ZLAGBOARD Vertical life 2016

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no si vede dal mattino (7a) Crown of Aragon, Il patto (6c+) Bassilandia, Hollenganda (7a) La Gola, Spitzbua (7b+) Tulfer, Treffpunkt (6c+) Pursteinwand, Sacripante 2 (6a+) Val Lomasone, A kurze Hetz (6c) Juval, Abus de pouvoir (7c+) Céüs (6c) Bergstation, Of the moon (7c) Torre Radio Nord, Die Leichtigkeit des Seins (8b) Pursteinwand, N.N (6c) Erto, Zila (7a) Ridnaun, Tette biscottate (6b) L‘Isola che non c`é, Attention danger tirage (7b+) Céüse / Grande face, Arm - Brust ( s la roche (6b) Le Puy, Thor (7c) Grottosauro, Saputella (7a+) Erto, N.N. (6b+) Haunold, Più dolorore per favore (6c) Lumignano Classica, Pensieri pericolosi (6b) Noriglio, Fisheye (7a) La Panoramica, Babolin (6b+) Pezzent Area, Tantum (7 maste (8a+) Ottava Meraviglia, Tržaška smer (7b) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Süd Pool (6a+) Mühlen, Roulette russa (7b) Rio Gere, Noč čarovnic (6a) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Reggae per Maometto (7b+) Fascia Superiore, Su eg… (7a) Landro Höhlen, Ceometrite articolare (6a) Red Point Wall, 1 Sl. Fancullino di montagna (6b+) Johanneskofel, Passeggeri del vento (7b+) Nago, Durex (6c+) Landro Höhlen, Burset (6b) Crepa de Valparola, High Life (6c) Ridnaun, Palf ex magic (7b) Alpenrose, The monster (7a) La Vela, Flic (6a+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Patiente Delly (7a) Céüse / Un pont sur l`infini, Lift boy (8a) Eremo di San Colombano, Brodo di giuggiole (6b+) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Giulia (6a) Sass 8a) Aufhofen, Motte (6c) Brüggele, Andromeda (6a) Lumignano Classica, Morgensonne (6a+) Drittlsond, Samurai (6b+) Kreithof, Kaffeemaschine (6c) Monkey Island, Tin tin (6c) Swing Area, Placcati (2nd anch.) (7c) Spiaggia dell‘Arenauta te, Zoe (7c) Sunny Place, Hotel Erika (6c) Kirchler, Fungo porcino (7b) Militärklettergarten, Zweite Geige (6a+) Innerfeld, Stairway to heaven (8b) Céüse / Biographie, Quickstep (6b+) Paradise, La Bamba (7c+) Camerette, Daniel (6a) Norig , Kangaroo (6b+) Lumignano Nuova, Labbracadabra (7a) Sass Dlacia, Mediterraneo (7a) L’Orrido, Parassiti si nasce (7b) Forti di Civezzano, Fluido (6a) La Vela, Pikova dama (8b) Mišja Peč, Veri uomini (6c+) Crà da la Miri, Chaos (7c+) Ew unny Place, Schuppenflechte (7b+) Landro Höhlen, Aspirante (6b+) Steinerne Stadt, Alpenzoo (6b) Stohlwond, Meilenstein (2nd pitch) (6c+) Innerfeld, Me gustas tu (8a) Lost World, Cimicissima (6c+) Alveare - Placca di Mu, La 2éme vol tenhütte, Fuffigo (6c+) Climax, Crodo (6c) Comano, Sti du Braci (6b+) Croz de le Niere, Galadriel (6a) Pueblo, L‘urlo (7c) Barbarano, Fessura (6c) Béco d‘Ajál, Hui Buh (6a) Kluan Roatwandtl, Ironie du sport (2nd pitch right) (6a) Belleric, Ocio c) Mišja Peč, Groswurm (6a+) Juval, Almdudler (6c+) Nesselwand, Spass muss sein (7c) Saustall, Bebé a bordo (7c) Cogoi, Pin Mueck (7a) Nêa, El bus (6a) La Zoppa, Occhi nella polvere (6c+) Athos, Fantasilandia (7a) Béco d‘Ajál, Obama Ma éüse / Nitshapa, s´Wandl (6b) Tanzbach, Trench Style (8a+) Capanna Bill, Luisiana (7b) San Siro, Genuss plus (6a) Kirchler, Stand and fight (7c+) Saustall, N.N. (6a) Promeghin, Sehr Heikel (6c) Dolomitenhütte, Cime tempestate (7a) Il Vome (8b) Céüse / Cascade, Pariški vrt (7b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Vaga Brut (6b) Marino Stenico, Gioia e rivoluzione (7b+) Monte San Liberatore, Gad (8a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Licht ins Dunkel (2nd pitch) (6a) Ewige Jagdgründe, La salsiccia n b+) Sass Dlacia, L‘essenziale (8a+) San Siro, Sister sister (6b+) Latsch, Passo falso (7c+) Lumignano Classica, King Kong (6a) Burgkofl, Axe (6b+) Dolomitenhütte, Kuschelig muschelig (7c) Drittlsond, Prüma Lüna (6c) Eiszeit, Tiroler Schwerkr ma, Apissima (6b) Alveare - Placca di Mu, Willy Coyote (6a+) Pueblo, Il fagiano (6a+) San Siro, Pop quiz (7c+) Limarock, Uncle Ben (7b+) Mišja Peč, Spleen (6b) Nago, Pourquoi t´es malheureux (7c) Château, Plenten Dera (6a) Hauenstein, G rcher bonheur au relais (6a+) Belleric, Adesso basta (7a+) Steinerne Stadt, N.N. (6a) Kluan Roatwandtl, Vivamaria (6c) Tridentina, Ullallá (6a+) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Nikita (6c+) Kreithof, Climbers paradise plus (7b+) Paradise, Vogelfrei (7 (6a) Spormaggiore, Il mago del tempio (8a+) Campill, Nonni sprint (6a+) Noriglio, Zepping (7b+) Laste, Icaro (7a) Val Lomasone, Marinara (6c+) La Pizzeria, Climber coraggiosi (7b+) Béco d‘Ajál, Cactus (6a+) Ciastlins, Rudi Ratlos (7a) Dolom s, Highliners plus (8a) Paradise, Des Trous direct (6b) Céüse / Cascade, Le tette di Alessia (7a) Cogoi, Endbug (7a+) Ridnaun, Freccia rossa (6b) Marino Stenico, Albatros (2nd pitch) (7c) Spiaggia delle Lucertole, Heracles (2nd pitch) (7c+) Na ni (2nd pitch) (6c+) Climax, Fufi (6a) La Vela, Una tacca in più (6c) Eiszeit, Uomo Tigre (6b) Col dell‘Uomo, Fußarbeit (7a+) Kirchler, Flatline (7b+) Campill, Matičkov svet (8b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Yuppi du (6a+) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, N.N. ( abonbo (2nd pitch) (6a+) Croz de le Niere, Polifemo (7a+) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, Nočna kronika (2nd anch.) (8b) Mišja Peč, Agli e fravagli (6a+) Mirabella, Il ruggito del leone (7a) Sisyphos, Jeanine pour éviter la crise (6b) Les Blaches, Die U Rienztal, Gardatrentino (6b) Le Piazzole, Pocxipè (7b) Val Lomasone, Lavanda gastrica (6c) Sopra la Chiesa, Warm up (7a) Piccola Dallas, La fin justifie les moyens (7a+) Les Blaches, Sputnik (8b+) Pursteinwand, Baumfäller (2nd pitch) (6 mpill, L‘attimo (8b+) Laste, Bumbalino (6a) Pezzent Area, Fantomas (6a) Avancorpo di Destra, Le grand lion du désert (7b+) Céüse / Nitshapa, Ultimo tango (6c) Sass Dlacia, So Alpin dahin (6a+) Obere Nasswand, Francesca (6a) Noriglio, b+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Via del tubo (7b) Climax, Variante (6a) Lago Nembia, Via del Cubo (6a) Val Lomasone, Freedom (8b+) Schwarze Wand, Uhrwerk Orange (6c+) Kreithof, Via Classica (6a) Pederü, Strta srca (8a+) Mišja Peč, Offspr ks (7b) Scheweg - Franchi, Svinjam diamante (7b) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Mirage (7c+) Céüse / Cascade, I soliti ignoti (6a) Steinerne Stadt, Il fondo del barile (6a+) Minetti, Fottiti (8a) Eiszeit, Pirelli rutschelli Plus (6a+) Juval, Be Céüse / Face de Rat, Alvarez (6b+) Nago, Il suicida (7a) Noriglio, Spiriti nelle tenebre (7a+) Tridentina, Daleč stran je sodni dan (7b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Margot (7b) Paretone, Adieu Gary Cooper (6c) Mur bleu et mur jaune, Baumfäller ( po Longo, Sei a Millesei (6b) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, La Platta (6b) Kreithof, Sommernachtstraum (7a) Gais, Globus mundi (6a) La Gola, Wiahoasnsn (7c) Sprechenstein, La scimmia sulla schiena (8a) Lumignano Classica, Camillino (6b+) Si swand, El pibe de oro (6c) Céüse / Grande face, Parúšola (6a) Sass de Beita, Lo stato è stao (2nd pitch) (7b+) Forti di Civezzano, Ciao Ori (6b) Campo Base, Verlorene Liebe (7b+) New Fragsburg, Col Cul (8a) Climax, Anwärterriss (6c) Kirch angiascarpe (6b) San Bodo, Inside (6a) Spormaggiore, Confetti (6b) Massone, Un point des deux (6c) Céüse / Grande face, Il signore dei tranelli (6c) Eiszeit, La forza del sole (7a) Parete delle Meraviglie, N.N. (6a) Promeghin, Stimolicchio ( +) Gais, Art attack (7a+) Sass de Beita, Crudelia (7b) Paradise, Sulla pancia (7c+) Massone, Orrenda (6a) Lumignano Classica, La Cura (8a+) Cavedago, Baumfäller (2nd pitch) (7a) Stohlwond, Šunka (7c+) Mišja Peč, N.N. (7a+) Padaro, Una p nge (7a) Mur bleu et mur jaune, Bossi Woman (7a+) Bergstation, Marterpfahl (7a) Kluan Roatwandtl, I wont your sex (7a+) Lumignano Classica, Spirito di vino (7a) Saustall, Ipergana (6b) Lumignano Nuova, Don Vittorio (6c) Fascia Superio right (2nd pitch) (7a) Landro, Frisco (7c) Bassilandia, Daizyoobu (7b) Scotoni, Edi (7a+) Forti di Civezzano, Maudit (7a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Try just a little bit harder (7b) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, King amir (Trad) (6b) Campill, Mez Wild thing (7a) New Fragsburg, Bizzare (6c+) Anfiteatro, Schiava del Luciano (1st pitch) (6c+) Climax, Greta (7a) Massone, Manaus (6a) Innerfeld, Pic Indolor (2nd pitch) (6a) Val di Cembra, Back to black (6c) Céüse / Grande face, Vai-col-lisc o di Destra, Helliriss (6b+) Rienztal, Attila (7c) Coltura, Menefotto (7b) La Gola, La maledizione della Sassassina (2nd anch.) (7a+) Tridentina, Ciuaua (7b) Béco d‘Ajál, Bar Parisi (7c) Margone, Google Space (6c+) Bergstation, Rigratta e strav era, Alexander Platz (1st pitch) (7b) San Siro, Killer event (7b+) Massone, La part du diable (8c) Céüse / Biographie, Panta rei (6b) Tridentina, Le sacrilège du dèviant (8a+) Céüse / Cascade, Michelangelo (7a) Dolomitenhütte, Banzaille (6 dolor (6b+) Val di Cembra, Snoopy (2nd pitch) (6a) Fragsburg, Luisa la ribelle (6c+) Monte San Liberatore, Fledermaus (6a+) Landro, La buena estrella (6c) Coltura, Cleptomania (6a) Parete del Chiromante, Salsiccia power (7c+) Spiaggia d or (6a) Camerette, Fran Zenta (6c) Never Sleeping Wall, Block Party (6c+) Cinema Paradiso, Sir Biss (7c) Lumignano Nuova, Ocio (6a) Spormaggiore, Panta Rei (6a) Cavedago, Saint Georges Picos (7a) Céüse / Biographie, Iceberg (7a+) Na (7b) Il Vomere, Noir sur noir (2nd pitch) (6b+) Céüse / Un pont sur l`infini, Bastilla (8b+) Mišja Peč, I sette sulamai (6b+) Anfiteatro, Da Zanca a Zanca (7b) Rio Gere, Non sense (7b) Sass Dlacia, s´Überhangl (6b) Tanzbach, Woodstock (6c) C go, Tramonto rosso (7b) Erto, L‘ora degli eroi (6c+) Grotta del Cavallo, Katsumi (7b+) Untere Nasswand, Rulette russa (7a) La Gola, Ciliegie e magnesio (7c) Castegnero, Crosseyes (7a) Americani, Falangioni (8b+) Lumignano Classica, Tobia€ 8 Specchio (6b) Val d‘Algone, Calippo ( ove (6b) Portella delle Vacche, Per la bumba (6b) Sass Dlacia, Maya (6b+) Serrada, Il salto della pulce (7a) Rio Gere, Sperandio (6b+) Erto, Happy birthday Chernobyl (7b+) Galerie, Buddha (6b+) Stuls, sere (7a) Monte Gambera, XY (7c) Marino Stenico, Das Ritterseisn (6b) Hauenstein, Anna Hitler (6c+) Punta d‘ Aglio, Sella Maus (6b+) Steinerne Stadt, Autostrada (7b) Cogoi, La Cros (2nd pitch) (6c) Val di Cembra, Palude (6b+) La Vela, So Vertical Lifein love (7c) Céüse / Dalles du Capeps, Str € 49miei allungata (7c) Climax, creativa (7c+) Forti di Civezzano, Tommy (7a) Sass Dlacia, Heliotrop (7b) Massone, The Search (2nd pitch) (8c+) Capanna Bill, Maga Gertrude (8a) Panorama, Amici Bac climbing app Srnjak & Big Wall, Fight fire with fire (2nd anch.) (7a+) Il Paretone, Motorsäge (7b+) Bergkristall, Prua (7a) Forti di Civezzano, Bleigond (6b+) Huafwond, Fleur de lotus (6b) Quiquillon,Sport Variante Tequila (7a+) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, Red Bull ( climbing, bouldering, topos, Vertical Life routes, crags, friends, heroes and rm (6a+) Camping, Der kleine Pfeil (6a) Ewige Jagdgründe, El Muerto (6b+) Eldorado, Tulip (6a+) Il Giardino, DNA (6b+) Steinerne Stadt, Sas dala piera ciauda (6c+) Bernardi, Banda bassotti (7a+) Santa Massenza, Supersismi (6a+) Mühl climbing app much more. uy, Goa (6b+) San Bodo, La rondeur des jours (6b) Adrech, Giardino segreto (7a) Sass de Beita, N.N (6c+) Erto, Hungry Freaks (6a+) Kreithof, Vu hinze kimmt se (7c+) Fürstein, Profumo di donna (6c+) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, Buena vista so ) Mišja Peč, Psyche Zenobia (7a) Santa Massenza, Il Panzone (7a) La Gola, Like a rolling Camion (2nd pitch) (6b) Lettere, Bombenfels (7c) Nesselwand, Captain Dada (6c+) Céüse / Grande face, Sderedeng (6b+) Lumignano Classica, Immen wetter (8a) Ewige Jagdgründe, Luce dei miei occhi (8b) Lumignano Nuova, Goodbye Lenin (6b) Il Posto delle Fragole, Pelota nello spazio (8a) Béco d‘Ajál, Il pastore 210 sofisticato (7b+) Monte Gambera, Castèi (7b+) Breguzzo, Pipero (7c+) Las Gambera, Qui s`y frotte s`y pique (6b) Céüse / Dalles du Capeps, Laubensassa (6b+) Mühlen, Goduria nera dx (6c) Paradise, All’Auge (6b+) Burgkofl, Enrico la Talpa (7a+) Terlago, San Grottardo (7b) Sotto l‘Eremo, Chef Gontier (7a+) Bergs Vertical Life 7b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Salamandertrrick (8a+) Ewige Jagdgründe, Lunghe ombre (6b) Montebello, Red Bull (7c) Unterlegstoan, Fichte Alpin (6b+)climbing Bergstation, Elbusfagrado (2nd pitch) (6c+) Val di Cembra, Didietro tutto (2nd pitch) (6 app ) Saustall, Palpitazione tenue (7c) Malga Ciapéla, Il nulla (6c+) Castegnero, Viaggio al centro della terra (8a+) Lumignano Nuova, Creme de la creme (6b+) Mühlen, Tendinite (7b) La Gola, Take it easy (6c) Sass Dlacia, Sticky fingers (7b) To en (7a) Kluan Roatwandtl, Philipp Flamm (6b) Regina del Lago, Dolasilla (6c+) Pragser Wildsee, Faultier (6b) Innerfeld, Hermann (7a+) Bernardi, Olm‘s gleiche (6b) Ridnaun, Presoni (6a) Laboratorio, Vergine stolto (7a+) Ranzo, Papillon (6 25gangheri (6c) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, einwand, N.N. (7a) Promeghin, L‘analfabeta (8a) Coltura, N.N. (6c+) Croz de le Niere, Su sardu (7a+) Spiaggia dell‘Arenauta, Traffic (7b) Babilonia, La principessa sul pisello (7a) SwingVeArea, Uscita dai rtica l c bing Life 6c) Laboratorio, Vivement la bombe (7a) Mur bleu et mur jaune, Silicone (6a) Marino Stenico, Heureusement il y a la mer (2nd pitch) (7a) Mur bleu et mur jaune, Pic nic ad Hanginglimrock (6b+) San Siro, Max Mara (7c+) Valanga, Regana ( app Landro, Luna svasa (6c) Monte Gambera, Made In Landro (6b+) Dürrensee, Je suise un heyne (8b+) Château, Nibbio (6a) Militärklettergarten, Metamorfosi (8a+) Brojon, Melinda (6a) Fattoria degli Struzzi, L´évasion des daltons (6b) Céüs neta, VR6 (7c) Mišja Peč, Carlesso (6b+) Latsch, Desert Storm (6c+) Gschlössl, Coyote (6c) Juval, No limits (7b+) Sass de Stria, SOB (6b) Anfiteatro, Brazzers (6a+) Lettere, Miranda (6b) Sass Dlacia, La bela (6a) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, E batti Queue de rat (7b+) Céüse / Berlin, Gasthof Post (6c+) Bergstation, Red Peroni (6c+) Sinistra Pietraia, Active discharge (2nd anch.) (8a) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Lama non l`ama (6a+) Fascia Superiore, Hasta Luego (6a) Vedla, Pic neskofel, La pierre de mars (7a+) Céüse / Grande face, Uwes (7a+) Burg, Lubrificare il condotto (6b+) Sopra la Chiesa, The Hole (6c) Pineta, La multipla (8b) Saustall, Herrgotswinkel (8a+) Bergstation, Mawoi (7b+) Céüse / Un pont sur l`infi Erto, Blow Job (7b+) Bergstation, Kupferberg (6b+) Dolomitenhütte, The Riddle (7a) Calamancina, Maverick (3rd pitch) (6c+) Dolomitenhütte, Il Mondo di Sofia Plus (6b) Campill, Reise nach Ixtlan (7c+) Ewige Jagdgründe, Ivo (6a) La Ca ce, Un legame chiamato amicizia (6c+) Castegnero, Sporcona (6a+) Zengio del Far Noter, Skyline (6a) Hauenstein, Le grand toit (6a) Belleric, Motoseghe ruggenti (6c) Béco d‘Ajál, Urlaubsreif (6b+) Landro Höhlen, Sugar (7a+) Bus de la St sone, Vieille canaille (7b) Céüse / Demi-lune, Caraibi bic (7c) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, Bonzn Rudl (6c) Bergstation, W lo Spot (3rd pitch) (6b) Cinque Torri, Consapevolezza (6c+) Giardino delle Occasioni Perdute, Space (8a) Monkey Island, Sa nbräu (6b) Geierwand, Jeffo (6a+) Nago, One step beyond (6a) Camping, The big white spirit (7b) Céüse / Les maitres du monde, Via delle zanzare (6a+) Campo Base, Omas Traum (6c+) Burgkofl, Attivitá sassuale (6c) Crépe de Oucéra Ba skandal (7b) Burgkofl, Ciciulio A.A. (7a+) Bunker, Una Manzana (7c+) Camerette, Odissea (8a) Coltura, Scotty´s world (6c) Campo Base, Vaselina (6a) Sisyphos, Shelf rock (6c) Pera lada, Il conte Ddracula (7a+) Ottava Meraviglia, Il duca de o, Diagonale (6b) Val Lomasone, La chiave (7c) Laste, Joyride (2nd anch.) (6b+) Pineta, Scéne de panique tranquille (7b) Céüse / Les maitres du monde, N.N. (7a+) Cinque Torri, Il monco (7a+) Coltura, Fahrenheit 451 (6b) Tisner Auen, Flik F a Tensione (6b) Steinerne Stadt, Mulle (6b) Pursteinwand, Monsters versus aliens (6a+) Portella delle Vacche, The garden (7c+) Osp - Banje in Babna, Dreckschleuder (6b) Nesselwand, N.N. (6b) Promeghin, 2003 (6a+) Burgkofl, Christl ( a) Terra Promessa, Augen zu und durch (6a) Wintertraum, Kalashnikov (7b+) Sass Dlacia, Pila (6b+) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Tower pillar (6a) Torre Isulidda, Sadomaso (7c+) Dolomitenhütte, Sprungbrettl (8b) Schwarze Wand, Bon Ciamorces (6c) Cogoi, Piovono mucche (6c) Cattedrale nel Deserto, Mare allucinante (8b+) Lumignano Classica, Donna Livia (6a+) Spiaggia della Molpa, N.N. (6c) Johanneskofel, SturmTruppen (2nd pitch) (7b) Bunker, Maudit (2nd anch.) (7 Steinerne Stadt, Au sud de nulle part (7b) Céüse / Demi-lune, Ritter Sport (6a+) Calamancina, Me cago en el amor (6c+) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Grand Canyon (6a+) Juval, Manila (7a) Sass de Beita, Sabotage (7c) Pursteinwand, H Santa Massenza, Ssenza Ma (6b+) Giardino delle Occasioni Perdute, Ladies First (6b+) Pursteinwand, Cristalli d‘alba (6b+) Il Paretone, Goas Fuas (6c+) Hauenstein, Hugolina (7b+) Mišja Peč, Abenteuerland (7a) Saustall, 3° millennio (6 ne, Da Gin mocht die Birne hin (7b) Dolomitenhütte, Furore uterino (6a+) Sopra la Chiesa, Senza tregua (6b+) Steinerne Stadt, Ava Kadavra (7c+) Pöllstein, Belle séve (6b) Céüse / Face de Rat, Greppo greppo (6a) Swing Area, Reo confe one, Bula (7b+) Mišja Peč, Sultan of swing (8a) Kreithof, 4 stragioni (7b) Torre Isulidda, Tira poc (6a+) Zengio del Far Noter, Les daltons courent toujours (6b+) Céüse / Thorgal, Pino solitario (6a) Sass de Beita, Regan boia (6b+) San Siro, A (6a+) Osp - Banje in Babna, Il Gladiatore (8a) Grottosauro, Gabs (6a+) Pineta, Rainers xte (2nd anch.) (6a+) Kreithof, Onorevole Cicciolina (6b+) Cinque Torri, Solero (6a) Sisyphos, Anni muggenti (6a) Il Vomere, Goku (6b) Paretone, Taglier na (7a+) Sass Dlacia, Il vuoto (7b+) Monte Gambera, Cauchemars de roudoudou (6a) Mur bleu et mur jaune, Gravé dans la roche (2nd pitch) (7a+) Le Puy, Gino pilotino (7a) Red Point Wall, Tannen Judas kurz (6c+) Bergstation, Mitryl (7 White power (8a) Mišja Peč, Parcours santé (6c+) Belleric, N.N. (7b+) Béco d‘Ajál, Solo con te (6a+) Pineta, Ramba (6c) Mühlen, Linea di luce (7c) Sass Dlacia, Falling down (7a+) Cinema Paradiso, Les copain d´abord (6c+) Château, Hart a a di Mu, Miss popa (6a) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Gruppo liberazione 7 nani (7b+) Punta d‘ Aglio, Perito Moreno (6c) Laste, Polnočni kavboj (7c) Osp - Banje in Babna, Le maître des montagnes (6a+) Céüse / Thorgal, Sea song (8b) Monte S 249 ) Salares, Weiss wurscht (7b) Terra Promessa, O Pio mio (7c+) Terra Promessa, Naturgewalt (6a) Bergkristall, Mani pulite (1st pitch) (6a) La Vela, Mammalucco (7a) Nago, Gelbsucht (7a+)€Rienztal, Blow job (7a+) Terra Promessa, Young San Italia campioni (7a) Falesia della Selva, Milupa (6a+) Burgkofl, Marron derriére (2nd pitch) (7b+) Céüse / Demi-lune, Dragotova (6b) Mišja Peč, Clean me (Via Ekila) (6a) Scomparto Rifiuti, C‘est la vie (8a+) Pursteinwand, General Woodbec du Capeps, Holzbein (7a) Militärklettergarten, Mal d`Africa (7c) Rienztal, Fidel forever (6c+) O‘Piscione, Giochi d‘azzardo (6c+) Fascia Superiore, N.N. (2nd pitch) (6c) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Diverso perverso (7b) Alveare - Placca di Mu, M 6c) Juval, Abus de pouvoir (7c+) Céüse / Nitshapa, Reisauflauf (6a+) Rienztal, Z balonom do