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Fiverr Cookbook

Fiverr Cookbook All the Fiverr secrets jam packed into one straightforward book By. Cory Donatlan

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook •

P. 03 – Introduction

P. 04 – Quick start easy Fiverr Cash

P. 08 – Complete Fiverr Flipping

P. 18 – Outsourcing Fiverr Flipping

P. 20 – Fiverr PLR Explosion

P. 24 – Fiverrgator

P. 27 – Y! Fiverrs

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Introduction First off I’d like to thank you for purchasing this WSO. I’m not going to bother you with a bunch of legal copyright stuff because honestly, if this WSO is going to be pirated there isn’t much I could possibly do about it, I just hope you had the integrity to believe in your ability to make money online to actually spend the few dollars that the information I’ve put together for you cost you.

This WSO will be based completely 100% around Fiverr, everything will be how to utilize Fiverr to really start making cash. Even the most novice of internet marketers can make use of Fiverr, it’s really that simple. No matter what your skill level is you should easily be able to use Fiverr.

One thing I’m not going to waste your time on with this WSO is spending half the content explaining what Fiverr is and how to sign-up on Fiverr. Which I’ve noticed a lot of them tend to do. I’m going to just jump right into it so that you can easily jump right into the most important and only point of this WSO. Which is making money.

So who wants to make some cash?

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Quick start easy Fiverr cash

I decided to put this method in the beginning for an easy quick start on making money through Fiverr. I won’t fill this WSO with useless text on how I managed to make my first $10.00, instead I’m going to just jump right into things.

This is one of many methods that I used to start myself up in the Fiverr business. The best part about this one is that it requires no start-up capitol. Whereas other methods typically have you purchase services on Fiverr this one you’re going to actually be selling. Anybody can sell a service like this on Fiverr, it doesn’t require any pre-requisite skills besides basic knowledge with working around a computer and the internet.

First off you’re going to want to head over to the Fiverr website http://www.fiverr.com

Sign-up for an account and finish that whole process. Once you’re done we’re going to create a for sale service, now what we’re going to be selling to people is how to obtain unlimited Facebook likes and unlimited Twitter followers. You see on Fiverr there are a lot of people selling follower/like services, these can get pretty expensive if you’re looking to get a great amount of likes/follows. However Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook if you’re offering unlimited likes and follows then there’s going to be a lot of people who are interested in your service.

So how are we going to sell something like this? Well it’s easy, there’s a website called Twiends ( http://www.twiends.com/ ). A lot of people don’t know about this website, which is a good thing for us and the people we sell this to. Basically what this website is used for is a way for people to network their followers/subscribers. On the website there is a virtual currency called seeds, each new account starts with seeds, the way it works is, if you follow someone else you get seeds, if someone follows you(through the website), you automatically pay them seeds. It continues to go on and on like this, so in theory you could spend 30 minutes a day following people through the website to get tons of seeds and be able to obtain tons of followers yourself.

It sounds awesome right? Well it is and it actually works very well, best of all it’s something that nobody I know has ever heard of. Although that’s true, it still has a huge following, so it’s best to jump on it now and profit as much as possible by telling people about it.

So let’s get started

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook First we’re going to need a recording software, the best in my experience that I’ve used is called CamStudio, which is available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/camstudio/ Download and install that if you don’t have it already, since what we’re going to be selling on Fiverr is a video tutorial on the website Twiends. Once that’s installed get familiar with the software. It’s pretty straightforward to use, so you shouldn’t have much difficulty using/navigating it.

After you’ve got it ready, go ahead and prepare what you’re going to say, basically you’re going to introduce yourself and explain that you’re here to show them how you’re able to get unlimited Facebook likes and Twitter followers. Then go on over to the website Twiends, guide them through the sign-up process then continue to show them how Twiends works.

Explain the seed process, explain how you’re able to earn seeds through following people and spend seeds by other users following you. After you’ve done a quick easy tutorial, we’re going to save the video and upload it somewhere private. Now there’s a few different places you can do this, the one I found my favorite is www.vimeo.com. On this website you’re able to password protect videos, which makes it easy to share the video link and give them the access password.

