C e l e b r a t i n g a D e c a d e o f G i v i n g Intl.
10 years, 470 recipients, and $7 million given away! First Fruits is ROCKHARBOR’S initiative to continually give away the first of every dollar we receive to partners, organizations, and individuals beyond RH. Twelve percent of our annual budget, or $0.12 of every dollar given our church, is immediately directed outward. A team of staff, volunteers, and a member from our elder board meet monthly to talk and pray about how this money might be allocated. There are a few categories that First Fruit money is divided into: Benevolence (10%) - This fund is available to assist individuals in need by paying for basic necessities through one-time gifts. Mission Investments (7%) - This fund is available for people or groups that desire to make investments back into their local or global community. Church Plants & Kingdom Investments (12%) - This fund is available for financial support for the church plants that ROCKHARBOR is engaged in. Strategic Partners (38%) - This fund is available for organizations that represent our deepest level of commitment and support in an ongoing, long-term partnership. Friends & Neighbors (20%) - This fund is available for organizations and individuals that ROCKHARBOR has a relationship with but are not in an ongoing strategic partnership with. City Initiatives (8%) - Each campus will appoint a City Pastor who will act as an ambassador, liaison, and “missionary” to their city as well as collaborate with local partners and ministries. Schools Initiative (5%) - We desire to make an impact in our local schools by investing back into students, teachers, and their schools.
Schools Initiative (5%) City Initiatives (8%)
Benevolence (10%) Mission Investments (7%)
Friends & Neighbors (20%)
Church Plants & Kingdom Investments (12%)
Strategic Partners (38%)
2012/2013 Ministry Year Highlights:
$878,969.36 GIVEN AWAY
TEEN LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION Because of a First Fruits gift, 50 foster teens were able to attend leadership camp over the summer. They learned skills that will help them create and sustain a successful future for themselves.
MOTHER INDIA FILM “We approached RH in the process of finishing our first film “Mother India: Life Through the Eyes of the Orphan” - a compelling documentary about 25 orphaned and abandoned children living along the railway in southern India. While we had been able to raise approximately $20,000 up to that point, we were desperate to find an additional $10,000 to finish up the editing of the film. A generous gift from the First Fruits ministry allowed us to finalize the film, host a premiere at a local theatre, and enter it into numerous film festivals. Ultimately, the film won “Best Short Documentary” at the 2012 San Diego Christian Film Festival, and it was picked up for distribution through Word Films. Because of ROCKHARBOR’s gift, we were not only able to finish the documentary, but it continues to spread around the globe.” -David Trotter, Writer and Director
YOUNG LIVES SUMMER CAMP Young Lives, a ministry for teen moms, hosts a summer camp each year for the girls. This year, a gift from First Fruits provided a scholarship for 12 girls to attend camp. Every single one of the girls that attended camp made the decision to accept Christ – a decision that changes not only their lives, but their child’s life as well!
2010/2011 & 2011/2012 Ministry Year Highlights:
$639,214.55 Given away in 2010/2011 $855,374.99 Given away in 2011/2012
INDIA RESIDENCY: A team of 6 was sent out to India to live and serve for a year with ROCKHARBOR global partner Harvest India. The team focused on teaching English, implementing an aquaponics farm, and planting an English-speaking church with a focus on youth and young adults.
KROCHET KIDS: With a successful program already up and running in Uganda, Krochet Kids founded another branch of their program in Peru. Today, 30 Peruvian women from poverty-stricken areas are being holistically restored as they knit products, receive education, and earn an honest living to provide for their families.
REWRITE BEAUTIFUL: “You helped educate on eating disorders, prevent eating disorders and give free resources to over 3,000 people in Orange County and Los Angeles schools.” –Irvina Kanarek, Rewrite Beautiful Founder & Executive Director
UNIVERSAL UNITY: A remote village medical facility in war-torn South Sudan was outfitted with medical supplies and medicines, aiding a group of doctors who are dedicated to improving the lives of others through health and education.
