Rocky Mountain CRUZR

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11354 w 13th Ave Lakewood, Co 80215 303.238.5404


Chicano Pride Ride





19 36 B u i c k - S p e c i a l


La Raza Day

2019 Recap of Colorado Bike & Cars Shows

VOL. 5 Issue 1

16 Northsiders Car S h ow -2 019

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/ Rock yMo untainCr u z


To a l l o f R o c k y M o u n t a i n CRU ZR’s l o y a l re a d e rs! Thank you! I L O V E y o u ! Fo r e v e r y t i m e I a m o u t a t sh o w s a n d y o u a re telling me, “ho w much you lo ve t h e m a g a zi n e ” a n d y o u a p p re ci a te a l l t h e h a rd w o r k t h a t g o e s i n t o it... I thank you. Af ter some time out of the car scene and some so u l se a rchi n g t h e m a g a zi n e is b a ck a n d i n f u l l fo rce ! I w i l l co n t i n u e w i t h my o r i g i n a l thoughts and that is sharing the LOVE and Pa ssi o n b e h i n d t h es e c a r s- a l l g e n res a n d t h e re o w ners sharing their stories. I truly L o ve this magazine... and i ho pe to continue for many years to come! We l co m e to 2020. . . T his issu e is a R e ca p o f 20 19 . D i f f e re n t s h o w s a n d p i c t u re s I w a n t e d t o sh a re . I h o p e y o u e n j o y ! R M C i s i n a u n i q u e s ta g e . . .w e a re se t fo r g ro w t h ! I a m g o i n g to re a l ly p u t so m e e f fo r t i n to g ro w i n g t h e m a g a zi n e t h i s y e a r ! T h e re i s a lot going on right no w behind the scenes and h o p e to b e a b l e to sh a re so m e g o o d n e w s i n t h e n e a r f u t u re ! I n t h e m e a n t i m e I l o o k f o r w a rd t o s e e i n g y o u a n d re ce i v i n g y o u r p i c t u res o n my fa ce b o o k . w h i ch i w i l l sh a re b o t h o n fa ce b o o k a n d i n t h e magazine!! P l e a se re m e m b e r to k e e p t h e m a g a zi n e F R E E Please suppor t our adver tisers and let them know you saw their ad in R O C K Y M O U N TA I N C R U Z R ! ! ! T h an k y o u A g ain fo r a l l t h at y o u d o!! B e r n a d e t te Vi l l a l o b os

Iwould like to Introduce

Tr i s h O r n e l a s .

She will be working with RMC and helping out as a A c c o u n t R e p a n d o n S c e n e p h o t o g r a p h e r. S o e x c i t e d t o h ave o n b o a r d! I t ’s g o n n a b e a g r e a t ye a r !

I am excited to be joining the Cruzr team. I have a life long love for cars. I was born into a family of mechanics and have a passion for the classics. I really enjoy going to car shows and events so I can hear the stories of the builds and the people behind them. A lit t le over 10 year s ag o my husband introduced me to the wonder ful world of Motorcycles and I love it. I have been to so many amazing places, have met some great people and have been apar t of some wonder ful experiences. The Automotive and Biker c ommunit y h ave b e e n g r e a t t o m e a n d I l o o k f o rward to working with you on behalf of t h e R o c k y M o u n t a i n C r u z r. Tr i s h


D e c e m b e r 2 019 Rocky Mountain CRUZR is a FREE Car

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every other month right here in Colorado.

Managing Editor Chief

We at CRUZR believe in not only bringing you local Cars and Bikes, but feel it

Mary Hernandez Manuel Villalo-is


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and Bike enthusiast magazine published

Bernadette Villalobos

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V O L .13 I s s u e 12

just as important to bring awareness Rocky Mountain CRUZR

to the community and the positive events Cooper that are taking place.

B e r n a d e t te Vi l l a l o b os


Account Executives

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Tr ish O r n e l as Jose “ Juni o r ” H e r n an d e z A Special Thank you! I appreciate you

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/ Rock yMo untainCr u z


Rock y Mountain Cruzr

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O ut O f Cont rol Car ph ot o s b y

B e r na de t t e V i l l a l o b o s

M i le H i F le a Ma rke t

Club - 2 019 Show

Col o ra d o ’s 1st Annu al L a R aza Day

T h e Da n z a , Gr up o T l a lo c,

c a me o ut t o ble s s t h e d ay of c r u i s i n g a nd c om mu n it y! It wa s b e aut i f u l! Th e d a n z a d a nc e d, of c o u r s e, b ut t h e y a l s o ble s s e d p e ople , a nd t h e d ay! S ome of t h e yo u n g e r g e n e ra t io n d a nc e r s go t t o c ome o ut a nd d a nc e. Eve r yo n e c a me o ut t o e n j oy t hu s d ay. A d ay de d ic at e d t o c r u i s i n g a nd c om mu n it y! L A R A Z A DAY.... 2019! b y B e r n ad e t t e Vi l l a lo b o s

Au g ust 25 , 2019

Rock y Mountain Cruzr

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1st Annual L a Raz a Day in Den

nver, Co

August 25 2019.

