scripts, preferably to a value of 0. The PrintError parameter may also be used here, but is not shown. Its default value is 1 or true; you may prevent Oracle errors from being printed by setting it to 0. If you are familiar with the set arraysize command in SQL*Plus, then line 64 will be familiar, as it serves the same function, that is, instructing Oracle to return data 100 rows at a time, rather than a single row at a time. Your network administrator will thank you for your thoughtfulness in setting this. The remaining lines 69-75 are fairly self explanatory. Set the default date format for the session, create a SQL statement, send it to the database to be parsed, and finally execute it. These will be familiar steps if you have ever used the DBMS_SQL package. 51:# create a database handle 52:my $dbh = DBI->connect( 53: 'dbi:Oracle:' . $db, 54: $username, $password, 55: { 56: RaiseError => 1, 57: AutoCommit => 0 58: } 59: ); 60: 61:die "Connect to $db failed \n" unless $dbh; 62: 63:# set the array fetch size 64:$dbh->{RowCacheSize} = 100; 65: 66:# set default Oracle date format 67:$dbh->do(q{alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'}); 68: 69:my $sql=qq{select username,created,lock_date,expiry_date from dba_users}; 70: 71:# create a statement handle 72:my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); 73: 74:# execute the SQL 75:$sth->execute; 76:
Example 3. – lines 51-76 Example 4 contains the section of code that prints the column names, the report data, and disconnects from the database. Line 78 prints the names of the columns. These are retrieved from the NAME statement handle attribute, which return an array reference, which is similar to a pointer to an array. The join function is used to format a single string made up of each element of the array separated by a comma. The data is retrieved from the database in line 81 by using the fetchrow_array method. There are several methods available for fetching data, this one has the virtue of being the simplest to work with. Data is returned into the simple array @result. Line 83 then checks the array for any NULL values (Oracle equates a NULL with an empty string), and assigns a value of ‘N/A’ to those elements of the array. This is to prevent Perl from complaining about working with undefined variables later on. Any value could be assigned to the NULL elements, even an empty string. This line requires a little more explanation. Some folks raise an issue that Perl is difficult to work with, and may point to the map function as an example. The map function is very powerful, and powerful features sometimes require a little more effort to understand. In this case it is being
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used to examine every element in the array. Perl uses the $_ variable as to capture output of many functions when no specific variable is specified, or as in this case, may be specified. As each element is assigned to $_ it is then checked to see if there is a value defined for it, if not, then ‘N/A’ is assigned to it. The output of map is used to populate the @data array. This could also have been used to repopulate the @result array, but a new array was used for clarity. Functionally this use of map is equivalent to the following loop: foreach my $el ( 0..$#result){ $data[$el] = $result[$el] ? $result[$el] : 'N/A'; }
Lines 85–89 check which form of output was specified on the command line and print the data accordingly. When the loop is complete, line 92 disconnects from the Oracle database. 77:#print column names 78:print join(',',@{$sth->{NAME}}),"\n" if ‘csv’ eq $outType; 79: 80:my @data=(); 81:while( my @result = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { 82: # convert NULL values to 'N/A' 83: @data = map ( defined($_) ? $_ : 'N/A', @result); 84: 85: # write the data as formatted output 86: if ('report' eq $outType) { write } 87: # or print it CSV style 88: elsif ('csv' eq $outType) { print join(',',@data), "\n" } 89: else {die "Error! - Invalid output type\n"} 90:} 91: 92:$dbh->disconnect; 93:
Example 4. lines 77-93 The remaining lines of the example script appear in Example 5. The usage subroutine is called with an exit value of 0 when invoked via the –help command line argument, and with a non-zero value when called due to an error in the command line arguments. Lines 115-118 specify the format that is used when the write function is invoked on line 86. This is a very simple example of Perl’s built in report formatting. In this case the output is text that is lined up on the left. Use perldoc perlform to see a fairly complete description of the formatting capabilities. 94:sub usage { 95: my $exitVal = shift; 96: $exitVal = 0 unless defined $exitVal; 97: use File::Basename; 98: my $basename = basename($0); 99: print qq/ 100: 101:usage: $basename 102: 103: -database target instance 104: -username target instance account name 105: -password target instance account password 106: -output_type specify whether to output a 'report' or 'csv' 107: defaults to 'report' 108: example: 109: 110: $basename -database dv07 -username scott -password tiger -sysdba -output_type csv 111:/; 112: exit $exitVal; 113:}; 114:
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115:format STDOUT = 116:@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 117:@data 118:.
