A good introduction (Part 2.) After we have taken some pictures from these beautiful creatures, it was time for them to go back and enjoy their freedom. The last one of them, who the big one was, got a kiss and slowly started to swim away, at that exact moment, when I saw his last movements before gone in the water, my left hand rod went off. It was about 11 in the morning, so I didn’t expected anything, but a nice 13,10 common was attracted by the faithful Addicted bait. He was a real stunner, so we took some pictures together and let him go. The day was eventless, except a few small ones, so I
presentation. How I said earlier, in this venue it’s very hard to have a bite during the day, but thanks to the D-rig which was made of the Sniper Soft and Dragonfly hook, with only one small Mulberry Florentine pop-up, gave me a 5, a 6 and an 8 kilogram mirror in the hottest hour of the day, so I was really satisfied with this set-up. The sun started to go down, so we prepared for the night to come. I went sleep early, because I was so tired from the previous night and thought this one has to be something like that. I have to say, it wasn’t how it has
happened. I slept throw the whole night, just caught only one in the morning about 9 kilos, but I was reposeful, so wasn’t sad about it. But it wasn’t so calm for my partner! He almost went throw the same as I did previously, he was awake for the whole night. It’s true that the grasscarps tricked him two or three times, they were able to bite of his hooklink, but the result was highly above average. He got two carps above ten kilos, until fourteen, besides a few smaller one and a beautiful 16 kilogram grasscarp. Nothing notable happened in the upcoming day, so we were able to rest a bit. The fifth night wasn’t too bad, I should say, we would be very happy with three carps over ten kilos in one night, but it wasn’t comparable to the previous ones. Although, two of them was nearly 14 kilos and they looked just great. That’s how we arrived to the last night of the session. My mate had to go in the morning, but I persevered, I knew every night counts in this session, anything could happen. It was one o’clock in the morning and my right hand rod went off, I hit it and felt there is something on the line, just couldn’t guess what it was. I felt a pretty big weight, but it didn’t want to go anywhere. I jumped into the boat and go after it. I caught up to him really fast and he came up shortly, but when I saw him, realised it won’t be so easy at all. It was a long, full of muscle grasscarp. I tried to land him immediately, but it was so a naive idea. When he just saw the landing net, launched
and didn’t see him for
minutes! However, I was playing him with
confidence, because I saw that the M size
hook sat very well and knew that the 50lb X-VEC Heavy can’t be broken. After 45 minutes of struggling I was able to get him into the landing net. When I weighted him, the scale showed 15,80 kilogram, he was really just nothing but 16kg of muscle! I was very happy about it, a big grasscarp liked “Carp Candy”, I’m always glad when a new recipe works well. I had to wait for the next bite until about 6 o’clock in the morning, it was a nice looking 10,5kg common. He woke me up, so I started to put my stuff together, it was the end of the session, of course my rods were the last I packed, fortunately! I caught two carps about 9 kilos at 7 and 8 o’clock. They were great for an ending, but the surprise was still to come! Almost every gear was packed up, just my rods left. I was drinking my last tea on the bank and my right rod indicated a small bite, than another one which was gone to a full running. I grabbed the rod and hit it, but the fish didn’t want to stop. He just took meters after meters of the spool, that’s when I got curious. I stepped into the boat and went after him. When we met next to the boat he wasn’t as powerful as he was after the bite, but I felt something’s not right, it was the old tricks of a catfish, just like a snake. He wasn’t the biggest I saw, but far the biggest I caught during
kilograms. It was a really nice ending of the session. For a summary of the trip, it was quite a good fishing, with lots of beautiful carps, a few really great grasscarps and an unexpected catfish, can you ask for more?