Rock Hall Briefing

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Where do we go from here? Captain "Pie" Edwards opined, ”....You either go backward or forward. You don't stand s@ll.”


Rock Hall’s Future The Mayor’s view A sustainable and growing community with . . .   renewed cultural and economic connec@ons to the Bay   increased business and employment opportuni4es   a stable tax burden with a broadened revenue base   housing opportuni@es for all our ci@zens

Protect Rock Hall’s Treasures         

“Rock Hall -­‐ the pearl of the Chesapeake”

Our Watermen and Waterfront Our Volunteer Fire Department Our Elementary School Our Young People Our Town

“Rock Hall – nice people live here”

Mayor’s Challenge Commi:ee Introduc4ons


CommiRee Lead Comments •  Mark Einstein – Watermen/Waterfront CommiRee •  Jack Heffner – Business CommiRee •  Lew Halin – Ci@zens CommiRee


Watermen/ Waterfront



CommiRees Advocate Council Lead Member Member Member Advocate Council Lead Member Member Member Member Advocate Council Lead Member Member Member Member Facilitator

Linda Kimble Butch Price Jack Heffner Vacant Robin Kurowski Tom McHugh Drew Chris@an Brian Jones Lew Halin Carolyn Jones Joan Kane Mary Sue Willis Mary ERa Reedy Chuck White Brian Nesspor Mark Einstein Bill Blades Dale Robertson Charles Edwards Mary Bovee Lillian Zelinski

CommiRees Represent the diversity of our residents

More opportuni@es to volunteer and support in the weeks and months to come   Project Leads   Grant Writers   Specific ExperGse

Challenge Commi:ee Process Overview


CommiRee Responsibili@es •  Review Rock Hall Comprehensive Plan (RHCP) –  Evaluate and priori@ze goals/strategies –  Offer proposals in priority order –  Coordinate with Town Boards (P&R, P&Z, Museum, etc.) –  Spin off project teams

•  Consider ideas not covered in RHCP CommiRee recommenda@ons provided to Mayor and Council at Monthly Workshops 7

When and How No@ces and Material will be Available Material


Process Presenta@on


Worksheets: Blank RHCP Evalua@ons Proposal evalua@ons

January When Final When Final

CommiRee Mee@ng: No@ce * Minutes

January When Approved

CommiRee Reports


Lessons Learned Report


•  Format is generally hardcopy available at the Town Clerk office •  CommiRee reports •  If oral will be included with the Town Workshop minutes •  If wriRen will be available when reviewed and approved by the CommiRee

* Town Bulle@n Board and Town Website

We are also working to provide material via the Town Website

CommiRee Work Timeline Mayor’s Priority Focus Areas

-­‐ Share Feedback & New Idea -­‐  Capture RHCP Changes/Addi@ons -­‐  Assign Realloca@ons -­‐  New Projects -­‐  Quick Wins


Each CommiRee Lead will report monthly at the Town Council Workshops

Mayor’s Commitment To Challenge Commi:ees


Mayor’s Commitment to Challenge CommiRees Ensure public, private and Federal/State resources are known and available

Why do this now? •  We need to be prepared for the solu@ons & projects the commiRees recommend •  Grants Applica@ons for 2013 are due in the next few months •  Many grants/loans require “Designa@ons”

Museums SubmiRed Three Intent to Apply Forms Museum Assistance Grants are made once annually •  •

September 2011 – series of three grant workshops announcing availability of grants October 2011 – Grant applica@ons available on the MHT website

•  December 2011 – One page “Intent to Apply” due •  •  •  •  •

End of March 2012 – Completed applica@ons due April –June 2012 – Applica@ons are reviewed July 2012 – Award announcement made August—September 2012 – Development of grant agreement with MHT October 2012 – Project starts

“The Money Train waits for nobody!”

•  Most of 20 Departments provide some form of financial and/or technical assistance •  Grants Office at Governor's Level ensures sources from outside MD are considered

Intent to Apply applica@ons submiRed or pending

Beginning Steps •  Maryland Department of Planning: MD Historical Trust –  Museums of Rock Hall – three Intent To Apply applica@ons submiRed a.  Planning and Assessment b.  Museum Projects c.  Non-­‐Capital Historic Preserva@on

•  Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development –  Applying for Sustainable Community Designa@on –  Required to qualify for DHCD grants

•  Maryland Department of Planning: MD Heritage Area Authority –  Applying for Target Investment Zone Designa@on –  Required to qualify for Capital grants

Learning From Four Small Towns 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500

2009 Popula@on *





0 Berlin


Families Snow Hill

Rock Hall

2000 Census Data Rock Hall: 1.5 Square Miles Federalsburg: 2.0 Square Miles Snow Hill: 1.3 Square Miles Berlin: 2.2 Square Miles

Rock Hall: Federalsburg Snow Hill: Berlin: * 2010 Census

Est, Est, Est, Inc,

1707 1792 1686 1868

Three Main Points 1.  Town Tax revenue should not be the first or only source of funds 2.  Many sources of funds are available –  Federal, State, Private, Non-­‐Profit –  Each has its own process and @meline –  Most require “Designa@ons” to apply

3. Mayor commiRed to leveraging all sources of funds

Rock Hall’s Future The Mayor’s view A sustainable and growing community with . . .   renewed cultural and economic connec@ons to the Bay   increased business and employment opportuni4es   a stable tax burden with a broadened revenue base   housing opportuni@es for all our ci@zens

Protect Rock Hall’s Treasures         

“Rock Hall -­‐ the pearl of the Chesapeake”

Our Watermen and Waterfront Our Volunteer Fire Department Our Elementary School Our Young People Our Town

“Rock Hall – nice people live here”

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