Rig mechanics: K D r ig KD r ig is a very simple, but a very effective hooking method. I like to use it mainly in spring and winter when just one popup or a critically balanced hook bait is enough.
How to tie it? F i rst you have to get a curved hook like Vice Carp or New Grippa in a smaller size, S or M will be perfect for the job. Then you start to make a usual knot-a-not, but you only do two tu rns and then stop, this is where the secret can be found of this r ig. Now you have to take the hai r out of the way and continue the tu rns of the knot-a-not under the hair, then finish it as usual. That’s all, really simple, isn’t it?
How does it work?
The reason why KD r ig is so effective is connected with the used hook bait and the unique tying technique. Because the hai r is starting near to the eye of the hook, a weightless bait w ill make the eye light and the hook point heavy, that’s why the hook always w ill be in the r ight angle when the fish picks up the bait and straight attack the bottom lip. Besides, there isn’t any shrink tube or any r igid material so the r ig moves natu rally in every di rection.
The bait I t’s very important to use the proper bait for this r ig. As I said earlier, you have to use a critically balanced bait so the r ig can work as it should. You have to choose a bait that is weightless and just hovering off the bottom, but it won’t lift up the hook. I f you want to use a normal pop-up put some split shot under it to create the needed balance.
I hope this little r ig description was useful for everyone. Use it w i th pleasure!