sreče (7a) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Asbalz (7c) Val d‘Algone, Signorina Swarowski tutta rotta (7c) Red Point Wall, Omen (7a) Laste, Molo ) Céüse / Grande face, Arm - Brust (6b) Hauenstein, Ljubezen na prvi pogled (7a+) Mišja Peč, Via le mani dal cavo (6b) Falesia della Selva, Befana 99 (6b) Noriglio, Airport (6b) Landro, Ultra Pampers (6a) Mühlen, Stümper (7b) Saustall, Dr olin (6b+) Pezzent Area, Tantum (7a+) Camerette, Don Nino (6b+) Osp - Banje in Babna, Hello my friends (7a+) Bergstation, Makhnovtchina (7b+) Céüse / Grande face, Tetto marcello (6b) Cinque Torri, MaPet (6a) Kirchler, Sampei (1st pit Maometto (7b+) Fascia Superiore, Super Santos (7c+) Calamancina, Disadattati (6a+) Noriglio, Tom cliff (6c+) Sass Dlacia, El puma (7a) La Vela, Il sale della terra (6b+) Cattedrale nel Deserto, Trombetta (7a) Climax, La prua (6a+) Le Piazzo e Valparola, High Life (6c) Ridnaun, Palfraderführe (6a+) Latsch, Stanschleido (2nd pitch) (6b+) Scheweg - Franchi, 457 scalini (6c) Monte Gambera, Operette (7a+) Nesselwand, Spliff (6c+) Kreithof, Indietro tutta (6a) Pueblo, Haeng di ei u de Oucéra Bassi, Giulia (6a) Sass de Beita, Blauer Eisenhut (6b+) Frea, Blo bel (6c+) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, Mano al porfido (6b) Neiner Knott, Sattisfaction (7b) Mirabella, Quelque chose de pas important (8c+) Gschlössl, Ligne de faille (7 nch.) (7c) Spiaggia dell‘Arenauta, Il dritto e il rovescio (2nd pitch) (6b+) Sopra la Chiesa, Paranoia psichedelica (6b) Brojon, Düc Adüm (7b) Sass Dlacia, Nome in codice: Oronzo (6a+) Monte San Liberatore, James Dean (6b+) Steinerne Sta c+) Camerette, Daniel (6a) Noriglio, Lingerie noire (7c) Il Paretone, Sex Climb (6c+) La Gola, Occhi blu (1st pitch) (6b+) Climax, Diogene (6a) Céüse / Golots à gogo, Bitch slap (7b) Americani, Audi (6b) Steinerne Stadt, Tn=Roma (7a) Forti di Crà da la Miri, Chaos (7c+) Ewige Jagdgründe, White Rabbit (7a) Camping, Via Robby left (2nd pitch) (7a) Landro, Osapska mumija (8b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Mariacher (6c+) Lumignano Classica, Soviet (7a) O‘Piscione, Donna dal cuore n 6 Ötzi (7c) Terlago, Kante (6a+) Juval, Kurbelwelle (7b+) Nesselwand, Sfëssa moderna (6c) Crëpa dl‘Nagler, Variante ( acca di Mu, La 2éme vol de Bourdoncle (6b) Céüse / Les maitres du monde, La mandria (6a) Nago, Golum (6c+) Château, right) (6a) Belleric, Ocio al bloc (6b) Calisio, Conto in rosso (7c+) Eremo di San Colombano, Ballando coi climbers (6c) Laste, The Source (8c+) Schwarze Wand, Hägar (6b+) Haunold, Le cronache marziane (7a+) Campill, Ne troppo dolce (6 ) Béco d‘Ajál, Obama Mania (7c) Laboratorio, Corrida (8c) Mišja Peč, Do not pass (6b+) Crepo Vertical Longo, L‘ultimo giorno di cane nero (6b+) Parete delle Meraviglie, Neustart (8b+) Bergstation, Sanfte Gewalt (8a) Kreithof, Endlos (6b+) Brügge Life e tempestate (7a) Il Vomere, San John`s pécos (7b+) Céüse / Berlin, Spigolo lunare (7a+) Tridentina, Rock climbing app ‘n’ roll (7c+) Mišja Peč, C.I.R.O. (6b) Spiaggia dell‘Arenauta, Te ghe testa ? (7b+) Johanneskofel, Yé n`en péplou (6a+) Château, Sopravv e Jagdgründe, La salsiccia non mi ringhia (2nd pitch) (7a+) Nuova Ossessione, Paradisi perdutiAVAILABLE (6a+)ON:Sotto l‘Eremo, Eccezziunale veramente (7c+) Ciastlins, Supermario (7b+) Nago, Jojo le bricolo (6b+) Céüse / Face de Rat, Destra di Toro ( na (6c) Eiszeit, Tiroler Schwerkraft (7b+) Obere Nasenwand, Hoadensterz (6b) Dolomitenhütte, Le freack (7b+) Piccola Dallas, The Joshua Tree (6b) Lumignano Classica, Tagtraum (6b+) Kluan Roatwandtl, Pro&Kontra (7a) Burg, Pedro (7 Plenten Dera (6a) Hauenstein, Grienboudn (2nd pitch) (6a+) Huafwond, Trio fantasticus (2nd anch.) (7a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Smigol (7c+) Mandrea, Settima luna (6c+) Massone, Highlights (6b) Crëpa dl‘Nagler, Psiko killer (7b) Spormag dise plus (7b+) Paradise, Vogelfrei (7a+) Juval, Même pas mal (7c) Château, Sappr Lott (6a+) Bärenfels, Fuga dalla Padania (2nd pitch) (6b) Anfiteatro, Felix con gli stivali (7a) Red Point Wall, Maromotta catalitica (6c) Parete del Chiroman (6a+) Ciastlins, Rudi Ratlos (7a) Dolomitenhütte, N.N. (7b+) Mandrea, Emmental (6c) Lumignano Classica, Laxi Laxi (6a) Pursteinwand, Via dei santi (7b) Val Lomasone, Mano di clown (2nd pitch) (6c+) Erto, La Biescia (6c+) Cansla - Traump ucertole, Heracles (2nd pitch) (7c+) Nago, L‘ultimo volo (7b) Athos, Les conquérants inutiles (7b) Céüse / Berlin, Una tacca in più variante dx (7a) Eiszeit, Sebastiana ce l´hai fatta (6a+) Cogoi, A tout coeur (6c+) Johanneskofel, Jungle Beat (6 i du (6a+) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, N.N. (6a) Frea, dynamic-sports.it (7b+) Stohlwond, Fürs Personal (6c+) Hotel Pragser Wildsee, Fatima (7b+) Piccola Dallas, Le bandart fou (6c) Les Blaches, Tolleranza zero (7a) Val d‘Algone, La vals des bou ur éviter la crise (6b) Les Blaches, Die Unvollendete (7b) Burgkofl, La renfougne (6b) Céüse / Les maitres du monde, Appiglioni (7c+) La Vela, Mucca Pazza (7b+) Val Lomasone, Miki smoke ed il drago (6b+) Parete del Chiromante, Il calam teinwand, Baumfäller (2nd pitch) (6a+) Stohlwond, Flibbertgibbert (7b) Bergstation, La reine des pommes (2nd pitch) (6b+) Céüse / Un pont sur l`infini, N.N. (6c) Nago, N.N. (6a+) Promeghin, Papillon De Bankok (7c) Céüse / Nitshapa, N re Nasswand, Francesca (6a) Noriglio, Le grand toit (2nd pitch) (6b+) Belleric, Cianton (7a) Bernardi, Schalla (7a) Neiner Knott, Il peso non dorme (7a) Rio Gere, Che ben che la vedo (8a) Béco d‘Ajál, Profondo rosso (6a+) Castegnero, Liab erü, Strta srca (8a+) Mišja Peč, Offspring (6a) Steinerne Stadt, Tratt (7b) Parco Cerriolo, Desgalona (7c) Béco d‘Ajál, Pumpspatafylm (7a+) Juval, Capoeira (6c+) Val Lomasone, Moto Guzzi (6b) Juval, Ricoco (2nd anch.) (7b+) Céüse / Berlin, A Pirelli rutschelli Plus (6a+) Juval, Beata Gioventù (7b) Rio Gere, Super Francesca (7a+) Sotto l‘Eremo, La tetta di paola dx (6c) Cinque Torri, Tunz tunz (2nd ach.) (7a+) Fascia Superiore, Super Elica (6a+) Osp - Banje in Babna, Neno mania ( Mur bleu et mur jaune, Baumfäller (6b) Stohlwond, Un posto al sole (7a+) Ranzo, Flogiston (8c) Geierwand, A. Patrick (6a) Céüse / Demi-lune, Die Nosse (7b+) Burgkofl, Hole in one (7c) Los Lochos, Non è chiaro (7b+) Spiaggia della Mol Lumignano Classica, Camillino (6b+) Sisyphos, Pesi pesi (7b+) Béco d‘Ajál, Il morbo di Tommy (6a+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Dino Max (7a+) Unterlegstoan, White Tiger (7a) Latsch, Running on Empty (2nd pitch) (6c+) Astholz, Maia (7a) Fale Cul (8a) Climax, Anwärterriss (6c) Kirchler, Asterix (7b+) Juval, Variante d‘attacco (6c) Col Rodella, N.N. (2nd pitch) (6a) Promeghin, L’ultimo brivido (7a+) La Vela, Celebration of the lizard (6c) Morderplotta, Za star moped in hudga psa (7 raviglie, N.N. (6a) Promeghin, Stimolicchio (7a) Margone, Elements of addiction (8b+) Bergstation, Leguan (6a) Bunker, Tina Turner (6a) Priel, Il culto (7a) Pueblo, Alba chiara (6b) Cinque Torri, Evelyn (6a+) Coltura, Weck den Tiger in dir ( unka (7c+) Mišja Peč, N.N. (7a+) Padaro, Una precisa danza (7b+) Nuova Ossessione, Convivenza (6a+) Noriglio, La cité du dieu perdu (6b) Céüse / Thorgal, One move (7c) Sass de Beita, Flapper (2nd anch.) (6a+) Pineta, Gandalf (7c) Calva gnano Nuova, Don Vittorio (6c) Fascia Superiore, Osapski pajek (8c) Osp - Banje in Babna, Pisciadoi (6a) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, N.N. (6c) Mandrea, Kombination (6c) Rienztal, Knock out (8b) Portella delle Vacche, Herzklopfen (8a) Schewe ak & Big Wall, King amir (Trad) (6b) Campill, Mezon (6a) Val di Cembra, Tozzi fun (7b) Sass Dlacia, Walk the line (7a) Kreithof, Lorenzo (6a+) Terra Promessa, L‘oil du maitre (8b) Céüse / Grande face, Julia (7b+) New Fragsburg, Giant Line ( ack to black (6c) Céüse / Grande face, Vai-col-liscio... (6b) Hohe Festung, Luna comanche (6a) Sotto l‘Eremo, India (7a) La Gola, Variante ruspante (6c) Sass Dlacia, Eugenius Rattermannn (6c) Zanser Alm, Cyclops (7a) Nago, La linea della v Google Space (6c+) Bergstation, Rigratta e stravinci (7c+) Sass Dlacia, Dedè forever (6b) Adrech, Colera (8a+) Pueblo, 05.11.1986 (2nd pitch) (7c+) Croz de le Niere, Vibram (7b+) Lagolo, Offntheater (7a) Heldenfriedhof, Zatopek (8b+) Spiag Michelangelo (7a) Dolomitenhütte, Banzaille (6c+) Céüse / Golots à gogo, Les jours et les lunes (2nd pitch) (6b+) Adrech, Navihanke (6c) Osp - Banje in Babna, Die Hans Ploderer Route (6b) Mühlen, Rock and Roli (7c) Saustall, Bonding (7 del Chiromante, Salsiccia power (7c+) Spiaggia dell‘Arenauta, Attraverso il cielo (6b) Castegnero, La tela del ragno (6b+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Via Rezzonico 28 (6c+) Anfiteatro, Un peu plus (2nd pitch) (6a) Céüse / Dalles du Capeps, Mefi Picos (7a) Céüse / Biographie, Iceberg (7a+) Nago, Pinko panko (6b+) Minetti, Solo 7a plus (7a+) Pera lada, Carote (6c) L’Orto, Pert foscia (6a) Sass Dlacia, Mefalda (6b) Croz de le Niere, Črni biser (7c) Osp - Banje in Babna, Unbekannt (7 a, s´Überhangl (6b) Tanzbach, Woodstock (6c) Coltura, Mururoa (6a) Serrada, Kiss Miss Tragedy (6b+) Kreithof, Goduria (6b+) Val d‘Algone, Don Alfredo (2nd pitch) (6b+) Torre Isulidda, Hans im Glück (7a) Saustall, Tridentina sprint (6b) Trid ani, Falangioni (8b+) Lumignano Classica, Tobia-Rá (6c+) Bassilandia, L`omm over adda puzza` (6a) Monte Gambera, Stacca sta pompa (7b) Sotto l‘Eremo, Fuck you (6a) Minetti, Wag the dog (7c) Bergstation, Il ritmo del tempo (7b+) Bar a (6b+) Stuls, Specchio (6b) Val d‘Algone, Calippo (6a) Sisyphos, Blue Moon (6c) Landro, Gladiator (8a) Mahr, Beach boys (6c) Ciastlins, Rosaroter Panther (7c) Kreithof, Alta tensione (6c) Spormaggiore, Domani (7a) Neiner Knott, Princip climbing app