REDEMPTION CHURCH: In 2010, God forged a unique relationship between Redemption Church and ROCKHARBOR. The leadership of ROCKHARBOR affirmed Redemption’s plans to move into the city of Costa Mesa and offered to help in any way we could. ROCKHARBOR offered the use of one of our meeting spaces and offices to help provide a longer runway into the city and a place to incubate during the transition. God furthered the partnership of Redemption’s replant into Costa Mesa as part of our 2+1 initiative and led us to provide $5,000 dollars of First Fruits funding. Redemption Church replanted in October of 2011 meeting at Back Bay High School.
SCHOOLS INITIATIVE: Killybrooke Elementary of Costa Mesa was faced with the daunting task of raising almost $11,000 dollars in order send their sixth graders to Science Camp. The students, parents, and PTA had worked tirelessly all year fundraising through recycling, car washes, service projects, and ice cream sales, yet they were still down to the wire with a remaining deficit of $4,200 dollars. A gift of $4,200 dollars was unanimously approved by First Fruits. “You should have seen their faces!” Costa Mesa City Pastor Justin Fox recalls. “First, it was a few seconds of silent staring, followed by a growing smile of gratitude and finished with huge sigh of relief.”
AQUAPONICS: It started with a heart for the impoverished people of India and Uganda. From there, Cory Hill and Garrett Futrell decided to learn how to build a sustainable farming solution, through a process called Aquaponics. This is a sustainable food production system that combines traditional aquaculture [raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks] with hydroponics [cultivating plants in water] in a symbiotic environment. It takes a significant investment to purchase the supplies to build something of this scale from scratch, but through a continued strategic partnership with First Fruits and a gift of $1,800 dollars, they were able to buy a considerable portion of their original construction supplies.
2008/2009 & 2009/2010 Ministry Year Highlights:
$750,586.97 Given away in 2008/2009 $779,571.71 Given away in 2009/2010 MIKA CDC: ROCKHARBOR was one of four founding church partners that launched MIKA in 2004. Since then, a partnership has been developed to build the capacity of neighborhood leaders in Costa Mesa’s low-income communities. Funds from First Fruits have allowed MIKA to take advantage of opportunities that they might not have been able to otherwise. One time, it helped to make a van operational. Another time it allowed them to hire staff members at a crucial season.
POETS: Because of a donation from First Fruits, Put On Earth To Serve (POETS) was able to provide 375 students in ten different Costa Mesa elementary schools with backpacks full of school supplies.
FINALLY HOME FOUNDATION: “Thank you for supporting us to do what God has called us to do. Because of your generous gift, Finally Home Foundation has served 150 adults and 105 kids involved in foster care and adoption in Orange and LA counties.” – Kristin Orphan, Founder & Executive Director
SOLFUL: Partnering with Solidarity, ROCKHARBOR Fullerton helped launch SOLFUL, a large youth summer camp that takes place throughout neighborhoods in the city. Most summer school programs have disappeared because of budget cuts, which left kids with nowhere to go. SOLFUL is a safe environment for kids to experience something fun and beneficial during the summer.
INTERNATIONAL PRINCESS PROJECT: Since 2008, ROCKHARBOR has come alongside International Princess Project (IPP) to help underwrite the costs of their Annual Gala, which has grossed over $270,000 since that time. The purpose of this Gala is two-fold: to raise the funding needed to continue advocating for women enslaved in prostitution and to expand the network of people who know about IPP.