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Now you just wait for people to purchase your Fiverr gig, give them the video/access password, and collect the money. Very simple easy start-up guide!

Now, this method with a video tutorial can work with many things, you just have to think, what would tutorial would people pay $5.00 for? Do a little research and start adding more gigs, soon you’ll be known as the tutorial expert, man/woman who knows everything!

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Complete Fiverr Flipping

In this section of the cookbook I’m going to outline all the ways to flip Fiverr services. Flipping Fiverr services essentially means to purchase a service from a provider on Fiverr and re-sell that service at a mark-up on many different places.

So there’s many different services that can be flipped from Fiverr, however first I’m going to outline the general idea of flipping a Fiverr service. First off you’re going to find your service on Fiverr, for the first example I’m going to take one of the top services when searching for “SEO” on Fiverr, which is this:

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Here is a service with a very high rating, 2,465 at the very moment positive ratings. While 0 negative ratings, this is a sign of a very good rated Fiverr gig, for only $5.00 this provider will build 150 high PR backlinks for you. How much could you possibly sell this service for? $30.00? Maybe $50.00? Maybe even $100.00? I’d say you could easily market this type of service for $100.00, that’s a $95.00 profit every time you sell the service, best of all you don’t have to do ANY of the work!

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook So we have a quality provider, now we need a place to sell a service like this. The first place that comes to mind is the one and only Warrior Forum, this place as you most likely know is CRAWLING with nothing but internet marketers looking to enhance their business. There’s really no other reason they would be on a website like this. So naturally this place would be absolutely perfect for you. The cost to put up an ad in the classified section of Warrior Forum will be made up easily in 1 sale, so go ahead and set-up a classified ad, describe what you’re going to provide them, then wait for a buyer, also when setting up the ad, make sure you include a delivery time. The key with something like this is to build a reputation while profiting, so make sure you give a legitimate delivery time, easy way to calculate this is to take the deliver time on Fiverr and add 32 hours to it.

So you’ve got an ad set-up, basically here’s going to be how you’ll be doing this:


Collect order from Warrior Forum(or other place?)


Place order on Fiverr


Collect order from Fiverr


Deliver order to Warrior Forum buyer


Profit, rinse, repeat!

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook It’s actually so easy that my little 13 year old cousin could do it, and well to be honest he HAS. He’s done this type of thing for me before while I was out of state, I had him handle my Fiverr flipping business while I was gone, he did and at 13 was making a good $200+ a day from handling this from me. Now I see no reason why you won’t be able to take this model and profit from it as well.

Now I’m going to outline as many different Fiverr services and outline them the best I possibly can so you will have a very minimal research work to do in the business of Fiverr flipping.

First was the one I explained above, which was link building, here’s a direct link to that gig: http://fiverr.com/seosupremacy/manually-build-150-highpr-backlinks

Another service you’re able to sell at a mark-up from Fiverr is graphic design. On Fiverr there are countless amazing graphic designers and artists who sell their service at dirt cheap prices. One of the ways I’ve been able to profit the best was selling logos and product labels to small businesses/new businesses starting up. Typically when someone starts up their first own business they aren’t exactly skilled in EVERYTHING that is needed to run a business, this includes graphic design. Usually these people will either try their best at designing themselves which 9 times out of 10 will come out Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook dreadful or they will hire a graphic artist who will charge them 10x the amount they should be paying. Where people could pay you $100.00 they are paying $1,000.00 for the exact same work. It happens every day, every single say there’s countless businesses starting up in the US alone, each of them are in need of multiple different services. First we’ll take graphics, usually this includes logo’s, product labels, banners, apparel, business cards, and simple website graphics. All of these can easily be purchased from Fiverr for $5.00. But where are we going to find these small businesses in need? Well the first place to easily find one is Craigslist, every single day there are thousands of posts on Craigslist in the job offer section, we’re going to take advantage of this as a freelance graphic designer.

