How To Choose A Mortgage Loan That’s Right For You Introduction Selecting the best mortgage and mortgage rate requires calm diligence. There are a very few times in life when shopping wisely matters so much. Careful examination of the borrowing schemes or underwriting can save you tens of thousands of dollars and, in some cases, keep the roof over your head. What Is My Situation An honest examination of your current situation and future prospects sets the stage for success. What size of monthly mortgage payment will be consistently affordable Leave you room to maneuver around any economic downturns. For consumers, the biggest lesson of the subprime mortgage crisis is to not buy beyond our means, expecting that housing prices and job promotions will continue to grow your pockets What size of down payment is possible for you the bigger the down payment, the better the mortgage terms that will be offered. Where Do I Find A Lender Before house hunting comes the loan hunt. Pre-approval for a mortgage impresses sellers and shortens your closing time. Real estate agents are better able to help their clients when they know the financing parameters. Banks, credit unions and Best mortgage rates companies are first-line choices. A seller may finance the buy, as may family members. Mortgage brokers, whose job it is to connect borrowers with lenders, are involved in more than 50% of U.S. real estate loans. Brokers have connections with hundreds of lenders and are able to navigate the many options and provide the best rates available today. Lenders take into account credit history, employment status and the type of property sought to determines the loan limit. It’s useful to go armed with your credit rating from the major services, such as Equifax, Experian and Transunion. The mortgage application is finalized when a choice of property is made. For more information please visit here: Call us @ (800) 826-5077