Combat Hapkido Black Belt Booklet - Oct 2009

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October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing


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October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing


In 1990 Grandmaster Pellegrini officially named his style of Hapkido “Combat Hapkido” (Chon-Tu Kwan Hapkido in Korean). The name clearly identifies it and sets it apart from other so-called “traditional” styles of Hapkido. It is also referred to as the “Science of Self Defense”. Combat Hapkido is an extremely realistic and versatile discipline of self protection that includes an extensive variety of joint locks, kicks, strikes, take downs, pressure points, ground survival, disarming techniques and the use of selected weapons. The result is a comprehensive Self Defense system enjoyable to learn, safe to practice and most of all, totally effective. Combat Hapkido’s dynamic concepts are based on scientific principles of anatomy and biomechanics as well as psychology and strategy. It is well suited for men and women of all ages and sizes because physical strength and athletic abilities are not essential. The emphasis is on redirecting the assailants’ aggression and power back toward them with little effort and minimum force on your part. Creating this system did not mean “inventing” the techniques. It was a matter of selecting, from a vast body of knowledge, the most realistic, effective and practical ones, modifying others and then combining and arranging those techniques in a structured method of instruction designed for individuals of all physical abilities living in a modern society. Grandmaster Pellegrini continues to research, study and learn and, as a result, the Combat Hapkido system will be further refined and will continue to evolve and adapt to changing situations. Grandmaster Pellegrini first received unofficial approval for Combat Hapkido by Grandmaster In Sun Seo while training in Pusan, Korea in 1993. After 6 years of monitoring and supervision, Grandmaster In Sun Seo granted Combat Hapkido official recognition and “Kwan” accreditation in 1999. This unprecedented act established Combat Hapkido as a legitimate style of Hapkido, registered with the World Ki-Do Federation and recognized by the Korean government.

Grandmaster John Pellegrini - Founder of Combat Hapkido

Grandmaster Pellegrini started his martial arts training at the age of 11 in Italy with Judo. Later Grandmaster Pellegrini studied some Kung-Fu in a local gym up to the age of 17. While in the Army Grandmaster Pellegrini trained in Jujitsu. Upon moving to the US he received his first of many Black Belts in 1971 in the art known as Shotokan Karate. He then moved to New York and switched to Tae Kwon Do and has remained in the Korean arts ever since. Grandmaster Pellegrini has had many different hapkido instructors with his first being JI Sung Song. He is currently a student under Grandmaster In-Sun Seo.

Over the last 30 plus years Grandmaster Pellegrini has studied and applied many different aspects of martial arts training. After many years of development and study, Grandmaster Pellegrini decided that Hapkido was, in his opinion, the most practical method of self-defense. However he did find several areas of study in Hapkido that were not practical in a combat situation (self-defense). Thus he founded Combat Hapkido. 9th Dan ICHF, 9th Dan and Founder of the ITA (Independent Tae Kwan Do Association), Instructor certification in Jeet Kune Do and Akido, Master Instructor in Cane Masters, Founder/President of the ICHF, ITA, IPDTI (International Police Defensive Tactics Institute), and MCA (Military Combatives Association). Page 2

October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing

Master Steve Materkowski – ICHF Regional Chief Director

Master Steve Materkowski began studying martial arts in Michigan in 1975. He began his studies with Judo and European Style Fencing. Master Materkowski was first introduced to Tae Kwon do while enlisted in the U.S. Navy. In 1985, he began formal study with Master K.Y. Park, in Fremont, CA. Master Park emphasized a broad approach to Korean Martial Arts, which included Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido and Weapons. After moving to Colorado in 1988, Master Materkowski continued his study of Korean Martial Arts including various Philipino Martial Arts. In 1992, he began studying with Grandmaster Vthor Braun. This further enhanced his understanding and skills in Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido and Weapons. At this time he was also introduced to Guru Tuan William de Thouars and his unique art of Kun Tao Silat.