The state of Colorado recognized lowriding- crusing and even

signed a proclamation allowing the community to go out and enjoy a day of cruising and just hang out amongst our fellow auto enthusiasts. Because the some complaints about cruising on 6th & federal people started to realize that something had to be done. senator Julie Gonzales her husband Ben Chavez and Jolt were among select few who took some action and were able to get recognition and even a proclamation signed. Declaring August 25 “La Raza Day” in Denver Colorado...allowing the lowriders and the community A day of cruising without harassment. It was beautiful to see the community come together and celebrate our culture and just enjoy each other’s company! Hope to see everyone again in 2020 on August 25th to celebrate La Raza Day... as this day grows each year! It’s gonna be great. By Bernadette Villalobos

Rock y Mountain Cruzr

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Lincoln College Car show 2 019

Globeville Community Day & BBQ Globeville Community Day – A day of giving back to the community

The event was for the community. Faith based and supported by motorcycle ministry and blood brotherz. The group was Founded by Boogie Mondragon. The event was established as a unification between motorcycle ministries and the community. Hell fighters MC Motorcycle was looking for a place to have a revival and with myself, Rudy Rodriguez, we established a unified motorcycle ministry/community event It was established in 2018. Took about 7 months to organize. All motorcycle ministry and surrounding volunteers and organizations all come together to make this event possible. By Rudy Rodriguez

A side note: The event was a free event held at Argo Park in Globeville. They offered free food, drinks and snacks to the whoever came down to enjoy themselves and hang out with the community. Cars and bikes of course ‌ there to show support! LOVE IT! Some of the vendors offered community services such as free clothes and other items if they were needed. It was a beautiful event. So nice to see people enjoying themselves while helping others! Thank you for doing this! Bernadette


C a r Show a t B e r k l e y Pa


a rk 2019

20 19 . . .5 t h A n n u a l

Sho wof f Car Sho

@ D e nve r Civ i c Ce nt Cin co d e M ayo

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/ Rock yMo untainCr u z

ow er

City wide photos by Junior Hernandez


Car Show o S p r in g s,C O

K endrick Castillo F u n d r a i s e r. One of the biggest fears any parent faces is the fear of losing a child. No parent wants to bury their child. That is true also for the parents of Kendrick Castillo. We as parents only pray our children have peace, joy and a happy life. I want his parents to know that it is a legacy that Kendrick left behind‌ to all the children he saved and those who hear his story. He put other lives before his own. Even writing this I get chills. Kendrick saved the lives of his friends and classmates. When we think of hero’s nowadays, we think of Iron Man, Captain America and many others. But none are more heroic then someone, such as Kendrick Castillo, who sacrificed his own life so that others may live. I want to say thank you to his parents for raising such an amazing child. Know you did a wonderful job. I pray for you; I know you miss him. I hope you find peace in knowing he was such a brave and compassionate person. No parent could ever ask for more. God Bless.

These pictures are from a fundraiser held by local bikers and a community that came together to show their love and support for Kendrick and his family. Story by Bernadette Villalobos Images by : Bernadette Villalobos & Trish Ornales

Greeley Ca r Show

Prime Time Aut o Gl a ss Some Be aut ie s...

Rock y Mountain Cruzr

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I wou ld l ike you to Me et Bombshell

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos



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/ Rock yMo untainCr u z

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos & Trish Ornelas

Her name is Bombshell BETTY!!

Because she is just that... a Bombshell Beauty!! A 1936 Buick. The motor is a 248 inline Straight 8. This Buick is a true 3 window Rare Buick. Betty is 3 window coupe special with a rumble seat. Owner: Art & Dominga Mendoza, He just got her on the road again.

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/ D e c e m b e r 2 019 /

/ Rock yMo untainCr u z r.

Betty is originally from Nevada – a TRUE show girl! She was a display show car in Nevada. Then a friend of Art’s, named Dan, moved her to Loveland Co… Now she belongs to ART. Betty… is now being driven all over! Art soon after got this special coupe back on the road…He began to show her off. As he should, she is a beauty. Art belongs to a club called Royalty Car Club, he has been with the club since early 90s . Thank you Art and Dominga for sharing with us! by Bernadette Villalobos

L ega cy Car Club BBQ I was out on a Sunday afternoon... I ended up in Greeley, Colorado.  

