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Rocky Hill School’s Alumni Reunion was held on June 10, 2017, one day after 34 students from the Class of 2017 joined the ranks of Alumni. At Commencement, we were proud to see Monica Iacono Boss ’91 receive a well-deserved acknowledgment, the Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award, for her leadership and steadfast commitment to Rocky Hill School. (see page 30)
The School and the Alumni Association planned a full day of activities as we celebrated Alumni classes ending in 2 and 7 while giving all in attendance the opportunity to connect with classmates, faculty, and friends!
At the Alumni Association annual meeting, Alumni received a review of the state of the school by Dr. Jim Tracy where he shared the move to embracing innovation and partnerships around the world and in our own backyard. Newly-elected President of the Board of Trustees Don McCaughey P’23 shared the Board’s vision for the future and emphasized the importance of the School’s Alumni as a critical part of that vision. Beth DeGerlia P’16, ’19, Assistant Head of School for External Affairs, shared accomplishments and impact Alumni play in the state of the School today including projects and fundraising successes.
The Alumni Association made great strides in formalizing the organization and updating the bylaws in 2017. The nominations and election for the 2017-2019 officers and board was led by Hannah Knowles ’08 with great success. With a vote held for both the new by-laws and board, the Association is poised to continue its great work on behalf of all Alumni in the years ahead. And a hearty thank you to the 2015-2017 leadership including President Sarah Shaw Siskin ’78, Vice President, Nathan Maine ’92, Treasurer, Lauren Koblick ’02, Secretary Sarah Taylor ’10, and the entire board for their service to the Association and the School over the last two years.
A festive “50th” theme kept the celebration going as Alumni and faculty gathered on the Hopeland’s front lawn for dinner and some fun. Thank you to Trixie Dumas ’81, Sarah Taylor ’10, Maria Emmons and Peter Hanney P’23, ’27 for the fun decorations that included Rocky Hill School memory boards highlighting the classes ending in 2 and 7, 50 years of The Crest, and 50 years of 12th grade graduates. Flik Dining, led by our very own Chef Jay, provided an outstanding meal which Alumni and friends enjoyed.
During Reunion, we held the Fourth Annual Alumni Scholarship Fund Silent Auction. The extensive auction included Red Sox tickets, RHS one of a kind Chatterley pottery, a FitBit, a Terry Coes print, Ruth Clegg’s etching, assorted gift baskets and gift cards, handmade jewelry, and so much more! Many thanks to the Alumni and friends who answered the call for auction items for this event!
The auction raised $1,365 to benefit the Alumni Scholarship Fund. Well done team!
In 2018, we will celebrate classes ending in 3 and 8. Please save the date for Reunion on June 2, 2018! Note that this is the Saturday before commencement.
Would you like to be on the planning committee? Please get in touch with the Alumni Office at alumni@rockyhill.org.
1 Faculty and Former Faculty Back Row: Liz Isdale, Peter Hanney, Sarah Taylor ’10, Beth DeGerlia, Mike Jedrey; Middle Row: Belinda Snyman, Bill Langlois ’74, Roxanne Card, Gerry Unger, Trixie Dumas ’81, Maria Emmons, Els Shine, Gary Monnier, Art Entwistle, Motria Holowinsky, Ernie Drew, Jim Tracy, Matt Gnolfo; Front Row (sitting): Sam Dumas ’79, Kathy and Ken Geiersbach 2 Class of 2007 Andrei Hanzel, Andrew Brown, Belinda Snyman, Connor Brown, and Andrew Fogarty
3 Class of 1971 Back Row: Luca Razza, Leo St. Onge, Paul Sacco; Front Row Seated: Dolores Scott, Roger Ray 4 Sally Kenyon Grant ’87 and former faculty members Gary Monnier, Els Shine, and Sarah Garcia-Mata 5 Class of 2016 Allison DeGerlia ’16, Malcolm Meyerson ’16, Ben Lanowy ’16, Douglas Cochran ’16, and Lauren Silva ’16 6 Bob Breslin ’87, Kristin Urbach ’87, Don Steinman ’87, Derrick Maloney ’87, Sally Kenyon Grant ’87, Els Shine, Kathy Geirsbach, Dave Gannon ’87 7 Class of 1987 Reunion Gift of a Memorial Tree dedicated to lost classmates Teresa Bechaz Ardente, Anne Brennan, Chris Patenaude, Billy Pine, and Chris White. 8 Class of 2002: Richard Koblick, Madison Koblick, Lauren (Friedman) Koblick ’02, Kristin (McLimans) Mitchell ’02
Rocky Hill School dedicated a tree in honor of Sarah Shaw Siskin ’78 for her service to Rocky Hill School and the Alumni Association. The Pink Flowering Dogwood (Cornus Florida Rubra) is located on the side of Hopelands across from the Alumni Garden. Sarah was Alumni President from 2013-2017 and Alumni Secretary from 2010-2013.