1995 was an instrumental year in that Master Materkowski became affiliated with Grandmaster John Pellegrini. Through his association with the ICHF, Master Materkowski introduced Combat Hapkido to the Rocky Mountain region. Master Materkowski was appointed the Colorado State Director for the ICHF in 1993. He received his 6th Dan Combat Hapkido Ranking in 2005. Master Materkowski was appointed as the Rocky Mountain Regional Director for the ICHF in 2001. Master Materkowski is also a member of the Masters Council for the ITA. He is currently ranked as a 5th Dan in Tae Kwon Do through the ITA and he also holds Master Instructor Certification through both the ITA and the World Ki Do Federation. Currently Master Materkowski is the owner of Defensive Response Training in Conifer, Colorado and travels the Rocky Mountain region teaching clinics in Combat Hapkido and Weapons.

Mr. Eric Mayes – ICHF Regional Weapons & Ground Survival Director

Mr. Eric Mayes started training purposefully in martial arts in the very early ‘90s. Mr. Mayes is currently a 4th Degree Black Belt with the ICHF. He is the Rocky Mountain Region Director of Weapons and Ground Survival. Almost simultaneously with his ICHF training, he also started training in Hock Hochheim’s Scientific Fighting Congress. Under Mr. Hochheim he is now an Unarmed Combatives Instructor and holds Black Belts and instructor status in Mr. Hochheim Karatejutsu and Archipeligan Combatives. Mr. Mayes then began training with Mr. Mike Janich and his Martial Blade Craft system. He earned Instructor number 007 in the summer of 2008. Mr. Mayes teaches at United Martial Arts Center (UMAC) and provides advanced training to ICHF students throughout the Rocky Mountain Region.

Mr. Bud Brasier – ICHF Regional Marketing Director

Mr. Bud Brasier began training in martial arts in 1999 with his son, Michael. Mr. Brasier discovered Combat Hapkido in 2006 and has been very involved in this martial art ever since. He received his 1st Degree Black Belt in Combat Hapkido in 2008 and is the Chief Combat Hapkido Instructor at Family Martial Arts Center. He received his Anatomical Targeting Strategy (pressure points) Instructor certification in April 2009 and became certified as an International Police Defensive Tactics (IPDTI) Instructor in July 2009. Mr. Brasier is also the ICHF Rocky Mountain Region Marketing Director.

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October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing

ICHF INSTRUCTORS Master Steve Materkowski, 6th Dan - UMAC Mr. Eric Mayes, 4th Dan - UMAC Dr. Marty Bernstein, 2nd Dan (3rd Dan Candidate) - UMAC Mr. Bud Brasier, 1st Dan (2nd Dan Candidate) - FMAC and PAMA

Mr. Larry Cline 4th Dan UMAC Instructor

Mr. Derek Materkowski 3rd Dan UMAC Instructor

Mr. Hal Gustin 2nd Dan PAMA Instructor

Ms. Miriam Zoole 1st Dan FMAC & PAMA Instructor

CANDIDATES Dr. Marty Bernstein – 3rd Dan Combat Hapkido Black Belt Candidate Dr. Bernstein’s interest in the martial arts began when he saw Bruce Lee perform some amazing fight sequences as Kato on the TV Show The Green Hornet. Martial Arts schools were few so he began reading books that illustrated hand-to-hand combat skills, although this did not satisfy his need, Dr. Bernstein focused on school then marriage and the establishment of a career. He pursued different sports and activities but didn’t actively purse the Martial Arts until 2001 when a friend was enthusiastically talking about the martial art he was practicing. In his mid 50’s, it took every bit of courage Dr. Berstein could muster to walk into a dojang; fear of hurting himself, fear of his body not doing what he asked of it and fear of embarrassment.

