How the National Mortgage Settlement Will Impact Communities of Color

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How the National Mortgage Settlement Impacts Communities of Color

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Insight Center for Community Economic Development

Our Lens Income to

become economically secure

Income to become economically secure Assets to remain economically secure Vulnerable popula4ons

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap IniCaCve

  Educa4ng the media and policymakers   Injec4ng the voice of experts of color Anne Price, Director

  Producing groundbreaking research   Providing policy recommenda4ons Anand Subramanian, Program Manager

Introduction Janis Bowdler, Director Wealth Building Policy Project NaConal Council of La Raza Exper&se •  La4no homeownership and housing discrimina4on •  Predatory lending and other financial abuses •  Asset accumula4on and net worth of La4no families •  Basic banking and other financial services Educa&on •  Master’s degree, urban policy, Cleveland State University •  Bachelor’s degree, poli4cal science and history, Malone College

Overview: Impact of Mortgage Crisis on Communities of Color Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer NaConal Community Reinvestment CoaliCon Exper&se •  Housing and Urban Policy •  Community Reinvestment •  Development of innova4ve financial instruments and strategies to promote affordable lending, inner-­‐city development and wealth crea4on for lower-­‐income households Educa&on •  Master of Urban Planning, Columbia University •  Master of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania. •  Bachelor of Architecture with honors, Hampton University

Overview: Impact of Mortgage Crisis on Communities of Color Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer NaConal Community Reinvestment CoaliCon

EvoluCon of the Foreclosure Crisis: In 2006, the Center for Responsible Lending esCmated 2.2 million foreclosures within the next several years…

___________ 1 hRp://­‐lending/research-­‐analysis/foreclosure-­‐paper-­‐report-­‐2-­‐17.pdf

Overview: Impact of Mortgage Crisis on Communities of Color Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer NaConal Community Reinvestment CoaliCon

The Damage From Foreclosures Rate of Completed Foreclosures and Serious Delinquencies by Race/Ethnicity (2004-­‐2008 Origina4ons


5 hRp://­‐lending/research-­‐analysis/foreclosures-­‐by-­‐race-­‐and-­‐ethnicity.pdf

Overview: Impact of Mortgage Crisis on Communities of Color Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer NaConal Community Reinvestment CoaliCon

The Damage From Foreclosures

______ hRp://­‐rates-­‐by-­‐race-­‐1975-­‐2009/

Overview: Impact of Mortgage Crisis on Communities of Color Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer NaConal Community Reinvestment CoaliCon

The Damage From Foreclosures


2 hRp://­‐Wealth-­‐Report_7-­‐26-­‐11_FINAL.pdf

Overview: Impact of Mortgage Crisis on Communities of Color Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer NaConal Community Reinvestment CoaliCon

The Damage From Foreclosures


2 hRp://­‐Wealth-­‐Report_7-­‐26-­‐11_FINAL.pdf

Overview: Impact of Mortgage Crisis on Communities of Color Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer NaConal Community Reinvestment CoaliCon

The AG SeVlement in Context

___________ hRp://­‐Mortgage-­‐Servicing-­‐SeRlement

Featured Presentation: How the National Mortgage Settlement Will Impact Communities of Color Douglas F. Gansler AVorney General of Maryland •  First elected in 2006 and re-­‐elected to second term in November 2010 •  President-­‐elect of the Na4onal Associa4on of ARorneys General (NAAG) •  Recovered almost 2 billion dollars for Marylanders figh4ng the fraud that destroyed the mortgage industry, has contributed to the rising cost of healthcare, and is undermining the financial well-­‐being of Marylanders. This work includes securing millions in foreclosure relief as well as the largest recovery in a healthcare fraud inves4ga4on in United States history. •  Previously, ARorney General Gansler served for eight years as the chief prosecutor in the largest jurisdic4on in Maryland. Educa&on •  JD, University of Virginia School of Law •  Bachelor’s Degree, Yale University

Panelist Q & A •  Anne Price, Director, Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Ini4a4ve, Insight Center for Community Economic Development •  Janis Bowdler, Director, Wealth Building Policy Project, Na4onal Council of La Raza •  Jim Carr, Chief Business Officer, Na4onal Community Reinvestment Coali4on •  Douglas F. Gansler, ARorney General of Maryland

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