==== ==== How To Save Money on Anything- Money Saving Options.For More Click On the Link http://bit.ly/ywFPAI ==== ====
Ken has just received his salary. He has a family of 4; himself, his wife and 2 children. The children's school fees are due for payment. His wife needs a new washing machine to ease the stress of doing the family laundry in addition to other tasks she has to carry out as a housewife, mother and career woman. The car loan he obtained is also due for payment. Ken's major problem is therefore how to meet these pressing financial obligations when his meager salary is hardly enough to sustain the whole family. You may find yourself in this situation too. So what do you do if you find yourself in Ken's shoes? Well, you either make more money or devise means of controlling your spending habits. You will find a lot of resources on how to make more money online and offline if you are interested in the first option. But I am going to share the second option which I think is as important as the first one with you in this write up. I called this option the "Money- Saving Tips". These tips are important because you need to understand how to save more, even if you make more money. 8 Tips for Saving for More Money • Plan your Purchases -Prepare a list of the items you want to buy before you make the purchase. And stick to it. Shopping without a list encourages you to buy on impulse and you usually end up overshooting your budget in the process. Impulse buying does nothing more than make you pay for things you may not really need. • Bargain -Don't just dip your hand into your pocket to pay for a good or service immediately you have been told the price. Try to haggle over the price of the item you want buy to see if you can get a good bargain. Contrary to some people's belief, haggling over the price of a product or service you want to buy does not mean you are miserly or poor. Rather, it shows that you a rational buyer. Do not only haggle over the price, go further and ask for a discount. • Buy in Bulk-It is cheaper to buy in bulk than to buy in units. This saves more money for you. For this reason, buy your needs especially the non-perishable household ones you use frequently in bulk. • Rent or borrow what you do not use always-Rather than buy those things that you use occasionally, borrow or rent them, instead. After all, of what use are the items you accumulate and eventually discard due to lack of use? • Don't play the Lottery - Robert Allen once said that "your chances of winning the lottery is less than the chances of being struck by lightning". Lottery is a form of gambling that gives you little or no chance of winning the stake. Rather, it deceives you into parting with your hard earned money by giving you the false hope that if you keep playing, you will eventually win big. Only a few
lottery players win whether big or small while the majority goes home empty- handed. • Track you expenses- Endeavour to keep record of your expenses. You will be amazed at the percentage of your income that goes into frivolous expenses, as a result of bad spending habits when you track your expenses. It is therefore important that you reduce the ratio of your income frittered on trivial things to the barest minimum. In addition, make sure your expenditure is less than your income. • Minimize your phone call cost -The advent of cellphones has increased the cost we incur on phone calls drastically. Personally, what I do is to prioritize my official or business calls over my social calls and try to reduce the latter to the barest minimum. I am not suggesting that you cut off calls to family members and close friends.But be conscious of how much you pay on phone bills when you spend the whole day chatting away on the phone. To minimize this cost, try communicating through e-mails more, if the subject of the communication does not require a phone call, because of its cheaper rate. • Get rid of that Debit card -That is true. Get rid of your debit card, if you discover that it is making you overspend or live an extravagant lifestyle which your income can not support. An emerging problem associated with debit cards in some advanced countries is that their users are overspending, therefore running into debts. So, it is more reasonable to do away with this card if you can not resist the urge to overspend, instead of allowing it to run you into debt.
This article was inspired by the need to regulate our spending habits in order to save more money. You are invited to visit my blog; http://thepersonalgrowthblog.blogspot.com for more practical tips and strategies for living a more successful and fulfilling life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ola_Folarin
==== ==== How To Save Money on Anything- Money Saving Options.For More Click On the Link http://bit.ly/ywFPAI ==== ====