Underzero Carpfishing
It is Friday. The weather one is decidedly very bad. Ggran leaves of the Italian regions is from hours under the inclemencies. By now it was all deciding, I could not be pulled behind. After approximately two hours of travel arrival to destination. It is by now come down the night and the rain does not seem to give truce. To attend two friends to me, Alexander and its girl. After to have stated that the rain would not have given truce to us, we have opted for the assembly of a single taken boat and the decision to mount initially to only stretches them that they would be served from shelter from the rain for we and all the buffetteria that we carried ourselves behind. After solo the first travel begins the problems: the forts and continuous rains were causing a lifting of the level of the lake repentino, this to scapito of the boat that had been berthed on the side without being tied. At a distance not even 5 minuteren from the arrival in the prestabilito place, the side lacking in water had been overflowed and the boat was taking the wide one. we were caught, isolated from all in the middle of the mud and under the rain. The decision was drastic! Considering that I had not eaten, I undressed myself and I threw myself to swim to recover the night boat‌. with water to 6 degrees. .non the maximum was own! Brought back the boat aloft me catapulto in it stretches in order to cover to me. The session was not begun but seen the happened one all it did not make to think next to bond nothing. Towards midnight we finish trasbordare all the equipments, we arrange ourselves in the respective ones stretches and we arrange all the material; useless to say that cribs, ags, bags etc. they were in good part bathed. After to have given an order to the things, I prepare something to eat and since I did not suc ce ed to take sleep I decide however to be useful for it pauses of the rain in order to mount canes and launch them in the sottoriva with of the bags in pva. We had mounted stretches to them very more up regarding the water of the lake, but suc c essively through of the branches that I planted in order to hold under control the level, I became ac count that the lake was being raised breathtakingly. Towards l 1:30 of night I come waked up give of the persons who gridano. Not there were shrewed that in the opposite side they with the jokes of badly the time were encamping other reckless ones to taken also. The boys were asking aid, the lifting repentino of the lake had removed from the side pure their boat. I mount in the door bote of Alexander and reco very
the boat of the boys. The day after The night passes under an incessant rain. The morning umpteenth the disagreeable surprise: the forts and constants rains had made that the level of the lake salted of beyond 2 meters, finding us our awakening the water a meter from do not stretch. We are useful for clearing up in order to move stretches to them still more to mount and in order to sound and to pasturare the prechosen points. The conditions generate did not promise them nothing of bond, the water was torbid and the level of the lake continued to go up uninterruptedly. I decide to fish in waters not too much fuses: a cane inside of a handle on 2,5 mt, the other to the center in order to try to intercept eventual fish of passage and in tip to a strettoia on approximately 2 mt. of water. Considered the temperature of the water, I decide to adopt a light feeding made up of decoys of easy composed disintegration from Frolic spezzettati, ready made ( crushed ) drenfish megaspice taste and pellet drenfish to the csl, all in order to try to stimulate the fish to feed itself. The time not to have pasturato the prechosen points that it recommences rain, to hail, to snow. in little minuteren we are of new barricades in stretches without still to be resolutions to enter in peach. It passes un' other hour before that the time grants a truce to us. We are useful therefore in order to decrease canes, suc c eed to arrange them all and little after it begins newly to hail. We are destroy, we have all the dresses completely bathed and the humidity is equal to 100%. I decide to ignite the gas in order to dry the garments a little and in order to heat the by now frozen feet. The time to remove the stockings in order to heat to me a little, that it heard the much wait departure. The knowledge that I could not allow me to lose that fish made me to schizzare to rocket outside from stretches, lacking in raincoat, with the feet knots in the mud under an incessant hail. Iron and I feel a good weight attacked I love to it. Port slowly the fish under, takes to thread a lot slowly, feels that it is a beautiful fish and shakes to the single thought of being able to lose it after all the one which we have passed. After little minuteren the port afloat: it is mirrors beautifulst, `a last escape and ends straight in the guadino! Collective joy, we are both frozen ones under the rain with the fish by now defeated in the guadino. It is a fantastic fish that repays all up to now the faced adversities! Ended the moments of collective euphoria I return in stretches, me change for the umpteenth time and I heat myself a little with the stufetta. Between mud and water we have both a truly inguardabile encampment. The night it is by now come down, the sky finally is made limpid and seemed to remove the rain definitively. Alle 8 of evening the external atmosphere is already all crystalline creating a beautifulst winter atmosphere. The fatigue is made to feel little and after landslide in a sleep that will make me risvegliare the mattino. The night is passed without some marks them. A pale sun is gradually carrying its beams also in the angles more hidden‌ slowly the temperature makes more gradevole. much cold has been a night, demonstrates the jerry can to it of the water that is completely frozen. In the afternoon a up wind in our direction begins to carry towards of innumerevoli we cuts floating capacities from the flood of the rivers. Armed with patience we try to load in boat the log larger in order to avoid that they disturb our action of peach in order then to unload them on the river. The day passes in a hurry without some marks them, the continuous lake to grow incessantly. Also the third night unfortunately passes without some marks them. The morning of good hour we prepare ourselves to take apart all and to return to house. It does not remain that the memory of fishing to the limits that difficultly we will forget.