I am so glad I did! I enjoyed a beautiful day at Island Grove Regional Park. I met memebers from Legacy Car Club. Just hanging out on a Sunday having a BBQ. They said they do this every Sunday and any clubs or solo riders are welcome to come out and join. Some great cars and great company. Maybe in summer of 2020 more cars will come out and just hang out and then go cruise in town after the BBQ. BY Bernadette Villalobos

Go in to Fl o yd’z to g e t info r m ati o n o n Custo m er a p pre ci ati o n car sh o w !! Co min g in July!!

Rock y Mountain Cruzr

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Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos

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Ema nua l Ch r Ca r show

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/ Rock yMo untainCr u z

r ist ia n Center w 2 019

Wheatrdige Car nation Festivial

Fu n d r a i s e r f o r W h e at r i d g e H i g h S c h o o l Fo ot b a l l Photos by: Junior Hernandez

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/ Rock yMo untainCr u z

Just Casuals

C arnage

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos

on Larimer

To y R u n

Chilrens Hospital 4 3 t h A n n u a l To y D r i v e

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos

Loc al Colorado bikers by the thousands came out to help supp o r t c h i l d r e n’s h o s p i t a l t h i s ye a r the 3 4th annual toy run at Child r e n’s h o s p i t a l . But a special stor y of on a share i s a b o u t J a k e R e c o r. . . H e ’s f r o m Pueblo, Co. Jake took it upon himself to donate his time to help get help from local businesses and his school to donate toys for the children at c h i l d r e n’s h o s p i t a l . J a ke d r ove to Denver with his family so he himself could deliver the gif ts h i m s e l f... b u t t o J a ke’s s u r p r i s e he wouldn’t be doi g it by him self he had the help of another hero ... Captain A mer ic a. Amazing stor y

COMPAS Car Show 2019

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos

I n M e m o r y o f. . . John Pa

08/31/1989 - 03/07/2019

This is a hard story to write. Too many of us

have experienced someone with cancer and or dying of cancer. But, it is always never easy when a parent has to watch a child go through such pain and agony and have the knowledge that they are going to lose their baby! And there’s nothing they can do. One starts to ask questions? Why? Why does this happen? Anger comes... Then the inevitable... my cousin Shawn Villalobos lost has son in 2019 to this horrible disease... I watched as Shawn and Felicia, John Paul’s mother just couldn’t believe this happened. None of us wanted to believe he was gone.

aul San ch ez Villalobos

I remember the happiness you brought into you mother and father when you where born. The excitement of a baby boy! You grew up to be a handsome man...but more then that. John Paul was a respectable young man. He honored his mother and father. But must of all he LOVED! He was a good man! Truly. My heart goes out to you both I can’t even imagine going through what you’ve gone through. But... what a blessing to have been there for his 1st breath into this world and then have been there for his last breath out of this world. The fact that you got to enjoy the journey with him and have him be a part of your lives is a blessing. God Bless Love you Bernadette Villalobos

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos

10 t h A n n u a l S a n t a C r u z ’n t h

A dedication & T ha n

Lilly Gu Where to start… Lilly has been a staple in our lowrider community. First as the 1st lady of Denver Car Club. Also, as one of the founding members of Ladies of Lowriding & Custom Ridz. It has been 10 years since the inception of the LOL&CR. Having her own beautiful car- one that she has had since she was a teenager! Members have come and gone…But Lilly has been a solid fixture and has held the rains and guided this organization to what is today…10 years later! A tradition! Holding events such as: Trunk r Treat, East Eggs Hunt @ Sloan’s Lake, Turkey Drive, and of course the Santa Cruz’n through da Hood! Please understand and I know Lilly doesn’t do Santa Cruz’n and other events- alone. That is the lowriding community as a whole, and what a beautiful thing this event has grown into! My congrats to all that contributed in putting all those smiles on those children’s faces! But I am saying, “Thank You” & recognizing Lilly Gurule! Thank you for keeping these events going. She does this NOT for herself but for the kids and families in our communities that really need the help. Thank you, for pushing forward and motivating our community to be involved and help those that need it. Much appreciation to you Lilly & the Lowriding Community for all that you do!! God Bless Bernadette Villalobos

h rou gh da Hood

n k you to

ur u le.

Rock y Mountain Cruzr

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos, Smokey Photography & Lilly’s FB

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Car Club Cinco de Mayo C i n L ong mont ,CO

b Car Show O 2 019

Photos by: Bernadette Villalobos

Rock y Mountain Cruzr

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