By overcoming those fears he experienced a great amount of joy and met people that were warm, welcoming, supportive, gentle, and fun loving. He continues to train with various Hapkido Masters such as Grandmaster Pellegrini and Master Materkowski, and other martial arts greats such as Grandmaster Mark Shuey, Bopak Willem deThouars, Guru Dan Inosanto, and others. Dr. Bernstein teaches Combat Hapkido at UMAC. Page 4

October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing

Mr. Bud Brasier – 2nd Dan Combat Hapkido Black Belt Candidate

Mr. Bud Brasier began training in martial arts in 1999 with his son, Michael. After two years of training and competing in Tae Kwon Do he was unable to continue due to work commitments. Mr. Brasier founded Emerging Technology Solutions, Inc. in 1996, which has afforded him the opportunity to travel to more than 40 countries. He also co-owns Tidbits - Denver Metro Area newspaper with Miriam Zoole. Mr. Brasier discovered Combat Hapkido in 2006 and has been very involved in this martial art ever since. He received his 1st Degree Black Belt in Combat Hapkido in 2008 and is the Chief Combat Hapkido Instructor at Family Martial Arts Center and the ICHF Rocky Mountain Region Marketing Director. He received his Anatomical Targeting Strategy (pressure points) Apprentice Instructor certification in April 2009, and became certified in International Police Defensive Tactics in July 2009. Mr. Brasier graduated magna cum laude with an MBA in Marketing and Finance from San Jose State University and his Bachelor of Arts degree from Park College in Management. He is a Vietnam era (1973-1977) veteran with the U. S. Air Force and was honorably discharged. Mr. Brasier is also an avid scuba diver and holds his Dive Master certification. Mr. Brasier will be travelling to Playa del Carmen, Mexico in November 2009 to become a PADI certified SCUBA diving instructor.

Mr. Greg Way – 2nd Dan Combat Hapkido Black Belt Candidate

Mr. Greg Way started training in Combat Hapkido in June of 2005. He successfully tested for his 1st degree Black Belt in October of 2008. He currently trains almost exclusively with Eric Mayes, and supports teaching at United Martial Arts Center. Mr. Way is married with 2 young children and is active in the community volunteering for Scouting and youth sports activities. He is also an avid golfer and snowboarder. Mr. Way graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and has worked in the Oil & Gas sector for the last 29 years.

Mr. Bradley Day - 1st Dan Combat Hapkido Black Belt Candidate

Mr. Day (49) is a Colorado native born and raised in Westminster Colorado. He is married to Keely Day and has a son Taylor (19), and a daughter Tiffany (27). Brad is an aircraft mechanic and maintains several heavy corporate jets at Centennial and Rocky Mountain Metro Airports. Brad started practicing martial arts at Martial Arts USA in October 2006 with his son Taylor. Brad and Taylor began training in martial arts because they felt it would help keep them in shape and was something they could do together as father and son. Soon after, Martial Arts USA merged with Parker Academy of Martial Arts and he has continued his training in Tae Kwon Do there. He received his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do in October of 2008. He began training in Combat Hapkido in June of 2006 and has attained the rank of Deputy Black Belt. He trains at Parker Academy of Martial Arts, Family Martial Arts Center and United Martial Arts Center and substitute teaches at PAMA and FMAC.

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October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing

Mr. Kevin Cronin - Deputy Black Belt Candidate

Mr. Cronin is married and the proud father of two. Mr. Cronin has been training in Combat Hapkido at the Parker Academy of Martial Arts since 2006. As well as studying Combat Hapkido, Mr. Cronin also holds the rank of black belt in Taekwondo. Additionally Mr. Cronin is a FAST Defense Certified Instructor in Self Defense, Ground Defense, Weapons Defense and Defense against Multiple Attackers. When not studying Self Defense and Martial Arts Mr. Cronin enjoys spending time in the mountains with his family.

Mr. Neal Schroder - Deputy Black Belt Candidate Mr. Neal Schroder was first introduced to marital arts in college when a dorm mate who just attained black belt offered to give instruction in TKD just to get teaching experience. He received a commission in the United States Air Force upon graduation from college and during his first assignment joined a Jhoon Rhee TKD school. He changed direction and took up medieval weapons fighting in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). After leaving the military Mr. Schroder moved to Colorado; filling his free time by playing in multiple sports leagues. He attended 3 regional ICHF seminars over 3 years before eventually joining the Combat Hapkido school under Master Materkowski.