Vertical Life





Sport climbing, bouldering, topos, routes, crags, friends, heroes and much more.


Vertical Life



climbing app

Cred its

€ 2999






1. Download the Vertical-Life Climbing App for Android or iOS 2. Register as a user 3. Go to the Codes section 4. Enter the Code … and discover!





Sport climbing, bouldering, topos, routes, crags, friends, heroes and much more.

Vertical Life

climbing app



Product Line 2016

Vertical-Life GmbH Via Otto von Guggenberg Strasse 34 39042 Brixen/Bressanone (BZ) – Italy VAT/UID-Nr./P.IVA: IT02779070214 www.vertical-life.info | www.zlagboard.com sales@vertical-life.info | +39 0472 611 753

Vertical-Life stands for a team’s passion and devotion to climbing and outdoor sports. With our products, we want to enable people to reach their goals in climbing and share their experiences with others. Our commitment to innovation, design and high quality is reflected in our creations and has been awarded five international prizes.


Product: Outdoor

Product: Health & Fitness

Train smart – climb hard! All of our training devices follow this motto. With the Zlagboard, you will train according to the cutting-edge training routines developed by pro climbers. It also facilitates the overall training control. The associated app manages hang and pause times, intervals and rest days. The statistical overview gives detailed information on the development and progress. Most importantly, training with the Zlagboard is motivating and fun!

The device mechanism activates the sensors of a smartphone and automatically controls the training plans of the app.

The smart hangboards





The Zlagboard.Pro is the right hangboard for all performance levels, ranging from beginner to professional. It offers all kind of grip shapes and sizes and can accompany climbers throughout their entire climbing career. On the legendary edges used for the contest, you can measure your strength level and compare

yourself to climbers from all over the world. While training on the Zlagboard, you will benefit from the knowledge of some of the world’s best trainers, who have designed the training programs for the special requirements of different fitness levels.


Nilo mount

optional: Pro slopers (see additionals)



Hold Sizes

Jugs, Slopers (10/30°), Crimps/Pockets (10-45 mm)


Alder wood board on steel frame


70,5x25x8 cm


7 kg


Free Download Code (5 Users)

Silicone smartphone mount

Michael Piccolruaz World class boulderer

Grip shapes and sizes

The grip shaping is a work of Jacopo Larcher, strong and talented pro climber from Bolzano, Italy.


The Zlagboard.Mini comes with the same device mechanism and app functionality as its big brother, the Zlagboard Pro. The grip shape by Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb has been designed especially for the needs of beginners, intermediate and slightly advanced climbers.

The standard Zlagboard Contest crimps allow the comparison and competition with climbers from all over the world. It is the ideal hangboard for those who want to track and register their performance to reach a higher fitness level and climb better.

Product development in collaboration with


Silicone smartphone mount



Hold Sizes

Jugs, Slopers (20/32°), Crimps (20-45 mm)


Alder wood board on steel frame


70,5x18x8 cm


5 kg


Free Download Code (5 Users)

Depth of the holds mm, ° angle

Photo: CafĂŠ Kraft

Patrick Matros & Dicki Korb Gimme Kraft!

Training with Gimme Kraft! Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb have written the ultimate training guide book Gimme Kraft! They agreed to share their know-how and developed a full set of training plans for the Zlagboard.Pro and .Mini. „With the Gimme Kraft! training schedules you get a highly approved and up-to-date tool for raising your climbing performance, based on scientifically-tested methods. The Zlagboard, as the matching training device, can be used universally and at any place you like. This makes you extremely independent.

The contents of our schedules focus on two important aspects of your climbing strength: the finger and the locking strength. Both strength capacities are being trained in terms of maximum force as well as endurance. We have divided our plans in 3 different levels: beginners, advanced and elite. If you are not sure, you can look up a training unit of the third or fourth week. Then ask yourself whether you would be able to absolve it after a bouldering sessions. If yes, you have a go on the higher level. If not, choose this very level or a lower one.“


The Zlagboard.Vario facilitates a broad variety of training scenarios. The board allows versatile hangboard setups, like offered by climbing itself. You can adapt the grip setup to your own weaknesses or customize the holds to the requirements of your current project, in order

to train more specifically. You can even mount the most common hangboards like the Beastmaker or the Moon Fingerboard onto the Vario, thus using the benefits of the automated training control and hangtime measurement.


Nilo base mount

Silicone smartphone mount + holds / board optional: Vario slopers (see additionals)




Suited for single climbing holds and many different kinds of hangboards


Alder wood board on steel frame


70,5x25x5 cm


7 kg


Free Download Code (5 Users)

Zlagboard.Vario Setup Options

Setup User Name

Choose your setup for training with your favorite grip variant.

Custom Plans

With the Zlagboard application, you can define custom training plans for the Zlagboard.Vario with the Beastmaker and Moon Fingerboard, and soon many more setups will be available.

Zlagboard Application The specifically developed smartphone application makes the Zlagboard a truly innovative product. It enables you to train according to the newest schedules, written by highly recognized international trainers. The handling of the app is very simple and intuitive. The software controls hang and pause times, intervals and rest days. You can thus concentrate on the essential: climbing itself.


The application includes training programs for different levels, written by professional climbers. The system controls the training sessions including exercises, hang and rest times.


The board system with the phone-based application allows the automated and precise hangtime-measurement.


The application tracks the training sessions and creates statistics of the results. Climbers get an overview of their progress and output curve.


Thanks to the standard set of holds, the hangtime results can be compared to those of friends and climbers from all over the world. The competition feature allows to hold private contests.

Zlagboard Training Plans The Zlagboard allows you to follow a structured training schedule in an uncomplicated way. The exercises are intended to train finger and upper body strength as well as body tension. Patrick Matros, Dicki Korb (Gimme Kraft) and Duncan Brown (Athlete by Choice) have developed the first set of training schedules. More plans will follow. Training plans by

Training types Pro Plans: The Pro Plans have been developed specifically for progressive workout, leading you through an intensive training over a period of one to three months. The program designers are professional trainers.

Workouts: The workouts are single training units that have been designed specifically for each board. They demand your full physical effort and are ideal for burning off energy from time to time. The workout sessions are an optimal addition to regular climbing on rock or in the gym.

Level Check

The level check is a standardized test, that shows you where you stand at the moment and what training plans suit you best. Elite




Custom Plans: The custom plan feature allows you to design individual workouts. You can define the training series yourself, choosing holds, hang and pause times as well as exercise repetitions and rest times. Up to 20 workouts can be saved, retrieved and edited.

Zlagboard Additional equipment Nilo

The Nilo is the appropriate mount for the Zlagboard.Pro and .Vario. It is mounted against a straight section of the wall. Subsequently, the Zlagboard can be attached to the Nilo. For using your Zlagboard in different places, you can mount several Nilos, attaching and removing only the board itself.

Type Board Material Size Weight

Nilo base board Zlagboard.Pro, .Vario Alder wood board 70,5x25x2 cm 0,4 kg

Smartphone Mount

Smartphone mount

With the universal smartphone mount you can easily and quickly fix your phone to the Zlagboard and start the training. Thanks to the simple design and flexible material, it’s highly resistant and easy to use. It is suitable for all sizes of mobile phones and for the Zlagboard.Pro, .Mini and .Vario.


Smartphone Mount


Zlagboard.Pro, .Mini, .Vario

Material Silicone Size

Suited for all smartphone sizes


1 Free App Activation Code

Vario Mount Adapter Vario Mount Adapter

If you install large grips or other boards on the Vario, this adapter guarantees visibility to your smartphone and the full functionality of the app (e.g. nose tap function‌).


Mount Adapter




8x5 cm


0,3 kg


Diameters: 12 cm 15 cm

Surface variants: smooth grooved

The half-spheres of solid beech wood are excellently suited for training the grip strength on slopers and improving body tension. The slopers are available for the Zlagboard. Pro as well as for the Zlagboard.Vario in two variants with smooth and grooved surface and in two different sizes.

Vario Slopers Furnished with 8mm-holes, the slopers can be mounted to the Zlagboard.Vario as well as to a climbing wall or campus board.

Pro Slopers The Pro Slopers can be easily attached to your Zlagboard.Pro by stucking them into the appropriate holds.


Vario Slopers (pair) Pro Slopers (pair)


Solid beech wood


12 cm 15 cm


1,12 kg (pair-15mm) 0,72 kg (pair-12mm)


smooth / grooved


Wall Mount


alder wood, metal




9 kg

Wall Mount

The Wallmount is the perfect feature to mount your Zlagboard to the wall. It replaces a doorframe, providing the required space between you and the wall (distance: 28cm). The mount consists of a massive alder-woodplate and 2 super durable metal sockets that guarantee maximum stability and safety for your training.

Hangtime World Ranking The official Zlagboard hangtime contests take place worldwide, in the course of different big and small outdoor events. They are your chance to put your name on the global world ranking and compare yourself to thousands of other climbers and pros like Ramon Juliรกn Puigblanque, Alex Megos, Angy Eiter and many more. We measure the time you can hold on to the standardized 20mm-edges. Visit zlagboard.com for upcoming contests and the world ranking. Booking info Events, gyms and shops can apply for an official contest by contacting us: contest@zlag board.com

Magic POWER Powder The Zlagdust power powder is the new blend, that keeps climbers’ hands dry and gives them a magic grip. The chunky chalk comes with a special gift: every package contains a code voucher, which can be redeemed for a free topo in the Vertical-Life Climbing App.

1 TOPO Free Climbing

Vertical Life climbing app AVAILABLE ON:






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d dis

… an


Zlagdust chalk


Loose magnesium carbonate


1 free Vertical-Life App guide code


Doy bag with sealing


160 x 270 x 80 mm (750 ml)

Net weight 250 g

The smart pull-up bar

The Zlagup is the smart development of an ordinary pull-up bar. The patented device mechanism activates the sensors of a smartphone and automatically controls the training plans of the app – without any additional electronic elements. With its associated application, the stylish pull-up bar made of stainless steel is a high-tech training device of the youngest generation. We have paid particular attention to the linear and simple design, best workmanship and usability. Optimal training control and performance tracks, statistics, achievements and the social-media-link offer motivation and lifestyle and guarantee a training experience like never before. www.zlagup.com

Every day is a perfect climbing day With our multichannel system, we set a new standard for the publication of climbing guides. Climbers get two products in one, the physical guidebook and the associated digital version. With our innovative smartphone app we have developed an elaborate system for publishing high quality climbing guides in digital format for smartphones.

Vertical-Life Climbing Guides Vertical-Life transfers entire climbing guides into a digital library. The app offers thoroughly researched infos and colour photo topos, that can be accessed online and offline. Combined with practical features, like the search function and Zlaglist, the content represents a compact collection of guides with digital added value. The system offers another benefit: The printed climbing guides by Vertical-Life

and partner publishing houses contain a code, that unlocks the corresponding content in the app, too. All books marked ‘app guide inside‘ can thus be accessed in the app for free. Among many other popular destinations, climbers already find the app guides for Kalymnos, Finale Ligure, South Tyrol and Magic Wood in the Vertical-Life app.

