Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments

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1 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil




Lucas Ferrante *, Renato Gaiga , Rafael Costabile Menegucci , Maria Fernanda de Oliveira 3 3 2,3 Sampaio , Thays Natani Silva dos Santos , Nathalia Klann Torres

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National Institute for Research in the Amazon - (INPA), Ecology Graduate Program, 69060-001 - Manaus, AM – Brazil. Instituto Boitatá Etnobiologia e Conservação da Fauna, 74265-310 - Goiânia, GO – Brazil. Universidade Federal de Alfenas - (Unifal/MG), 700, 37130-000 - Alfenas, MG – Brazil. Biotropica Consultoria Ambiental LTDA, 37701-036 - Poços de Caldas, MG – Brazil.

[] [714]

Version 1, 11/2015. All rights reserved by the Authors

Recommended citation: Ferrante, L., Gaiga, R., Menegucci, R. C., Sampaio, M. F. O., Santos, T. N. S., Torres, N. K. (eds.) (2015). Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalyties, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Field Museum, Chicago, USA.

2 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil [] [714]

Version 1, 11/2015. All rights reserved by the Authors

Family Bufonidae Cururu Toad (sapo-cururu) Rhinella icterica (Female)

Rhinella icterica (Male)

Rhinella ornata

Rhinella schneideri

Family Brachycephalidae Leaf-litter frog (Sapo da serapilheira, Rã do folhiço) Ischnocnema izecksohni

3 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil [] [714]

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Family Craugastoridae Leaf-litter frog (Sapo da serapilheira, Rã do folhiço) Haddadus binotatus (Adult)

Haddadus binotatus (Juvenile)

Family Hylidae Green Treefrog (Perereca-verde) Aplastodiscus leucopygius

Bokermannohyla luctuosa (Juvenile)

Brown Treefrog (Perereca-marrom) Bokermannohyla luctuosa (Adult)

Dendropsophus minutus

4 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil [] [714]

Dendropsophus nanus

(Perereca-cabrito) Hypsiboas albopunctatus

Version 1, 11/2015. All rights reserved by the Authors

Dendropsophus rubicundulus

(Perereca-de-pijama, Perereca-listrada) Hypsiboas beckeri

(Perereca-arco-íris), (Sapo Ferreiro), Gladiator Frog, Blacksmith Frog Hypsiboas faber

(Perereca-de-pijama, Perereca-listrada)

Hypsiboas aff. polytaenius

5 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil [] [714]

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Green Treefrog (Perereca-verde) Hypsiboas lundii

Scinax fuscovarius

Phyllomedusa burmeisteri

Scinax longilineus

Scinax ranki

Family Hylodidae Hylodes aff. sazimai

6 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil [] [714]

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Family Leptodactylidae Adenomera thomei

Leptodactylus fuscus

Butter Toad (Rã-manteiga) Leptodactylus labyrinthicus

Pepper Toad (Rã-pimenta) Leptodactylus latrans

Leptodactylus mystacinus

Dog Toad (Rã-cachorro) Physalaemus cuvieri (Morf.1)

7 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil [] [714]

Version 1, 11/2015. All rights reserved by the Authors

Physalaemus jordanensis

Physalaemus cuvieri (Morf.2)

Physalaemus nattereri

Family Microhylidae

Physalaemus nattereri

Guard whistle Toad (Rã-apito-de-guarda)

Elachistocleis cesarii

Family Odontophrynidae Odontophrynus americanus

Odontophrynus cultripes

8 Frogs and Toads in farms of Cia Monte Alegre and Forest Fragments in Alfenas, Areado and Conceição dos Ouros municipalities, Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil [] [714]

Version 1, 11/2015. All rights reserved by the Authors

Horned Toad (sapo-de-chifre; sapo-boi) Proceratophrys boiei (Morf.1)

Proceratophrys boiei (Morf.2)

Family Ranidae Bullfrog (Sapo-boi) Lithobates catesbeianus

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