WONDERFULLY MADE: “With First Fruit funds we produced and distributed DVDs of the three messages from our most recent Wonderfully Made Conference featuring one of our speakers, Jennifer Strickland. It was a life-changing conference, which led many young women to give their lives to Christ and discover, strengthen, and reclaim their true value. We believe the truths shared at this conference need to be heard by every young woman and are thankful that your support will help us share the truth with hundreds of girls.” - Allie Marie Smith, Founder & Director
SAILING FASCINATION: Sailing Fascination, a nonprofit organization, has provided free sailing lessons to over 500 students with a range of disabilities. Students with spinal-cord injuries, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, post-polio conditions, quadriplegia and other physical conditions, as well as high school students with developmental disabilities, come weekly for classes. “First Fruit’s timely contributions have literally kept us afloat during some really rough seas. The loss and subsequent replacement of an outboard motor, insurance, furling gear repair, volunteer appreciation gifts, life-line repair, deck paint, varnish etc. etc. All of these expenses taken individually seem manageable, but they don’t come that way and no amount of planning can anticipate them. God has been good to us. Happy 10th Anniversary First Fruits!” -Tom Tolbert, President
2007/2008 – 2003/2004 Ministry Year Highlights
$966,261.86 Given away in 2007/2008 $910,470.30 Given away in 2006/2007 $713,687.69 Given away in 2005/2006 $451,797.11 Given away in 2004/2005 $205,363.99 Given away in 2003/2004
FOOTHILL AIDS PROJECT: “Thanks to the support of ROCKHARBOR Church, Foothill AIDS Project (FAP) was able to provide 75 children with gift certificates to buy new clothes and school supplies at this year’s picnic. This generous contribution was a true blessing for all our families…Thank you so much for your generous support!” -Wendy Hustwit, Development Manager
CELEBRATION CHURCH: “Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you and the congregation of ROCKHARBOR Church for the generous contributions you have given to Celebration Church for the people of Greater New Orleans who have been impacted by Hurricane Katrina. You have been instrumental in so many ways in the recovery of New Orleans because of the ministry teams, financial support, and your faithfulness in praying for us. RH has been a significant contributor to what the Lord intends to do to bring restoration and spiritual revival to this city.” -Dennis Watson, Pastor
NEW LIFE BIBLE COLLEGE “Thank you for contributing to the matching fund for student housing for New Life Bible College in Moscow, Russia. As we are able to secure housing for the students, it will certainly help our financial stability and help relieve the crowded housing conditions we sometimes have.” -John Musgrave, Director
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: “Thank you once again for your amazing support of what God is calling me to and equipping me for through my education. I feel like I am doubly blessed by your support because the honest truth is I would serve at RH despite these funds and yet you choose to bless me. You see the big picture and being a part of a local expression of Christ’s body that understands Kingdom business is rare. So I bless you and thank you and ask that God would continue to draw our church to radical trust and obedience. Thank you again.” -Steven Grindle, Scholarship Recipient
FIRST FRUITS RECIPIENTS LIST: Thank you for giving to RH in the last ten years. Your support has helped fund Kindom efforts around the world! 1st Christian Church Compton 2K+ International Sports Media Acres of Hope Adventures in Mission Advantage Foster Care Agency Advantage Foster Family Agency Africa Renewal Ministries Age Well Senior Service Aids Orphans and Street Children Aids Services Foundations AIM Aleph Dana Point Allan & Marie Foster Allan Alcantara Alpha USA Alpha USA Prisons Division Alpine Tutoring Americas Printer/Win’e Family Amy Hoernig Anchor Point Church Andrew Ho Anita Roach Anthem Church Apartment Life Inc. Aquaponics Armenian and Iranian Church Armor of Light Productions Asian Bread of Life Foundation Assemblies of God World Missions Athletes in Action Aubrey Waterman Auburn First Assembly Austin City Life Church Baja Christian Ministries Banner Church Basilea Betel Childrens Home Bingen Assembly of God