Vertical Life Climbing App

Vertical Life climbing app

The Vertical-Life app for Android and iOS provides detailed information and topos on hundreds of sportclimbing and bouldering spots. The app comes with a fresh, colourful design and user-friendly handling. Among the most important features are the possibility to follow other climbers, the Zlag function for marking route ascents and the Zlagfeed for tracking the Zlags of friends.

Expert content

The digital guides contain information, that was professionally researched and created in collaboration with climbing guide authors and local developers. This means, that the app provides ,fair‘ content: with topo sales, the locals partly finance their developing and maintenance work in the crags, with the app representing an additional source of income.












App Guides

Comprehensive digital guides for sportclimbing and bouldering spots provide complete location infos, photo topos, route lists and maps. The topos can downloaded in order to be available when offline.

Personal Profile


By registering, you will be able to Zlag your route ascents, to show your climbing statistics and to connect with other climbers.

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€ 1899 Vertical Life climbing app

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Sport climbing, bouldering, topos, routes, crags, friends, heroes and much more.

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Sport climbing, bouldering, topos, routes, crags, friends, heroes and much more.





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Sport climbing, bouldering, topos, routes, crags, friends, heroes and much more.

Sport climbing, bouldering, topos, routes, crags, friends, heroes and much more.





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€ 4999 Vertical Life climbing app

Sport climbing, bouldering, topos, routes, crags, friends, heroes and much more.

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Vertical-Life Publications Best of Arco

Title Subtitle Edition ISBN

Arco Summer Spots

Title Subtitle

The guidebook comprises the top 70 climbing areas around Arco, including Sarcatal, Judicaria, Trento and Rovereto. It includes about 4000 routes, topos on full color photos, detailed information for access, best season, exposition of the wall etc.

What many do not know: you can find fabulous climbing spots with pleasant temperatures in Arco in the summer and not only in the autumn and spring. This book is a climbing guide specifically for the warm season, presenting 31 climbing areas and 9 multi-pitch routes, which are suitable for hot days and located on shaded rocks.

Sportclimbing in the Dolomites At the foot of the majestic Dolomite cliffs lie numerous sport climbing crags. This guide contains information, color photo-topos and spectacular images of 54 areas in Val Badia, Val Gardena, Val di Fassa, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Landro, Alta Pusteria up to Lienz.

Sportclimbing in Sicily – San Vito lo Capo Climbing with mediterranean flair: marble and limestone rocks with beautiful tufas lie directly next to the sea near the small town of San Vito lo Capo. The guide contains 25 crags with clear colorimage topos, informative graphs and beautiful photos.

Best of Arco Sportclimbing Guide 1st edition 2013 978-88-98495-06-1 (DE) 978-88-98495-01-6 (IT) 978-88-98495-00-9 (EN) Languages German, Italian, English Pages 352 Format A5, Softcover Weight 650 g Features App Guide Inside Price 28,90 EUR

Arco Summer Spots Cool Crags and shady MultiPitch Routes Edition 1st edition 2013 ISBN 978-88-98495-03-0 Language German, Italian, English Pages 224 Format A5, Softcover Weight Features Price

440 g App Guide Inside 21,90 EUR


Sportclimbing in the Dolomites Subtitle Dolomiten - Dolomiti Edition 1st edition 2013 ISBN 978-88-98495-02-3 Language German, Italian, English Pages 432 Format A5, Softcover Weight Features Price


800 g App Guide Inside 31,90 EUR

Sportclimbing in Sicily – San Vito lo Capo Subtitle Sicilia – Sizilen Edition 1st edition 2013 ISBN 978-88-98495-04-7 Language German, Italian, English Pages 192 Format A5, Softcover Weight 370 g Features App Guide Inside Price 24,90 EUR

Sportclimbing on the Costa d’Amalfi Near the idyllic coastal towns of Amalfi, Positano, Sperlonga and Palinuro, you will find many quality limestone crags: vertical walls with tempting tufas and several spectacular overhangs. The sport climbing guide provides detailed information on 34 spots.

Title Subtitle Edition ISBN Language Pages Format Weight Features Price

Sportklettern in Südtirol

Title Subtitle

Bouldern in Südtirol

Title Subtitle Edition ISBN Language Pages Format Weight Features Price

Whether on granite, marble or porphyry, next to vineyards or against the backdrop of the Dolomites: climbing in South Tyrol is just as varied and interesting as the country itself. The sport climbing guide was created in collaboration with the south tyrolean Alpine Club (AVS) and contains information on 91 crags.

Bouldern in

Südtirol Bouldering nel Sudtirolo

Bouldering Guide Deutsch /


Sportclimbing on the Costa d’Amalfi Subtitle Positano, Sperlonga, Palinuro Edition 1st edition 2014 ISBN 978-88-98495-05-4 Language German, Italian, English Pages 240 Format A5, Softcover Weight 460 g Features App Guide Inside Price 27,90 EUR

Sportclimbing in Tirol

The Austrian province of Tyrol lies in the heart of the Eastern Alps. For a while now, it has been known as Austria’s home and center of sport climbing. The guide presents 92 crags, which represent the huge variety of Tyrol: The spectrum goes from the easy 3a for the youngest to Open Air 9a+ at Schleierwasserfall.



The first comprehensive guide on bouldering in South Tyrol presents the 22 most beautiful and diverse areas. One specialty of Italy’s most northern region is the great variety of landscapes, rock types and difficulty grades offered. The book was created in collaboration with the south tyrolean Alpine Club (AVS).

Sportclimbing in Tirol Sportclimbing Guide 1st edition 2014 978-88-98495-07-8 German, Italian, English 640 A5, Softcover 1030 g App Guide Inside 34,90 EUR

Sportklettern in Südtirol Arrampicata sportiva nel Sudtirolo Edition 1st edition 2015 ISBN 978-88-98495-08-5 Language German, Italian Pages 608 Format A5, Softcover Weight 1000 g Features App Guide Inside Price 38,90 EUR

Bouldern in Südtirol Bouldering nel Sudtirolo 1st edition 2015 978-88-98495-09-2 German, Italian 384 A5, Softcover 950 g App Guide Inside 34,90 EUR

Partner Publications Kalymnos

The Kalymnos guidebook is a very well laid-out, easy to-use guide with new photo topos, detailed maps and stunning images. It contains 64 crags with nearly 1700 routes. The famous American climber Alex Honnold has stated: “It’s funny to say, but it may seriously be the best guidebook in the world”.


The guidebook describes about 1700 selected routes in 29 amazing crags throughout Greece, including the conglomerate towers of Meteora, Kalymnos-style rocks in Almyros and Pyli Little Gorge, some hardcore sport crags like Chatzouri, outstanding crags in the Peloponnese and a lot more.

Title Subtitle Author Edition ISBN Language

Kalymnos Rock Climbing Guidebook Aris Theodoropoulos 2015 / Terrain 978-960-9456-19-7 English

Pages Format Weight Features Price

360 155 x 215 mm 668 g App Guide Inside 35,00 EUR

Title Subtitle Author Edition ISBN

Greece Sport Climbing: The Best Of Aris Theodoropoulos 2014 / Terrain 978-960-9456-20-3

Language English Pages



162 x 210 mm


586 g


App Guide Inside


35,00 EUR


Title Subtitle

Sportclimbing in Cordillera Cantabrica


The Zillertal shows two different faces: green and flat in its lower reaches, wild, rocky and steep behind Mayrhofen. In this vast area there is an almost inexhaustible potential of large and small walls and boulders. The climbing guide describes 16 bouldering areas and 32 crags - together with high quality photo topos.

The book is a comprehensive guide to the best climbing in Asturias, Leon and North West of Cantabria, in Northern Spain - the region of Cordillera Cantabrica and Picos de Europa. It describes 230 crags with about 3,300 routes.

Zillertal Klettern und Bouldern im Zillertal Author Markus Schwaiger Edition 3rd edition 2014 / Lochner ISBN 978-3-928026-35-2 Language German Pages 512 Format A5, Softcover Weight 1000 g Features App Guide Inside Price 32,80 EUR

Sportclimbing in Cordillera Cantabrica Subtitle Sportclimbing Guide Author Alberto Boza Edition 1st edition 2014 / Ediciones Cordillera Cantabrica ISBN 978-84-61704-41-5 Language Spanish, English Pages 320 Format A5, Softcover Weight 700 g Features App Guide Inside Price 38,90 EUR

Finale 8.0

Title Subtitle Author Edition ISBN Language Pages Format Weight Features Price

Finale 8.0 Rock Climbing a Finale Ligure Andrea Gallo 1st edition 2014 / ivert 978-88-95224-09-1 Italian, English, German 504 A5, Softcover 1000 g App Guide Inside 38,00 EUR


Title Subtitle Author Edition ISBN Language Pages Format Weight Features Price

Oltrefinale Rock Climbing in West Liguria Andrea Gallo 1st edition 2014 / ivert 978-88-98495-01-6 Italian, English, German 504 A5, Softcover 1000 g App Guide Inside 40,00 EUR

Onde di Pietra

Title Subtitle

Polvere Rosa 3

Title Subtitle

The newest edition of the comprehensive guide for climbing in Finale Ligure with information on more than 130 walls, overlooking the mediterranean sea. Climbers will find over 3000 itineraries, with some of them having played an important role in the history of sport climbing.

The ultimate guidebook to the alternative crags around Finale, describing the spots in the western part of Liguria: Val Varatella, Val Nimbalto, Val Pennavaire, Valle Argentina, Val Nervia and Val Tanaro. They have more than 100 crags to offer, with thousands of routes on solid limestone rock, with a wide range of grades.

This climbing guide describes the area of the Levante Ligure with 30 sportclimbing crags from Savona to Ventimiglia. Next to the popular Finale and Oltrefinale, this is the less well-known part of Liguria in northern Italy, hiding some real jewels on the riviera and in the surrounding valleys.

The third edition of the successful guidebook Polvere Rosa presents the most beautiful offpiste descents on Monte Rosa. It describes not only freeriding routes, which can be done using ski lifts, but also skitouring itineraries. Among them are 70 new freeski routes. Route description with maps, panorama and action photos.

Onde di Pietra 100 vie di arrampicata a est di Finale Author Christian Roccati, Fabio Pierpaoli Edition 2012 / ivert ISBN 978-88-95224-14-5 Language Italian, English, German Pages 464 Format 145 x 210 mm Weight 950 g Price 34,00 EUR

Polvere Rosa 3 Freeski nel gruppo del Monte Rosa Author Andrea Gallo Edition 3rd edition 2011 / ivert ISBN 978-88-95224-08-4 Language Italian, English Pages 400 Format 130 x 190 mm Weight 750 g Price 30,00 EUR

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Climbskin File In combination with the handcream, the Climbskin file is ideal to keep your skin in good condition. The file has sandpapers on both sides, one smooth and one rough. They are replaceable, with four extra papers included.

