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In their efforts to raise successful and happy children, parents sometimes become overly demanding or harsh disciplinarians. They lose sight of the importance of letting youngsters develop at a more natural pace. It's important in parenting to base child rearing strategies on what the research says is best for children and adolescents. There are reasons for the behaviors of children and adolescents. When youngsters act badly, it is often because parents do not appropriately meet their needs. Medication and severe discipline rarely treat these problems effectively. Instead, it is better to find out what unfulfilled physical, emotional, or social needs are causing the behavior. Understanding the cause of child and adolescent behavior is a key to successful child rearing. It is essential for the child to be able to explore and learn. Too many parents are harshly critical of the child when he or she makes mistakes, which discourages said child from learning. The child must also learn to cope with frustration and disappointment. For this to happen, the parents have to be there to meet the child's needs at a very early age. This creates a predictable and comforting certainty for the child that acts as a solid foundation for learning and social development. No child should be without the emotional support of loving parents. These concepts are just some of the helpful concepts taught by Dr. Peter Ernest Haiman, Ph.D., an expert in child rearing.
Even more child rearing information is available at his website, PeterHaiman.com Visiting www.peterhaiman.com allows parents to get help from a respected expert in the social and psychological growth of children. The doctor has a great deal of comprehensive and thoughtful child rearing advice for parents.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Y._Tilden
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