So head on over to Craigslist, choose any popular city, I like to start with Los Angeles since it’s a highly populated city with tons of businesses looking for workers. One look at Craigslist and I found this ad:

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This is absolutely perfect and there are people posting things like this every single day! Remember this is just one posting, in one city. Craigslist has thousands of cities with the exact same section looking for the exact same thing. So we have someone who’s looking to purchase a logo, well there certainly is someone on Fiverr who sells this type of service, so let’s head on over to Fiverr and search for logo design. Here’s what I found in 1 search and 2 simple clicks:

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Exactly what we’re looking for, someone who can finish in under 24 hours express delivery, this person will design or re-design a professional logo quickly in any format and give the source. So all we need to do is contact the person on Craigslist and let them know we’re able to do their job and get simple description of what they want, place the order on Fiverr and let them do the work for us, creating a very professional looking logo just for Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook our buyer. So we just made the logo for $5.00, what do you think we could re-sell this for? I’d say this can go anywhere between $100.00 - $250.00+ very easily. I mean this is someones business we’re talking about, they are willing to spend the money on quality to ensure their business succeeds. Just like that we made 20x – 50x profit in as little as a few minutes worth of actual work. Pretty amazing isn’t it? That’s just ONE ad, there’s thousands of them all over Craigslist every day looking for similar work, head on over to the Job section and look at “art / media / design”, you’ll find tons of people looking to get some freelance work done, we can do all of this for $5.00 and sell at an easy mark-up. You can even bundle services together, I’ve found this extremely effective, say someone wants multiple graphics done including a logo, product label, and full apparel.

We will simply search on Fiverr for someone who will design a logo, get that logo delivered and then send that on over to a gig that offers product labels, they will design a product label using that logo, also send that logo to someone designing t-shirts/hats, then someone designing business cards. Get all of these bundled together for no more than $25 - $30 and sell the full product for $500.00 - $1,000.00+ easily. I’ve bundled many services before and have profited $1,000’s.

Craigslist isn’t the only place to find someone searching for a service like this, almost every city has a classified ad in their newspaper. A good place to look is the pennysaver. I from experience have found many different Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook small businesses looking to get some graphic design work done. Which leads me to my next point, there’s a lot of small businesses out there who don’t advertise the fact that they need help with their business, every now and then I’ll be at a friends and family event and will overhear a group talking about their business saying things like “Yeah here’s my business card what do you think of it? I need a better logo.”, it’s times like this that make me wonder why don’t they just advertise for one? Well I’ve noticed when people have their very first business, they are usually shy to ask for professional help with things, it’s either too intimidating or they believe to get professional work they are going to have to shell out thousands of dollars, when in reality you could provide them professional services at dirt cheap prices thanks to Fiverr.

So something I’ve been experimenting with lately is looking through different places such as the yellowpages, google places, and yelp.com for different types of businesses, finding the small businesses and contacting them about their website or graphics. The very best way to go about this is to put together a portfolio of different graphics/logos you’ve had done from Fiverr and show this to them, let them know that you’re a freelance graphic designer and able to provide them with a very professional logo or graphics for a really affordable price, unlike most designers who charge much more. A lot of the time these small businesses will be very interested in work like this, since in today’s economy we’ll do whatever we can to bring in as many customers as we can. Don’t be embarrassed to offer work Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook to businesses, typically they are just as shy to ask for the services, which amounts to a large portion of the business that you COULD have. So get out there and look for your customers, it sounds harder than it really is, but all it takes is looking through a few pages on the yellowpages and sending a few emails to start profiting by flipping Fiverr gigs. Here’s a list of great Fiverr gigs that can be flipped easily at places such at Warrior Forum, Craigslist, even Ebay classifieds. •

SEO reports

Graphic design

Apparel design

Backlink building

Video production


Twitter/Facebook followers

Website design

Cartoon illustration

Business advice

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook There’s MANY other services from Fiverr that you can flip, just browse through the endless amount of providers and see what there is to offer. I’d start with those above and you’ll be flipping services within the next few hours.

