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Helping Others
Finding time to help others
RGS students are finding the balance between having fun while at the same time giving their time to help a variety of special organisations. Whether it’s preparing baked treats, cooking a BBQ, shaving their hair, doing a push up or hosting an afternoon tea – the results all contribute to positive outcomes.
Year 11 students Blair Sypher, Holly Thomas and Hollie Acton test their cooking skills in Relay for Life fundraising.
Everyone is always busy.
Sometimes you just need to pause for a moment to think about others in this world. RGS students are regularly caught up in a whirlwind of activities during the term. That can include working on assessment to sports training or musical rehearsals. Amidst the chaos, students are also recognising that there are others who need some extra support. This term, students raised funds for the Cancer Council by hosting an Afternoon Tea and the School’s First XIII rugby league team continued their annual tradition of shaving their heads before the Confraternity Carnival. Next term students will also chop their hair for the Pony Tail Project. The RGS Rowing team clocked up the kilometres on the ergo machines in a fundraising campaign for skin cancer awareness, called ‘School Strokes for Skin Cancer’. This new initiative was launched as part of “Million Meters for Melanoma”. Last year, 367 school-aged children were diagnosed with melanoma. Staff and students also tested their push up ability, participating in June’s mental health Push Up Challenge. The students decided to raise their funds for Lifeline, a 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention service. Year 11 boarders also continued a long tradition of supporting the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life. The Grammar Groovers will continue fundraising through to early Term 3. Collectively, there is a lot of people at RGS doing their small part to make a different in the lives of others, whether that be the person needing help or their family support network.