2 minute read

ELDER LAW: The “New Normal




New Normal


by Bluegrass ElderLaw LLC

ensure our clients receive the legal assistance they need.

As elder law attorneys, our clients are severely impacted and directly at risk. We continue to find creative ways to address the needs of our clients in the short term, while implementing policies and procedures to serve our clients in the long term.


Whether it is Zoom or and sometimes even snail mail to pandemic. Covid-19 forced us to

The hard-working caregivers and medical personnel have made great sacrifices and we want to thank all those dedicated people on the front lines who are helping protect our most vulnerable and the families that support them. use technology. And now we plan to continue. Technology enables us to serve clients in communities a great distance from us and clients in medical facility settings. Our clients no longer have to travel for us to interact with them on such a personal level. Thank goodness for

Long-term care

It has been very difficult for families over the past few months with the restricted access to hospitals, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities. It has been difficult for elder law attorneys as well. We are utilizing our contacts within those facilities, and technology,

video screens! FaceTime, the way we interact with others has changed. It may not ever go back to the way it was. We have enjoyed helping our clients learn new technology. We are thrilled to reach those that otherwise would not have been able to receive legal services during the

Social Distancing

Because the elderly are at high risk for COVID-19 and other infection diseases, social distancing and the use of face masks or shields are incredibly important. While senior living facilities are beginning


to lift visitation restrictions, we must continue to be vigilant. From phone calls, to video chats, to endless personal protective equipment, we are committed to provide safe legal services.

We wipe all relevant surfaces between clients, we seat lawyers and clients at a social distance, and we wear face coverings.

It is everyone’s hope that social distancing is temporary. For now, we will continue to waive and chat from a distance but look forward to resuming handshakes and hugs.

Let us know how we may assist you and your family.

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