Biola Biola Film Biola MA Apologetics Program Birth Choice Black Sun Boys and Girls Club of HB Breakthrough Partners Brethren Christian HS Brett Janzen Memorial Brian Fiske Support Brian Vellmure Bridges of Hope International Broken Hearts Ministry Brothers and Sisters in Christ Burning Hearts Inc. California Baptist University California School Project Calvary Church of Santa Ana Calvin Seminary Camp Hammer Campus Crusade for Christ Canyon Ridge Church Carolina Nam CASA Catalyst Church Celebration Church Chad Coltman Chaplin Chuck Chat With God Ministries Chick-Fil-A Children of the Night Children’s Opportunity for Brilliance Childrens Heart Project Christ Our Redeemer AME Christ the Center Ministries Christian Outreach in Action Christian Surfers
Christmas Store (Schools Initiative) Christopher Burley Christy Scott Church on a Mission Church Resource Ministries CIFT Cirlce Church City Impact City Lights Dream Center City Memorial Event Clean Heart Ministries CMHS Baseball Boosters CMPOA CobbleStone Community Church Communion With God Home Church Communities Ministries Community West Christian Center Compassion International Competitive Edge Continental Ministries Cornerstone Community Church Corporate Care, Inc. Costa Mesa High School Costa Mesa High School Baseball Costa Mesa Inn Costa Mesa Middle School Costa Mesa POA Covenant Education Center Credo Crosswinds Crown Financial Ministries Crystal Pallanes Dan and Becky Skipper Dan Olson Darren Rounzoin David Ministries
Desert Canyon District Desire Street Discover the Journey Doug Clarkson, CDI Doug Root Memorial Dwelling 222 Dylan Christenson E3 Partners Eastside Christian Church Ed Farris EGM EIDOS Christian Center Eidos Christian Center El Circulo Church (D.R.) Ellis Productions Embers Fellowship Emily Dieter Emily Fischbacker Empowering Lives International ENLACE Eric Johnson Erin Lawrence Esperanza Firefighters Fund Estancia High School Estate of Grace Eternal Impact Ministries Evan Deangles Every Generation Ministries Faith Fellowship Faith Worship Community Fall Scholarships Fellowship of Christian Athletes Ferron Family Finally Home Foundation Fit to be Kids Focus on the Family Food for the Hungry Foothill AIDS project Foothills Pregnancy Center Foster Youth Services Free Wheelchair Mission Freedom Church, TN Friends of Belwop Frontier Youth Ministries Frontiers Fuego Urbano GBCC Giving Children Hope Glass House Ministry Global Day of Prayer Global Effect GO Nigeria God’s House, HB Grace Brethren Grace Community Church, Omaha Greg Marchiorlotti Gulu Bible Church Haiti Foundation Hands of Mercy Habitat for Humanity Harbor Christian Fellowship Harvest India
HCMA Heals Health Education and Literacy Sports Healthbridge Children’s Hospital Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association Hidden with Christ Ministries Highlands Church, Paso Robles Hillside Church Hilltop Renewal Service Hillview Acres Children’s Home His Chaplain for You Hoboken Grace Community Church Homeword Honolulu Church Plant Hope Force International Hope International University Howerton Family Ibero American Ministries Impact Santa Barbara India India Mission Trips Indian Bible College Influencers International Justice Mission International Princess Project International Teacher Placement International Teams InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Invisible Children Iris Ministries Irvine Young Life Jacob Delong Jeff Stone Jesus Film Mission Trip Jesus Shack Jesus Truck JMG Benefit Golf Tournament JMG Golf Tournament Joan Ortiz Joanna Margot Joel Brown Jordan Spigner Joshua Foundation Joshua Lopez Memorial Journey Church Journey Companion Ministries JUXT Interactive Katella High School Kathy Davis Kathy Gurden Kawelle Kerry Cass Kevin and Heidi Patcheak Kid Trek Kids with Destiny Kidworks Killybrooke Elementary School Killybrooke PTA Kingdom Rain