Type Package

Climbskin Hand Cream Plastic container of 30 ml (1.01 oz) with safe sealing and screw cup Dimensions 51 x 51 x 36 mm (apprx. 2 x 2 x 1,4 inches) Weight 2.43 oz (69 g) Net weight 1.01 oz (29 g)

Type Package

Climbskin File Wood with sandpaper (smooth, rough), 4 extra replacement papers Dimensions 10,5 x 20 x 8 mm Weight 10 g

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ten, Mal d`Africa (7c) Rienztal, Fidel forever (6c+) O‘Piscione, Giochi d‘azzardo (6c+) Fascia Superiore, N.N. (2nd pitch) (6c) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Diverso perverso (7b) Alveare - Placca di Mu, Mala Rubia (7b+) Piccola Dallas, Il buongiorn shapa, Reisauflauf (6a+) Rienztal, Z balonom do sreče (7a) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Asbalz (7c) Val d‘Algone, Signorina Swarowski tutta rotta (7c) Red Point Wall, Omen (7a) Laste, Molotov (8a+) Ciastlins, La canaja (6a) Erto, Susi ( uenstein, Ljubezen na prvi pogled (7a+) Mišja Peč, Via le mani dal cavo (6b) Falesia della Selva, Befana 99 (6b) Noriglio, Airport (6b) Landro, Ultra Pampers (6a) Mühlen, Stümper (7b) Saustall, Drum light (7b+) Val Lomasone, Gravé dans merette, Don Nino (6b+) Osp - Banje in Babna, Hello my friends (7a+) Bergstation, Makhnovtchina (7b+) Céüse / Grande face, Tetto marcello (6b) Cinque Torri, MaPet (6a) Kirchler, Sampei (1st pitch) (7b+) Coel dela Val dela Porta, Suria nem ntos (7c+) Calamancina, Disadattati (6a+) Noriglio, Tom cliff (6c+) Sass Dlacia, El puma (7a) La Vela, Il sale della terra (6b+) Cattedrale nel Deserto, Trombetta (7a) Climax, La prua (6a+) Le Piazzole, Giuditta (6a) Massone, Der Bush muss we rführe (6a+) Latsch, Stanschleido (2nd pitch) (6b+) Scheweg - Franchi, 457 scalini (6c) Monte Gambera, Operette (7a+) Nesselwand, Spliff (6c+) Kreithof, Indietro tutta (6a) Pueblo, Haeng di ei und spring nit o (7a) Galerie, Blood sugar se ta, Blauer Eisenhut (6b+) Frea, Blo bel (6c+) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, Mano al porfido (6b) Neiner Knott, Sattisfaction (7b) Mirabella, Quelque chose de pas important (8c+) Gschlössl, Ligne de faille (7c+) Céüse / Grande face, Zwieliecht (8 tto e il rovescio (2nd pitch) (6b+) Sopra la Chiesa, Paranoia psichedelica (6b) Brojon, Düc Adüm (7b) Sass Dlacia, Nome in codice: Oronzo (6a+) Monte San Liberatore, James Dean (6b+) Steinerne Stadt, Clever+Smart (6b+) Dolomitenhütt gerie noire (7c) Il Paretone, Sex Climb (6c+) La Gola, Occhi blu (1st pitch) (6b+) Climax, Diogene (6a) Céüse / Golots à gogo, Bitch slap (7b) Americani, Audi (6b) Steinerne Stadt, Tn=Roma (7a) Forti di Civezzano, Brentegani (7b) Noriglio, gdgründe, White Rabbit (7a) Camping, Via Robby left (2nd pitch) (7a) Landro, Osapska mumija (8b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Mariacher (6c+) Lumignano Classica, Soviet (7a) O‘Piscione, Donna dal cuore nero (7a+) Cogoi, Alfa-Alfa (6c+) Su urdoncle (6b) Céüse / Les maitres du monde, La mandria (6a) Nago, Golum (6c+) Château, Ötzi (7c) Terlago, Kante (6a+) Juval, Kurbelwelle (7b+) Nesselwand, Sfëssa moderna (6c) Crëpa dl‘Nagler, Variante (6b) Scotoni, N.N. (7a+) Dolomit c (6b) Calisio, Conto in rosso (7c+) Eremo di San Colombano, Ballando coi climbers (6c) Laste, The Source (8c+) Schwarze Wand, Hägar (6b+) Haunold, Le cronache marziane (7a+) Campill, Ne troppo dolce (6a+) Scalodromo, Tortuga B (7c ) Laboratorio, Corrida (8c) Mišja Peč, Do not pass (6b+) Crepo Longo, L‘ultimo giorno di cane nero (6b+) Parete delle Meraviglie, Neustart (8b+) Bergstation, Sanfte Gewalt (8a) Kreithof, Endlos (6b+) Brüggele, En vert et contre tous (7c) Cé n John`s pécos (7b+) Céüse / Berlin, Spigolo lunare (7a+) Tridentina, Rock ‘n’ roll (7c+) Mišja Peč, C.I.R.O. (6b) Spiaggia dell‘Arenauta, Te ghe testa ? (7b+) Johanneskofel, Yé n`en péplou (6a+) Château, Sopravvissuto (7c) Campo Base, Wake ringhia (2nd pitch) (7a+) Nuova Ossessione, Paradisi perduti (6a+) Sotto l‘Eremo, Eccezziunale veramente (7c+) Ciastlins, Supermario (7b+) Nago, Jojo le bricolo (6b+) Céüse / Face de Rat, Destra di Toro (6a) Torre Isulidda, Prestige nat. (7b +) Obere Nasenwand, Hoadensterz (6b) Dolomitenhütte, Le freack (7b+) Piccola Dallas, The Joshua Tree (6b) Lumignano Classica, Tagtraum (6b+) Kluan Roatwandtl, Pro&Kontra (7a) Burg, Pedro (7c+) Ranzo, Il tacchimetro (7c) Panoram boudn (2nd pitch) (6a+) Huafwond, Trio fantasticus (2nd anch.) (7a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Smigol (7c+) Mandrea, Settima luna (6c+) Massone, Highlights (6b) Crëpa dl‘Nagler, Psiko killer (7b) Spormaggiore, Lazuret (8b) Mišja Peč, Va cher val, Même pas mal (7c) Château, Sappr Lott (6a+) Bärenfels, Fuga dalla Padania (2nd pitch) (6b) Anfiteatro, Felix con gli stivali (7a) Red Point Wall, Maromotta catalitica (6c) Parete del Chiromante, Verdonesque (7b+) Laste, La prima volta hütte, N.N. (7b+) Mandrea, Emmental (6c) Lumignano Classica, Laxi Laxi (6a) Pursteinwand, Via dei santi (7b) Val Lomasone, Mano di clown (2nd pitch) (6c+) Erto, La Biescia (6c+) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, La regina della Selva (7b+) Cannabis timo volo (7b) Athos, Les conquérants inutiles (7b) Céüse / Berlin, Una tacca in più variante dx (7a) Eiszeit, Sebastiana ce l´hai fatta (6a+) Cogoi, A tout coeur (6c+) Johanneskofel, Jungle Beat (6a+) Obere Nasenwand, Sensibile alle rondin a, dynamic-sports.it (7b+) Stohlwond, Fürs Personal (6c+) Hotel Pragser Wildsee, Fatima (7b+) Piccola Dallas, Le bandart fou (6c) Les Blaches, Tolleranza zero (7a) Val d‘Algone, La vals des boucs èmissaires (7c) Céüse / Grande face, Gara lendete (7b) Burgkofl, La renfougne (6b) Céüse / Les maitres du monde, Appiglioni (7c+) La Vela, Mucca Pazza (7b+) Val Lomasone, Miki smoke ed il drago (6b+) Parete del Chiromante, Il calamaro (6b) Scomparto Rifiuti, Treibsand (8a) R ohlwond, Flibbertgibbert (7b) Bergstation, La reine des pommes (2nd pitch) (6b+) Céüse / Un pont sur l`infini, N.N. (6c) Nago, N.N. (6a+) Promeghin, Papillon De Bankok (7c) Céüse / Nitshapa, N.N. (7b+) Promeghin, Radio Chaos 1 (6a) Cam nd toit (2nd pitch) (6b+) Belleric, Cianton (7a) Bernardi, Schalla (7a) Neiner Knott, Il peso non dorme (7a) Rio Gere, Che ben che la vedo (8a) Béco d‘Ajál, Profondo rosso (6a+) Castegnero, Liaber groass (6b) Stuls, Scuola Baden Baden (6b ) Steinerne Stadt, Tratt (7b) Parco Cerriolo, Desgalona (7c) Béco d‘Ajál, Pumpspatafylm (7a+) Juval, Capoeira (6c+) Val Lomasone, Moto Guzzi (6b) Juval, Ricoco (2nd anch.) (7b+) Céüse / Berlin, Afn Kirschta (6c+) Tobl, Skorpionrevier link ventù (7b) Rio Gere, Super Francesca (7a+) Sotto l‘Eremo, La tetta di paola dx (6c) Cinque Torri, Tunz tunz (2nd ach.) (7a+) Fascia Superiore, Super Elica (6a+) Osp - Banje in Babna, Neno mania (6a) Marchegghof, Un jour plus vieux (8b) C ohlwond, Un posto al sole (7a+) Ranzo, Flogiston (8c) Geierwand, A. Patrick (6a) Céüse / Demi-lune, Die Nosse (7b+) Burgkofl, Hole in one (7c) Los Lochos, Non è chiaro (7b+) Spiaggia della Molpa, Aladin (7a) Massone, Solid rock (6b+) Crep os, Pesi pesi (7b+) Béco d‘Ajál, Il morbo di Tommy (6a+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Dino Max (7a+) Unterlegstoan, White Tiger (7a) Latsch, Running on Empty (2nd pitch) (6c+) Astholz, Maia (7a) Falesia della Selva, Engile flieg (7c+) Obere Nass terix (7b+) Juval, Variante d‘attacco (6c) Col Rodella, N.N. (2nd pitch) (6a) Promeghin, L’ultimo brivido (7a+) La Vela, Celebration of the lizard (6c) Morderplotta, Za star moped in hudga psa (7a+) Mišja Peč, Delirio Tremens (7c+) Coltura, Ma rgone, Elements of addiction (8b+) Bergstation, Leguan (6a) Bunker, Tina Turner (6a) Priel, Il culto (7a) Pueblo, Alba chiara (6b) Cinque Torri, Evelyn (6a+) Coltura, Weck den Tiger in dir (6a) Obere Nasenwand, Schmidchen Schleicher (7a+ a danza (7b+) Nuova Ossessione, Convivenza (6a+) Noriglio, La cité du dieu perdu (6b) Céüse / Thorgal, One move (7c) Sass de Beita, Flapper (2nd anch.) (6a+) Pineta, Gandalf (7c) Calvario, ToiToiToi Dachl (6b+) Obere Nasenwand, Petit an apski pajek (8c) Osp - Banje in Babna, Pisciadoi (6a) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, N.N. (6c) Mandrea, Kombination (6c) Rienztal, Knock out (8b) Portella delle Vacche, Herzklopfen (8a) Scheweg - Franchi, Rolando Mezzapietra (7c) Eiszeit, Camel ) Val di Cembra, Tozzi fun (7b) Sass Dlacia, Walk the line (7a) Kreithof, Lorenzo (6a+) Terra Promessa, L‘oil du maitre (8b) Céüse / Grande face, Julia (7b+) New Fragsburg, Giant Line (7c) Obere Nasenwand, Tretje tisočletje (6b) Mišja Peč, W ) Hohe Festung, Luna comanche (6a) Sotto l‘Eremo, India (7a) La Gola, Variante ruspante (6c) Sass Dlacia, Eugenius Rattermannn (6c) Zanser Alm, Cyclops (7a) Nago, La linea della vita (8b) Castello di Drena, Anni affollati (6a+) Avancorpo +) Sass Dlacia, Dedè forever (6b) Adrech, Colera (8a+) Pueblo, 05.11.1986 (2nd pitch) (7c+) Croz de le Niere, Vibram (7b+) Lagolo, Offntheater (7a) Heldenfriedhof, Zatopek (8b+) Spiaggia dell‘Arenauta, Futuro negado (7a+) Monte Gambe üse / Golots à gogo, Les jours et les lunes (2nd pitch) (6b+) Adrech, Navihanke (6c) Osp - Banje in Babna, Die Hans Ploderer Route (6b) Mühlen, Rock and Roli (7c) Saustall, Bonding (7c+) New Fragsburg, Circus (7b+) Piccola Dallas, Pic Ind renauta, Attraverso il cielo (6b) Castegnero, La tela del ragno (6b+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Via Rezzonico 28 (6c+) Anfiteatro, Un peu plus (2nd pitch) (6a) Céüse / Dalles du Capeps, Mefisto (7b) Coltura, Zensur 2 (6c+) Unterlegstoan, Initiato ko panko (6b+) Minetti, Solo 7a plus (7a+) Pera lada, Carote (6c) L’Orto, Pert foscia (6a) Sass Dlacia, Mefalda (6b) Croz de le Niere, Črni biser (7c) Osp - Banje in Babna, Unbekannt (7a+) Monkey Island, N.N. (6a) Rienztal, No compromise a, Mururoa (6a) Serrada, Kiss Miss Tragedy (6b+) Kreithof, Goduria (6b+) Val d‘Algone, Don Alfredo (2nd pitch) (6b+) Torre Isulidda, Hans im Glück (7a) Saustall, Tridentina sprint (6b) Tridentina, Putzengel Plus (7a+) Salares, Esodo (6b) Nag +) Bassilandia, L`omm over adda puzza` (6a) Monte Gambera, Stacca sta pompa (7b) Sotto l‘Eremo, Fuck you (6a) Minetti, Wag the dog (7c) Bergstation, Il ritmo del tempo (7b+) Barbarano, Rue chateau solais (6c+) Burgkofl, The last mo yphos, Blue Moon (6c) Landro, Gladiator (8a) Mahr, Beach boys (6c) Ciastlins, Rosaroter Panther (7c) Kreithof, Alta tensione (6c) Spormaggiore, Domani (7a) Neiner Knott, Principino Giorge (6c) Climax, L`insostenibile leggerezza dell`ess b (6a+) Val di Cembra, Hexentanz orig. (2nd pitch) (6c) Landro, Prigioniero nero (7b) Castegnero, Dazwischen (6c+) Kreithof, Tiepidarium (6c) Paradise, Shining (6c) Monte Gambera, Hennenstiag Plus (6a) Juval, s’Dachl (6a+) Priel, Odissea nsieri (3rd pitch) (6a) Cinque Torri, Schwänzeltanz (6c) Ewige Jagdgründe, Claudia (6a) Coltura, Over and under (6b) Americani, Variante Marcon (6c+) Lumignano Classica, La manovra (7b) Lago Nembia, Trojanski konj (7c+) Osp - Luknja, S re Isulidda, Kante (8a+) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, Balla de nerd (6c) Béco d‘Ajál, Mc Donalds (6a) Gais, Ifix (7c) La Zoppa, 2. Sl (6b) Drittlsond, Trota (6c) Spiaggia delle Lucertole, Rafaello (6b) Mišja Peč, Heavy Metal (6b+) Kreithof, Windstor inesel (6a) Rienztal, Coccodrillo (6a) Torre Isulidda, Geputzt G… G… (6c+) Hauenstein, Unica (7b+) Laste, La moulinette endimanchée (6a) Château, Freelander (2nd anch.) (6b+) Kreithof, Neggo (6c+) Pursteinwand, Il est oú le gros (6c) Le Pu b (6c+) L’Orrido, N.N (2nd pitch) (6b) Erto, Miss (6c) Stuls, Pussy pusher (6b+) Tisner Auen, Inspector Clouseaut (6b+) Parete del Chiromante, Riss Kant (8a+) Würzjoch, Helihopter v omaki (8b) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Oro puro (7c) bleu (8a+) Céüse / Grande face, Diesel (6b) Giardino di Nato, Dita di burro (7c) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, N.N. (8a+) Padaro, El diablo (7a) Monte San Liberatore, Silenzio (2nd anch.) (8a) Mirabella, Stanschleido (6b) Scheweg - Franchi, Hoachw edi a Beppo (6b) Nago, S. Pietro in Jumar (7b) Grotta dei Gufi, Tarantela (2nd anch.) (6c+) Osp - Banje in Babna, Ichi Ban (8c) Bergstation, Variante Spliff (7b+) Kreithof, Bepi nero (7a) Spiaggia delle Lucertole, Tutto in discesa (7a) Monte G n, Traumpfeiler (7a) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, Narghilè (7b) Laste, Nia mal (7a) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, Rio cargo (6a) Fascia Superiore, Diedro Bozzy (6a+) Montebello, Per Cris (6c) Capanna Bill, Il serpente di mare (6c) Torre Isulidda, Joint (7 pra la Chiesa, Wake up (2nd pitch) (7a+) Eremo di San Colombano, Mantide Atea (6c+) Massone, Petorada (6c+) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, Rest day (7b+) Mišja Peč, Barolo Conterno 1997 (7a) Ciano dai Vins, Redhead (6a+) Camping, N.N. (6c) lidda, Trombacci (6b) Punta Campanella, Sfigoi (6a) Sass de Stria, Raptor (6a+) Luna Park, Adrenalinjunkie (7a+) Bergkristall, N.N. (6a) Regina del Lago, Golem a dx (6a+) Mühlen, Birra media (6c) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Heinzelmännche eare - Placca di Mu, L´aldilá (6b) Steinerne Stadt, Hansel (7a) Val Lomasone, Red line (6a+) Noriglio, Tapioca (7b) Erto, Appigli e amici (6c) Monte San Liberatore, Iddu (8a+) Grotta del Cavallo, Centrale (6b) Fungaia, Miss Biggi (6b) Purste sto al sole (6a) Croz de le Niere, N.N. (6b) Cala Firriato, Make some noise (7a) Camping, Emanzenscheck (6b+) Moos, Kellerfenster (7b) Hauenstein, Drunter und drüber (7b+) Rienztal, Spirito Libero Plus diretta (7c+) Campill, SS tallone (6 go, Ha il suo perchè (7a) Mirabella, I patati su megghiu ra canni (6c+) Portella delle Vacche, Jackys Platte (7a) Priel, Peter Pan (6a) La Vela, Tolérance zéro (7b+) Adrech, L Tavel (8a) La Cava, Federnelke (6b+) Frea, Die Köchetour (6b+) L orgal, Too fast (7a) Fürstein, La monella (6c+) San Siro, La rivincita dei piedi (6c+) Swing Area, Bunging Jumping (7c+) Laste, Donald Duck (6c+) Landro, The Wish (7c+) Pineta, Melanzana (6a) L’Orto, Yoshimi battles the pink robots (7a) Pin (7a) Crà da la Miri, Texas houldem (7b) Latsch, The riddle (7a+) Saustein, Caterpillar (6c+) Sotto l‘Eremo, Este coneso? (6c+) Scotoni, La lingua di menelicche (7a+) Rinco, Herkules (6a) Col dell‘Uomo, Orgasmo (7a) Parete del Chiromante, or (2nd pitch) Variante (6b+) Val di Cembra, Null Problemo (7b+) Pursteinwand, Augen zu...plus (7a+) Wintertraum, Heillos (8a) Saustall, Petit bijou (6a+) Tridentina, Die mit dem Fels tanzen (8b) Dolomitenhütte, Karma koma (6b+) Johann Worries (7a+) Béco d‘Ajál, Canna sonante (7a+) Val d‘Algone, Banje (7a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Aguirre (7b) Céüse / Grande face, Pippo Pamir (7a+) Lumignano Classica, Big foot (7b) Villaggio indiano, Il calabrese (7c) Massone, N.N (6b+) caolat (7b) Steinerne Stadt, Best Of (6a+) Dürrensee, N.N. (6a) Nago, Bauchschleifer (7a+) Saustall, Goldfinger (6c) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Jammin‘ in the name of the lord (2nd anch.) (6a+) Calamancina, Vatic ano (6b) Sunny Plac mon mago scopatore (6b+) Ciastlins, Weniger ist mehr (6b+) Stohlwond, Soap Opera (7c) Torre Isulidda, Lo scolaro (6b+) Massone, Verschneidung (6a+) La Cava, Panzöla (7a+) Laboratorio, Yosemite (var.) (7b) Juval, La chiave (7b+) Mass accia (1st pitch) (6a+) Regina del Lago, Seitensprung (7a+) Obere Nasswand, A. Fieg (6c+) Latsch, Tom Tom club (2nd pitch) (7b) Spiaggia delle Lucertole, N.N. (6a) San Bodo, Super Lea (6b) Hauenstein, Mimmo (7b) Steinerne Stadt, Löwen llasilla (2nd anch.) (7a+) Sass Dlacia, Souplesse (6b+) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Freddolone (6b+) Sisyphos, Solstizio d‘estate (7b) Laste, Bin loden (7b+) San Bodo, N.N. (6a+) Promeghin, Elogio della piazza (6c+) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Sexs ugne (7c+) Ranzo, La netura (7b) Sass Dlacia, Tektonen (6b) Stuls, Ziechorgel (7b) Stuls, Tre tre (6c) Cansla - Traumpfeiler, La commedia umana (6c+) Sisyphos, Graphite (6b) Cogoi, Kanzara (6c) Dolomitenhütte, Granchimani (6c) Barbarano ) Juval, Inox aeternum (7b+) Noriglio, Mille milliards de mille caillox (6b+) Le Puy, Repetita juvant (7b) Pueblo, N.N. (7a) Kluan Roatwandtl, Gorenjka (6c) Mišja Peč, Anda Pedro (7a) Val di Cembra, Crudelia (6a) Parete del Chiromante, Alta unold, Offn geil (6c) Marchegghof, Jam or Jump (7c) Calamancina, Another brick in the wall (7a+) Laste, Lunghe ombre (6c) Montebello, Inverno (6b+) Lumignano Classica, Galaxy (7b+) Céüse / Berlin, Clessidre (6c) Bernardi, Solimano (8a ) Forti di Civezzano, Bouldergeist (8a) Obere Nasswand, La tana dei Ciclopi (7a+) Nago, Gasati ragazzo (6b+) Nêa, Asgard (7a+) Laste, Final cut (6b+) Falesia della Selva, Verschneidung (6b) Brüggele, Butterfly (6b) Crà da la Miri, Via dei C p - Banje in Babna, Su e giù (7a+) Bassilandia, N.N. (6b) Pursteinwand, N.N. (6c+) Forti di Civezzano, Tantra (8a+) Lumignano Nuova, Maneta bestiale (6a+) Noriglio, N.N. (6c) Ciastlins, Male allucinante (6a+) Anfiteatro, Piccolo sogno (6b) S break Hotel (7c) Untere Nasenwand, Rizze Razze (6b) Drittlsond, Severance (7a) Sisyphos, La moda del pesce (6b+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Dreamcatcher (8b) Tulfer, K.O. (6c) Stuls, Rainy days (7b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Manolito (6a+) riglio, Il capriccio (7c) Nago, Is Weisse fin Speck (8a) Stohlwond, L`eau vive (6b) Céüse / Golots à gogo, La primula rossa (6b+) L‘Isola che non c`é, Forgotten realms (6a+) Portella delle Vacche, Campile (6a) Knorren, Hurgada (6b) Masson ) Monte Gambera, God (6a+) Paradise, N.N. (6a+) Promeghin, Fighe‘r (7c+) Zengio del Far Noter, Mattn Finger weg (7b) Juval, Fontainebleau (6c+) Lumignano Classica, Insolitudine (6c+) Mirabella, Togna che vergogna (6b+) Sotto il Pareto fang ist leicht (2nd pitch) (7c+) Rienztal, La belenottera (7c+) Coltura, Fantastic voyage (8a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Barcollo ma non mollo (7b) Fiamme Gialle, Angel of Death (6c+) Serrada, A destra e sinistra (6a) Pineta, Sobotna priloga ( landrino (8a) Coel dela Val dela Porta, Cammello (6b+) Forti di Civezzano, Alcoolic passenger (6c+) Val d‘Algone, Cordless (7b) Cavedago, Abendlicht (6b+) Kluan Roatwandtl, Mini saenger (6b+) Hauenstein, Felsnelke (6b+) Frea, Mesa lün esia della Selva, Transculturale (8a) Coltura, La gioia dei casi fortuiti (6c+) Sopra la Chiesa, Il bacio del sigillo (6a) Monte San Liberatore, Indignation au pays des bètonneurs (2nd chain) (7c+) Céüse / Grande face, N.N. (6b) Promeghin, W rzlich (6c) Bärenfels, N.N. (6a) Promeghin, Die Bärige/ Geile (6a) Burgkofl, Terapia individuale (7b) Monte San Liberatore, Faletti perfetti (6a) Valanga, Boulevard des dodus (8b+) Céüse / Nitshapa, Viaggio a Bombay (6c+) Alveare - Placca eratore, Machine à grimper (6b+) Bassilandia, Sonce v očeh (8a+) Mišja Peč, Stickmanjumper (8b) Rosshag Wasserfall, Cliff (7a+) Burgstollknott, Tucson (8a+) Erto, Girolimoni (6b) Anfiteatro, Pelikan (7a+) Heachenbichl, Couzy & cazzi (7b) d pitch) (6c) Dolomitenhütte, Legrand (6b) Wintertraum, Macedonia (6b+) Lumignano Classica, N.N. (6b) Nago, Micro Cip (7b+) Bassilandia, Petite illusion (7a+) Céüse / Berlin, Ladri di grasso (6a) Arcadioland, Oktoberfest (8a) Mišja Peč, +) Kuckucksfels, Maripoppins (6c) Val Lomasone, Dschungl Tour (6a) Moos, La jungle en folie (6a+) Quiquillon, Tanz zum Himmel (7c) Saustall, Pilastro moana (6a) Croz de le Niere, Le syndrom du bus alpin (2nd pitch) (7c) Céüse / Dalles d bia (7b+) Piccola Dallas, Il buongiorno si vede dal