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Outsourcing Fiverr Flipping

This is a continuation of the last part of the cookbook that will give you an idea on how you could outsource flipping Fiverr services. So when it comes down to it, in the end you’re going to want to get as much work done possible with the minimal amount of effort/time spent on your part. Well that’s where outsourcing comes into play. Even better this is something you can teach the people working for you very easily, it’ll be so easy that all you’re going to have to do is collect the money.

So here’s a general idea of what you’re going to want to do for outsourcing, first you’re going to need a website for your services, this will work a lot better for you than using classified ads or Warrior Forum. Set-up a website with all the services you offer along with a form to purchase the service, make sure the form includes everything the person you’re outsourcing to will need to pass the info on to the Fiverr gig, the form will serve as automation to what you’re selling so you don’t have to do any 1-on-1 work with the buyer. The person you’re outsourcing to will receive the information on the forms, enter it into a database to keep everything organized, and handle communication between the Fiverr gig owner, once the Fiverr gig is completed, he can then pass the finished work on to the person who purchased. All of this will be done completely without ANY work on your part, as soon as you have the system set up that is. Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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That’s a very rough very simple way to outsource Fiverr gigs, to get the website done and the right people handling your work will be on you, there’s no one specific formula that will work 100% with everything as what you’re offering will vary and how you want to go about automating it will be on you. But using this method I’ve been able to pick-up freelancers on numerous freelance websites to handle these types of things a few hours a day for a very cheap price. Now all I do is check my PayPal account every day to see how much I made through my Fiverr gig flipping.

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr PLR Explosion

This next treat is sure to be a tasty one, it’s one that I’ve outsourced myself countless times and let me tell you… it may actually be the EASIEST way to make money on Fiverr. If you’re a typical Fiverr provider, you’ll very well know how hectic things can get when you start stacking up orders. You’ll soon get to the point where it’s just not worth your time anymore filling out orders day and night and being unable to complete the delivery time. Well if you’re that type of person you’re about to be relieved. Or if you’re simply looking to start using Fiverr, you’re going to think “Wow, why didn’t I think of that?”. It’s okay, sometimes we overlook even the simplest of things.

On Fiverr there are many people with many different talents, you might be wondering how are you possibly going to make a lot of money without having these kind of skills? Well you’re in luck, you actually don’t need to have ANY skill in ANY of the gigs you’re about to sell. Relationship expert? Sure you can be. Weight loss expert? Yeah you can be one of those. Business advisor? Why not?

It’s actually very simple and I’m going to outline it right now for you how you can build yourself an endless network of services that you’re able to provide

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Fiverr Cookbook without spending but a few minutes on each order simply by delivering the service.

What we’re going to be doing is selling PLR. Yeah that’s right, the things that you’ve probably seen a million times on internet marketing forums, those products that in all honesty don’t look like anyone would ever ACTUALLY buy them, you’re about to sell a lot of them. Essentially this is how it would work:


Get PLR reports/products


Read through them, you don’t have to understand it completely just get a general idea of what the problem the PLR report/product addresses and solves


Start a Fiverr gig that relates to addressing the same problem and solving it


Deliver the PLR report when someone purchases it from your Fiverr gig


Profit, rinse, repeat

It’s really that easy, all you’re going to need is some quality PLR and you’re good to go!