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Example 5. lines 94-118 Quite a bit of work is being accomplished in a rather short script, highlighting how powerful Perl is as a scripting language. This script will run on Unix, Linux or Win32 without modification, and is quite useful as a template for building other scripts.
Putting Perl to Work Interesting technology is of little value unless you make good use of it; Perl and DBI are no exception. These are interesting tools, but do require a little investment in time spent learning to use them. Once you have some familiarity with them, don’t be surprised to find that are now able to automate tasks that may have previously required too much development time. Yes, DBA’s are also developers, though not in the traditional sense. DBA tools do require development time however, whether written in SQL*Plus, PL/SQL, shell or Perl. At this point let’s consider some of the DBA tools that I have found useful over time. When developing a new tool for DBA use there are a number of criteria that I consider: •
Will this tool make my job easier?
Will this tool save me time?
Will it increase my productivity?
Is the task to be automated one that is repeated regularly?
Is the task to be automated one that is completely internal to the database?
• Does the job require email notification to be sent? If automating a task or creating a tool is not going to save me much time in the long run, or make my job as a DBA any easier, I probably won’t automate it, but just continue to do it manually. When faced with a new task that should be automated, these criteria are used to determine how the utility should be written. Simple tasks may be done in SQL*Plus, PL/SQL, shell, Win32 batch language or some combination of these. Tasks that are completely internal to the database may be done in PL/SQL and called from SQL*Plus via a shell script or CMD file. Involved tasks that require interaction with the OS or a user, or other elements external to the database are usually written in Perl. Scripts that need to run unchanged on Unix and Win32 systems will be written in Perl. Tasks that require a great deal of text manipulation will also likely be done in Perl, as that is one its strengths. Following are some of the tools developed in Perl because the fit the criteria listed previously. Some of these tools have required a fair amount of development effort, but the effort has proven to be well worth it.
Is the Database Up? One of the essential tasks of a DBA is to ensure that the databases are up. To do so, you also need to know when the database is down. It is preferable to be informed of this fact by a database monitor, rather than by users calling to ask if it is up. The utility is used to determine if a database is up or down, and notify the oncall DBA if a database is down. This utility is included in the PDBA Toolkit (see references), with versions for Unix and Win32. The basis of is that it attempts to connect4 to all configured databases at a preconfigured interval. If the connection fails it is recorded in a log file. It is then determined what day and time the outage has occurred, and that time is compared to the required uptime requirements for the database. If the outage has occurred during a time or day that is not configured as required uptime, the DBA is not paged. If the outage is during required uptime, then determines if the time is outside the hours that require immediate DBA notification. This purpose of this is to avoid paging the DBA during the middle of the night when scheduled reboots or other maintenance may cause the database to be down for a few minutes. The DBA will be paged if the database continues to 4
Passwords are retrieved from the password server discussed in a later section of this document.
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remain down after three5 consecutive attempts to connect to it. If the outage occurs during the hours specified by the hoursToPageImmediate parameter then the DBA will be immediately notified. When regular maintenance is scheduled and the database will be down for a period of time the script can be used to set a date and time in the dbignore.conf configuration file. The script will not attempt to connect to the database until the time and date specified, and this will be recorded in the log file during each periodic check of configured databases. DBAs can be put on a rotating oncall schedule via the configuration file, as well as assigning a default DBA in the event the schedule lapses. There is also allowance to page another individual for all outages. This may be useful for notifying a Help Desk Manager of database outages.