Kristi White Krochet Kids Kumulani Chapel Kurtis Olson Kwagala Projects Lakepoint Community Church Laudelina Salavar Lauren Gibbs Lee Talbot Lelani Leukemia & Lymphoma Lewis Calderon Life Impact Lighthouse of Costa Mesa Linda Vista Elementary Lindsey Fleagal Living for Eternity Ministries Living Oaks Community Church Living Well Long Beach Rescue Mission Lori Aderholt - Next Step Ministries Los Alisos Elementary Lost Boys of Sudan Maria Cuamatzi Mariner’s Christian School Mark Ellis for Harvest India Mary Jones Masuda Middle School Matt Akey Maureen Buceta Meadow Haven Melissa Andrelus Mentor Me Mentor Me Ministries Message Media Messiah College Metro Detroit Church MIKA Community Development Mike and Dee Jacobs Milele Ministries Mission Hope Covenant Church Mission Hospital Mission One Million Mission Orange County Mission to the World Missions Development International Missions of Faith Ministries Mosaic Manhattan Moving Works Mt. Hermon My Broken Palace My Campus Namibia Trip Natalie Sandoval Navigators Neil Kline New Dawn Christian Village New Harvest Community Church New Hope Christian Fellowship New Life Church, Ukraine
New Wine Community Newport Aquatic Center Newport Mesa Soccer Club Newport Mesa Young Life NHHS Girls Softball Booster Nick Bogardus Nieu Communities [Sean and Debbie Fraser] Ninos De La luz Northrise University Norwalk Lutheran Church Nurture Oak Hills Church OC for OC: Broken Hearts OC for OC/Churches Consortium OC International Olive Crest Treatment Center On a Mission Church OneLife Church Houston Operation Interdependence Orange Christian Assembly Orange County Rescue Mission Orange County Teen Challenge Orange County United Way Orange Crest Community Church Orangewood Children’s Foundation Our Redeemer’s LB Church Out Of Egypt Overland Missions Pacific Point Church Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries Palm Harvest Church Paul Martin Pavilions Phil McIntosh Posada 2012 Pioneers Pipeline for a Cure POETS Poiema Church Ponderosa Pines Christian Camp Portico Church Powerhouse Church Presbytery of Santa Barbara Prince of Peace Project Paul Purpose Driven Rancho La Paloma Re:Format Youth Ministry, New Life Church Re/New Ministries Reach Out Romania Reaching International Reality LA Red Cross Red Rocks Church Redeemer Presbyterian Church Redemption Church Reef to Outback Regenesis Rising Reliance Church
Remnant Uganda Renew Ministries Restored Church Rev. Israel M. Inyang Revolution Christian Church Rewrite Beautiful RH India Team RH Israel Team RH Orphan Care Richman Elementary Rick and Beth Huemmer River Church Plant, Bend OR River Valley Church Rock for Justice Rock Hills Church Rock of Africa Mission Romania National Childrens Conference Rowe Family Royal Family Kids Camp RYFO Network Safe Families Sailing Fascination SALT International Save Darfur Saving Grace World Missions Schools Clean Up Day SCU Retainer Refund Second Harvest Food Bank Servant Leaders International Serve Day Sheena DeWall Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Sielder Family Memorial Silver Spring Neighborhood Center Societe International Mission Sojourn Village Solidarity SOMA Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Sonora Elementary School SOS Soul Survivor UK Souleader Resource Soulfarers Community Church Sounds Like a Movement South County United Southern CA Drug/Alcohol Southern CA Youth for Christ Southlands Church SPEAR Spiritual Growth Spring Scholarships Spring Valley Community Church St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church St. Bernard’s Project St. Paul Lutheran Church, WI Staff Appreciation Breakfast Starbucks Gifts Stewardship Unto Harvest Student Reach Sundeos Church
Susan Stark Tahoe Baptist Church Talk About Curing Autism Target-Project Self Teach Overseas Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Teen Leadership Camp Teen Leadership Foundation Tewinkle Middle School The Crossing The Gallery Church The Garden The Gideons International The Giving Tree The Grove Center for the Arts The Navigators The Ooze The Pocket Testament League The River Church Plant The River Tustin Vineyard THINK together Tides Church TLAfrica Torch Foundation Truth Bible Church TX Firepower Uganda United States Mission Vadim’s Visit Vanguard Jog A Thon Vanguard University Vineyard Christian Fellowship Vintage Church Walk-Ins off the Street Warm Blanket Orphan Care International Wells for Life West Family Westside Church Wheatstone Ministries Whittier Christian High School Wonderfully Made World Bible Society World Impact World Relief Yong Life Surf City Young Life Young Life Maui Young Life Newport Mesa Youth for Christ Youth Investment Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Zach Aumiller Zachary Shultz Zion Church