There’s many different places you can obtain PLR reports, just one search on Google and you’re able to find many of them. Actually here on the Warrior Forum Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook there’s people selling brand new PLR all the time, typically they come pretty cheap and have a lot of content. So if you decide to spend a few dollars on a nice PLR report, you’re able to deliver quality content, 1 purchase and everything else is profit. There’s plenty of other places to get PLR, here’s one I like to use often: www.tradebit.com

This is a place to buy and sell digital files, including eBooks and PLR reports. When it comes to selling this type of service on Fiverr I would stick with the typical niches, which include relationships, weight loss, and business advice. Here’s an example of a PLR report you’d be able to use very well:

This report is available on tradebit right now for 4.99, that’s the price of 1 Fiverr order. This is a problem that millions of people face every day, first impressions, dating, relationships. People struggle with these things every single day, so would they pay $5.00 for some real advice? Yeah they sure would! So say we decided to go with this one, we purchase it and get the PLR, now we have to list the gig on

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Fiverr Cookbook Fiverr, go ahead on over to Fiverr and start up a gig, use a title something very related to your service like “I will give you the very best flirting techniques for $5”.

Whenever people order your gig, put an estimated delivery time like 1 hour, all you have to do is include the PLR with the delivery and you’re done! They will read through it, love it, and leave positive feedback.

An important note to know is each Fiverr account is limited to how many gigs they are able to post, however we’re going to be wanting to put up as many different gigs as we can, so it’s smart to have multiple Fiverr accounts to continue listing different types of gigs, they could even be in the same niche, the more the merrier, as long as whenever someone is searching for something you’re able to package into PLR you’re able to receive the order, then you’re all good to go! Using this has been a very nice side income, about 2-3 times a day I will check those Fiverr accounts and take 15-20 minutes delivering all the PLR reports. It’s just as easy as it gets!

Oh yeah another tip is to NEVER actually say you’re selling an eBook, when people see that word they get instantly turned off, try to be a personality that actually knows this type of market very well, this way you’re able to sell answers and not a book.

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This is actually one of my personal favorite ways to profit from Fiverr as you’re able to not only make the $5.00 Fiverr gig price, but you’re also going to earn anywhere to $50.00 - $125.00 from being an affiliate at www.hostgator.com. So if you’ve been an internet marketer for a while you may have came across Hostgator’s affiliate program once or twice, you’d very well know that a fortune could be made here but it’s usually pretty tough to convince someone to sign-up for under your affiliate link these days. Well here’s the perfect way to start raking in those referrals.

First you’re going to need an affiliate account at Hostgator. It’s free to sign-up and it instantly becomes active unlike many affiliate networks that take a review time to make sure you’re legitimate and go through that whole process. So once you’ve got your affiliate account go ahead and take a look over what you’re able to earn, you’ll probably see this:

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So how are we going to be doing this? Well it’s pretty simple! We’re going to sell full on websites on Fiverr for $5.00. That sounds pretty amazing doesn’t it? Well it’s very simple, you’re not going to be required to have any programming knowledge either, all you’re going to do here is have the buyer sign-up for a hosting on Hostgator under your affiliate link, you’re also going to give them the coupon code(you can create one under your affiliate profile) for the penny hosting plan, let them know that the hosting will only cost them 1 penny the first month using the coupon code. This way it looks like they are only paying $5.01 for a whole website, which they are!

After that you’re going to collect the hosting details from them so you’re able to set-up the website for them, here’s where your work comes into play, what we’re Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook going to do is set-up a Wordpress blog for them then add a theme related to what they want to it. This will not only look professional but be exactly what they are looking for and makes the website easy to manage for them, so they aren’t constantly coming back to you for help with this and that. It really can’t get any easier than this, I tried my best not to leave any fluff at all in this recipe since it really doesn’t need it!

Profiting $130 from a Fiverr gig is pretty impressive isn’t it?

To make things even better you could offer the buyer a website, logo, and header graphics all done for them for only $5.00, you could then utilize other providers on Fiverr to do the logo and header graphics for you. You’re still profiting much more from the whole gig since you’re getting affiliate commission as well. This will skyrocket your gig’s ratings and get you featured in no time!

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Y! Fiverrs

This next method starts out quite small but can definitely be scaled up over time, the more time you put into it the more reputable you become, the more you’re able to make. It all really depends on how far you want to take it and it utilizes a very targeted audience on Yahoo! Answers mixed with Fiverr. So we’re going to start running Fiverr gigs and drive our traffic through Yahoo! Answers, which happens to get A LOT of traffic.

