1 minute read
From the President
The RGS Past Students’ Association held a special general meeting in December last year and it was unanimously passed to change the name of the association to RGS Alumni.
We believe this name and logo change adequately reflects a new contemporary direction for the Alumni while paying tribute to the past. The Alumni Executive is looking forward to working on a suite of RGS past student merchandise items for the School community to purchase, as a part of our name change.
We also welcome Rachel Trump (nee Milnes, RGS 1995) to the team as the School’s Alumni Engagement Officer. She has been a valued member of the Executive for over a year now and we look forward to working further with Rachel and the School in 2023.
The Generations Breakfast was a success and we were proud to welcome past students and the families of current students to the School for an informal gathering. The success was due to the team up at School, particularly Sue Moloney, Rachael McDonald, Rachel Trump and the School’s amazing catering team.
I’d also like to acknowledge the hard work of our Alumni Secretary Annie Belonogoff (RGS 2009), who organised “A Career In Health And How To Get There” event which was held in the School’s Duggan Hall on 7 February. It was an evening dedicated to those in our Senior School community who are interested in learning more about pursuing a career in the health industry and different pathways at tertiary institutions across Queensland. The Alumni was very proud to sponsor the event, with over 180 registrations to attend the event. Guest speakers on the night included RGS alumni - Dr Raqeeb Rasul (RGS 2012), Robyn Reddiex (nee Sedgwick, RGS 2011), Jazmine Godsmark (RGS 2019) and Lucy McCartney (RGS 2021).
The School’s Headmaster Dr Phillip Moulds OAM is looking forward to catching up with past students at breakfast events throughout the year. The School will keep you updated on when these events are being held.
RGS Alumni is also proud to once again be involved in hosting the annual RGS Distinguished Past Students Awards evening. In 2023, the event will be held in the School’s Memorial Assembly Hall on Saturday, 12 August.

In closing, we are looking forward to 2023 and we would like to thank the School community for their support of RGS Alumni.
If you wish to contact RGS Alumni please email paststudents@rgs.qld.edu.au If you have any articles or photographs you would like to contribute to The Grammarian Winter Edition 2023, please email paststudents@rgs.qld.edu.au before 31 July.