Classification Of Kayaks

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Kayaks are small boats with a covered deck. The kayak cockpit is covered by a spray skirt or similar waterproof material. A double blade paddle is used to propel the kayak. Kayaks were mainly developed for the people of the Arctic region. Kayaks can accommodate wo to three paddlers facing in the front direction in one or more cockpits. The spray skirt is attached to the edges of the cockpit to prevent the water from entering and roll the kayak without letting the water to fill in it. Rigid kayak, folding boats, and inflatable boats are the three classifications of kayaks according to their structure. Rigid Kayak: these boats are made of fiberglass, plastic, wood, carbon fiber or Kevlar. Amongst these hardshell boats, plastic kayak is quite cheap but is heavier. Plastic kayaks are tough, and repair ability is not that easy if damage occurs. A fiberglass kayak is light in weight and more expensive in comparison to plastic ones. These can be easily damaged and easily repaired. Carbon fiber, Kevlar and graphite kayaks will be more expensive and even lighter. Wooden kayaks are different as they possess beauty of hand-made quality. People like to assemble the wood kayak by themselves and so purchase it in the form of kit. The price of wood kayaks varies depending on their quality. These kayaks are easily repairable and do not require maintenance. Folding Boats: these kayaks are advantageous because of their easy portability and storage. These kayaks are made of aluminum or wood and are collapsible. They are expensive and last longer as compared to rigid kayaks. The resale price of folding kayaks is high. Although folding kayaks are flexible, tough, and stable, they lack in performance and speed to that of hardshell boats. With folding kayaks, construction is traditional and brings about a sense of nostalgia. Inflatable Boats: inflatable kayak is a special type of kayak offering easy portability and storage. These kayaks can be transported easily using a carry bag. Inflatable kayaks are very cheap and are made of PVC, hypalon (type of neoprene) or polyurethane coated cloth. You can inflate these boats using electric pumps, hand, or foot. Inflatable kayaks use low-pressure air. These kayaks are non-rigid, pointed rafts. Inflatable kayaks are suitable on calm water or rivers. Apart from easy portability, these boats are stable and can be mastered easily. However, paddling requires more effort and are slower in comparison to traditional boats. Recently, some manufacturers have combined the design principles of the folding boat with the overall design of the sit-on-top kayak by making use of various inflatable sections to develop an inflatable sea kayak.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Kayaking information site. For more articles and resources on Kayaking related topics, visit his site at: =>

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