1 minute read
eSports RHCD’s League of Legends has just begun
Top benefits of eSports:
• Provides a fun challenge in a monitored setting
• Builds leadership skills and confidence through competition
• Promotes skill development in the areas of problem solving and strategy
• Helps establish a bridge to STEM fields in continued education
• Establishes school spirit and a sense of belonging
2023 Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement in Athletics
“Shout-out” to our RHCD 2023 Alumni Award WinnerFrancesca McCaughey!
The Alumni Association has presented to the School a permanent award for outstanding achievement in athletics. This signifies the highest recognition in Athletics at Rocky Hill.
Safe Sports School Award!
In 2023, Rocky Hill was awarded its THIRD Safe Sports School Award!
“The Safe Sports School Award recognizes secondary schools around the country that take the crucial steps to keep their athletes free from injuries.”
- NATA.org
Physical Education
Our PE Teachers Matt Taylor & Sean Tucker took archery certification training through RI’s National Archery in Schools Program. Students that had never shot a bow before, by the end of the unit, were enthusiastically hitting the bullseye!
Some of the criteria Athletics Programs must meet to achieve this award include:
• Create a positive athletic health care administrative system
• Develop injury and illness prevention strategies
• Create and rehearse venue-specific Emergency Action Plan
Shout-out to Art Entwistle, Athletic Trainer & Assistant Athletic Director, for his swift action to provide immediate care to a spectator overcome by heat exhaustion during the MS Girls LAX tournament.