mattino (7a) Crown of Aragon, Il patto (6c+) Bassilandia, Hollenganda (7a) La Gola, Spitzbua (7b+) Tulfer, Treffpunkt (6c+) Pursteinwand, Sacripante 2 (6a+) Val Lomasone, A kurze Hetz (6 +) Ciastlins, La canaja (6a) Erto, Susi (6c) Bergstation, Of the moon (7c) Torre Radio Nord, Die Leichtigkeit des Seins (8b) Pursteinwand, N.N (6c) Erto, Zila (7a) Ridnaun, Tette biscottate (6b) L‘Isola che non c`é, Attention danger tirage (7b+) ht (7b+) Val Lomasone, Gravé dans la roche (6b) Le Puy, Thor (7c) Grottosauro, Saputella (7a+) Erto, N.N. (6b+) Haunold, Più dolorore per favore (6c) Lumignano Classica, Pensieri pericolosi (6b) Noriglio, Fisheye (7a) La Panoramica, Babo +) Coel dela Val dela Porta, Suria nemaste (8a+) Ottava Meraviglia, Tržaška smer (7b) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Süd Pool (6a+) Mühlen, Roulette russa (7b) Rio Gere, Noč čarovnic (6a) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Reggae per M ditta (6a) Massone, Der Bush muss weg… (7a) Landro Höhlen, Ceometrite articolare (6a) Red Point Wall, 1 Sl. Fancullino di montagna (6b+) Johanneskofel, Passeggeri del vento (7b+) Nago, Durex (6c+) Landro Höhlen, Burset (6b) Crepa de ing nit o (7a) Galerie, Blood sugar sex magic (7b) Alpenrose, The monster (7a) La Vela, Flic (6a+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Patiente Delly (7a) Céüse / Un pont sur l`infini, Lift boy (8a) Eremo di San Colombano, Brodo di giuggiole (6b+) Crépe üse / Grande face, Zwieliecht (8a) Aufhofen, Motte (6c) Brüggele, Andromeda (6a) Lumignano Classica, Morgensonne (6a+) Drittlsond, Samurai (6b+) Kreithof, Kaffeemaschine (6c) Monkey Island, Tin tin (6c) Swing Area, Placcati (2nd an ver+Smart (6b+) Dolomitenhütte, Zoe (7c) Sunny Place, Hotel Erika (6c) Kirchler, Fungo porcino (7b) Militärklettergarten, Zweite Geige (6a+) Innerfeld, Stairway to heaven (8b) Céüse / Biographie, Quickstep (6b+) Paradise, La Bamba (7c zzano, Brentegani (7b) Noriglio, Kangaroo (6b+) Lumignano Nuova, Labbracadabra (7a) Sass Dlacia, Mediterraneo (7a) L’Orrido, Parassiti si nasce (7b) Forti di Civezzano, Fluido (6a) La Vela, Pikova dama (8b) Mišja Peč, Veri uomini (6c+) C +) Cogoi, Alfa-Alfa (6c+) Sunny Place, Schuppenflechte (7b+) Landro Höhlen, Aspirante (6b+) Steinerne Stadt, Alpenzoo (6b) Stohlwond, Meilenstein (2nd pitch) (6c+) Innerfeld, Me gustas tu (8a) Lost World, Cimicissima (6c+) Alveare - Pla otoni, N.N. (7a+) Dolomitenhütte, Fuffigo (6c+) Climax, Crodo (6c) Comano, Sti du Braci (6b+) Croz de le Niere, Galadriel (6a) Pueblo, L‘urlo (7c) Barbarano, Fessura (6c) Béco d‘Ajál, Hui Buh (6a) Kluan Roatwandtl, Ironie du sport (2nd pitch alodromo, Tortuga B (7c) Mišja Peč, Groswurm (6a+) Juval, Almdudler (6c+) Nesselwand, Spass muss sein (7c) Saustall, Bebé a bordo (7c) Cogoi, Pin Mueck (7a) Nêa, El bus (6a) La Zoppa, Occhi nella polvere (6c+) Athos, Fantasilandia (7a) vert et contre tous (7c) Céüse / Nitshapa, s´Wandl (6b) Tanzbach, Trench Style (8a+) Capanna Bill, Luisiana (7b) San Siro, Genuss plus (6a) Kirchler, Stand and fight (7c+) Saustall, N.N. (6a) Promeghin, Sehr Heikel (6c) Dolomitenhütte, Cime o (7c) Campo Base, Wake (8b) Céüse / Cascade, Pariški vrt (7b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Vaga Brut (6b) Marino Stenico, Gioia e rivoluzione (7b+) Monte San Liberatore, Gad (8a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Licht ins Dunkel (2nd pitch) (6a) Ewige re Isulidda, Prestige nat. (7b+) Sass Dlacia, L‘essenziale (8a+) San Siro, Sister sister (6b+) Latsch, Passo falso (7c+) Lumignano Classica, King Kong (6a) Burgkofl, Axe (6b+) Dolomitenhütte, Kuschelig muschelig (7c) Drittlsond, Prüma Lün nzo, Il tacchimetro (7c) Panorama, Apissima (6b) Alveare - Placca di Mu, Willy Coyote (6a+) Pueblo, Il fagiano (6a+) San Siro, Pop quiz (7c+) Limarock, Uncle Ben (7b+) Mišja Peč, Spleen (6b) Nago, Pourquoi t´es malheureux (7c) Château, P , Lazuret (8b) Mišja Peč, Va chercher bonheur au relais (6a+) Belleric, Adesso basta (7a+) Steinerne Stadt, N.N. (6a) Kluan Roatwandtl, Vivamaria (6c) Tridentina, Ullallá (6a+) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, Nikita (6c+) Kreithof, Climbers parad rdonesque (7b+) Laste, La prima volta (6a) Spormaggiore, Il mago del tempio (8a+) Campill, Nonni sprint (6a+) Noriglio, Zepping (7b+) Laste, Icaro (7a) Val Lomasone, Marinara (6c+) La Pizzeria, Climber coraggiosi (7b+) Béco d‘Ajál, Cactus La regina della Selva (7b+) Cannabis, Highliners plus (8a) Paradise, Des Trous direct (6b) Céüse / Cascade, Le tette di Alessia (7a) Cogoi, Endbug (7a+) Ridnaun, Freccia rossa (6b) Marino Stenico, Albatros (2nd pitch) (7c) Spiaggia delle Lu ere Nasenwand, Sensibile alle rondini (2nd pitch) (6c+) Climax, Fufi (6a) La Vela, Una tacca in più (6c) Eiszeit, Uomo Tigre (6b) Col dell‘Uomo, Fußarbeit (7a+) Kirchler, Flatline (7b+) Campill, Matičkov svet (8b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Yuppi issaires (7c) Céüse / Grande face, Garabonbo (2nd pitch) (6a+) Croz de le Niere, Polifemo (7a+) Crépe de Oucéra Alti, Nočna kronika (2nd anch.) (8b) Mišja Peč, Agli e fravagli (6a+) Mirabella, Il ruggito del leone (7a) Sisyphos, Jeanine pou ) Scomparto Rifiuti, Treibsand (8a) Rienztal, Gardatrentino (6b) Le Piazzole, Pocxipè (7b) Val Lomasone, Lavanda gastrica (6c) Sopra la Chiesa, Warm up (7a) Piccola Dallas, La fin justifie les moyens (7a+) Les Blaches, Sputnik (8b+) Purst +) Promeghin, Radio Chaos 1 (6a) Campill, L‘attimo (8b+) Laste, Bumbalino (6a) Pezzent Area, Fantomas (6a) Avancorpo di Destra, Le grand lion du désert (7b+) Céüse / Nitshapa, Ultimo tango (6c) Sass Dlacia, So Alpin dahin (6a+) Ober ass (6b) Stuls, Scuola Baden Baden (6b+) Avancorpo di Sinistra, Via del tubo (7b) Climax, Variante (6a) Lago Nembia, Via del Cubo (6a) Val Lomasone, Freedom (8b+) Schwarze Wand, Uhrwerk Orange (6c+) Kreithof, Via Classica (6a) Pede schta (6c+) Tobl, Skorpionrevier links (7b) Scheweg - Franchi, Svinjam diamante (7b) Osp - Luknja, Srnjak & Big Wall, Mirage (7c+) Céüse / Cascade, I soliti ignoti (6a) Steinerne Stadt, Il fondo del barile (6a+) Minetti, Fottiti (8a) Eiszeit, P rchegghof, Un jour plus vieux (8b) Céüse / Face de Rat, Alvarez (6b+) Nago, Il suicida (7a) Noriglio, Spiriti nelle tenebre (7a+) Tridentina, Daleč stran je sodni dan (7b) Osp - Banje in Babna, Margot (7b) Paretone, Adieu Gary Cooper (6c) M din (7a) Massone, Solid rock (6b+) Crepo Longo, Sei a Millesei (6b) Crépe de Oucéra Bassi, La Platta (6b) Kreithof, Sommernachtstraum (7a) Gais, Globus mundi (6a) La Gola, Wiahoasnsn (7c) Sprechenstein, La scimmia sulla schiena (8a) la Selva, Engile flieg (7c+) Obere Nasswand, El pibe de oro (6c) Céüse / Grande face, Parúšola (6a) Sass de Beita, Lo stato è stao (2nd pitch) (7b+) Forti di Civezzano, Ciao Ori (6b) Campo Base, Verlorene Liebe (7b+) New Fragsburg, Col C šja Peč, Delirio Tremens (7c+) Coltura, Mangiascarpe (6b) San Bodo, Inside (6a) Spormaggiore, Confetti (6b) Massone, Un point des deux (6c) Céüse / Grande face, Il signore dei tranelli (6c) Eiszeit, La forza del sole (7a) Parete delle Mer ere Nasenwand, Schmidchen Schleicher (7a+) Gais, Art attack (7a+) Sass de Beita, Crudelia (7b) Paradise, Sulla pancia (7c+) Massone, Orrenda (6a) Lumignano Classica, La Cura (8a+) Cavedago, Baumfäller (2nd pitch) (7a) Stohlwond, Šu ToiToi Dachl (6b+) Obere Nasenwand, Petit ange (7a) Mur bleu et mur jaune, Bossi Woman (7a+) Bergstation, Marterpfahl (7a) Kluan Roatwandtl, I wont your sex (7a+) Lumignano Classica, Spirito di vino (7a) Saustall, Ipergana (6b) Lumig nchi, Rolando Mezzapietra (7c) Eiszeit, Camel right (2nd pitch) (7a) Landro, Frisco (7c) Bassilandia, Daizyoobu (7b) Scotoni, Edi (7a+) Forti di Civezzano, Maudit (7a) Osp - Banje in Babna, Try just a little bit harder (7b) Osp - Luknja, Srnja ere Nasenwand, Tretje tisočletje (6b) Mišja Peč, Wild thing (7a) New Fragsburg, Bizzare (6c+) Anfiteatro, Schiava del Luciano (1st pitch) (6c+) Climax, Greta (7a) Massone, Manaus (6a) Innerfeld, Pic Indolor (2nd pitch) (6a) Val di Cembra, Ba ) Castello di Drena, Anni affollati (6a+) Avancorpo di Destra, Helliriss (6b+) Rienztal, Attila (7c) Coltura, Menefotto (7b) La Gola, La maledizione della Sassassina (2nd anch.) (7a+) Tridentina, Ciuaua (7b) Béco d‘Ajál, Bar Parisi (7c) Margone, G l‘Arenauta, Futuro negado (7a+) Monte Gambera, Alexander Platz (1st pitch) (7b) San Siro, Killer event (7b+) Massone, La part du diable (8c) Céüse / Biographie, Panta rei (6b) Tridentina, Le sacrilège du dèviant (8a+) Céüse / Cascade, M w Fragsburg, Circus (7b+) Piccola Dallas, Pic Indolor (6b+) Val di Cembra, Snoopy (2nd pitch) (6a) Fragsburg, Luisa la ribelle (6c+) Monte San Liberatore, Fledermaus (6a+) Landro, La buena estrella (6c) Coltura, Cleptomania (6a) Parete d ) Coltura, Zensur 2 (6c+) Unterlegstoan, Initiator (6a) Camerette, Fran Zenta (6c) Never Sleeping Wall, Block Party (6c+) Cinema Paradiso, Sir Biss (7c) Lumignano Nuova, Ocio (6a) Spormaggiore, Panta Rei (6a) Cavedago, Saint Georges nkey Island, N.N. (6a) Rienztal, No compromise (7b) Il Vomere, Noir sur noir (2nd pitch) (6b+) Céüse / Un pont sur l`infini, Bastilla (8b+) Mišja Peč, I sette sulamai (6b+) Anfiteatro, Da Zanca a Zanca (7b) Rio Gere, Non sense (7b) Sass Dlacia a, Putzengel Plus (7a+) Salares, Esodo (6b) Nago, Tramonto rosso (7b) Erto, L‘ora degli eroi (6c+) Grotta del Cavallo, Katsumi (7b+) Untere Nasswand, Rulette russa (7a) La Gola, Ciliegie e magnesio (7c) Castegnero, Crosseyes (7a) America no, Rue chateau solais (6c+) Burgkofl, The last move (6b) Portella delle Vacche, Per la bumba (6b) Sass Dlacia, Maya (6b+) Serrada, Il salto della pulce (7a) Rio Gere, Sperandio (6b+) Erto, Happy birthday Chernobyl (7b+) Galerie, Buddha

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.