So here’s the first thing you’re going to want to do, first off you’re going to need to build a sort of reputation on both Fiverr and Yahoo! Answers, the Y! Answers one will be easier since it doesn’t require too much work to build. So we’ll start with that one first, so head on over to Y! Answers and sign-up for an account if you don’t already have one, right now you’re going to want to just simply start answering questions to build points, your goal is going to be to get your account to level 2, it should take around 2 days to do this, since there’s a limitation on how many questions you’re able to answer in a single day.

The reason you’re going to want to get your Y! Answers account to level 2 is because once you’re level 2 you’re able to post URL’s in your answers and they

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Fiverr Cookbook will become click-able, this will make for some amazing traffic when you start advertising your Fiverr gigs through Y! Answers.

When you answer questions to get to level 2 try to answer the best possible way you can this way you’re able to reach level 2 faster, also another tip is you’re able to vote on Y! Answers a certain amount of times a day, this will also assist you in reaching your desired level. So get that out of the way now so when we’re ready to start pushing gigs we’re prepared.

After you’ve got that prepared you’re going to want to build a little bit of reputation on your Fiverr account, so if you’ve already pushed some gigs before on Fiverr you should more than likely already be good to go, if you haven’t then you’re going to want to try your best to sell some gigs or alternatives could include trading gigs with other providers and purchasing ratings. Yes there are people on Fiverr who will rate you on Fiverr to increase your reputation. So it may be a little more difficult, but in the end it’ll be much more worth it since you’ll be pushing a lot more gigs when it comes down to monetizing out Y! Answers.

So now that you’re both prepared on Fiverr and prepared on Y! Answers, it’s time to start pushing some gigs and making some cash. What the idea here is to find things that people need on Y! Answers and provide a service on Fiverr for that specific need. An example of a very hot topic right now is Pinterest. Pinterest is a very popular mainstream image sharing and discussion board, it’s an invite only Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook website right now so there’s people trying to get an invite every day. Here’s an example of a Y! Answers posting that was posted just a few hours ago today with no replies yet:

These are posted every single day, when you sign-up for Pinterest you’re able to invite people to join, so the idea here is to say something along the lines of “I got my Pinterest invite here: ‘Your Fiverr gig URL’, and they delivered it within 30 minutes.”. Then you’ll simply set-up a Fiverr gig that provides people with a Pinterest invite for only $5.

Then you can continue to add extra’s on your gig such as you’ll promote their Pinterest account to XXXX amount of followers etc., start bundling things together to make it seem even better, this will add a little extra money to your gig. It’s all Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook about your own creativity, you’re going to have to get very creative with this but in the end it’ll be well worth it since Y! Answers will push A LOT of traffic to your gigs.

Now remember, this is only 1 idea of something that’s hot right now, there’s plenty of different questions posted every single day that people would pay $5 to get answered or be provided. Just do your research and find out which ones work best for you, over time you’ll not only build your reputation as a legitimate Y! Answerer but also a high quality Fiverr gig provider.

Extra note it’s smart to use URL shorteners such at bit.ly, as people who are regulars to social networking will recognize these URL’s on websites such as Facebook and Twitter and be more inclined to click them. So get creative and start providing what people are looking for on Y! Answers. You’ll start pushing out tons of gigs every single day through Yahoo’s traffic.

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Ultimate gig list

So at first I wasn’t going to include this, but then I thought, what would truly make this Fiverr cookbook complete? Why not a list of all the very best gigs?

Well here it is, my personalized list of gig’s that have been tried and tested, saving you TONS of money and time, just testing 1-2 of these gigs has been worth the price you paid for this cookbook, so enjoy!