Password Server A proliferation of databases and applications that run on them along with today’s tighter security requirements has made the task of password administration more difficult than ever. A DBA may have accounts on several databases, with the password for each database being different. The passwords for the built in Oracle accounts also must be tracked. This is far too many passwords to be remembered by an individual. In addition, many automation tools employed by DBAs may also require passwords to connect to the database. Scripts containing hard coded passwords are too great a security risk as well as an administration headache. Some method is needed to provide passwords both to DBAs authorized to access them, and to automation scripts that need to logon to databases on many servers. The result of these requirements is the password server script, the client script and the requisite configuration files pwd.conf and pwc.conf. These are all enabled by the PDBA::PWD and PDBA::PWC6 Perl modules. The script runs as a daemon on Unix systems and as a service on Win32 systems. On both systems the password server listens on a port for incoming password requests. The incoming request must include a recognized username and the appropriate password, or the connection will be immediately closed. If the request is accepted, the password server will return the requested password to the client. The password server may be configured so that an individual may be limited to accessing only a particular set of passwords in any one database. If the password requested is one the requester is not authorized to receive the connection will immediately be closed. If the requester is authorized to receive the password, it will be sent to the client and the network connection then closed. All communication between the client and server is first encrypted with RC5 prior to being sent over the network. The client and server configuration files are both in plain text7 and must be protected by operating system permissions to prevent unauthorized access. The use of the password server has several benefits. It is no longer necessary to hard code passwords in scripts, or to maintain multiple lists of passwords on several servers. Password changes simply require a modification to the pwd.conf configuration file, and a stop and restart of the password server. A script that needs to retrieve a password can simply do so as seen in Example 6. Methods for retrieving the password in both Unix and Win32 platforms are provided. The shell example has the added benefit of not making the password available to OS utilities that examine the command line, such as ps. Unix method DATABASE=db01 USERNAME=perfstat PASSWORD=$( –instance $DATABASE –username $USERNAME) sqlplus /nolog << EOF connect $USERNAME/$PASSWORD@$DATABASE select sysdate from dual; exit EOF Win32 method
The number of retries is configurable. All are included in the PDBA Toolkit from the references section. 7 There is a version of the PDBA toolkit that allows encrypting the server configuration file. At this time it must be requested from the author. 6
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set DATABASE=db01 set USERNAME=perfstat @for /F %%I in (' –instance $DATABASE –username $USERNAME') do ( @set PASSWORD=%%I ) sqlplus %USERNAME%/%PASSWORD%@%DATABASE% Command line version –instance db01 –username system
Example 6. Retrieving a password with Perl scripts that require database access can also be written so as not to require a password on the command line by using the PDBA::PWC module. Several of the scripts in the PDBA Toolkit are written to automatically retrieve the password from the password server if the password has not been specified on the command line. This not only frees authorized users from being required to remember or lookup database passwords, it also prevents passwords from appearing on the command line and being detected by ps or other utilities. The password server is used to supply passwords to the database uptime monitor previously discussed, greatly simplifying the design and administration of that tool. A possible enhancement of the password server would be the use of SSH keys for authorization and encryption. This has not yet been required, but may be in the future.
Should You Use Perl? Perl definitely has a place in the DBA toolbox. It is a general purpose scripting language that has the power to simplify tasks that may prove to be too difficult to implement in shell or batch language, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus. There is also the benefit that Perl is available on many platforms, and scripts may be written to run unchanged between platforms. Though there is an initial learning curve, the investment is well worth the effort.
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Perl and the Oracle DBA
References Perl ActiveState Perl for Win32 DBI 1.46 DBD::Oracle 1.16 DBI and DBD::Oracle for Perl 5.8.2-4 on Win32 Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) Perl for Oracle DBAs Andy Duncan & Jared Still Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reilly 2002 PDBA Toolkit (from Perl for Oracle DBAs) This paper, powerpoint and supporting scripts:
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