Mr. Alex Putica - Advanced Red Belt Candidate

Mr. Alex Putica began his martial arts training in Tae Kwon Do in September 2006 and then also began Combat Hapkido in June 2007 at Parker Academy of Martial Arts. Mr. Putica is a certified Tae Kwon Do instructor and teaches classes at PAMA. He tested for his 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do on April 25, 2009. Mr. Putica is testing for his Advanced Red Belt in Combat Hapkido.

Mr. Michael Brasier - Red Belt Candidate

Mr. Brasier is 16 years old and a senior at Ponderosa High School. He has been very active in martial arts since he was six years old. He was the Colorado State Champion in 2000 in his division for forms and was a four-time gold medalist at the State Games of Colorado in 2004. He also won a gold medal in forms and bronze medal in weapons at the 2005 National Games. Michael is currently a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and an instructor at Family Martial Arts Center. Michael is also an advanced PADI scuba diver and has logged over 50 dives.

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October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing

Mr. John Kennedy - Red Belt Candidate

Mr. Kennedy became interested in martial arts after watching his son’s Tae Kwon Do classes at Family Martial Arts Center. Although he considered training in Tae Kwon Do, he was looking for something different and found what he wanted in Combat Hapkido. Mr. Kennedy began training in Combat Hapkido when the program at FMAC started in January 2008. He is a veteran of the US Navy and is currently employed as a product manager at a company he has been at for 22 years. Mr. Kennedy lives with his wife and two kids (and three dogs!) in Aurora, CO.

Dr. Dev Paul - Red Belt Candidate

Dr. Dev Paul is 47 years old and is a medical oncologist/breast cancer specialist. He is married to Dorothy and they have one son, Jed. Dr. Paul trains under Dr. Bernstein at UMAC.

Mr. Jed Paul - Red Belt Candidate

Jed Paul is 15 and is a sophomore at Colorado Academy. He currently holds a 2nd Dan in Tae Kwon Do. Mr. Paul trains at UMAC under Dr. Bernstein.

Mr. Mike Tarin- Red Belt Candidate

Mike Tarin is married to Shawna Tarin and they have twin boys; Dylan and Dalton. Both Dylan and Dalton just received their red belts in Tae Kwon Do. Mike and Shawna have their brown belts in Tae Kwon Do. Mike enjoys spending time with his family. He tries to spend as much time outdoors as he can and loves to hike in the mountains year round. Backpacking overnight somewhere is one of his most noted passions.

Mr. Dale Wetmore - Red Belt Candidate

Dale Wetmore is a brown belt in Combat Hapkido and a 1st Dan black belt in taekwondo. He’s also received additional training in boxing, escrima, Krav Maga and jiu-jitsu. A former president of the Colorado State Rifle Team, he trained under the director of the US Army Sniper School, and holds the marksman grade of NRA Distinguished Expert. A graduate of Colorado State University and the University of Colorado, Dale is Director at JCB Partners, a business intelligence consulting practice. As well as spending time with his wife and three children, Dale enjoys movies and books, and recommends the “Rain” novels by Barry Eisler for anyone interested in wellwritten thrillers with a strong martial arts content.

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October 2009 Combat Hapkido Advanced/Black Belt Testing

Limited Time Offer!!! Bring this coupon to any of the following three martial arts schools by December 15, 2009 and receive: 2 FREE COMBAT HAPKIDO LESSONS FREE COMBAT HAPKIDO T-SHIRT 1 FREE PRIVATE LESSON


Family Martial Arts Center (FMAC) 15400 E. Smoky Hill Rd Aurora, CO 80015 (303) 699-1800 Parker Academy of Martial Arts (PAMA) 18632 Pony Express Dr. #103 Parker, CO 80134 (303) 841-0515 United Martial Arts Center (UMAC) 1610 E. Girard Place Englewood, CO 80113 (303) 783-9632

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