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Social Media P. 35 – Facebook related services P. 37 - Twitter related services P. 39 - Google + related services P. 41 - Linkedin related services

Content / Article Services P. 43 - Writing an article / content creation P. 45 - Proofreading / editing P. 47 - Article submission P. 49 - Article spinning / article rewriting P. 51 - Translation services P. 53 - Transcription services

Graphic Design P. 55 - Ebook covers P. 57 - Banners / web banners / headers Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

Page 33

Fiverr Cookbook P. 59 - Logos P. 61 - Flyers P. 63 - YouTube / Twitter backgrounds P. 65 - Free stock photos search P. 67 - QR Codes

Account creation P. 69 - Gmail P. 70 - Twitter P. 71 – Onlywire P. 72 - Squidoo lens

Video and Audio Services P. 73 – Video creation P. 74 – Intro video P. 75 – Video submission P. 76 – Video promotion P. 77 – Video testimonials Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

Page 34

Fiverr Cookbook P. 79 – Video editing P. 80 – Video response P. 81 – YouTube sucscribers P. 82 – Voice over

SEO Services P. 83 – Social bookmarking P. 84 – Press release submission P. 85 – Create .EDU / .GOV backlinks P. 86 – Blog and article network submission P. 87 – RSS feed submission P. 88 – Directory / search engine submission P. 89 – Keyword research P. 90 – Link wheel services P. 91 – Xrumer services P. 92 – Link pyramid P. 93 – SEnukeX services P. 94 – Authority (high PR) site backlinks Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Facebook related services Sarit11: http://fiverr.com/sarit11/give-you-100-facebook-likes




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook facebook_ray:



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Twitter related services







Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Tweet_retweet:



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Google + related services







Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook George_lewis:


Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Linkedin related services Rmbrown3000:


Ocollier: http://fiverr.com/ocollier/get-you-5-great-linkedin-recommendations

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Silkp23:


Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Writing an article / content creation Natashanixon: http://fiverr.com/natashanixon/speed-write-a-500-word-quality-article-in-1-day



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Marketwriter:






Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Proofreading / editing Revlac: http://fiverr.com/revlac/proof-read-any-document-article-or-essay-up-to-10000-words

Navywriter: http://fiverr.com/navywriter/proofread-and-correct-your-writing-products

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Terra26:


Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Article submission Mikemeth:





Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Ionut2004:


Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Article spinning / article rewriting Crorkservice:


Freelancebud: http://fiverr.com/freelancebud/rewrite-1-500-word-article-in-english

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Articlemachine:



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Translation services Tzurfreelancing:



Chinesepro: http://fiverr.com/chinesepro/translate-chinese-to-english-or-english-to-chinese

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

Page 52

Fiverr Cookbook Khs0109: http://fiverr.com/khs0109/translate-from-korean-to-english-or-vice-versa-upto-250-words



Bbline: http://fiverr.com/bbline/translate-a-one-page-document-from-english-to-french-or-vice-versa

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Transcription Transexpert:



Debbierojonan: http://fiverr.com/debbierojonan/transcribe-a-30-min-audio

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

Page 55

Fiverr Cookbook Theexecutive: http://fiverr.com/theexecutive/transcribe-audio-or-text

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Ebook covers Jw12792: http://fiverr.com/jw12792/create-a-unique-ebook-cover



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Vikncharlie: http://fiverr.com/vikncharlie/make-you-an-ebook-cover

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Banners / web banners / headers Dolce2011: http://fiverr.com/dolce2011/design-any-type-christmas-card-flyer-cover-poster-billboard

Harmonyinfotech: http://fiverr.com/harmonyinfotech/design-a-header-for-your-niche-blog

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Dolce2011: http://fiverr.com/dolce2011/design-an-event-flyer-2-advertise-anything

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Logos Idesigners:


Blue89red: http://fiverr.com/blue89red/design-5-different-professional-logos

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Chimpclassic:



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Flyers Dolce2011: http://fiverr.com/dolce2011/design-an-event-flyer-2-advertise-anything



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Jackdanyels: http://fiverr.com/jackdanyels/make-flyer

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

YouTube / Twitter backgrounds Vaughnonmovies:



Biggys: http://fiverr.com/biggys/create-a-twitter-or-youtube-background-customized

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

Page 65

Fiverr Cookbook Newbold3d:


Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Free stock photos search Skyz: http://fiverr.com/skyz/give-you-list-of-25-sites-which-you-can-get-stock-photos-for-free

Shelleypt: http://fiverr.com/shelleypt/show-you-where-to-get-free-pictures-easily-and-legally-to-usefor-your-blog

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Sudhakarufo:



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

QR Codes Solikeus:





Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Talashme: http://fiverr.com/talashme/design-custom-creative-qr-code-for-you

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Gmail accounts Smith5411: http://fiverr.com/smith5411/make-90-gmail-phone-verified-accounts-with-good-quality

Pvaids: http://fiverr.com/pvaids/create-80-gmail-phone-verified-accounts-manually-created

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Twitter accounts Deltatherriault: http://fiverr.com/deltatherriault/sell-75-aged-twitter-account-verified-with-hotmail



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Onlywire accounts Kristenusmith:


Dbestseo: http://fiverr.com/dbestseo/create-onlywire-account-creation

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Squidoo lens Pravgarg:



Storyteller: http://fiverr.com/storyteller/create-a-squidoo-lens-for-you

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Video creation Kevinfar: http://fiverr.com/kevinfar/create-3-videos-about-a-topic-of-your-choice

Markp: http://fiverr.com/markp/create-three-videos-for-any-niche

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Intro video Sweet_designer:





Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Video submission Smartkarthick:




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Video promotion Alliemadison12: http://fiverr.com/alliemadison12/make-a-video-about-what-interests-me

Saketasati: http://fiverr.com/saketasati/provide-1000-plus-youtube-video-views

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Video testimonials Sampan:





Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook Oranjegirl:



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Video editing Bryanlo: http://fiverr.com/bryanlo/edit-video-audio-or-pictures

Guyman20: http://fiverr.com/guyman20/professionally-edit-your-video

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Video response Andrewritchie: http://fiverr.com/andrewritchie/create-a-video-response-to-a-youtube-video

Pinkkoala: http://fiverr.com/pinkkoala/post-a-video-response-to-your-youtube-video

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

YouTube subscribers Youtube_tube:


Badgehelp: http://fiverr.com/badgehelp/give-you-1000-youtube-viedo-views-100-youtube-likes-100youtube-subscribers-100-youtube-favorites-and-100-youtube-comments-on-your-video

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Voice over Djricsantos: http://fiverr.com/djricsantos/do-a-professional-voice-over-up-to-60-seconds-in-length




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Social bookmarking Crorkservice: http://fiverr.com/crorkservice/add-your-site-to-700-social-bookmarks



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Press release submission Nishmeh:





Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Create .EDU / .GOV backlinks Stormchaser: http://fiverr.com/stormchaser/create-50-edu-and-gov-links-to-your-website




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Blog and article network submission Volarex:




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

RSS feed submission Bobby323: http://fiverr.com/bobby323/submit-your-rss-feed-to-over-175-sites-and-directories



Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Directory / search engine submission Guidetolondon:




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Keyword research Beyondwebpros:


Spencer_: http://fiverr.com/spencer_/do-keyword-research-for-your-nichebusiness

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Link wheel services Linkwheel_links:


Babar85: http://fiverr.com/babar85/create-a-link-wheel-heaving-8-high-page-rank-sites

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Xrumer services Worldofseo:




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Link pyramid Dino_stark: http://fiverr.com/dino_stark/build-eminent-backlink-pyramid-with-5000-high-pr-profiles

Portron: http://fiverr.com/portron/create-a-3000-backlink-pyramid

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

SEnukeX services Best_seo:




Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Authority (High PR) site backlinks Seosupremacy: http://fiverr.com/seosupremacy/manually-build-150-high-pr-backlinks

Insurgo: http://fiverr.com/insurgo/create-45-high-pr-links-to-your-website

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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Fiverr Cookbook

Fiverr Cookbook By. Cory Donatlan

Fiverr Cookbook by Cory Donatlan. VioFX @ WarriorForum

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